`Author: Andrew Gruber, Andi Skende
`17 January, 2002
`9 October, 2015
`1 of 43
`Issue To:
`Copy No:
`Shader Processor
`Rev 1.2
`Overview: This document describes the overall architecture of the Shaders, interfaces, partitioning into functional blocks as
`well as the timing of the shader pipeline. It’s intended for use by hardware designers.
`Document Location
`: Hma_andi_mobile/..../doc_lib/parts/sp
`Current Intranet Search Title: Shacer Processor
`“Copyright 2001, ATI Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. The material in this document constitutes an unpublished work
`created in 2001. The use of this copyright notice is intended to provide notice that ATI owns a copyright in this unpublished
`work. The copyright notice is not an admission that publication has occurred. This work contains EIEN:oprictary
`information and trade secrets of ATI. No part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted in any form or by any
`meanswithout the prior written permission of ATI Technologies Inc.”
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`17 January, 2002
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`R400 Shader Processor Model
`? sf |
`Table Of Contents
`STATE wu... ecccccsscssesssssccsescsssssessesssesesseessesesesesusssstaeseasscecenssuseseaeececsatsesessensencessneaeseersuentceseaneneceseaees 6
`1.1 Shader State ooccc cece cce cscs cess sessisesesasusstveasessisestisisstsisessisiteeseseseeeetesseeees 6
`1.1.1 GPRs (General Purpose Registers)... cccccccccc cesses ceseecseteteteeeteteeeteteetenseees 6
`1.1.2 Constant REGIStErs o.oo ccc ccc cscestetesssettesesestase vesesestissnsitatetsisetetsiseesesseeeees 6
`1.1.3 Previous Instruction Result .o..ccccecccceccccccsceeeccsceeeeseseseesesesetsesseetenaestensesensenes 7
`UMItIAl SEATS cece ccc cecenerse tener sittnesesisise treaseatitintisisssitessisitetseseteteetiseeeees 7
`T.2.1 Vertex SHader iin cccccccececcccsescsesscsceetscscsetecscseceessevevsnsrestsaveventavevenseseveesevevens 7
`1.2.2 Pixel SMader ooo ccc cecccceccececcce cece cece cevevecevevevssevevetstssesesesetesesvivsvevevevevivivevveeees 7
`PROGRAM FORMATuuu... ccscceccsssssescsssessssssssnsescsesnsscseensencsesseaeeseceanaesesssnenenecenens 7
`3. ALU. ceccssssssssssesssnssneesssssnesssusanenssssaeeucassaseneseeusanesesueneesesesuesosseensanestensaesatsseanaseasenenseseeneas 7
`3.1 ALU SErUCTULonce cc cee cece eseasenisetentistsentessstasess tisasestisiesisetsisisecetseteeseseeeetes 7
`3.2 ALU Instruction fOr... ccc cee cececssestenssee ten teseitetessutenessstetevaseetseeseneeees 7
`ALU Instruction Word Interpretation ....0.c.cccccccccccccsesesescsesecescevensnsvsvevsusesvsvavevsvsnevevensestey 9
` Relative vs. Absolute Constants... ccccccceccessceeeeeeseeeeceeseeessessssaseaaseeneeenseteeees 9
` Argument Selection and POINtELS «2.0.0...e cece eee ceeececc cee esesaaaeaeeeeeeeeseeeeees 9
`Input and Output Modifiers 0000s ccc eeeeeeeeteeeecceeeeeessseeeeauseaaaaeeeseeeenesceeeees 9
` Export and Predicate related deCoding 0.2.0... ccceccccccee cece eeeecessaeeeeseeeaaaneeeees 10
` Export Types and AddreSsSe6Ss 2000 tete cee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaeaaaaaaeaeeeecees 11
