
`Patent Owner.
`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`U.S. Patent No. 10,693,700
`REVIEW OF US 10,693,700
`Constellation Exhibit 2002
`LG Electronics, Inc. v. Constellation Designs, LLC


`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`Introduction ..................................................................................................... 2
`Qualifications .................................................................................................. 2
`III. Materials Considered ...................................................................................... 4
`IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory in Nice,
`France .............................................................................................................. 5
`V. De Gaudenzi .................................................................................................... 7
`A. De Gaudenzi Uses Only APSK Constellations .................................... 7
`De Gaudenzi Describes Maintaining Uniform Phase and
`Varying a Ring Ratio of an APSK ............................................. 9
`De Gaudenzi’s Teachings are focused on APSK
`constellations and Not QAM constellations ............................. 10
`De Gaudenzi Describes and is Applicable to Non-
`Hierarchical Constellations ...................................................... 12
`VI. De Gaudenzi’s Optimization Technique Cannot Easily Be Applied to
`Optimize a Hierarchical and Rectangular QAM Constellation .................... 13
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`I, Dr. Guillén i Fàbregas, hereby declare as follows:
`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`1. My name is Albert Guillén i Fàbregas. I have been retained in the
`above-referenced inter partes review proceeding by Constellation Designs, LLC, to
`evaluate United States Patent No. 10,693,700 (the “’700 patent”) against certain
`references that are presented by the Petitioner. As detailed in this report, it is my
`opinion that the Petition does not establish that any of the challenged claims are
`anticipated or rendered obvious by the references presented by the Petitioner. If
`requested by the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, I am prepared to testify at trial about
`my opinions expressed herein.
`II. Qualifications
`2. I have over twenty years of experience in the field of information theory,
`coding theory and digital communications. I am currently an Associate Professor
`in Information and Data Science at the Department of Engineering, University of
`Cambridge. In my work and research, I have researched and written about
`Information Theory, Communication Theory, Coding Theory, and Statistical
`Prior to my appointment at the University of Cambridge, I held
`appointments at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Telecom Italia, European
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`Space Agency, Institut Eurécom, University of South Australia, Universitat
`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`Pompeu Fabra (ICREA Research Professor) and the University of Cambridge.
`I studied and received a Telecommunication Engineering Degree and
`a Electronics Engineering Degree from Universitat Politècnica de
`Catalunya and Politecnico di Torino, respectively in 1999. I obtained my Ph.D. in
`Communication Systems from École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in
`In addition to my undergraduate and graduate level studies and
`academic qualifications, I have also received Starting and Consolidator Grants
`from the European Research Council. Additionally, I am a member of the Young
`Academy of Europe, Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
`(IEEE), Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), Editor
`of Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory (Now
`Publishers) and previously of the IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (2013-
`2020) and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2007-2011). I was a
`General co-Chair of the 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Information
`Theory, Barcelona, July 2016 and a Technical Program Committee (TPC) co-chair
`of the 2013 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, Sevilla, Sept. 2013. Additionally,
`I am a TPC co-chair of the 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Information
`Theory, Taiwan.
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`I have authored or co-authored over two hundred (200) publications
`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`and technical reports in the areas of digital communications, information theory,
`coding theory, wireless communications, and statistical inference. My publication
`and patents are listed on my curriculum vitae, which is attached hereto as EX2013.
`As a result of my background in information theory and digital
`communications, I have extensive knowledge regarding the state of the technical
`art in this area at the time of filing of the ‘700 patent.
`One of my papers was cited and relied upon by Petitioner.
`Specifically, I am co-author of the De Gaudenzi reference De Gaudenzi cited by
`the Petitioner as EX1014, an article titled “Turbo-coded APSK modulations design
`for satellite broadband communications” which was published in International
`Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking, Vol. 24, 2006 at pp. 261-
`III. Materials Considered
`In preparing this declaration, I have reviewed the specification and
`claims of U.S. Patent No. 10,693,700 (“’700 Patent” (EX1001)) and the file history
`of the ‘700 patent (EX1002). I understand the ‘700 patent was issued on June 23,
`2020 from U.S. Patent Application No. 16/726,037, which forms part of a chain of
`continuations including application Ser. No. 12/156,989 filed Jun. 5, 2008 and
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`issued on Jul. 12, 2011 as U.S. Pat. No. 7,978,777, which claimed priority to U.S.
`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`Provisional Application 60/933,319 filed Jun. 5, 2007. (EX1010).
