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`2 J8nwry
`NotIce 1
`DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.001
`IPR 2023-00199


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`1. This standardization handbook was developed by the Department of Deferw
`with the assistance of the military dep~ments,
`federal agencies, and industry.
`2. Every effort has been made to reflect the latest information on reliability
`prediction procedures.
`It is the intent to review this handbook periodically to
`ensure its completeness and currency.
`3. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent
`data which may be of use in improving this dooument should be addressed to:
`Commander, Rome Laboratory, AFSC, AlTN:
`ERSS, Griffiss Ak Force Base,
`New York 13441-5700,
`by using the self-addressed Standardization Document
`Improvement Proposal
`(DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document
`or by letter.
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.002
`IPR 2023-00199


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`Purpose ...... .......................0...... ............ ● ....................... ● ......... ...... ................. ........
`Application .. ............ .... ...*.. ........................ ● ,, *........ ..........*. .....*......
`........ .................................................... ........ .....
`RdiabWty Predktbn
`● ...................................... ................................
`Reliability Engineering ........... .
`The Role of Reliability Predktbn ...**.*.*..... ................................................................
`Limitations of Reliability Predictions ● ..... *..*.*... .
`Part Stress Analysis Prediction .................................... ● .....................0....................0
`. ● .
`EVALUATION .....................*..*... .......................
`INTRODUCTION .......**...**.....................0..... ● .................
`C3ate/Lo@cArrays and Microprocessors ........................................*... .....*..... .............
`Memorfes .................................................................... ...........................................
`Like ............................. ............................ .........................................
`GaAs MMIC and D@ai Devioes ......................................................................... .......
`Hybrids ..................................................................... .............. ...............................
`SAW Devices ................................................ ● .............. ......... ...... ...........................
`Magnetic Bubble Memories ............................................................................ .........
`XT Table for All .................................................... ....................................................
`C2 Table for AIl ................ ............................. .... ......................................................
`......................... .............................................. .............
`%EsXL and fiQ Tabk= for ~i
`TJ Determination,
`(All Except Hybrids) ...................................*... ............*..................
`...................................................................... ● .........
`TJ Determination,
`(For Hybriis)
`Examples .................... .................................................................... .... ...................
`Discrete Semiconductors,
`Introduction ....................................................................
`Diodes, Low F~ency
`....................................................... .
`High Frequency (Microwave, RF) .............. ...................................................
`Transistors, LOW Frequency, Bifx)lar ........................................ ...... ..........................
`Low Frequency, Si FET ......................................................................*..
`Transistors, Unijmction ..........00............................................ ............................. ......
`Transistors, Low Noise, High Frequency, Bipolar .............................. ........................
`Transistors, High Power, High Frequency, Bipolar .....................* ..........* ....................
`Transistors, High Frequency, GaAs FET ......................0.... .................... ......... ...........
`Transistors, Hgh Frequency, Si FET ....... ....* ... ............................... ..........................
`end SCRS .... .... ........ ............................. ............... ● ................. .................
`Optoelectronics, Detectors,
`Isolators, Emitters .................. .................................. .....
`Optoeiectmnios, Alphanumeric Displays ..................................................................
`Laser Diode .......................* .........................................*......
`TJ Determination ............................... .....................................................................
`Example .................................................................................................................
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.003
`IPR 2023-00199


