`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`22 September 2005 (22.09.2005)
` (10) International Publication Number
`WO 2005/086593 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date: 4 February 2005 (04.02.2005)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`5 February 2004 (05.02.2004)
`(71) Applicant (for ali designated States except US): A LIT-
`Hiranandani Business Park, Powai, Mumbai 400 0076 (IN).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): GUPTA, Anurag
`[IN/IN]; 403, Alpha, Hiranandani Business Park, Powai,
`Mumbai 400 0076 (IN). PANDA, Lokanath [INAIN]; Flat
`: 103, Srinivasa Residency, 7th Cross, N. R. Colony,
`Bangalore 560 017 (IN).
`(74) Agent: VAIDYANATHAN,Alamelu; 451, 2nd Cross, 3rd
`Block, 3rd Stage, Basaveshwaranagar, Bangalore 560 079
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofnational protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NI, NO, NZ, OM, PG,
`ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`WW), Hurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,’1M),
`European(AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,ES, FT,
`GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`as to the identity of the inventor (Rule 4.17(i)) for the fol-
`lowing designations AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB,
`BG, BR, BW. BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE,
`DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FE. GB, GD, GE, GH, GM,
`HR, HY, 1D, iL, IN, IS, JP. KE, KG, KP. KR, KZ, LC, LK,
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: This invention relates to an inter-operable Multi-operator,
`the mobile phonea debit/eredit instrument for payment as well as an instru-
`ment to carry out payment terminal functions. The debit/credit card(s) on
`the mobile phone could be used to carry out paymenttransactions with an-
`other mobile phone, a regular Point-of-Sale terminal, an ATM, a Vending
`Machine or Internet.
`Customer Multi-bank, Multi-merchant Mobile Payment System. This invention makes
`— e
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`WO 2005/086593 AZ
`LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, —___as to the applicant's entitlement to claim the priority of the
`earlier application (Rule 4.17(iii)) for all designations
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, S¥, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, ——of inventorship (Rule 4.17(iv)) for US only
`UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW, ARIPO patent (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW),
`—_without international search report and to be republished
`Eurasian patent (AM, AY, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TL, TM),
`upon receipt of that report
`European patent (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, HU, LE, IS, IT, LT, LU, MC, NL, PL,—For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid-
`PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, Cl,—ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin-
`CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG)
`ning of each regular issue of the PCTGazette.
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`WO 2003/086593
`This invention relates to an Inter-operable Multi-operator, Multi-bank, Multi-merchant
`Mobile Payment System. This invention makes the mobile phone, a debit/credit
`instrument for payment as well as an instrument to carry out payment terminal functions.
`The debit/credit card(s) on the mobile phone could be used to carry out payment
`transactions with another mobile phone, a regular Point-of-Sale terminal, an ATM, a
`Vending Machine or Internet.
`The existing financial transaction systems involve use of physical currency, debit and
`credit cards based on Magnetic Stripe technology. The Magnetic Stripe debit/credit card
`based transactions are inherently prone to security violations given to the fact that
`Magnetic Stripes can be easily read and duplicated. Also, there are disadvantages in
`terms of physical damage to the Magnetic Stripe after some swipes on a physical
`merchant terminal. The existing smartcard based transaction systems are secure, but
`mandate use of an expensive Point-of-Sale Terminal to carry out a financial transaction,
`be it a stored value transaction ofan online/offline debit/credit transaction.
`The secure and more reliable alternative lies in use of a mobile phone, which offers
`computational capabilities and guarantees security with cryptographic support in the
`phone/SIM operating system.
`Europay Mastercard Visa (EMV) and Common Electronic Purse Scheme (CEPS)
`standards provide means for development of interoperabe payment scheme. In this
`context A.Little.World is implementing a new interoperable payment brand in India and
`abroad known as mCheque. mCheque platform provides a secure all-purpose debit/credit
`payment system on mobile phones.
