
`Espacenet -Description
`vv�yien tt1e rnobHe terrnina� 92 again rnoves into tt1e ceH h:1rn1ed b�:l the base station 9·1 �
`U1e n1obile terrninal 82 rt:�ce:ves� tiorn an1or1g noUfi.cauon infon11ation transrr:itted n·orn
`Sr1 t tht� :SfB·l that contain� ;3 ce�i ID and a '\h3�ue tag•:, l ... hen( the rnobile
`Hit� b>�:t:i� st.aUon
`tern:�na� 92 detfarrr�lnes \,v}1ether U1e ceH 1c1 containeci in tht.� S:tBl rnatches the ceH !D
`ta�t< corrta�n��d jn thr� StB·1
`H):s n1atcr\ tht� rnobilr� tr�rrninal f}2 corn:pares tht� n\/ah.H:!
`tagH of the
`ion �nforrnatjo
`t!it� t'\/cdue recejved "froni the base staton 9 ·1 \1Vlt!1
`t{�t�l�nt�:-c1 in the rnobHt:� tt:�nr:inaJ �12,
`[0012] tf the z:eH ![ts (��ffer or ff the �\/alue ta\l�f� dffrer, the rnobHe tert11inaJ 92 n��ce�v-es
`aH the p�ecc�s of notficaton inforn1aton transrnitte<j frorn the tase station 9·1. Then. the
`.ation �n-forrnation reti�jn-ed in tr:€
`rnobi!e terrntnal 82 apdates <.��l u·1e p!t�c.�ts of not�fic
`n1obHe terrntnal f:)2 to the notitcation inforrrrt1tion rec.ehn��d frt)n1 the base stahon 91.
`·� \·"-:
`-'ht:�n tht:� rnobHt:: h:!rn:�na� 92 n1c�ves b�)l\·'l�:!{:!n C�:!ns� H1e
`too·1 J] .. �s ch.:�t�crH3t3t:1 at�Ov\3
`mobiie terminai 92 rnay sorneHmes receive a!! the pieces 0:' notific8tion inforrrn"'tion
`transrnitted frorn t�ie b.�se st.abon Sfi. i\ccording�y, i�S Hiustrated �n the iovr/er port�on of
`FiG. ·1 f� � u:e n1c.:blle terrn�naf 92 consurne·s receh.:·E.�d elBctncai pOv'ler v·,/hen it n;::cehles
`thB r-::�81 to thB �.;!811 .P\cr:.ordinq;y,
`jn tf1H n1<)!:1i!H t��rrnjnai �12� thr� ��;��Gtrk::fJi pt}�vr1r
`consun�ed ,�tu�� the ref:':ehhng process is perfonr:ed on the nobficabon inforrnabon
`increases. Tl1e n1obge terrnina� 92 aJso receives tht.� f�HB ··t �v�1en 1�1e pov')'·er supply of tht.�
`n1ot�Ht� t�)rrninai 92 ls turn�1::.i on Qr v·./1�)n H1�) n1(1!JU{� t{�nT��nf�� �;12 rnov��s into a t�ervk;e
`ranga frc>n-1 outside a ser-./lGe ran[1e. A.t tf:ls tlrne,. if ce�� IDs or N\/alue ta9:s)� ziLffer�
`rnobiie te.rmh:11 92 receives �i! the pieces of notiflc,1fa::in lnforn1:1fa::in, Accordlng!y, vvhen
`t}1t:� pov/t�-r supply of tt1e rno-b·Ht:� tt:�rtr::�naJ �32 is turned on or vvt;en tt1e rnobHt� tt�rtr:inaJ 02
`rnoves �ntn H ��er\•'�(�e range fto:T1 outs�de a servk;e rangt\ the e!ectrk;��i po\�/��r
`consun�e::i ,�tu�n the recehi�ng process is perfonr:ed on the not�ficat�on �nforrnat�on aistJ
`[0014] l\c.cordjngly, U ... ie pr�sent
`appHcation has been concehled in Hght of the
` d.ascr�beci abO\le. a.r::el t�n otje�:t u:ereof is to prcr-/kie a vv!re!ess
`.and a notification . a transrn�ttei\ a receiving apparatus,
`cc.:rnrr�unlc8Uon sy·stern:
`lnforrn(jtion transrnisston-·receptlon rnetr�1o d ti�1at can reduce eieciricai pov-/er consuir:ed
`\-vhen a rece�vh1£l procc}ss is pc�tforrned on notification irYtorn1ation.
`roo·15] .Aceon:Un9 to an �1sr.H:=t�t of iht:: �)rribocHrnentt\ a \:vln.$it:�t�s ccrnntJnicahon s.tstt$t1'1
`. The tr��nsrn�tter :nch_gJ�s a re\ns�on
`includes a tr<�.r:sn·1iH€r afHJ <� recel�linu appar<�lus
`��1istDf}l cre��tlnf1 urdt that cre<.�tes rev�s\on f:istory C{Jnt:3jning change infOr�r:ation related
`to notHlcaUon lnforrnauon \•'.,then the notti(:aton infon·11�1ucn h�ls !::een c i1anged� �lnd a
`t1�.story containing 1�1�: re\:·isJon noUfk:�a.t�on infortn.ation tra.nsn1itt:r1g unlt tr1at tr8nsrnas
`c.reat�}ti by th�� rr:vf��KJn hist<_;ry cr��atin9 unit. �Tht� reef�lving appan:�h.ff> inc!udes a ��t:.;r�n�1
`unH t}1at stor€�s H)erein notHlca.Uon lnforrnation� a rBct�i\dn£� unit U1at rt.�ceives the
`revision t1kstor:l fron·1 a!r:ong t �·1e notlhcatlon inforrnat�on transrn�tted b�l 1he transrnHtjng
`unit, and an upt1atin9 unit tt1at updat��s ti·1e nothlcHt�on in-f(n·n1Htion :stor��,;J in th�:: :storln9
`unit on t��1a basls of c��1ange lnfotrnat�on
`received by the
`zJ:'Jntalned in tf:e re\ds.ion h�stor:y
`rece�v�n9 unit.
