`M u l t i m e d i a S y s t e m s
`(cid:14)9 Springer-Verlag 1994
`Media scaling in a multimedia communication system
`Luca Delgrossi, Christian Halstrick, Dietmar Hehmann, Ralf Guido Herrtwich, Oliver Krone,
`Jochen Sandvoss, Carsten Vogt
`IBM European Networking Center, Distributed Multimedia Solutions, Vangerowstrasse 18, D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany
`Abstract. HeiTS, the Heidelberg Transport System, is a mul-
`timedia communication system for real-time delivery of dig-
`ital audio and video. HeiTS operates on top of guaranteed-
`performance networks that apply resource reservation tech-
`niques. To make HeiTS also work with networks for which
`no reservation scheme can be realized (for example, Ether-
`net or existing internetworks), we implement an extension to
`HeiTS which performs media scaling at the transport level:
`The media encoding is modified according to the bandwidth
`available in the underlying networks. Both transparent and
`nontransparent scaling methods are examined. HeiTS lends
`itself to implement transparent temporal and spatial scaling of
`media streams. At the HeiTS interface, functions are provided
`which report information on the available resource bandwidth
`to the application so that nontransparent scaling methods may
`be used, too. Both a continuous and discrete scaling solution
`for HeiTS are presented. The continuous solution uses feed-
`back messages to adjust the data flow. The discrete solution
`also exploits the multipoint network connection mechanism of
`HeiTS. Whereas the first method is more flexible, the second
`technique is better suited for multicast scenarios. The com-
`bination of resource reservation and media scaling seems to
`be particularly well suited to meet the varying demands of
`distributed multimedia applications.
`Key words: Media scaling- Multimedia networks - Transport
`1 Introduction
`The dispute of guaranteed vs nonguaranteed communication
`is an unresolved argument in the multimedia community (as
`shown, for example, by recurring discussions at the first three
`International Workshops on Network and Operating System
`Support for Digital Audio and Video from 1990 to 1992). It is
`a repetition of the classic end-to-end argument: One group says
`that all mechanisms to cope with network bottlenecks should
`be included in the application; the other group says that only
`the underlying system is able to prevent network overload. In
`Correspondence to: C. Halstrick
`this paper, we propose a solution between the two extremes
`that offers both possibilities in an actual system. We favor
`this approach because different multimedia applications have
`different requirements on the network: there is virtually no
`way to recover from audio transmission errors so that the end
`user will not notice them. For everyday (consumer-quality)
`video, on the other hand, it is fairly easy to live with network
`flaws and even with slight delay variations.
`HeiTS, the Heidelberg Transport System [6, 7], facilitates
`the transmission of digital audio and video from a single origin
`to multiple targets. The transport and network layer protocols
`of HeiTS, HeiTP [3] and ST-II [15] allow the client to negotiate
`quality-of-service (QOS) parameters such as throughput and
`end-to-end delay for multimedia connections. In its original
`form, HeiTS depends on some type of bandwidth allocation
`mechanism in the underlying network to provide a transport
`connection with a guaranteed QOS. Some networks such as
`FDDI (with its synchronous mode) and ISDN implement this
`reservation. Other networks such as Token Ring can be aug-
`mented with bandwidth allocation schemes [t 1]. However, not
`all kinds of networks support the reservation of bandwidth: as
`an example, Ethernet provides no guaranteed service at all due
`to the potential collisions of packets 1 . Hence, to use audio and
`motion video in such an "unfriendly" environment calls for ad-
`ditional techniques. When reservation is not available, audio
`and motion video should be transported on a best-effort basis.
`From the start, HeiTS has supported some kind of best-effort
`QOS [19] which, however, is only a less strict version of guar-
`anteed QOS. In this best-effort approach, resource capacities
`are reserved, but at the same time statistically multiplexed, that
`is, the sum of the portions of bandwidth allocated to the indi-
`vidual sessions is allowed to exceed the total resource capacity.
