`JEDEC Standard Noe 21=-C
`Release 7
`January 1997
`Page 1


`EIA/JEDEC Standards and Publications contain material that has been prepared, progressively reviewed, and
`approved through the JEDEC Council level and subsequently reviewed and approved by the EIA General
`EWJEDEC Standards and Publications are designed to serve the public interest through eliminating
`misunderstandings between manufacturers and purchases, facilitating interchangeability and improvement
`of products, and assisting the purchaser is selecting and obtaining with minimum delay ~e proper product
`.for his particular need. Existence of such standards shall not in any respect 'Jreclude any member or
`nonmember of JEDEC from manufacturing or selling products not conforming to such standards, nor shall
`the existence of such standards preclude their voluntmy use by those other than EIA members, whether the
`standard is to be used either domestically or internationally.
`EWJEDEC Standards and Publications are adopted without regard to whether their adoption may involve
`patents or anicles, materials, or processes. By such action, EWJEDEC does not assume any liability to any
`patent owner, nor does it assume any obligation whatever to panies adopting the EWJEDEC Standards or
`The information included in EWJEDEC Standards and Publications represents a sound approach to product
`specification and application, principally from the solid state device manufacturer viewpoint. Within the
`JEDEC organization there are procedures whereby an EWJEDEC Standard or Publication may be funher
`;processed and ultimately becomes an EIA Standard.
`Inquiries. comments, and suggestions relative to the content of this EWJEDEC Standard should be addressed
`:10 the JEDEC Executive Secretary at EIA Headquaners, 2500 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA 22201.
`Published by
`Engineering Department
`2500 Wilson Boulevard
`Arlington, VA 2220 I
`"Copyright" does not apply to JEDEC member companies as they are free
`to duplicate this document in accordance with the latest revision of the
`JED EC Publication 21 "Manual of Organization and Procedure".
`PRICE: Please refer to the current
`or call Global Engineering Documents, USA and Canada (1-800-854-7179)
`International (303-397-7956)
`Printed in U.S.A.
`All rights reserved
`Page 2


`21-C Release 7 Insertion Instructions
`JESD 21-C, Release? Insertion Instructions
`Instructions for adding Release 7 to JEDEC Standard 21-C.
`lnclosed with this instruction sheet are new and replacement pages for JEDEC Standard 21-C. Those pages which contain
`new material are labeled "Release 7" at the bottom of the page. In some cases, there will be old material on the back of the
`sheet containing a Release 7 page. This old material will be labeled Release 1, Release 2, Release 3, Release 4, Release 5. or
`Release 6 as there are no changes from the original release. All new text is marked by a "Revision Bar'' in the outside margin in
`addition to the "Release 7" label in the inside footer of the page.
`In this release, I have introduced a new feature in the Release#. In the past when an older sheet was replaced with a new one, either to
`make a correction, orto revise the original sheet, the new release number simply replaced the old number, thus loosing the information of the
`original release number. In tl;iis release, the old number will be retained followed by the letter "c" for correction, or "r" for revised, this
`followed by the new release number (e.f 4c7 or 6r7)
`The following is a series of sheet by sheet instructions to be used to print the pages for this release. The instruction numbers correspond
`directly the instructions intended for the holders of the Standard. These are also included with the new originals for R-6. These instructions
`should be included as the first pages in Release 6. In the printing instructions, the Release# s are refered to as R#.
`In the following 75 instructions, the material is arranged in 3 columns. The first column tells which sheet to remove from the
`21-C binder. The second column tells which sheet to add to the binder. The third column gives an explanation cifthe reason for
`the change or addition.
`1. Remove Cover Page
`2. Remove Title Page;
`Add replacement Cover Page
`Contains new Release level and date.
`Add replacement Title Page:
`Contains revision Log for Standard.
`3. Remove TOG, 8 sheets;
`Add replacement TOG, 9 sheets;
`Revised Table of Contents
`4. Remove PP 2-3/4
`5. Remove PP 2-5/6
`6. Remove PP 2-7/8
`7. Remove PP 2-9/1 o
`8. Remove P 3.5.1-3
`10. Remove P 3.5.2-3
`11. Remove P 3.5.2-9
`13. Remove P 3.5.3-1
`14. Remove P 3.5.3-3/4
`15. Remove P 3.5.3-5/6
`16. Remove P 3.5.3-7/8
`Add replacement PP 2-3/4
`New definitions added
`Add replacement PP 2-5/6
`Add replacement PP 2-7/8
`New material added.
`Add replacement PP 2-9/1 O
`New material added.
`Add replacement PP 3.5.1-3/4
`New standards added
`Add new PP 3.5.1-33/34
`New standard added
`Add replacement P 3.5.2-3
`New standards added
`Add replacement PP 3.5.2-9/1 O
`New devices added to existing standard.
