DEMO I mobile
`Conference Program
`September 6-8, 2000
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Schedule of Events '
`Samsung v. DoDots - IPR2023-00701
`Page 3 of 48
`DoDots Exhibit 2040
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`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`12:00pm - 7:30pm
`Registration & Information Desk Open
`The Rib Carbon Ballroom 'over
`- 3:00pm
`3:30pm - 5:00pm
`6:00pm - 8:00pm
`6:00pm - 8:00pm
`- 12:00cm
`Pre-Conference Workshop
`Winning Reviews: What Do Leading Product Reviewers Really Look For?
`1 1 Ballroom
`Reviews can make or break a product — and potentially a company.
`But just what are the criteria used to evaluate your mobile computing
`products, applications, and services? DEMOmobile has assembled an
`all-star panel of reviewers who will share the secrets from inside the
`evaluation lab.
`Jim Forbes, Producer, DEMOmobile
`Jonathan Blackwood, Senior Editor,
`Bill Howard, Senior Executive Editor, PC Magazine
`Jim Louderback, VP Editorial Director, ZDTV
`Steve Wildstrom, Personal Technology Correspondent, Business Week
`Kevin Railsback, Technical Director, InfoWorld
`Pre-Conference Workshop
`Funding Wireless Ventures: Due Diligence and Emerging Opportunities
`:ire Georgian Ballroom
`In near lock step, venture investors have turned their focus to new
`opportunities in the emerging wireless Internet and mobile commerce
`market place. What are venture capital insiders looking for in mobile
`technologies? We've and wireless assembled a
`panel of
`investors who collectively control more than $3 billion in capital. This
`panel is due diligence for every entrepreneur and seasoned tech
`executive looking to play in wireless mobility.
`Chris Shipley, Executive Producer, DEMO Conferences
`Deepak Natara'an, Managing Director, Redwood Venture Partners
`John Gardner, Partner; Nokia Ventures
`Jonathan Roberts, Managing Partner, Ignition Corporation
`Janice Roberts, General Partner, Mayfield Fund
`Welcome Reception
`Hosted by Mayfield Fund and Qpass
`Iron Ballroom Foyer
`This is your chance to meet our Platinum supporters, Mayfield and
`Opass, as welt as the other DEMOmobile sponsors at this kick-off
`Platinum Sponsor Suites Open
`Mayfield Fund — The Pavilion
`Opass — Tl,e Plaza
`Late Night at DEMOmobile — Featuring Entertainment by Lek40ead
`Hosted by Lemout & Hauspie
`n,e Lobby Loon ye
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`DEMO I mobile
`7:00nm - 7:00pm
`Registration & Information Desk Open
`11 00cm - 12:00pm
`Late Morning General Session
`- 8:30am
`Continental Breakfast
`Hosted by Merrill Lynch
`- 10:30am
`Early Morning General Session
`The H,I -Capon Ballroom
`• Welcome to DEMOmobile 2000
`Chris Shipley, Executive Producer, DEMO Conferences
`The State of Mobile Computing
`Jim Forbes, Producer, DEMOmobiie
`Trend Spotting — Emerging platforms and marketplaces
`exemplified through product demonstrations.
`Demonstrations by:
`Messaging Gets Personal — MessageMochines
`Building Blocks of Enterprise Hardware — OracleMobile
`Buying In on Mobile Commerce — EncrypTix
`Voice Enabling Mobile Computing — Lemout & Hauspie
`Bluetooth Comes of Age — IBM
`A Peek at Cool Hardware — Scout Electromedia
`Consumer Appeal — LightSurf Technologies
`ROADMAP: The Platform for Mobile Computing
`Frank Spindler, VP Marketing, Intel
`Look Ma, No Wires!
`Introduction of the DEMOmobile wireless network supplied and
`supported by Wayport.
`10:30am - 11:00am
`Hosted by Nokia
`The Future of Portable Computing Panel
`Over the next two years the definition and nature of portable
`computing will fundamentally change. This panel will provide
`you with the information you need to be prepared for and to
`take advantage of those changes.
