BIOINFORMATICS ORIGINAL PAPER Vol. 25 no. 14 2009, pages 1754–1760
`Sequence analysis
`Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows–Wheeler
`Heng Li and Richard Durbin∗
`Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK
`Received on February 20, 2009; revised on May 6, 2009; accepted on May 12, 2009
`Advance Access publication May 18, 2009
`Associate Editor: John Quackenbush
`Motivation: The enormous amount of short reads generated by the
`new DNA sequencing technologies call for the development of fast
`and accurate read alignment programs. A first generation of hash
`table-based methods has been developed, including MAQ, which
`is accurate, feature rich and fast enough to align short reads from a
`single individual. However, MAQ does not support gapped alignment
`for single-end reads, which makes it unsuitable for alignment of
`longer reads where indels may occur frequently. The speed of MAQ is
`also a concern when the alignment is scaled up to the resequencing
`of hundreds of individuals.
`Results: We implemented Burrows-Wheeler Alignment tool (BWA),
`a new read alignment package that is based on backward search
`with Burrows–Wheeler Transform (BWT), to efficiently align short
`sequencing reads against a large reference sequence such as the
`human genome, allowing mismatches and gaps. BWA supports both
`base space reads, e.g. from Illumina sequencing machines, and
`color space reads from AB SOLiD machines. Evaluations on both
`simulated and real data suggest that BWA is ∼10–20× faster than
`MAQ, while achieving similar accuracy. In addition, BWA outputs
`alignment in the new standard SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map)
`format. Variant calling and other downstream analyses after the
`alignment can be achieved with the open source SAMtools software
`The Illumina/Solexa sequencing technology typically produces
`50–200 million 32–100 bp reads on a single run of the machine.
`Mapping this large volume of short reads to a genome as large
`as human poses a great challenge to the existing sequence
`alignment programs. To meet the requirement of efficient and
`accurate short read mapping, many new alignment programs
`have been developed. Some of these, such as Eland (Cox, 2007,
`unpublished material), RMAP (Smith et al., 2008), MAQ (Li et al.,
`2008a), ZOOM (Lin et al., 2008), SeqMap (Jiang and Wong,
`2008), CloudBurst (Schatz, 2009) and SHRiMP (http://compbio.
`, work by hashing the read sequences and
`scan through the reference sequence. Programs in this category
`usually have flexible memory footprint, but may have the overhead
`To whom correspondence should be addressed.
`of scanning the whole genome when few reads are aligned.
`The second category of software, including SOAPv1 (Li et al.,
`2008b), PASS (Campagna et al., 2009), MOM (Eaves and
`Gao, 2009), ProbeMatch (Jung Kim et al., 2009), NovoAlign
`(, ReSEQ (
`re-seq), Mosaik ( and
`BFAST (, hash the genome. These
`programs can be easily parallelized with multi-threading, but they
`usually require large memory to build an index for the human
`genome. In addition, the iterative strategy frequently introduced by
`these software may make their speed sensitive to the sequencing
`error rate. The third category includes slider (Malhis et al., 2009)
`which does alignment by merge-sorting the reference subsequences
`and read sequences.
`Recently, the theory on string matching using Burrows–Wheeler
`Transform (BWT) (Burrows and Wheeler, 1994) has drawn the
`attention of several groups, which has led to the development of
`SOAPv2 (, Bowtie (Langmead et al.,
`2009) and BWA, our new aligner described in this article.
`Essentially, using backward search (Ferragina and Manzini, 2000;
`Lippert, 2005) with BWT, we are able to effectively mimic the top-
`down traversal on the prefix trie of the genome with relatively small
`memory footprint (Lam et al., 2008) and to count the number of exact
`hits of a string of length m in O(m) time independent of the size of
`the genome. For inexact search, BWA samples from the implicit
`prefix trie the distinct substrings that are less than k edit distance
`away from the query read. Because exact repeats are collapsed on
`one path on the prefix trie, we do not need to align the reads against
`each copy of the repeat. This is the main reason why BWT-based
`algorithms are efficient.
