PTO/AIN14 (08-12)
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`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number
`JOHNS-001 US3
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`I System and Method for Location Based Exchanges of Data Facilitating Distributed Locational Applications
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`System and Method for Location Based Exchanges of Data Facilitating Distributed Locational
`Attorney Docket Number JOHNS-001 US3
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`PTO/AIN14 (08-12)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid 0MB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number
`JOHNS-001 US3
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`System and Method for Location Based Exchanges of Data Facilitating Distributed Locational Applications
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`PTO/AIN14 (08-12)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid 0MB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number
`JOHNS-001 US3
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`System and Method for Location Based Exchanges of Data Facilitating Distributed Locational Applications
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`PTO/AIN14 (08-12)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. 0MB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid 0MB control number.
`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
`Attorney Docket Number
`JOHNS-001 US3
`Application Number
`Title of Invention
`System and Method for Location Based Exchanges of Data Facilitating Distributed Locational Applications
`Mailing Address Information:
`Address 1
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`Date (YYYY-MM-DD) 2013-09-23
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`This application is a continuation of application serial number 12/077,041 filed
`March 14, 2008 and entitled "System and Method for Location Based Exchanges of Data
`Facilitating Distributed Locational Applications". This application contains an identical
`specification to serial number 12/077,041 except for the abstract, claims, and minor
`modifications resulting from a Preliminary Amendment filed November 17, 2008 and a
`Preliminary Amendment B filed February 10, 2009.
`The present disclosure relates generally to location based services for mobile data
`processing systems, and more particularly to location based exchanges of data between
`distributed mobile data processing systems for locational applications. A common
`connected service is not required for location based functionality and features. Location
`based exchanges of data between distributed mobile data processing systems enable
`location based features and functionality in a peer to peer manner.
`The internet has exploded with new service offerings. Websites,
`,,, and have demonstrated well the ability
`to provide valuable services to a large dispersed geographic audience through the internet
`(ebay, yahoo, google, amazon and iTunes (Apple) are trademarks of the respective
`companies). Thousands of different types of web services are available for many kinds of
`functionality. Advantages of having a service as the intermediary point between clients,
`users, and systems, and their associated services, includes centralized processing,
`centralized maintaining of data, for example to have an all knowing database for scope of
`services provided, having a supervisory point of control, providing an administrator with
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 6 of 755


`access to data maintained by users of the web service, and other advantages associated
`with centralized control. The advantages are analogous to those provided by the
`traditional mainframe computer to its clients wherein the mainframe owns all resources,
`data, processing, and centralized control for all users and systems (clients) that access its
`services. However, as computers declined in price and adequate processing power was
`brought to more distributed systems, such as Open Systems (i.e. Windows, UNIX, Linux,
`and Mac environments), the mainframe was no longer necessary for many of the daily
`computing tasks. In fact, adequate processing power is incorporated in highly mobile
`devices, various handheld mobile data processing systems, and other mobile data
`processing systems. Technology continues to drive improved processing power and data
`storage capabilities in less physical space of a device. Just as Open Systems took much
`of the load of computing off of mainframe computers, so to can mobile data processing
`systems offload tasks usually performed by connected web services. As mobile data
`processing systems are more capable, there is no need for a service to middleman
`interactions possible between them.
`While a centralized service has its advantages, there are also disadvantages. A
`service becomes a clearinghouse for all web service transactions. Regardless of the
`number of threads of processing spread out over hardware and processor platforms, the
`web service itself can become a bottleneck causing poor performance for timely response,
`and can cause a large amount of data that must be kept for all connected users and/or
`systems. Even large web services mentioned above suffer from performance and
`maintenance overhead. A web service response will
`likely never be fast enough.
`Additionally, archives must be kept to ensure recovery in the event of a disaster because
`the service houses all data for its operations. Archives also require storage, processing
`power, planning, and maintenance. A significantly large and costly data center is
`necessary to accommodate millions of users and/or systems to connect to the service.
`There is a tremendous amount of overhead in providing such a service. Data center
`processing power, data capacity, data transmission bandwidth and speed, infrastructure
`entities, and various performance considerations are quite costly. Costs include real
`estate required, utility bills for electricity and cooling, system maintenance, personnel to
`operate a successful business with service(s), etc. A method is needed to prevent large
`data center costs while eliminating performance issues for features sought. It is inevitable
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 7 of 755