`I have also reviewed the Petition, declaration of Dr. Bertrand
`Hochwald (EX1003) and all publications and exhibits cited in the Petition and
`declaration of Dr. Bertrand Hochwald including:
`• U.S. Patent Publication No. 2004/0054960 to Eroz et al. (“Eroz” EX1004);
`• ETSI EN 300 744 V1.2.1, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Framing
`structure, channel coding and modulation for digital terrestrial television,
`July 1999 (“DVB-T” EX1005);
`• D. Sommer and G.P. Fettweis, Signal Shaping by Non-Uniform QAM for
`AWGN Channels and Applications Using Turbo Coding, January 2000
`(“Sommer” EX1006); and
`• De Gaudenzi et al. Turbo-coded APSK modulations design for satellite
`broadband communications, Int. J. Satell. Commun. Network. 2006; 24:261-
`281, Published online 19 May 2006 in Wiley InterScience (“De Gaudenzi”
`IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory in Nice, France
`I attended the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory
`held in Nice, France in June of 2007. I was the co-author of four articles presented
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`in the symposium and I presented two of them myself. During that symposium, I
`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`attended the presentation of the M. F. Barsoum, C. Jones, and M. Fitz,
`“Constellation design via capacity maximization” in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. Inf.
`Theory, Nice France, June 2007, pp. 1821-1825. It is my understanding that this
`article formed the basis for U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 60/933,319
`and to which the ‘700 patent claims priority.
`I recall, during that symposium in Nice France, thinking that the
`presentation of the work by Barsoum, Jones and Fitz was genuinely original and
`interesting. I was impressed by the scope of the work: embarking into a full
`constellation optimization (both locations and labels) to result in non-uniform (in
`all degrees of freedom) constellations is a challenging and commendable project. I
`recall speaking to a colleague regarding the concepts described during the
`presentation. Despite having worked on the bit-interleaved coded modulation,
`capacity analysis and information theory for a number of years, I did not make a
`connection between the materials presented in Nice France and my own work as
`described in De Gaudenzi.
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`V. De Gaudenzi
`A. De Gaudenzi Uses Only APSK Constellations
`13. As noted above, I am a co-author of De Gaudenzi. (EX1014). I
`personally performed many of the optimizations described in De Gaudenzi and
`analyzed the performance of the constellations described in De Gaudenzi.
`14. De Gaudenzi, concerns Amplitude Phase Shift Keying (APSK)
`constellations, in which the constellation point locations are indicated by two
`signal characteristics, amplitude and phase. (EX1014 at 4-5). To illustrate, the
`following figure depicts that a constellation point location can be represented in
`polar coordinates by a radius (the amplitude) and an angle (the phase).
`15. Because both amplitude and phase are used to indicate a constellation
`point’s location, in APSK, different constellation points can have the same
`amplitude but still be at different locations because they have different phases. For
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`example, the following figure from De Gaudenzi depicts two “rings” of
`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`constellation points. (EX1014 at 4-5). Each ring of constellation points has the
`same amplitude (represented by the radius in the polar coordinates) but each
`constellation point within the ring has a different phase (represented by the angle in
`polar coordinates). (EX1014 at 4-5).
`16. Thus, in this illustrated constellation, each of the bit sequences 0001,
`0011, 1001, and 1011 have the same amplitude r1 (and thus are positioned on the
`inner r1 ring) but their locations at that amplitude are distinguished by their
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`different respective phases (positioned at 90 degree intervals around the r1 ring).
`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`(EX1014 at 4-5). Likewise, the remaining bit sequences (0000, 0100, 0101, etc.)
`share the same larger amplitude r2 (and are thus positioned on outer ring r2) but
`have different locations because of their different phase positions at that
`ring/amplitude. (EX1014 at 4-5).
`De Gaudenzi Describes Maintaining Uniform Phase and
`Varying a Ring Ratio of an APSK
`17. As explained above, in De Gaudenzi, each constellation point’s
`location is defined by two signal characteristics, namely the signal’s amplitude and
`its phase. (EX1014 at 4-5). As part of its optimization process, De Guadenzi
`places constraints on the available locations including constraints on the number of
`constellation points located at each ring (amplitude) and the differences in phase
`for each of those locations. (EX1014 at 4-8).
`18. For example, De Gaudenzi puts restrictions on the phase aspect of the
`constellation point locations. (EX1014 at 4). At each ring/amplitude, De Gaudenzi
`requires that the constellation points be uniformly spaced in phase. (EX1014 at 4-
`5). In the above 2-ring embodiment, the 4 constellation points at the inner
`ring/amplitude must be a uniform 90 degrees apart in phase, even if different
`phases (and thus different locations) would result in improving capacity. (EX1014
`at 4-8). Likewise, the 12 constellation points at the outer ring/amplitude must be a
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`uniform 30 degrees apart in phase, even if different phases (locations) would result
`in improving capacity. (EX1014 at 4-5).
`19. Thus, for each constellation in our optimization process, we
`preselected the number of points in each ring and required there be a uniform
`phase spacing between points of each ring. Further, we did not optimize over the
`individual point locations or labels, only the ring ratio and phase offset.
`De Gaudenzi’s Teachings are focused on APSK
`constellations and Not QAM constellations
`20. My co-authors and I did not develop nor did we describe optimizing
`rectangular QAM constellations. Moreover, the techniques we did describe in De
`Gaudenzi could not be easily applied to a rectangular QAM constellation.