`In this article, we will give a sufficient introduction to the
`background of BWT and backward search for exact matching, and
`present the algorithm for inexact matching which is implemented
`in BWA. We evaluate the performance of BWA on simulated data
`by comparing the BWA alignment with the true alignment from
`the simulation, as well as on real paired-end data by checking
`the fraction of reads mapped in consistent pairs and by counting
`misaligned reads mapped against a hybrid genome.
`2.1 Prefix trie and string matching
`The prefix trie for string X is a tree where each edge is labeled with a symbol
`and the string concatenation of the edge symbols on the path from a leaf to
`© 2009 The Author(s)
`This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (
`by-nc/2.0/uk/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
`[14:59 15/6/2009 Bioinformatics-btp324.tex]
`Page: 1754


`Alignment with BWT
`Fig. 2. Constructing suffix array and BWT string for X = googol$. String
`X is circulated to generate seven strings, which are then lexicographically
`sorted. After sorting, the positions of the first symbols form the suffix array
`(6,3,0,5,2,4,1) and the concatenation of the last symbols of the circulated
`strings gives the BWT string lo$oogg.
`BWT-SW (Lam et al., 2008). We adapted its source code to make it work
`with BWA.
`2.3 Suffix array interval and sequence alignment
`If string W is a substring of X, the position of each occurrence of W in X will
`occur in an interval in the suffix array. This is because all the suffixes that
`have W as prefix are sorted together. Based on this observation, we define:
`R(W) = min{k: W is the prefix of XS(k)}
`R(W) = max{k: W is the prefix of XS(k)}
`In particular, if W is an empty string, R(W)= 1 and R(W)= n−1. The interval
`[R(W),R(W)] is called the SA interval of W and the set of positions of all
`occurrences of W in X is {S(k): R(W)≤ k≤ R(W)}. For example in Figure 2,
`the SA interval of string ‘go’ is [1,2]. The suffix array values in this interval
`are 3 and 0 which give the positions of all the occurrences of ‘go’.
`Knowing the intervals in suffix array we can get the positions. Therefore,
`sequence alignment is equivalent to searching for the SA intervals of
`substrings of X that match the query. For the exact matching problem, we
`can find only one such interval; for the inexact matching problem, there may
`be many.
`2.4 Exact matching: backward search
`Let C(a) be the number of symbols in X[0,n−2] that are lexicographically
`smaller than a∈ and O(a,i) the number of occurrences of a in B[0,i].
`Ferragina and Manzini (2000) proved that if W is a substring of X:
`R(aW) = C(a)+O(a,R(W)−1)+1
`R(aW) = C(a)+O(a,R(W))
`and that R(aW)≤ R(aW) if and only if aW is a substring of X. This result
`makes it possible to test whether W is a substring of X and to count the
`occurrences of W in O(|W|) time by iteratively calculating R and R from the
`end of W. This procedure is called backward search.
`It is important to note that Equations (3) and (4) actually realize the top-
`down traversal on the prefix trie of X given that we can calculate the SA
`interval of a child node in constant time if we know the interval of its parent.
`In this sense, backward search is equivalent to exact string matching on the
`prefix trie, but without explicitly putting the trie in the memory.
`Fig. 1. Prefix trie of string ‘GOOGOL’. Symbol ∧ marks the start of the string.
`The two numbers in a node give the SA interval of the string represented by
`the node (see Section 2.3). The dashed line shows the route of the brute-force
`search for a query string ‘LOL’, allowing at most one mismatch. Edge labels
`in squares mark the mismatches to the query in searching. The only hit is the
`bold node [1,1] which represents string ‘GOL’.
