a2, United States Patent
`US 6,283,425 B1
`(10) Patent No.:
`Liljevik Sep. 4, 2001
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Inventor: Tord Liljevik, Bromma (SE)
`(73) Assignee: Allgon AB, Akersberga (SE)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`US.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 09/260,016
`Mar.2, 1999
`3/1995 (EP).
`Mounting Instructions 71005A, Allgon System AB.
`Mounting Instructions 70690A1, Allgon Systems AB.
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner—Leslie A. Braun
`Assistant Examiner—A. Joseph Wujciak
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Jacobson Holman, PLLC
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`A mounting bracket useful for securing a base, such as an
`antenna to a pole, a tube or a post, or a similar anchor
`(SE) weeeeccessecssssesesssesssesesssesnssenenes 9800663
`Mar. 3, 1998
`support, and includingafirst clamp part, being a base clamp,
`to be secured to the base (the antenna) adapted to be locked
`Tint. C07 on eeeeteeeeeeeee A47B 96/06; E04G 3/00;
`against the pole, and a second clamp part, being tightening
`F16B 1/00; GO9F 7/18
`clamp, adapted to partly embrace the pole and to be tight-
`(52) US. Ch. occas 248/230.4; 248/228.4;
`ened to the base clamp with the pole clamped therebetween,
`248/229 .23; 248/229.13; 248/218.4; 248/231.51;
`preferably by a screw-nut connection on each side of the
`248/316.5; 403/385; 403/399; 343/892
`pole. The tightening clamp, is formed with two elongated
`(58) Field of Searcheee 248/230.4, 228.4,
`slots extending in the longitudinal direction of the clamp, a
`248/229.23, 229.13, 218.4, 219.4, 231.51,
`first slot of which may be closed and the second slot of
`316.1, 316.5; 403/385, 398, 399; 24/522,
`which is open at the end of the clamp. The slots having a
`525, 514; 343/892
`width matching the diameter of the clamp screws,a length
`whichis at least twice the diameter of the clamp screws and
`arranged such that the openslot of the tightening clamp can
`be rotated freely past the corresponding bolt thereby engag-
`ing the corresponding clamp screw through the open end of
`the slot after the pole has been placed in contact with the
`base clamp. A tightening clamp and a base clamp can be
`joined in a rotational joint. Thereby an object, which is
`mounted, e.g. an antenna, can be panned.
`References Cited
`1/1974 ADILett veces 248/43
`3,920,295 * 11/1975 Speckin.....
`ve 248/221 X
`4,616,797 * 10/1986 Cramer wesc 248/231.5 X
`9/1993 (CA).
`8/1995 (DE) .
`14 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 1 of 11
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 1 of 11


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 4, 2001
`Sheet 1 of 6
`US 6,283,425 B1
`Fig. 1 (Prior art)
`Fig. 5
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 2 of 11
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 2 of 11


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 4, 2001
`Sheet 2 of 6
`US 6,283,425 B1
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 3 of 11
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 3 of 11


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 4, 2001
`Sheet 3 of 6
`US 6,283,425 B1
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 4 of 11
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 4 of 11


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 4, 2001
`Sheet 4 of 6
`US 6,283,425 B1
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 5 of 11
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 5 of 11


`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 4, 2001
`Sheet 5 of6
`US 6,283,425 Bl
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 6 of 11
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 6 of 11


`Sep. 4, 2001
`Sheet 6 of 6
`US 6,283,425 B1
`U.S. Patent
`Fig. 9
`er Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 7 of 11
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 7 of 11