`3.3 ALU OpPCode)oon cee ccessesessessessssssssensesseitattessissassissseesssssatseiseeetsetseeeseavesees 11
`3.4 DX9.0 Shader Instructions, related exceptions and corner CaS@S ......... occ cceeeeeecceeeeeeeeees 14
`3.5 Ma€aCro OPCOdESoo. cece sete tesesteneseeceseesssseensisesineesssesseresesisissisiseesisiesesenseees 14
`SHADER BLOCK DIAGRAMG. .....0 cece ccceeeecsesneeeesseeesseseneeseeneeeneenens 15
`Shader as an SIMD architecture 20000...e cece cece ee ttt tebe bette teteeeteeeeeees 15
`4.2 Top-Level Diagram of a Shader Pipeline... ccc ccceesssseceeeeseseceeecccseeeensteassessaeeneeeesees 15
`INTERFACES ..............cccccsssseccessssceencesccnsosecesoncecessnescessaseceataeeceuceseesscuessescuecessasecesscsecenccuessas 16
`External Interfaces oo... ccccccceeessteeceeeeeeeeeeceeeeeescceneesseeeeaeeeeeeeeeeeseces secs taaaaasseeeaeasaeea 16
`Naming Convention... cceccccccccecsesesescsesesescsevesecscsveeessssavevecsusveeesevevevevsvetsneneees 16
`5.1.2 Shader Engine to Texture Fetch Unit BUS ....0..cccccccccccscsesesceveesescsvsesesesesnsesnsestevsvsnsens 17
`5.1.3 Sequencer to Shader Pipe(s): Texture stall... 0 c.ccccccccccccceccssceeseseseeescsseseeeeeseeesesesees 17
`5.1.4 ScanConverter to Shader Pipe: |J DUS o...0.c.ccccccccccccesccsecesesescsssecsesetetecetseeseeeesvsetetereets 17
`5.1.5 Sequencer to Shader Pipe(s) - broadcast: interpolator DUS ........ ec cceccceeeeeernees 18
`5.1.6 Sequencer to Shader Pipe(s)-broadcast: Parameter Cache Read control bus........... 18
`5.1.7 Sequencer to Shader Pipe: GPR, Parameter Cache control and auto counter........... 18
`5.1.8 Shader Pipe to Shader Export (SX): Parameter data out of Parameter Cache........... 19
`5.1.9 Shader Export (SX) to Interpolators: Parameter Cache Return DUS ........ccccceeecen 19
`5.1.10 Shader Pipe to Shader Export (SX): Pixel/Vertex write to SX oo... cecccccccceeceeceeeeeeen 19
`Sequencer to SPx: Instruction Interface ooo... ocecececccccececcsceesescscsesesvsvstetstsvsesteveveees 20
`5.1.12 Shader Pipe to Sequencer: Constant address l0ad.....ccccceccesesecseseeteseseeeesees 22
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`5.1.13 Sequencer to SPx: constant broadCast ooo... ccececcceceeeecseeceeevsesteveveceveveveveveveveteees 22
`PARAMETER INTERPOLATION .........:cccccccssseeseccseeneecneennerssecneesceescenasceesnneesenenneneneensensensans 23
`SHADER LIMITATIONS .......ccccccsscssssccessensescsenenssssnseessnsseoaeseesensessesecnsssussaesssussoaaesesaeaeaasensas 24
`HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION SPECIFICS.......sccsscsscnsccrscseesseeesssnssssssneeeesseennensssenssesesene 25
`8.1 General Information on the Shader Floating Point arithmetic.......0...0000 cece cceeeeeeeeeee 25
`Interpolators and IU/XY Buffers 200 cere ener en eee e eee ee tener nnn neneeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 20
` Interpolators ooo cee ccc cece cecececscesevessessevevsssssevessenseeesseesvevevsvitevevstevivanevevesnessnes 26
`Interpolation Units ooo... cece cece cece eee ee eee e eee e een nttneene ener eeeeescceeeeaeeeaaaaeaaeaaeeeesenegs 26
` Parameter Selection Unit .....000000 0000 occ cece cece cece ce cette eee eeeeennnenteeeeeees 2?