`the root gives a unique prefix of X. On the prefix trie, the string concatenation
`of the edge symbols from a node to the root gives a unique substring of X,
`called the string represented by the node. Note that the prefix trie of X is
`identical to the suffix trie of reverse of X and therefore suffix trie theories
`can also be applied to prefix trie.
`With the prefix trie, testing whether a query W is an exact substring of
`X is equivalent to finding the node that represents W, which can be done in
`O(|W|) time by matching each symbol in W to an edge, starting from the
`root. To allow mismatches, we can exhaustively traverse the trie and match
`W to each possible path. We will later show how to accelerate this search by
`using prefix information of W. Figure 1 gives an example of the prefix trie
`for ‘GOOGOL’. The suffix array (SA) interval in each node is explained in
`Section 2.3.
`2.2 Burrows–Wheeler transform
`Let be an alphabet. Symbol $ is not present in and is lexicographically
`smaller than all the symbols in . A string X = a0a1−1 is always ended
`with symbol $ (i.e. an−1= $) and this symbol only appears at the end. Let
`X[i]=a i, i= 0,1,...,n−1, be the i-th symbol of X, X[i,j]=a i ...aj a substring
`and Xi = X[i,n−1] a suffix of X. Suffix array S of X is a permutation of the
`integers 0... n−1 such that S(i) is the start position of the i-th smallest suffix.
`The BWT of X is defined as B[i]=$ when S(i)= 0 and B[i]=X [S(i)−1]
`otherwise. We also define the length of string X as |X| and therefore |X|=
`|B|=n . Figure 2 gives an example on how to construct BWT and suffix array.
`The algorithm shown in Figure 2 is quadratic in time and space. However,
`this is not necessary. In practice, we usually construct the suffix array
`first and then generate BWT. Most algorithms for constructing suffix array
`require at least n(cid:4)log2 n(cid:5) bits of working space, which amounts to 12 GB for
`human genome. Recently, Hon et al. (2007) gave a new algorithm that uses
`n bits of working space and only requires <1 GB memory at peak time for
`constructing the BWT of human genome . This algorithm is implemented in
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`H.Li and R.Durbin
`Calculate BWT string B for reference string X
`Calculate array C(·) and O(·,·) from B
`Calculate BWT string B
`for the reverse reference
`(·,·) from B
`Calculate array O
`InexactSearch(W ,z)
`return InexRecur(W ,|W|−1, z,1,|X|−1)
`k← 1
`z← 0
`for i= 0 to |W|−1 do
`k← C(W[i])+O
`l← C(W[i])+O
`if k > l then
`k← 1
`z← z+1
`D(i)← z
`InexRecur(W ,i,z,k,l)
`if z < D(i) then
`return ∅
`if i < 0 then
`return {[k,l]}
`I ←∅
`I ← I ∪ InexRecur(W ,i−1,z−1,k,l)
`for each b∈{A,C,G,T} do
`k← C(b)+O(b,k−1)+1
`l← C(b)+O(b,l)
`if k≤ l then
`I ← I ∪ InexRecur(W ,i,z−1,k,l)
`if b= W[i] then
`I ← I ∪ InexRecur(W ,i−1,z,k,l)
`I ← I ∪ InexRecur(W ,i−1,z−1,k,l)
`return I
`Fig. 3. Algorithm for inexact search of SA intervals of substrings that
`match W. Reference X is $ terminated, while W is A/C/G/T terminated.
`Procedure InexactSearch(W ,z) returns the SA intervals of substrings
`that match W with no more than z differences (mismatches or gaps);
`InexRecur(W ,i,z,k,l) recursively calculates the SA intervals of substrings
`that match W[0,i] with no more than z differences on the condition that suffix
`Wi+1 matches interval [k,l]. Lines started with asterisk are for insertions to
`and deletions from X, respectively. D(i) is the lower bound of the number of
`differences in string W[0,i].
