2 Bow |
`orp ® Fe,
`.@ &@ FE Se,
`.#ae © Boe,
`se BBs aaa
`on gy
`VirtuaLogic 3.5
`User Guide
`IKOS Technical Publications
`Part Number 6000290-0001
`Last Revision 25-Apr-2001
`ATI Ex. 2075
`Page 1 of 394
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`Important Notice
`This document 1s for informational and instructional purpeses. IKOS Systems,Inc. reserves the right to
`make changes in the specifications and other information contamed in this publication without prior notice.
`and the reader should, in all cases, consult IKOS Svstems, Inc. to determine whether anv changes have
`been made.
`The terms and conditions governing the sale and licensing of IKOS Systems. Inc. products are set forth in
`the written contracts between IKOS Systems, Inc. and its customers. No representation or other affirmation
`of fact containedin this publication shall be deemed to be a warrant orgive rise to anv liability to IKOS
`Systems, Inc. whatsoever.
`This document contains proprictary information. In addition, the software programs and hardware
`described in this document are confidential and proprictarypreducts of IKOS Systems, Inc. and its
`CONSENT OF IKOS Svstems. Inc. Each licensed user is allowed to print up to [0 copies of this material
`for intracompanyuse only without infringing this copyright. Please contact IKOS Systems, Inc., for
`permission to print additional copies.
`IKOS"is a registered trademark of IKOS Swstems, Inc.
`VHDLAccelerator™ is a registered trademark of IKOS Systems, Inc.
`Virsim™ is a registered trademark of Summit Systems. Inc.
`VirtuaLogic™ is a trademark of IKOS Systems, Inc.
`VLE-3M©isatrademark of IKOS Systems, Inc.
`VStation-3M is a trademark of [KOS Swstems,Ine.
`is a trademark of IKOS Systems, Inc
`SimMatrix” is a registered trademark of Preeedence, Inc.
`Verilog-XL~ is a registered trademark of Cadence Design Systems. Inc,
`Sun * is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems.
`All other brands or products are trademarksof their respective companies and should be treated as such.
`Copyright © 2001 by IKOS Systems, Inc.
`All rights reserved.
`Written inthe U.S.A
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`reaeB eo ay
`28 Fhe.
`~89R0 ®GRaa
`son OBacas
`Table of Contents
`Table of Contents . 2... 00.0. ee ee ee 3
`List of Figures 2. 0 ee ee ee ew eee ee we 2d
`Listof Tables... 2... 2 ee es 25
`Introduction 2... ee ee ee 27
`|we 8
`VirtuaLogic’s technology advantages 6
`RTL for VStation.
`2 2) ee BB
`Transaction Interface Portal
`22 88
`VStaton Components... 2...) BI
`Hardware...2 BI
`IDS and HP Logic Analwzer,
`2 0.) eB
`Targctsysttem 2 2.) ee. BB
`20ee 88
`RTL Compiler
`22 84
`2 2) Bt
`VirtiaLogic Compiler.
`Timing resynihesis 2. kw ee 8
`Interconnect resynthesis.
`2. 2... Lo.
`Coe ee ee.
`Backend Place and Route manager
`7 ww ee BS
`Virtual probe analysis tools .
`Last Revision 25-Apr-2001
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`Table of Contents
`Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI... ........4.
`tee ee 37
`Environment setup .
`RTLC setup .
`Invoking the VirtuaLogicsoftware .
`Configurations .
`Starting evl on a pre-existing configuration .
`Building a single-ASIC configuration .
`Software executables.
`Starting the graphical compiler interface .
`Disk space requirements.
`CPU requirements
`Navigating the GVL interface
`GVL windowlavout.
`Screen clements.
`Drag and Drop .
`Multiple selection.
`Scrolling text windows.
`Directory and file browsers .
`“ buttons,
`Optional textfields
`Commonparts of the interface .
`Buttonbar .
`Tab bar .
`Drop down menu .
`VirtualBrowser .
`Path .
`Nets .
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`Table of Contents
`Terminals .
`Find .
`Search |
`Additional (catures
`Regular expression syntax.