`[001 eJ .Acec�n:Unq to an aspt::t�t of an t:�n1t)o<iin·:ent .. an ad\/fJntagt$
`is pr<:1vld��d in H1at a
`\•Virf:iess c:ornrnunicHtlon. s:/stfH11 can reduce· e.�e:etricai p(i\.\•·er con�=;uri-H:d Vih��n ��
`receiving proc�·ss ls perforrned on: not�fication
`.l l .. _ 202.1 /04/ l 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 1126


`Espacenet -Description
`FH3. ·1 is a b�ock cHag:ran1 Hiustrating ;Jn e>�arnpie <:-(H1figur;:)ti(H1 of;:) \:V�reiess
`systt:�n1 8ccordlng tc.� a n(st :;.:rnt)od�n1E.�nt.
`Fie-;_ 2 is a sc�,t�n,�3th: ch�39:f�H11 iHustr;3tlng a tn:u:sn
`-1�ssion/receiving p recess perforrned
`on notHlcabon lnforrnauon.
`FH3. 4 is a b�oc{� dii�g:rarn n1u�tratin9 ;3n conf:gurat�on exarnph:� of a �Jase st3Uon
`. d�agrarr1 \Hustrating an exr--u11p�e of a revis�on histor�-/ �n �./lhic.h a
`on notifa:ation lnl'crrnation.
`accorrJlnt1 to *l t�l�()Jnd l�fr:t:ocHrnent
`F!(3 5 Ls a scr1ernauc tha�1:rarn iHustratinq an �n<.an1pi��
`of HH:� rHvis�on hi�)tory· of
`notification 1ntom·1ahon cre'",ite-:1 by a nsvision hlstory creating unit !Hustrated in FIG. 4
`Ftl\. fi is a b�ock diagr;-:.1n1 iHusttaUng an e�:<arnpie corrfl9tJrahon of a n1obne terrnina!
`ace.ordln9 tG t�"l€ S€GOr:d ernbo,dlrr::�H1t.
`FH3. 7 js a fio\,vchart inust.ratin[] the fh:t--l-l of a ncit�ftcaUon �nforrnaUon transn·:�ssk)n
`process perforrned by the i::.ase station ;J(;cording to the sec(H1c{ ernbod�rnent
`Fie;. a Ls a f�ovvci1art lHustn3tin@ tht:� Jlo\:v of a nc�u·nc:auon ink;rcnauon rect3;ivin�1 pr\;c�:!t;s
`perfonned by u·�e rnot:1H€ tBrrrdn��i acc:orz1in9 to trH� second err:bor:Hrnenf.
`Fie;" 9 is a ·fit)\"�/(::hart \Hustn�ting the 1�0\;V' of a noth\cath::n; �nff)n1:ation receivirig prl)Cess
`r"nobiie tern1ina�
`accor"dir1g to u:�;:: sBcond Brnbodin1Bnt n10,JBS
`pertorrned V'lt:en "ttlc.�
`betv�lHHn e.Hi!s
`FH3. -10 js a schern(�tk:
`\Vith c��iange inforn:ahonH\/alue tag<' is associated
`in \•Vhich tht$
`F�Ci 1 ·1 is *l s.ct1ri?rnaUc ::.i�a.9rarr1 d!ut�traUn9 an {�:xarnp!e or a rev·r���t)n hi.story
`is assoc-lated \:vith the
`date anti tin�1e at vvf1�c.h notif�catlon info-rrnatlon is c.han9e:Zi
`chs:m9e lnformaUon.
`Fi(>. -12 is a scf1t�tY�i:1ttc cHa.i1:r��H1·1 Hh.tstratiri9 an exan,..�pft:! of a transrn�ssk)n/n:£:Ct":!iving
`process pen\Jrrned r)n noUflc:��tion lnforrn��tkJn.
`F!G. ·: ::"3-is �� sd1em'",itic diagram illustrating an example of a transmission/receiving
`process perforrned on notification :rlforrnation,
`F!(3 14 is a schernaUc {J�aqrarn iHustr��tin9 an ex��n1p!e of a transrn�ssion/receiv�ng
`pn:-cess pertorrnt�d on rioUth:aUon inforrnation

`Fil�. ·1 S is a block Oiagrarn HfusttaUng a (:c�rnputer that e,:<ecutes a transrnissk>n cc�ntn:1�
`F�G. 17 is �l sct1):1rnaUc diagrarri iHustraUng an E:xan1p�e ot noUfic:aUon inforrnaUon
`transrnitted by a cnnv��nUona! bas�� station
`F!G_ ·18 is a schen1>�t.ic rha�1:rt-·HT� IHustratlng an exarTlp!e cf a tn�nsrn�ssion/receiv�ng
`procet�s p�)rtorn·1i:�d Qn noUflcat�Qn inrorrnatk.1n by f� con,fentk.1nal bat�e I;taHon and a
`conventbnal mobiie termina!.