`Best-effort service with no reservation requires a different ap-
`proach, which can work, for example, in a dynamic feedback
`fashion. Here, the system monitors how well it currently ac-
`1 For this reason, some "multimedia" solutions for the Ethernet
`use a 10BaseT hub and dedicate single Ethernet links to pairs
`of communication partners. This approach requires changes in
`the network infrastructure and still leaves unsolved the problem
`of conflicting uses of the dedicated links by multiple concurrent
`multimedia applications on the same machine.
`Akamai Ex. 1036
`Akamai Techs. v. Equil IP Holdings
`Page 00001
`complishes the audiovisual data transport from one end to the
`other, then correspondingly determines the amount of audio
`visual data it forwards. We refer to this technique as " m e d i a
`Media scaling in different forms has been suggested and
`used in previous systems. Fluent, for example, bases its multi-
`media networking technology on a proprietary scaling scheme
`[16]. Tokuda et al. have developed a dynamic QOS manage-
`ment service, which is intended to be used in conjunction with
`scaling techniques [14]. Clark et al. with their "predicted ser-
`vice" approach also assume in their networking architecture
`that some form of media scaling exists [2]. Our approach is
`special and different in that it shows how to combine resource
`reservation and media scaling methods.
`This paper discusses several implementation alternatives
`for media scaling in HeiTS. Section 2 surveys scaling meth-
`ods, concentrating on digital video. Section 3 introduces two
`different scaling methods for HeiTS. Section 4 specifies the
`changes to protocols and interfaces in HeiTS required to ac-
`commodate scaling.
`2 Scaling methods
`Before describing the details of the HeiTS approach, we give a
`brief survey of scaling techniques. We assume that the reader
`is familiar with typical encoding schemes for digital media.
`"Scaling" means to subsample a data stream and only present
`some fraction of its original content. In general, scaling can
`be done at either the source or the sink of a stream. Frame rate
`reduction, for example, is usually performed at the source,
`whereas hierarchical decoding is a typical scaling method ap-
`plied by the sink. Since in the context of this paper scaling
`is intended to reflect bandwidth constraints in the underlying
`resources, it is useful to scale a data stream before it enters
`a system bottleneck; otherwise it is likely to contribute to the
`overload of the bottleneck resource. Scaling at the source is
`usually the best solution here: there is no need for transmitting
`data in the first place if it will be thrown away somewhere in
`the system. Scaling methods used in a multimedia transport
`system can be classified as follows:
`T r a n s p a r e n t s c a l i n g methods can be applied independently
`from the upper protocol and application layers, that is, the
`transport system scales the media on its own. Transparent
`scaling is usually achieved by dropping some portions of
`the data stream. These portions - single frames or sub-
`streams - need to be identifiable by the transport system.
`- N o n - t r a n s p a r e n t s c a l i n g methods require an interaction of
`the transport system with the upper layers. In particular,
`this kind of scaling implies a modification of the media
`stream before it is presented to the transport layer. For the
`distribution of media captured in real time, nontransparent
`scaling typically requires modification of some parameters
`of the coding algorithm. Stored media can be scaled by re-
`coding a stream that was previously encoded in a different
`In a multimedia system, scaling can be applied to a couple
`of different media types. Examples are video, audio, pointer
`device control streams, sensory information (e.g., data gloves).
`For pointer device control streams or sensory information,
`scaling can in general be achieved by simply reducing the
`sampling rate. Bandwidth requirements of these streams are
`usually low compared to audio and video streams; therefore,
`performance gains achieved by applying scaling mechanisms
`are rather small.
`For audio, scaling is usually difficult because presenting
`only a fraction of the original data is easily noticed by the
`human listener. Dropping a channel of a stereo stream is an
`For video stream users are typically much less sensitive to
`quality reductions. Therefore and because of their high band-
`width requirements, video streams are predestined for scal-
`ing. The applicability of a specific scaling method depends
`strongly on the underlying compression technique, as will be
`explained in Sect. 2.2. There are several domains of a video
`signal to which scaling can be applied:
`Temporal scaling reduces the resolution of the video
`stream in the time domain by decreasing the number of
`video frames transmitted within a time interval. Tempo-
`ral scaling is best suited for video streams in which in-
`dividual frames are self-contained and can be accessed
`independently, such as intrapictures or DC-coded pictures
`for MPEG-coded video streams [9]. Interframe compres-
`sion techniques are more difficult to handle because not all
`frames can be easily dropped.
