
`An English language transtation of the international Application as filed (85 USC 371(e}{2))
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`Initial 12/12/08


`International Patent Application
`No. PCT/EP2007/005185
`International Filing Date:
`June 12, 2007
`Applicant: Klaus FINKENZELLERetal.
`Attorney Docket: FINK3009/JEK
`Commissioner for Patents
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`This paper accompanies documents submitted to initiate national stage
`processing of the above-identified international patent application.
`The amendmentsto the claims appear in the following pages under the heading
`“LIST OF CURRENT CLAIMS”. The claim listing replaces all previous versions of the
`claims presented in this application, and indicates any currently presented amendments
`and the status of each of the listed claims.
`The amendments to the claims of this application, which originated in a foreign
`country, are submitted before examination on the merits and are not intended to havea
`narrowing effect for the purpose of patentability, but rather are made for one or more of
`the following reasons: (i) to remove drawing reference numerals unnecessary under
`U.S. practice; (ii) to remove or reduce multiple dependentclaims to reduce thefiling fee;
`(iii) to revise the original language originating in a foreign country to better conform to
`customary English usage and style for U.S. patent claiming; (iv) to revise original non-
`U.S. claim terminology into more appropriate English claim terms having a scope of
`meaning consistent with the original
`intended language in preparation for U.S.


`international Application No. PCT/EP2007/005185
`Attorney Decket: FINK3009/JEK
`Preliminary Amendment
`examination: (iv) to remove limitations having an effect in a foreign country which is
`different and unintended under U.S. practice (i.e., changing “consisting of’
`“comprising”); (v) to remove or amendoriginal claim language that could be regarded as
`alternative expressions that are acceptable under foreign patent practice but possibly
`subject to objection under U.S. practice, typically having a broadening or neutral effect
`in the amended claim; and/or (vi) to improve the clarity or meaning of the original
`in the case of amendments effectively changing an original claim element
`expressed as a “means plus function” that could raise a presumption of claim
`expression under 35 U.S.C. 112, 6" paragraph to a structural expression or to an
`expression removing the presumption of a “means-plus-function” statement,it is not
`intended to narrow the claim so amended for purposes of patentability, but rather to
`place the claim in a form considered to be intended by the applicant from a foreign
`country whereclaim limitations described in terms of means-plus-function do not have
`the same effect as under U.S. practice. Thus, such amendments are intended to
`establish a full range of equivalents to the claim elements so amended underthe U.S.
`doctrine of equivalents and beyond the range associated with “means-plus-function”
`expressions according to 35 U.S.C. 112, 6" paragraph, justasif the claim so amended
`was presentedoriginally in its amended form.
`All rights are reserved to the original disclosed and claimed subject matter and
`any cancellation of claims is made without prejudice or disclaimer.


`International Application No. PCT/EP2007/005185
`Attorney Docket: FINK3009/JEK
`Preliminary Amendment
`=A method for contactless communication of a reading device
`4. (Currently Amended)
`{200)-with at least two communication-ready applications 40,-20--30}jocated on a
`portable data carrier-490}, comprising charasterized-by the steps [[of]]:
`generating a first communication-readiness signal to the reading device @0@}for
`a first of the at least two applications-40-20,30), the communication-readiness signal
`comprising a first identification number (J424)-which is assigned to the first of the at
`least two applications 410,-20,39)-and indicates to the reading device (290}-the
`communication readiness of said first application, and
`generating a second communication-readiness signal to the reading device 208}
`for a second of the at least two applications{49,29,39}, the second communication-
`readiness signal comprising a secondidentification number ({J1D2)-different from the
`first identification number+U4D4), which is assigned to said second application and
`indicates to the reading device (200)-the communication readiness of said second
`The method according to claim 1, wherein sharasterizedin
`2. (Currently Amended)
`that the first communication-readiness signal is generated for a first group (64)-of
`applications G9A-49A}-comprising the first application, and the first
`number-(41D-) is assigned to each of the applications G8A-40A) in the first group{G4},
`and the second communication-readiness signal is generated for a second group {G2}
`of applications <498-36B)—comprising the second application, and the second
`identification number (J1D2)-is assigned to each of the applications 408-308}in the
`second group{G2}, the first communication-readiness signal indicating to the reading
`device 200}the communication readiness of each of the applications (404-48A}ofthe
`first groupG+), and the second communication-readiness signal indicating to the
`reading device @99}the communication readiness of each of the applications 4498-
`39B)-of the second group{G2).
`The method accordingto claim 2, wherein characterizedin
`3. (Currently Amended)
`that each of the applications GOA-40A)of the first group ¢$4)-and/or each of the
`applications 49B-398)-of the second group (G2)-is assigned additional selection
`information in each case.