`Add new P 3.5.2-11
`New standard
`Add replacement P 3.5.3-1/2
`Section re--orgainzed
`Add replacement PP 3.5.3-3/4
`New standards added.
`Add replacement PP 3.5.3-5/6
`New standard added
`Add replacement P 3.5.3-7/8
`Add new P 3.5.3-9/1 o
`Add new P 3.5.3-11/12
`Add new P 3.5.3-13/14
`Add new P 3.5.3-15
`New standards added
`New standards added
`New standards added
`New standards added
`New standards added
`21. Remove P 3.7.5-1/2
`22. Remove P 3.7.5-3/4
`Add replacement PP 3.7.5-1/2
`New standards added.
`Add replacement PP 3.7.5-3/4
`New standards added.
`23. Remove P 3.7.5-25/26
`Add replacement PP 3.7.5-25/26
`Errors corrected
`24. Remove P 3.7.7-15/16
`Add replacement PP 3.7.7-15/16
`Errors corrected
`25. Remove P 3.7.8-3
`Add replacement P 3.7.8-3
`Existing standard modified.
`Page 3


`21-C Release 7 Insertion Instructions
`26. Remove PP 3.7.8-9/10
`Add replacement PP 3.7.8-9/10
`New device added.
`Add new P 3.7.8-11
`New standards added
`28. Remove P 3.9.1-15/16
`Add replacement PP 3.9.1-15/16
`New standards added.
`29. Remove P 3.9.2-3/4
`Add replacement PP 3.9.2-3/4
`New standards added.
`30. Remove PP 3.9.2-15/16 Add replacement PP 3.9.2-15/16 Modified drawing of existing standard.
`31. Remove PP 3.9.2-17/18 Add replacement PP 3.9.2-17/18
`Modified drawing of existing standard
`Add new PP 3.9.2-19
`New standard.
`33. Remove P 3.9.3-11/12
`Add replacement P 3.9.3-11/12
`Standard modified.
`34. Remove P 3.9.4-3/4
`Add replacement PP 3.9.4-3/4
`New standards added.
`35. Remove P 3.9.4-13/14
`Add replacement PP 3.9.4-13/14
`New standards added.
`37. Remove P 3.9.5-3
`Add replacement P 3.9.5-3
`New standards added.
`38. Remove P 3.9.5-15/16
`Add replacement PP 3.9.5-15/16
`New standard added.
`39. Remove P 3.10.3-1/2
`Add replacement PP 3.10.3-1/2
`New standards added.
`40. Remove P 3.10.3-5/6
`Add replacement PP 3.10.3-5/6
`Correct error.
`Add new PP 3.10.3-9
`New standards added.
`42. Remove PP 3.10.4-3/4
`.Add replacement PP 3.10.4-3/4
`New standards added
`43. Remove PP 3.10.4-17/18 Add replacement PP 3.10.4-17/18 New standards added
`44. Remove PP 3.10.4-19/20 Add replacement PP 3.10.4-19/20 New standards added
`Add new PP 3.10.4-21
`New standards added
`46. Remove P 3.11.2-1
`Add replacement P 3.11.2-1
`New standard added.
`47. Remove P 3.11.2-3/4
`Add replacement PP 3.11.2-3/4
`Existing standard modified.
`Add new PP 3.11.2-5
`49. Remove P 3.11.3-1
`Add replacement P 3.11.3-1
`New standards added
`New standard added.
`50. Remove P 3.11.3-3/4
`Add replacement PP 3.11.3-3/4
`Existing standard modified, new standard added.
`Add new PP 3.11.3-5
`New standards added
`52. Remove P 3.11.4-1
`Add replacement P 3.11.4-1/2
`Standards revised.
`53. Remove P 3.11.4-3/4
`Add replacement PP 3.11.4-3/4
`Standards revised.
`54. Remove P 3.11.4-5/6
`Add replacement PP 3.11.4-5/6
`Standards revised.
`55. Remove P 3.11.4-7/8
`Add replacement PP 3.11.4-7/8
`Standards revised, correct error.
`Add new PP 3.11.4-9
`New standards added.
`Add replacement PP 3.11.5-7/8
`57. Remove PP 3.11.5-7/8
`58. Remove PP 3.11.5-9/10 Add replacement PP 3.11.5-9/1 o
`Correct error.
`Terminology corrections.
`Section 4 on Modules has been completely re-organized. Remove and discard all of the old
`pages from Section 4 and replace them with the new ones supplied. No sub-dividers are sup(cid:173)
`plied, but it will enhance the usability of the section by adding your own dividers. The individual
`sheets are not listed here as they are supplied in correct order for insertion.
`Page 4


`Fonnulated under the cognizance of Committees JC-42.1, PLO devices, JC-42.3, volatile memories, JC-42.4,
`non-volatile memories, and JC-42.5, memory modules and cards, and approved by the JEDEC Council.
