`A Fault-Tolerant Architecture for an
`Automatic Vision-Guided Vehicle
`Abstract —A fault-tolerant architecture for an automatic navigation
`system is presented. The system employs a mixed type of architecture in
`which the speed advantages of both pipelined and parallel architectures
`are exploited to achieve real-time navigation. The fault-tolerant archi-
`tecture is presented using two reconfiguration strategies. To evaluate the
`proposed architecture, its reliability, availability, and safety are investi-
`gated using Markov models. In addition, the feasibility of implementing
`the proposed architecture is studied.
`ing any unknown environment has yet to be achieved,
`although great advancements have been made. On the
`contrary, if the environment is controllable a likely situ-
`ation in indoor industrial settings—the situation is simpli-
`fied and practical solutions could be implemented.
`In a controlled environment, the AGV usually navi-
`gates by correlating the information previously stored
`about the environment with the information it gathers
`along its way. One way of providing this information is in
`the use of marks and patterns that can be discretely
`placed within the environment. The AGV determines its
`position relative to these marks and subsequently locates
`itself in the environment. Some of the marks already
`developed include laser-detected corner cubes [19] and
`retroreflective "spot marks" [22].
`Artificial intelligence also has been used for purposes
`of path planning and navigation [23], [24]. If the environ-
`ment is assumed to be known completely, algorithmic
`methods can be employed to plan the path as a one-time
`off-line operation [25]—[27]. Although this can prove to be
`fast for path-planning execution, it does not account for
`the possibility of the path being blocked due to temporary
`reasons. In such a situation, the AGV's should have the
`ability to revise, during navigation, their previously
`planned paths so as to obtain optimal or suboptimal
`solutions [28]-[30].
`To increase the efficiency and minimize the chance of
`accidents, an AGV system must be designed with a maxi-
`mum regard towards reliability, availability, and safety. In
`this paper, a fault-tolerant architecture is proposed for
`the implementation of the AGV presented in [29] and [30]
`to attain these properties. No matter how well designed
`the system is, its circuit components may fail at a crucial
`moment. This can prove to be hazardous not only to the
`AGV but also to its environment. In a less serious condi-
`tion, the AGV can lose its way and wander until rescued,
`with the consequence of wasting both time and efficiency.
`Moreover, the interruption of material flow caused by
`malfunction can seriously disrupt the whole system's op-
`eration. Under more serious circumstances, the AGV can
`collide with another AGV, causing massive destruction
`that could have been avoided with the use of a fault-
`tolerant AGV. On the other hand, a fault-tolerant AGV
`will continue its work uninterrupted and thus inflict a
`positive influence on overall productivity.
`THE study of automatic guided vehicles (AGV) has
`received a great deal of attention in the past decade
`due in part to the increasingly complex modern trans-
`portation problem and to the vast area of related applica-
`tions that involve monotonous and tedious tasks or haz-
`ardous environments.
`In fact, AGV's can be considered one of the key factors
`in flexible manufacturing systems. These systems are used
`to maximize the throughput by attempting to equalize the
`workload among their various components. This can be
`achieved by premeditated task planning and devising of
`efficient navigation methods for the autonomous trans-
`porters. These methods should be flexible, inexpensive,
`and easily modifiable. Initial efforts in obtaining these
`methods for robot navigation included the use of buried
`wires [1] and painted lines [2], [3]. The buried-wire method
`is still the most popular among the Japanese manufactur-
`ers of mobile robots [4].
`Research has concentrated lately on navigation with
`little or no a priori knowledge of the surrounding environ-
`ment. Since the knowledge about the environment is
`minimal, the system must depend on its sensing mecha-
`nisms for navigation. Most of the current research has
`relied upon visual sensors [5]—[13], ultrasonic rangefinders
`[14], tactile sensors [15]—[18], and laser rangefinders
`[19]—[21]. These systems are usually designed with the aim
`of being completely autonomous. However, most mobile
`robots are still inept in this regard, the limitations defined
`finally by their sensing capabilities. Realistic implementa-
`tion of completely autonomous robots capable of navigat-
`Manuscript received February 24, 1988; revised August 8, 1989.
