`- 24 -
`The apparatus of claim 7, wherein the processor is further configured to
`execute programmed instructions stored in the memory further comprising providing a sending
`device session content v,'eb page to the sending device, the session content ,veb page configured
`to, when executed by the sending device, generate and send a request for a sending device
`synchronization ,veb page, the request for the sending device synchronization ,veb page
`including the synchronization identifier.
`The apparatus of claim 7, wherein the processor is further configured to
`execute programmed instructions stored in the memory further comprising providing a sending
`device synchronization web page to the sending device, the sending device synchronization web
`page configured to, when executed by the sending device, send the request to establish the first
`web socket connection and the one or more cookies and redirect URL over the first web socket
`l11e apparatus of claim 9, wherein the processor is further configured to
`execute programmed instructions stored in the memory further comprising providing a receiving
`device synchronization web page to the receiving device, the receiving device synchronization
`,veb page configured to, when executed by the receiving device, generate the request to establish
`the second -vveb socket connection, receive the one or more cookies and the redirect URL, and
`redirect a web browser of the receiving device based on the redirect URL.
`l11e apparatus of claim 10, wherein the sending device synchronization
`web page and the receiving device ,veb page are the same synchronization web page and the
`synchronization web page is configured to, when executed by the sending device or the receiving
`device, determine a behavior based on whether another cookie including the synchronization
`identifier is included in a request for the synchronization web page or a response including the
`synchronization web page.
`l11e apparatus of claim 7, wherein the receiving device session content
`30 web page is a same version of the sending device session content web page or a different version
`of the sending device session content web page adapted for a type of the receiving device and
`served from a different location than sending device session content web page.
`Page 601 of 2149
`WO 2016/032602
`- 25 -
`A non-transitory computer readable medium having stored thereon
`instmctions for synchronizing web sessions comprising machine executable code which ,vhen
`executed by a processor, causes the processor to pe1form steps comprising:
`receiving a request to establish a first web socket connection with a
`sending device, the request to establish the first web socket connection, and establishing the first
`web socket connection in response to the request to establish the first web socket connection:
`receiving a request to establish a second web socket connection from a
`receiving device, the request to establish the second web socket connection including the
`synchronization identifier, establishing the second web socket connection in response to the
`request to establish the second web socket connection, and notifying the sending device \Vhen the
`second web socket connection is established;
`receiving one or more cookies including session information and a redirect
`uniform resource locator (URL) from the sending device in response to the notification and over
`the first web socket connection; and
`forwarding the one or more cookies and the redirect URL to the receiving
`device over the second web socket connection, wherein the redirect URL is associated with a
`web page that, when executed by the receiving device, is configured to comprise the session
`111e medium of claim 13, wherein the machine executable code when
`executed by the processor further causes the processor to perform steps further comprising
`providing a sending device session content web page to the sending device, the session content
`web page configured to, when executed by the sending device, generate and send a request for a
`sending device synchronization web page, the request for the sending device synchronization
`web page including the synchronization identifier.
`111e medium of claim 13, wherein the machine executable code when
`executed by the processor further causes the processor to perform steps further comprising
`providing a sending device synchronization web page to the sending device, the sending device
`synchronization web page configured to, when executed by the sending device, send the request
`to establish the first web socket connection and the one or more cookies and redirect URL over
`the first web socket connection.
`Page 602 of 2149
`WO 2016/032602
`- 26 -
`The medium of claim 15. wherein the machine executable code vvhen
`executed by the processor further causes the processor to perfonn steps further comprising
`providing a receiving device synchronization web page to the receiving device, the receiving
`device synchronization web page configured to, when executed by the receiving device, generate
`the request to establish the second web socket connection, receive the one or more cookies and
`the redirect URL, and redirect a web browser of the receiving device based on the redirect URL.
`l11e medium of claim 16, ·wherein the sending device synchronization web
`page and the receiving device web page are the same synchronization web page and the
`synchronization web page is configured to, when executed by the sending device or the receiving
`device, determine a behavior based on whether a cookie including the synchronization identifier
`is included in a request for the synchronization web page or a response including the
`synchronization web page.
`l11e medium of claim 13, wherein the receiving device session content
`web page is a same version of the sending device session content web page or a different version
`of the sending device session content web page adapted for a type of the receiving device and
`served from a different location than sending device session content web page.
`Page 603 of 2149
`°' --I
`~ w
`0 ..... u,
`0 ....
`~ w
`0 .....