`2.5 Inexact matching: bounded traversal/backtracking
`Figure 3 gives a recursive algorithm to search for the SA intervals of
`substrings of X that match the query string W with no more than z differences
`(mismatches or gaps). Essentially, this algorithm uses backward search to
`sample distinct substrings from the genome. This process is bounded by the
`D(·) array where D(i) is the lower bound of the number of differences in
`W[0,i]. The better the D is estimated, the smaller the search space and the
`more efficient the algorithm is. A naive bound is achieved by setting D(i)= 0
`for all i, but the resulting algorithm is clearly exponential in the number of
`differences and would be less efficient.
`z← 0
`j← 0
`for i= 0 to |W|−1 do
`if W[j,i] is not a substring of X then
`z← z+1
`j← i+1
`D(i)← z
`Fig. 4. Equivalent algorithm to calculate D(i).
`The CalculateD procedure in Figure 3 gives a better, though not optimal,
`bound. It is conceptually equivalent to the one described in Figure 4, which
`is simpler to understand. We use the BWT of the reverse (not complemented)
`reference sequence to test if a substring of W is also a substring of X. Note
`that to do this test with BWT string B alone would make CalculateD an
`O(|W|2) procedure, rather than O(|W|) as is described in Figure 3.
`To understand the role of D, we come back to the example of searching
`for W = LOL in X = GOOGOL$ (Fig. 1). If we set D(i)= 0 for all i and
`disallow gaps (removing the two star lines in the algorithm), the call graph
`of InexRecur, which is a tree, effectively mimics the search route shown
`as the dashed line in Figure 1. However, with CalculateD, we know that
`D(0)= 0 and D(1)= D(2)= 1. We can then avoid descending into the ‘G’ and
`‘O’ subtrees in the prefix trie to get a much smaller search space.
`The algorithm in Figure 3 guarantees to find all the intervals allowing
`maximum z differences. It is complete in theory, but in practice, we also
`made various modifications. First, we pay different penalties for mismatches,
`gap opens and gap extensions, which is more realistic to biological data.
`Second, we use a heap-like data structure to keep partial hits rather than
`using recursion. The heap-like structure is prioritized on the alignment score
`of the partial hits to make BWA always find the best intervals first. The
`reverse complemented read sequence is processed at the same time. Note that
`the recursion described in Figure 3 effectively mimics a depth-first search
`(DFS) on the prefix trie, while BWA implements a breadth-first search (BFS)
`using this heap-like data structure. Third, we adopt an iterative strategy: if
`the top interval is repetitive, we do not search for suboptimal intervals by
`default; if the top interval is unique and has z difference, we only search
`for hits with up to z+1 differences. This iterative strategy accelerates BWA
`while retaining the ability to generate mapping quality. However, this also
`makes BWA’s speed sensitive to the mismatch rate between the reads and
`the reference because finding hits with more differences is usually slower.
`Fourth, we allow to set a limit on the maximum allowed differences in the
`first few tens of base pairs on a read, which we call the seed sequence. Given
`70 bp simulated reads, alignment with maximum two differences in the 32 bp
`seed is 2.5× faster than without seeding. The alignment error rate, which is
`the fraction of wrong alignments out of confident mappings in simulation
`(see also Section 3.2), only increases from 0.08% to 0.11%. Seeding is less
`effective for shorter reads.
`2.6 Reducing memory
`The algorithm described above needs to load the occurrence array O and the
`suffix array S in the memory. Holding the full O and S arrays requires huge
`memory. Fortunately, we can reduce the memory by only storing a small
`fraction of the O and S arrays, and calculating the rest on the fly. BWT-
`SW (Lam et al., 2008) and Bowtie (Langmead et al., 2009) use a similar
`strategy which was first introduced by Ferragina and Manzini (2000).
`Given a genome of size n, the occurrence array O(·,·) requires 4n(cid:4)log2 n(cid:5)
`bits as each integer takes (cid:4)log2 n(cid:5) bits and there are 4n of them in the array.
