`Patent Owner
`Case IPR?015-00325
`Patent 7,742,053
`Mail Stop “Patent Boar”
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`ATI 2105
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`Table of Contents
`PERFORCE ooo. ccccccccccccceec cece cece cscs ecee ee eeeesceeceeeesensecaeseessssenssneeeisenisesseseeeeey 6
`A. Overviewof HowPerforce Works 0000000000 ccc cece ent c cette teeetttetenes 6
`B. Technical Specifications Saved in Perforce o.oo ccc cetceeeeenseees 7
`C. Document Logs and Folder Histories Saved in Perforce ....... 9
`AUTHENTICATION OF EXHIBITS ...ccccccccccccccccsecceeeseeeeseeeeeneeteeseenens 12
`A. Authentication of Technical Specifications......000.0ccccccccceeceeseeeeee 12
`. Exhibit 2007—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.1)........ 13
`. R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.2) 0.000000. 15
`. Exhibit 2009—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.3)........ 16
`. Exhibit 2010—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.4)........ 17
`. Exhibit 201 1—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.5)........ 18
`. Exhibit 2012—-R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.6)........ 20
`. Exhibit 2013—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.7)........ 22
`. Exhibit 2014—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.8)........ 23
`. Exhibit 2015—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.9)........ 25
`10. Exhibit 2016—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.0)........ 26
`11. Exhibit 2017—-R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.1)........ 28
`12.Exhibit 2018—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.2)........ 29
`13.R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.3)... cceeneee 30
`14.Exhibit 2020—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.4)........ 31
`15. Exhibit 2021—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.5)........ 32
`16. Exhibit 2022—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.6)........ 34
`17.Exhibit 2023—-R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.7)........ 35
`18.Exhibit 2024—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.8)........ 37
`19. Exhibit 2025—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.9)........ 38
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` 20.Exhibit 2026—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.10)......40
`21.Exhibit 2027—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version I.11)......41
`22.Exhibit 2028—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.0)........ 43
`23.Exhibit 2029—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.1)........ 45
`24. Exhibit 2030—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.2)........ 46
`25.Exhibit 2031—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.3)........ 48
`26.Exhibit 2032—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.4)........ 49
`27.Exhibit 2033—-R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.5)........ 50
`28.Exhibit 2034—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.6)........ 52
`29 Exhibit 2035—-R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.7)........ 53
`30.Exhibit 2036—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.8)........ 55
`31.Exhibit 2037—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.9)........ 57
`32.Exhibit 2038—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.10)......58
`33.Exhibit 2039—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.11)......60
`34_Exhibit 2040---R400 Architecture Proposal (Version 0.1)............ 61
`35. Exhibit 2041—R400 Top Level Specification (Version 0.2)........ 63
`36.Exhibit 2042—R400 Shader Processor (Version 0.1)... 64
`B. Authentication of Source Code... cocci ccccccccesccetecsescsseceecseesseeeteeeses 66
`C. Authentication of PowerPoint Presentations ccceccceeceeereeeteeees 67
`D. Authentication of Document Logs and File Histories... 68
`1. Exhibit 2043-—R400 Sequencer Specification Log (Versions
`OLD tO 1.2) eee ccccccceceesseeesesessesseesseessesssecsssetseesseectesseesies 68
`2. Exhibit 2044—-R400 Sequencer Specification Log (Versions
`V3 to QD) occ cece eee ceesteesseeesessestseetetceeteeses 68
`3. Exhibit 2045—R400 Architecture Proposal Log.......00000000.000.. 69
`4. Exhibit 2046—R400 Top Level Specification Log... 69
`5. Exhibit 2047—R400 Shader Processor Log... ccc eeccee cece 69
`6. Exhibit 2048—R400 Sequencer Emulator Folder History ............ 70
`7. Exhibit 2049—R400 Sequencer Parts Folder History ........0.0.0...... 70
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`8. Exhibit 2050—R400 Document Library Folder History............... 70
`9. Exhibit 2051—R400 Architecture Folder History........00000000000000... 70
`10. Exhibit 2052—R400 Testing Folder History... 71
`11.Exhibit 2107—R400 Shader Pipe Parts Folder History ................ 71
`- iil -
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`I, Calvin Watson, declare as follows:
`I am a technical specialist and patent agent at Advanced Micro
`Devices, Inc. (“AMD”). My responsibilities include, among otherthings,
`supporting the AMD lawdepartment on various intellectual-property matters.
