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`U.S. Patent 8,886,772
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`Page 1 of 214
`Page 1 of 214
`Optical Fiber Telecommunications V B
`Page 2 of 214
`Page 2 of 214
`Optical Fiber Telecommunications V B
`Systems and Networks
`Edited by
`Ivan P. Kaminow
`Tingye Li
`Alan E. Willner
` Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier
`Page 3 of 214
`Page 3 of 214
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`ISBN: 978-0-12-374172-1
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`Page 4 of 214
`Page 4 of 214
`Chapter 1 Overview of OFT V volumes A & B
`Ivan P. Kaminow, Tingye Li, and Alan E. Willner
`Chapter 2 Advanced optical modulation formats
`Peter J. Winzer and René-Jean Essiambre
`Chapter 3 Coherent optical communication systems
`Kazuro Kikuchi
`Chapter 4 Self-coherentoptical transport systems
`Xiang Liu, Sethumadhavan Chandrasekhar, and
`Andreas Leven
`Chapter 5 High-bit-rate ETDM transmission systems
`Karsten Schuh and Eugen Lach
`Chapter 6 Ultra-high-speed OTDM transmission technology
`Hans-Georg Weber and Reinhold Ludwig
`Chapter 7 Optical performance monitoring
`Alan E. Willner, Zhongqi Pan, and Changyuan Yu
`Chapter 8 ROADMsandtheir system applications
`Mark D. Feuer, Daniel C. Kilper, and Sheryl L. Woodward
`Chapter 9 Optical Ethernet: Protocols, management, and 1-100 G
`Cedric F. Lamand Winston1. Way
`Chapter 10 Fiber-based broadband access technology and
`Richard E. Wagner
`Page 5 of 214
`Page 5 of 214
`Chapter 11
`Chapter 12
`Chapter 13
`Chapter 14
`Global landscape in broadband:Politics, economics,
`and applications
`Richard Mack
`ks: Services and technologies
`Metro networ
`rstel, and Michael Y. Frankel
`Loukas Paraschis, Ori Ge
`Commercial optical networks, overlay networks,
`and services
`Robert Doverspike and Peter Magill
`Technologies for global telecommunications using
`undersea cables
`Sébastien Bigo
`Chapter 15
`Future optical networks
`Michael O'Mahony
`Chapter 16
`Optical burst and packet switching
`S. J. Ben Yoo
`Chapter 17
`Optical and electronic technologies for packet
`Rodney S. Tucker
`Chapter 18
`Microwave-over-fiber systems
`Alwyn J. Seeds
`Chapter 19
`Optical interconnection networksin advanced
`computing systems
`Keren Bergman
`Chapter 20
`Simulation tools for devices, systems, and networks
`Robert Scarmozzino
`Index to Volumes VA and VB
`Page 6 of 214
`Page 6 of 214
`After years of harsh winter in the telecom industry, which started from the burst of
`the technology bubble in the beginningofthis century, telecom service providers
`ae again hard working with vendors to deploy the next-generation equipmentto
`prepare for the growing bandwidth demands, whichare propelled by a slew of new
`teadband applications such as internet protocol
`television (IPTV), network
`gaming, peer-to-peer networking, video/web conferencing,
`telecommuting, and
`voice over IP (VOIP).
`As the vehicle that interconnects billions of users and devices on the Internet,
`thas become the most successful networking technology in history, Even
`during the years of harsh winter, Ethernet development has never slowed down.
`The work of lOGBASE-T (IEEE 802.3an, 10-Gigabit Ethernet over twisted pair)
`“a started in November 2002. In the following year (November 2003), IEEE
`802.3 launched the project of lOGBASE-LRM (IEEE 802.3aq, 10-Gigabit Ether-
`«over 300 m of multimode fiber, MMF). The standard for Ethernet in the First
`a (EFM, IEEE 802.3ah) was finished in June 2004. Ethernet continues to
`ye rapidly as the human society marches further into the informationera.
`einally developed as an unmanaged technology for connecting desktops in
`le area networks (LANs)[1], nowadays Ethernet has also become a technology
`mreand backbone networks. The success of Ethernet
`is attributed to its
`Theat’ low cost, standard implementation, and interoperability guarantee [2].