`that as users are hungry for more features and functionality on their mobile data
`processing systems, processing will be moved closer to
`the device for optimal
`performance and infrastructure cost savings.
`Service delivered location dependent content was disclosed in U.S. Patents
`6,456,234; 6,731,238; 7,187,997 (Johnson). Anonymous location based services was
`disclosed in U.S. PTO Publication 2006/0022048 (Johnson). The Johnson patents and
`published application operate as most web services do in that the clients connecting to the
`service benefit from the service by having some connectivity to the service. U.S.
`Publication 2006/0022048 (Johnson) could cause large numbers of users to inundate the
`service with device heartbeats and data to maintain, depending on the configurations
`made. While this may be of little concern to a company that has successfully deployed
`substantially large web service resources, it may be of great concern to other more frugal
`companies. A method is needed for enabling location dependent features and functionality
`without the burden of requiring a service.
`Users are skeptical about their privacy as internet services proliferate. A service by
`its very nature typically holds information for a user maintained in a centralized service
`database. The user's preferences, credential information, permissions, customizations,
`billing information, surfing habits, and other conceivable user configurations and activity
`monitoring, can be housed by the service at the service. Company insiders, as well as
`outside attackers, may get access. Most people are concerned with preventing personal
`information of any type being kept in a centralized database which may potentially
`become compromised from a security standpoint. Location based services are of even
`more concern, in particular when the locations of the user are to be known to a centralized
`service. A method and system is needed for making users comfortable with knowing that
`their personal information is at less risk of being compromised.
`A reasonable requirement is to push intelligence out to the mobile data processing
`systems themselves, for example, in knowing their own locations and perhaps the
`locations of other nearby mobile data processing systems. Mobile data processing
`systems can intelligently handle many of their own application requirements without
`depending on some remote service. Just as two people in a business organization should
`not need a manager to speak to each other, no two mobile data processing systems
`should require a service middleman
`for useful
`location dependent features and
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 8 of 755


`functionality. The knowing of its own location should not be the end of social interaction
`implementation local to the mobile data processing systems, but rather the starting place
`for a large number of useful distributed local applications that do not require a service.
`Different users use different types of Mobile data processing Systems (MSs) which
`are also called mobile devices: laptops, tablet computers, Personal Computers (PCs),
`Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), cell phones, automobile dashboard mounted data
`processing systems, shopping cart mounted data processing systems, mobile vehicle or
`apparatus mounted data processing systems, Personal Navigational Devices (PNDs),
`iPhones (iPhone is a trademark of Apple, Inc.), various handheld mobile data processing
`systems, etc. MSs move freely in the environment, and are unpredictably moveable (i.e.
`can be moved anywhere, anytime). Many of these Mobile data processing Systems (MSs)
`do not have capability of being automatically located, or are not using a service for being
`automatically located. Conventional methods use directly relative stationary references
`such as satellites, antennas, etc. to locate MSs. Stationary references are expensive to
`deploy, and risk obsolescence as new technologies are introduced to the marketplace.
`Stationary references have finite scope of support for locating MSs.
`the United States E911 mandate
`for cellular devices documents
`requirements for automatic location of a Mobile data processing System (MS) such as a
`cell phone, the mandate does not necessarily promote real time location and tracking of
`the MSs, nor does it define architecture for exploiting Location Based Services (LBS). We
`are in an era where Location Based Services (LBS), and location dependent features and
`functionality, are among the most promising technologies in the world. Automatic locating
`of every Mobile data processing System (MS) is an evolutionary trend. A method is
`needed to shorten the length of time for automatically locating every MS. Such a goal can
`be costly using prior art technologies such as GPS (Global Positioning System), radio
`wave triangulation, coming within range to a known located sensor, or the like. Complex
`system infrastructure, or added hardware costs to the MSs themselves, make such
`ventures costly and time constrained by schedules and costs involved in engineering,
`construction, and deployment.
`A method is needed for enabling users to get location dependent features and
`functionality through having their mobile locations known, regardless of whether or not
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 9 of 755