`I understand that the above-captioned case involves U.S. Patent
`Number 7,742,053 (053 Patent”). | understand that the ’053 Patent is currently
`assigned to ATI Technologies ULC (“ATTI’).
`I understand that ATI merged with AMD in 2006. I understand that
`ATTs documents are now managed on AMD’s database system, known as
`Perforce, which is the same system that ATI used before the merger with AMD.
`From my responsibilities at AMD, I am familiar with creating, editing,
`maintaining, and retrieving files in Perforce.
`For this case, I have helped retrieve documents, source code, folder
`histories, document logs, and other files from Perforce. Each ofthese files were
`kept in the ordinary course of AMD/ATI’s business.
`In this declaration, | provide an overviewof Perforce and the types of
`files that ATI engineers saved in Perforce. See infra Part IL. I also authenticate the
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`ATI Ex. 2003
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`following Exhibits, which I understand are being submitted in this case. See infra
`Part II. The Exhibits are true and correct copies of the documents, source code,
`folder histories, and documentlogs I helped retrieve from AMD’s document
`database. The original documents, source code, folder histories, and documentlogs
`remain in AMD’s possession, custody, and control.
`ExhibitNumber|Reference —s—
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.1)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.3)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.4)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.5)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.6)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.7)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.8)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.9)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.0)
`oe2017| R400 SequencerSpecification(Version1.1)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.2)
`2020“R400SequencerSpecification (Version14)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.5)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.6)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.7)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.8)
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`ATI Ex. 2003
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`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.10)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 1.11)
`2028R400SequencerSpecification(Version 2.0)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.1)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.2)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.3)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.4)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.5)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.6)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.7)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.8)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.9)
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 2.10)
`R400 SequencerSpecification (Version 2.11)
`R400 Architecture Proposal (Version 0.1)
`R400 Top Level Specification (Version 0.2)
`R400 Shader Processor (Version 0.1)
`R400 Sequencer Specification Log (Versions 0.1 to 1.2)
`R400 Sequencer Specification Log (Versions 1.4 to 2.11)
`R400 Top Level Specification Log
`R400 Shader Processor Log
`R400 Sequencer Emulator Folder History
`R400 Sequencer Parts Folder History
`R400 Document Library Folder History
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`ATI Ex. 2003
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`R400 Architecture Folder History
`R400 GFX Testing Folder History
`Peter Pellerite Program ReviewSlides (12/13/01)
`Joe Cox Program Review Slides (12/13/01)
`Mark Fowler Program Review Slides (12/13/01)
`Peter Pellerite Program ReviewSlides (1/17/02)
`Mark Fowler Program ReviewSlides (3/22/02)
`Joe Cox Program Review Slides (3/22/02)
`Peter Pellerite Program ReviewSlides (3/22/02)
`Mark Fowler Program ReviewSlides (5/30/02)
`Peter Pellerite Program ReviewSlides (5/30/02)
`Joe Cox & Christeen Gray Program Review Slides (8/30/02)
`Ken Correll Program Review Slides (8/30/02)
`Mark Fowler Program Review Slides (8/30/02)
`Peter Pellerite Program Review Slides (8/30/02)
`Ken Correll Program Review Slides (10/10/02)
`Mark Fowler Program Review Slides (10/10/02)
`Peter Pellerite Program ReviewSlides (10/10/02)
`Ken Correll Program Review Slides (11/12/02)
`RTL Code File: sq.v
`RTL CodeFile: sq_thread_buff.v
`RTL CodeFile: sq_thread_arb.v
`RTL Code File: sq_ctl_flow_seq.v
`RTL CodeFile: sq_instruction_store.v