`Spatial scaling reduces the number of pixels of each im-
`age in a video stream. For spatial scaling, hierarchical ar-
`rangement is ideal because it has the advantage that the
`compressed video is immediately available in various res-
`olutions. Therefore, the video can be transferred over the
`network using different resolutions without applying a "de-
`code ---+ scale down ~ encode" operation on each picture
`before finally transmitting it over the network.
`F r e q u e n c y scaling reduces the number of DCT coefficients
`applied to the compression of an image. In a typical picture,
`the number of coefficients can be reduced significantly
`before a reduction of image quality becomes visible.
`A m p l i t u d i n a l scaling reduces the color depths for each im-
`age pixel. This can be achieved by introducing a coarser
`quantization of the DCT coefficients, hence requiring a
`control of the scaling algorithm over the compression pro-
`Color s p a c e scaling reduces the number of entries in the
`color space. One way to realize color space scaling is to
`switch from color to gray-scale presentation.
`Obviously, combinations of these scaling methods are possi-
`Whether nontransparent scaling is possible depends strong-
`ly on the kind of data to be transmitted. For live video streams,
`it is easy to set all the coding parameters when an image is
`sampled at the source. For stored video, scaling may make a
`recoding of the stream necessary, especially if no hierarchical
`coding scheme is used.
`IPR2023-00332 Page 00002
`The efficiency of a scaling algorithm strongly depends on
`the underlying compression technique. The format of the data
`stream produced by the coding algorithm determines which of
`the domains is appropriate for scaling. The following enumer-
`ation gives a short overview of the applicability of scaling to
`some state-of-the-art compression techniques.
`- M o t i o n J P E G . The distinguished feature of motion JPEG
`encoding (that is, the encoding of video as a sequence of
`JPEG flames [20]) is its robustness to transmission errors
`because of the independence of individual frames: a single
`error is not carried over from one frame to another. Obvi-
`ously, temporal scaling is suited best for this compression
`technique, as any frame can be left out without affecting its
`neighbors. Applying a hierarchical DCT-based compres-
`sion method on every picture [16] enables spatial scaling
`methods. However, few existing JPEG implementations
`realize this hierarchical mode.
`- M P E G . Since MPEG [9] is a context-sensitive compres-
`sion method, temporal scaling is subject to certain con-
`straints. Every compressed video stream consists of a se-
`quence of intra-coded, predicted-coded, and bidirectional-
`ly-coded pictures. Temporal scaling of an MPEG coded
`video stream can be realized by dropping predicted and
`bidirectionatly coded pictures. Assuming an intra-picture
`is inserted every 9th frame, this leads to a scaled frame rate
`of approximately 3 frames per second [13].
`The main improvement of MPEG-2 over the original
`MPEG scheme is the support for scalable media streams [3,
`5, 14]. It facilitates spatial and frequency scaling as well as
`temporal scaling methods. MPEG-2 uses a hierarchical com-
`pression technique which enables the compressed data stream
`to be demultiplexed into three substreams with different qual-
`ity. Scaling can be achieved by transmitting only some but not
`all of the substreams. This method is particularly useful for
`the discrete scaling approach described in Sect. 3.2.
`DVI. Just IikeMPEG, DVI [10] uses acombination ofintra-
`and intercoded frames. Thus, temporal scaling is restricted
`in the same way, as described for MPEG-coded streams.