`. d�a.grarT1 Hh.t�-trating an exarnp�e of a transrrlis-sion/recehdng
`FH3. 19 �s �� schern<.��tk:
`precess peri\"nrneo on notification lntorrnation by t� con\renHonai base stauon and a
`convsntion8i rnobiis tsrn-1inai,
`[0018] Fi�-r�r��rr�::d ��rnbodjrnf�nts nf f1 'V•llr�1iH:ss conu-nunfc.Htion s�y-�;ten1_ a tr ansn1�hi�r: a
`-•recept!Gn n-:ethod
`recehdn9 apparatus� ��nd a nQtlf;cation
`lnfG-rrnat�on transn1�ssion
`in dBtf1H bek)\1V \�Jah reference to
`cUs.c!o-se{j in the� prc�sent appHcaton: v�liH be descritH��cj
`s yst1Hn1 th�� tn�r:srnitter� thecornrntn�:ic��tion ·fr1e aecornpan)/in9 dra\${ings. TJH; vvkeie��s
`re·Gehli�g appart--ltus, and the notification lnfo·nT1ation t.ransrnission
`-•rec-eption �T:ethod
`not Hn:tted to these ernt>o(Hrnents {jis�:tJsed in the present appUcation�
`[nrnt f.rnbtx1iment]
`too·19} a \;Vlr:c.�iess corrwr1�u1:caHc.n1 s·ist€.�rn accc:rding to a first ��n1!:)0dirn��nt v'iHI be
`descrH:H�d \:\dth refer€nGe to F!i...�>. ·L F!C>. ·t is(� t)!(){J<. dh:�9rarn i!!ustratin9 ��n ex\:�tTlpl��
`configuraton of a \.•vireiess cornrnunk:.atlon �)lsten1 ac�:ortHng to a ·first en:bodirnent l\s
`Htustrated in F{c;_ ·1 : a \\:�reless cornrnunlc;Jtlon systen1 ·1 according
`to the first
`htlps:i/world\vide.espac.enet.comipub1katkmDetai1s/descriplion?CC""WO&NR""20 .l l .. _ 202.1 /04/ l 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 1127


`Espacenet -Description
`·10 apparat(1s 20. The transmitter embodiment inc':!udes a transrnhter ·rn ano a re,:::elvlng
`and the rE.�ceiv:ng appat8tus 20 p€.�rforrn v·./ite·k�ss cotnrr:unh.::aUon E.�act1 ott1Br.
`as Hk.;strateci !n and !nc�udes� exan·1pte, a base station [0020] '"rhe ttansrnittc}t ·1 O is, ·fr:ff
`· creaUn9 una --i 1 a nd a transrniUing un�t ·; 2. If noUficaUon
`FiG. ·1 � a rE.�vis:or1
`lnfonnahon has been cr1angf�C\ thg rf)\.rision t·iistory crHaUn9 unit ·1 ·1 crHates chan�1r1
`·at�J·n �ntOrrnaticn as re\.<is�cn
`history. For ex�3rnph:\ �f the
`lnforrngtion re�gted to th� notfh::
`n.�vision hh�tory C:f{":atlnt1 un�t ·1 ·1 rec,a:v��"=S a requ{�St to change noHflcaHon infonr:ation
`fron\ for exan1ph�\ a hit1hr�r
`unH-·1 ·1 crt�att:�s hLsh)f':l crr�atin9 .. h��vf�l dt::v·ic.��·� thr�-= n::v•i�)k)n
`re·v�sk)� hfstory o.f t��1a notif�catlon \nforrnation.
`[002·1 J The •>chant}e �nf:c::HTn��
`.bon re���te(j tG· the· noUfk::��UGn lr:forrnaUGn·
`1 rr:entionezj here
`lnt.hG[�tes� for exarnpie, the cHfference bet'i:Vf.H�.�n notficaton inforrnat.�on that has not been
`changed rind noHf!caHon informatbn that has been ,:::hanged. for exan1ple. it is
`of �···1 Ct"� !�; cc�ntain��c� in notifk.�:rtion inforrnation that has
`assurned that a up8�1tn9 pr;;r�od
`o:< 1�s:•::•:
`�� ···pa9lng per�od
`��.r:d Hs�=:.urned th��t
`is tx.H1t��jr:ed in r:r>tifk;��tion
`not been c:han�)e(j
`a case, the \:.t---;ange �nforn1at�on related to
`!;as been c.f ... ianged. !n suc.t-1
`inforn1;�tion th{:�t
`of n3n::. Tt1e,rt the change
`thE.� notif:cation :r1"forn1attort �rKHcates U1e �··paging
`lnfonnahon rr1iatfNj to sucr1 noUflcaUo·n info-rrnaUon j�) r�t�t as hjr�tory in the <•·n:�vlsjon
`i·iistory of the noHicafon inforrnation"
`[00221 T\·1{� tr£:nsn·1�H:nq unit ·] 2 tran��ntts noth\c:atk.1n intorrnation C(1ntainlr\1 th.t:! r�it-/sion
`history created by the revision history creatinq unit 11. For example, in addition to the
`regtdarty transrnitted notitcath::n1 lnforn1ation� the transiriitUng unn ·12 transrnHs� as
`unit ·1 ··i,
`notiTication inte:nr�i:1ttor1;, re,vis�on �1istor\l c:reatt:�d !:Jy tht� n�v·ision !:tstor'-/ crt�at{ng
`[0023} The reeehdn9 r:�pparatus 20 is. for B){:arnpie, i� rr:ot1ile terrninai and �ncludes,. as
`t.H:.�t 2�1 � a receiving unit 22� .and an updating un�t 23. ·rt1e
`in F!G, ·1 1 a stor�ng
`storh9 unit ?1 stores herein notific<�ti<.m intorrnation. Trie receiving unit 22 receives
`re·vision hjstor)� frorn arn�)ng notification lnforrn�3t�cn transrnitted by the transrn�tting una
`·12 h1 t}1e tt��nt:;rnhtar •i CL (1n U::e b��s�s o-f tt10 r�\dSk)n i:�story ('Yf 1he not�f!cation
`:r1"fc.:rn1ation received tr�/ tf1e r€.�ce:,.nng unit 22� tt1B updaUng una .23 updates tt1B
`·d abov0·1 in tr1,2
`\�vire�ess cornrr:unicaUon S�/slern 'i acct:rdjng to the
`[0024-] .. �s ciescribs
`first t�n1bo(Hrl�t�nt, thg transrnittgr -10 transrnit:s nctlfieHtion h)f�"Jrn1.atlon contafr)jn�1
`re·v�:�Jc>� hfst.ory. Inst.e<�d Gf rer.:e\dng an the pieces
`cf notification inforrnation� the
`n.::eei:-lin9 app£:ratus 20 tl�c��?hli�:·s the rt::·•./ision history ()f the notH)caHon infonr:abon and
`Uf}dates, on u·�e b��s�s of the recei,led re:..lision ! ... :istory_.