`21. De Gaudenzi’s teachings are focused on improving only the capacity
`of highly constrained multi-ring APSK constellations in which the amplitude and
`phase of a signal is modulated. The number of points in each amplitude ring are
`preselected, and De Gaudenzi teaches optimizing joint capacity by maintaining
`uniform phase and varying a ring ratio.
`22. A rectangular QAM constellation modulates (varies) the amplitude of
`two components of a sinusoid (the in-phase and quadrature components) that are
`offset in phase by one-quarter cycle. But a rectangular QAM constellation does not
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`have a ring ratio, rendering the techniques of De Gaudenzi inapplicable to a
`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`rectangular QAM constellation.
`In De Gaudenzi, we stated that “[w]e propose new criteria for the
`design of digital QAM constellations of 16 and 32 points, with special emphasis on
`the behavior on nonlinear channels.” (EX1014 at 4). This statement in De
`Gaudenzi refers generally to APSK’s as related to QAM in that APSK’s can be
`represented in the real and imaginary dimensions. This statement is therefore not to
`be interpreted as the teachings of De Gaudenzi can directly be applied to a
`rectangular QAM nor does it suggest the teachings of De Gaudenzi could easily be
`applied to a rectangular QAM constellation.
`24. Thus, my co-authors and I did not develop nor did we describe
`optimizing rectangular QAM constellations. Moreover, the techniques we did
`describe in De Gaudenzi could not be easily applied to a rectangular QAM
`constellation. Our statement regarding the design of digital QAM constellations
`does not suggest our techniques can or should be applied to a rectangular QAM
`constellation, we merely noted that APSK constellations are related to QAM in that
`APSK’s are complex-plane constellations, i.e., they can be represented in the real
`and imaginary dimensions.
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`De Gaudenzi Describes and is Applicable to Non-
`Hierarchical Constellations
`25. De Gaudenzi is directed to a non-hierarchical system that supports
`only one data stream and can only have one associated code rate at a time. The
`techniques of De Gaudenzi, which sought to improve the capacity of a
`constellation representing a single data stream, could not easily be applied to a
`hierarchical constellation in which two data streams are represented.
`26. De Gaudenzi describes optimizing joint capacity for constellations
`operated at one code rate at a given time. The techniques of De Gaudenzi could not
`easily be applied to a constellation operating at two code rates as the same time.
`27. Thus, my co-authors and I did not develop and did not describe
`optimizing hierarchical constellations. Instead, our optimization process only
`considered non-hierarchical APSK constellations in which a single data stream is
`represented and which only has one code rate associated with it at any one time. In
`my opinion, it is not clear or straightforward how to apply the techniques I
`disclosed in De Gaudenzi to a hierarchical system. For instance, my techniques
`were directed towards improving joint capacity for a constellation representing a
`single data stream that could only be used with a single code rate at any one time,
`and could not be used with a hierarchical constellation having two code rates at
`any one time.
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`VI. De Gaudenzi’s Optimization Technique Cannot Easily Be Applied to
`Optimize a Hierarchical and Rectangular QAM Constellation
`In my opinion, De Gaudenzi’s teachings related to non-hierarchical
`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`APSK constellations cannot easily be applied to DVB-T’s hierarchical QAM
`constellations. For example, it is not clear or straightforward how the optimization
`techniques I described in De Gaudenzi could be used to optimize the constellations
`of DVB-T that required both a high priority code rate and a low priority code rate.
`29. Further, the constellations that I and my co-authors described were
`directed towards non-hierarchical APSK systems. These constellations were non-
`hierarchical and, as a result, required only a single code rate be specified at any
`given time for use with the constellations. In my opinion, it is not clear or
`straightforward how the optimization techniques I described in De Gaudenzi could
`be used to optimize the constellations of DVB-T that required both a high priority
`code rate and a low priority code rate.
`30. Even further, the technique I describe in De Gaudenzi addresses
`APSK constellations to improve capacity of a single data stream. It is therefore
`unclear to me how one even could apply the De Gaudenzi teachings to a
`hierarchical constellation such as DVB-T’s constellations.
`Indeed, it is not clear how to apply the teachings of uniform phase and
`varying ring ratio to a rectangular QAM, which is composed of a sinusoid having
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`two amplitude components offset by 90 degrees and which are independently
`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`modulated. It is not clear to me how to apply the teachings of uniform phase and
`varying ring ratio when there is no ring ratio to vary and no ring phase to maintain
`as uniform.
`Constellation Exhibit 2002


`Case No. IPR2023-00228
`Patent No. 10,693,700
`I declare that all statements made herein of my knowledge are true, and that all
`statements made on information and belief are believed to be true, and that these
`statements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements and the like
`so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under section 1001 of
`Title 18 of the United States Code.
`Dated: 14 April 2023
`Dr. Guillén i Fàbregas
`Constellation Exhibit 2002

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