`US 6,283,425 B1
`invention relates to a mounting bracket,
`The present
`whereby is meant a clamp device by means of which an
`object, for instance an elongated object, an antennaetc, can
`be secured to a ground pole, a tube or a post, a ground
`anchored post or a similar anchoring support. The clamp
`device comprisesa first clamp part adapted to be secured to
`the object to be mounted against the pole, and a second
`clamp part adapted to embracethe pole and to be tightened
`to the first clamp part, generally by means of a screw-nut
`connection means. The invention also relates to a mounting
`bracket, which alternatively can be used for panning the
`object if the second clamp part is mounted on a supporting
`structure such as a wall.
`The object of the invention has been to suggest a clamp
`device of the above mentioned type which is designed so
`that it is very well possible for a single installation engineer
`to mount the antenna against an antenna pole. The clamp
`device comprisesa first clamp, the base clamp, adapted to be
`anchored against an antenna, a second clamp, the tightening
`clamp, adapted to be tightened against said first clamp by
`means of a screw-nut joint with the antenna pole there
`between. The clamps preferably are formed as U-shaped
`brackets (< >) which along the branches thereof are
`formed with U- or V-shaped pole guide groovesor recesses.
`According to the invention the second clamp, the tight-
`ening clamp,
`is formed with two elongated slots at the
`intermediate side of said clamp and extending in the longi-
`tudinal direction of the clamp, a first slot which may be
`closed and a second slot which is open at the end of the
`clamp for passage of the mounting bolts. The screws for
`tightening of the clamps against the pole are formed so that
`said screws can notrotate in the first clamp, the base clamp.
`This is provided in that said screwsare of carriage bolt type
`having square bolt parts adjacent the head thereof, which
`square bolt parts engage square bores of said base clamp.
`Alternatively said bolts can be welded or by other means
`secured to said base clamp.
`Whenusing the above mentioned clamp device the screws
`are pulled through the bores of the base clamp and through
`the closed slot of the tightening clamp, and nuts are loosely
`screwed onto the outer ends of the screws. Thereby the
`clamp devices forms an integral part in which the tightening
`clamp is hanging freely from the corresponding clamp
`screw, and the twin clamp device can simply be tightened by
`a single installation engineer using only one hand, whereby
`the antenna with the integral clamp device can be held by the
`second hand.
`reference to the accompanying drawings, in which
`FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a clamp device of prior art
`FIG. 2 showsa first clamp part, a base clamp, according
`to the invention in combination with connection screws.
`FIG. 3 is a perspective view showing the way of pre-
`mounting the clamp device to form an integral unit before
`screw mounting the base clamp to the base.
`FIG. 4 showsa first stage of connecting the pole to the
`clamp device, and
`FIG. 5, shows the pole locked by the clamp device.
`FIG. 6 showsa further embodimentof the invention in a
`perspective view.
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 8 of 11
`The invention hasbasically been developed in connection
`to mounting of antennas,
`like a base station or repeater
`station antenna in a mobile telephone system, whereby said
`first clamp part is mounted on the antenna while on the
`ground, whereupon the antenna with the pole clamp
`mounted thereonis raised and is mounted against the pole or
`post, generally in a vertical position and on a predetermined
`level above the ground. A prior art method of mounting
`antennas in known from Allgon mounting instruction no
`71005A and 70690A1, available on request to Allgon AB,
`Patents, P O Box 500, 184 25A Akersberga, Sweden, and
`incorporated herein by reference.
`In the following the invention will mainly be described in
`connection with mounting of antennas on poles.It is to be
`the tightening
`The tightening is accomplished in that
`understood, however, that the invention is not restricted to
`clamp is moved in a direction so that the screw extending
`antenna pole clamps, but that the invention is useful in many
`through the closed slot engages the inner end of said closed
`other situations and for many other purposes, in which there
`slot. In this position the second slot, which is open at the
`is a need of mounting an object against a pole or a post on
`outer end thereof can be brought to engage the second screw,
`a predetermined level above the ground.
`and the clamp is thereafter moved back so that the screws
`When mounting an antenna it is generally necessary to
`preferably engage closed ends of the slots, and the nuts can
`foresee that the antenna elements are placed freely in the air
`simply be tightened thereby clamping the tightening clamp
`and without any obstacles in front of said elements, often on
`against the pole and the base clamp.
`a substantial distance above the ground. For practical rea-
`By connecting the base clamp andthe tightening clamp
`sons the antenna is generally mounted on a pole on the
`with a rotating joint, e.g. in the form of a hinge and fastening
`ground or a building. To this endafirst part of a clamp
`the tightening clamp to a supporting structure, such as a
`device, a base clamp, is secured to the antenna, whereupon
`wall, it is achieved that the antenna can be panned,i.e. its
`the antenna with the pole clamp to be mountedis raised in
`rotational position in respect ofits vertical longitudinal axis
`that the installation engineer climbsa ladder, or lifts himself
`can be adjusted to a desired value.
`by meansofalifting device, with the antenna in his hands,
`Byfurther arranging a locking member between the base
`and he places the base clamp of the antenna clamp device
`clamp and the tightening clamp the antenna can be locked in
`against the pole. In order to connect the antenna against said
`a desired rotational position.
`pole the installation engineer has to place the separate
`second clamp part against the outer side of the pole, he has
`Nowthe invention is to be described more in detail with
`to pull clamp screws through boresof said first and second
`clamp parts, and he hasto tighten nuts engaging said clamp
`screws thereby solidly fixing the pole with the antenna
`between said first and second clamp parts.
`It is obvious that it is, in practice, very difficult or even
`impossible for a single installation engineer to provide such
`mounting of an antenna against a pole, and it
`is often
`necessary that the mounting is made by twoinstallation
`engineers, one installation engineer carrying the antenna and
`the second installation engineer pulling and tightening the
`screw-nut joint between the two clampparts.
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 8 of 11