`Jim Forbes, Producer, DEMOmobile
`Randy Giusto, VP Mobile & Desktop Research, IDC
`Mark Bregman, GM, Pervasive Computing, IBM
`Jay Highley, VP Business Marketing, Sprint PCS
`Dave Wharton, President & CEO, Good Technology
`Joe Sipher, VP, Product Marketing, Handspring
`120Opm - 3:00pm
`Demo Pavilion Open
`12:00pm - 3:00pm
`Platinum Sponsor Suites Open
`Mayfield Fund —
`Qpass —
`1200pm - 2:00pm
`Hosted by Sprint PCS
`- 5:00pm
`Late Afternoon General Session
`Creating a Meaningful User Experience with Wireless
`Devices Panel
`New and existing enterprises are charging into wireless message
`because "they can." But should they? What constitutes a mean-
`ingful and appropriate use of mobile platforms as a device to
`communicate with customers? Who's getting it right and who's
`missing the mark?
`Chris Shipley, Executive Producer, DEMO Conferences
`Mike Mills, Chief User Interface Designer, AlterEgo Networks
`Jakob Nielsen, Ph. D, Usability Guru, Nielsen Noonan Group
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`D E M O I mobile
`• Messaging Gets
`approaches There are as many to message management as
`there are people managing messages. And so it would be fool-
`ish of us to promote one messaging platform or technique as
`"the best." Instead, we've culled through the companies jump-
`ing into this space to present an array of the best approaches to
`mobile message management.
`Demonstrations by:
`Technology Demonstration — Demonstration by SRI
`The number of companies and venues that use wireless net-
`works to interconnect employees and guests is growing, but
`their range is still limited. SRI has an intriguing solution, com-
`bining a number of SRI developed technologies to enable higghly
`reliable, dynamically configured, wireless, mobile networks. As
`you will see in this technology demonstration, fbdcetHop's'"
`QoS-based framework results in seamless, robust access over
`discontinuous wireless networks while maintaining a Low net-
`work and client footprint for rapid, low-cost, deployment.
`- 7:00pm
`Demo Pavilion Open
`5:00pm - 7:00pm
`Hosted by OmniSky
`5:00pm - 7:00pm
`Platinum Sponsor Suites Open
`Mayfield Fund
`9pass —
`7:30pm - 9:30pm
`Hosted by Wayport
`n......, µ;;order,
`- 2:00pm
`Registration & Information Desk Open
`7:00cm - 8:30am
`Continental Breakfast
`Hosted by Mobileum
`8 3ocr*,
`- 10:30am
`Early Morning General Session
`Blocks of
` hfiasstructure and applications
` os fftwa
`that eh lps enterprise
`dients get ready for next generation wireless and other mobile
`technologies will be fundamental to the success of most large
`and many mid-sized businesses. What's clear in this emerging
`field is that savvy start-ups and established players alike are
`working in coordination with users to develop products that
`meet specific needs.
`Part 1 — Enabling the Wireless Enterprise
`One-size-fits-all software may not work in the wireless world.
`What will make this one of the most thollengina markets ever
`to emerge is that different organizations and different groups of
`customers hove different needs. This group of companies offers
`a combination of features that address global issues such as syn-
`chronization, group as well as peer-to-peer messaging.
`Demonstrations by:
`Part 2 - Making Content Mobile
`One of the keys to success will be delivering and locating all
`kinds of relevant content. These companies show how we think
`it will be done in the emerging wireless world.
`Demonstrations by:
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`D E M O I mobile
`SEPTEMBER 8, 2000
`Part 3 — Voice-Enhanced Mobility
`ht's hard not to notice that start-ups working in voice recognition
`and text to speech ore catching the attention of big name
`venture capitalists, large carriers and companies who serve
`diverse groups of users. This couplet shows that voice can not
`only be used as a precise interface, but that it can also be used
`effectively as a key part of multi-technology interfaces.