`Reguiar expression cxample
`Clipboard .
`Insert file.
`Write file.
`Append file
`Errors window .
`Help .
`ShowLog .
`Save Errors
`File Browser .
`Path .
`Files .
`Optional text ficlds
`Design Import... 1. ee ee es
`rr 65
`Overview .
`RTL Verilog flow
`Verilog RTL user Mow
`RTL VHDL flow .
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`Table of Contents
`VHDL RTLuser flow
`Design import
`Netlist import
`Nethists .
`Entering pathnamics
`Netlists requirements .
`Netlist defines
`Inputnetlist type
`Root module .
`Technology mapping .
`Bonded out cores .
`Instance removal example .
`Memoryspecification .
`Memory parameters .
`Memory name
`Contents file.
`Instance-Specific contents file
`Write enable sense
`Memorics .
`Defining memerics with uctlist prototypes.
`Defining memorics without netlist prototypes.
`MemoryI/O terminals .
`Ports .
`Vectors .
`Output enable scnse
`Add memory .
`Delete memory.
`Import memorfile.
`Check memory.
`Memorycxample .
`Adding the memory .
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`Table of Contents
`Adding thc porlinformation ©. ee ee 8G
`Adding the memory parameters information . 2... 2... eB
`Timing specification © 6... ee BB
`Clockdomain 2... BY
`Building the waveforms ©ee OD
`Multiple domams

`0 2 ee GT
`Datasignals ©2 ee OD
`Rising2 9B
`Rising edge synchronous inputs.
`2 2... ee
`Falling edge synchronous inpulg. 2... ee
`Bothedgc svnchronousimpulgs. 6 eG
`Rising edge synchronous outputs |. ee
`Falling edge synchronous cuiputs ©. ee ee OB
`Bothedge synchronous outputs. | ee
`Asynchronous inputs. 2...) ee LOG
`Asynchronous preset and reset signals oss.
`woe ee eee. LOO
`Asynchronous dalasignals
`2 0 ee LOT
`Unconnected inputs and outputs. 2.2 OT
`Output clocks on the targelsyslem . ee LOR
`Inputs derived fromoutputs
`2 6. ee LOR
`Feedthrough signals
`2 2) 2. ee ee. 103
`Feedthroughs and verify simulation 5 ee LS
`Bidireclional signals 2. eee ee ee. L0G
`2 0) ee LOE
`Design /Oterminals.
`Instuctions6 ee. LOE
`Adddomam 2...) 2 ee OF
`Addeclockk 2
`22 e107
`Add clocked datasignal
`22 «107
`Add asynchronous datasienal.. 2. 2. ee LF
`Tmperttiming 6 eee EOF
`Clock files
`20 LOB
`Gate counting
`2we ey LOR
`Siomalsoe ee ee ee ee LOY
`00 to Coe ee ee. LOD
`Signal windows pane. 6ee eee LT
`Auto-compiled/not compiled. ©.
`2 2. 0 ee HD
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`Table of Contents
`Write virsim configuration
`Signal groups pane .
`Group types.
`Import probes
`Signals pane.
`Compiler .......
`Overview .
`RTL Compile
`RTL Compiler flow .
`Messages -
`Incomplete sensitivity lists .
`Undefined function/task outputs
`Multiple drivers
`Four-siate reads -
`Gate strengths and delavs .
`Clock variable data.
`Function retum null.
`Report Files
`Primary options.
`Optimization level.
`RTLsource debug .
`Simulation errors (Allow).
`Module specific options
`RTLC additional options .
`RTLC troubleshooting .
`RTL messages
`VLE/VSYN Compile .
`. 112
`. 112
`J 112
`_ 113
`_ 11?
`_ 118
`_ 120
`_ 129
`_ 136
`_ 132
`. 144
`. 146
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`Table of Contents
`Target hardware pane we LAG
`Emulation plafferm 2. 2) 2. ee. L4G
`2 2.) 2) 2 ee L4G
`Slorage ee LAG
`2 ee ee LAP
`Compiler configuration pane
`100% Visibility.