` Parameter Difference & Cylindrical Wrap Engine... cccccceccse tte ssseeeeeeeeees 2f
`8.2.2 GPR Write Patri ccccccccccccccccccssssescensssntnesestasesetrsusentissttisinssisetsiestetsesiseneetinsess 28
`10300) 0]|)re 29
`8.3.1 Vector Unit Pipeline ooo cece cscssececscscevesesssesesssesetestesseseesesscstevevesitiveneneey 29
`8.3.2 Argument Selection and ROUtING 0... cceccccsesesscesesesseseeseeseseseeevevsseevevsnevevenseey 30
`8.3.3 Parameter Data Path. ccc ccccescscsescececscssesevesesavessensesssstrsssseseetesseitesineey 31
`Se. ere|ere 33
`Scalar Engine Pipeline oo... cccccccceccessesceceseseteseessseeescsseseessssevesecseetevicenivevenetey 33
` High Precision Pipeline Exp, PreproceSSing............0..ccccccccceeccccsccseeeeeeeccsetteeeeesscseneeeseeeniaa 34
` High Precision Pipeline Mantissa Calculation... ccc ceceeeeecscctttteeeecseseteeeeseeeceea 34
` High Precision Pipeline Logs Post ProceSSing............cceceeeeccerreeeeectttntteeesccnstiteeeereetea 38
` High Precision Pipeline Exponent 000.2... 00... c eee ceenee eee c ec eeteeeeeeeesttteteeeeescstttieeeeeeeee 38
` High Precision Special OUtPUtS....... ccc cce cece eters tteeeeccbeeteeeeeeesnneaeeeessccetteeeeeenns 39
` Determination of High Precision Coefficients... cece ccceeeeeeecstttteeeeesscteteteseeecea 39
`OPEN ISSUESQo... ceeceeeceeeesseesseeceeseeeeeeeeeeeneenenneennneseaeeoeeeseeeeeeesesesnaaaeesnneeaeeesaeeesseeneenensnnns 42
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`9 October, 2015
`17 January, 2002
`Revision Changes:
`Rev 0.0 (Steve Morein)
`Date: Alpril, 2001
`Initial revision.
`Rev 0.1 (Andi Skende)
`Date: May 09, 2001
`Rev 0.2 (Andi Skende)
`Date: May 21, 2001
`Rev 0.3 (Andi Skende)
`Date: June 19, 2001
`Rev 0.4 (Andi Skende)
`Date: June 20, 2001
`Rev 0.5 (Andi Skende)
`Date: July 31, 2001
`Rev 0.6 (Andi Skende)
`Date: August 17,2001
`Rev 0.7 (Andi Skende)
`Date: November 8, 2001
`Rev 0.8 (Andi Skende)
`Date: November 27, 2001
`Rev 0.9 (Andi Skende)
`Date: December 10, 2001
`Rev 1.0 (Andi Skende)
`Date: January 15, 2002
`Rev 1.1 (Andi Skende)
`Date: January 21, 2002
`Rev 1.2 (Andi Skende)
`Date: January 22, 2002
`initial block
`Updated, added the instruction formant,
`diagrams and preliminary interface description
`the SP<->TEX,
`A more
`RE/Sequencer <->SP interfaces.
`Added the paragraph related to shader functional
`limitations that the compiler needs to be awareof.
`A new updated and compressed version of ALU
`instruction format.
`Updated the Introduction of this document. A new
`Pipeline Timing Diagram wasinserted.
`Merged in the Shader Hardware Spec. A more detailed
`description of the interfaces with the other blocks was
`added. Updated some of the diagrams to a more
`correct representation of the datapaths.
`of Shader
`A more
`interfaces with the other blocks.
`A more detailed description of the instruction supported
`by Shader Processor and it’s relation to instruction set
`exposed at API level.
`Updated the Alu instruction word definition and the list
`of the alu instruction opcodes supported by the shader
`pipe ALU unit.
`Updated the definition of the External Interfaces
`Updated the definition and naming of some of the
`rearranged the ALU instruction
`word definition such that the fields are dword aligned.
`The instruction opcode definition was updated and
`Updated most of the diagrams. Updated the External
`Interface definitions. Added a description of
`Interpolation Units. Added a diagram
`desciption of the GPR write data paths.
`Updated some of the external interface definitions.
`implementation of some shader opcode with some
`corner case values as input arguments. The MS
`Reference Rasterizer shader was used as guideline.
`Updated some of the external interface definitions.