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`RTL Code File: sq_target_instr_fetch.v
`RTL Code File: sq_tex_instr_queue.v
`RTL CodeFile: sq_tex_instr_seq.v
`RTL CodeFile: sq_alu_instr_queue.v
`RTL Code File: sqalu instrseq.v
`RTL CodeFile: sp.v
`RTL Code File: vector.v
`RTL Code File: mace gpr.v
`RTL Code File: macc.v
`RTL Code File: tp.v
`Emulator Code File: sq blockmodel.cpp
`Emulator Code File: user_block_model.h
`Emulator Code File: arbiter.cpp
`Emulator Code File: arbiter.h
`Emulator Code File: sq_alu.cpp
`Emulator Code File: sq_alu.h
`Emulator Code File: gpr_ manager.cpp
`Emulator Code File: gpr_manager.h
`Emulator Code File: instruction_store.cpp
`2097s EmulatorCodeFile:instruction_store.h
`Emulator Code File: reg_file.cpp
`Emulator Code File: reg_file-h
`Emulator Code File: tp.cpp
`Emulator Code File: tp.h
`Emulator Code File: sq_tp.h
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`ee2103|EmulatorCodeFile: tp_block_model.epp
`Emulator Code File: user_block_model.h
`R400 Shader Pipe Parts Folder History
`AMD and former ATI engineers used shared-file repositories for
`documents, source code, and other files. The system that manages the repositories
`is called Perforce. As part of my responsibilities within the AMD lawdepartment,|
`understand howPerforce works and the types of documents that have been saved
`in Perforce with respect to this case.
`Overviewof How Perforce Works
`Perforce allows manyusers to connect to shared-file repositories.
`Each shared-file repository is called a depot. Files are organized in a depot using a
`file tree hierarchy. Any user with a permission to access the files can do so.
`Perforce maintains time stamped logs, user permissions, and whether
`files are checked out. This information is stored in a separate database. The
`information stored in this database is referred to as metadata.
`Users do not work directly on depot files. When a user checks out
`files, the files are saved to the user’s individual workspace according to the same
`file hierarchy in the depot. The user worksonthefiles on his or her workspace.
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`Whenthe useris finished editing the files, the user checks in the files. Perforce
`then accesses the files on the user’s workspace and syncs the depot according to
`the user’s changes.
`Perforce is a revision-control repository. This meansthat the system
`saves every revision of every file under Perforce control. When a user uploads an
`edited file, Perforce saves the file as a newversion underthe folder tree hierarchy.
`This type of system is particularly useful during development. For example, a
`version-control system allows a user to revert to a previous version of code. A user
`can therefore freely edit code while ensuring that the previous version is
`‘Technical Specifications Saved in Perforce
`Some of the Exhibits, which I authenticate below, are technical
`specification. These documents are maintained in Perforce’s depotfiles and are
`kept in the regular course of business.
`12. A sample of a specification cover page is shownbelow.
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`ATI Ex. 2003
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`7 May, 2001
`Laurent Lefebvre
`en. i
`8 September, 20153
`1 of 16
`Issue To:
`Copy No:
`R400 Sequencer Specification
`Version 0.32
`Rh provides an overview of the
`Overview: This is an architectural specification for the R400 Sequencer block (SEQ).
`required capabilities and expected uses of the biock.
`ft also describes the block interfaces,
`internal sub-
`blocks, and provides internal state diagrams.
`Document Location:
`Colperforcelré 00archidecighiRE\R400Sequencer.doc
`Current Intranet Search Title:
`R400 Secuencer Specification
`Ex. 2009, p. 1.
`The author of the document manually enters the specification’s title,
`version number, author, and overview. Each field appears on the cover page.
`The cover page header includes the ORIGINATE DATEandthe
`EDIT DATE. The ORIGINATE DATEis intended to be the date the original
`document(e.g., the first version within the depot folder) was created. The EDIT
`DATEis intended to be the date the documentwaslast edited. The EDIT DATEis
`auto-populated using a macro, and this macro cannot be disabled. So every time
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`ATI Ex. 2003
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`the documentis opened, the EDIT DATE changes. This macrois a revision-control
`feature of Perforce. Further, both the EDIT DATE and the ORIGINATE DATE
`can be manually changed.
`It is the regular practice of AMD (andits predecessor ATI) to record the date
`that a technical specification or testing record wasedited. The record is kept on the
`documentitself, as shown in a sample below.