`Demonstrations by:
`IBM Voice Systems
`Personal Wireless
`It's a big mistake to forget that corporations are interested in
`and buying Windows CE devices. In fact, both Compaq and
`Hewlett Packard are not only continuing to innovate, but are
`also capturing sales from enterprise customers. And if you think
`Microsoft's commitment to personal devices is limited to tradi-
`tional CE products, check out the new device in this segment
`1030am - 12:00pm
`Demonstrations by
`Hosted by NetMorf
`The c....Iyard
`1030om - 2:00pm
`Demo Pavilion Open
`Platinum Sponsor Suites Open
`Mayfield Fund — n
`Qpass — 77' Pazo
`12:00pm - 2:00pm
`Hosted by IBM ThinkPad
`2:00pm - 4:00pm
`General Session Refreshments
`Hosted by NeiMorf
`Afternoon General Session
`GenY: The Next Big Market Panel
`Today's 20-Somethings represent a savvy market -- the first Full
`generation to grow up plugged in and turned on to information
`and the Internet. This group of demanding consumers sets a
`new bar for any company that is building wireless mobility into
`their information products.
`Chris Shipley, Executive Producer, DEMO Conferences
`Patrick Boyle, CEO & Co-founder, MobileEngines
`Gordon Gould, CEO & Founder, Upoc
`Fronk Zammotaro, Vice President, Merrill lynch
`The Consumer Market for Mobile Computing
`The lines between professional and personal use of technolo
`blur as the users of those technologies go mobile. The transfor-
`mation of professional computing technology into personal
`consumer products opens new avenues for consumer mobile
`Demonstrations by:
`Dream House Software
`Xircom, Inc.
`Good Technology
`• M-Commerce: The Next Big Thing
`Mobile commerce will effect how and where consumers buy all
`types of goods. We believe this category will be one of the
`elements that success, or failure, of wireless adoption will be
`judged by. This group offers a range of technologies that we
`think will be important in the m-commerce space.
`Demonstrations by:
`The Future's So Bright .. .
`Where is mobile computing headed? We dose DEMOmobile
`2000 with some speculation on the future of mobile technolo-
`gies from the perspectives of the analysts and investors who
`hove taken a peek over the horizon.
`Chris Shipley, Executive Producer, DEMO Conferences
`Jim Forbes, Producer, DEMOmobile
`Conor Kehoe, Partner, McKinsey & Company
`Martin Reynolds, VP & Research Fellow, Gartner/Dataquest
`• Conference Wrap Up/Closing
`Jim Forbes, Producer, DEMOmobile
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`DEMO I mobile
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`U DEMO I mobile
`DEMOmobile SPE
`Jakob Nielsen, Ph.D
`Usability Guru, Nielsen Norman Group
`Geoff Pitfield
`CEO, Scout Eiectromedia, Inc.
`Kevin Railsback
`Technical Director, InfoWorld
`Martin Reynolds
`VP & Research Fellow, Gartner/Dataquest
`Janice Roberts
`General Partner, Mayfield Fund
`Jonathan D. Roberts
`Managing Director, Ignition Corporation
`Chris Shipley
`Executive Producer, DEMO Conferences
`Joe Sipher
`VP, Product Marketing, Handspring, Inc.
`Frank E. Spindler
`VP, Marketing, Intel Corporation
`David Wharton
`President, CEO & Founder, Good Technology, Inc.
`Stephen Wildstrom
`Personal Technology Correspondent, Business Week
`Frank Zammataro
`VP, Merrill Lynch
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`I mobile
`~ The Veen
`e Terrace
`26 25
`19 18
`12 11
`~5 ~4
`iL J32
`34 31
`27 24
`20 17
`13 1
` 13
`35 30
`28 23
`21 16
`14 L9
`36 29
`The Courtyard
`Station No.
`Company Name
`Product Name
`Instant Wireless Visual Communications
`LightSurf Technologies
`Contextual Commerce
`Dream House Software
`AnyWhereMobile Internet Service
`ecrio Messenger
`ecrio, Inc.
`Mobile Dots
`DoDots, Inc.
`Lotus Development Corporation Mobile Notes
`Lemaut & Hauspie
`NetMorf, Inc.
`Cools, Inc.
`Google, Inc
`Number Search
`Extensity, Inc.
`Extensity Mobile Connect
`Good Technology, Inc
`SoundsGood" AudioPlayer
`MessageMachines, Inc
`Personal Messaging Assistant
`ThinkPad and WorkPad Wireless
`Neomar Content Management Server
`O ade Mobile Wreless Enterprise Applcations
`wireless marketing network
`Scout Electromedia, Inc.