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`All Types Except TM/T and Magnetron ......................................................................
`Traveli~ Wave ............ ............................. ...... ........................................................
`Magnetron ................................ ......................*.....
`Introduction ... .............................................................. ...........................................
`Helium and Argon ..........................................................**.... .... .... .......................* ...
`Dmxide, Sealed .................................. ......................... ...............................
`Carbon Dioxide, Fbwing ............................... .................... ......................................
`SoIii State, ND:YAG and Ruby Rod ............ ...................................................... .......
`Introduction ............................................................................................................
`Fixed, Composition (RCR, RC) .................................................................................
`I%@, Fitm (RLR, RL, RN (R.C, or N). RN) .............................. ...................................
`Fixed, Fltrn, Power (fWI) ................ ................... ................................. .......................
`Network, Fixed, Film (RZ) .........................................................................................
`Fixed, Wirewound (RBR, RB) ...................................................................................
`Fixed, Wkewound, Power (RWR, RW) ......................................................................
`Fixed, Wirewound, Power, Chassis Mounted (RER, RE) ............................................
`Thermistor (RTH)
`.................................... ................................................................
`Variable, Wirewound (RTR, RT) ................................................................................
`Variable, Wkewound, Precision (RR) ......... ...............................................................
`Variable, W/rewound, Semiprecision (RA, RK) ..........................................................
`Variable, Wkewound, Power (RP) ............................................................................
`(RJ, RJR) ...........................................................................
`Variable, Nonwirewund
`Variable, Composttlon (RV) ...................*.. ................................................................
`Variabte, NOnwmwu
`nd, Fitmw’KI Prectsion (RQ, RVC) ....... .....................................
`Cakulation of Stress Rat& for Potent&meters ..........................................................
`Example ....................... ................................................. .........................................
`Fixed, Paper, By-Pass (CP, CA) ........................ ..... ............................................... ...
`Fixed, Feed-Through (CZR, CZ) ..............................................................................
`Fixed, Paper and Plastic Fitrn (CPV, CQR and CQ) .....................................................
`Fixed, Metallized Pqw, Paper-Plastic and Plastic (CH, CAR) .....................................
`F&ed, Plastic and Metallized Plastic ..........................................................................
`Fixed, Super-Metallized Plastic (CRH)
`............... ....................................................... 10-11
`F&ed, MICA (CM, CMR) .................................................................................. ......... 10-12
`Fixed, MICA, Button (CB) ...........* . ........................................................................... 10-14
`Fued, GJass (CY, CYR) ............................................................... ............ .................
`Fixed, Ceramic, General Purpose (CK, CKR) ............................................................. 10-18
`and Chip (CCR and CC, CDR) ................ 10-20
`Fixed, Cerarnk, Tenpemtum ~
`Fixed, Electrolytic, Tantalum, Solid (CSR) ........................ .................................... ..... 10-21
`Fixed, Electrolytic, Tantalum, Non-Solid (CL, CLR) .................................................... 10-22
`Ektrotytic, Aluminum (CUR and CU) ............................................................. 10-24
`Fixed, Electrolytic (Dfy), Aluminum (CE) .................................................................... 10-26
`Variable, Ceramic (CV) ............................................................................................. 10-27
`Variable, Pkton Type (PC) ....................................................................................... 10-28
`Varitie. ArTfimmr
`(C~ ........................................................................................ 10-29
`Variable and Rxd. Gasor
`................................................................... 10-30
`Example ................................. ........... ............... ............................................. ......... 10-32
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.004
`IPR 2023-00199


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`Transformers ........................................ ..................................................................
`cob .... .....*.. .............................................................................*...... .....................
`Determination of Hot Spot Temperature ............................................................0...0..
`Motors . ................. .....* ● ......................................... ................................................
`Synchros and Resolvers .......................... ...............................................................
`EIapsed Time Meters .....................*.. .......................... ............................................
`Example ......................................................... ........................................................
`......................................0..●.........................● ...................................0.....
`Solid State and Time Delay .
`( I
`Toggle or Pushbutton ............................. ................................................................
`Basic sensitive .......................................................................................................
`Rotary .. ................... ............... ...............................................................................
`.................................................................................................... .... ..
`Circuit Breakers .......................................... ................ ............................................
`(Except Printed Cir@t Board) .............. .......................................................
`Printed Circuit Board . ... ....................................................................................... ....
`Integrated CituJlt Sockets .......................................................................................
`lntemomectkm Assenb+ies with Ptated Through t-totes ................. ................... ........
`Connections ..........................................................................................................
`Meters, Panel ..................................................... ................................. ...................
`Quartz Crystals.......................................................................................................
`.. ........... .................................................. ....................................................
`Fitters, NorwTunabte................................................................................
`Fuses .. . ....0.... ● ........... ........................................................... ................................
`Miscellaneous Patis ............................................................................. ...................
`......................... .................
`... ....... ....
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.005
`IPR 2023-00199


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`Parts with Multi-Level Quality Spedfications ........................................................
`Environmental Symbol and Desdptiin ..............................................................
`...... ................................................................... ....
`Reliability Analysis Cbckfist
`................................... .......
`Default Case Temperatures for All Environments (~)
`Approximate Thermal Resistance for SernbncWtor
`in Various Package Sizes ......... .................. ................ .....................................
`Table 3-1:
`Table 3-2:
`Table 4-1:
`Table &l:
`Table S2:
`Figure 5-1:
`Figure 8-1:
`Figure 9-1:
`Cross Sectbnal Vk!w of a Hybrid with a Single Multi-Layered Substmte ................
`Examples of Active O@cal Surfaces ........................ ............................... ...........
`MIL-R-39008 Deratinfj cum ..... ................................................................. ......
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.006
`IPR 2023-00199