`US 6,283,425 B1
`FIG. 7 shows a top view and
`FIG. 8 shows a side view of the embodiment of FIG. 6.
`FIG. 9 an antenna mounted with prior art mounting
`brackets is shown.
`As mentioned abovea prior art clamp device comprises a
`first clamp 1, a base clamp, adapted to be connected to a
`base, for instance an antenna(notillustrated), for instance by
`meansof screws extending throughboresofsaidfirst clamp,
`and adapted to engage an “inner”portion of a pole, a second
`clamp 2 adapted to engage an “outer” portion of a pole, and
`two screws 3 adapted to extend through bores 4 and 5 of
`clamp 1 and clamp 2, respectively and having nuts 6 for
`tightening the second clamp 1 to the first clamp 2 thereby
`fixedly mounting the base (antenna) to a pole. Preferably the
`base clamp 1 can be formed with two lugs 7 or two holes 11
`by means of which an antenna can be mounted, for instance
`tiltable, in relation to the base clamp, of by means of which
`a coupling box, or a similar means can be connected to the
`clamp device.
`The clamp device according to the invention is basically
`of the same type as said prior art clamp device shown in FIG.
`into place against the pole with said pole located between the
`two bolts 10. The tightening clamp 2 is moved longitudi-
`nally so that the bolt 10 engages the inner, closed end of the
`elongated slot 12. In this position the tightening clamp 2 can
`be rotated clockwise past the left hand bolt 10 as shown in
`FIGS. 4 and 5, whereupon said second clamp 2 is moved
`back so that the bolt engages the closed outer end of the
`closed slot 12, whereby the second bolt 10 is in a position
`with the open slot 13 embraces same and the corresponding
`screw is positioned at or close to the bottom end of said slot
`13. Now the two nuts can easily be tightened by one hand
`of the installation engineer, who holds the antenna with the
`clamp device with his second hand. FIG. 5 shows the
`antenna with the clamp device finally securely attached
`against the pole 15 using a clamp device according to the
`It is to be understood that the antenna necessarily has to
`be mounted by meansof two, or more, spaced clamp devices
`of the same type as described above, and which clamp
`devices are mounted on different levels against the base
`In FIG. 6 a further embodimentof the invention is shown.
`A base clamp 1 and a tightening clamp 2 of the kind
`described above, are provided with holes in order to expand
`the possibilities of use of the mounting bracket. One pair of
`holes in the base clamp 1 and one pair of holes in the
`tightening clamp 2 are together with a screw 16 and nut 17
`forming a rotary joint or a hinge, which allows the base
`clamp 1 and the tightening clamp 2 to be rotated in relation
`The clamps 1 and 2 are formed as U-shaped brackets
`to each other around an axis defined by the screw 16. An arm
`having branches and an interconnecting side. In the base
`19 is arranged to be fastened to the base clamp 1 and the
`clamp according to the invention, which is shown in FIG. 2
`tightening clamp 2 by means of screws and nuts. Atafirst
`the bores 8 are square and are matching a square portion 9
`end (not shown) of the arm 18 a hole is provided for
`of a carriage bolt 10 foreseeing that the bolt 10 can not rotate
`connection of the arm to the tightening clamp 2 by means of
`after the square portion 9 thereof has been brought to engage
`a screw 20, which also passes through two holes in the
`the square bores 8. Alternatively, as mentioned above, the
`tightening clamp 2, and a nut 21. Aslot 19 is providedat the
`bolts can be welded or otherwise secured to the base clamp
`second end of the arm 18. Ascrew 22 throughthe slot 19 and