`S ae Nanagement at
`Rev 04 (Laurent Lefebvre}
`Date: May 7, 2007
`Rev 0.2 (Laurent Lefebvre)
`Date: July 9, 2007
`Rev 0.3 (Laurent Lefebvre)
`Date: August 6, 2004
`Rev.0.4 (Laurent Lefebvre}
`Date: August 24, 2001
`Rev 04-5(Laurent Lefebvre}
`Date September 7, 2007
`Bey 06 (laurent Lefebvre)
`Dale Seplemper 24 200)
`Revoy {Laurent k eleovre)
`Date: Onto
`First draft.
`Changed the interfaces fo reflectthe changes inthe
`SP. Added some details in the arbitration section.
`Reviewed the Sequencer spec alter lhe meeting on
`August 2.2001.
`Added the dynamic allocation method. for register
`fle-and an-example (written in part by Vic) of the
`flow of pixels/vertices inthe sequencer.
`Added timing diagrams (Vic)
`architecture. Added nierfaces.
`Added cela slore SORGENICNS instruction
`See, e.g., Ex. 2013, p. 4.
`Document Logs and Folder Histories Saved in Perforce
`Some of the Exhibits, which I authenticate below, are document logs
`and folder histories. Document logs and folder histories are metadata files. These
`metadata files contain information relating to revision history of the depotfiles
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`ATI Ex. 2003
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`(e.g., technical specifications) maintained in Perforce. Through documentlogs and
`folder histories, Perforce allows administrators to track edits, track who made the
`edits, and track when the edits were made. Metadata files are kept in the regular
`course ofbusiness.
`In Perforce, there are two types of metadatafiles: (1) documentlogs;
`and (2) folder histories.
`18. Document logs track each revision to the depot files. Each depotfile
`has a corresponding document log. So, each documentlog tells the revision history
`ofits correspondingfile.
`Perforce maintains certain information in document logs. For
`example, Perforce automatically saves the date a document was changed and the
`workspace that made the change. Further, for any edited file a user uploads to the
`system, the user is prompted to enter a description of the file or a brief description
`of the changes madetothefile.
`A-sample document log is shown below. In this sample, seven
`revisions were uploaded. Various users uploadedthe revisions on various dates.
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`ATI Ex. 2003
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`/depotrd00/arcldocclup/R400 Top Level Spee, DOC
`#7 change 3995 edit on 2001/07/05 by pmitchel@piuutchelaris (binary+1)
`change file type to prevent simultaneous open for edit
`#6 change 3001 editon 2001/05/24 by lseilerainialseiler (binary)
`Updated RB and MC block diagrams
`#5change 2950 edit on 2001/05/17 by smorein@smorein,1400 (binary)
`updated spec, finally checked in
`#4 change 2359 edit on 2001/04/26by lefebvr@llefebvre_laptop_1400 (binary) _
`updated top level spec to match RE and SC specs
`#3 change 2347 edit on 2001425 by lsetler@ma_lseiler (binary)
`Added text about the RB and MC plus descriptions of some RB features
`#2 change 2314 edit on 2001/04/23 by smorein(@smorem_r400 (binary)
`Updated area. to new area estimate, post texture pathchanges
`checked in top level spec for larry to addtou
`#1 change 1741 add on 2001/03/15 by smoreuv@smorem,1400 (binary)
`adding first-real version of top level spec.
`Ex. 2046,p. 1.
`Folder histories list the same information as the document logs. The
`difference is that a folder history compiles all the documentlog files saved within
`the folder. The information in the folder history file is organized by date. A sample
`of a folder history file is shown below.
`- 1] -
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`ATI Ex. 2003
`Page 15 of 76


`7 by esampayodfl_csampayo1400
`Added unit/funetion owners and hyperlinks to the
`R400PAFunctionalValidationApproachPlan decumnent
`Change 14904 on 2002/0207 by jasifi@ijasif1400wintor
`Modihed dynamic clock section.
`Change 14805 on.2
`Updated TOC
`Completed description of de-stapping, de-fanning, decomposition of quads and polygon:
`into triangles. prprovoking vertex (flat shading), and line stipple wireframe fill made issues.