`notifjr::ation jr:forrnation that is
`retainer.i in the rer::eivjr,g apparatus 20.
`20 accon:hng to tt1B nrst €.�n1botnn1€.�nt. ·\ �-viU1 the re·CG�vlng apparatus
`even V-lhen notifh::ation inf(::r-r1;.ahon has been changed or (�\{f�n \:Vhen the recf..�hAr1;1
`J$ 20 r$ce:�hles on�y
`app�1ratus 20 fH�s rnoved betv�i6CH1 ceHs� tht�· r€.�c€�v�n9 £{pparat.
`�nrorrnation. of notifi.c.:ation fi�t tne pieces revisjon �·1kstorof receiv:ng ·/ instead
`Vih�::n pt}�vt�r c:onsurntN.1 �1i��Gtrlt::fJi ·: U1�1 rgcel\ling apparatus 20 cc1n n:�ducr�
`:ore� because
`inforrrlabon. Furth-anron the not;ficahon a re·ceiving pn:}cess ls pertGtrnezi
`U1e rece-�v�ng apparatus 20 updatfas on!y the changed not!fiwt!on inforn1atlon
`{ 1�1e
`po;.?./er Gonsurneti \·Vhen an uptiate process
`recehlin9 apparatus ete·ctrlc��! .20 C{�n reduce
`is perfonr:ezi on the notificr�ton �r::fonr1ation _
`[0026} �n the fono\ving� ln a secon{j en:t)otHrnent a des�::ription vv·in be given of a c.;:)Se In
`tter 1 O descr�bed in th€.� first en1bodirnBnt �.s usBd for .a base station
`\,vhk:/1 the tr�.nsn-1�
`/04/ l 3 htlps:i/world\vide.espac.enetcomipub1katkmDetai1s/descriplion?CC""WO&NR""20 .l l .. . 202.1
`Apple EX1016 Page 1128


`Espacenet -Description
`cornrnunicaUon systen1 according to t�)e second en1bodirnent
`process �n a v-Are�ess �rH\1rrnaton transntssjon [0028] F�rst a not�ficaton
`cornrY1t.n1lcauon sy-stern ae:corcHng to H)e second en1bocHrnent v')'·Hi t)e dt.�scrn}ed
`referenc:E.� to F{GS, 2 and 2, . F !<-3Sc 2 and 3 are sct1Bn1auc ciagran1s �; Hlustrating a
`.. t'4 .. s !Hu�)tratt:�d
`transrn�ssion/r�1ce�vin9 proci�Ss pr:�rforn1ed on notfficahon
`FH3. 2 � ffi \Nkeles� cornrrH.ff1icaUon sy�tern 2 acccrcHng
`to the second ernbodknent
`inc�urJet� �l ttaSi:! station 4 00 a rnct)de
`terfr�inf�I 200.
`·100 accorcHn9 to [0029] Sfrr1lh�rfy to t��ie exarnple lUusfrated in FH3. -·] 8 , the base st3tion
`t}�te sc�cond £n11bodin1ent teg:tdar!y' transrnits the �318·1 to the �318'1 '1 as notification
`lnfr::rrnatk.;n FurtherrnGre: th�� b<.�se station ·100 Gre-ates thf;: S:n:-5 �i 2 that contains revk�kH1
`ch.anged notification infonr:atk)n
`��1istor/ of change �nft::rrnaton that is the contents oft.he
`fn::rn arnong the S!B·1 to the t;Is·1 ·1 and also regu!ar�y transrnits the created E)!8·12. !n
`ou1�;;r \:vords; U:t3· basf;; station --1 GO tra.nsrrdts. Bt; notH1cation �rrft)nr:ation
`.. U!t3; SH3 ·1 to U!{:!
`rtr--lision i��isiGP/ o:< the notHk;at�on
`s�s ·1 -� and the Si 8 ·12 th��t indlc:��tes
`.,A .. t this stag:G
`inforn1at�on cont�ined in the f3!82 1 it �-s assurned ti1at the
`r1as t1f�t�n er1anged. ln suer1 � ca.��g .. u·1i:!
`base station ·100 crt�ates tht� :-;is-12 that
`contains c��1ange infotrnat�on on: thB S!B2. For exarnple, a is assurr:ed tf:at the S!82
`contains infonr:ation on a pafl�f::tJ: period and ;;.1sstn1:eci 1�1at the pagh1£� pedod has been
`ef1*1n9{�d fl'orn :c.-� tr' to ng,: � in t�(�cr1 a. cas::), tht:� t1ase station 100 upcJatf.�S th.t:! cont{�nt�; of
`the �;l 82 ti) the ''pagh�:&1: period of ��a�m and creates tf:e SIB 12 contain�ng the <�pa9�n9
`Then, t}¥fe base statk)t::
`·100 transrnns notn1cation inforn1ation (>:::�ntaining
`perhJ�j of 1·a•·•�\.