`Pro, “tributes helped Ethernet and the data networking community it serves to
`[3), hence producing the economy ofscale.
`catFiberTelecommunications VB: SystemsandNetworks
`78-0-12-474195., eee
`optical Ethernet: Protocols,
`management, and 1-100G
`cedric F. Lam and WinstonI. Way
`gpVista, Milpitas, CA, USA
`Page 7 of 214
`e $0-calle
` b“
`the data link layer in the ‘one
`el. Ethernet frame (packet) forw
`there are
`In addition,
`bridging Standards,
`working on various Ethernetatte: “Onsortiums and standards organi
`factorpluggable(SFP).ene AKetinterfaceinvents,(GBIC),small5“
`agreement) consorij
`issues, For example, MSA (multls
`nat Specify (ransceivey iotane = -physi
`nent manufact
`» and
`page8of 214
`Page 8 of 214
`Cedric F. Lam and Winston |
`The Internet, which wasinitially devised for data Connectivity,
`IS Now in
`transformed intoa converged platform to deliver voice, ae . Vide
`© SETViggs/ :
`so-called triple-play) through the universal Ethernetinte ace, fh
`Conver ene ;
`made possible by several factors: (1) new mpeg compression tec Nologies Which
`tremendously reduced the bandwidth and storage required for both Standary ms
`high-definition broadcast quality videos to reasonable values, (2) Advances i,
`electronic memory, storage, and processing technologies, Whichallows thousand,
`of movies to be stored and switchedin practical size video Servers, (3) abundance
`ofbandwidth madeavailable by low-cost wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM)
`and high-speed Ethernet technologies, (4) improvements in the availability ang
`quality ofservice (QoS)offered by data networks, which made it Possible toSuppor
`always-on and delay-sensitive services
`e, with mpeg?
`Compression [4], a Gigabit Ethernet link is capable of Carrying 240 streams of
`of which requires 3.75 Mb/s bandwidth,
`Traditional data services
`offered on internet protocol (IP) and Ethemer net-
`works are best-effort services, Such no-frills approach helps the Internet ang
`Ethernet to penetrate with low initial cost at the beginning [5]. However,as the
`network grows and the information society becomes more and more network-
`dependent, best-effort
`ner to allow the existing broad
`deployment base to erow ssmoothly, In this chapter, we review some ofthe
`ology development.
`is developed within the IEER gp LAN/MANStandard Committee
`(LMSC) [6]. The LMSC jg fesponsible for developing
`standards for equipme"
`used in LANs and Metropolitan
`works in LMSC include Ethe
`ae ce.cc don itl
`area networks
`(802.6), resilient Packet ring (802.17) ana b , — Css AN (
`The IEEF go
`hernet: Protocols, Management, and 1-100G Technologies
`4 optical Et
` e
`802.1 Bridging
`5 ‘
`z ||||Medium
`a\|=5 -
`CSMA/CD Wireless
`area network
`ring (RPR)
`9.1 The IEEE 802 LMSC organization overview (this figure may be seen in color on the
`included CD-ROM).
`form factors and
`in Ethernet terminology) with common
`medium dependent
`sommon electrical interfaces, which can be used interchangeably with different
`m (MEF) [11], another industry consortium,
`systems. Metro Ethernet Forupes, operation, administration, and maintenance
`defining Ethernet service ty
`(0AM) functions, and service level agreements (SLAs).
`Within the international telecommunication union (ITU), Sotok been
`published on carrying Ethernet over time-division multiplexing (
`defined in ITU-T G.7041 [12].
`These include the generic framing procedure re 7043 [13], and link capacity
`d in ITU-T ©.
`concatenation (VCAT) define TUT G.7042 [14]. ITU-T G.8031 [15] is
`ment scheme (LCAS) defined
`! ‘witching. ITU-T Y¥.1731 [16] deals with
`ed in
`‘onemed with Ethernet protection
`0AM functions and mechanismsfor Bthernet-based see sectuoe (UND) for
`Optical Internet Forum (OIF) has defined User en a label switching
`eitling Ethernet connections in a generalized multiprotoco
`MPLS) enabled optical networks[17].
`plies that it is impossible
`overwhelming standard work around NT site to offer a direction to
`“Over everything in this chapter. Therefore, our ais a subject.