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`WO 2005/086593
`The proposed solution enables the consumer(hereby referred to as ‘payer’ or ‘customer’)
`to carry out financial transactions from his/her Mobile Phone with debit/credit cards
`configured on the Mobile Phone and helps the merchant(hereby referred to as ‘payee’ or
`‘merchant’) to use a hosted Virtual Terminal service, while the mobile phone of the
`merchant is used as the payment terminal. However the payer can use the debit/credit
`card(s) configured on the Mobile Phone to engage in a payment transaction with the
`payee application on the regular Point-of-Sale Terminal, Vending Machine, Internet or
`Large-scale use of mobile-to-mobile payment between customers and merchants - using
`any mobile phone as an EMV debit/credit payment instrument issued by a Bank, to pay
`any merchant who has another mobile phone. No additional terminal infrastructure apart
`from mobile phone is required by Bank or by merchants. No compromises made on
`transaction security.
`Funds flow will be handled entirely through the banks, using proven EMV security with
`the added layer of mobile network security for secure communications. The EMV
`handler will provide an effective intermediary solution to the Bank without need for the
`Bank having to upgradeits back-end infrastructure to EMV.
`Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) will be used for non-repudiation in specific application
`areas. Mobile Phones will have the capability of a universally usable digital ID (to be
`issued as an X.509 certificate by a Certification Authority)
`for digitally signing
`for non-repudiation. RSA is the preferred standard for
`implementation for PKI applications ofmCheque.
`The application download and personalization of the mobile phone can be done both
`over-the-counter (OTC) and over-the-air (OTA). The complete application functionality
`for the customer’s payment card will be provided on the phone. The application
`functionality for the merchant’s terminal will be provided at the back-end as a Virtual
`Tenninal, with the phone used for confirmation of the transaction (transaction receipt).
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`WO 2005/086593
`The ready availability of communications network; the display screen; and the large
`memory on the phone to store and view transaction records helps enhance the Bank’s
`product value for the customer and makes this the most user friendly and versatile
`payment instrument the customer will ever use. The mobile phone can be used both as a
`credit and debit cards at the same time multiple debit/credit accounts from different banks
`can be configured on the same mobile phone without any security compromise. A single
`PIN forall accounts will simplify banking and paymentfor the customer.
`There are known instances of various forms of payment mechanisms using mobile
`devices, such as Singapore Patent Publication No. 86428 using a payment center backend
`without use ofreal debit/credit card and involving a bank in the transaction.
`US Patent No. 6,612,488 describes a method of payment using credit cards using a
`portable communication terminal such as a cellular phone. However, this method does
`not avoid the use of the credit card or debit card. The portable communication terminal is
`used to only identify the purchaser to avoid fraudulentuse ofthe cards.
`US Patent No. 6, 678, 664 issued to CheckFree Corporation suggests cashless
`transactions, e.g. purchases of goods and services without making cash payments at the
`time of purchase, by transmitting, preferably from a point of purchase, information
`identifying the purchaser of a product without identifying a payment account for the
`purchaser, the point of purchase being, for example, a register within a retail store or a
`server at an internetsite.
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`WO 2005/086593
`Though the aforesaid US patent suggests the use of personal identification information
`such as purchaser’s name, address and drivers license or passport number or any other
`identification code, this process of identification is little cumbersome and yet requires
`some document to be carried by the purchaser. Further,
`the transaction cannot be
`completed by using a wireless communication device and also it does not offer a virtual
`terminal to the seller. In other words, the seller is required to have a terminal, a scanner
`or other similar means to transmit the personal identification details to the bank or to the
`payment operator.
`Objects of The Invention:
`e The primary object of the present invention is to provide an inter-operable, multi-
`operator, multi-bank, multi-merchant, mobile payment method and system.
`In the proposed payment method/system, a regular mobile phone is used as a
`bank-account linked debit/credit payment instrument to pay any merchant with a
`regular mobile phone, without customisation of phone hardware. The merchant
`does not need a regular payment terminal. However, the merchant terminal can be
`aregular Point-of-Sale terminal, vending machine, Internet or ATM.
`e Genuine ‘card present’ transactions using debit/credit cards configured on the
`mobile phone.
`e EMV Handler solution enabling banks to participate in the secure debit/credit
`card based transactions without having to migrate to EMV.
`The following is the scope of the nrCheque payment method/system:
`Use a regular mobile phone as an EMV-based payment instrument linked to a debit or
`credit account in a Bank, to pay any merchant who has a mobile phone or an on-line
`EMV capable terminal. The merchant does-not need a regular payment terminal. EMV
`security is fully implemented for this product.