`20 LAP
`100% Visibility cable
`0 2. ee TAB
`100% Visibility benefits 2. ee ee TAB
`100% Visibility costs2 LAD
`oo. Se LAD
`2 2 oo.
`100% Visibility restrictions =
`Conditional capturewe ee FG
`Partition filepane ) | 2) ESO
`Placement filepane 2
`2 2)2 LSD
`2 0. AST
`Terminal constraintfile pane
`Compileroptions pane... ee ST
`Improved emulation performance.

`2 2.
`2 ee ee «LB
`2 0. 2 ee
`2. 2.) BP
`2 2. |. a
`No-flows to improve emulation speed.
`Special na-fow semantics for bidirectional top-levelWOs
`Visibility for bidirectional [/Os with no-flows .
`. | id
`2 0.)De ee ESS
`Using No-Flows
`No-Flows on Buses.
`2| ey LG
`No-Fiows in Combinational Loops... 0. 2 ee 1G
`No-Flow atoutputoflaiches ©
`2 2... 1G
`2 2 ee ee LG
`Designs with multiple asvnchronous clocks.
`. _ oo. ASF
`Script driven activities © 2) ee. LS?
`Scrip driven generation of virlualized model 2) «EP
`2. 2. 2... eee LB
`Script driven PlaccandRowte 2. 2 ee LSB
`2 0) LSB
`VRO oo.
`oo. ee
`2) De ee LEY
`2 6)
`vie. browse_constants.
`Incorrect net valuc inthe circuit | ee LY
`Design removal during second dead logic elimination .
`2. 2... LSD
`Running repeat configurations.

`2 2... ee LEO
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`Table of Contents
`Vprobe batch-mode
`VRUN baich-mode
`Creating a new configuration database
`Sugpestions for repeat configurations.
`Configuration input files
`Runtimestate read/init/force.
`Wavs to improve compile time .
`Front End Compile(vlc .compile)
`Place and Route (vie .vtask)
`VLE messages
`FPGA Compile.
`Remote machine resources .
`All known hosts
`FPGA compile tasks.
`Resct host list Ce
`Stopping FPGA compile during compilation
`Run FPGA compilation from the command line .
`Task management.
`vtask commands
`Hungjobs .
`vtask commiand.
`FPGA messages
`Reports .
`Generate VSM.
`Virtualized Simulation Medel
`Preserving design hicrarchy .
`Generating a VSM
`Simulating a VSM.
`Step |: Simulate the input netlist
`Step 2: Prepare the lesibench -
`Step 3: Resimulate the modified Testbench .
`Step 4: Simulate the VSM _.
`Last Revision 25-Apr-2001
`VirtuaLagic 3.5 User Guide
`. 60
`. 16]
`. 162
`. 163
`. 163
`. 164
`. 166
`. 166
`. 166
`. 167
`. 167
`. 168
`. 169
`_ 170
`J Ld
`_ 17
`. 172
`_ 172
`_ 173
`_ 173
`_ 173
`_ 173
`. 174
`_ 174
`_ 175
`_ LF?
`_ 178
`_ 178
`_ U7
`_ 78
`_ 179
`. 180
`. 180
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`Table of Contents
`Resolving simulation scenarios.
`2 2. 2) ee. ERO
`2ee BO
`Initializing the design
`Timeseale issues ee ABT
`Inputtiming issues ow eee EBT
`Clock ordering and period issues... eee LB
`Veclorcaptrre |we 1B
`Example 2.0. 2 ee ee. 183
`VSMsummarm. 2). ee LBA
`Incremental probe compile 2. ee ee LBA
`FPGA compile = = oo.
`oo. Se BA
`2 2.)2 ee LBS

`22 ee EBS
`LOG pane. 2) ee EBS
`Multi Module Compile (MMC1) . 0.0... 0.0 ee te ee ee ee ee BF
`20ee RF
`22 188
`File structure.

`22 LBD
`Overview of MMC phasesandflows 2...) 8D
`Manual box partitioning 2 2. 2. ee LOG
`02 ee ESO
`MMC phases.
`Toplevelanalysis .