`International Application No. PCT/EP2007/005185
`Attorney Docket: FINK3009/JEK
`Preliminary Amendment
`The method according to claim 1, wherein anyofclaims-He
`4. (Currently Amended)
`3-characterizedinthat the reading device (200}-emits search signals, the signals
`generated for the applications 440;-20,-39}being comprising response signals to the
`search signals.
`The method according to claim 1, including anyeteclaims+
`5, (Currently Amended)
`to-4,-characterized_by the further step of toggling between the applications 40;28,-39}
`for communication of the application 40;-20,-390}with a reading device-206}.
`The method according to claim 5, wherein characterizedin
`6. (Currently Amended)
`that toggling is effected by branching or by context switching.
`The method according to claim_1, wherein anyefclaimet-to
`7. (Currently Amended)
`6-characterizedinthat the reading device £299}selects for further communication one
`or more of the at least two applications (490,-20,20}-via the identification numbers
`GHD4+-UIDalassigned to the applications-+40,29,39).
`The method according to claim 7, wherein each of the
`8. (Currently Amended)
`applications of the first group and/or each of the applications of the second group is
`assigned additional selection information in each case; and wherein with-claim-—3;
`eharacterizedinthat the reading device @90}-selects for further communication one or
`more of the at least two applications GGA-40A,-10B-30B,_10C-306,40D}via the
`identification numbers (J154-U1D3)assigned to the applications 4¢-0A-40A,49B-30B,
`49C-39G,-40B)and via the additional selection information assigned to the applications
`The method according to claim 7, wherein er—s
`9. (Currently Amended)
`characterizedinthatfor one or more of the at least two applications 440-29,-39Hhat
`have not yet been selected for further communication by the reading device{209}, the
`communication-readiness signal is generated while the communication with one or
`more others of the at least two applications 40,20,39}that have been selected for
`further communication by the reading device @@6}is not yet completed.
`10. (Currently Amended) The method according to claim 7, wherein any-ofclaims-7to
`9,characterized-inthatfor one or more of the at least two applications 40,29,-39} that


`international Application No. PFCT/EP2007/005185
`Attorney Docket: FINK3009/JEK
`Preliminary Amendment
`have not yet been selected for further communication by the reading device4206)}, the
`communication-readiness signal is generated after one or more others of the at least
`two applications ¢40,-20,-30}have been suspended after completion of communication
`with the reading device4200}.
`11. (Currently Amended) The method accordingto claim 7, wherein any-sofelaims-He
`40,-sharasterizedinthat the data carrier 409)-informs the reading device (200}-by
`means of collision signals that one or more ofthe at least two applications 49-20,30}
`that have not yet been selected for further communication by the reading device {200}
`are present by signals being sent that simulate a collision between a plurality of
`12. (Currently Amended) The method according to claim 7, wherein anyofclaimsHto
`40,-characterized-inthat the data carrier 408}+informs the reading device (200}-by
`means of an allocation of one or moretime slots that one or more of the at least two
`applications 40,20,30}that have not yet been selected for further communication by
`the reading device @09}-are present.
`13. (Currently Amended) The method according to claim 7, includinganyofclaims-#
`to-t2characterized-by the further step of storing information in a nonvolatile memory of
`the data carrier ¢409}-about which of the at least two applications 40,20,30}waslast
`selected for further communication by the reading device-269}.
`14. (Currently Amended) The method according to claim 7, including anyefclaims+
`to-12,-characterizedbythe further step of storing information in a nonvolatile memory of
`the data carrier 400}-about which of the at least two applications 40,-26,-39)}-has
`already completed active communication with the reading device-200).
`15. (Currently Amended} The method according to claim 13, wherein er—+4
`sharacterizedinthat upon new communication of the reading device @O@}with the data
`carrier-<460}, a communication-readiness signal is emitted first for one of the at least
`two applications 40,26,--39}-that is different from the application 440,-26,-30)
`designated by the stored information.