`Standard 21-C Revision Log.
`Release 1, August 1990
`Release 2, September 1991
`Release 3, November 1992
`Release 4, November 1993
`Release 5, February 1995
`Release 6, January 1996
`Release 7, January 1997
`Page 5


`1 BACKGROUND ••.••••••••••.••..••.•••••••••••••.•••••.•••.•..•.•••. Release 1 •••.••• Page 1 - 1
`JEDEC Standard No. 21-C
`2 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS •.•.•••.••••..••.••••••••••••••.•.•••••.•••• Release 1 •••.•.. Page 2 - 1
`2.1 Conventional Device Pin Names ••••••••....•..••••••••••.•..•••••• Release 6 ••••••• Page 2 - 2
`2.2 Multiport DRAM Pin Names • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • . • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • Release 3 ••••••. Page 2 - 5
`2.3 Power Pin Names . • • • • . • • . • • • . • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • Release 5 •.••••• Page 2 - 6
`2.4 Device Type Names • . • • • • . • . • . • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • . . • • • . • • • • . • • • . • • • . . Release 6 ..••••• Page 2 - 7
`2.5 Miscellaneous Device Related Terms • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . . • • • . • • • • • • Release 1 ••••••. Page 2 - 9
`2.6 Special Operational Cycles for MPDRAM ••••••••••.•••••••••••••.•• Release 1 • • . • • Page 2 - 1 O
`2.7 Package-Related Terms ••.••••••••.•••.•••.••••••••••.•••••••••••. Release 5 ••••• Page 2 -12
`2.8 Memory Card Pin Names • • • • • • • • • . . • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • • • . • • • • • • Release 3 • . • • • Page 2 - 13
`2.9 SRAM and SSRAM special Pin Names • • • • • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . . • • • • Release 6 •••••.• Page 2-14
`3 MEMORY DEVICE STANDARDS ••••••••..•••••••••••••.•••••••..•••••• Release 1 ••••••• Page 3 - 1
`3.1 General Standards • • • . • • • . • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • . . • . • • . • • • • • . Release 1 • . • . . Page 3 .1 -1
`3.1.1 Bytewide . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • . . . • • • • • • • • . . . • • • • • • • • . • . • . • • . • • Release 1 ••••• Page 3 .1 -1
` -32K TO 256K BY 8 A/A MX FAMILY IN DIP .................... Release 1 ..... Page 3 .1 -1
`FIGURE 3.1-1, 32KTO 256K A/A MULTIPLEXED MEMORY IN DIP ............... Release 1 ....... Page 3 .1-2
`3.2 Read Only Memory (ROM) ..••.•••••••••••••••.•••.••••••.•••.••••• Release 1 •••••• Page 3.2-1
`3.2.0 ROM General Standards ..•.•••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••..• Release 5 •••••• Page 3.2-2
` - Mask ROM Fast Address Mode Definition ..................... Release 5 . . . . . . Page 3.2-2
`3.2.1 ROM, Byte Wide ••••.•••.•.••••.•••••.••••••.••••••••••••.••••• Release 1 •••• Page 3.2.1-1
` - 2K TO SK BY 8 ROM FAMILY IN DIP, TYPE A ................. Release 1
`Page 3.2.1-1
` BY 8 ROM IN DIP, Type B ................................ Release 1
`Page 3.2.1-1
` - SK TO 128K BY 8 ROM FAMILY IN DIP, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1
`Page 3.2.1-1
` - 2K TO 32K BY 8 ROM FAMILY IN RCC ......................• Release 1
`Page 3.2.1-1
` 32K TO 512K BY 8 ROM FAMILY IN SOJ, ..................... Release 1
`Page 3.2.1-1
` - 128K TO 1 M BY 8 ROM IN DIP, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1
`Page 3.2.1-1
` 64K TO 512K BY 9 ROM IN DIP, ............................. Release 1
`Page 3.2.1-1
` - 2 TO 64 X 16K BY 8 PAGE SELECT ROM IN DIP, .............. Release 1
`Page 3.2.1-1
`, ............................ Release2 .... Page3.2.1-1
`FIGURE 3.2.1-1, 2K TO BK BY 8 ROM IN DIP, TYPES A & 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.2.1-2
`FIGURE3.2.1-2,BKT0128KBY8ROMINDIP ............................. Release1 ....... Page3.2.1-3
`FIGURE3.2.1-3, 2KTO 32K BY 8 ROM IN CC ............................... Release 1 ....... Page3.2.1-4
`FIGURE3.2.1-4,32KT0512KBYBROMINSOJ ............................ Release1 ....... Page3.2.1-5
`FIGURE3.2.1-5, 128KTO 1M BY 8 ROM IN DIP ............................. Release 1 ....... Page3.2.1-6