`2 2 ee 19D
`22 ee OT
`Global resource allocation © 2 eee. TT
`6 0. ee ee AGT
`MMC flows 2 0 7 7 oo.
`oo. So 192
`How toinvokethe MMC compiler.
`.. 2... 2... ee. EF
`MMC targetcommands
`Initiaicompile 2.) EF
`Incremental compile 2
`2 2, Loe
`woe ee eee LS
`Procedure for compiling mixed architecture multi-box configuration.

`2 2... . 196
`New vsyn parameters used by the mmc driver
`(forthe advanced user)
`2 ww). 198
`Required vsyn arguments (forthe advanced user).
`2 2. 0.2
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`Table of Contents
`2 2. 2.
`22 198
`virnw.resourees file2 188
`vmw.changes file.
`2 2) 200
`Visibility 22. 200
`© 2.7 OT
`MMC restrictions.
`MMC circuttrestrictions:.
`2 0 ee 201
`MMC sub-module topology restrictions:
`2. 2... ee 2
`Triggers... ee ee ee ee ee et we ee ee 2S
`Overview 2
`60 208
`Compiled signal windows pane.
`© 2.) ee 204
`Compiled signal groups pane. ©.) 20S
`22 ee 205
`Trigger pane.
`Openfile oo.
`oo. Se 2S
`22 Lo. ee ee ee LOG
`20. 1 ee. 206
`20. 20
`Adddomain=. 208
`© 2.
`2 2 ee. 2OR
`Commer. ee. 208
`Timers ee 2NG
`2 210
`Trigger diagram pane... ee ee BT
`Triggering capabilities
`0 2. eB
`Steps toassembling ausefultriggser.
`2 0 Bd
`Anatomyofthe triggersvstom| aT?
`“Triggerable Signals” we) ee 2TD
`© 6). 212
`Programmable state machine = | oo.
`oo. Se 2B
`2 2. 2. ee. Lo
`Soe eee ee 21d
`Trigger description. ee BTS
`Anatomy ofatngecrdescription. 2. 2... BS
`Timerdeclarations 2... ee BIS
`(Gencral-purpese) Counter declarations
`2 |.
`Soe ee ee ee 2G
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`Table of Contents
`Domain declarations.
`Slate declarations.
`Location assignment
`Tngger compilation .
`Trigger expressionslimitations
`Useful recommendations
`Summary of thgger concepts and overall syntax
`Understanding expression evaluation with respect to domains and clock cdges .
`Default domains and clocks
`Explicit domains
`Explicit clock edges
`Cross-demain evaluation
`Understanding overall syntax
`Examples .
`- Matching a given value
`Example |
`Example 2 - Matching a condition N times (Not necessarily N contiguous times)
`Example 3 - Matching a condition N contiguous times .
`Example 4 - Wailing for N clock ticks
`Example 3 - Tnggering statement occurring normally .
`Example 6 - Controlling storage ina trigger
`Example 7 - Controlling storage withina statc according to the valuc of an cxpression
`Example 8 - Repeating a paltern N times ,
`Example 9 - Specif¥ing an inilial state other than the first slate .
`Example 10 - Triggering after a given period ofno progress .
`Example 11 - Matching an expression exactly N contiguous times
`Example 12 (Advanced) - Iilustraling various triggcring [catures
`Example 13 (Advanced) - Illustrating use of various counters
` -
`. 216
`. 220
`. 220
`. 220
`. 221
`. 221
`. 222
`. 222
`_ 222
`. 222
`. 222
`. 223
`_ 223
`. 224
`. 225
`. 225
`. 225
`. 225
`. 226
`. 226
`. 226
`. 226
`_ 227
`. 227
`. 228
`. 228
`. 230
`Emulation, .. 0.0 eee ee te tt te ee ee te ete te ee ee eed
`Overview .
`Emulator control pane.
`Logic analyzer
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`helad laa
`BeohSanNad ‘at
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`Table of Contents
`Load design .
`Enable 1/Os
`Emulation speed
`Functional test
`Functional test purpose.
`Vectors .
`Reload memory.