`...I. -(0
`FlG. 1
`Receiving Device Synchronization Web Page 124
`Sending Device Synchrnni.cation Web Page 122
`Receiving Device Session Content Web Page _L2_Q
`Sending Device Session Content Web Page l 18
`Web Socket Server 124
`Memory JJ_i
`Processor Jl.Q
`Communication Interface 114
`Web Content Server 108
`Web Session Synchronization Apparatus !00
`Device 104
`Network 106
`Device 102
`Page 604 of 2149
`°' --I
`~ w
`0 ..... u,
`ii,) w
`0 ....
`~ w
`0 .....
`Apparatus 2&0
`Web Session
`J?JG. 2
`Memory 208
`l i-41---
`Processor 206
`l 16 ,.
`Cornmunication Interface 210
`\Veb Socket Server 202
`Receiving Device Synchronization Web Page 12-1
`Sending Device Synchronization Web Page 122
`Receiving Device Session Content Web Page 120
`Sending Device Session Content Web Page U__z;
`Device 104
`Memory 214
`Processor 110
`Communication interface 1_14
`Web Content Server 204
`Network J__Q_(i
`( Communication
`t1"'>11. --...,,.,,.---~-,\
`Device lQ2
`Page 605 of 2149
`°' ---I
`~ w
`0 ..... u,
`(..,.) -(0
`0 ....
`~ w
`0 .....
`Memory )08
`Processor llO
`Communication Interface 114
`\Veb Content Server 304
`Sending Device Synchronization Web Page J-22
`Sending Device Session Content Web Page _]J_8
`Web Socket Server J£1:
`Processor 110
`Comrmmicaiion Interface _LL:l
`Web Content Server 302
`,__ _____
`FIG. 3
`Receiving Device Synchronization Web Page 124 I
`Receiving Device Session Content Web Page 120 I
`Apparatus }Q_Q //.,,
`Web Session
`..,~---,,·'_,,,,,,,. ..... •
`~, _____
`,, ____
`----~ ~----
`Network l 06
`Device 1Q1
`r-------, \
`\..""',/ i
`,.( Commun 1cat1on
`Device _LQ-2
`Page 606 of 2149
`°' ---I
`~ w
`0 ..... u,
`J;::i,, -U)
`0 ....
`~ w
`0 .....
`FIG. 4
`Receiving Device Synchronization Web Page 124
`Receiving Device Session Content Web Page 120
`Web Socket Server l 24
`Processor 110
`~ ~: --------------------
`Communication Interface 114
`Web Content Server 1.Q1
`'-:illl l
`I Sending Device Synchronization Web Page Liz ...... J
`Sending Device Session Content Web Page ill
`... ➔
`~ ......
`Memory :!f)-2
`Processor l 10
`Communication Interface LL1
`Web Content Server 40_2-
`/ ,.,/
`l _,,..,,.,./·✓····•-✓"
`Netw-ork 106
`;c: ..-< '
`Apparatus 1Q,Q,.,,./,./
`Web Session
`Device 104
`Device 102
`Page 607 of 2149
`°' --I
`~ w
`0 .... u,
`~ w
`0 ....
`01 -(.0
`:FIG. 5
`Receiving Device Synchronization Web Page 12.4
`Receiving Device Session Content Web Page J20
`Memory 208
`Communication lnterface 114
`Web Content Server 10 .. 4
`Sending Device Synchronization Web Page 122
`Sending Device Session Content \.Veb Page 118
`Memory 406
`Processor l l 0
`Communication interface J 14
`Web Content Server 1.Q.2-
`· Network J_Q§
`i\pparatus .~QQ.,,,-,,.,
`Synchronization _/
`Web Session
`\, .. .,.,, .... • ,,.,
`----.. /--y-'"
`'r""' ------(°'
`Device 1Q1
`Device 102
`Memory 308
`Processor 1 l 0
`Processor 206 ~
`~1----C-'. o-. t_n_rn_u_n-ic_a_t-io_n_ln_t_e-rf:_a_c_e_;:,_~.-LO-_ --
`Web Socket Server 202
`'-" "-, ...............................