`FIGURE3.2.1-6,64KT0512KBY9ROMINDIP ............................ Release1 ....... Page3.2.1-7
`FIGURE3.2.1-7, 2 TO 64 X 16K BY 8 PAGE SELECT ......................... Release 1 ....... Page3.2.1-8
`FIGURE3.2.1-8, 512KAND 1M BY8 ROM IN OFP ........................... Release2 ....... Page3.2.1-9
`3.2.2 ROM, Word Wide •••••••••••••••..•••.•.••.•.••.....•.••••••..•. Release 1
`Page 3.2.2-1
` - 32K TO 256K BY 16 ROM IN DIP ............................ Release 1
`Page 3.2.2-3
` - 32K TO 256K BY 16 ROM IN sec ........................... Release 1
`Page 3.2.2-3
` - 16K TO 256K BY 16 ADDRESS/DATA MX ROM IN DIP ......... Release 1
`Page 3.2.2-3
` - 16K TO 256K BY 16 ADDRESS/DATA MX ROM IN RCC . . . . . . . . Release 1
`Page 3.2.2-3
` - 256K and 512K BY 16 ROM IN OFP .......................... Release 2 . . . . Page 3.2.2-3
` 512K TO 128M BY 16 ROM IN DIP AND SOP ................. Release 6 .... Page 3.2.2-3
`3.2.2. 7 - 512K and 1 M BY 16 ROM IN sec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 3 . . . . Page 3.2.2-3
`FIGURE 3.2.2-1, 32K TO 256K BY 16 ROM IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.2.2-5
`FIGURE 3.2.2-2, 32K TO 256K BY 16 ROM IN CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.2.2-6
`Release 7
`-1 -
`Page 6


`JEDEC Standard No. 21-C
`Release #
`Page #
`FIGURE 3.2.2-3, 16K TO 256K BY 16 AQ MX ROM IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.2.2-7
`FIGURE 3.2.2-4, 16K TO 256K BY 16 AQ MX ROM IN CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.2.2-8
`FIGURE 3.2.2-5, 256K AND 512K BY 16 ROM IN QFP ......................... Release 2 ....... Page 3.2.2-9
`FIGURE 3.2.2-6, 4M TO 128M BY 16 ROM IN DIP AND SOP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 2 ...... Page 3.2.2-10
`FIGURE 3.2.2-7, 512K & 1M BY 16 ROM IN sec ............................. Release3 ...... Page3.2.2-11
`FIGURE 3.2.2-8, 512K TO 2M BY 16 ROM IN DIP AND SOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 6 ...... Page 3.2.2-12
`3.3 Programmable Read Only Memory (PROM) ••..•...••..•.•••.•..••.. Release 1 ••.•.. Page 3.3-1
`3.3.1 PROM, Nibble Wide •..•.•....••.•...•.•.......•••.•.....•...•.• Release 1 .•.. Page 3.3.1-1
` - .25K & .SK BY 4 TTL PROM IN DIP .•...........•.........•.. Release 1
`Page 3.3.1-3
` - .25K BY 4 ECL PROM IN DIP .•................•............ Release 1
`Page 3.3.1-3
` - 1 K & 2K BY 4 TTL PROM IN DIP .....•.......•............... Release 1
`Page 3.3.1-3
` - 1 K & 2K BY 4 TTL PROM IN SOP •...••.........••...•.•..•.• Release 1
`Page 3.3.1-3
` - 4K TO 8K BY 4 TTL PROM IN DIP •......................••.. Release 2 • . . • Page 3.3.1-3
` - .25K TO 2K BY 4 TTL PROM FAMILY IN RCC ..•.....•........ Release 1
`Page 3.3.1-3
`3.3.1. 7 - 4K BY 4 TTL PROM, 4K BY 4 TTL RPROM IN sec ............ Release 1
`Page 3.3.1-3
` - 1 K TO 8K TTL BY 4 PROM FAMILY IN RCC ..........•........ Release 1
`Page 3.3.1-3
` TO 8KTTL BY 4 PROM FAMILY IN sec ................... Release 1
`Page 3.3.1-3
` TO 4K BY 4 DPROM FAMILIES IN DIP & sec ............ Release 1
`Page 3.3.1-4
` TO 16K BY 4 ECL PROM FAMILY IN DIP .•••.•........... Release 1
`Page 3.3.1-4
`FIGURE 3.3.1-1, .25K TO 2K BY 4 TTL PROM IN DIP ......................... Release 1 ....... Page 3.3.1-5
`FIGURE 3.3.1-2, 256 BY 4 ECL PROM IN DIP ............................... Release 1 ....... Page 3.3.1-6
`FIGURE 3.3.1-3, 1 K & 2K BY 4 TTL PROM IN SOG ........................... Release 1 ....... Page 3.3.1-7
`FIGURE 3.3.1-4, 4K AND 8K BY 4 TTL PROM IN DIP ......................... Release 2 ....... Page 3.3.1-8
`FIGURE 3.3.1-5, .25KTO 4K BY 4 TTL PROM FAMILY IN CC .................... Release 1 ....... Page3.3.1-9
`FIGURE3.3.1-6, 1KT08KBY4TTLPROMINRCC .......................... Release1 ...... Page3.3.1-10
`FIGURE 3.3.1-7, 1 K TO 8K BY 4 TTL PROM IN sec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . Release 1 ... -... Page 3.3.1-11
`FIGURE3.3.1-8, 1KT04KBY4TTLDPROMINDIP ......................... Release1 ...... Page3.3.1-12