`In practice, we store in memory O(·,k) for k that is a factor of 128 and
`calculate the rest of elements using the BWT string B. When we use two bits
`to represent a nucleotide, B takes 2n bits. The memory for backward search is
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`thus 2n+n(cid:4)log2 n(cid:5)/32 bits. As we also need to store the BWT of the reverse
`genome to calculate the bound, the memory required for calculating intervals
`is doubled, or about 2.3 GB for a 3 Gb genome.
`Enumerating the position of each occurrence requires the suffix array S.
`Alignment with BWT
`to this modification, but the deviation is relatively small. For example, BWA
`wrongly aligns 11 reads out of 1 569 108 simulated 70 bp reads mapped with
`mapping quality 60. The error rate 7×10
`−6 (= 11/1 569 108) for these Q60
`mappings is higher than the theoretical expectation 10
`2.8 Mapping SOLiD reads
`For SOLiD reads, BWA converts the reference genome to dinucleotide ‘color’
`sequence and builds the BWT index for the color genome. Reads are mapped
`in the color space where the reverse complement of a sequence is the same as
`the reverse, because the complement of a color is itself. For SOLiD paired-
`end mapping, a read pair is said to be in the correct orientation if either
`of the two scenarios is true: (i) both ends mapped to the forward strand of
`the genome with the R3 read having smaller coordinate; and (ii) both ends
`mapped to the reverse strand of the genome with the F3 read having smaller
`coordinate. Smith–Waterman alignment is also done in the color space.
`After the alignment, BWA decodes the color read sequences to the
`nucleotide sequences using dynamic programming. Given a nucleotide
`reference subsequence b1b2 and a color read sequence c1c2
`mapped to the subsequence, BWA infers a nucleotide sequence ˆb1
`ˆb2 ...ˆbl+1
`)+ l(cid:1)
`such that it minimizes the following objective function:
`(cid:8)·(1−δˆbi ,bi
`1−δˆci ,g(ˆbi ,ˆbi+1)
`If we put the entire S in memory, it would use n(cid:4)log2 n(cid:5) bits. However, it is
`also possible to reconstruct the entire S when knowing part of it. In fact, S
`and inverse compressed suffix array (inverse CSA) −1 (Grossi and Vitter,
`2000) satisfy:
`S(k)= S(( −1)(j)(k))+j
`where ( −1)(j) denotes repeatedly applying the transform −1 for j times.
`The inverse CSA −1 can be calculated with the occurrence array O:
` −1(i)= C(B[i])+O(B[i],i)
`In BWA, we only store in memory S(k) for k that can be divided by 32.
`For k that is not a factor of 32, we repeatedly apply −1 until for some j,
`( −1)(j)(k) is a factor of 32 and then S(( −1)(j)(k)) can be looked up and
`S(k) can be calculated with Equation (5).
`In all, the alignment procedure uses 4n+n(cid:4)log2 n(cid:5)/8 bits, or n bytes
`for genomes <4 Gb. This includes the memory for the BWT string, partial
`occurrence array and partial suffix array for both original and the reversed
`genome. Additionally, a few hundred megabyte of memory is required for
`heap, cache and other data structures.
`2.7 Other practical concerns for Illumina reads
`2.7.1 Ambiguous bases Non-A/C/G/T bases on reads are simply treated
`as mismatches, which is implicit in the algorithm (Fig. 3). Non-A/C/G/T
`bases on the reference genome are converted to random nucleotides. Doing
`so may lead to false hits to regions full of ambiguous bases. Fortunately,
`the chance that this may happen is very small given relatively long reads.
`We tried 2 million 32 bp reads and did not see any reads mapped to poly-N
`regions by chance.