`The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer
`Engineering, University of Miami, P. O. Box 248294, Coral Gables, FL
`IEEE Log Number 8932019.
`0018-9472/90/0300-0380$01.00 ©1990 IEEE
`AHM, Exh. 1007, p. 1


`The navigation system, presented in [29] and [30], is
`briefly described in Section II. The fault-tolerant architec-
`ture of the system is presented in Section III. An evalua-
`tion of the proposed architecture is investigated in Sec-
`tion IV, in which reliability, availability, and safety are
`discussed using Markov models. In Section V, a feasibility
`study of the proposed architecture is conducted to illus-
`trate that it could be implemented to perform the re-
`quired real-time navigation of the AGV. Also, this feasi-
`bility study could be considered, in a wider context, useful
`for implementing any application in which the transfor-
`mation of a path network map into an interconnected
`graph is needed.
`The AGV goes through three different phases to
`achieve real-time navigation.
`Path network learning: During this phase a scaled
`map of the path network is presented to the system
`via a camera. The system automatically extracts
`information, such as location and number of inci-
`dent edges of a node, node adjacency, edge path
`direction trace, and edge length, using image pro-
`cessing techniques. Information, such as width and
`height of an edge, whether an edge is directed or
`not, and the maximum load an edge can support, is
`input to the system interactively and stored in the
`path network database. The learning process is not
`entirely carried out in an interactive mode due to
`the fact that it would have been time consuming and
`prone to human errors.
`Automatic path scheduling: In this phase, the infor-
`mation in the path network database is used to
`generate a path that could be traced by the AGV to
`navigate from the source node to the destination
`note. The requested navigation could be specified to
`the system in one of three possible alternatives:
`1) initial, destination nodes;
`2) initial, destination, and part of the path cross-
`ing nodes;
`3) initial, destination, and all the path crossing
`c) Real-time navigation: During real-time navigation,
`the AGV extracts information about the environ-
`ment and confirms it with the previously planned
`path. For the purpose of guidance, a finite-state
`machine is designed to control the navigation of the
`AGV. The AGV identifies nodes by decoding a bar
`code attached to each node and detects its current
`position by monitoring a painted line on the floor. If
`an unexpected node is reached, or a path is found
`blocked by an obstacle, a double heuristic search
`technique is used to generate a new path, to guide
`the system back to the required destination.
`For the AGV to perform the previously mentioned
`tasks, it utilizes a multiple instruction multiple data stream
`(MIMD) architecture in which three parallel paths are
`I) Node/edge pipelined unit (NPU): This path consists
`of four image-processing pipelined modules used for
`segmentation, smoothing, thinning, and node/edge
`extraction. The NPU first transforms the input im-
`age of the path network into a graph of intercon-
`nected segments whose widths are one pixel in each
`direction. This graph is processed to extract infor-
`mation about network nodes and their interconnect-
`ing edges. The extracted information is stored in
`order to be used for automatic path planning.
`2) Bar-code pipelined unit (BPU): When the AGV navi-
`gates along a path, it decodes the bar codes of the
`nodes it encounters using the BPU. The decoded
`information is compared with the stored informa-
`tion about the path in order for the AGV to deter-
`mine if it is on the right path.
`3) Obstacle avoidance unit (OAU): This unit is used for
`detecting unexpected obstacles using an ultrasonic
`rangefinder. For the occasion that an obstacle is
`detected, by observing both a discontinuity in the
`painted line and a shorter range than the expected
`distance to the next node, the authors developed an
`algorithm in which the AGV attempts to maneuver
`around it, if possible, or else backtracks to the last
`reached node and a new path is replanned. Ultra-
`sonic obstacle avoidance has been chosen because it
`is inexpensive, easy to implement, and gives the
`required range information. The range data ob-
`tained is considered of acceptable resolution be-
`cause it is used for detection, not for recognition.
`Since the AGV consists of three parallel paths, each of
`which uses a pipelined architecture as shown in Fig. 1, it
`is difficult to apply fault-tolerance design techniques to
`the system as a whole. Hence a modular approach is used
`in which each of the three parallel paths is designed
`In this paper, the issue of fault tolerance is addressed
`for the NPU, due to its inherent complexity as compared
`to the BPU and OAU, but the concept could similarly be
`applied to these units. Two architectures arc presented
`for achieving fault tolerance in the NPU. Although both
`architectures are able to recover from two faults only,
`their concept of operation could easily be extended to
`include any number of faults in.