`L ________ 2L .;,,
`,, /
`Page 608 of 2149
`WO 2016/032602
`Obtain 2md Execute a Sending Device Session Content Web Page Associated with a Web
`Session in a Web Browser 600
`Receive a Request to Synchronize the Web Session with a Receiving Device 602
`Generate a Synchronization Identifier and a Cookie with a Value of the Synchronization
`Identifier 604
`Process with the Web Browser a Redirect Based on a Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
`of a Sending Device Synchronization Vv'eb Page 606
`FIG. 6
`GREENIES@ Daily Dental Dog Treat
`Flavor: Ottwr
`Size: Teenie
`Item#: 36-5175Hl0
`$ 42.99
`Promotional code
`Cart Summary
`Merchandise. Subtotal:
`Estimated Shipping
`Sales Tax:
`Estimated Total
`$ 42.99
`$ 6.99
`Tax will be added at checkout
`$ 49.98
`Page 609 of 2149
`WO 2016/032602
`Sync cart to desktop
`\Vt:titing for desktop connection
`}'lG. 8
`Send a Request Including the Synchronization identifier to a Web Socket Server and
`Establish a Connection wirh the \Veh Socket Server 900
`Send One or More Cookies with Session information and a Redirect URL to the 'Neb
`Socket Server over the Established Connection 2_04
`Process \Vith the Web Browser a Redirect to Return to the Sending Device Session
`Content Web Page 9Q_~
`Sync cart from mobile
`Transferring data . .,
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`:FIG. 10
`Page 610 of 2149
`WO 2016/032602
`Send a Request Including the Synchronization identifier to the Web Socket Server and
`Establish a Connection with the Web Socket Server )JOO
`Receive One or More Cookies with Session Information and a Redirect URL from the
`Web Socket Server Over the Established Connection
`Manage with the Web Browser the Cookie Data Including Session Information _JJ_Q.R
`Process \Vith the \Veb Browser a Redirect Based on the Received Redirect URL to
`Obtain and Execute a Receiving Device Session Content Web Page 11 lQ
`FIG. 11
`Page 611 of 2149
`WO 2016/032602
`In Stock
`E,jit ltern
`Jr, Stock- Hem. 36--5175180
`Usua!ty ships in 1-2 days
`MBn.:hand,se Subtotal.
`FIG. 12
`$ 42.99
`$ 42.99
`$ U.00
`Receive a Request Including the Synchronization Identifier to Establish a Connection
`from the Sending Device and Establish a Connection with the Sending Device 1300
`Receive a Request Including the Synchronization Identifier to Establish a Connection
`from the Receiving Device and Establish a Connection with the Receiving Device 1]02
`Send a Response to the Sending Device Indicating that the Connection with the
`Receiving Device was Established Successfully and to the Receiving Device Indicating
`that the Connection with the Sending Device \Vas Established Successfuily Ui21
`Receive One or More Cookies \vith Session Jnfonnation and a Redirect URL from the
`Sending Device and Forward the Cookies and Redirect URL to ihe Receiving Device
`Send an End ofCmnmunication Message to the Sending and Receiving Devices 1308
`Page 612 of 2149
`!r1ternationai appiicat1or1
`r..J o.
`l'CT/US 15/36717
`A .
`- G06F' 15/16 (2015.01)
`- H04L 29/0854; H04L 29/08072; H04L 28/05
`(!F'C) or to bom nationol classification and :pc
`to International F'atent Classification
`F'l[l_DS St:ARCH[D
`Minimum documentation searched (c!assif:cation systern fo!lowed by ciassif!cation symbo!s)
`IPC(S): G06F' 15/16 (2015.01 )
`CPC: H04L 29/0854: H04L. 29/08072: H04L. 29/06;
`to the extent that such documents are inciuded in the fields searched
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation
`1-1 04L 29/06; H04L 29/0809, G06F 1114; IPC(S): G06F 15/16
`USPC: 7091248; 709/227; 709/21 7; CPC: H04L 29/0854; H04L 29108072;
`(2015.01) (keyword
`limited, terms below)
`Electronic data base consu!ted during the international search (name of data Dase and, where practicab!e, search terms used)
`PatBase, Googie Patents,
`!EEE; Search Terms: synctvonizmg: web session, web socket connection;
`token, cookie: uniform resource
`locator. URL, uniform; resource
`identifier, URI; notifying,
`Citation of document, With
`indication. where appropriate. of the re!evant passages
`Relevant to claim
`f\J o,
`US 20·14/0154447 A 1 (Tarafdar et ai.) 12 June 2014 (12.04.20·14), entire document especial!y