`1. In FIG. 2 is also shown that said base clamp 1 can be
`two holes in the base clamp 1 is tightened by meansof a nut
`formed with through bores 11 for screw connecting antennas
`23 for locking the arm to the base clamp 1. By tightening the
`or similar, as an alternative to lugs 7.
`screws 20, 22 and nuts 21, 23, the base clamp 1 and the
`In FIG. 3 is illustrated that the tightening clamp 2 is
`tightening clamp 2 are locked in relation to each other, and
`formed with two elongated slots, a first slot 12 which is
`rotation is prevented. By the arrangementofthe slot 19 it is
`closed at both ends and a secondslot 13 whichis openat the
`possible to adjust the desired angle between the base clamp
`outer end thereof. The two clamps preferably are formed
`1 andthe tightening clamp 2 before tightening the screws 20,
`with U-formed or V-shaped grooves 14 along the branches
`22 and nuts 21, 23, by letting the screw 22 slide in the slot
`thereof for engaging a pole 15, and an interconnecting side
`having elongated slots 12 and 13. Said slots have a width
`which correspondsto, or is slightly wider than the diameter
`of the connection bolts 10 and a length whichisat least twice
`the diameter of said bolts 10. For mounting reasons the
`closed slot 12 has to be longer than the openslot, preferably
`at least one bolt diameter longer than the open slot 13.
`The clamp device preferably is pre-mounted, in factory or
`at the ground, to the object to be mounted, for instance an
`antenna,in that the bolts 10 are pulled through the two bores
`8 of the base clamp 1, and one of said bolts is also pulled
`through the closed, elongated slot 12 of the outer clamp 2,
`named the tightening clamp, and in that nuts 6 are loosely
`screwed onto the outer ends of the two bolts 10.
`In FIG. 7 the embodiment of FIG. 6 is shown in a top
`view. Here the tightening clamp 2 is secured to a wall 24, by
`means of screws (not shown) through holes in the interme-
`diate portion of the tightening clamp 2. The object to be
`secured, e.g. an antenna 29 is mount e d on the base clamp
`1 as described above, e.g. by screws through the lugs 7. By
`the arrangementof this hinge and locking member, i.e. arm
`18, an antenna can be panned, Le. its rotational position in
`respect of its vertical longitudinal axis can be adjusted to a
`desired value. The tightening clamp 2 is further provided
`with a scale where the position of the edge 26 of the base
`clamp indicates the angle between the base clamp 1 and the
`tightening clamp 2. As shown,the holes in the base clamp
`The way of mounting the antenna with the clamp device
`1 for the screws 16, 22 are symmetrical. Further additional
`on the pole is illustrated in FIGS. 4 and 5. The base clamp
`holes 27, 28 are provided in the tightening clamp 2 as well
`1 is screwed or otherwise connected to the base, e g the
`as an additional scale. This enables the hinge to be movedto
`holes 28 and the holes for the screw 22, and the arm 18 to
`antenna. The tightening clamp 2 is hanging freely in the
`screw 10 extending through the closed slot 12, that is in the
`be connected to holes 27 and the holes in the base clamp for
`right bolt as shown in FIGS. 4 and 5 but can not be released
`the screw 16. Hereby, the angle between the base clamp 1
`therefrom since it is blocked by the nut 6.
`and the tightening clamp 2 can be selected in another range.
`FIG. 8 shows the embodimentof FIGS. 6 and 7 inaside
`The clamp device with the antenna (not shown)
`mounted against the pole 15 by being moved horizontally
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 9 of 11
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 9 of 11