`- H.261 (px64). The H.261 standard includes an amplitudi-
`nal scaling method on the sender side [ 17]. The coarseness
`of the quantization of the DCT coefficients determines the
`color depth of each image pixel. In addition to this, the
`intra-frame coding scheme, which is similar to the intra-
`coded pictures of MPEG, permits the easy use of temporal
`3 Scaling in HeiTS
`HeiTS is a rate-controlled transport system. For every data
`stream passing through a HeiTS connection, the system is in-
`formed about its message rate by means of an associated QOS
`parameter set. At the transport level interface, this rate is given
`in terms of logical data units (for example, video frames) per
`time period. HeiTS can use this information for monitoring
`the arrival of the packets. The late arrival of a packet is an
`indication of some bottleneck in the system, in which case the
`target can inform the origin about the overload and cause it to
`scale down the stream. Once the overload situation has passed,
`the stream may be scaled up again.
`A scalable stream can be seen as composed of various sub-
`streams. For a spatially scaled stream this representation can,
`for example, consist of one substream with all odd/odd pix-
`els, one substream with even/even pixels, etc. As an alternative,
`one could use one substream for intra-coded frames and one or
`even several other streams for the remaining frames, which im-
`plies that there are streams of different degrees of importance.
`A splitting of MPEG video streams based on DCT coefficients
`has been described [12].
`In the scaling implementation of HeiTS, individual sub-
`streams are mapped onto different connections, each with its
`own set of QOS parameters. The transmission quality can then
`be adjusted either with fine granularity within a connection
`(substream) or with coarse granularity by adding and remov-
`ing connections (substreams). We refer to these approaches as
`continuous and discrete scaling. These approaches, together
`with a discussion of the monitoring functions needed, are dis-
`cussed in the following subsections.
`3. I M o n i t o r i n g
`The prerequisite for any scaling mechanism is a function that
`allows the system to detect network congestion. For HeiTS,
`this can be achieved by monitoring two QoS parameters: end-
`to-end delay and T S D U loss rate.
`3.1.1 End-to-end delay
`In HeiTS, each logical data unit is represented by a transport
`service data unit (TSDU). Each TSDU has an expected ar-
`rival time, and a TSDU arriving later than expected indicates
`There are several possibilities to define the expected arrival
`time of a TSDU. One could, for example, define its value
`simply as the actual arrival time of the previous TSDU plus
`the period of the message stream (that is, the reciprocal value
`of its rate). Alternatively, the arrival time of the first TSDU of
`the stream (or any other earlier packet) rather than the arrival
`time of the previous packet could be used as an "anchor" for the
`calculation. This helps to avoid false indications of congestions
`in cases where the previous TSDU happened to arrive early and
`the current TSDU has a "normal" delay.
`HeiTS calculates the expected arrival time as the "logical
`arrival time" of the previous packet plus the stream period_ The
`logical arrival time is the arrival time observed when bursts
`are smoothed out, that is, when early packets are artificially
`delayed (for example, in a leaky bucket fashion) such that the
`specified stream rate is not exceeded (see [19] for details).
`3.1.2 TSDU loss rate
`A problem arising when only monitoring end-to-end delay is
`the definition of a threshold value from when on congestion is
`assumed. A better indicator to detect congestion is the TSDU
`IPR2023-00332 Page 00003
`loss rate. In HeiTS, both parameters are monitored in paral-
`lel. To adjust the value o f the threshold value for the delay
`HeiTS continuously compares the mean-end-to-end delay to
`the corresponding value o f the mean loss rate.
`The lateness/loss of a single T S D U should not immedi-
`ately trigger the scaling down o f a stream, because the con-
`gestion may only be short. However, if a sequence o f packets is
`late (or some packets are missing because they were dropped
`due to buffer overflow), it can be assumed that the network
`is congested. In this case, the receiver initiates a scale-down
`In HeiTS, the mean values o f loss-rate and end-to-end de-
`lay are calculated over a predefined measurement interval. The
`determination o f the interval length depends on the network
`characteristics and, therefore, has to be based on heuristics.
`3.2 Continuous scaling
`A major issue with the scaling procedure is the responsive-
`ness, that is, how rapidly the traffic adapts to the available
`bandwidth. We propose a scale-down scheme which consists
`of three stages.