`“¢ interested readers to explore in-depth the rest o
`34 M
`ring Archit
`Modern Ethernet Laye
`Ethernet 45 defined in the
`1 oftei
`Y layer are
`8 jiowe the layering yehe
`MAC layerba oaa
`“tee ahe8].Iependentintertae(MID for ]
`an media-inde
`Page 9 of 214
`Page 9 of 214
`Cedric F. Lam and Winston | WWe
`P2P Ethemet layers
`P2MP Ethemet layers
`Ss es
`hh ee
`JH MEDI, ry at
`MAC: media access control
`MDI: medium dependentinterface
`MII: media independentinterface
`XGMII: 10Gigabit media-independentinterface
`PHY:physical layer device
`feconciliation sublayer
`MPMC:multipoint media 4CCESS control
`PCS: physical coding sublayer
`GMIl: Gigabit media-independent interface
`PMA:physical medium attachment
`PMD:physical medium dependent
`Figure 9.2 Modern Ethemet
`layering architecture (this figure may be seen in color on the included
`(Gigabit media-indepe
`ndentinterface) for Gigabit Ethernet and XGMIT (10G MI)
`for 10 Gb/s Ethernet.
`This idea of separating the MAC layer from the physical layer started from the
`very beginning of the Ethernet history to allow the reuse of the same MACdesign
`with different physical layer technologies and transmission media for Ethernet
`Within the PHY layer, the physical coding sublayer (PCS) generatesthe line coding
`suitable for the channel characteristics of the transmission medium. The physical
`medium attachment (PMA)layer performs transmission, reception, collision detec-
`tion, clock recovery,
`ctions within the physical layer. The
`and skew alignment fun
`physical medium dependent (PMD)layerdefines the optoelectronic characteristics
`of the actual physical transceiver. The term MDI (medium-dependentinterface)is
`simply a fancy wayto describe a connector. More detailed discussions of Etheme!
`layering functions can be found in Ref, [18].
`9.3.2 Physical Layer Development
`All the modern Ethernet systems are formed with full-duplex links, which ¢ not
`have the speed and distance limitationsj
`imposed by the original CSMA/CD ee
`sense multiple access with collision detection) Protocol [19]. Full-duplex ag
`adopt a star-shaped hub-and-spoke architecture with point-to-point (P2P) com”
`tions between the hosts and a hub bridge. The distances between the ee
`hosts are only limited by physical transmission impairments. As mentioned be!™
`Page 10 of 214
`L of214
`Page 11 of 214
`sail Ethernet: Protocols, Management, and 1-100G Technologies
`st embraces different physical layer technologies with a standardinterface
`prem the MAC layer and the physical layer. The MAClayer for P2P Ethernet
`peawet changed muchfor a considerable period oftime. Mostofthe developments
`whemet happenedin the physicallayerin the last 10 years.
`cigabit Ethernet Physical Layer
`yl00Mbps Ethernets are mostly deployed on copper medium (coaxial cable or
`elded twisted pair, 1.¢., UTP). Gigabit Ethernet was first standardized on
`fiber in 1998. Two designs wereratified in IEEE 802.3z to transmit Gigabit
`fihemnet signals;
`the LOOOBASE-SX uses short-wavelength lasers (850nm) on
`\MFs, and the lOOOBASE-LX uses long-wavelength laser (1310nm) on the
`gandard single-mode fiber. At that time, transmitting 1000 Mbpssignals on the
`videly deployed Category 5 UTP wasasignificant challenge for silicon-chip
`designers. It requires tremendoussignal processing to mitigate the channel impair-
`ments in copper wires such as ISI (intersymbol interference) introduced by limited
`channe! bandwidth and signal crosstalks betweenpairs of copper wires.' It was not
`wil a year later that the LOOOBASE-T standard (IEEE 802.3ab) wasfinished.
`Although Gigabit Ethernet is now mainly deployed with UTP interfaces, early
`Ggabit Ethemet was mostly deployed with opticalinterfaces, Fiber has the advantage
`. Lis
`dle signal impairments and wide bandwidth,It is suitable for backbone transmission
`which is the major application for early Gigabit Ethernet. To keep the cost of Gigabit a
`Ghemet low, the IEEE 802.3z committee very conservatively defined the transmission
`tistance limit of |OOOBASE-SX as 300m,andthat of \OOOBASE-LX as 5km.