`FIGURE 3.3.1-9, 1 K TO 4K BY 4 DPROM IN CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ...... Page 3.3.1-13
`FIGURE3.3.1-10, 1KT016KBY4ECLPROMINDIP ......................... Release1 ...... Page3.3.1-14
`3.3.2 PROM, Bytewide ............................................... Release 1 . . . . Page 3.3.2-1
` -32 BY 8 TTL PROM IN DIP & sec ........................... Release 1
`Page 3.3.2-3
` - 32 BY 8 ECL PROM IN DIP & sec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1
`Page 3.3.2-3
` - .25K & .SK BY 8 TTL PROM IN DIP & sec .................... Release 1
`Page 3.3.2-3
` .25K TO 8K BY 8 TTL PROM FAMILY IN DIP ..•..........•.... Release 1
`Page 3.3.2-3
` - .SK TO 4K BY 8 TTL LP ROM FAMILY IN DIP . . • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Release 1
`Page 3.3.2-3
` - .SK TO 4K BY 8 TTL RPROM FAMILY IN DIP .................. Release 1
`Page 3.3.2-3
` - .SK TO 8K BY 8 TTL PROM FAMILIES IN RCC & sec ......... Release 1
`Page 3.3.2-3
` - .SK TO 2K BY 8 TTL RPROM FAMILY IN sec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1
`Page 3.3.2-4
` - 16K TO 64K BY 8 TTL PROM FAMILY IN DIP ..........•...... Release 1
`Page 3.3.2-4
` - 512 BY 8 ECL RPROM IN DIP & sec ...................... Release 2 . . . . Page 3.3.2-4
`FIGURE 3.3.2-1, 32 BY 8 TTL & ECL PROM IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.3.2-5
`FIGURE 3.3.2-2, 32,256, & 512 BY 8 TTL PROM IN CC, 32 BY 8 ECL PROM IN CC ... Release 1 ....... Page 3.3.2-6
`FIGURE 3.3.2-3, 256 & 512 BY 8 TTL PROM IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.3.2-7
`FIGURE 3.3.2-4, .25K TO 8K BY 8 TTL PROM IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.3.2-8
`FIGURE 3.3.2-5, .SK TO 4K BY 8 TTL LPROM IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.3.2-9
`FIGURE 3.3.2-6, .SK TO 4K BY 8 TTL RP ROM IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ...... Page 3.3.2-10
`FIGURE 3.3.2-7, .SK TO 8K BY 8 TTL PROM IN sec ......................... Release 1 ...... Page 3.3.2-11
`FIGURE 3.3.2-8, .SK TO 8K BY 8 TTL PROM IN RCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ...... Page 3.3.2-12
`FIGURE 3.3.2-9, .SK TO 2K BY 8 RPROM IN CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ...... Page 3.3.2-13
`FIGURE3.3.2-10, 16KTO 64KBY 8 TTL PROM IN DIP ........................ Release 1 ...... Page3.3.2-14
`FIGURE 3.3.2-11, 512 BY 8 10K & 100K ECL RPROM IN DIP AND SCC . . . . .. . . . . . . Release 2 ...... Page 3.3.2-15
`Page 7


`JEDEC Standard No. 21-C
`Release #
`Page #
`3.3.3 PROM, Word Wide ••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••.•.•••• Release 1 •••. Page 3.3.3-1
` - 32 AND 64 BY 16 PROM IN DIP AND sec ................... Release 1 . .. . Page 3.3.3-3
`FIGURE 3.3.3-1, 32 AND 64 BY 16 TTL PROM IN DIP . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.3.3-5
`FIGURE 3.3.3-2, 32 AND 64 BY 16 TTL PROM IN CC . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.3.3-6
`3.3.4 PROM Package Conversion •••••••••••..•..••••••••••.•••..•.•• Release 1 •••• Page 3.3.4-1
` - PROM DIP TO SO CONVERSION, 16, 18, 20, 24 DIP .......... Release 1 . . . . Page 3.3.4-1
`FIGURE 3.3.4-1, 1 KAND 2K TTL PROM 18 DIP TO 20 SO CONVERSION . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.3.4-3
`3.4 Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EPROM) ..••.•.••.••.•• Release 1 .••••• Page 3.4-1
`3.4.1 EPROM, Byte Wide ••••.•••.•••••••••••.•••••••••.••••.•••.••••• Release 1 • • • • Page 3.4.1-1
` - 4K BY 8 EPROM IN DIP, TYPE A ............................ Release 1
`Page 3.4.1-3
` AND 8K BY 8 EPROM IN DIP, ............................ Release 1
`Page 3.4.1-3
` - 8K TO 64K BY 8 EPROM FAMILY IN DIP, ..................... Release 1
`Page 3.4.1-3
` - 2K TO 512K BY 8 EPROM FAMILY IN RCC ................... Release 1
`Page 3.4.1-3
` TO 512K BY 8 EPROM FAMILY IN SOJ, .................. Release 1
`Page 3.4.1-3
` TO 1M BY 8 EPROM FAMILY IN DIP, .................... Release 1