`Poke memon
`Upload memory.
`User bits
`Conncct analyzer
`Load tigger .
`Upload waveform.
`100% Visibility.
`Emulation status
`Clock relationships
`Multiple domain designs as a single domain
`Design emulation speed cxample .
`Resetting the emulator target system
`Waveform traces .
`Emulator log.
`Virsim control window .
`Virsim hicrarchy
`Virsim waveform .
`Virsim register .
`Virsim source
`Virsim logic .
`. 236
`. 237
`. 240
`. 240
`. 24]
`. 242
`. 242
`_ 242
`. 243
`. 244
`. 245
`. 246
`. 248
`_ 248
`. 248
`. 249
`. 249
`. 249
`. 249
`. 230
`. 250
`Compiler Options Reference Guide... ..........-....-.-- 251
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`Table of Contents
`Overview .
`RTLC Additional Opiions .
`Design input switches.
`Vonlog .
`Languawe recognition switches.
`Venlog .
`-sy nth_prefix
`-compile_celldefines .
`-preservc_namc_case .
`Outputfile switches.
`2 2...
`Directorics NM/, NET/. INCR/.
`Message control switches -
`Disable/limit messages .
`-max_mesgcount .
`Allow/Disallow Sim Errors
`-allowGSD .
`-allow_ISL_for_mod .
`-allow_MDR_for_mod .
`Last Revision 25-Apr-2001
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`. 259
`. 259
`. 239
`. 260
`. 260
`. 260
`. 260
`_ 26]
`. 26]
`. 261
`. 261
`_ 262
`. 262
`. 262
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`Table of Contents
`-allow_UFO .
`-disallow_ISL_for_mod .
`-disallow_MDR_for_mod .
`-disallow UFO_formod 2...
`-cnableBHV_messages (RTL errors) .
`Selective compilation switches.
`Debug and preserve switches.
`-debug .
`-debug_module .
`-dont_debugmodule .
`-preserve_moduic .
`-dont_preserve_medule .
`Optimization switches.
`-optlevel .
`-res_share .
`Compiler Directives
`Disable compilation of regions-
`VHBL Built-in Pragmas
`VLE Compiler Options .
`Capacity control arguments .
`-Mm .
`Partition control parameters .
`Last Revision 25-Apr-2001
`VirtuaLagic 3.5 User Guide
`. 262
`. 263
`. 263
`. 263
`. 263
`. 264
`. 264
`. 264
`. 264
`. 264
`. 265
`. 265
`. 265
`. 266
`. 266
`. 266
`. 266
`. 267
`. 267
`. 267
`. 267
`. 268
`. 268
`. 269
`. 269
`. 269
`_ 270
`. 270
`. 27)
`. 276
`. 276
`_ 277
`. 280
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`Table of Contents
`Database file suppression switches 2 ee ABT
`ewritevpd 22 BRI
`orm ee, BET
`nodb ee BET
`Analysis/Transformation control. 6. 2. ee 2B
`“LBA. ee BRP
`-NoSyneQS 2.
`2 wn Loe
`Coe ee ee BRA
`-NCH oo oo. BRA
`TNH we 290
`re BOP
`22 BOS
`20 295
`MOXCT 2 ee 295
`20 ee 2S
`NMOXSAT 20 298
`OXTAT 2 0 ee BOE
`*XTAT2 ee BOG
`“SDPN 2we BOF
`2 0.) ee BOF
`-toclkopt| ee BOB
`eclkoptee BOB
`XCrossDonmuinlO© ee LOG
`oo. Se BOD
`2 2. ww ee ee OT
`Control of output simulation models
`Vboeow 02 BOT
`hn ee. SOT
`SD eee ee . SOT
`wxID ee BOP
`VO B02
`svhdlout2 308
`2 0.2. BB
`Ve B08
`Qe. 303
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`Table of Contents
`VS. 304
`WOO oo oo. Se BOF
`We. BOF
`TersclOO ee ST
`-TerseProbe 2), ee 305
`-Dump 2 B05
`2 2. ee ee BOB
`Arguments notsetmanually.