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`WO 2005/086593
`The ready availability of a communications network; the display screen on the mobile;
`and the large memory on the phone to store and view transaction records helps enhance
`the product value for the customer and makes this the most user friendly and versatile
`paymentinstrument the customer will ever use. The mobile phone can be used both as a
`credit and debit cards at the same time. Multiple debit/credit accounts from different
`banks can be configured on the same mobile phone without any security compromise. A
`single PIN forall accounts will simplify banking and paymentfor the customer.
`In case ofavailability of a Subscriber Identification Chip module on the phone (SIM for
`GSM and R-UIM for CDMA), the application is developed without need to customize
`either the phone hardware or software. The only change is made to the SIM/R-UIM
`software through the use of the SIM Application Toolkit or a script using existing SIM/R-
`UIM browsing environment. In case of phones without having a Subscriber Identification
`Chip module, the application is developed on the phone. Asa result, nearly the entire
`base of mobile phones can be used as cards and terminals without extra investment
`required in cards or terminals. The payment application for debit/credit card on payer’s
`mobile phone and the merchant
`terminal on payee’s mobile phone use security
`mechanisms prescribed by EMV.
`The application download and personalization of the mobile phone will be done both
`over-the-counter (OTC) and over-the-air (OTA). The complete application functionality
`for the customer’s payment card will be provided on the phone. The application
`functionality for the merchant’s terminal will be provided at the back-end, with the phone
`or a connected PoS terminal being used for confirmation of the transaction (transaction
`The EMV handler solution will be used to provide an effective intermediary solution to
`banks that have not yet upgradedtheir back-end infrastructure to EMV. This applies both
`to the debit/credit card issuance,
`transaction authorization and merchant acquiring
`systems of the bank.
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`The transactions will be cleared and settled domestically through the inter-bank switch
`for domestic transactions or an international settlement agency for cross-border
`transactions. Security Key management will be provided by the scheme operator or the
`domestic banking regulator for both Symunetric Keys based on 3-DES or AES and
`Asymmetric Keys based on RSA.
`Multiple mobile operators and multiple issuer and acquiring banks can be part of the
`system. Funds flow is handled entirely through the banking system, using proven EMV
`security with the added layer of GSM/CDMAsecurity for secure communications.
`The mCheque Platform in its true sense of ‘Interoperability’ is intended to support
`existing systems and technologies used by mobile operators, mobile phones, transaction
`systems and banks.
`The following are the unique features of the present invention:
`a. Use of mobile phone as a debit/credit card.
`b, Use ofmobile phone as a merchant terminal.
`c. Use of mobile phone to have multiple debit/credit cards
`d. Use ofmobile phoneto store Track-2 data of a debit/credit card.
`e, Responsibility of Authentication of mobile debit/credit card transaction lies with
`the bank and not with mobile operator.
`f. Provisioning of debit/credit card on mobile phone without a contact interface
`using OTA interface.
`g. Provisioning of digital certificate on mobile phone without a contact interface
`using OTAinterface.
`h. EMV Handler: Authorization of transaction security on behalf of banks. Ability
`to handle EMV Transactions in a multibank interoperable environment without
`enforcing the banks to change their existing infrastructure.
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`WO 2005/086593
`i. Providing printed payment receipt using a mobile phone, wherever possible
`without making any change on the mobile phone hardware using an external
`receipt printer.
`Payment over Internet using debit/credit card on mobile phone.
`k. ATM cash-withdrawal using bank card on mobile phone.
`1, Person-to-person transfer of payment or funds transfer using mobile phone both
`domestic and international.
`m. Use of Public Key Infrastructure on mobile phones for transactions requiring non-
`n. Maintaining and managing loyalty pools and coupons on mobile phone.
`This invention thus provides a multi-bank interoperable payment system using mobile
`phoneas debit/credit card which comprises the steps of:
`establishing connectivity with multiple mobile operators, issuing banks
`and acquiring banks participating in the “interoperable mCheque
`system” and inter-bank clearing & settlement systems, both domestic
`and international, via themCheque back-end system/issuance system;
`establishing a link with mutual authentication and trust using standard
`security mechanism between mCheque issuance system, participating
`bank and the mobile operator. A third party Certification Authority can
`provide certificates to establish mutual authentication and trust
`between different systems.