`Change 14883 on 2002/02/07 by jhoule@MA_JHOULE
`Added 32-bit channels blending.
`Described math foundations.
`Ex. 2050, p. 377.
`22. As part of my responsibilities within the AMD law department, I
`retrieved Exhibits 2007 through 2104, 2107, and 2108. My responsibilities include,
`amongother things, supporting the AMD law department on variousintellectual-
`property matters. I am authenticating these Exhibits. The exhibits include: (1)
`technical specifications; (2) source codefiles; (3) PowerPoint presentations; and
`(4) metadata, which includefile histories and documentlogs.
`Authentication of Technical Specifications
`Exhibits 2007 through 2042 are technical specification documents. I
`downloaded these documentsdirectly from the Perforce database. The “date” for
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`ATI Ex. 2003
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`each of these documents can come from one ofthree places: (1) the document
`itself; (2) the corresponding documentlog in Perforce; or (3) the submit date
`shown on the Perforce interface.
`The date kept on the documentitself is occasionally different than the
`corresponding document log date and the submit date shown in Perforce. The dates
`can differ, for example, if the user had a document checked out for several days
`(intentionally or inadvertently). The dates can also differ when a user works on a
`version over several days. But the submit date, whether through the document logs
`or the Perforce interface, is the last date any revisions were made.
`I discuss Exhibits 2007 through 2042 below.
`Exhibit 2007—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.1)
`This document was saved as R400Sequencer.doc at the folder
`location //depot/r400/arch/doc/gfx/RE/. From this document, it appears that
`Laurent Lefebvre created this document on May 7, 2001. See Ex. 2007, p. 2.
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`ATI Ex. 2003
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` ev0.1 (Laurent Lefebvre)
`Date: May 7, 2001
`This document’s correspondingfile log shows that Laurent Lefebvre
`checked in this document on May25, 2001 underthe file name
`R400_Sequencer.doc. Ex. 2043, pp. 1, 2.
`cor. aoe
`neck Segoe
`#1. charge 9005 wid on 2001705029 by Tieton? etersapronrtCW rary
`Inthe Perforce database, Exhibit 2007 is the first revision of the R400
`Sequencer Specification. As shown in the screenshot below, the submit date for
`this revision is May 25, 2001.
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`ATI Ex. 2003
`Page 18 of 76


`Winco: Hel
`Edie Mew cactiors@Connectien Toole 4
` CS Her I
`Date Swbrnitted
`4B Adepot/00/anhvu/yla/REPRAO)Seyuenvendee
`@ 16
`TAPt642001 SES:flefebser
`chik' te. mew...
`41/6/2001 422... tlefebvr
`binary: |
`sequencer spee backup
`im 16
`Sequencer spec VIO.
`» Hefebvr
`sequencer vLO BACK...
`a 1é
`TOFS2001 840...
`One before last major...

`‘version (1.8 of the seq
`40/5/2001 1:
`vyersion.(.7 of the seq!
`ie iz
`10/3/2001 2.5612...
`backup of the sequenc.
`ah lL
`SEASON 4:b5;
`new spec of the Sequ
`a 1
`9/21/2001 U
`RE spec backup + HZ
`S/2472001 12:3...
`versine Gof the veo, |
`birvar ye!
`added am exemple ofr.
`BAL001 2:
`constant store indexing.wsd 2/3 sbinaryel>
`6/3/2001 2.01;
`@ &
`updated spec Fur set.
`Debug_mavsd 20/2 <binary>
` TS2001 3:3. tefebwr
`i 3
`Tmckcin is cr
`detailrastivsd 40/2 <binary>
`sequencer checkir:
`ig 4
`“RanoSaiAESAEC HS <a
`a 3
`change filskype te tack
`OO barycentricdoc #075 <binaryel>
`MOOre.doc 40/13 « binary+ >
`fOQre.pdf S0/1 <binary>
`RasterFifoEffixts 40/1 <binery>
`registertoadingwed #02 <binary+l>
` Revision:
`registerloadingbutfersvsd AMS < girary—b>
`Date submited:
`5/25/2002 91752 AM
`shaderPipewsd 80/2 <sinary->
`Submitted by:
`Perforce fletyper binary
`wdurnmy S078 <text=
`backup sequencer
` { system
`b chip
`Fle size:
`R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.2)
`ITlooked for Version 0.2 of the Sequencer Specification in Perforce. I
`did not locate Version 0.2. Version 0.2 is noted in Version 0.3 as revised on July 9,
`2001. See Ex. 2009, p. 2.