`[0051]. [0057], [0058], [0060], [0092]
`paras [0042], [0043],
`[0044], [0045], [0046],
`US 2009i0084588 A 1 (Roy) 08 April 2008 (09.04.2009). entire document
`US 2010/0281 107 ;,.·1 (f'a!lows et ai.) 04 November 2010 (04.11.2010). entire document
`US 2003/01 31045 A 1 (McGee et a!.) 10 Ju!y 2003 (10.07.2003), entire document
`US 2008/0106348
`l' ... 1 {Hams) 23 r'\pnl 2009 (23.04.2009). entire document
`1 • 18
`1 · 18
`1 - 18
`1 - 18
`1 • 18
`1 I Further documents are listed i 11 the continuation of Box C·
`Special categories of cited documents:
`"A" document defining the general state of the ati which 1s not considered
`- to be of particuiar relevance
`"E" earlier app!ication or patent but published on or after the inlernaiionai
`fii1ng date
`··L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is
`cited to establ1r,h the pubiication date of anotl1er citation or orner "Y"
`special reason (as specified)
`"O" document referring to an era! disciosure. use. exhibition or other
`"P" document published. prior to the iniernalional filing date but iater ttrnn
`the priority dale cimmed
`later document published aiterthe intemational filing date orpriority
`daie and not in conflict with ihe application but cited lo understand
`the princip!e or tt",eory under!ying the invention
`document of particu!ar re!evance; ! he clairned invention cannot be
`consiclered nove! or cannot IJe considered !o involve an inventive
`step when the document is taken alone
`document of particuiar reievance; the claimed invention CB.nnot be
`considered to involve an
`inventive steo when the document is
`combined with one or more other sud1 dot~uments, suet, coml)ination
`being obvious to a person sk11ied in the art
`document member of U1e sarne patent family
`Date of the actuai compietion of the international searcn
`Daie of moi!ing of me internationa! sea re~~ report
`24 August 20l5 (24.08.2015)
`Name and mailin9 add res:, of the ISA/US
`for Patents
`Mail Stop PCT, Attn: ISA/US, Comrnissione1
`P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, Virginia 2231 3-1450
`571 .. 273-8300
`Facsimile No
`f'orm f>CT/:S/'./2
`10 (second sheet) (,January 20 15)
`21 SEP 2015
`Authorized officer:
`Lee W. Young
`PCT He1pde~k: 57L:;J72-43QO
`PCTOSP: $i'1<U2-7?'74
`Page 613 of 2149
`(19) World Intellectual Property
`lmernational Bureau
`I !11!11111111! 11111!11 l!II! 11!1! 1111111!1 ! !I !II 1111111111!11111111111111111! 111111! 1111 !1111111
`~ ~ 9
`(43) International Publication Date
`14 April 2016 (14J}4.2016)
`(10) International Publication Number
`'\VO 2016/057092 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`G06F 17130 (2006.01}
`(21) International Application Numher:
`(22) International filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publirntio11 Language:
`22 June 2015 (22.06 2015)
`(30) Priority Data:
`8 October 2014 (08 lO 2014)
`(71) Ar1plirn11t: USABLENET INC. [US/USJ; 142 W. 57th
`Street, 7th Floor. New York, NY 10019 (US)
`lnvento1·: SCODA, Enrico; Via Cividina 416/3, Martig(cid:173)
`nacco UD 33035 (IT).
`(74) Agents: GALLO, Nicholas, J. ct al: LeClairRyan, A Pro-
`70 Lind.en Oaks, Suite 2JO,
`fessional Corporation,
`Rochester, NY 14625 (US).
`(81) De,ignated State, (unless otherwise mdicated, fr:w every
`kind rf national protecrion availabl(): AE, i.\.G, i.\.L 1 AJ\1,
`AO. AT, AU, AZ. BA, BB, BG, BI-1, BN, BR. BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, Cll, CZ. DE, DK, DM,
`DO, DZ, EC, EE. EG, ES. fl, GB, GD, GE, GI-1, GM, GT.
`HN. HR, HU. ID. IL, IN. IR, IS. JP, KE, KG. KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK. LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, J\.1D, ME, MG,
`MK, MN. l\1W, MX, MY. MZ. NA, NG. NI. NO, NZ, OM.
`PA, PE. PG, PH. PL. PT, QA, RO. RS, Rll, RW, SA, SC.
`SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ. TM, TN,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, lJG, US, UZ. VC, VN. ZA, ZM, Z\V.
`(84) Iksignated States (unless otherwise indicated ... tiJr every
`kind cl regional protectwn available). AR[PO (BW. GH.
`GM, KE, LR. LS. MW, l'v1Z, NA, RW, SD. SL. ST. SZ.
`TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (Aiv1. A.Z, BY, KG. KZ. RU,
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT. BE, BG. CH. CY, CZ. DE,
`DK, EE, ES, fl, FR, GB, GR. HR. HU, IE, lS, IT, LT, LU,
`L V, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO. PL. PT, RO. RS. SE, SI, SK,
`SM. mi OAPl (BF, BJ. CF, CG, Cl. CM. GA. GN, GQ.
`GW. KM, ML. MR. NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report ?4rt. 2 l (3))
`--;;;;;;;;;;;; -=
`(57) Abstract: A method. non-transitory compnter
`read.able medium. and. chat management server ap(cid:173)
`paratus that receives a search request via a search
`panel provided in response to a user interaction with
`a chat panel. A token including a special character is
`generated based. on search text in the search request
`or a unique identifier for one of a plurality of items
`identified based on a si::arch performed using the
`search text. The token is provided to a source of the
`search request for inclusion in the chat panel as a
`hyperlrnk. A preview panel request includrng the
`token is received in response to a user rnteraction
`with the hyperlink. Content for the items or for the
`one item is ri::trieved based on the special character
`included in thi:: token. The conti::nt is provided to a
`source of the preview pand requi::st.
`-;;;;;;;;;;;; =
`-~---- --------;Jtf l( Rc\-1 v•'.)l Ren1\t1l) ]!~_--~-=-=-=---=---::.--~-----J
`Generate and Provide a Definition of a Search PaneL Receive Search Text, and
`Retrieve [tern Content Based on rhe Search Text 2..04.
`Generate and Provide a Definition of a Search Result Panel Based on rhe Hem
`Content 2.D.6.
`- -~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -_ . , ____ . ___ !
`Rec:;;ive a Sek:ction of item(s) 2il8.
`(Jenern!.e and Optionally Ern.:octe a Search or an 11;;:;u Token ~Jil.
`Prov1de the Search or I rem Token J.12..
`Page 614 of 2149
`WO 2016/057092
`- 1 -
`TI1is technology generally relates to web-based chat contexts and, more
`particularly, to methods, non-transitory computer readable media, and apparatuses that facilitate
`the inclusion of references in chat panels.
`Increasingly, web developers are providing chat functionality in \vebsites via chat
`contexts that include chat panels that are displayed to a user as embedded within a web page or
`via a pop-up window, for example. A chat panel can allow interaction and communication
`between the user and a representative of the website host. Accordingly, such functionality is
`paiticularly useful for websites providing user support, although many other types of websites
`also implement chat contexts. In chat contexts, the speed of an exchange is often critical to an
`effective experience for users and, accordingly, it is preferable that messages are simple and
`As one example, in a commercial website context, sales representatives may use
`chat panels to communicate with potential customers to answer questions regarding products or
`services in order to facilitate and increase sales. In this example, a sales representative may want
`to refer a prospective customer to content hosted on other poitions of the website, such as
`product catalog content relating to products that might satisfy desired criteria communicated by
`the prospective customer.
`In order to refer the prospective customer to the content, the sales representative
`may copy and paste Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) as hyperlinks. Hmvever, URLs are
`often very long and inconvenient for use in a chat context. \Vhile available services can process
`a URL and replace the URL with a relatively short link, the process is cumbersome and would
`still result in numerous hyperlinks and a relatively long message \vhen the content is located at a
`number ofURLs (e.g., corresponding to a number of different products). Additionally, upon
`selecting any of the hyperlinks, the prospective customer may be taken to a different web page in
`a nevv tab or window, which is inconvenient and does not allow the customer to preview
`products prior to navigating to a different web page associated \vith one of the products.
`Accordingly, there is currently no way for the representative of a website host to identify items
`Page 615 of 2149
`WO Wlfi/057092
`PCT /US2015/03695ii
`- L
`and provide preview content associated with the items to the prospective customer in an efficient
`and effective manner in a chat context.
`A method for facilitating references in a chat context includes receiving by a chat
`5 management server apparatus a search request via a search panel provided in response to a user
`interaction v,'ith a chat panel. A token including a special character is generated by the chat
`management server apparatus based on search text in the search request or a unique identifier for
`one of a plurality of items identified based on a search performed using the search text. The
`token is provided by the chat management server apparatus to a source of the search request for
`inclusion in the chat pa.nel as a hyperlink. A preview panel request including the token is
`received by the chat management server apparatus in response to a user interaction with the
`hyperlink. Content for the items or for the one item is retrieved by the chat management server
`apparatus based on the special character included in the token. The content is provided by the
`chat management server apparatus to a source of the previevv panel request
`A non-transitory computer readable medium having stored thereon instructions
`for facilitating references in a chat context comprising executable code which when executed by
`a processor, causes the processor to pe1form steps including receiving a search request via a
`search panel provided in response to a user interaction v,'ith a chat panel. A token including a
`special character is generated based on search text in the search request or a unique identifier for
`one of a p!w-ality of items identified based on a search performed using the search text. The
`token is provided to a source of the search request for inclusion in the chat panel as a hyperlink.