`- The first reaction to a congestion is to throw away excess or
`late packets. This usually happens within the network dur-
`ing a buffer overflow or at the receiver station that detects
`the lateness o f a packet. A n appropriate mechanism for
`lateness detection is included in HeiTP. Scaling by drop-
`ping packets is immediate and local, that is, it does not
`affect the sender, which continues to send at its full rate.
`Hence, scaling up can also be done very quickly by sim-
`ply stopping to discard packets. As stated before, it makes
`sense not immediately to trigger the sender to scale down
`the stream, since the congestion may only be brief.
`- W h e n the number of late or lost packets exceeds a certain
`threshold, which can be defined heuristically, it is assumed
`that the congestion will last longer. In this case, the sender
`is triggered to throttle its traffic. As a first step, the sender
`reduces its sending r a t e - p o s s i b l y down to zero. (Reducing
`the rate to zero makes no sense if all data are sent over only
`one connection. I f continuous scaling is applied to one o f
`several substreams, this substream may temporarily carry
`no data at all and the receiver will still receive information.)
`The connection, however, remains intact, along with its
`resource reservations 2. This means that the resources can
`be temporarily used by other traffic, but the sender can
`scale the stream up immediately once the congestion is
`If the rate on a stream has been reduced to zero and the con-
`gestion is o f a longer duration, that is, if several attempts
`2 Note that not only guaranteed connections but also best-effort
`connections in HeiTS may have resources reserved for them.
`However, the reservation for best-effort connections does not account
`for the worst possible case. Thus, in some situations the amount of
`reserved resources may not suffice, which will lead to congestions. On
`the other hand, best-effort conntions may temporarily use resources
`reserved for other connections as long as these connections do not
`need them.
`of the sender to scale up the stream fail, the corresponding
`connection is terminated and all resources reserved for it
`are released. Since congestion typically occurs only at one
`bottleneck on the end-to-end connection (for example, on
`some subnetwork), the resources previously reserved on
`other subnetworks or nodes are made available for other
`connections. Scaling the stream up, however, requires the
`reestablishment o f the connection, w h i c h takes some time.
`This last step leads us directly to the discrete scaling approach
`which will be discussed in the next subsection.
`The monitoring of a stream provides the receiving sta-
`tion with hints at congestion situations. This monitoring can-
`not, however, yield any information about the termination o f a
`congestion. Assuming that the underlying network also does
`not give any explicit indication o f congestions, the decision
`whether to scale up a stream must be based on heuristics. The
`only practical heuristic known is to scale up the stream when
`a certain time span after the previous scale down has elapsed.
`A scale-up decision based on time spans can come either
`too early or too late. A scaling which is too late is not consid-
`ered harmful if it happens within the range o f a few seconds. If
`the transmission quality is temporarily reduced, a human user
`does not care much whether this lasts for 3 or 5 s. The effects
`of a scaling which is too early can be more severe. Scaling a
`stream up while the congestion situation is still present causes
`the receiver to trigger a new scale-down and, in the extreme
`case, an oscillation o f the system. This implies an increased
`overhead for both end-systems and network and, additionally,
`can extend the phase o f reduced quality longer than necessary.
`To avoid oscillation, the scaling procedure o f HeiTS scales
`up stepwise, as is done by other dynamic congestion control
`algorithms [1, 8]. After scaling down the stream, the sender
`transmits for a certain time span o r a certain amount o f data
`(for example, n packets for a fixed value of n) at the reduced
`rate. If after this period no scale-down message is obtained
`from the receiver, which means that, HeiTS could transfer the
`packets without any severe congestion, the sender increases its
`rate by some amount 3. This procedure is continued until the
`maximum throughput for this stream is reached or until the
`receiver requests to scale down the stream again.