`tht$ ch1H19rKi �;is2 an;:l trw s:s:·12. Furtht$iwc,re. U1t� cast� stati◊n ·100 trnnsm1ts paging
`G! ... :��n�1ed _
`to notify-the rnobHe tenT1lnH� 200 that th-s· not'j'fic��UGn lr:forrnatk.H: has been
`(003 ·11 H U:G n1wbH€' tern1�naf 200 according to thE.� s€.�cond t:rnbo(hrrie.:nt recehn;}s the
`pagjn9 fror1": the t>ase stBh<.;n 700 .. th€ r1":-r;t
`iHe tt=:rrnln;.=:�I 200 l1etern1�nes \Vf1.sth-er the
`pa9ing ind�cate:s a c::aH. �f t!'le p;3ging dGes rH1t �ndi;::at�� a ;:-:an� the rnobih� tt�nT:in;3i 200
`determines th(�l nolifh:::��uon ini'orrnati(:in has been .:.:b;�ngecL Then, as in u·1s exarnpie
`il:tustrated in F-{(3. 2 � U:e n1obHe terrn�na.t 200 receh...-e.:s the 818 ·12 that contains tt1B
`tevh>ion history of the notfflct�tlon lnforrr1atlon frorn arnong the nobfh::abon inforrnaUon
`transn1�tted 1/orn tt)e tlase stat�on ·] 00. Tl1en. on U1e bas�s of 1�1e ci1ange !nforrnation
`the rnobH.�� t�ffi1":ina� .200 updates tt1�:;
`·d in the rev·is:on t·1istory· in tn,2 SH3�12\
`200. F·or �::xan·1ph:\ as in
`notWlcaUon lnfcrrnahon u·1at ts rf�taint::d jn tf1H n1cL1dH tHrrnjnai
`in the SIB ·12. of •)�-rm is contained
`a.hove� if t���e (ipa[1lng period
`t��u� ext�:Tip�e dascr}be(i
`the rnobi!i:! ti:!rn·1inal 2G{J up<iate�� tl°1f.) pa9ln9 p��rhJd retain.t:!cJ in H1{� rnobi�e terrr:ina! 200
`to >�g�:.
`[O(t2.,2J l-\s de·scrH)�-ci :abO\lB� if notifc;3tion lntony:aHon i·:as been changerL the base
`station '"!00 tr8nsr"nlts an S!E, (:t)ntain�ng n:.:·iis:on �,istory of the notH1cation inforn1at�on
`�rhfH): if tf:�� n:Gt1}li� t��rrn�nc:J 200 detecti� tr1at the notffiGHbon infz;n1·:f:ition hHs t)f;en
`changed, H)e n1obi!e terrrdnal 200 updates tt1c.� notiTicath:.:�n irYtorn1atk)n by receiving�
`:1rorr: �1;T1ong notjfication :nforn-1atic�n tra.nsrnitted trorr� the b&tS�! .station �00� th.�! SiB
`contain inti tf:�� rt�\,•tslon h�story of th�� ni)tif1cc-1tion �nforrnatlon. l\c:rx.1rd�n9iy � bec:aus�� u·1t:�
`staUon i 00 ret:.e�ves Gnly an SIS that cont;3�ns revt��ion history even vvhen the
`notHlcabon lnforrnauon has tH��EH�i c.i1angc.�d� U1e base stahon ·100 can re(h.Jce e�ectr!ca!
`povver c.onsurned \ivhen the rec:ehdnq proce·:ss is pen\)rrned
`on tt:e nogf!c��Uon
`inforrnat�o� an(i .a!so• rec�uce etectrlcat po�ver c.onstnT:e;:1 \:�./hen the update proc.ess is
`perfcrrned on U:e notificat�on inf{)rrnatk)t
`In FiG. 2 ; ifH� base station to th-s· ex£ur:r��e Hlustr��ted [0033] in U:e foH{n-v�nf:L S•h1:Har!y
`!n t}1�sthe SJ8·1 to the E)J8·L2� transn1its ·100 in the ex,;3rnple Hl�Jstrated ln FIG, 3 regu�ar!y
`�n FIG. 2 . �tis as.sutned H1at thE.�
`E.�xfH11p!e. \;Vhlch i.s s�r"nHar to the.� exarnple
`noUfraUon inforrnaHon cGnt:ained in the S\82 ht::s beer: di<'l.nged. Furtherrnore, ,tis
`a:ssurr:ed that a c�H �[} arid i1 �:\/a�ue ti�g�' are contained jn the Sl8"1.
`.l l .. _ 202.1 /04/ l 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 1129


`Espacenet -Description
`[00:2.,4} His assurned that t!1e rnot�ae ten�nltla� 200 Hlustrated in Fie;, 3 rnoves frorn a ceH
`�100 t o ceH and then a�Hiin fl1W\:·es into H1e .ceH
`rorrned try-the base statk)n
`forrrg�d by th�� base staUon ·!OO. Furtherrnore, �t �s assun)et3 th;3t� even after the t�'1obHe
`tc�rn:�na� 200 t1as n10\ted to U1e o th:er ce�L tt1c.� n,..�obHe terrn�na� 200 stHI retains the
`· notlfit�atlon jnfiJrrnation transrnHtt:!cJ fron·1 th��
`-; fron1 an·1on9 u··H�:
`[0Ct3.S] ln sucJ1 a CflS.l�
`bas�1 stat}on 100� U1�1 nHJt)gg t��rrl�ina� 200 rr�-=c.��l'.it:�s thr� S!B ·1 that contain�� a <•\/ahJt:� t:.J{ln.
`.ai 200, the
`Then, frc>n-1 .arnong tf1e notlf�catlon �nforrnatlo·n retained �n the n1obHe terrn�n
`n1obi!e-tern1h)�1! 200 detc}nr:ines \1Vhet���far notif1cahon infon·Y�auon containin9 a cen :t[}
`if f! ... :e nGtJfk:atk)r: inforntr'1tk)n
`that rnattilBS the (�en iD (:l)ntained jn th-s· St8·l Is present
`i the
`contalrdn9 the ceH !O that rr1(�tc.hes the cen t[J c.ontained in the sis 1 i s present
`rn obHe terrnhlitl 200 cleterrnines \\.��)ether the '\\/aiue tag:� (1f the rHJtifiwtion inforrnation
`rnatcl1BS thE! �)\laltH:! ta@:•t conta:n{�d �n U::E: SIB �1.