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`provides the following changes based upon recently completed studies
`This revision to MIL-HDBK-217
`(see Ref. 30 and 32 listed in Appendix C):
`1. New failure rate prediction models are prov-kled for the following nine major classes of
`MonoliihE B~lar
`Dqital and Linear Gate/lm@c Array Devioes
`Monolithic MOS Digital and Lmar Gate/Logic Amy Devfces
`Monolithic B@olar and MOS Digital Microprocessor Devkes (Including Controllers)
`Monolithic Blpotar and MOS Memory Devices
`Monolithk (W@ Di@tal Devices
`Monolithic GaAs MMIC Devices
`Hybrid Microcircuits
`Magnetic Bubble Memories
`Surface Acoustic Wave Devices
`This revision provides new prediction models for bipolar and MOS microcircuits with gate counts up to
`linear microcircuits with up to 3000 transistors, bipolar and MOS digital microprocessor and co-
`up to 32 bits, memory devices with up to 1 nlftion bits, GaAs monolithic microwave integrated
`ICS with up to 10,000 transistors. The
`circuits (MMICS) with up to 1,000 active elements, and GaAs digital
`factors have been extensively revised to reflect new technology devices with improved reliability,and
`the activation energies representing the temperature sensitivity of the dice (nT) have been changed for
`MOS devices and for memories. The C2 factor remains unchanged fmm the previous Handbook version,
`but includes pin grfd arrays and surface mount packages using the same model as hermetic, solder-sealed
`dual in-line packages. New values have been included for the quality factor (~),
`the learning factor (~),
`and the environmental
`factor (@.
`The rrwfel
`for hybrid microcircuits has been revised to be simpler to
`use, to delete the terrperature dependence of the seal and interconnect
`failure rate contributions, and to
`provide a method of oakulating ohp jundon temperatures.
`2. A new model for Very High Speed Integrated Circuits (V1-fSIC/VHSIC Like) and Very Large
`Scale Integration (VLSI) devices (gate counts above 60,000).
`The reformatting of the entire handbook to make H easier to use.
`4. A reduction in the number of environmental
`(~E) from 27 to 14.
`5. A revised failure rate model for Network Resistors.
`and Ktystrons based on data supplied by the Electronic Industries
`6. Revised models for Ms
`Association Microwave Tube DiWon.
`. ...=--------
`- —----
`I --
`1 -u
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.007
`IPR 2023-00199


`Downloaded from
`is to establish and maintain consistent and uniform
`- The purpose of thfs MruboOk
`for estimating the hhemnt rek&Slity (i.e., the reUabflityof a mature design) of rnilbry @edron&
`predictionsckhg aoquis&bn progmms
`It provides a common basfs for ~
`for military ebctrcmc systems and equipment. h atso establishes a common basis for oomparfng and
`evafuatlng reliability predictions of rdated or competitive destgns. The handbook is intended to be used
`as a tool to increase the reliabil”~ of the equ@merx being designed.
`- This handtmok oontains two methods of reMWiJity pmdiotbn - “Part Stress
`Analysis” In Sectfons 5 through 23 amf 7%rts Count- in Appendix IL These methods vary in degree of
`informatbn needed to apply them.
`lhe Part Stress Anafysii Method recpires a greater amount of detailed
`and ts appfkabfe mrfng the later design phase when actual hardware and c&wits are being
`designed. The Parts Count Method raquires less infonnatbn, generally part quantities, qmtity level, and
`the applkatbn
`environmen& This method Is appfioable cMng the early de-
`@ase and du~
`In general, the Parts Count Metfwd wffl usually result in a more conservative estknate (i.e.,
`r@taMtythanthe Parts Stress Method.
`Computerfzad Rellablllty PmcffctlOn - Rome Laborato~
`- ORACLE is a computer program
`to aid in appfying the part stress analysis procedure
`of MIL-HDBK-217.
`Based on
`environmental use chamcteristks,
`piece part oount, thermal and electrical stresses, subsystem repair rates
`and system configuration,
`the program calculates piece part, assemMy and subassembly failure rates.
`also flags overstressed parts, afbws the user to perform tradeoff analyses and provides system mean-
`time-to-failure and availability. The ORACLE computer program software (available in both VAX and IBM
`PC versbns)
`is available at replacement
`tape/disc cost
`to all DoD organizations,
`and to
`contractors for applbcatbn on spedfk
`DoD contraots as government
`furnished property (GFP).
`statement of terms and conditions may be obtained upon written request
`to: Rome Laborato~/ERSR,
`Grtffiss AFB, NY 13441-5700.
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.008
`IPR 2023-00199