`Page 3.4.1-3
` 64K TO 512K BY 9 EPROM FAMILY IN DIP, ................... Release 1
`Page 3.4.1-3
`Page 3.4.1-3
` - 128K TO 512K BY 8 EPROM FAMILY IN TSOP-1, ............. Release 4 . . . . Page 3.4.1-3
`FIGURE 3.4.1-1, 4K AND 8K BY 8 EPROM IN DIP, TYPES A & B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.4.1-5
`FIGURE 3.4.1-2, 8K TO 64K BY 8 EPROM IN DIP .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.4.1-6
`FIGURE3.4.1-3,2KT0512KBY8EPROMINCC ........................... Release1 ....... Page3.4.1-7
`FIGURE 3.4.1-4, 32K TO 512K BY 8 EPROM IN SOJ .......................... Release 1 ....... Page 3.4.1-8
`FIGURE 3.4.1-5, 128K TO 1 M BY 8 EPROM IN DIP ........................... Release 1 ....... Page 3.4.1-9
`FIGURE3.4.1-6, 64KTO 512K BY9 EPROM IN DIP .......................... Release 1 ...... Page3.4.1-10
`FIGURE3.4.1-7, 2 TO 64 X 16K BY 8 PAGE SELECTEPROM IN DIP .............. Release 1 ...... Page 3.4.1-11
`FIGURE 3.4.1-8, 128K TO 512K BY 8 EPROM IN TSOP-1 ...................... Release 4 ...... Page 3.4.1-12
`3.4.2 EPROM, Word Wide ............................................ Release 1 .... Page 3.4.2-1
` - 32K TO 256K BY 16 EPROM IN DIP ......................... Release 1
`Page 3.4.2-3
` - 32K TO 256K BY 16 EPROM IN sec ......................... Release 1
`Page 3.4.2-3
` - 16K TO 256K BY 16 ADDRESS/DATA MX EPROM IN DIP ...... Release 1
`Page 3.4.2-3
` - 16K TO 256K BY 16 ADDRESS/DATA MX EPROM IN RCC ..... Release 1
`Page 3.4.2-3
` - 512K TO 128M BY 16 EPROM or OTP IN DIP AND SOP ....... Release 6 . . . . Page 3.4.2-3
` - 512K and 1 M BY 16 EPROM IN sec ........................ Release 3 . . .. Page 3.4.2-3
` - 64K TO 256K BY 16 EPROM IN TSOP-1 ..................... Release 4 . . . . Page 3.4.2-3
`FIGURE 3.4.2-1, 32K TO 256K BY 16 EPROM IN DIP . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . Release 1 ....... Page 3.4.2-5
`FIGURE 3.4.2-2, 32K TO 256K BY 16 EPROM IN sec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.4.2-6
`FIGURE 3.4.2-3, 16K TO 256K BY 16 ADDRESS/DATA MX EPROM IN DIP . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.4.2-7
`FIGURE 3.4.2-4, 16K TO 256K BY 16 ADDRESS/DATA MX EPROM IN RCC . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.4.2-8
`FIGURE 3.4.2-5, 4M TO 128M BY 16 EPROM OR OTP IN DIP AND SOP . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.4.2-9
`FIGURE 3.4.2-6, 512K & 1 M BY 16 EPROM IN CC . . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . Release 3 ...... Page 3.4.2-10
`FIGURE 3.4.2-7, 64K BY 256K BY 16 EPROM IN TSOP-1 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . Release 4 ...... Page 3.4.2-11
`FIGURE 3.4.2-8, 512K TO 2M BY 16 EPROM IN DIP AND SOG . . . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . Release 6 ...... Page 3.4.2-12
`3.5 Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM) ••• Release 1 •••••• Page 3.5-1
`3.5.1 EEPROM, Byte Wide ........................................... Release 1 •..• Page 3.5.1-1
` - .SK TO 2K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN DIP ..................... Release 1
`Page 3.5.1-2
` ............................. Release1
` - 1 K TO 32K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN DIP .................... Release 1
`Page 3.5.1-2
` - .SK TO 32K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN RCC .................. Release 1
`Page 3.5.1-2
` - 32K TO 256K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN SOJ, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1
`Page 3.5.1-2
` - 32K TO 512K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN DIP, ................. Release 1
`Page 3.5.1-2
`Release 7
`- I l l -
`Page 8


`JEDEC Standard No. 21-C
`Page 3.5.1-2
`Page 3.5.1-2
`Page 3.5.1-2
`Page 3.5.1-3
`Page 3.5.1-3
`Page 3.5.1-3
`Page 3.5.1-3
` - 32K TO 256K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN RCC, ................ Release 1
` - 32K TO 256K BY 9 EEPROM FAMILY IN DIP, .......••........ Release 1 •...