`cLib BOR
`DB ee, BOB
`SNbO ee ee BOB
`0 6 ee BOD
`Oko2.. BOY
`-Mem ww BOS
`-Probelnwe HOD
`2 0)ee BID
`-ProbeCard 2 oo.
`oo. Se BID
`2 2) Lo. ee ee ee BIO
`-ProbeMap 6. ee SG
`-ProbeDB 2 ww eee TT
`-IncProbe2 BIT
`22 ee ee BT
`Pod ee ST
`sarecty ee B12
`elarectfile© ee BID
`esysparkwe B12
`eammpal ee ee BD
` B12
`ememmap 22 BIB
`define 2 ee BIB
`6 2. ee ee . BIB
`2we. BIB
`Th ee 314
`Mo... BIA
`AD ee ee B14
`MO0 ee 2 B14
`crypdwe 314
`rr Lo. See eee BIS
`22 Lo.
`See ee ee. BIG
`PRO. ee B18
`Compiler options listed by category.
`2 2 BF
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`Table of Contents
`vlecommands. 2...) ee BB
`Veee BIB
`rilLcompile 6. 0 ee BID
`2 2.) ee. BID
`vette ee. BID
`2 2.) ee 520
`Coe ee ee BBY
`2 wn Loe
`browse oo.
`oo. Se BBO
`wptabe2 SI
`TESIM ee ee ST
`viask commands . 2... RBI
`add2 ee BT
`mewlist2 322
`nee oo.
`oo. So BBD
`stauS Lo
`Loe ee ee . 328
`Oxi ee 323
`Mit B28
`help .
`Syntax, Semantics, and Reference Library ................. 325
`20 BBS
`VirtuaLogic structural verilog subset
`2 2 825
`Verilog identifiers,
`22, BBE
`2 2. 2 Lo.
`Module definitionsyntax 2
`© 2. 2. en Lo
`tee ee BBG
`Soe ee ee . 326
`2 0)0 BF
`Simple assignments 2
`22 BDF
`Compiler directives
`2 2. ee BF
`Unsupported verilog constructs.)we BBB
`Memory specification.

`2 2)2 329
`2 ee B29
`Textualsvntax 2 6.
`2 0.) BD
`Torminalbindings . 00... 0 ee aD
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`Table of Contents
`Semantics .
`Timing specification
`Semantics .
`Probe list format
`Textual syntax.
`VirtuaLogic reference library
`RTL Debug using the GUI... 2.2.22. 2 Le -
`ee ee eee 339
`Overview .
`RTLC debug capabilities
`Source debug window
`Graphical path browsing.
`Wavclonn viewer .
`Logic viewer .
`Trouble-shooting Guide. .............-.-
`re 351
`Overview .
`Software installation
`Design import and compilation .
`Additional import and compilation problems.
`Timescale issucs
`Input timing issues
`Clock ordering issucs
`Clock period issues
`Design compilation
`Partitioning .
`Configuration download.
`Emulation .
`Solaris 2.6.
`Debug activity .
`Virtual swapping.
`VirtuaLagic 3.5 User Guide
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`Table of Contents
`Ehagnosing the probicm .
`Command syntax
`virtual-swap command.
`Types of swap .
`Board swap
`Noncompiling FPGAs.
`Correcting noncompiling FPGAs with -FPi switch .
`Correcting fitting problems with -CUi switch .
`. 366
`. 366
`. 366
`. 366
`. 367
`. 368
`PC Farm . 1... ee ee et ens 369
`Overview .
`Hardware requirements .
`Software requirements
`PC setup
`Software installation
`Obtaining a RSH daemon .
`RSH daemon.
`Test the RSH dacmon
`Obtaining a RSH dacmaon
`VMW/Xilins software .
`YNC (optional) .
`Obtaining VNC software
`Farm usage
`From the command lmc
`From the GUI
`Maintenance scripts.
`. 369
`. 369
`. 369
`_ 370
`_ 371
`. 372
`GHosSary.ceee 375
`Appendix A... 2... ..2.2.-.0-00. 0.022200. 002 ee eee ee eee 1
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`Table of Contents
`Logic analyzer setup=.)