`their MS is equipped for being located. Also, new and modern location dependent features
`and functionality can be provided to a MS unencumbered by a connected service.
`LBS (Location Based Services) is a term which has gained in popularity over the
`years as MSs incorporate various location capability. The word "Services" in
`terminology plays a major role in location based features and functionality involving
`interaction between two or more users. This disclosure introduces a new terminology,
`system, and method referred to as Location Based eXchanges (LBX). LBX is an acronym
`interchangeably/contextually throughout
`this disclosure for the singular term
`"Location Based Exchange" and for the plural term "Location Based Exchanges", much
`the same way LBS is used interchangeably/contextually for the single term "Location
`Based Service" and for the plural term "Location Based Services". LBX describes
`leveraging the distributed nature of connectivity between MSs in lieu of leveraging a
`common centralized service nature of connectivity between MSs. The line can become
`blurred between LBS and LBX since the same or similar features and functionality are
`provided, and
`in some cases strengths from both may be used. The underlying
`architectural shift differentiates LBX from LBS for depending less on centralized services,
`and more on distributed interactions between MSs. LBX provide server-free and server-
`less location dependent features and functionality.
`Disclosed are many different aspects to LBX, starting with
`the foundation
`requirement for each participating MS to know, at some point in time, their own
`whereabouts. LBX is enabled when an MS knows its own whereabouts. It is therefore a
`goal to first make as many MSs know their own whereabouts as possible. When two or
`more MSs know their own whereabouts, LBX enables distributed locational applications
`whereby a server is not required to middleman social interactions between the MSs. The
`MSs interact as peers. LBX disclosed include purely peer to peer interactions, peer to
`peer interactions for routing services, peer to peer interactions for delivering distributed
`services, and peer to peer interactions for location dependent features and functionality.
`One embodiment of an LBX enabled MS is referred to as an lbxPhone™.
`It is an advantage herein to have no centralized service governing location based
`features and
`functionality among MSs. Avoiding a centralized service prevents
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 10 of 755


`performance issues, infrastructure costs, and solves many of the issues described above.
`No centralized service also prevents a user's information from being kept in one
`accessible place. LBS contain centralized data that is personal in nature to its users. This
`is a security concern. Having information for all users in one place increases the likelihood
`that a disaster to the data will affect more than a single user. LBX spreads data out across
`participating systems so that a disaster affecting one user does not affect any other user.
`It is an advantage herein for enabling useful distributed applications without the
`necessity of having a service, and without the necessity of users and/or systems
`registering with a service. MSs interact as peers in preferred embodiments, rather than as
`clients to a common service (e.g. internet connected web service).
`It is an advantage herein for locating as many MSs as possible in a wireless
`network, and without additional deployment costs on
`the MSs or the network.
`locating capability
`includes GPS (Global Positioning System) using
`stationary orbiting satellites, improved forms of GPS, for example AGPS (Adjusted GPS)
`and DGPS
`(Differential GPS) using stationary
`located ground stations, wireless
`communications to stationary located cell tower base stations, TDOA (Time Difference of
`Arrival) or AOA (Angle of Arrival) triangulation using stationary located antennas, presence
`detection in vicinity of a stationary located antenna, presence detection at a wired
`connectivity stationary network location, or other conventional locating systems and
`methods. Mobile data processing systems, referred to as Indirectly Located Mobile data
`processing systems (ILMs), are automatically located using automatically detected
`locations of Directly Located Mobile data processing systems (DLMs) and/or automatically
`detected locations of other ILMs. ILMs are provided with the ability to participate in the
`same LBS, or LBX, as a OLM (Directly Located Mobile data processing system). DLMs
`are located using conventional locating capability mentioned above. DLMs provide
`reference locations for automatically locating ILMs, regardless of where any one is
`currently located. DLMs and ILMs can be highly mobile, for example when in use by a
`user. There are a variety of novel methods for automatically locating ILMs, for example
`triangulating an ILM (Indirectly Located Mobile data processing system) location using a
`plurality of DLMs, detecting the ILM being within the vicinity of at least one OLM,
`triangulating an ILM location using a plurality of other ILMs, detecting the ILM being within
`the vicinity of at least one other ILM, triangulating an ILM location using a mixed set of
`Exhibit 1002
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`DLM(s) and ILM(s), determining the ILM location from heterogeneously located DLMs
`and/or ILMs, and other novel methods.
`MSs are automatically located without using direct conventional means for being
`automatically located. The conventional locating capability (i.e. conventional locating
`methods) described above is also referred to as direct methods. Conventional methods
`are direct methods, but not all direct methods are conventional. There are new direct
`techniques disclosed below. Provided herein is an architecture, as well as systems and
`methods, for immediately bringing automatic location detection to every MS in the world,
`regardless of whether that MS is equipped for being directly located. MSs without
`capability of being directly located are located by leveraging the automatically detected
`locations of MSs that are directly located. This is referred to as being indirectly located. An
`MS which is directly located is hereinafter referred to as a Directly Located Mobile data
`processing system (OLM). For a plural acronym, MSs which are directly located are
`hereinafter referred to as Directly Located Mobile data processing systems (DLMs). MSs

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