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`9 October, 2015
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`Shader Pipe (SP) serves as the central Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) for the R400 Graphics Processor. There are four
`identical Shader pipelines in the R400 architecture. Differently from previous AT! architectures, the R400 Shader Pipetruly
`represents an Unified Shader Architecture. In R400, both vertex and pixel shading operations are implemented through the
`shader units. The R400 Shader Pipe represents an SIMD architecture. All the shader units of each and every pipe execute
`the same ALUinstruction on different sets of vertex parameters/pixel values. The building blocks of the R400 shader units
`execute operations on single precision IEEE floating-point values.
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`1.1 Shader State
`1.1.1 GPRs (General Purpose Registers)
`The general-purpose registers are 128 bits wide, composed of four 32-bit values. Depending on the operation these
`values are interpreted at RGBA, or XYZW, or STQW, or UVQW,or YUVA,or.. to simplify matters the only two aliases
`used here are XYZW and RGBA.
`To hide the latency of memory accesses the shader pipe will switch between different vectors. This is the same as
`the idea of “microthreading” that some advanced CPU's are investigating. The large register file is split between the
`vectors executing in the shader pipe. The management of the shader register file is automatic, and not visible to a
`program executing on a vector, except that a program is required to declare the number of GPRsit needs to execute.
`The hardware will not start a vector until the required number of registers is available. There is a direct tradeoff
`between the number of registers each program/vector needs and the number of vectors than can be simultaneously
`If there are too few vectors resident, then the latency of memory accesses can no longer be hidden and
`It is possible for a single program/vector to requestall 128 registers. This will make
`There are a total of 128 registers.
`it impossible to hide memory latency, but the program will still execute and generate the correct result.
`Most pixel programs are expected to have less than eight registers, vertex programs are expected to haveless than
`sixteen registers.
`If a
`The number of registers a program needs is the maximum number of registers it needs at any instruction.
`program needs only 3 general purpose registers nearly all of the time, except for a short period when it needs 8, it still
`needs to allocate eight. A significant performance optimization is for the compiler to reorder the instructions to
`minimize the number of needed registers.
`RO.A refers to the bits 96 to 127 of register one. So does RO.W
`1.1.2 Constant Registers
`There are also (192?) constant registers:
`O Const
`These are ONLY available to vertex and pixel shader program in the primary commands stream. They should not be used
`for real time stream pixel shaders, or 2D shaders. Constant Registers are physically part of the Sequencer unit. As it
`become clear by reading the rest of this document, the content of the constant registers can be made available to the ALU
`units of the shader pipes in the form of one of the possible alu operation arguments. ALU instruction word providesfor that.
`The constant registers are shared between vertex shaders and pixel shaders, itis the drivers job to allacate one section to
`pixel shaders and another to vertex shaders to match the D3D programming model, other API’s may allow more freedom.
`To be able to support multiple textures easily, and to save hardwarearea, the texture state registers are stored in constant
`registers. A pair of constant registers hold 256 bits of texture state. Rather than have four or six sets of texture registers as
`we do in the R100,R200, and R300 bystoring them in the constant memory we can save area by reusing the logic already
`needed to update the constant registers in order. Since any single texture instruction will only fetch from one texture we do
`not need the simultaneous access we would get with implementing this as “normal” registers. The driver will probably decide
`to allocate a fixed number of the constant registers as texture registers.
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`1.1.3 Previous Instruction Result
`Within an ALU clause the result of the previous operation is explicitly available, without requiring a register read.
`(due to an exposedpipeline delay, the result of the previous operation can not be read from the register file without a
`one-instruction delay slot). There are twodistinct previous instructions, one scalar and one vector.
`This register is not preserved between the end of one alu clause and the beginning of another.
`It can be used to avoid using another GPR if the result is not needed. Also, the output modifiers, which do effect the
`result of an instruction written into GPRs, do not effect the Previous Result content.
`1.2 Initial state
`1.2.1 Vertex Shader
`A vertex shader initially has the x value of RO set to the vertex index. No other registers arefilled. The vertex shader
`must use the index to fetch the vertex data from the vertex array(s), The pointers to the vertex arrays should be
`placed in constant registers by the driver.
`1.2.2 Pixel Shader
`The pixel shader hasthe interpolated values generated from the values exported by the vertex shader.