`international Application No. PCT/EP2007/005185
`Attorney Docket: FINK3O0S/JEK
`Preliminary Amendment
`16. (Currently Amended) The method according to claim 13, wherein, or—i4,
`characterizedinthatupon new communication of the reading device @90}-with the data
`carrier-+4-99), a communication-readiness signal is emitted first for the application 40,
`20,38with which active communication was effected last.
`17. (Currently Amended) The method according to claim 7, wherein any-efelaims-Hte
`418,sharacterizedinthatthe reading device{200} addresses an application 46,2939}
`selected for further communication via a dynamically allocated session number (GHD+-
`18. (Currently Amended) The method according to claim 17, wherein characterizedia
`that-upon addressing, the session number (G1)4-GlDatis linked on the data carrier
`£499)-with the identification number (LHD4-UiDn)-assigned to the application 49-20,
`19. (Currently Amended) The method according to claim 18, wherein each of the
`applications of the first group and/or each of the applications of the second group is
`assiqned additionalselection information in each case; and wherein with-claim-3,
`characterizedinthatupon addressing, the session number (GIO4+-G13}-is linked on the
`data carrier 4409)additionally with the additional selection information assigned to the
`20, (Currently Amended) The method according to claim 1, wherein anyefclaims—-He
`410_-charasterized-inthat the data carrier G00}recognizes by a responseof the reading
`device 299}-to communication-readiness signals emitted by the data carrier 400}
`whetherthe reading device &206+is set up to resolve a collision between a plurality of
`21. (Currently Amended) The method according to claim 1, wherein anyefclaims—Hoe
`the reading device 288}-communicates with a plurality of the
`at least two applications 40,20,39)in parallel.
`22. (Currently Amended) The methed according to claim 1, wherein anyefelainis-He
`24+,characterizedinihat the reading device 209}interprets the identification numbers
`dHD4HDe\as identification numbers of different data carriers.


`international Application No. PCT/EP2007/005185
`Attorney Docket: FINKS008/JEK
`Preliminary Amendment
`23. (Currently Amended) The method according to claim 22, wherein each of the
`applications of the first group and/or each of the applications of the second group is
`assigned additional selection information in each case; and wherein with-claim-—3,
`the data carrier £490)-generates the additional selection
`information as a virtual sector assignment 484--S4)-and the reading device 200}
`interprets the additional selection information as a sector assignment (-S1--S4}of a
`memory area of one of the different data carriers{MA-MB}, whereasthe different data
`carriers (MA-MBD}may be emulated data carriers-(MA-MB).
`24. (Currently Amended) Acontactlessly communicating portable data carrier{499),
`comprising at least two applications ¢40,-20-39}-stored thereon and a communication
`device ¢0\for controlling communication between a reading device €200)-and the at
`least two applications-¢+0,-20,-39}, wherein characterizedin-that the communication
`device-¢70} is set up to generate communication-readiness signals to the reading device
`4299}—-which in each case indicate to the reading device 260}-a communication
`readiness for one of the applications (40,20,30}.and comprise an identification number
`assigned to the corresponding communication-readiness application446,26,36}.
`25, (Currently Amended) The data carrier 460} according to claim 24, wherein
`characterzed—in—thatthe communication device (0}-is set up to generate
`communication-readiness signals to the reading device @80}-which in each case
`indicate to the reading device a communication readiness of each application (40A-40A:
`10B-30B10C-30G,40D}of a group (64,-G2;-G3}of applicationsGOA40A;19B-30B;
`40¢-306,48B}-comprising said application and comprise an identification number
`(U1D4-VID2:-193)-assigned to each of the applications G0A-40A,10B-308-10C-30¢.
`40D) of the group+G4-G2;-G3).
`claim 25, wherein
`according to
`26, (Currently Amended) The data
`characterized_inthat-the communication device @S}is set up to assign additional
`selection information to each of the applications G8A-40A-40B-308:-106306-40D)}of
`the group{e+-G2;-G3).
`27. (Currently Amended) The data carrier ¢408}-according to claim 24, wherein anyef
`claims24te26,_characterized-in-that the communication device ¢9}is set up to


`International Application No. PCT/EP2007/005185
`Attorney Docket: FINK3009/JEK
`Preliminary Amendment
`generate the communication-readiness signals as response signals to search signals
`received from a reading device<28@).
`28, (Currently Amended) The data carrier 400)-according to claim 24, including anyef
`claims—24te-27_-characterized_by a toggling device $0}-which is set up to toggle
`between the applications 49,209,329} of the data carrier G89}for communication of the
`applications440,20-36}-with a reading device-209}.
`29. (Currently Amended) The data carrier 400)—according to claim 28, wherein
`characterized_inthat the toggling device 0}-is set up to toggle between the
`applications 440-20,-39)-of the data carrier 490}-by means of branching or context
`30. (Currently Amended) The data carrier 49G}according to claim 24, wherein anyof
`claims-24to29characterizedin_that the communication device (0}-is set up to
`establish the communication between a reading device @2G0}and an application (49,
`20-36)addressed by the reading device (200}-via a session number-(ClD4-ClDpv).
`31. (Currently Amended) The data carrier (409) according to claim 30, wherein
`characterized-in-thatthe communication device 9}is set upto link, upon addressing of
`the application 440,-29,39), the session number (C/34-GlDr)-with the identification
`number (HD4-UJDr)-assigned to the application-40,20,-30).
`32. (Currently Amended) The data carrier 498} according to claim 31, wherein the
`communication device is set up to assign additional selection information to each of the
`applications of the group; and wherein with-claim—26,—characterized_in—that the
`communication device ¢70}-is set up to link, upon addressing of the application GOA-
`40A,10B-308,10C-306,40D), the session number (610+-GiD3}-additionally with the
`additional selection information assigned to the application (40A-49A,40B-39Bt0C-
`33. (Currently Amended) The data carrier{499} according to claim 24, wherein any-of
`slaims24to32characterizedin-that the communication device ¢¢8}-is set up to
`determine those applications 49,26,39}-amongthe at least two applications 40-29,
`39}that are ready for communication with a reading device-2909}.