`Neomar, Inc.

`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`DEMO I mobile
`Station No.
`Company Name
`Hewlett-Packard Company
`Microsoft Comer oration
`IBM Voice Systems
`Xircom, Inc
`BeVocal, Inc
`EncrypTix, Inc
`eVoice, Inc.
`VaFone, Inc
`Synchro pg c
`Vindigo, Inc_
`Vsto Corporation
`Onset Technology, Inc.
`, Inc _ _
`Inviso, Inc
`_ _
`_ _
`Product Name
`HP Jomada 720 Handheld PC
`Windows powered Pocket PC
`Embedded ViaVoice Distributed Voice
`In / WAP Out
`Rex 6000
`Business Finder
`eVoice All Access
`Code Name "Polaris"
`MerchantWired_ _
`eShades and eCose
`t The Viennese Terrace
`33 32
`6 25
`19 18
`12 11
`34 31
`7 24
`20 17
`13 10
`35 30
`8 23
`21 16
`14 a9
`36 29
`The coartyard
`BeVocal, Inc
`Coola, Inc.
`DoDots, Inc.
`Dream House Software
`ecrio, Inc.
`EncrypTix, Inc.
`eVoice, Inc.
`Extensity, Inc.
`Good Technology, Inc.
`Google, Inc.
`Hewlett-Packard Company
`IBM Voice Systems
`Inviso, Inc.
`Lemout & Houspie
`LightSurf Technologies
`Business Finder
`Mobile Dots
`AnyWhereMobile Internet Service
`ecrio Messenger
`eVoice Alt Access
`Extensity Mobile Connect
`SoundsGood'" AudioPlayer
`Number Search
`HF Jomada 720 Handheld PC
`ThinkP id and WorkFod Wireless Solutions
`Embedded VaVoice Distributed Voice
`In / WAP Out
`eShades and eCose
`Instant Wireless Visual Communication s
`Contextual Commerce
` 4
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`D E M O I mobile
`Company Name
`Product Name
`Station No.
`Lotus Development Corporation
`MessageMachines, Inc
`Microsoft Corporation
`Neomar, Inc.
`NetMorf, Inc
`Onset Technology, Inc.
`, Inc.
`Scout Electromedia, Inc.
`ViaFone, Inc
`Vindigo, Inc
`Vista Corporation
`Xircom, Inc.
`Mobile Notes
`Personal Messa ing Assistant
`Windows powered Pocket PC
`Neomar Content Management Server
`17 _
`Omde Mobile Wreless Enterprise Applications 18
`wireless marketing network
`Code Name "Polaris"
`Rex 6000
`• AudloBasket
`2325 Third Street, Suite 331
`Son Francisco, CA 94107
`Funding: T-Ventures, Panasonic
`Platform: Any standard audio device
`Price: TBD
`Ship Dote: TBD
`Corporate Officers:
`Kim Fisher, CEO
`Brian Fisher, CTO
`Andrew Edelson, Founder & VP Marketing
`Product Name: AudioBasket
`Product Description:
`AudioBasket provides partnering Web sites with frequently updated, customized audio
`news and information from trusted sources like The Wall Street Journal,,
`the Financial Times, and Bloomberg Radio. Partner sites can take their brand offline when
`users download AudioBasket for playback on the desktop or a standard digital audio
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`AudioBasket has put together an outstanding combination of content delivery technology,
`relationships with key content suppliers and wireless device makers, a sharp business
`model, and savvy management team - all positioning AudioBasket for future success.
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`D E M 0 1 mobile
`• BeVocal, Inc.
`982 Walsh Avenue
`Santa Clara, CA 95050
`Funding: $45 million second round from Mayfield Fund, U.S. Venture Partners, Technology
`Crossover Ventures, and TransCosmos USA.
`Platform: VocalBoost', a patent-pending voice portal service architecture, incorporates
`BeVocal's library of over 100 SpeechObjects, VoiceXML, and fully tested, commercially
`deployed APIs — as well as tools from Nuance, NMS, and L&H — into a high-density plat-
`form configuration.