`providing transaction security which is dependent on the bank’s
`security domain defined on the mobile phone. The mobile network is
`used as a transport and the system does not necessarily depend on the
`security provided by the mobile network to guarantee transaction
`security. However, the security provided by the mobile network is
`treated as a complementary measure.
`Application Provisioning Step-1:
`loading of payment application
`containing the basic menus, transaction logic, application security keys
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`and application configuration data; on the target mobile phone of
`payer/payee using the over-the-air system of the mobile operator;
`Application Provisioning’ Step-2:
`loading of a conventional Track-2
`data provided by the participating bank with EMV security keys and
`tisk management parameters on the target mobile phone of payer using
`the over-the-air system of the mobile operator; and
`Application Provisioning Step-3 (optional):
`loading of a digital
`certificate on the target mobile phone of payer/payee using the over-
`the-air system of the mobile operator requiring non-repudiation; and
`establishing a link between the PIN numberallotted to the customer
`and a common mCheque PIN.
`The system takes care of post-issuance activities including blocking/unblocking of
`debit/credit card, creation/deletion of debit/credit cards, update loyalty pool,
`redemption, offering of loyalty coupons, blocking/unblocking/resetting of PIN, key
`version control, application version control, restoration of debit/credit accounts and
`loyalty details for a lost/stolen mobile phone,
`This invention will now be described with reference to the accompanying drawings,
`Fig. 1 illustrates the mChequetransaction flow;
`Fig. 2 illustrates the mCheque transaction system;
`Fig. 3 illustrates the mCheque Card Issuance/Merchant Configuration System; and
`Fig. 4 illustrates the mCheque Digital Certificate System.
`The use of mobile phoneas a debit or credit card involves the following five steps, which
`is illustrated in Fig. 1.
`1. Payee Mobile sends a message through mobile network to mCheque back-end
`with Payer Mobile Number, Transaction Amount and a Random Number.
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`2. mCheque back-end sends a message through mobile network to Payer Mobile
`with Random Number, Request for Payment and Merchant Details.
`3. Payer Mobile sends a message-to mCheque back-end through mobile network
`with EMV Cryptogram.
`4. mCheque back-end through mobile network sends a message to Payee Mobile
`with Transaction Receipt .
`5. mCheque back-end through mobile network sends a message to Payer Mobile
`with Transaction Receipt.
`Message-1: Payment Request Message Originating from Merchant
`1. Merchant enters the Amount of Transaction, Customer’s ID (generally customer’s
`mobile number or a proxy number similar to the mobile number assigned by
`mCheque) and Merchant PIN using mCheque menus.
`2. mCheque Application on Merchant device generates a Random Number(to be
`used as the seed for the Application Request Cryptogram to be generated on
`Customer’s Mobile Phone for EMV transaction) and signs the transaction data.
`3. The Merchant Mobile Phone initiates a session with the mCheque Server and
`sends the signed data.
`Message-2: Confirmation Request Message Terminating on Customer Mobile
`reaches mCheque Virtual Terminal
`1. The signed message from Merchant
`Application Server (VTAS), which verifies the signature and adds EMV specific
`terminal risk management parameters and Merchant’s Name to the original
`transaction attributes provided by the merchant.
`2. mCheque VTASinitiates a session with Customer Mobile Phone.
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`Message-3: Confirmation Response Message Originating from Customer Mobile
`1. Customer Mobile Phone receives the message-2 and displays a confirmation
`message consisting of Merchant Name, Transaction Amount and Merchant Id, Up
`on confirmation by the customer, a PIN entry is requested.
`2. Upon successful PIN entry, the Customer Mobile Phone generates an Application
`Request Cryptogram (ARQC) as per EMV specifications using the Card Risk
`Management Parameters, Random Number, Card Master Key (of the key index
`assignedfor the application in the card security domain).