`[0036] tn thi$ exarnple; it is assurn�d t�iat the ff:o�Jiie terrriinal 200 retains not�fic.{:�tk:n1
`the c:E.�H ID contained in u:e �;:;s ·; but ir1"fc.:rn1atk:HT vvhicf1 conta�ns .a c.�e·H ID tha.t n:atci1�;}s
`contains a >�\/aiug tatf' H1at dGft�: net rlt:�tct·:
`in : fhf� n\lajur� ta�1•< contain��ti in th�:: sis·!.
`such .a G(1se .. as �n t.he e}{(�rnpie ia��strat.ed F�C;� 3 , the rTH)bHe tenT1�na� 200 receives the
`S�8'12 containing the revision h�story of the noUfh:�auon �nforrnauon. ThBn. on the basis
`of u·1��? cl·tan9��? infQrn�at�on t)Jntaint:�d in th::) rev�sk.1n h�I;tor\.t in th�� sis �12. U1{� rnobi�e
`ten-nina! 200 updates the noUflcatlon infonnation that ls retained in the mobi!e terrnlna!
`.:::.,\ ._.,\ ... '.
`[0037'] /\s dBse.hbe(j above� '-lv�·H?n t1e n·1ot}ile· t��rrn�naj 200 nKJves betvt����n cells� first)
`.../es an .S�8 th��t
`conta�ns a �'\/a!ue ta�1�: frorn arnc�}19 the
`the rnobHe terrninal 200 rec:e\-
`··100 .and H1en dE.�terrnines
`notHlc8Uon lnfofrn8Uon transn1�Hed tiorn tne base station
`V·/hether the >�\/a�ue t���f' rnatches H1at in H1a noU·fic:aUon jnforrnat�on retained in the
`rnc4)He h�rnifr'la! 200. T·hen� ff t� ... ie rnot)H�·
`t��rrnh1;:3! 200 retains the not�fh:at�on �rrk;rrnabon
`t}1at contains a rr:atct1ec1 ceH ![} but contains a �'\lak�e tat( U1at does ru:;t\ U1e
`r"nobi!e terrn�nal 200 upd.att:�s tt1e· notrf�cat:on
`!nforn1auon by rE.�cei,J�ng tt1B Sl8 .contain�ng
`the re\fis�on history of the notlflcaUon lnforrl12-t�on. l\ccon:Hn;11y� bec��use t'f1e n·1obUe
`terrn�nai 200 receives only an SIB that contains U:e re\.tsion history even \�Jht.�n the
`n1olJHe terrnjnal 200 n1oves bstv·.,re-en ceHs( tt·:e rr�obHE: tE:rrnina� 200 can reduc::.: e�ectrjcai
`pov'iHf eonsurn��d :..:vht�n
`thg ri::r:.��ivif:\) proc��·:s�� is p��n\)nn�::d en H1f3 notific:at�cn
`inforrnation an(i ��iso• reduce atectrt::(�t povver constHT1�H:1 \:�./hen the update proc.ess is
`p��?rfcrrneti on tht:! not�fic.*lt�on inforrnaton:�
`[002,8} �n the ��xan:p�e g�u:strated �n FH3S" 2 and :3 � .:� descripUon h�3s been gjven of an
`ext�rY1p!e fn \\:f1�c}1
`the base stat on ·100 transrnHs the BH3 ··t to the Sl8 -1-1 contain�ng the
`noUflc8Uon lnfofrn8Uon 8nd transrnits thE.: SH;r1.2 Ct:H1taining the n.�:\lision i1istotY' of the
`notification inforn·1ation. HO\N$\/ef� the nurnber of �1!8s transrnltted t1y the base station
`·100 is not Hn1lted to H)e C}xan1ple Hh.,:strated in F!GS� 2 an(i 3 . For t.�xarY�p�e� \:Vht.�n tht.�
`!:)ase station ·100 transrn:ts the Gl:84: to an srs�15 conta�njng notific.atjon inh:srrnatk::n� tne
`basr1 station 100 rnay aiso transn1it
`t in addiUon to th�:: SIB -1 to th�:: sis '151 an sis·!
`G that
`contains the rBv�sion f1�story of' t��ie n:ofification �nffJnr:ation. in sl�t:h a c��se� the rnobH-a
`-u1c} re,.Asion t1!story-ot u·1e notification inforrnatk)n by receiving tht.�
`terrn�na! 200 acqulrBs
`[0039] Furthe-rn1ore·� in the· exarnpie Hh .. ts"trated
`in FiC\S. 2 BJ"Hj 3 , a dest:ription t1as �1een
`9i)Jt�:n o'f *ln t:!xarr:ptr�? in \•vt1k.:h P:.?'./sion n:�;tory of notlfic.aton infiJrrnaton is eont�:.�lrH.2:d in
`rnt�aip!e S:t8s
`the sln�1fe SlB ·i 2. Ho\,ve\l€r the t��se station ·100 nu:�y also transrr:it
`containing ti:e· revislon rdstory of th:e noUficati(H1 IntOrrn;:.lti(1rL For exarnp!e, \vhen the
`inforrnation� in ng notific.ation t o U:J.:' SH3 "15 containib8se sta.bon '] 00 transn:lts U1e SIB�;:
`addHlon tG the sis·1 tr) t!·1B sis ·15� the tase statk)r: ·100 n1.ay a!sG tr��r:srr:it the S!8·i6
`and gn �1lB ·i 7 ci1ntajn�n9 n�v�slon h��tory of noUficaUon �rrfonr:ation. in such �3 case� the
`rnobi!� termh:11 200 :1cquires the reAs!on history of the notltlcation inform�tion by
`.l l .. _ 202.1 /04/ l 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 1130


`Espacenet -Description
`station ·100 accord in�] to 1�1�: 1:t�ng, th€.� Ct)nf:guratk)n <>f the t)asE.�
`f00-40} in u:e ·fc.:Hov
`s��eon(i r1n1t1G{[n·:t�nt v�•iH bt� descr1)Hd \vltf1 rgf��rr�ne�� tc F:tc;. 4. Fie; 4 ts a bloc:k
`to a ·100 accon:nng diagrgrr: i!l:u�tn�t.in9 i�n configuration exarnpl�· of the b�3se station
`���)cond l�;Tlbe:ctrn�1nt FurH1,arrnorf), F!(;_ 4-!Hustrat{�S unHs ff.�latezi to the nohncahon
`[004 ·1 j i�s iHustrated h1 F!c;_ 4 :• th:e station
`·1 oo according to the secon(�
`cre��bn9 unit ·101 .· an encoztn�1
`ernbodin·1ent �n(�lude�=:. a p��9inq
`unit l02� a n1orJu�atJr:g
`unit ·t(t\ (1 not�f\cation \nfotrnahon c.reating una -·i 04, a revisit)n t1�:story c.reat�n9 un�t 105,
`ic:Hid a noth'k:ation information buffer 106.