`Price: Free
`Ship Date: September 7, 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Mikoel Berner, Co-founder & CEO
`Amol Joshi, Co-founder & VP Marketing
`Kevin Stone, Co-founder & VP, Operations
`Steve Tran, Co-founder & CFO
`Product Name: Business Finder
`Product Description:
`BeVocal Business Finder enables consumers to find nearby businesses and services
`across the United States by either saying a brand name or business category. In addition,
`callers can obtain store hours, driving directions, or dial through to the business. Examples
`of categories include: ATMs, gas stations, restaurants, hotels, and retailers.
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`BeVocal's Business Finder is an important example of how voice can drive commerce when
`it's used with wireless devices such as cell phones. We selected this product because it
`works nationally as well as locally, and because it allows users to easily specify products by
`brand names or other criteria.
`a • Coola, Inc.
`800 West Cummings Park, Suite 3800
`Woburn, MA 01801
`Funding: Private
`Platform: Windows, PaImOS
`Price: Tiered
`Ship Date: September 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Sudha Jamthe, President
`Shirish Jamthe, Treasurer
`Product Name: Coola
`Product Description:
`Coolo is a service enabling the convergence of Web and wireless. Its wireless infrastructure
`helps Web businesses extend their brand to the mobile space. Users of wireless Palm hand-
`held devices can communicate and share Web-based and other information with other
`Palm users, regardless of whether they are wireless.
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`Cools has taken a simple and elegant approach to wireless information access by enabling
`users to sync discrete Web-based information, such as calendar items and contact data, into
`the appropriate application on Palm and other wireless devices. You can experience Cools
`on the site to sync DEMOmobile-related information to your wireless device.
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`DEMO mobile
`33• COVIGO, Inc.
`310 Harbor Boulevard
`Belmont, C4 94002
`Funding: $12 million from Norwest Venture Partners, Nokia Venture Partners, and lead-
`ing Angel Investors.
`Platform: Wireless ASP runs SUN/Solaris
`Price: TBD
`Ship Date: Q4 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Dev Khare, CEO
`Krishna Vedati, CTO
`Srinivas Mandyam, VP Engineering
`Product Name: mService—
`Product Description:
`Covigo assembles, hosts, and manages wireless solutions for e-businesses, enabling seam-
`less usage of an e-business services over mobile devices such as smartphones and PDAs.
`mService, the company's complete m-commerce solution, offers e-businesses a unique set
`of technologies and expertise to go mobile in a compelling manner and includes the pro-
`vision of personal information, messaging, content, and commerce services over mobile
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`Covigo's mService mobile transaction platform is well-suited to a range of Internet com-
`munities and Web sites being designed to support features such as messaging as well as
`6• DoDots, Inc.
`830 Stewart Drive
`Sunnyvale, CA 94085
`www. DoDots, corn
`Funding: SOFTBANK Venture Capital
`Price: TBD
`Ship Date: 2001
`Corporate Officers:
`George A. Kembel, CEO & Founder
`John A. Kembel, CTO & Founder
`Tony Medrano, President & Founder
`Scott Sorochak, VP Sales & Business Development
`Ralph Rogers, VP Marketing
`Jim Mackraz, VP Engineering
`Product Name: Mobile Dots
`Product Description:
`In February 2000, DoDots, a digital infrastructure company, introduced a better way for
`companies to brand, package, and distribute Internet content and applications directly to
`their customers' desktops. Today, DoDots is demonstrating how its extensible architecture
`delivers Dots to other lntemet-enabled devices, giving companies a powerful way to extend
`their business beyond the desktop.
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`DoDots extensible software architecture is a rare find in today's world. It increases the
`power and capabilities of handheld computers and other small form factor Internet devices.
`And what makes DoDots more remarkable is that it uses a tool to extend Web presence to
`new emerging form factors.
`y N
`— Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`DEMO I mobile
`4• Dream House Software
`21C Orinda Way #376
`Orinda, CA 94563
`Funding: Angel
`Platform: Win 95/98/NT/2000; All Web browsers, including Palm and Wap Phones, Win
`CE, etc.