`A preview panel request including the token is received in response to a user interaction with the
`hyperlink. Content for the items or for the one item is retrieved based on the special character
`included in the token. The content is provided to a source of the previev,' pa.nel request.
`A chat management server apparatus including a processor and a memory coupled
`to the processor which is configured to be capable of executing prograrnmed instructions
`comprising and stored in the memory to receive a search request via a search panel provided in
`response to a user interaction with a chat panel. A token including a special character is
`generated based on search text in the search request or a unique identifier for one of a plurality of
`items identified based on a search performed using the search text The token is provided to a
`source of the search request for inclusion in the chat panel as a hyperlink. A preview panel
`request including the token is received in response to a user interaction with the hyperlink.
`Page 616 of 2149
`WO 2016/057092
`- 3 -
`Content for the items or for the one item is retrieved based on the special character included in
`the token. The content is provided to a source ofthe preview panel request.
`This technology provides a number of advantages including methods, non-
`transitory computer readable media, and apparatuses that more effectively facilitate references in
`a chat context. With this technology, website host representatives can identify content
`responsive to a search request from a user and communicate a reference to the content using a
`relatively shmi token. The token includes a special character and is introduced to a chat panel as
`a hyperlink. Upon selection of the hyperlink, the content is retrieved based on the token and
`included special character, and a preview panel is display to the user that includes the content.
`Accordingly, using the tokens, the size of the cornmunicated reference(s) can be
`reduced, particularly when multiple lJRLs vvould otherwise have been required to communicate
`references to content associated with multiple items responsive to a search request. Additionally,
`the user does not have to navigate away from the current web page to see the content. Moreover,
`the tokens can be reused, advantageously allovving the host representative to respond relatively
`quickly to certain search requests matching previously searched criteria.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram of a network environment w-hich incorporates an
`exemplary chat management server apparatus;
`FIG. 2 is a flowchart of an exemplary method of generating an item previevv panel
`based on a token;
`FIG. 3 is an exemplary product web page with an exemplary chat panel link;
`FIG. 4 is an exemplary host chat panel with a search request button;
`FIG. 5 is an exemplary search panel for receiving search text;
`FIG. 6 is an exemplary search result panel displaying content for a plurality of
`selectable items identified based on search text;
`FIG. 7 is the exemplary chat panel of FIG. 4 with an item set link corresponding
`to a search token;
`Page 617 of 2149
`WO 2016/057092
`- 4 -
`FIG. 8 is a flowchart of an exemplary method of generating a token for inclusion
`in a customer chat panel as a reference to item content;
`FIG. 9 is an exemplary customer chat panel with the item set link and an
`exemplary multi-item preview panel with a navigational structure; and
`FIG. 10 is the exemplary chat panel of FIG. 9 with an item link and an exemplary
`single item preview panel.
`An exemplary network environment 10 is illustrated in FIG. las including an
`exemplary chat management server apparatus 12. In this exan1ple, the chat management server
`l 0
`apparatus 12 is coupled to a host representative device 14 by a local area network (LAN) 16 and
`a client device l 8 by the LAN 16 and a wide area network (WAN) 20, although other types and
`numbers of devices, components, and elements in other topologies could be used. This
`technology provides a number of advantages including methods, non-transitory computer
`readable media, and apparatuses that more efficiently and effectively facilitate identifying and
`providing references to content matching user search criteria in a chat context.
`In this example, the chat management server apparatus 12 includes a processor
`22, a memory 24, and an interface device 26, which are coupled together by a bus 2 8 or other
`communication link, although other numbers and types of components, parts, devices, systems,
`and elements in other configurations and locations can be used. TI1e processor 22 of the chat
`20 management server apparatus 12 may execute one or more stored programmed instmctions for
`one or more aspects of this technology as described and illustrated by way of the embodiments
`herein, although the processor 22 could execute other numbers and types of programmed
`TI1e memory 24 of the chat management server apparatus 12 stores these
`programmed instructions for one or more aspects of this technology, as described and illustrated
`herein, although some or all of the programmed instructions could be stored and/or executed
`elsewhere. The memory 24 of the chat management server apparatus 12