` - 128K TO 1 M BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN sec, ................. Release 1 ... .
` - 32K TO 256K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN TSOP1 ....•.....•.. Release 2 ... .
` FEATURE SET FOR 256K BIT EEPROM ......... Release2 •...
` - 512K BY 8 DUAL-SUPPLY EEPROM IN RCC ....•.....•.•... Release 5 ....
`IN DIP, RCC, & TSOP1 ................................... Release 5 . . . . Page 3.5.1-3
`, 512K, &1M BY 8 DUAL-SUPPLY EEPROM IN TSOP1 ... Release 6 .... Page 3.5.1-4
` TO 8M BY 8 SINGLE-SUPPLY EEPROM FAMILY INTSOP1 .........• Release 5 . . . . Page 3.5.1-4
` - BK BY 256B OR 264B SERIAL ACCESS EEPROM IN TSOP2 . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 6 . . . . Page 3.5.1-4
` - 1 M, 2M BU 8 SINGLE OR DUAL SUPPLY EEPROM IN PSOP2 . . . . . . . . . . . Release 7 . . . . Page 3.5.1-4
`FIGURE 3.5.1-1, .5K TO 2K BY 8 EEPROM IN DIP . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.5.1-5
`FIGURE 3.5.1-2, 2K & 4K BY 8 EEPROM IN RCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.5.1-6
`FIGURE 3.5.1-3, 1 K TO 32K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.5.1-7
`FIGURE 3.5.1-4, .5K TO 32K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN RCC ......•............. Release 1 ....... Page 3.5.1-8
`FIGURE 3.5.1-5, 32K TO 256K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN SOJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.5.1-9
`FIGURE3.5.1-6, 32KTO 512K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN DIP ................... Release 1 ...... Page 3.5.1-10
`FIGURE 3.5.1-7, 32KTO 256K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY IN RCC .................. Release 1 ...... Page 3.5.1-11
`FIGURE 3.5.1-8, 32K TO 256K BY 9 EEPROM FAMILY IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ...... Page 3.5.1-12
`FIGURE3.5.1-9, 128KTO1MBY8EEPROMFAMILYINSCC ................... Release1 ...... Page3.5.1-13
`FIGURE3.5.1-10, 32KTO 256K BY 8 EEPROM FAMILY INTSOP1 ............... Release 2 ...... Page3.5.1-14
`ADDENDUM 1, 32KX 8 BIT EEPROM EXTENDED FEATURE STANDARD .......... Release 2 ...... Page3.5.1-15
`FIGURE3.5.1-11, DUALSUPPLYEEPROM COMMAND SET .................... Release3 ...... Page3.5.1-23
`FIGURE 3.5.1-12, 512K BY 8 DUAL-SUPPLY EEPROM IN RCC ................. Release 5 ...... Page3.5.1-24
`FIGURE3.5.1-13, 128Kto 512KSINGLE-SUPPLY EEPROM FAMILY IN DIP ........ Release 5 ...... Page3.5.1-25
`FIGURE3.5.1-14, 128Kto 512KSINGLE-SUPPLY EEPROM FAMILY IN RCC ........ Release 5 ...... Page3.5.1-26
`FIGURE3.5.1-15, 128Kto 512KSINGLE-SUPPLY EEPROM FAMILY IN TSOP1 ...... Release 5 ...... Page3.5.1-27
`FIGURE3.5.1-16, 1MBY8DUAL-SUPPLYEEPROMINTSOP1 ................. Release5 ...... Page3.5.1-28
`FIGURE 3.5.1-17. 1M TO 8M SINGLE-SUPPLY EEPROM FAMILY IN TSOP1 ........ Release 5 ...... Page3.5.1-29
`FIGURE 3.5.1-18, 256K & 512K BY 8 DUAL-SUPPLYEEPROM IN TSOP1 .......... Release 6 ...... Page3.5.1-30
`FIGURE 3.5.1-19 A=>C BK BY 256B OR 264B SERIAL ACCESS EEPROM IN TSOP2 .. Release 6 .. Page 3.5.1-31=33
`FIGURE 3.5.1-20. 1M, 2M BU 8 SINGLE OR DUAL SUPPLY EEPROM IN PSOP1 ..... Release 7 ...... Page3.5.1-34
`3.5.2 EEPROM, Word Wide ........................................... Release 1 . . . . Page 3.5.2-1