`A simple example o f the protocol machine for continuous
`scaling is shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The source entity consists of
`three stages: In the O K state, the source transmits the media
`stream in best quality. If a scale-down message is received
`from the sink, there is a transition to the D O W N state. The
`machine remains in the D O W N state until no further scale-
`down message is received for a certain time span t~p. In this
`case, the protocol machine goes to the UP state and tries to
`scale up the stream. I f the maximum quality is reached the
`protocol machine returns to the O K state.
`3 Note the difference between our scheme and the slow-
`start algorithm in TCP [8]. TCP's slow-start algorithm uses
`acknowledgements returned by the receiver to increase the traffic rate,
`whereas our scheme increases the rate in the absence of scale-down
`IPR2023-00332 Page 00004
`~ -
`IF quality=max_qual=~ "
`' ~
`OK ) - -
`IF feedback(loss_rate)
`THEN scaledown(- - quality)
`seLtimer(t up)
`IF feedback(loss_rate) . . .
`THEN sealedown(- - quality) I
` pi;
`THEN scale_up(++quality) IF feedback(loss_rate)
`IF (t up expired
`&& quality < max_qual)
`THEN scaledown(- - quality)
`THEN scale_up(++quality)
`set_timer(t up)
`Fig. 1, State diagram source
`<= threshold
`IF loss rate (cid:12)9 threshold
`THEN ~eedback(Ioss._.rate)
`Iio~s-;atte-~ =
`IF Iossrate <= ~
`" ~ ' ~
`~ -
`FEEDBACK )4"-~-
`~ " ~
`I IF loss_rate > loss_rate_old
`U THEN ~k(l~ds~-r~e~ rate
`Fig.2. State diagram sink
`The protocol machine on the sink side consists of only two
`states: The O K state is left if the T S D U loss rate/delay exceeds
`the threshold value. During the transition to the F E E D B A C K
`state, a scale-down message is sent to the source entity. The
`F E E D B A C K state ensures that the sink entity waits at least for
`the time until the media stream is adjusted according to the
`last scale-down message, before a new scale-down message
`can be sent.
`3.3 Discrete scaling
`The advantages of the continuous scaling technique are that
`scaling can be done at fine granularity and that in principle only
`one connection is required per stream. There are, however,
`some problems with this approach because it does not take
`into account two special features of HeiTS.
`- HeiTS supports multicast. This implies that continuous
`scaling may lead to the following problem. If a receiver
`triggers the sender to scale down the rate, all receivers from
`that point on get data at the lower rate, that is, a multimedia
`stream of worse quality. This approach is "all-worst" (or
`socialistic, to use a historical term), since the worst path in
`the multicast tree determines the quality for every receiver.
`- HeiTS supports different connection types. HeiTS has
`guaranteed connections for which all required resources
`are reserved in advance, and hence the requested through-
`put can be guaranteed. Additionally, HeiTS supports best-
`effort connections, in which no resources or only part o f
`the resources required are reserved in advance; thus con-
`gestion is possible.
`The discrete scaling technique discussed in the following is
`based on splitting a multimedia stream into a set o f substreams,
`as described in the beginning o f Sect. 3. This technique can be
`used in a multicast environment and supports different rates
`for different receivers. It works in an "individual best" (capi-
`talistic) fashion.
`For each of the different substreams a separate network
`layer connection is established. ST-II, the network protocol of
`HeiTS, in principle treats each o f these substreams indepen-
`dently. However, the "stream group identifier" o f ST-II can be
`used to indicate that several network connections belong to a
`single transport connection. The system can then try to achieve
`roughly the same delay for each of these network connections
`that facilitates reassembly of the substreams as packets reach
`the target with approximately the same transit time.
`For establishing a set of substreams, an application speci-
`fies the percentage of data, which has to be transmitted to the
`receiver under any circumstance. If fewer data are transferred,
`a receiver cannot decode any useful information. These data
`are transferred over a guaranteed connection, if possible. If
`no guaranteed connections can be supported (for example, be-
`cause there is an Ethernet in between), a best-effort connection
`is also used for this portion o f the stream.