`[0042] T�·1e pa9in�1 (�reaUn9 unit --i {1-1 Greates paging lnforrnaUGn to be transn:Htezj to the
`n1o�)He ternifr).�1 200. For e}::;:u11p�e; th:e paging creating urdt 10·1 creates. paghig
`ir1"fc.:rn1ation vvt:en it rece�ve.�s a can n;.�qu€.�st ·frorr:� for exan1pk�:� a t1�gt1er--
`-levE.�� device.
`Furtht�rn·:org. for �1xarnp��t
`pagln9 h)f�"Jrn:atlon unit ·1 O ·1 c:r��at�:!�) . th.i� paqinq crHatlng
`\•vhen �t racei\ies .a not.�ficat�on indicating t���at n oUficaUon �nforrnation has been changed
`frorn the notification inforn1at]on cre;;.1tlnf� unit ·104{ v')'·hich \:ViH be describeci !ateL
`[0043] T��1a encodln&1: un�t ·102 encodes the pa�1ing �nfonr:atit)n created bf the pa9in�1
`creating unit 101, The rnoch.Jis:lHng unit -w:?.; :Yi,::ich...dates the paging inforn1atlon encoded
`by tht:� Bnce:cJin�i un�t ·102 .. T!"Jt$n;, trH�} tr::t1du�attr�g un�t �; 03 outputs ti:{�; n1ociutated paging
`lnfonnatk;n to a radlo transrnlthn9 unit ·t ·H). ,�cc·r)n-J�n�ly
`., the pa9in9 irn\)rrn��lion is
`transrnjtte�:i to t�ff1 externa} soon::e via tf1B n�tj!o transrr:�tt�n9 un�t ·i ·io and an i�ntenna
`1 ·1 ·1,
`[0044] T�,i� notficathJn lnf�J-rrnatlon creating t.nia ·J04 creates not�fic�3t�cn infon�'1�3ticn.
`Specincal!y, if the notmcatbn information ,::re��fa,g unit '104 receives a request to
`changE.� thE.� notif:catk)n :rYforrnatk)n fron:� for exan1ph!�: a !:�gt1Br ... 1�;::\:·et dB\.··icE.�:
`notfflc.aUon lnforrnr:�Uon creating unit -104 cre>3tes notnicabon inforrr;abon on the basis of
`U1e ct1ange request. i\t this t�n::e, the nott�c.aton inforn,..�at�on crBating unit -104
`lnGre:THi�nts tt·le current ··'\ialus· t�1g}: and c;rlJates noUficaUon jnforrnauon contajnin;1
`iner�1:-r1t�nted "\/ah.H�� ta9>�. Furth��rrnor�\ tht� notjfit::fJtion inforn1a h on crt�ath-19 una ·104
`.at�cn to the rev�sion
`inforrr1to the nohfiC<3hcn outputs the c��lt�nge k1fGtrnat.ion re�at.ed
`· of u·1�i= notification inrorrnation h�
`1·1istory cri:!abn9 unit ··] 05. /:'\ccortiin9l,/;• rl�\lislon f1istory
`by u·�e revts.ior: history· creatinu unit ·10.5. Then� the notjfic:'1tk)n infcH·tTlat�on
`creating unn 'i04 stGres. in the notfit-:.t�ton lnforrrlat�on buffer ·106� tH)th the nobf1ct:;bon
`lnforrn�:�uon createli t)y the notification infon11at!on cre;�{ing unH ··104 anti 1!1e revision
`histor-)( c.:f the not:flcat:011 �nforrnahon c.�r�'S'atE.:d t�y th€.� n;r./ision i:tstor"�l crE.�at�ng una ··105.
`[0045] Furtt1e-rrnore-� the notlficaton �nforn1aton crBatin£� unit -104 notifies the pa9�ng
`creaUng unH' -·�o··�
`that tt1e noUfica.Uon inrorrr::at!on f1as been changed, i\c:cording�>( if the
`notificetion infnrmetion i·1as t)een O,ang:;;Kl, thi� pa9in9 creatln9 unit H)'l can creat��
`p<a�ging intGrn·1ation anti transrn�t the p;if�lng inforrn��tion to tf1e ceH forrned b:-l the base
`stat�on ··1 GO.