`2.7.2 Paired-end mapping BWA supports paired-end mapping. It first
`finds the positions of all
`the good hits, sorts them according to the
`chromosomal coordinates and then does a linear scan through all the potential
`hits to pair the two ends. Calculating all the chromosomal coordinates
`requires to look up the suffix array frequently. This pairing process is time
`consuming as generating the full suffix array on the fly with the method
`described above is expensive. To accelerate pairing, we cache large intervals.
`This strategy halves the time spent on pairing.
`In pairing, BWA processes 256K read pairs in a batch. In each batch,
`BWA loads the full BWA index into memory, generates the chromosomal
`coordinate for each occurrence, estimates the insert size distribution from
`read pairs with both ends mapped with mapping quality higher than 20, and
`then pairs them. After that, BWA clears the BWT index from the memory,
`loads the 2 bit encoded reference sequence and performs Smith–Waterman
`alignment for unmapped reads whose mates can be reliably aligned. Smith–
`Waterman alignment rescues some reads with excessive differences.
`2.7.3 Determining the allowed maximum number of differences Given
`a read of length m, BWA only tolerates a hit with at most k differences
`(mismatches or gaps), where k is chosen such that <4% of m-long reads with
`2% uniform base error rate may contain differences more than k. With this
`configuration, for 15–37 bp reads, k equals 2; for 38–63 bp, k= 3; for 64–92
`bp, k= 4; for 93–123 bp, k= 5; and for 124–156 bp reads, k= 6.
`2.7.4 Generating mapping quality scores For each alignment, BWA
`calculates a mapping quality score, which is the Phred-scaled probability
`of the alignment being incorrect. The algorithm is similar to MAQ’s except
`that in BWA we assume the true hit can always be found. We made this
`modification because we are aware that MAQ’s formula overestimates the
`probability of missing the true hit, which leads to underestimated mapping
`quality. Simulation reveals that BWA may overestimate mapping quality due
`This optimization can be done by dynamic programming because the best
`the best decoding score up to i. The iteration equations are
`where q
`is the Phred-scaled probability of a mutation, qi is the Phred quality
`)= g(b
`(cid:8),b) gives the color corresponding to
`of color ci and function g(b,b
`. Essentially, we pay a penalty q
`the two adjacent nucleotides b and b
`bi (cid:12)= ˆbi and a penalty qi if ci (cid:12)= g(ˆbi,ˆbi+1).
`decoding beyond position i only depends on the choice of ˆbi. Let fi(ˆbi) be
`f1(ˆb1)= q
`fi+1(ˆbi+1)= minˆbi
`1−δˆci ,g(ˆbi ,ˆbi+1)
`BWA approximates base qualities as follows. Let ˆci = g(ˆbi,ˆbi+1). The i-th
`base quality ˆqi, i= 2...l, is calculated as:
`qi−1+qi if ci−1=ˆci−1 and ci =ˆci
`qi−1−qi if ci−1=ˆci−1 but ci (cid:12)=ˆci
`qi−qi−1 if ci =ˆci but ci−1(cid:12)=ˆci−1
`BWA outputs the sequence ˆb2 ...ˆbl and the quality ˆq2 ...ˆql as the final result
`ˆqi =
`for SOLiD mapping.
`We implemented BWA to do short read alignment based on the BWT
`of the reference genome. It performs gapped alignment for single-
`end reads, supports paired-end mapping, generates mapping quality
`and gives multiple hits if required. The default output alignment
`format is SAM (Sequence Alignment/Map format). Users can use
`SAMtools ( to extract alignments in
`a region, merge/sort alignments, get single nucleotide polymorphism
`(SNP) and indel calls and visualize the alignment.
`BWA is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
`Documentations and source code are freely available at the MAQ
`web site:
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`H.Li and R.Durbin
`3.2 Evaluated programs
`To evaluate the performance of BWA, we tested additional
`three alignment programs: MAQ (Li et al., 2008a), SOAPv2
`( and Bowtie (Langmead et al., 2009).
`MAQ indexes reads with a hash table and scans through the genome.