`The rest of the stream is transferred over one or more best-
`effort connections. How many connections of this kind are
`required depends on the granularity of the data stream: Each
`part that provides a useful increase in quality is transferred
`over a separate best-effort connection.
`Example: A video data stream is sent with 24 frames per second
`(fps). The sender decides that 6 fps have to be transferred under
`any circumstances to the receivers. These data are sent over the
`basic connection. The remaining 18 fps might be sent over two
`best-effort connections: 6 fps over the first and 12 fps over the
`second. In this example, the two best-effort connections have
`different throughput requirements. The video frames are then
`sent in the following order over the different connections:
`. . .
`bas be2 be1 be2 bas be2 be1 be2 bas . . .
`bas: sent over basic connection (guaranteed or best-effort)
`be1 : first best-effort connection
`be2: second best-effort connection
`If a receiver detects some congestion on any o f these connec-
`tions, it closes the least important connection (that is, be2 in the
`example). If we have a multicast connection, this disconnect
`does not necessarily imply a termination o f the whole connec-
`tion, but only of its last hop to the receiver. This means that
`the other receivers can still receive the stream in full quality.
`IPR2023-00332 Page 00005
`4.1 Extensions to HeiTP functions
`To support scaling, three major extensions were introduced
`to HeiTP. These additional features, which will be described
`in the next subsections, reflect the three stages of the scaling
`procedure described in Sect. 3.1.
`The first step of congestion handling is to throw away pack-
`ets based on importance parameters that HeiTP associates with
`the packets. In the second step, the receiver, having detected
`the congestion, triggers the sender to reduce the transmission
`rate. Reducing the rate is based on an extended HeiTP rate con-
`trol mechanism. The third step in media scaling is the dynamic
`termination and reestablishment of network connections. This
`is provided by a call management mechanism that additionally
`helps the user to manage the transmission of a media stream
`over a group of substreams.
`4.1.1 Importance
`As a user should have some influence on the order in which in-
`dividual packets are thrown away, HeiTP now includes impor-
`tance parameters for packets. In case of a congestion, packets
`are discarded in the order of their importance.
`4.1.2 Rate control
`In HeiTP, on the one hand, rate control mechanisms affect the
`transmission of data between peer transport entities and, on
`the other transmission across the user interfaces between the
`transport service users and transport entities.
`Rate control for transmission between transport entities
`is done in two different ways, depending on the type of the
`For connections with guaranteed bandwidth, rate control
`mechanisms are realized locally within the transport entity
`on the sender side. The rate is static and determined at con-
`nection establishment time according to the application's
`In case of best-effort connections, a distributed mechanism
`with dynamic rate adjustment is required. Congestion de-
`tection is done at the transport entity on the target side as
`described in Sect. 3. When the number of late or lost pack-
`ets exceeds a certain threshold, a scale-down message is
`sent to the transport entity on the sender side which low-
`ers in response its transmission rate. Scaling up is done as
`discussed in Sect. 3.
`Rate control for data transmission across the transport ser-
`vice interface is strongly coupled with transparent and non-
`transparent scaling. The application can decide which scaling
`method should be used by activating or deactivating this rate
`- Transparent scaling is realized by switching off the rate
`control at the service interface. If the data rate of the ap-
`plication exceeds the transmission rate supported by the
`connection, packets will be thrown away by the transport
`entity on the sender side without any indication to the ap-
`~Receiver, 3
`~- basic connection
`first best-effort connection
`second best-effort connection
`~ . ~
`Fig. 3. Discrete scaling with substreams
`Example: In Fig. 3, Receiver 2 cannot keep up with the speed
`of the data stream. Thus, it has issued a disconnect request
`for the second best-effort connection. I f after some time the
`receiver assumes that the congestion is over (see Sect. 3.1), it
`reconnects to the sender.
`The discrete scaling approach has some advantages:
`It is applicable to multicast connections.
`- The receivers are handled "individual best."
`- Network routers require no knowledge of the traffic type.
`However, the scheme implies that scaling can only be done
`with a coarse granulari