`Both 1OOOBASE-SX and 1O00OBASE-LX share the 8B10B 1000BASE-X PCS
`coding (18, Clause 36], Besides the transmission media, the only difference
`1000BASE-SX and 1OOOBASE-LX lies in the PMD layer which defines
`transmitter and photodetector. The interface between the PMA and PMD
`'S simply a serial interface. This madeit easy to reuse all the designs between
`BASE-SX and 1000BASE-LX except the PMDtransceiver, which cannot
`le with each other.
`Sugh the IEEE 802.3z standard committee has made the PMD specification
`tg2Theconservative,it still represented a significant portion ofthe Gigabit Ethemet
`Cost of optical transceivers would explode in Gigabit Ethernet switches and
`ini i high port counts. Luckily, the well-thought layered design of Ethemet
`the ®ptical transceiver modules to be separated from the rest of system,
`ing Mee 802.3z standard did not specify an exposed interface betweenthe PMA
`ta dae” Nevertheless, transceiver manufactures formed MSA consortiums [20]
`fined Optical
`transceiver modules (i.c., PMDs) with a commonelectncal
`‘ang ASE-T Uses four pairs of unshielded Category 5 cables simultaneously for signal transmis
`ofet°plical transceivers dominated the cost ofGigabit
`COREOFeran: i
`Ethernet. It is also well-known thal
`Son is always difficult to compete with.
`——* Ax data (-)
`Rix data (+)
`Cedric F. Lam and Winston | WWay
`Tx data (-)
`Tx data (+)
`Figure 9.3 GBIC and SFP MSA modules: block diagram (top) and picture (bottom)(this figure may be
`seen in color on the included CD-ROM).
`interface and uniform mechanical dimensions. The most commonly seen Gigabit
`Ethernet MSA PMD modules are GBIC [7] and SFP [8] (Figure 9.3). SFP modules
`are much smaller in size and became the most popular Gigabit PMD. To improve
`system density, SFPs use the compact-form LC connector notspecified in the IEEE
`802.3 standard. Both GBIC and SFP modules are hot swappable so that a router!
`switch does not need to be populated with expensive optical modules when theyare
`manufactured. Instead, optical transceivers can be inserted when a port needsto be
`connected. In addition, one does not need to decide ahead of the time which type of
`optical PMDto be populated atthe timeof purchasing a piece of Ethernet equipment.
`As shownin Figure 9.3, the GBIC and SFP MSA modules contain no data-rale
`and protocol-specific processing blocks. Therefore, such modules can also be used
`for other applications such as Fiber Channel and Synchronous Optical NETwork/
`Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SONET/SDH). Therefore, the MSA concept not
`only created a pay-as-you-grow upgrade scenario, but also the economy of scale for
`optical transceivers which helps to reduce their costs through mass production. '
`Besides the basic necessary optical—electrical (OE) and electrical—optical (E
`conversion functions, MSA modules also offer a digital diagnostic I2C CetL
`bus) interface, which provides information such as PMD type, laser wareoe
`input, and outputoptical powerto the host system. This interface can be US
`optical link trouble shooting and performance monitoring.
`Another advantage offered by MSAis the ease to incorporate new ie 3
`PMDcapabilities when they are available. As mentioned before, the IEEE8 the
`commiltee selected an extremely conservative optical
`reach of skm for
`* Clock and data recovery is performed in the PMA layer.
` .
`Page 12 of 214
`» MPage12of 214
`yp a ee
`af ite
`pipes eo
`Page 13 of 214s
`Cedric F. Lam and Wins}
`The |OGBASE-W PHYcontains a WAN interface sublayer (WIS) (Figure 9.4)
`which encapsulates Ethernet MAC frames within a SONET/SDH compliant
`[18, Clause 50]. The WISlayeralso performsrate adaptation eal by stretchin
`the gaps between adjacent Ethernet frames so that the output
`data rate generated
`the WANinterface matches the SONET/SDH OC-192 data rate of 9.953Gp),4
`The 1OGBASE-W PHY was created because most of the 10 Gb/s transpon
`system existed in SONET/SDH forms at that time. Atthe time, 10Gb/s Etheme
`was envisioned as an aggregation technology for backbone applications. So it
`seemedlogical to create a WAN standard which was compatible with the existing
`deploymentbase of 10 Gb/s transport systems. Nevertheless, the data communica.