`3. Customer Mobile Phone sends the transaction data with the ARQC to mCheque
`Message-4: Transaction Receipt Message Terminating on Merchant
`1. mCheque VTASsendsthe transaction online for authorization of funds
`2. After
`receiving transaction authorization from the Issuing Bank of the
`Dehbit/Credit Card on Customer’s Mobile Phone, mCheque VTAS sends a
`Payment Receipt to the Merchant.
`3. After confirmation of Receipt delivery, mCheque VTAS issues a Transaction
`Certificate to the online authorization system of Issuing Bank (denoting
`completion oftransaction).
`Message-5: Transaction Receipt Message Terminating on Customer Mobile Phone
`receiving transaction authorization from the Issuing Bank of the
`1. After
`Debit/Credit Card on Customer’s Mobile Phone, mCheque VTAS sends a
`Payment Receipt to the Customer Mobile Phone.
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`To achieve the above, the present invention provides a transaction system (refer Fig. 2
`and 3) which comprises of an unique mCheque virtual terminal capable of handling
`communications from mobile phones of the payer and payee and also ensure security of
`the transaction, said server having means for customer database and merchant data base,
`means for providing hardware security, means for storing the digital certificates and
`application software for life cycle management ofpayer/payee application.
`The process of obtaining a Digital certificate is illustrated in Fig. 4. The mobile phone of
`the user or purchaser through the personalization system of mCheque issuance system
`will send in the necessary request to the certification authority and after processing the
`request, the certification authority will forward the required certificate through to the
`personalization system of mCheque issuance system back to the mobile phone of the
`The following middleware and application systems constitute the mCheque technology
`Backend and Middleware Modules:
`Virtual Terminal Application Server (VTAS):
`VTASis a secure cluster of virtual EMV terminals, security systems, loyalty systems,
`bank/operator interfaces running on a High-Availability platform. All mCheque messages
`originating from the merchant as well as the customer mobile are routed to the VTAS
`Server. VTAS spawns one instance of Virtual Terminal Application per Merchant
`Terminal registered in the mCheque system.
`Application Gateway to interpret and perform application codec (encoding/decoding)
`functions for data flow between VTAS and Mobile phone.
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`EMV Handler:
`The mCheque EMV Handler performs secure authorization of EMV Application Request
`Cryptogram (ARQC)generated by the chip card EMV application (debit/credit card) on
`the customer’s mobile phone and generates an EMV Application Response Cryptogram
`(ARPC). The EMV Handler filters EMV specific data from the financial transaction
`message and the transaction is sent to the Issuing Bank for funds authorization as if it
`were a regular magnetic stripe transaction authorization request. The EMV Handler
`therefore provides an effective intermediary Issuing and Acquiring solution for Banks to
`work with chip cards based on EMV security without having to upgrade their back-end
`systems to EMV. In case an Issuing Bank is capable of handing EMV transactions
`directly, the transactions will be directly passed through for authorization by the Bank’s
`EMV Switch. The EMV handler system uses a Hardware Security Module compliantto
`FIPS-140-2 and PKCS#11 standardsto carry. out all security operations.
`Remote Personalization System:
`The mCheque Remote Personalization System provides secure personalization of EMV
`based secure Debit/Credit cards, Loyalty Pools, Coupons on Mobile phone of mobile
`phones Over-the-Air (OTA). The Remote Personalization System also uses the OTA
`bridge for personalization as well as application updates (such as update of EMV risk
`parameters). Multiple accounts can be handled ona single Mobile phone by this system.
`The remote personalization system uses a Hardware Security Module to carry out
`security operations.
`Application system providing a secure transport of personalization and transaction data
`between the mCheque Application Backend(VTAS) and the Network Gateway ofmobile
`operators (USSD Center/SMS Center) forall Over-the-Air application operations on
`payer/payee mobile phones. The OTA Bridge also takes care of security requirements of
`the mobile operator.
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`WO 2005/086593
`USSD-IP Gateway:
`Network gateway providing exchange of ‘Unstructured Supplementary Service Data
`(USSD) messages between the Mobile Station and the IP-based backend of mCheque
`Payment Platform. The mCheque USSD-IP Gateway is co-located with the Master
`Switching Centre (MSC) of the Mobile Operator through an SS7 (Signaling System 7)
`Transaction Switch:
`Host system to switch financial transactions between Switches of participating banks in
`ISO 8583/XML formats. This system is also used to log the clearing data provided as
`input to the central Clearing and Settlement Host.