`Sampling data
`Capture data .
`Maxiimimsample depth .
`Downloading and running the logic analyzer .
`Connect to logie analvzer.
`Run the logic analyzer ©2A
`Index 2.2. eee i
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`reaeB eo ay
`28 Fhe.
`~89R0 ®GRaa
`son OBacas
`List of Figures
`Figure 1
`Figure 2
`Figure 3
`Figure 4
`Figure 5
`Figure 6
`Figure 7
`Figure 8
`Figure 10
`Figure 11]
`Figure 12
`Figure 13
`Figure 14
`Figure 15
`Figure 16
`Figure 17
`Figure 18
`Figure 19
`Figure 20
`Figure 2]
`Figure 22
`Figure 23
`Figure 24
`Figure 25
`Figure 26
`Figure 27
`Figure 28
`Figure 29
`Figure 30
`Figure 31
`Figure 32
`Transaction Interface Portal.2. 36
`In-circuit system components... 0... ....02.20........,.....32
`Screen elements22. 4d
`Button bars2 ee 47
`VirtualBrowser window.2. 49
`Find window... ...2..0.0.0022020..02022.22..2222.... 51
`Graphical path browser(Flattened design mode)... .........~,.... .54
`Graphical path browser(Design hierarchy mode)... 222. 2 5S
`Clipboard window...2 _.. 58
`Errors window0 6G
`Filebrowser,.2.2. _.. .61
`Design flow for RTL Venlog designs 2.2 _.. 66
`Design flow for RTL VHDL designs... ee 68
`Netlistimport.. 2.0222 _.. 71
`Technology mapping..- 2... 0-0-2022202022222-2022-.
`... 74
`Instance removal.0 76
`Memory specification... 2 2 BC _.. 78
`RegFileschematic 2... ....020222.202.02022........ _.. .86
`Timing specification.©. 88
`Unsupported circuit when Clk1 and CIk2 are in different domains... .
`. 92
`Rising edge synchronous inputs
`.. 2-2... 0 ee o4
`Falling edge synchronous inputs... 2... ee 95
`both edge synchronous inputs... 2... 0.0200220.022...... 0002. 06
`rising edge synchronous outputs... ee eee 97
`Falling edge synchronous outputs... ee 08
`Both edges synchronous outputs...2 ee 99
`Output clock2. 102
`02 103
`Signalspage. 116
`Generate virsim configuration fle window... ........0.20....0..., 113
`RTLC-VLEflow forICE 0.00ee Lig
`A Sample logfile,2. 121
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`List of Figures
`Sample design report.2 136
`Figure 33
`Sample areareport... 140
`Figure 34
`RTL Compileform.. 0.0... Id
`Figure 35
`Edit module options window =
`=) ss BC _.
`. 143
`Figure 36
`RTL Compilation messapes..0) _.. 145
`Figure 37
`VLE Compile form.0 ee 147
`Figure 38
`No-flows to break multicycle paths 9.2... ... 153
`Figure 39
`No-flow bidirectionalVO net. 2 BC _.. 14
`Figure 40
`VLE Compilation messages... ee 167
`Figure 4]
`FPGA Compileform.. 2.2... 002 _.