`tion world never liked the WAN standard and most of the 10 Gigabit Etheme:
`equipment deployed today uses the |OBASE-R standard.
`Parallel to |OGBASE-R and 1OGBASE-W, a 1|OGBASE-X standard was created,
`Similar to LOOOBASE-X, the 1OGBASE-X standard uses the 8B10B encoding
`scheme.Instead of transmitting on a single serial interface, the |OGBASE-X PHY
`transmits signals on a four-lane parallel
`interface, using four coarsely spaced
`wavelengths (4 x 2.5 Gbps) around the 1300 nm spectral region to form the so-called
`lOGBASE-LX4.It was thefirst time that the WDM technology was used in Ethemet
`standard. Even though the LX-4 interface has better dispersion tolerance and was
`easier to design than 10Gb/s serial interfaces from a transmission viewpoint,it
`requires four sets of lasers and photoreceivers, which increase the packagingsize,
`complexity, and cost. Within only a few years, 10 Gb/s serial PHYs have advanced
`so rapidly that they rendered the LX4 interface obsolete, Three types of 10Ghis
`serial optical PHY standards were initially created: 1OGBASE-S, 10GBASE-L, and
`lOGBASE-E, Which are summarized in Table 9.1. The 1OGBASE-Einterface uses
`Table 9,1
`Summary of 10GBASE optical Standards.
`PHY standard
`Wavelength (nm)
`Serial/paralle| Link distance|Medium
`=e —___*
`a =
`220 m
`50 wm/62.5 pn
`Single-mode fiber
`Single-mode fiber
`lOGBASE Ethernet has a Mac throughout OF 10GbyS
`Page 14 of 214
`f 214
`a a
`> ,
`optical Ethernet: Protocols, Management, and 1-100G Technologies
`widely deployedin the early 1990s for FDDI and Fast Ethernetapplications.
`A alize 10GBASE-LRM requires advanced electronic dispersion compensation
`° Dy techniquesin the receiver [21]. Chapter 18 (Volume A) by Yu, Shanbhag, and
`choma discusses electronic dispersion compensation (EDC)techniquesin detail.
`j0GBASE-T Interface The |OOOBASE-T UTPstandard wasratified a year
`r the standardization of LOOOBASE-X. It quickly became the dominating
`Gigabit Ethernet interface. UTP interfaces have proven to be popular for inter-
`connecting servers, switches, and routers because of the ease in their cable
`ination and handling. However,it was not until 4 years after the standardi-
`ntion of 1OGBASEoptical Ethernet that the |OGBASE-Tinterface standard had
`heen finished [22].
`The IJOGBASE-T interface uses an low-density parity check (LDPC) PCS. It
`employees a two-dimensional 16-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) encod-
`ing scheme on copper wire. The traditional ubiquitous Category 5 cables are no
`longer capable of supporting 1|OGBASE-T. 10GBASE-Tallowstransmission dis-
`tances of up to 55 m on Category 6 cables. To reach the 100 m distance achieved
`by 10/100/1000BASE-Tinterfaces, 1OGBASE-T requires a new Augmented Cate-
`gory 6 (or CAT-6A) cable, which has the frequency responses, crosstalk, and alien
`crsstalk® characteristics specified up to 500 MHz [23].
`Itcan be expected that for a considerable period time, optical PHYs will still
`dominate in IOGBASE Ethernets.
`10GBASE PHY and 10GBASE MACsare interconnected
`The XAUI Interface
`with the XGMII. The XGMII interface uses a 32-bit wide data bus with a limited
`‘stance support of 7em.
`To facilitate module interconnect, an XGXS (10 Gigabit extender) interface
`x defined to extend the reaches of XGII. The XGXSinterface reduces the 32-bit
`“SMIdata path into a 4-bit 8B10B encoded XAUI(10 Gigabit attachment unit
`ace) interface as shownin Figure 9.5 [18, Clause 47]. The XAUIinterface
`the exactly same coding schemeused in 1|OGBASE-LX4 standard. It also has
`Ger reach of 25 cm tofacilitate the connection between a PHY device and the
`. "ayer. Even though the 1OGBASE-LX4 PHYusing the same coding scheme
`Moule, been Popular, the XAUIinterface has been used in many 10 Gb/s MSA
`lmei MSA Modules
`10Gb/s MSA modules are divided into two major cate-
`The mos transceivers and MSA transponders, which are shown in Figure 9.6.