`Downloaded from
`. .
`dofwhiohdescrb ectevicesthatam
`somespecificatbns which have beencanoslle
`nottobeused fornewdes@n.
`Wms$arytmcxames omeofthesed evicasarusecfin
`soalfed %ff-th~
`eqdpment which the Depwtment of Defense purchases. The documents cited
`m this section are for @dance and information.
`FMed,Mii-Dieisctric, General Specifii
`composition (Insufated) General $pecuii
`Resiekx. Variab&gWirewound (Low Operating Tmpwatum) General
`Spo&@atbn for
`Estdfkhed and Nonestabiished Reliability, General Specifiiion
`Rask!or, Wuewow
`Power Type, General Spa&cation for
`Dire Cwrent (Hermetically Sealed
`in Metal Case@, General Specification for
`Resistor, Fued, Wkewound (Power Type), Genarai Specifhbn
`Tmnsfonner and fndwtor (Audio, Power, High Power, High Power
`Pulse). General Sfxdiibn
`(DG fgruminum.W E~@,
`Fiu~ ~fo~~
`Pdar&ed), Gened
`Capacitor, Variable, Ceramic Dielectric (Trimmer). General Specification
`Variable, Air Dielectric (Trimmer), General Specificaii
`Resistor, Fwed, Wkewound (Aocura!e), General Spdfkdon
`Resistor, Variable, Composition, General Specifiin
`Interrupter and Self -RectifyingO General Specification for
`Miniature, Tungaran Fikment
`Ckauit Br@der, MOidOdC&m, BrarmflcfrcuRand~
`Fuse, Q@ridge, CJassH (Thii mvem renewable and mrwnebie)
`Fuse, Camidge, High InterruptingCqmcity
`Unk ~
`~~end Spcifiw&m for
`Connector,Coax&~Radii Frequency, Series Pulse, Gene@
`Connector, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, Series NH, Associated Ftiings,
`Connector, Coaxial, Radio Frequency, Series LC
`MIL%l 1
`MlL-R-l 9
`Luw u I
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.009
`IPR 2023-00199


`Downloaded from
`conneotor, P&q and Ramptda,
`Associated Fitlmgs, General SpuM@mn
`(po”~* B&~
`TYP@ -~~
`Rotary (Circxit Selector, Low-Current
`(Capady)), General
`Toggle, Envlmnmantally sealed, General Speckatbn
`Electrolyte), Tantalum, General
`Eledrkal, Circular Threaded, AN Type, General
`Spedflcation for
`I%aa, Currati Limiter Type, Amaft
`(For Electronic and Communkation Type Equipment),
`Relay. Electrbl
`General Specifbaticm for
`Relay, Electromagnetic (Including Established Reliability(ER) Typs),
`Aviation Service, General Raquiramentfor
`14.1, 14.2
`SwhcheSand Switch Assemblies, Swxdtivo and Push, (SW Action)
`General Sfx@in
`MlL-M-l 0304
`MlL-R-l 0509
`M!L-GI 1272
`MlL-C-l 1693
`MlL-R-l 1804
`Switches, Toggle, Positive Brealq General Specification for
`Meter, Electkal
`Indicating, Panel Type, Ruggedzed, General
`Resistor, f%cad IWm (High Stability). General Speoikatbn
`Fud, Mii Dielectric, Button Style, General Specifiiion
`FU~, Ceramic Dtiric
`(General Pupae),
`Capadtor, Fixed, Glass Dlelectrb, General Spcfkatbn
`Capadtor, Feed Through. Radio Interference Reduction AC andDC,
`“ hed
`Metal Casos)Eatabkhed
`and No~
`MaMfiio General Spdicatbn
`Resistor, Freed, Film (Power Type), General Specifiin
`By-Pa&: Radio - Interfermce Reduction, Paper Dielectdc,
`DC, (Hermetbally Sealed in Metallk Casas), Ganeral
`AC d
`Spectficatbn for
`Resistor, Variable, Wirewound, Preasion, General Specification for
`r- .
`. .
`.uu l--
`,-- --------
`n . ——.
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.010
`IPR 2023-00199