`international Application No. PCT/EP2007/005185
`Attorney Docket: FINK3009/JEK
`Preliminary Amendment
`34. (Currently Amended) The data carrier ¢490)-according to claim 33, wherein
`characterized_in-that the communication device €@}is set up to emit communication-
`readiness signals for one or more of the at least two applications G0,29,-36}that are
`ready for communication with a reading device #209}-and not yet communicating with a
`reading device 289}while the communication with one or more others of the at least
`two applications (40,-29,-30}is not yet completed.
`35. (Currently Amended) The data carrier 409}accarding to claim 33, wherein er34,
`characterized-inthat the communication device (70}is set up to emit communication-
`readiness signals for one or more of the at least two applications 440,-20,36}thatare
`ready for communication with a reading device <299)}-and not yet communicating with a
`reading device 290)-after one or more others of the at least two applications 46-29,
`36}-have been suspended after completion of communication with a reading device
`36. (Currently Amended) The data carrier 499}-according to claim 24, wherein anyof
`claims24+o-25_characterizedinthai the communication device ¢O}is set up to inform
`the reading device 4206}-via collision signals simulating a collision between a plurality of
`applications that one or more of the at least two applications 40-29,39} located on the
`data carrier 4400}-that have not yet been selected for further communication by the
`reading device 200}-are present.
`37. (Currently Amended) The data carrier 4499) according to claim 24, wherein arny-of
`the communication device (70}-is set up to store
`information in a nonvolatile memory of the data carrier 400}-about whichof the atleast
`two applications 40,-29,-30}last communicated with a reading device-206}.
`38. (Currently Amended) The data carrier 400}-according to claim 37, wherein
`characterized—in-thatthe communication device (76}-is set up to emit, upon new
`contacting of a reading device (200}-with the data carrier{199}, a communication-
`readinesssignal first for one of the at least two applications 40,20,30}that is different
`from the application-446,-20,-39} designated by the stored information.


`international Application No. PCT/EP2007/005185
`Attorney Docket: FINK3009/JEK
`Preliminary Amendment
`39, (Currently Amended) The data carrier 4409)accordingto claim 24, wherein anyof
`claims-24-+e-38_characterized_in—that the communication device ¢40}is set up to
`recognize by a responseof a reading device (208}-to communication-readiness signals
`emitted by the communication device €79}-whether the reading device-299)} is set up to
`resolve collisions between a plurality of applications.
`40. (Currently Amended) The data carrier (400) according to claim 24, wherein anyof
`claimas—24to—39.—sharacterized—in-that the data carrier (400}-is configured as a
`contactlessly communicating
`contactlessly communicating
`contactlessly communicating identification document or as a
`(U)SIM mobile
`communication card.
`41. (Currently Amended) The data carrier 4409) according to claim 24, wherein anyot
`clainis-24te-40,-characterized-inthat the data carrier 409}hasa dual interface and can
`be operated both contactlessly and with contact.
`42. (Currently Amended) The data carrier 4409)-according to claim 24, wherein any-of
`claims-24-+o39_characterized-inthat the data carrier 408}is configured as a security
`module in a device comprising communication meansfor contactless communication,
`the security module having software means for communicate contactlessly via the
`communication means of the device.
`43. (Currently Amended) The data carrier 496)-accordingto claim 24, including any-of
`claims-244o-42_characterized-by a memory (60}-whichis divided into sectors{$+-3S4),
`each of the sectors ($4-S44+-having no more than one of the at least two applications
`(0A404,-10B-30810C-306,49D}stored therein in each case.
`44. (Currently Amended) The data carrier 409}-according to claim 43, wherein the
`communication device is set up to assign additional selection information to each of the
`applications of the group; and

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