`i). difference is that transceivers interface with the host system using a
`Derface Whereas transponders using a parallel
`interface. Therefore an
`“alice MUX/DMUX (multiplexer/demultiplexer)
`(also called SERDES—
`~TSeserializer) is included in a transponder.
`Alien —
`‘alk refers to the crosstalk between neighboring UTP cables in o
`‘i Page 15of214
`Page 15 of 214
`see ee ters
`Cedrie F. Lam and Winston | W,Way
`LLC -logical link control
`Figure 9.5 The XAUI interface (this figure may be seen in color on the included CD-ROM).
`10 Gb/s
`Opt Out
`Figure 9.6 MSA transceiy
`included CD-ROM),
`“p) vs transponder (bottom) (this
`figure may be seen in col
`or on
`Figure 9.7 shows the diaor:
`modules. The XENPAK :Serams of three types of commonly seen 10Gb/s Me
`300-pin moduleis not. Bot
`Page 16 of 214
`yptical Ethernet: Protocols, Management, and 1-100 G Technologies
`a UF
`Figure 9.7 Commonly seen 10.Gb/s MSA modules. (this figure may be seen in color on the included
`16-bit wide OIF SFI-4 (SERDESframerinterface, Release 4) electrical interface
`for SONET/10G-WAN/10G-LAN signals [76].
`Transponders produce lower-speed parallel signals, which are easier to handle
`% electrical printed circuit boards (PCBs). In contrast, they also require bigger
`Packages and complicated processing circuits. Moreover, transponders are also
`often format and bit-rate dependent, which limit themto a single application.
`Despite the challenge in handling serial 10 Gb/s signals at the electrical interface,
`A Wansceiver modules are more compact and consume less power. Figure 9.8
`“Mpares the block diagrams and applications of 10 Gigabit Ethernet MSA trans-
`ae and transceivers. XENPAK and XFP are the most popular 10Gb/s MSA
`a and transceiver, respectively. Besides maintaining the signal integrity,
`dissipation is a challenge for 10 Gigabit MSA modules, which limits the
`Pactness of their sizes, XPAK and X2 are essentially more compact versions
`recent years to reduce
`s have been made in the
`an ule rscongas.A new MSA transceiver standard called SFP+
`factor compatible with SFP is being standardized at the time of writing
`"Provides even higher density and lower power than XFP transceivers.
`has 9.8 jjlustrates that all three 10 Gigabit Ethernet transponders (XNENPAK,
`‘nd X2) share the same design with embedded PCS and FMA sublayers
`] interface to the host system. This allows the host system to use any
`GB ~ PHYdevice irrespective of the PCSline coding Renee ae! eerie!
`itch SE-R. IOGBASE-W,or 10OGBASE-X PHY is required). For — :
`ity router manufactures, this has the advantage of allowing
`. ~~ si
`he ML
`to interface with any PHY devices. Nonetheless, as silicon
`“8 and the Ethernet community converges ‘ the LAN interface,
`Page 17 of 214
`Page 17 of 214
`Cedric F. Lam and Winstgy lwWay
`XENPAK(XPAK,X2) transponders
`wi XAU
`XFP/SFP+ transcelvers
`10G optics|Signal condition
` ASIC w/
`10G Serial |
`10G serial
`10G optics|Signal conditioner oa
`Figure 9.8 10 Gigabit Ethernet transponder(top) vs transceiver (bottom) (this figure may be seenin
`color on the included CD-ROM).
`flexibility advantage gives way to the high port-count density and integration
`benefit offered by transceiver modules. There is a growing industry trend lo
`converge to XFP- and SFP +-based systems. Furthermore, for operational and
`managementefficiencies, the industry prefers only a small handful number of
`1OGBASE PHYinterface types than having many different flavors.