`If the vertex shader did expxy, and the appropriate control bit in the rasterizer is set, then the register 0 contains the
`x,y,z,w of the pixel (screen space).
`If the pixel shader wants a world space x,y,z,w the vertex shader should output
`2. Program Format
`A pixel or vertex shader program consists of 16 clauses, eight texture clauses and eight alu clauses.
`The instructions in a clause will be executed sequentially. If a given instruction is implementing, for example,
`T*S+0D(T = texture for SRC A, S = Specular for Source B, D = Diffuse for Source C),
`it’s the Sequencer’s task to
`resolve the dependencies between the ALU clause and the respective texture clause.
`In other words, the sequencer
`will not issue the ALU instruction using texture data as input to the shader pipe, until the texture request has been
`issued to and serviced by the texture pipe.
`In general, the Shader is not aware of the origine of the SRC A, SRC B
`and SRC C data (texture, diffuse, specular, vertex parameters etc). Three address pointers into the register files (one
`for each operand) are all the shaders needto fetch these operands.In reality, as it will become more evidentlater in
`this document, there is no need for the pointer values to be passed to the shader units. This is related to the GPR's
`read/write mechanism we have chosen to implement.
`3. ALU
`3.1 ALU structure
`ALU consist of two distinct units: the ‘Vector’ ALU and the ‘Scalar ALU. The Vector ALU peforms operations in
`parallel across a 4-component vector, while the Scalar ALU performs operations on a single componentof a vector
`which is then replicated across all components. A single instruction may ‘co-issue’ both a Vector and a Scalar
`instruction, subject to the limitation that the vector instruction may only require 1 or 2 arguments. For example, a
`Vector MUL (Multiply) instruction can be coissued with a Scalar instruction, but a MULADD (Multiply and ADD) may
`For more details on the overall structure of the Shader ALU, refer to the figures in Section 5 of this document.
`3.2 ALU instruction format
`There are two opcodespresent in the ALUinstruction, one for the Vector operation and one for Scalar operation. The
`idea is that we can allow a 4-componentvector operation (if the compiler permits) coissued with a Scalar Operation.
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`The Scalar unit may use SRC C, depening on whether this source is being used by the vector operation. Please refer
`to Section 8 of this document on the limitations of a Vector or Scalar instruction issuing.
`SRC A Select
`Select bit for selecting Constant vs Register/Vector/Scalar Feedback
`0: Constant
`1: Register/Previous Vector/Previous Scalar
`SRC B Select
`Select bit for selecting Constant vs Register/Vector/Scalar Feedback
`0: Constant
`1: Register/Previous Vector/Previous Scalar
`SRC C Select
`Select bit for selecting Constant vs Register/Vector/Scalar Feedback
`0: Constant
`1: Register/Previous Vector/Previous Scalar
`Vector Opcode
`Opcode for Vector instruction
`SRC A Register/Const-|87:80 8 Location of Source A in the register file
`ant Pointer
`If not Constant, Bits [6],[7] denote:
`00- (absolute register)
`01 - (relative register)
`10- (previous vector)
`11- (previous scalar)
`SRC B Register/Const-|79:72 8 Refer to SRC A Register/Constant Ptr
`ant Pointer
`SRC C Register/Const-|71:64 8 Refer to SRC A Register/Constant Ptr
`ant Pointer
`The address pointer into the Constant Register File is relative to some base
`address register (works in conjunction with Address Register Select)
`The address pointer into the Constant Register File is relative to some base
`address register (works in conjunction with Address Register Select)
`Register Select
`indexing is
`is used in conjunction with Constan0O
`Relative/Absolute and Constant1 Relative/Absolutefields.