`Clearing and Settlements Host:
`This system is used process the data that passes through the Transaction Switch to create
`logs for daily reconciliation to be performed either through a Clearing and Settlements
`Bank or an automated system. The Clearing and Settlement Institution will be given
`summaries for net settlements between participating Banks and each participating bank
`will be given detailed logsof all transactions performed by its customers.
`MIS and Reporting Tools:
`Management Information System of mCheque Payment Platform includes reporting,
`logging and audit trail of transactional and operational data for all participating entities in
`the system,
`including merchants, customers,
`issuing banks, acquiring banks, mobile
`operators and personalization system.
`ATM Module:
`An application specification will be provided for enhancement of the ATM customer
`screen to be able to accept ATM cash withdrawal transactions using mCheque. This
`requires collaboration with ATM vendors and the respective Banks.
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`WO 2005/086593
`Over-the-counter debit/credit payment for small, large and very large amounts.
`PIN based debit/credit using secure EMV based technology on any mobile phone.
`Moreversatile than debit/credit cards.
`Display screen, PIN pad and storage add tremendously to usability, convenience
`Multiple cards/accounts can be issued by multiple banks on one mobile.
`Only one PIN to remember - common PIN forall cards/accounts.
`Transaction amount limits and daily limits can be managed on mobile phone.
`Commonrewards points pool acrossall cards/accounts.
`Small value transactions feasible in both credit and debit mode.
`Transaction details stored on mobile phone.
`Balance enquiry.
`Full audit and traceability.
`Unique new method to receive payments: eliminates need of cheque-book.
`PKI based non-repudiable digital-ID and signatures on mobile phone.Ideal for all
`kind of Government payments and transactions.
`Secure and convenient payment for Internet purchases (unique new method with
`highest level of security and convenience).
`Instant, anywhere, anytime payment’ of utility bills; insurance premiums; mobile
`phonebills; pre-paid top-ups.
`Payment to vending machines (snacks, beverages,etc.).
`Cash withdrawal at ATM machines with subscription based access to large
`number of ATMsin arrangement with banks.
`Loyalty points-pool-on-mobile phone for accumulating rewards from different
`merchants. Instant over-the-counter redemption.
`The applications are developed without need to customize either the mobile phone
`hardware. As a result,
`the entire base of mobile phones available can be used as
`debit/credit cards and paymentterminals without any significant extra investment.
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`WO 2005/086593
`1. An inter-operable, multi-operator, multi-bank, multi-merchant mobile payment
`method using mobile phoneas debit/credit card comprising the steps of:
`a establishing connectivity with each mobile operator, issuing bank and acquiring
`bank participating in the
`“interoperable mCheque system” and in any inter-bank
`clearing & settlement systems,
`via the mCheque back-end system/issuance
`establishing a link with mutual authentication and trust using standard security
`mechanism between mChequeissuance system, participating bank and the mobile
`providing transaction security which is dependent on the bank’s security domain
`defined on the mobile phone;
`loading of payment application containing the basic menus, transaction logic,
`application security elements and application configuration data;
`loading of at least one conventional Track-2 data provided by the participating
`bank of the payer, EMV security elements and risk management parameters on
`the target mobile phone using the over-the-air system of the mobile operator; and
`optional loading ofdigital certificate on the target mobile phone using the over-
`the-air system of the mobile operator to support applications requiring non-
`repudiation; and
`establishing a link between the PIN numberallotted to the customer and the
`common mCheque PIN.
`2. An inter-operable mobile payment method asclaimed in claim 1, wherein the loading
`of paymentapplication is carried out using application provisioning step- 1.
`3. An inter-operable mobile payment methodas claimed in claim 1, wherein the loading
`of Track-2 data provided by the participating bank is carried out using application
`provisioning step-2.
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`WO 2005/086593
`. An inter-operable mobile payment method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the
`optional loading of the digital certificate on the target mobile phone using the over-
`the-air system of the mobile operator to support applications requiring non-
`repudiation is carried out using application provisioning step-3.
`. An inter-operable mobile payment method as claimed in claim 1, wher