` - 4K TO 32K BY 16 EEPROM IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . . Release 1 . . . . Page 3.5.2-3
` - 4K TO 256K BY 16 EEPROM IN sec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 . • . . Page 3.5.2-3
` - 256K TO 128M BY 16 EEPROM IN DIP AND SOG ............. Release 6 . • . . Page 3.5.2-3
` - 1 M TO 4M BY 16 DS EEPROM IN SSOP . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 6 . • . . Page 3.5.2-3
` - 1 M TO 4M DENSITY, BY 8 OR 16 FEEPROM IN PSOP .....•.. Release 7 . . . . Page 3.5.2-3
` - 1 M TO 32M DENSITY, BY 8 OR 16 FEEPROM IN TSOP1 . . . . . . Release 7 . . . . Page 3.5.2-3
`FIGURE 3.5.2-1, 4K TO 32K BY 16 EEPROM FAMILY IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.5.2-5
`FIGURE 3.5.2-2, 4K TO 256K BY 16 EE PROM FAMILY IN sec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 ....... Page 3.5.2-6
`. . . . . . . . . . Release 2 ....... Page 3.5.2-7
`FIGURE 3.5.2-4, 256K TO 2M BY 16 EEPROM FAMILY IN DIP AND SOG ........... Release 6 ....... Page 3.5.2-8
`FIGURE 3.5.2-5, 1 M TO 4M BY 16 DS EEPROM IN SSOP ............... Release 6 ....... Page 3.5.2-9
`FIGURE3.5.2-6, 1M TO 4M DENSITY BY 8 OR16 FEEPROM IN PSOP ... Release 7 ...... Page3.5.2-10
`FIGURE 3.5.2-7, 1 M TO 32M DEBSITY BY 8 OR16 FEEPROM IN PSOP . . Release 7 ...... Page 3.5.2-11
`3.5.3 EEPROM EXTENDED FEATURES ............................... Release 1 . . . . Page 3.5.3-1
` - EXTENDED FEATURE SET FOR 256Kb EEPROM ...........• Release 1 . • . . Page 3.5.3-3
` DUAL SUPPLY EEPROM COMMAND SET .................. Release 7 ... Page 3.5.3-13
`Release 7
`Page 9


`JEDEC Standard No. 21-C
`Release #
`Page #
` SINGLE SUPPLY EEPROM COMMAND CODES •............. Release 7 ... Page 3.5.3-14
` - EEPROM TOGGLE BIT FEATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . Release 7 . . . Page 3.5.3-15
`3.6 Non volatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) • . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Release 1 • • . • . . Page 3.6-1
`3.6.1 NVRAM, Nibble Wide .....•.•.•..••....•••..•.•....••........... Release 1 •..•.. Page 3.6-3
` - .25K & 1 K BY 4 NVRAM IN DIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Release 1 . . . • . . Page 3.6-3
`3.6.2 NVRAM, BYTE WIDE .................. · ......................... Release 1 ...... Page 3.6-3
` - .SK, 1 K BY 8 NVRAM IN DIP . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . • Release 1 . . . • . . Page 3.6-3
` - .SK & 1 K BY 8 NVRAM IN RCC .............................. Release 1 ...... Page 3.6-3
` - .SK TO 16K BY 8 NVRAM FAMILY IN DIP .•................... Release 1 ...... Page 3.6-3
` - .SK TO 16K BY 8 NVRAM FAMILY IN RCC . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . Release 1 . . . . . . Page 3.6-3
` 32K TO 256K BY 8 NVRAM FAMILY IN SOJ, .............•...• Release 1 •..•.. Page 3.6-3
` - 32K TO 256K BY 8 NVRAM FAMILY IN DIP, .•................• Release 1 ...... Page 3.6-3
` TO 128K BY 9 NVRAM FAMILY IN DIP, ................... Release 1 ...... Page 3.6-3
`FIGURE 3.6-1, .25K & 1 K BY 4 NVRAM IN DIP . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . Release 1 . . . . . . . . Page 3.6-5
`FIGURE 3.6-2, .5K & 1 K BY 8 NVRAM IN DIP . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . . Release 1 . . . .. .. . Pa

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