`O:Loop indexrelative
`1:Address Register relative
`Predicate Select
`This bits are used in conjunction with bit 7 of Scalar Destination Pointer and
`Vector Destination Pointer
`0: No modification
`SRC A Arg Modifier
`0: No modification
`SRC B Arg Modifier
`0: No modification
`SRC C Arg Modifier
`SRC A swizzle
`2 bits for each component
`45:46 alpha channel
`00:leave alpha
`47:48 red channel
`OO:leave red
`49:50 green channel
`OQ:leave green
`51:52 blue channel
`00:leave blue
`SRC B swizzle
`2 bits for each component
`(refer to ‘SRC A swizzle’)
`SRC C swizzle
`2 bits for each component
`(refer to ‘SRC A swizzle’)
`Opcode for the Scalar instruction
`Scalar Opcode
`0: No clamp 1: Clamp to [0.0, 1.0] range
`Scalar Clamp
`0: No clamp 1: Clamp to [0.0, 1.0] range
`Vector Clamp
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`Relative Address|61 1 This bit determines the address register used as base register when
` co|=}3}=>
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`Scalar Write Mask
`Defines which out of 32 bits words (four of them) in the result is written back in
`the register file. There’s one bit per channel.
`0: leave the current value
`1: write
`Defines which out of 32 bits words (four of them) in the result is written back in
`Vector Write Mask
`the register file. There’s one bit per channel
`0: leave the current value
`1: write
`Specifies the address into the register files for the result of scalar operation
`Scalarresult pointer
`Bit[6] determines whether the destination address into GPR’s is relative or
`0: absolute
`1: relative
`Bit[7] in conjuction with Predicate Select are used to define different scenarios
`of export and predicate functionality. For more on this, refer to Section
`Specifies the addressinto the register files for the result of vector operation
`Bit[6] determines whether the destination address into GPR’s is relative or
`0: absolute
`1: relative
`Vector result pointer
`There’s a total of 96 bits per instruction.
`SrcA, SrcB and SrcC GPR locations denoted by Src A(B, C) Register/Constant Ptr fields of the ALU instruction word,
`can be relative as well as absolute addresses.If relative, they are relative to a register (Relative Address Register)
`present in the Sequencer as a render state. The above applies to Constant values as well.
`The bit allocation and assignment for the different fields of the instruction word was done with under the limitations
`that they should be dword (32-bit) aligned.
`3.2.1 ALU Instruction Word Interpretation
` Relative vs. Absolute Constants
`The location of the Constant Values in the Constant Regiter File can be absolute or relative to an offset value. When
`relative, they can be relative to either a loop index or a given register content value. The truth table shows the
`instruction fields that are used to decode the nature of the constant values.
`Address Register
`0 ConstantO —absolute|Constant1-absolute0 0
`Constant0 --absolute 9 bits, Constant 1 Absolute
`Constant0 —loop index relative Constant-absolute
`_Constant1 —loop index relative
`ConstantO-loop index relative ConstantO-loop index relative
`ConstantO-addressrelative Constant1 -absolute
`ConstantO-addressrelative Constant1-addressrelative
`Note from the table that if both Constants are relative, they are relative to the same value, being that a loop index or
` Argument Selection and Pointers
`There can be a maximum of three sources (operands) required for an ALU operation of a vector type.
`The R400 ALUinstruction word definition provides location pointers into GPRs or Constant Memory for each of the
`three sources (SRC A Register/Constant Pointer, SRC B Register/Constant Pointer, SRC B Register/Constant Pointer).
` Input and Output Modifiers
`The R400 ALU Instruction word definition provides for only two input modifiers for each of the three sources,
`Negate and Swizzle.
`The R400 ALU Instruction word provides for two output (result) modifiers: Mask which only effects the results going
`into GPRs but not the Previous Results and Clamp.
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` Export and Predicate related decoding
`The table below describes the encoding of the exports and predicate support in the instruction word.
`Exports are allowed from either Scalar or Vector Pipe. Similar to the GPR write-backs, masking of export data is
`permitted. The mask is present in the ALU instruction word.
`In cases when exports are coissued from Scalar and
`Vector pipes, the export address used is the Vector Result Pointer present in the instruction word. The Scalar
`Result Pointer in this case is ignored. The table below describes the “mixed” use of Scalar and Vector Result Masks
`per component (each MASK field is 4 bits wide, one bit per component/channel) when exports are coissued.
`Scalar Mask
`Vector Mask
`Result of Export
`Don't write
`Write Scalar Component
`Write Vector Component
`Write 1.0 (one way of generating defaults)
`A few other export related definitions:
`'pixels' or ‘position’, only the ‘alpha’ component will contain the scalar result.
