`SPRABX4–November 2014
`Calculating Useful Lifetimes of Embedded Processors
`lifetime of TI embedded
`This application report provides a methodology for calculating the useful
`processors (EP) under power when used in electronic systems. It is aimed at general engineers who wish
`to determine if the reliability of the TI EP meets the end system reliability requirement.
`Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
`Stages of Reliability and Useful Life Period.............................................................................. 1
`CMOS Wear Out Mechanisms and IC Design........................................................................... 2
`Reliability and Temperature ................................................................................................ 3
`Assessing a System Mission Profile ...................................................................................... 5
`Useful Life and MTTF Values .............................................................................................. 6
`Limitations of This Document ............................................................................................. 6
`List of Figures
`Bathtub Curve Showing Different Stages of Reliability ................................................................. 2
`Impact of Electro-Migration on a TI Embedded Processor Over Temperature...................................... 3
`Arrhenius Equation .......................................................................................................... 3
`Acceleration Factor (AF) From 105°C .................................................................................... 4
`Example of Assessing a System Level Mission Profile and Component Reliability ................................ 5
`List of Tables
`Table 1. De-Rating Above 105°C TJ....................................................................................... 4
`This document introduces the three stages of reliability and shows the current generation of TI industrial
`grade EP product is designed to support a useful lifetime of 10 year operating at 105°C junction
`temperature (TJ).
`Based on the physics of failure approach, it shows useful life scales with temperature and decreasing the
`effective temperature below 105°C TJ, can extend the useful lifetime of the silicon beyond 10 years.
`Similarly, increasing the effective temperature above the 105°C TJ will shorten lifetime.
`Using a case study of an actual system level mission profile, it shows how to calculate if the EP will be
`operating within its target useful lifetime for which it was designed.
`Stages of Reliability and Useful Life Period
`When considering ‘reliability’, three phases of lifetimes are considered:
`• Early life – declining failure rate where failures are due to random defects.
`• Useful life – the steady state period where failure rate is relatively constant.
`• Wear-out – stage where end of life mechanisms start to occur and failure rate increases.
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`SPRABX4–November 2014
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`Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
`Calculating Useful Lifetimes of Embedded Processors
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1017.001
`IPR 2023-00199
`CMOS Wear Out Mechanisms and IC Design
`Figure 1 illustrates this as a “bathtub curve” profile where the edges of the curves reflect the shape of a
`The focus of electronics reliability is the useful life period and also referred to as steady-state period where
`it is expressed in Failure in Time (FIT): # of failures/109 hours.
`Figure 1. Bathtub Curve Showing Different Stages of Reliability
`Many industrial systems require useful lifetimes of 10 years or less but recent examples of reliability
`profiles modeled by TI that go above that include:
`• Telecommunication equipment: 15 years continuous operation
`Industrial controllers in factory electrical supply system: 15 years continuous operation
`• Solar invertor: 15 years continuous operation
`• Water meter: 15 years continuous operation
`• Electronic Meter: 20 years continuous operation
`CMOS Wear Out Mechanisms and IC Design
`The current generation of TI industrial grade embedded processor products is designed to support a
`useful lifetime of 10 year operating at 105°C junction temperature TJ.
`The 10 year lifetime assumes a worst case situation of 100% powered on and run at a constant 105°C TJ
`TI EP products are designed for reliability so that the onset of the wear out mechanisms occurs beyond
`the useful life period. This is illustrated in Figure 1.
`Robustness to prominent silicon wear-out mechanisms that are designed for include:
`• Gate oxide integrity (GOI)
`• Electro-migration (EM)
`• Time dependent di-electric breakdown (TDDB)
`In addition, mechanisms that cause parametric shift over lifetime, such as Negative Bias Temperature
`Instability (NBTI) and Channel Hot Carriers (CHC), are also considered within the product design.
`For most silicon technologies, the critical wear out mechanism is EM.
`Figure 2 shows how the onset of EM changes with TJ on a TI proprietary silicon node. Note that EM
`performance may differ per technology but the principle of fail rate vs temperature will apply: running at
`temperature extremes for long durations above 105°C will shorten the lifetime.
`Calculating Useful Lifetimes of Embedded Processors
`Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
`SPRABX4–November 2014
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`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1017.002
`IPR 2023-00199
`Reliability and Temperature
`Figure 2. Impact of Electro-Migration on a TI Embedded Processor Over Temperature
`Reliability and Temperature
`Assuming the device is operating within the specified data sheet voltage, the critical variable influencing
`silicon lifetime under electrical bias is the junction temperature (TJ) of the silicon.
`An often quoted rule of thumb in electronics reliability for capacitors is that every 10°C increase, the
`lifetime approximately halves. For semiconductors, it is a similar change but there is slippage at higher
`Because of this, it is recommended looking at two situations of power on conditions: at or below 105°C
`and above 105°C.
`4.1 Operating Below 105°C TJ
`When operating at 105°C TJ or below, apply the Arrhenius equation to determine the accelerating factor
`(AF) (see Figure 3).
`Figure 3. Arrhenius Equation
`AF = Acceleration factor
`Ea = Activation energy in eV
`k = Boltzmann’s’ constant (8.63 x 10-5 eV/K )
`Tuse = Use temperature in K (C + 273)
`Tstress = Stress temperature in K ( C+273)
`Figure 4 plots the AFs for every 5°C below 105°C using a thermal activation energy Ea of 0.7eV (a
`common Ea for assessing silicon reliability).