`. 168
`Figure 42
`FPGA Cempilation messages. BC _. 175
`Figure 43
`RTL & VLE & FPGA data deletion. 20... 0 ee 176
`Figure 44
`VLE & FPGA datadeletion..2.0 176
`Figure 45
`FPGA datadeletion 2.2.00... 22 ee \77
`Figure 46
`VSMverification process steps.6 ee 179
`Figure 47
`Triggersform 2. ee 204
`Figure 48
`Add state window - attributes... ee 206
`Figure 49
`Next and Jump transition... ee 207
`Figure 50
`Adddomain... 000000000000 000000000000, 208
`Figure 51]
`Add all domain window... 0... 2. ee 208
`Figure 52
`Add counter dialog box 2. 00 ee 209
`Figure 53
`Addtimer dialog box 22.00 ee 210
`Figure 54
`Set trigger location dialog box 20 ee 210
`Figure 35
`Emulationform.2.0 234
`Figure 56
`Setup hardware dialog...0 ee 2335
`Figure 57
`One Clock with Even Duty Cycle 2. 2 0 es 247
`Figure 58
`Two clocks with even duty cycle... 200 247
`Figure 59
`RTL Emulation/Debug use model 0. ee 340
`Figure 60
`Source level debug...2 ee 342
`Figure 61]
`Hierarchy browser... 2... 02 ee ee BAS
`Figure 62
`Show path.0 es 345
`Figure 63
`Graphical path browser(RTL Topology)... 000... 0-2022002.002. 346
`Figure 64
`Graphical path browser(Gate Topology)... 0... AP
`Figure 65
`Find Pathname Window...2 348
`Figure 66
`Figure 67 Pruning 349
`Figure 68
`Waveform viewer 20. 0 ee ee 350
`Figure 69
`Logic viewer0 330
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`reaeB eo ay
`28 Fhe.
`~89R0 ®GRaa
`son OBacas
`List of Tables
`VirtuaLogic commands...) 40
`Table 1
`RTILCmessages... 122
`Table 2
`Configuration input files 220... 163
`Table 3
`New vrun Commands.2 164
`Table 4
`Saving and restoration of memories . 2...) 165
`Table 5
`MMCtarget commands (initial compile)...2 194
`Table 6
`MMC target commands (incremental compile} 2.2... 195
`Table 7
`RTLCE additionaloptions 252
`Table 8
`Table 9 VLEcompileroptions =...027 271
`Table 10
`Compiler options that canbeused together =... 2... we 317
`Table 11
`Unsupported verilog constructs. 28
`Table 12
`Compiler options forbehavicral code= 2...
`Table 13
`Timing specification elements.0. 332
`Table 14
`VirttuaLogic reference library
`2. 2. 4
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`List of Tables
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`reaeB eo ay
`28 Fhe.
`~89R0 ®GRaa
`son OBacas
`Emulation is a technology that creates a prototype of an Application Specific Integrated
`Circuit (ASIC) design in hardware. The prototype is generally built through partitioning the
`design into smaller pieces and then mapping or compiling the design onto a large array of
`Field Programmabie Gate Arrays (FPGAs) or custom chips. The prototype is a complete
`functional implementation of the design including all digital functions and memories.
`The ASICs can be tested under real world operating conditions rather than using an
`approximation of their operating environment. [n-circuit emulators get their stimuli directly
`from the target system, unlike simulations, which require test programs, testbenches, and
`stimulus files. The advantages of emulation include full system integration and debugging
`before the ASIC design is finished and the device fabricated. This 15 especiallytrue of low
`level software, such as diagnostics and device drivers, which often require actual target
`systems for complete testing. The user can design and verify the ASICs, system hardware,
`and system software at the same time.
`VirtuaLogic’s technology advantages
`The VirtuaLogic Emulation System uses a unique patented technology called Virtual Wires.
`Virtual Wires provides significant improvements over previous technologies because it
`makes emulation less expensive and easier to use.
`Virtual Wires does not just map a design to the hardware, it actually compiles it for the
`specific hardware resources. ASIC designs do not map directly to FPGA and emulation
`custom chip architectures. Traditional emulation products execute a trivial translation
`process and mapthe design to the hardware, then attempt to tune the timing implementation
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`Introduction Chapter 1
`by inserting delays into the data path to compensate for hold time violations. Virtual Wires
`uses advanced synthesis technology to create a functionally identical design thatis targeted
`for the specific hardware of the VirtuaLogic emulator.
`With compilation of the design into a single high speed clock and pipelining signals through
`the machine using this clock, there is only one important delay, which 1s the worst case path
`through a Xilinx chip. If the VCLK period is longer than this path, then no setup and hold
`issues occur. As a result, the operating frequency of the design is immediately known at the
`completion of the configuration process.
`The use of Virtual Wires provides time_domain_multiplexing of multiple signals onto a
`single FPGA pin or backplane pin. This eliminates the constraint of interconnect, greatl

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