`It is the software package we developed previously for large-scale
`read mapping. SOAPv2 and Bowtie are the other two BWT-based
`short read aligners that we are aware of. The latest SOAP-2.1.7 (Li
`et al., unpublished data) uses 2way-BWT (Lam et al., unpublished
`data) for alignment. It tolerates more mismatches beyond the 35
`bp seed sequence and supports gapped alignment limited to one
`gap open. Bowtie (version deploys a similar algorithm to
`BWA. Nonetheless, it does not reduce the search space by bounding
`the search with D(i), but by cleverly doing the alignment for
`both original and reverse read sequences to bypass unnecessary
`searches towards the root of the prefix trie. By default, Bowtie
`performs a DFS on the prefix trie and stops when the first qualified
`hit is found. Thus, it may miss the best inexact hit even if its
`seeding strategy is disabled. It is possible to make Bowtie perform
`a BFS by applying ‘–best’ at the command line, but this makes
`Bowtie slower. Bowtie does not support gapped alignment at the
`including BWA, randomly place a
`the four programs,
`repetitive read across the multiple equally best positions. As we
`are mainly interested in confident mappings in practice, we need
`to rule out repetitive hits. SOAPv2 gives the number of equally
`best hits of a read. Only unique mappings are retained. We also ask
`SOAPv2 to limit the possible gap size to at most 3 bp. We run Bowtie
`with the command-line option ‘–best -k 2’, which renders Bowtie
`to output the top two hits of a read. We discard a read alignment
`if the second best hit contains the same number of mismatches as
`the best hit. MAQ and BWA generate mapping qualities. We use
`mapping quality threshold 1 for MAQ and 10 for BWA to determine
`confident mappings. We use different thresholds because we know
`that MAQ’s mapping quality is underestimated, while BWA’s is
`3.3 Evaluation on simulated data
`We simulated reads from the human genome using the wgsim
`program that is included in the SAMtools package and ran the
`four programs to map the reads back to the human genome. As
`we know the exact coordinate of each read, we are able to calculate
`the alignment error rate.
`Table 1 shows that BWA and MAQ achieve similar alignment
`accuracy. BWA is more accurate than Bowtie and SOAPv2 in terms
`of both the fraction of confidently mapped reads and the error rate
`of confident mappings. Note that SOAP-2.1.7 is optimized for reads
`longer than 35 bp. For the 32 bp reads, SOAP-2.0.1 outperforms the
`latest version.
`On speed, SOAPv2 is the fastest and actually it would be 30–80%
`faster for paired-end mapping if gapped alignment was disabled.
`Bowtie with the default option (data not shown) is several times
`faster than the current setting ‘–best -k 2’ on single-end mapping.
`However, the speed is gained at a great cost of accuracy. For
`example, with the default option, Bowtie can map the two million
`single-end 32 bp reads in 151 s, but 6.4% of confident mappings are
`wrong. This high alignment error rate may complicate the detection
`of structural variations and potentially affect SNP accuracy. Between
`Table 1. Evaluation on simulated data
`Time (s) Conf (%) Err (%) Time (s) Conf (%) Err (%)
`One million pairs of 32, 70 and 125 bp reads, respectively, were simulated from
`the human genome with 0.09% SNP mutation rate, 0.01% indel mutation rate and
`2% uniform sequencing base error rate. The insert size of 32 bp reads is drawn from
`a normal distribution N(170,25), and of 70 and 125 bp reads from N(500,50). CPU
`time in seconds on a single core of a 2.5 GHz Xeon E5420 processor (Time), percent
`confidently mapped reads (Conf) and percent erroneous alignments out of confident
`mappings (Err) are shown in the table.
`BWA and MAQ, BWA is 6–18× faster, depending on the read length.