`of noUflcation [0046} Tf1� rev�sion t1ist.ory cr6atng unit. ·1 Of} crf�atBs re\.{isio:r1 history
`inforn1atk)tl on the· basis of the ch.fH1ge·
`inforrnation reh3ted to the notification inforn1ation
`that is. rt:�e�1iv�ad ttorn H1t) notiftGaUon intorrriaUon er,i:at�n9 t�nit ·J0·4. ·rt1er\ th.t:! ;-,�v�t;kJn
`i·1istory-c reatln9 un�t 105 O(�tputs u·-:-e GrfH�t��d revision histnry of the nt;tJlcatiGn
`unit -104_
`information to th� notification hfonnation creating
`infonr:ation, tf ·n buffer 106 stores therein not�ncat�on
`·n lr:fG-rrn��bG
`[0047] T�·1e notlfk::aUG
`Hit� notific;3tion irrfsJrnii�tiori �tored in t�ie notificaUon �rrfor�r:ation buffer 106 is changed(
`in·f(1n11aton creating
`un�t ··io4�
`the notification inforrnation is updatect b�l H1e notficaton
`htlps:i/world\vide.espac.enetcomipub1katkmDetai1s/descriplion?CC""WO&NR""20 .l l ., _ 202.1 /04/ l 3
`Apple EX1016 Page 1131


`Espacenet -Description
`c�reatin.g tu1�t -104
`(00481 ·rt1e nc.�trficauon intorrnsuon
`the rt�vta.jon !1hstory crE.�aung unit
`·105, >�nt'� the noUficaUon int\.1rrnaton: buffer 106 \-ViH �Je described using the exarnp�e
`n1e st.s ·; to ln-forrnatk)n bt�ff�1r -106 stores thBrein notificath:1rl iHustrated �n F!l�. 2 . ·rhc.�
`s�s--� 2 as notlficatlcn �niornlatlorL H th€.� notH��cation �nfcH·rl:ation creating unit i 04
`.. h��vf:-l dr�\-'iC.�\ a r��qu��st to c:han�JH H1�� notification �nft)rrnatlon
`rf:et�+•IH:S� frcrn a hit1hr�r
`LH1it 104 creates the �;JE.{2 in inft1rrnaton creating contained fr; the �1!82= the nohfic:at�on
`vviH1 tl-1{� ct1*ln9f.� request an(l: O(�fputs th�� c!·1ant1�� jnfiJrrnat
`ion r�i:latezi to the
`notWlcaUon lnfcrrnahon to u·1e r�1vis�on history creath)�1 un�t ·1 OS. ()n HH:� basis of the
`criange \nfonT1ation related to the notification !nformation receivezi from the notification
`th€ .si 8·12
`unit -10:5 crBatt.�s creating inforn1ation ct€�aung history unit '"] 04 :• the revision
`Gontalnin�1 the re-..hslon h��'� of the nohf\G��hon irn\)rrn��lion ��r:d Gutputs the Greate<:J
`Sl8'12 to the notifo::.ation inforrmt!on creating unit '104 Then, the noHfication informatlon
`creatin9 unn ·104 updates t!�ie $!8.2 an{j the SH3�;2 stored in the n otification intOrrn;:)tion
`ion cn.:�aung una --io.4
`b�i -U1t:: notifiC.<3tion intorrnat
`--in6 to tht:� S�B2 th8t i�� c reatt:�d
`and the Sl8·12 tf:Ht ts reGB�ved fn.;n-1 U·1e revis,ion history creat�n�1 unit 105. !-f the
`notiflc;�tion inforni;�hon creating unit ·104 changes the notific.atior; inforrnat�on cor1tained
`111 me Si8 'l by incren,enting the "Vafue t8g'·, uw" notificmion inionY1Btlon crtiaUng unit
`·;0,4 uptiatf:s thg �.;!81 storf:d in thg nohflcahon �nfz)nnatlon buff�::r '106 to th�:: sis -1 in
`\•Vh�ch ta9'< is inc.rerner::fed.the 1�\la!ue
`in Fie;. 4 . the t1as.e station
`lOO incicH.iet� f� t ransrnh;s�on hrr:lng
`[00491 .. �t� lH(lStratt:�d
`unlt 107, an enc.odlng unit ·i08; a rnodulatin9 unit 'i 09; the razi�o transn1�thn9 unit
`anj th�· antenna ·1 ·1 ·1
`t}1e.. The transrnlsslon tirning (>:::�ntr(1! unit ·107 (>:::�ntn:1�s
`.. u1�� transrniss{on !ln1ing
`transrnh.1s�(::n nrnh:i�1 of tit:! notl"k�3tt)n �nh1rn1atk)rL For B::-<-arnple
`rxmtm! unit ·107 !nstrncts ti-1e noHficaHon
`inf<:.irrnafion bi.dfer 106 to �)utpiA notificatbr:
`informt',ttkm to the e ncodin9 unit H)8 at 720'"rns intervals
`[OD50] 'rr1e ene.G{ilnq un�t 1 OH e·nGodes the notrncahon �rrfz)nnahon that is output ·trorn
`Hit� notific;3tion jrrforrr:i�tiori buffer
`the •i06 .. The rnodu�ating una 10�) rnc�uiates
`�u:H ·108. -�rhe r��cBo trt�nsrnittng
`notification lnforn1ation th��t is enc:oded ty th:e encocBng
`unit ··103 or
`unH ·1 �� o tr�.nsn1its H1e paging �n�orn1atlon that is �nput fron1 th€.� n1odutat�ng
`the no@G<:ihon information that is input fron1 the mo;:iuiatkig unit '109 to an externs:�i
`sourc€} v�a u:e-antenna -1-1-1.
`[005 ·i 1 in thf� fcHov:jn9, ·H1f� r��\Jis�on history .of th�:� noUficat]on
`.inforrnation creah��(1 bf th��
`rs·vis�on hfstory crBt�ting unff 10�"5 H\�strated in f:1G. 4 '-
`-V�U be ziH::�crH>Bd V-l�th ref�rence to
`r:·!(;_ :s. F�(;� 5 h; a scherr:·ahc diE.1t1ran:1 iHustrahn9 an exarnp}l:� (1f tht$ rt�'.lit�1on i·':k�l(ny (1f
`in unn l(J5 HhJstratec� re·'Jisior: history creatjn9
`notification lnfr::t·n·1ation creatr-:.d b/ t1·1e
`FH3. 4. _
`(OOS21 in the e;-{an:ple Hk�str'ated �n F!G. 5. the rev�sion hfstory creating unit ·105 creatt:·s
`tr1{? r��vision f:ii�tnt)t o'f tt1e notific

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