`The Multiplexer
`The multiplexer is a combinational logic circuit designed to switch one of several input lines to a single common output line
`Multiplexing is the generic term used to describe the operation of sending one or more analogue or digital signals over a
`common transmission line at different times or speeds and as such, the device we use to do just that is called the multiplexer.
`input circuit designed to switch one of several The multiplexer, shortened to "MUX" or "MPX", is a combinational logic
`lines through to a single common output line by the application of a control signal. Multiplexers operate like very fast acting
`multiple position rotary switches connecting or controlling multiple input lines called "channels" one at a time to the output.
`Multiplexers, or MUX's, can be either digital circuits made from high speed logic gates used to switch digital or binary data
`or they can be analogue types using transistors, MOSFET's or relays to switch one of the voltage or current inputs through
`to a single output.
`The most basic type of multiplexer device is that of a one-way rotary switch as shown.
`Basic Multiplexing Switch
`12 n--+--,--�-1
`Multiple Data
`Data Selection
`Single Data
`The rotary switch, also called a wafer switch as each layer of the switch is known as a wafer, is a mechanical device whose
`input is selected by rotating a shaft. In other words, the rotary switch is a manual switch that you can use to select individual
`. . .
`. ---·· -· .
`. . .
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`Generally, the selection of each input line in a is controlled by an additional set of inputs called lines and control
`data input is connected according to the binary condition of these control inputs, either "HIGH" or "LOW" the appropriate
`directly to the output. Normally, a multiplexer has an even number of 2n data input lines
`and a number of "control" inputs
`that correspond with the number of data inputs.
`pattern to multiple an n-bit input are able to switch Encoders Note that multiplexers are different in operation to Encoders.
`output lines that represent the binary coded (BCD) output equivalent of the active input.
`We can build a simple 2-line to 1-line (2-to-l) multiplexer from basic logic NAND gates as shown.
`2-input Multiplexer Design
`Io o
`- h
`1 sw,tc
`A Analogy
`A 11
`Io Q
`0 0
`0 0
`0 0
`1 0
`0 1
`0 1
`0 1
`1 1
`1 0
`0 0
`1 0
`1 l
`0 0
`1 1
`1 1
`1 1
`The input A of this simple 2-1 line multiplexer circuit constructed from standard NAND gates acts to control which input
`at Q. ( Io or I 1 ) gets passed to the output
`A is LOW at logic 0, input I 1 passes its data through
`From the truth table above, we can see that when the data select input,
`the NAND gate multiplexer circuit to the output, while input Io is blocked. When the data select A is HIGH at logic 1, the
`reverse happens and now input Io passes data to the output Q while input I 1 is blocked.
`Io or I 1 with the circuit
`So by the application of either a logic "0" or a logic "I" at A we can select the appropriate input,
`acting a bit like a single pole double throw (SPOT) switch.
`21 inputs and in this simple example, the 2-input multiplexer
`As we only have one control line, (A) then we can only switch
`connects one of two I-bit sources to a common output, producing a 2-to-1-line multiplexer. We can confirm this in the
`following Boolean expression.
`and for our 2-input multiplexer circuit above, this can be simplified too:
`r'\. _ 7T
`, A. T
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`D l_}-------+-++-+�
`Truth Table
`b a
`D C 8 A a
`X X X 1 1
`0 0
`0 1
`X X 1 X 1
`X 7 X X l
`1 X X X 1
`1 0 1 1
`C-- o 1
`I Switch Analogy
`D --.....;O :
`The Boolean expression for this 4-to-1
`above with inputs A to D and data select lines a, b is given as:
`Q = abA + abB + 'ibC + abD
`In this example at any one instant in time only ONE of the four analogue switches is closed, connecting only one of the
`input lines A to D to the single output at Q. As to which switch is closed depends upon the addressing input code on lines
`"a" and "b".
`So for this example to select input B to the output at Q, the binary input address would need to be "a" = logic "I" and "b" =
`logic "O". Thus we can show the selection of the data through the multiplexer as a function of the data select bits as shown.
`Multiplexer Input Line Selection
`Q B
`D b a D b a D b a D
`0 1
`0 0
`1 0
`1 1
`Adding more control address lines, (n) wi11 allow the multiplexer to control more inputs as it can switch 2n inputs but each
`--- - .
`- -- -.
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`A ' >---+-�-+---1
`C l r-----t------1-1--1
`>---<} Q
`The symbol used in logic diagrams to identify a multiplexer is as follows:
`Multiplexer Symbol
`A 0
`C 2
`Multiplexers are not limited to just switching a number of different input lines or channels to one common single output.
`There are also types that can switch their inputs to multiple outputs and have arrangements or 4-to-2, 8-to-3 or even 16-to-4
`etc configurations and an example of a simple Dual channel 4 input multiplexer ( 4-to-2) is given below:
`4-to-2 Channel Multiplexer
`S1A �--- ----�
`S2A �a-o----+--1.,�
`S1a �o-o---.
`S2s �
`o---.. 0 8
`Input a
`7 s,•.itdl
`se-lect b � ..... __ c_on_tro_l _ _,
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`Digitally Adjustable Amplifier Gain
`4 to 1
`--r _,1
`a b
`Here, the voltage gain of the inverting operational amplifier is dependent upon the ratio between the input resistor, RIN and
`in the Op-amp tutorials. its feedback resistor, Rf as determined
`A single 4-channel (Quad) SPST switch configured as a 4-to-1 channel multiplexer is connected in series with the resistors
`voltage the overall of these resistors will determine to select any feedback resistor to vary the value of Rf. The combination
`gain of the amplifier, (Av). Then the voltage gain of the amplifier can be adjusted digitally by simply selecting the
`appropriate resistor combination.