`In the first architecture, shown in Fig. 2, a direct
`replacement strategy is employed to reconfigure the sys-
`tem after fault detection and location. In this strategy,
`one of the spares is downloaded with the state and
`program of the faulty processor in order to replace it
`when normal operations are resumed after recovery. While
`AHM, Exh. 1007, p. 2


`Segnen tat ion
`Pooicio ce
`Bar -Code
`2 t ct
`A Decoder
`Mos ter
`odule I
`Module II
`Fig. 1. AGV system architecture.
`Switch In
`Switch_O t
`Sof twore
`Sul tc her
`I B2 I
`Fig. 2. Direct replacement architecture.
`in the second architecture, shown in Fig. 3, a rippling
`replacement strategy is employed in which a faulty pro-
`cessor is replaced by its successor in the pipeline, and that
`successor is in turn replaced by its successor, and so on,
`until the last processor in the pipeline is replaced by one
`of the spare processors. Hence the reconfiguration pro-
`cess results in a shift-of-functions operation that starts at
`the faulty processor and ends up at one of the spare
`In both architectures, each module of the NPU is
`assumed to consist of a number of similar processors
`connected in a pipeline, with the total number of proces-
`sors in all four modules equal to k. Both architectures
`employ the concept of standby sparing by having two
`AHM, Exh. 1007, p. 3


`Sof luore
`er1O , y
`' B21
`Fig. 3. Rippling replacement architecture.
`spare processors ready to be substituted for faulty proces-
`sors, once one or two faults have been detected and
`located. They differ mainly in the reconfiguration strat-
`egy, by which a faulty processor is replaced by one of the
`spare processors.
`Moreover, to achieve their respective strategies, they
`use a combined hardware/software switching mechanism,
`which is initiated when a fault is detected. The hardware
`portion is responsible for establishing proper physical
`links between the spare processors and the nonfaulty
`processors, while the software portion is responsible for
`downloading the states and programs needed for each
`architecture so as to get the spare processor functioning
`in the pipeline.
`A. Direct Replacement Architecture
`The direct replacement architecture proposed for the
`NPU is shown in Fig. 2, where the following basic units
`are identified.
`a) State verification controller (SVC): This unit is re-
`sponsible for scanning and testing the pipelined
`processors to globally detect any faults. On the
`other hand, faults are detected locally within each
`processor running its own self-diagnostics; when a
`fault is detected, it alters an internal register con-
`taining its order (state) in the pipeline. When one or
`two faults are detected by the SVC, it generates the
`codes of the faulty processors on its output lines
`(ID,, ID2) and activates the corresponding enable
`lines (ES„ ES2). These signals are used in turn by
`the other units in the system to initiate the switching
`mechanism. Each of the ID codes has s bits, where
`s is given by flog 2 k1, so that each pipelined proces-
`sor is given a unique identifying code.
`ES_ 1
`SSP! 2
`0 EN
`SSP' 1
`0 EN
`511 _2
`Fig. 4 Switch in basic design.
`b) Switch,,,: This logic control unit establishes proper
`links from the outputs of the pipelined nonfaulty
`processors preceding the faulty ones, to the inputs
`of the spare processors (SPIT, SPI2 ). The basic logic
`design of this unit is shown in Fig. 4.
`c) Switch„„,: This logic control unit establishes proper
`links from the outputs of the spare processors (SPO,,
`SPO2 ) back to inputs of the nonfaulty pipelined
`processors succeeding the faulty ones. The basic
`logic design of this unit is shown in Fig. 5. In this
`design, when one of the demultiplexer (DEMUX's)
`is disabled, all its outputs are equal to 0. Also, the
`shown oa gate symbols represent banks of cnt gates.
`AHM, Exh. 1007, p. 4


`Se le
`c t
`I put
` SPPO_2
`Fig. 5. Switch„„, basic design.