`Like their Gigabit counterparts, 10 Gigabit MSA transceivers can be designed
`to operate at multiple data rates so that
`they can be used with other 10Gb/s
`transport systems such as SONET OC-192 and ITU-T OTU-2. Unlike GBIC and
`SFP transceivers, which normally only have a simple laser driver and postampl
`fier, to maintain high-speed signal quality and integrity, 10 Gb/s MSA transceivers
`are normally built with a signal conditioner which performs regeneration (0 clean
`up the distortions introduced by the electrical reshape, retime, and reamplify
`interface between the module and the host system. The signal conditioner 4"
`represent (3-R) clock data recovery (CDR) units in transmit and receive paths,
`even electronic dispersion compensators. To improve integration and
`reduce power consumptions, most of the SFP+ modules will not have built"
`CDRto achieve less than 1 W power consumption. A transport equipment manl
`facturer would usually prefer transceiver-based MSA modules because l) “ee
`can design transponders to work with different format signals and (2) they mi
`tia management and configuration complexity associated
`_ Nevertheless, 10Gb/stransponders still represent the state-of-the-att comm
`cial —hnology. New 10Gb/stransmission techniques with higher perform
`continue to emerge. Transponder manufacturers are taking the advantage?
`extra spaces available in 300-pin and XENPAK modules to embed
`™ >
`wiPage.18 of 214
`Page 18 of 214
`optical Ethernet: Protocols, Management, and 1-100G Technologies
`mission capabilities. For example, EDC [21], tunable laser [25], and duobin-
`106 modulated transmitters have been incorporated in commercial 300-pin
`nodules These improved capabilities simplify the job of transport system
`tink Diagnosisin 10Gb/s Ethernet Traditionally, for cost and simplicity,
`met does not include much diagnosis capabilities besides CRC frameintegrity
`deck and PHYlayer link-up/link-down verification. This was adequate when
`pihernet was mainly used in LAN environments. 10-Gigabit Ethernet was intended
`jor MAN applications, To improve network troubleshooting capabilities, for the
`frst ime, the IEEE 802.3 standard group introduced loopback and remotelink
`fit diagnosis functions into 10-Gigabit Ethernet designs. These capabilities are
`down in Figure 9.9.
`loopback functions at
`The 10-Gigabit Ethernet standard includes optional
`various PHY sublayers as indicated in Figure 9.9. These loopback functions can
`te implemented in MSA modules and invoked through the digital diagnosis
`imerfaces so that when a port is not functioning properly, the problem can be
`isolated and localized with various loopbacktests.
`Another capability introduced in 10-Gigabit Ethernet is the local fault (LF) and
`remote fault (RF) signals, which are conceptually similar to the loss of signal (LOS)
`a remote fault inductor (RDI) maintenancesignals on a SONETlink. Whenalink
`‘mur is detected, if the local receiver receives a corruptedsignal, it will generate the
`LFcode words (called LF ordered set, or LFOS) to the reconciliation sublayer (RS)
`lyer (18, Clause 46]. At the same time, the local RS layer inserts RF ordered set
`RFOS) to the transmitter which will be received by the link partner. The LF/RF
`se Tx
`Local fault
`orderad set
`Ny I
`Sey 7back modes (left) and link-fault
`‘" Color on the included CD-ROM).
`signaling (right) in 10 Gigabit Ethernet (this figure
`Page 19 of 214
`Cedric F. Lam and Winston | W,
`signals are represented using special 64B66B code words. Thusthey are termi
`in the physical layer and not passed up to the upperlayers.
`g, Optical Etlve
`upper layer 50
`played an impo
`frame starts wil
`days by burst-n
`Ethernet connec
`maintained by t
`the need ofthe |
`The preambl
`ning of a frame.
`if the frame is <
`value in the first
`reserved as the u
`a broadeast/mul
`incoming Port. ¢
`protocol implem
`protocol data un
`multicast packet:
`other words,if a
`block and the sw
`Ethernet fram
`of the payload |
`bytes, a length/ty
`is often used to
`information cont
`a four-octet cycli
`Figure 9.10 sl
`mation. Such sim
`and low-cost. Ho
`Service managem
`with minimal ov
`frames have been
`emets while ni
`Layer-2 functions include MAC and Ethernet frame switching, whichjs also Called
`bridging. Unlike traditional circuit switched networks, Ethernet
`is a Packer
`switched technology. Every Ethernet frame is labeled with a source address (SA)
`and a destination address