`Digital multiplexers are sometimes also referred to as "Data Selectors" as they select the data to be sent to the output line
`and are commonly used in communications or high speed network switching circuits such as LAN' s and Ethernet
`Some multiplexer IC's have a single inverting buffer (NOT Gate) connected to the output to give a positive logic output
`(logic "l", HIGH) on one terminal and a complimentary negative logic output (logic "O", LOW) on another different
`It is possible to make simple multiplexer circuits from standard AND and OR gates as we have seen above, but commonly
`multiplexers/data selectors are available as standard i.e. packages such as the common TTL 74LS151 8-input to I line
`multiplexer or the TTL 74LS153 Dual 4-input to I line multiplexer. Multiplexer circuits with much higher number of inputs
`can be obtained by cascading together two or more smaller devices.
`Multiplexer Summary
`and being a or route signals through themselves, that just switch Then we can see that Multiplexers are switching circuits
`combinational circuit they are memoryless as there is no signal feedback path. The multiplexer is a very useful electronic
`circuit that has uses in many different applications such as signal routing, data communications and data bus control
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`called the In the next tutorial about combinational logic devices, we will look at the reverse of the Multiplexer
`Demultiplexer which takes a single input line and connects it to multiple output lines.
`Read more Tutorials inCombinational
`•1. Combinational Logic
`•2. The Multiplexer
`•3. The Demulti�
`•4. Priority Encoder
`•5. Binary Decoder
`•6. DisnlaY. Decoder
`•7. Binary Adder
`•8. Digital Comnarator
`•9. Binary Subtractor
`•10. Bus Transceiver
`•11. Transmjssjon Gate
`•12. Analogue to Digital Converter
`•13. Binm Weighted DAC
`•14. R-2R DAC
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`want to know more
`run 02nd 2022112:01 Posted on �ptember
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`Hi ah can you write an hdl program by 2-input Multiplexer Design by the example that you provided
`Posted on April 21st 202214:07 am
`for the work.
`Nice Notes.
`on March 29th 2022 I 4:36 am
`•ateya juma bethwel
`Good notez
`Posted on Sentember 29th 202114:13 am
`I really appreciate it, it is helpful in my studies.
`Posted on June 27th 2021112:32 nm
`•Daniel Deluca
`Why is it that every explanation of Analog Multiplexing either involves digital logic gates or physical switches? This
`cannot possibly be the truth!
`Posted on MaY. 20th 202115:03 P.m
`o Wayne Storr
`What do you define as "Analogue Multiplexing", relays?
`Posted on MaY. 20th 2021 l�nm.
`•Sonia shekhawat
`Basics of electronic
`on March 03rd 2021 l..3,j}2_nm,
`•Douglas Goldfarb
`I like to see artificial design it's own Circuits within parameters
`on February 19th 2021 l..3.;.2,8_.tml
`how I can use the sub system of multiplexer in a lar_ge system?
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`Can you guys help me making 8 to 1 multiplexer using dual 4 to 1 multiplexer 74153
`on Janua.rx 19th 2021 I 9: 17 am
`•Anuj kumar
`CBCU-E se single mux2-B se jaise cannectid hai eska bhi ek daigram bnaye ek CBCU-E KA BHI DAI GRAM
`Posted on Januarx 18th 2021 16:36 am
`It is very very interesting. I really appreciate. But I want to ask a question.
`I am vehicle automobile engineer. I had an issue with a vehicle one day. The all of the window glass were not
`working. So I removed the master power window switch located at the driver side but to my surprise, only four wires
`were present at the switch connector.
`The switch that controlled four window glasses, central lock and even the both side mirrors. In the real sense, two
`wires for each window glass motor, making 8 wires. Central lock wire, let's say 1, battery +ve and -ve terminal= at
`least 11 wires excluding mirrors' wires o. But amazingly four wires from the switch.
`Please is it not the application of multiplexers is used for the switch?
`Posted on Janufil)'. 01st 2021 I 9:55 P-m
`o Thomas
`In this case probably not a multiplexer. Multiplexers are designed to either make one input available to one of
`multiple outputs or one of multiple inputs available at a single output. See the picture under the section
`"Multiplexer Input Line Selection". Every driver's power window switch I have ever used can raise/lower
`multiple windows simultaneously by activating more than one of the driver's switches. I wonder how the
`manufacturer could do this with only 4 wires. The only way I can think of to control all those functions with
`only 4 wires would be via a serial bus.
`Posted on 07th 2021 14: 54 am
`•Danish dar
`which I need
`Tell me everything
`11th 2020 I 12:40 l2Dl
`on December
`•Subham Jyoti Barik
`If the input line of a mux is 50 then what is the selection line?
`28th 2020 I 12:39 pm
`Posted on �tember
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`on January 04th 2020 I..LlU. 12m
`o More
`•Denis Ndeh Ful
`To ease my studies
`09th 2019 l.2.1Ll2ID.
`on December
`•Longar Deng
`i need good concepts about multiplexer
`Posted on December
`05th 2019 I 1 l :47 am
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