`I rpu t
`D I
`Fig. 6. Selection bypass) generator basic design.
`d) Selection generator: This combinational logic unit is
`used to generate selection signals (R, where i =
`0,1, . . .,k), which are used in turn by the steering
`logic at the input of each pipelined processor to
`reroute the tokens intended for the faulty processor
`to the spare processor. The steering logic is simply a
`MUX that is set to appropriately control the flow of
`information through the pipeline before and after
`the reconfiguration process. The basic design of this
`unit is shown in Fig. 6.
`e) Spare processors: These processors are identical to
`the processors used in the pipeline. Whenever one
`or two faults arc detected, they can be used to
`replace the faulty processors.
`f) Pipeline input unit (PIU): This unit controls the in-
`puts to the pipeline, depending on the state of the
`system. In normal operation, it supplies image infor-
`mation to the pipelined processors, while during
`recovery from one or two faults, it prohibits the
`input from the image memory (IM) to the system.
`Software switcher: This unit is responsible for down-
`loading spare processors with the states and pro-
`grams of faulty processors in order to take over their
`role in the pipeline after recovery. It mainly consists
`of a general-purpose processor and an attached
`memory. The processor is interrupted by the recov-
`ery signal (R) issued by SVC once recovery from a
`fault is required. The interrupt service routine (ISR)
`performs the necessary downloading. The attached
`memory stores a duplicate of the programs of all
`pipeline processors. Also, it contains a look-up table
`for storing the starting and ending addresses of each
`AHM, Exh. 1007, p. 5


`program. The algorithm of ISR is detailed as fol-
`1) read ES,, ES2 , ID,, ID2
`2) FOR i =1 TO no_of_spares Do
`IF (used_spares = i — 1) AND (ES, = 1) THEN
`read lookup [/.0„1], lookup ]/D„2.]
`read memory segment starting at
`[ID,, 1] and ending at lookup [ID„2]
`write memory segment into SP,
`write state of faulty processor (ID,) into SP,
`used_spares = used_spares + 1
`In the preceding algorithm, the variable "used_
`spares" is initialized with 0 upon system power up.
`Moreover, the algorithm could be easily modified
`for recovery from m number of faults by initializing
`"no_of spares with the m (in our system, m = 2).
`The system employs software redundancy, by stor-
`ing a duplicate of all pipelined processors programs
`in the attached memory, to achieve the required
`downloading during recovery. Also, the recovery pe-
`riod is the time required to read the programs of
`faulty processors and then write them, along with
`the states of the faulty to the spare processors.
`h) Image memory (IM): This unit consists of two mem-
`ory buffers, each of which is capable of storing the
`whole image. This buffering scheme is employed to
`maintain concurrency of operations between the
`camera, which is scanning the scene and storing its
`image into one buffer, and the PIU, which is reading
`the previously scanned frame from the other buffer.
`The camera and PIU operations are switched be-
`tween the buffers every frame.
`B. Rippling Replacement Architecture
`The rippling replacement architecture proposed for the
`NPU is shown in Fig. 3, where the following basic units
`are identified.
`a) State verification controller (SVC): This unit has the
`same function and design of the corresponding unit
`in Fig. 2.
`b) Bypass generator: This combinational logic unit is
`responsible for the generation of bypass control
`signals (B,, where i = 0,1,. . .,k) used by the steering
`logic at the output of each pipelined processor to
`bypass that processor when it is detected as faulty.
`The basic design of this unit is mainly the same as
`that given in Fig. 5.
`Pipelined input unit (PIU): This unit has the same
`dual function of the corresponding unit in Fig. 2,
`with the exception that during recovery from one or
`two faults, it not only prohibits the input from IM
`but also passes downloading tokens supplied by the
`software switcher to the pipeline to provide proper
`d) Software switcher: The function of this unit is to
`download each of the processors succeeding the
`faulty processor in the pipeline with the state and
`program of its preceding processor. This is accom-
`plished by sending command tokens to the latter in
`order to pass its state to its successor. This mecha-
`nism is employed to maintain a high degree of
`parallelism during recovery, and it is applied to all
`processors succeeding the faulty, except the one
`immediately succeeding it, which must be down-
`loaded with the entire state and program of the
`faulty processor.