`Price: approximately $10 per month
`Ship Date: October 1, 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Alan Finke, President
`Eric Buchbinder, CEO
`Product Name: AnyWhereMobile Internet Service
`Product Description:
`AnyWhereMobile is an innovative lntemet-based service that gives users access to the files
`on their PC from any Web-enabled device, such as a standard browser, Internet kiosk, Palm
`VII, Palm PC, WAP phone, or a standard telephone using voice command and recognition.
`The interface is optimized for the client device so the user always has the best possible
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`We particularly liked this company's diverse approach to wireless and the capabilities of its
`software platform. Dream House's AnyWhereMobile wireless technology lets you manage
`all types of data as well as control remote systems from a wireless-capable Palm hand-
`held, or a WAP phone.
`5 • ecrio, Inc.
`10121 MillerAvenue, Suite
`Cupertino, CA 95014
`Funding: Private
`Price: TBD
`Ship Date: November 1, 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Nagesh Challa, President & CEO
`Rao Gobburu, VP Development
`Mike Gannage, VP Business Development
`Rich Siegel, VP, Sales
`Product Name: ecrio Messenger
`Product Description:
`Ecrio's rich Instant Messaging platform enables users to write messages in any
`language with a free mix of handwriting and drawings for instant delivery. Their
`client-server architecture is designed for use with any wireless appliance,
`including a Palm, Pocket PC, Symbian, or WAP-enabled phone.
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`Wireless messaging is more than text and voice. The ability to support graphics, MP3 and
`other rich data types is critical to the success of next generation products. Ecrio's Instant
`Messaging technology does this well and will affect the features included in future wireless
`client devices and servers.
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`D E M O I mobile
`• EncrypTix, Inc.
`101 N. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 150
`El Segundo, CA 90245
`Funding: $35.8 Million first round
`Price: TBD
`Ship Date: Launch late Fall 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Jim Rowan, President & CEO
`Tim Von Kaenel, Senior VP, Product Management
`Mike Zeile, Senior VP Business Development
`James Dzierzanowski, VP Advanced Technologies
`Patti Gibbon, VP Legal
`Michael Mushet, VP Engineering
`Product Name: EncrypTix
`Product Description:
`EncrypTix provides highly secure delivery, storage, and verification of value bearing instru-
`ments over the Internet and wireless networks. Utilizing the highest level of security avail-
`able for commercial transactions, EncrypTix delivers value items such as tickets, vouchers,
`boarding posses, checks, and gift certificates to any device including printers, smart cards,
`PDAs, and lntemet-enabled wireless access phones.
`Chris and Jim's Th oughts:
`EncrypTix's secure m-commerce architecture was selected to be part of this event because
`of its reliability, non-intrusive design, and its ease-of-use for individuals and corporate enti-
`ties who want to deliver high-value information to wireless devices.
`• eVolce, Inc.
`1394 Willow Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Funding: over $50 million from idealob!, Nokia Venture Partners, Worldview Technology
`Partners and Oak Investment Partners.
`Price: TBD
`Ship Date: November 1, 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Bruce Crair, President & COO
`Wendell Brown, Chief Ideas Officer
`Product Name: eVoice All Access
`Product Description:
`eVoice, the leading provider of enhanced voice services, introduces eVoice All
`Access technology All Access allows users to combine home, small business and
`cellular phone voicemail into the some mailbox and then proactively notify the
`subscriber's cellular phone.
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`eVoice's All Access messaging technologies melds wired personal and business phones with
`wireless devices, allowing users to access and manage messages from a single mailbox.
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only
`L 3


`DEMO I mobile
`2• Extensity, Inc.
`2200 Powell Street, Suite 300
`Emeryville, CA 94608
`Funding: Public (NASDAQ: EXTN)
`Platform: Wireless lnternet, XML, and Java
`Price: TBD
`Ship Date: Fall 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Bob Spinner, President & CEO
`Sharam Sasson, Chairman of the Board & Founder
`Kenneth R. Hahn, CFO
`Elizabeth A. Ireland, VP, Marketing
`Brian Mort, VP & GM, European Operations
`Allen Nordgren, VP Professional Services
`Mark Oney, VP Engineering
`Eric C. Ruud, VP Sales
`Don Smith, VP & GM, Hosted Operations
`David A. Yamold, VP, Business Development
`Product Name: Extensity Mobile Connect
`Product Description:
`Extensity Mobile Connect provides end-to-end travel and expense management and
`billable time capture to employees who ore on the road or away from their desks (and
`Internet connection). Approving managers can view the details and approve travel plans
`and timesheets in a timely fashion using the wireless Internet in your pocket.