`SPRABX4–November 2014
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`Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
`Calculating Useful Lifetimes of Embedded Processors
`k T
`Electro-migration fail fraction: time vs Tj
`Fail Fraction %
`Power On Hours
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1017.003
`IPR 2023-00199
`Reliability and Temperature
`It shows that if the processor runs at 90°C effective temperature instead of the 105°C, x2 increase is
`useful lifetime can be projected. In other words, a 20 year useful lifetime of the silicon can be achieved
`provided the application manages the thermal performance to be at an ‘effective’ TJ of 90°C or below.
`Figure 4. Acceleration Factor (AF) From 105°C
`4.2 Operating Above 105°C TJ
`For extended temperature devices rated above 105°C TJ, Figure 2 showed that running hotter
`temperatures shortens lifetime.
`To facilitate a high-level calculation that does not involve a complex calculation of wear out mechanisms,
`Table 1 shows a guard banded AF for situations 105°C.
`Table 1. Table 1. De-Rating Above 105°C TJ
`Acceleration Factor
`Table 1 shows that if the embedded processor designed to 10 years and 105°C TJ is instead operated
`continuously at 125°C TJ, then 2 years useful life should be its reliability budget.
`NOTE: The guard banded AF is sufficient to satisfy for most applications. If more precise modeling
`is required for extended temperature applications, contact TI for reliability assistance.
`NOTE: For automotive grade products that are specified above 105°C TJ, their reliability mission
`profile is targeted for an AEC-Q100 mission profile of 15 years on with ~12% duty cycle. The
`total time at Tmax is usually a small subset of their total power on time.
`Calculating Useful Lifetimes of Embedded Processors
`Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
`SPRABX4–November 2014
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`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1017.004
`IPR 2023-00199
`Assessing a System Mission Profile
`Assessing a System Mission Profile
`It is rare that an application runs 100% at one temperature. More practical situations run at a distributed
`temperature ranges over its lifetime. The mapping of Temperature vs time for an application is known as a
`mission profile.
`In most cases, the mission profile imparts a time on vs time off, known as a duty cycle. The duty cycle has
`importance in that power off stops the clock for the reliability mechanisms that require bias (traditional
`CMOS wear out).
`Figure 5 shows a real life example of a mission profile for a solar invertor application which required a 15
`year useful lifetime with 100% on time. In this example, the delta between TA and TJ was 20°C. To
`calculate the Junction temperature from ambient or case temperatures, see the device-specific data sheet.
`The end result showed that the mission profile would subject the EP to be running at an equivalent to 3.4
`years @ 105°C TJ and comfortably within the 10 years @ 105°C TJ that it was designed for.
`Figure 5. Example of Assessing a System Level Mission Profile and Component Reliability
`SPRABX4–November 2014
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`Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
`Calculating Useful Lifetimes of Embedded Processors
`PoH / yr
`Total PoH
`Tj AF from 105C * Equiv to 105C Tj hrs
`131,400 hrs
`29,712 hours
`3.4 Years
`Solar Invertor Profile
`1. Convert days to Power on Hours/ year
`2. PoH / year x years x duty cycle
`3. convert Ta -> Tj ( +20C in this example but will vary per device)
`4. Derating from 105C Tj to actual Tj - see table below
`5. Calculate PoH per Tj interval x AF
`*Derating 105C to lower temperatures
`Temperature Acceleration Factor using 0.7eV
`Summary: The customer profile is
`equivalent to 3.4 years @ 105C
`Since it was designed to have 10
`years @ 105C Tj lifetime, It will
`still be operating within its useful
`lifetime (ie/ it has only consumed
`34% of it's useful lifetime).
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1017.005
`IPR 2023-00199
`Useful Life and MTTF Values
`Useful Life and MTTF Values
`There may be confusion in useful lifetime and mean time to failure (MTTF) values, but they refer to
`different aspects of reliability.
`The useful life calculations shown here assess if the component will outlast the system reliability
`requirement. With respect to end industries, the longest requirement for system useful life TI modeled was
`20 years useful life for metering applications. (In such outdoor applications, the ambient temperatures
`assisted in lowering the effective temperatures.)
`MTTF on the other hand, is a projection of when the arithmetic mean time between failures of the whole
`population where it is an inverse of the FIT rate. The MTTF is orders of magnitudes higher than the useful
`Limitations of This Document
`• Not all TI’s embedded products support a 10 year and 105°C TJ useful life. Devices with limited
`POH/useful life will specifiy this in their device-specific data sheets.
`• The reliability discussed in this document is limited to semiconductor reliability under power on
`conditions only (silicon lifetime). It does not include assessment of package reliability conditions, which
`needs separate reliability assessments.
`• Data retention periods of non-volatile memory are not considered in this application report. For more
`information regarding these values, see the device-specific data sheets.
`Calculating Useful Lifetimes of Embedded Processors
`Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
`SPRABX4–November 2014
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`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1017.006
`IPR 2023-00199
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`Copyright © 2014, Texas Instruments Incorporated
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1017.007
`IPR 2023-00199