`MAQ’s speed is not affected by read length because internally it
`treats all reads as 128 bp. It is possible to accelerate BWA by not
`checking suboptimal hits similar to what Bowtie and SOAPv2 are
`doing. However, calculating mapping quality would be impossible in
`this case and we believe generating proper mapping quality is useful
`to various downstream analyses such as the detection of structural
`On memory, SOAPv2 uses 5.4 GB. Both Bowtie and BWA uses
`2.3 GB for single-end mapping and about 3 GB for paired-end, larger
`than MAQ’s memory footprint 1 GB. However, the memory usage
`of all the three BWT-based aligners is independent of the number of
`reads to be aligned, while MAQ’s is linear in it. In addition, all BWT-
`based aligners support multi-threading, which reduces the memory
`per CPU core on a multi-core computer. On modern computer
`servers, memory is not a practical concern with the BWT-based
`3.4 Evaluation on real data
`To assess the performance on real data, we downloaded about
`12.2 million pairs of 51 bp reads from European Read Archive
`(AC:ERR000589). These reads were produced by Illumina for
`NA12750, a male included in the 1000 Genomes Project
`( Reads were mapped to the human
`genome NCBI build 36. Table 2 shows that almost all confident
`mappings from MAQ and BWA exist in consistent pairs although
`MAQ gives fewer confident alignments. A slower mode of BWA (no
`seeding; searching for suboptimal hits even if the top hit is a repeat)
`did even better. In that mode, BWA confidently mapped 89.2% of all
`reads in 6.3 hours with 99.2% of confident mappings in consistent
`In this experiment, SOAPv2 would be twice as fast with both
`percent confident mapping (Conf) and percent paired (Paired)
`[14:59 15/6/2009 Bioinformatics-btp324.tex]
`Page: 1758 1754–1760


`Table 2. Evaluation on real data
`Time (h)
`Conf (%)
`Paired (%)
`The 12.2 million read pairs were mapped to the human genome. CPU time in hours on
`a single core of a 2.5 GHz Xeon E5420 processor (Time), percent confidently mapped
`reads (Conf) and percent confident mappings with the mates mapped in the correct
`orientation and within 300 bp (Paired), are shown in the table.
`dropping by 1% if gapped alignment was disabled. In contrast, BWA
`is 1.4 times as fast when it performs ungapped alignment only. But
`even with BWT-based gapped alignment disabled, BWA is still able
`to recover many short indels with Smith–Waterman alignment given
`paired-end reads.
`We also obtained the chicken genome sequence (version 2.1)
`and aligned these 12.2 million read pairs against a human–chicken
`hybrid reference sequence. The percent confident mappings is almost
`unchanged in comparison to the human-only alignment. As for the
`number of reads mapped to the chicken genome, Bowtie mapped
`2640, BWA 2942, MAQ 3005 and SOAPv2 mapped 4531 reads to
`the wrong genome. If we consider that the chicken sequences take up
`one-quarter of the human–chicken hybrid reference, the alignment
`error rate for BWA is about 0.06% (=2942×4/12.2M/0.889).
`Note that such an estimate of the alignment error rate may be
`underestimated because wrongly aligned human reads tend to be
`related to repetitive sequences in human and to be mapped back
`to the human sequences. The estimate may also be overestimated
`due to the presence of highly conservative sequences and the
`incomplete assembly of human or misassembly of the chicken
`If we want fewer errors, the mapping quality generated by BWA
`and MAQ allows us to choose alignments of higher accuracy. If we
`increased the mapping quality threshold in determining a confident
`hit to 25 for BWA, 86.4% of reads could be aligned confidently with
`1927 reads mapped to the chicken genome, outperforming Bowtie
`in terms of both percent confident mappings and the number of reads
`mapped to the wrong genome.
`For short read alignment against the human reference genome, BWA
`is an order of magnitude faster than MAQ while achieving similar
`alignment accuracy. It supports gapped alignment for single-end
`reads, which is increasingly important when reads get longer and
`tend to contain indels. BWA outputs

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