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`Just because an executive is out of the office doesn't mean their management responsibil-
`ities stop. Business managers simply cant be out of touch when they are mobile. Extensity
`Mobile Connect helps mobile professionals manage and participate in time-sensitive tasks
`via a wireless solution.
`• Good Technology, Inc.
`1800 Bridge Parkway, First Floor
`Redwood City, CA 94065
`Funding: Kteiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers, Benchmark Capital
`Platform: Springboard module for Handspring's Visor
`Price: $249
`Ship Date: Early October 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Dave Wharton, CEO
`Jeff Mock, (TO
`Joel ]ewitt, VP Business Development
`Product Name: SoundsGood'' AudioPlayer
`Product Description:
`The first Springboard' module from Good Technology turns your Visor into a fully-fledged
`64-MB digital music player. The compact SoundsGood AudioPlayer was designed to fit per-
`fectly with your Visor's expansion slot, virtually disappearing and making it easy to fit music
`into your day. Along with the GoodDesktop— software, the SoundsGood AudioPlayer deliv-
`ers everything you need to download and play about an hour of CD-quality digital music
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`Good Technology is pioneering a new business model that will drive the success of third
`party device makers-particularly Handspring. The company is using a publishing-like model
`to reduce the time it takes to develop and bring to market peripherals for handheld devices.
`Confidential — Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only


`D E M O I mobile
`• Google, Inc.
`2400 Bayshore Parkway
`Mountain View, CA 94043
`Funding: $25 million from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers and Sequoia Capital
`Platform: WAP
`Price: Free
`Ship Date: Q4 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Larry Page, CEO & Co-founder
`Sergey Brim, President & Co-founder
`Omid Kordestani, VP Business Development & Sales
`Product Name: Number Search
`Product Description:
`Data entry on today's wireless Web-enabled mobile phones can sometimes be
`cumbersome and prone to error when inputting text. Google's Number Search technology
`dramatically simplifies this process, enabling users to press each key only once, regardless
`of which letter is intended. The number string is sent to Google and analyzed, then used
`to quickly return the desired search results.
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`Entering text data using the numeric keypad of a cellular phone is difficult and time con-
`suming. Google's Number Search technology simplifies the process and will be a boon to
`mobile users. The new algorithm interprets the numbers entered on the keypad into text
`search terms and returns surprisingly accurate results.
`20• Hewlett-Packard Company
`19320 Ridgeview Court
`MS 49-B30
`Palo Alto, California 95014
`Funding: Public (NASDAQ: HWP)
`Platform: Handheld PC
`Price: $999
`Ship Date: September 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Carty Fiorina, CEO
`Product Name: HP Jomada 720 Handheld PC
`Product Description:
`The HP Jomada 720 Handheld PC keeps you in touch and up-to-date with minimum effort.
`Whether you're managing personal information, taking notes, keeping current via e-mail,
`or browsing the Web, the HP Jomada 720 has the power, flexibility, and speed to keep you
`productive when you're on the move.
`Chris and Jim's Thoughts:
`While some companies have stumbled into the handheld market, HP continues to innovate
`— and it's because of that continued tradition of innovation that we invited the HP Jomada
`720 Handheld PC to debut at DEMOmobile 2000.
`' Eyes Only


`DEMO I mobile
`15• IBM
`New Orchard Road
`Armonk, NY 10504
`Funding: Public (NYSE: IBM)
`Platform: ThinkPad
`Price: $1,500 to $4,000
`Ship Date: October 2000
`Corporate Officers:
`Lou Gerstner, CEO
`Product Name: ThinkPad and WorkPad Wireless Solutions
`Product Description:
`IBM is exhibiting its wireless LAN solutions—induding PC Cord adapters and selected
`ThinkPod notebooks with integrated wireless capability—along with its Bluetooth Personal
`Connectivity technology. They are also demonstrating the coexistence of both technolog

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