`1) When doing a Scalar export of
`The other 3 components will be expanded to 0.0. When exporting to 'parameters' the scalar result is put into
`all 4 components.
`2) When doing a Scalar export of 'parameters', non-export vector instructions may not be coissued.
`3) Exporting of 'Fog' is a special case.
`When exporting Fog, color must be exported at the same time. Fog will be exported in the Scalar
`pipe and Color in the Vector pipe.
`Instead Color and Fog are mixed into a single ARGBF word
`Masking is ignored for Fog exports.
`and exported to the render back-end.
`Predicate Select
`Scalar Destination Pointer Bit[7] Vector Destination Pointer
`Scalar Export Vector to GPR
`Scalar Export Vector Export
`Ox Scalar to GPR Vector to GPR
`Scalar to GPR_ Vector Export
`Scalarto GPR Vector to GPR
`Use Predicate register0
`1: skip
`0: execute
`Scalarto GPR Vector to GPR
`Use Predicate Register0
`1: execute
`0: skip
`Scalarto GPR Vector to GPR
`Use Predicate Register1
`1: skip
`0: execute
`Scalarto GPR Vector to GPR
`Use Predicate Register1
`1: execute
`0: skip
`Scalarto GPR Vector to GPR
`Use Predicate Register2
`1: skip
`0: execute
`Scalarto GPR Vector to GPR
`Use Predicate Register2
`1: execute
`0: skip
`Scalar to GPR Vector to GPR
`Use Predicate register3
`1: skip
`0: execute
`EX. 2042 - r400-doc_lib-design-blocks-sp__Shaders.doc_file#9 (2).doc
` Scalarto GPR Vector to GPR
`Use Predicate register3
`1: execute
`0: skip
`62641 Bytes*** © ATI BMReference Copyright Notice on Cover Page ©
`10/09/15 12:06 PM
`ATI Ex. 2008
`Page 10 of 43
`ATI Ex. 2008
`Page 10 of 43


`17 January, 2002
`9 October, 2015
`11 ofAQ
` Export Types and Addresses
`The location where the data should be put in the event of an export is specified by in the destination addressfield of
`the ALU instruction word. Followingis a list of the possible types of exports and the range of addresses.
`Vertex Shading
`- 16 parameter cache
`Empty (Reserved?)
`32:43 - 12 vertex exports to the frame buffer and index
`- Empty
`- 12 debug export (interpret as normal vertex export)
`- export addressing mode
`- Empty
`- sprite size export that goes with position export
`(point_h, point_w,edgeflag, misc)
`- position
`- Color for buffer O (primary)
`- Color for buffer 1
`- Color for buffer 2
`- Color for buffer 3
`- Empty
`- Buffer 0 Color/Fog (primary)
`- Buffer 1 Color/Fog
`- Buffer 2 Color/Fog
`- Buffer 3 Color/Fog
`- Empty
`- Empty (Reserved?)
`- 12 exports for multipass pixel shaders.
`- Empty
`- 12 debug exports (interpret as normal pixel export)
`- export addressing mode
`- Empty
`- Z for primary buffer (Z exported to ‘alpha’ component)
`Pixel Shading
`01 2 3 4
`8 91
`3.3 ALU Opcodes
`The following table represents the ALU operations/opcodes supported by the Vector unit.
`Name Opcode_|Function Notes
`Result = A+B
`2 operandinstruction; possible coissue
`Result = A*B
`2 operand instruction, possible coissue
`If (A >= B) result = A; else result = B
`If (A < B) result = A; else result = B
`If (A = B) result = 1.0; else result = 0.0
`If (A > B) result = 1.0; else result = 0.0
`If (A >=B) result = 1.0; else result = 0.0
`If (A != B) result = 1.0; else result = 0.0
`Result = fractional part of A
`Result = integer part of A
`Result = TRUNCT(A)for positive A, (TRUNC(A) -1) for
`negative A
`3 operandinstruction; no coissue
`If (A == 0.0) result = B; else result = C
`3 operand instruction; no coissue
`If (A >= 0.0 ) result = B; else result = C
`3 operand instruction; no coissu

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