`Downloaded from
`current (Hermabd
`@J-~ ~n
`(pap- PI-tic) or mastic Dweot*
`lySeabdin Matal Cases) amMshed
`Spac#ioatbn for
`TyP, T“lar
`Trimmer), GWWraI
`Instmnem Poww amf Telephone
`Coil, Fixed and Vari*,
`Radio Frequency, General Specifiibn
`FBtler,Rack Imarkmrux, General SpecMin
`Metzdl&ed (Paper, Paper Plastic or Plastic Film)
`Dkocl Cummt
`(Herrneticaliy sealed in Metal Cases), Gemral
`Filter, High Pass, k
`Pass, Band Pass, Band Suppression and Dual
`General Specdfiition
`Redstor, Freed, WWewound(Power Type, Chassis Mounted), General
`Specificatbn for
`SomkOnductor Oevice, Geneml Specification for
`Relay, Contmi, Naval Ship&oard
`Roley, Tree, Delay,
`General Specifiition
`Fmecf Plastic (or Paper-Plastic) Dielectric (Hermetically
`Sealed m Metal, Cemmc or Glass Cases), EstafXished and
`Noneatabiiahed ReGabilii, General Specifiicatbn for
`Transformer, Pulse, Low Power, General Specikatiin
`Connector, Electrical, Printed WInng Board, General Purpose, General
`Spedfbatbn for
`Rasistor, VarMMe, Nonwirewound (AdjustmentTypes), General
`Spedfbatbn for
`Resistor, F&d,
`lnsdated, General Specifiiion
`(Printed Circuit), (Tlwmbwheel.
`In-1ine and Pushbutton),
`Switches, Pushbutton,
`Illuminated, General Specification for
`Connector, Cyfinddcal, Heavy Outy, General Specification for
`V=xum MI-*
`General Specifiibn
`Reliabllky, General
`Variable, Nonwirewound, General Specificationfor
`. .
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.011
`IPR 2023-00199


`Downloaded from
`sEcTKm #
`MIL-hR851 O
`Fuse, bstrumont Type,Gonad
`(Tharmafly Sensitive Resistor),
`Insulated, Generaf
`Rectangular, Miniature Polatizad Shell, Rack and
`Connec40r, E-
`Panel. Genoraf Spodcatbn for
`Cortnector, ~
`Cormoctor, Efoctr&f
`Environment Rl&ting)
`, Miniature, ~
`Environment Resistant Type.
`(Circular. Minirdure, QuH kamnoc&
`and Plugs, General Spocik@ion
`Resistor, VariaM, WKewound,
`(Lead Screw Actiied)
`Rectangular, Ra& and Panel, solder Type and
`Crimp Type Contads, General Spacifiition
`Relay, Solid State, Ganeral Specification for
`Connector. E&ctric Rectangular, High Density, PoMzed Cantral
`Ja&euww, Genoraf Spedficstion for, Inactive for New Designs
`cimUlar Threaded, High Denaity, High Shock
`Conrmdor, ~
`Shipboard, Class D, General Spechation
`M&oc5rcuits, Generaf Specificatii
`Hybrid Microcircuits, General Specification for
`Integrated Circuits (Microcircuits) Manufacturing, General
`Chcular, Miniature, Hgh Density, Quick
`Qxvwc#or, E~
`(Bayonet, Threadad, and Breech Coupiing) Environment
`Resistant Remowble Crimp and Hermetic Solder Cmtacts, General
`Specification for
`Mh Dkktk
`Estabkhed ReliaMfity, Generat
`Raa&stor, Variable, Wkewound, Sem&Precision, General Spa&icstion
`Raslatcx, Fixed, ~nd,
`Specification for
`EstaMshed Fteflabllity, General
`EstalMshed Relilii,
`(NortsoMf Ek%rolyte) Tantalum
`General SpadkMon
`Resistor, Fixed, W~
`General Speckition
`nd (Power Type) EstaMished Reliability.
`SEC et al. v. MRI
`SEC Exhibit 1016.012
`IPR 2023-00199


`.-. .
`. .
`. .
`. .
`Downloaded from
`Redstor, Fixed, Campoah“ n, (Insutated) Established Reliability,
`Genefal S@fio@hfor
`(Power Type, chassis Mounted)
`EstaMished R@aMfity, General SpecMcMion for
`Cd, Fbrti Radio Frequency, Molded. Established Ratiiity,
`Connector, Coaxial, Racfb Frequency, General Spdfii”~
`Carandc Dielectric (General purpose) EsMMbhd
`R8iiabili!y, Gmeral SpeoWation for
`WkewOund (Lead screw Actuated) Emabfished
`Rdetor, V*,
`Reliability, General Spdfkatbn
`Relay, Electromagnetic, Established ReIiabilii, General Specifiition
`Resietor, Freed, Fh (insulated), Estabkhed Reliabitky, General
`Specifiikm for
`Capacitor. f%ed, Ebctmlytio (Aluminum Oxide) Established Reliabil.~
`and Nonestablished ReKaMIity, General SpecdfbNion for
`Cfrcutt Breakera, Magn@iq Low Power, Sealed, Trip%ee, General
`Mettiized Paper, Paper-Plastic

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