`August 5.2007.
`Changed ihe interfaces toreflect the changes in th
`SP. Added some details in the arbitration section.
`Reviewed the Sequencer spec afier ihe meeting on
`Rev 0.2 (Laurent Lefebvre)
`Date : July. §, 2004
`Rey-6.9 (Laurent Lefepyre)
`Date: Augus! 6.2004
`-~ 145 -
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`ATI Ex. 2003
`Page 19 of 76


`Exhibit 2009—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.3)
`This document was saved as R400_Sequencer.doc at the folder
`location //depot/r400/arch/doc/gfx/RE/. From this document, it appears that
`Laurent Lefebvre revised this document on August 6, 2001. See Ex. 2009,p. 2.
`August s. 2001.
`Changed the interfaces to reflect the changes in the
`SP. Added some details in the arbitration section.
`Revewedthe Sequencerspecaferinemeeting.
`Rev 0.2 (Laurent-Lefebvre)
`Date: July 3, 2004
`Rev 0.3 (Laurent Lefebyre
`Dale: August 6. 200%
`This document’s corresponding file log shows that Laurent Lefebvre
`checked in this document on August 13, 2001. Ex. 2043, pp. 1, 2.
`veo OY Chenge S289 ect or 2OUL/OBSL) yy Vleteow? lefeivr sl eon OO Deimerye >
`vedated spec for sequencer
`aided an one le of regicory Pile emageunt
`a> change 5200 efit om DUOL/O8/L) ly Vlefeberd lefelers.laptop140 (einarye
`Inthe Perforce database, Exhibit 2009 is the seventh revision of the
`R400 Sequencer Specification. As shownin the screenshot below, the submit date
`for this revision is August 13, 2001.
`ATI Ex. 2003
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`ATI Ex. 2003
`Page 20 of 76


`aetry S
` escription:
`Date Submitted
`Submitted By
` a
`chikin in onder te: em.
`TL6,2004 4:12.
`sequencer spec hac
`Sequencerspec VL.
`sequencervL.O BAC
`One before last maj
`version 0.8 of the se.
`AgySJ200:4 bE.
`version 0.7 nf the se,
`TO/3/2001 256
`backup ofthe sequ
`Brad/2001 45
`new spec af the Seq
`S/2L200% Ee
`RE spec backup + H
`B244001 1.
`version 0.4. of the se,
`updated spec forse
`constant store indexing.ved #0/3 « binary+>
` 80/2 <binarye
`lockin ison
`sequencer checkin
`Setail_rast.ved 30/2 <binary+l>
`RANG:Sequencendac #0/18 <binaryel>
`change filetype tel.
`MOGoarycentricadac #05 binaryels
`G/F72001 1b 34:3... Ilefebve
`safety backup
`5f¢52001 2175... Wefebve
`backup sequencer
`M00-edec 40/13 < binary+
`A00re,pet 20/4 < binary
`ee BeAee
`RasterFifcEffzls 40/4 <binary>
`registerloadingwsd #0/2 <binary+l>
`| Revisions
`registerlnadinghifferssescl 40/5 <binary+f
`| Date submitted:
`“ay13/2001 213120M
`shacierPipe.vsd 40/2 <kinary-+l>
`» (2 1D
`| Submitted by:—tlefebur Perforce fletype: bivary-H
`dummy 0/1 <text>
`Fite size:
` Amine:
`added an exemple of registry file management
`Exhibit 2010—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version 0.4)
`This document was saved as R400Sequencer.docat the folder
`location //depot/r400/arch/doc/gfx/RE/. From this document, it appears that
`Laurent Lefebvre revised this document on August 24, 2001. See Ex. 2010, p. 3.
`Rey (4 (aurent Lefebvre)
`= Agded the dynamic allocation. method fer register.