`US 6,283,425 B1
`FIG. 9 illustrates an antenna 29 mounted on a pole 15 by
`means of prior art mounting brackets 1, 2. The mounting
`bracket according to the invention is used in a similar way,
`when used on a pole, or similar.
`is evident
`mounting of an antenna, when using a mounting bracket
`according to the invention, which can be pre-assembled so
`that no loose parts have to be added during the mounting on
`the pole,
`is much simpler then when using a prior art
`mounting bracket with numerous loose parts to be added
`during the mounting on the pole.
`1 base clamp
`2 tightening clamp
`3 screw, bolt
`4 bore
`5 bore
`6 nut
`7 lug
`8 square bore
`9 square portion
`10 carriage bolt
`11 bore
`12 slot
`13 slot
`14 groove
`15 pole
`16 screw
`17 mut
`18 arm, locking member
`19 slot
`20 screw
`21 nut
`22 screw
`23 nut
`24 wall
`25 scale
`26 edge
`27 hole
`28 hole
`29 antenna
`Whatis claimedis:
`1. A mounting bracket for securing an object to a bar
`member, said mounting bracket comprising:
`a first clamp part adapted to carry said object,
`a second clamppart,
`said first and second clampparts together being clampable
`about said bar member by first and second clamp
`screws extending between said first and second clamp
`parts at sides of said bar member,
`each of said clamp parts having a substantially U-shaped
`cross section including a web portion and two leg
`portions extending therefrom and having parallel
`edges, each of said edges having recessed edge portions
`adapted to contact and partly embrace said bar member,
`said clamp screwsbeing secured to said first clamp partat
`a defined distance from each other to extend substan-
`tially perpendicularly therefrom towards said second
`said second clamp part having first and second elongate
`slots for receiving said clamp screws, said first slot
`having a closed end towardsa first end of said second
`clamp and said second slot having an open end at a
`second end of said second clamppart, said second slot
`having an extension beingat least twice the diameter of
`said clamp screws, and said first slot having an exten-
`sion being at least one diameter of said clamp screws
`longer than said secondslot, whereby one of said clamp
`screwsis positioned at one endofsaidfirst slot with the
`other of said clamp screwspositioned at one end of said
`second slot in a first position and the one clamp screw
`being positioned at an opposite end of said first slot
`with the other clamp screw passing through said open
`end of said secondslot in a second position to facilitate
`placement of said second clamp part around said bar
`member, and
`at least one of said clamp screwsbeing fixedly secured to
`said first clamp part to prohibit rotational and axial
`2. The mounting bracket according to claim 1, wherein a
`distance between said closed end ofsaid first slot and inner
`closed end of said second slot is substantially equal to said
`defined distance.
`3. The mounting bracket according to claim 1, wherein
`said clamp screws are permanently secured to said first
`4. The mounting bracket according to claim 1, wherein
`one of said leg portions of said first clamp part is provided
`with means for attaching said object.
`5. The mounting bracket according to claim 1, wherein a
`distance between said closed end ofsaid first slot and inner
`closed end of said secondslotis less than a distance between
`said clamp screws.
`6. A mounting bracket for securing an object to a bar
`member, said mounting bracket comprising:
`a first clamp part adapted to carry said object,
`a second clamppart,
`each ofsaid first and second clamp parts being adapted to
`partly embrace said bar member, and both said clamp
`parts together being clampable about said bar member
`by first and second clamp screws engageable with said
`first and second clamp parts at sides of said bar
`each of said clamp parts having a substantially U-shaped
`cross section including a web portion and two leg
`portions extending therefrom and having parallel
`edges, each of said edges having recessed edge portions
`adapted to contact and partly embrace said bar member,
`said first clamp part having apertures for said clamp
`screws located at a defined distance from each other
`and being shaped to engage said clamp screws when
`extending therethrough,
`said leg portionsofsaid first and second clampparts being
`provided with holes locatable in an aligned relationship
`for receiving therethrough a memberdefining a com-
`mon axis of said first and second clamp parts for
`relative pivotal rotation therebetween,
`said web portion of said first clamp part being wider than
`said web portion of said second clamp part, whereby
`said leg portions of said first clamp part are capable of
`straddling said leg portions of said second clamppart.
`7. The mounting bracket according to claim 6, wherein a
`distance between said closed end ofsaid first slot and inner
`closed end of said second slot is substantially equal to said
`defined distance.
`8. The mounting bracket according to claim 6, wherein at
`least one of said clamp screwsis fixedly securedto said first
`9. The mounting bracket according to claim 6, wherein
`said clamp screws are permanently secured to said first
`10. The mounting bracket according to claim 6, wherein
`one of said leg portions of said first clamp part is provided
`with means for attaching said object.
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 10 of 11
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 10 of 11


`US 6,283,425 B1
`11. The mounting bracket according to claim 6, wherein
`a distance betweensaid closed end of said first slot and inner
`closed end of said secondslot is less than a distance between
`said clamp screws.
`12. The mounting bracket according to claim 6, wherein
`each of said first and second clamp parts is provided with
`respective means for connecting thereto opposite ends of an
`elongate arm memberrestricting said relative rotation.
`13. The mounting bracket according to claim 6, wherein
`one of said first and second clamp parts is provided with a
`scale indicating an angle of relative rotation around said
`common axis.
`14. The mounting bracket according to claim 13, wherein
`an edge of the other of said first and second clamp parts
`constitutes a pointer for said scale.
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 11 of 11
`Petitioner Ensign
`Exhibit 1051 - Page 11 of 11

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