`This unit is similar in configuration to the correspond-
`ing unit in Fig. 2, although its ISR is different due to the
`difference between the replacement strategies employed.
`Also, its attached memory contains, in addition to the
`programs and look-up table, a download table that con-
`tains the necessary command tokens to initiate the down-
`loading of each processor's state and program to its
`successor. The algorithm of the ISR is detailed as follows.
`read ES,, ES2, ID,, ID2
`FOR i =1 TO no_of_spares DO
`IF (used_spares = i — 1) AND (ES ' = 1) THEN
`FOR j = k DOWN TO ID, +1 DO
`read download [IDj]
`send download Lip/1 to PIU
`read lookup [ID,, 1], lookup [ID,,2]
`read memory segment starting at lookup [ ID,,1]
`and ending at lookup [ID,2]
`write memory segment
`into processor number
`ID, +1
`write state of faulty processor (/D,) into processor
`number ID, + 1
`used_spares = used_spares + 1
`In the preceding algorithm, the software redundancy
`employed is more than that of the direct replacement
`strategy architecture due to the downloading routines
`added to the program of each pipelined processor, en-
`abling it to download its state to its successor.
`The recovery period is the time required not only to
`read the programs of the faulty processors and write
`them to their successors, but also the time required
`to send the download table entries. Hence the re-
`covery period for rippling replacement architecture
`is longer than that of the direct replacement archi-
`tecture. This conclusion is in compliance with the
`fact that the rippling replacement architecture is
`using less hardware in the switching mechanism, and
`therefore it must lose some of the speed advantage
`of hardware switching.
`e) Image memory (IM): This unit has the same configu-
`ration as the corresponding unit in Fig. 2.
`AHM, Exh. 1007, p. 6


`C. Switching Mechanism
`In both architectures, the switching mechanism is de-
`fined as the combined set of coordinated actions per-
`formed by the different units of the system to achieve the
`required switching at the beginning and end of the recov-
`ery period. This mechanism is illustrated using the follow-
`ing algorithmic approach.
`1) WHILE (No fault is detected) oo
`a) SVC scans and tests processors' states
`b) PIU reads image tokens from IM and feeds
`them to the pipeline
`2) SVC
`a) generates ID code(s) of failing processor(s)
`b) activates ES,, or ES2, or both
`c) activates recovery signal (R)
`a) PIU prohibits input to the pipeline
`b) proper B,'s are generated by the selection (or
`bypass) generator
`c) software switcher reads code(s) of the faulty
`4) CASE replacement strategy employed is
`direct replacement:
`software switcher
`a) reads program of faulty processor(s)
`b) downloads the state and program of faulty to
`the spare(s)
`rippling replacement:
`software switcher
`a) issues command tokens to initiate shift of func-
`tions operation
`b) reads program of faulty processor(s)
`c) downloads the state and program of the faulty
`to its successor(s)
`SVC deactivates R, i.e., GOTO 1.
`In this mechanism, the combined hardware/software ap-
`proach of switching is revealed by the interaction of the
`hardware components, i.e., SVC, PIU, selection (or by-
`pass) generator, switch U11, switch,„, and the steering logic,
`with the software components, i.e., the software switcher
`and its attached memory. This combination makes use of
`the advantages of both hardware switching, i.e., speed
`and software switching, i.e., noncomplex switching cir-
`The direct and rippling replacement architectures that
`were discussed earlier achieve the same degree of fault
`tolerance as opposed to the nonredundant system, which
`Fig. 7. Markov modes.
`has no fault tolerance at all, i.e., it fails whenever a fault
`condition exists. This fault tolerance advantage is achieved
`at the expense of additional hardware and software
`needed in both redundant architectures. The hardware
`redundancy ratio in the rippling replacement architecture
`is less than that of the direct replacement architecture.
`Conversely, the software redundancy ratio is higher in the
`rippling replacement architecture.
`As far as the delay of the redundant architectures is
`concerned, the direct replacement architecture introduces
`a delay, as compared to the nonredundant system, given
`r 1, if at least one spare is used

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