`Date August 24, 2007
`ile end-an exanple (written in part by Vicj-of the
`flow of pivels/vertices in the sequencer.
`This document’s corresponding file log shows that Laurent Lefebvre
`checked in this document on August 24, 2001. Ex. 2043, pp. 1-2.
`- 17 -
`ATI Ex. 2003
`Page 21 of 76
`ATI Ex. 2003
`Page 21 of 76


`version (4 of the yuancer
`rage,archdecgre ne RAOe . COG,
`#8 change 9608 «lt on 20/06/24 by Tletebura) lofebwre,laptop.1t00 Chinaryel)
`In the Perforce database, Exhibit 2010 is the eighth revision of the
`R400 Sequencer Specification. As shownin the screenshot below, the submit date
`for this revision is August 24, 2001.
` Description
`ace Deter Submitted
`Submitted By
`chitin in order te m..
`TE/16/2001 3:23... Nefebyr
`T6204 4
`sequencer spec back
`Sequencer spec VLO
`IO/26/2001 4:
`» defebvr
` TOE2001 2: + Tebeboer
`birt yet
`sequence: vO BA
`TO/19/2001 2:40:...
`One before last majo
`version Od ofthese.
`10/17/2001 10st...” Tefebvr
`version 0.7 of the
`ie te
`10/5/5001 1:14;3... Thefcber
`binary: |
`backup ofthe seque,
`ie EL

`new spec-of the Seq.
`ie 10
`O/2e2001 4:15:53... dlefebvr
`+ H.
`RE spec backup
`9/21/5001 10:31...

`added an-exemple of.
`upelalend spree Tor sey
`S/SROL 2014. Uebebwr
`bina y+l
`lockn is on:
`sequencer checkin:
`T5201 3:3)
`change filetype to I.
`7/5/2008 29056... pmitchel
`6/7/2008 11:34:53...
`safety backup
`5/25/2008 9175...
`backup secuencer
`| Revision: Ader
`| Date submitted:
`-gy2/2007 12:30:31FM
`| Submitted by:
` fefedrr
`Perforce filetype: binvaryt
`- 1 Workspaces
`File size:
` Action: edit
`version 0.4 ofthe sequencer
`dunimy #0/L <text>
`constant store indexingasd #09 <binary+!>
`Debugma.ved 20/2 <binery>
`detat_rastwsd #0)2 «< binary+|>
`PANO:Sequencendne #018 ‘cbinaryele
`MOOberycentric.dec 8/5 «binary|>
`MOdre.doe 0/13 <binary+|>
`MO0re. pdf #01 <binary>
`RasterFifoEfixds £04. <binary>
`registerloading.vsd 0/2 <binaryel>
`registerloadingbutferswsd'#0/5 <binary+l>
`shaclerPipe.ved 80/2 <binaryel>
`Exhibit 2011—R400 Sequencer Specification (Version0.5)
`This document was saved as R400_Sequencer.doc at the folder
`location //depot/r400/arch/doc/gfx/RE/. From this document, it appears that
`ATI Ex. 2003
`Page 22 of 76
`ATI Ex. 2003
`Page 22 of 76


`Laurent Lefebvre revised this document on September 7, 2001. See Ex. 2011, p. 3;
`Ex. 2012, p. 3 (editing “0.4”to “0.5”).
`This document’s corresponding file log shows that Laurent Lefebvre
`checked in this document on September 21, 2001. Ex. 2043, p. 1.
`Se opec backup + ME Stats + of spec bachkug
`. #9 change 6790 edit on 2001/00/25 by Tiefebwrd) lefebvrelaptop40o Oriearye))
`Inthe Perforce database, Exhibit 2011 is the ninth revision of the
`R400 Sequencer Specification. As shown in the screenshot below, the submit date
`for this revision is September 21, 2001.
`ATI Ex. 2003
`Page 23 of 76
`ATI Ex. 2003
`Page 23 of 76


`Date Submitted
`8 fdepat/rd00farch/doc/gfx/RE/RAOSequencerdox
`& Ls
`LESLIEF3003:63... Tefebsr
`chikin in orcerta rm... a

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