
`Patent Owner.
`Patent No. 9,189,787
`Filing Date: May 28, 2013
`Issue Date: November 17, 2015
`Inventors: Liang Seng Koh, Futong Cho, Hsin Pan, and Fuliang Cho
`Case No. IPR2022-00412


`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
` I.
`INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1
`THE ’787 PATENT ......................................................................................... 1
`III. THE ALLEGED PRIOR ART ........................................................................ 6
`A. Dua (U.S. Patent App. Pub. No. 2006/0165060) .................................. 6
`GlobalPlatform ...................................................................................... 9
`Philips .................................................................................................... 9
`IV. CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................ 9
`LEVEL OF ORDINARY SKILL IN THE ART ........................................... 10
`ANY CHALLENGED CLAIM OBVIOUS .................................................. 10
`Requirements for Showing Obviousness Under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 103 .................................................................................................... 10
`Petitioner has not Shown that Philips is Prior Art to the ’787
`Patent ................................................................................................... 11
`A POSITA Would Not Combine Dua with GlobalPlatform .............. 13
`Apple Does Not Set Forth a Motivation To Combine .............. 13
`Apple Identifies No Motivation to Combine Philips
`with Dua (with or without GlobalPlatform) ............................. 22
`The Combination Does Not Render Obvious “an emulator
`[loaded in a smart card module] for storing security values and
`updated transaction logs” .................................................................... 23
`The Combination Does Not Render Obvious “wherein both of
`the emulator and e-purse applet are already personalized…”
`and “personalizing the emulator and the e-purse applet via a


`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`personalization process …” as Required By All Challenged
`Claims .................................................................................................. 25
`The Combination Does Not Render Obvious The Limitations
`“a personalization process built on a first security channel so
`that the emulator is set to store a set of keys for subsequent
`data access authentication and the e-purse applet is configured
`to conduct a transaction with a network server over a second
`security channel”/“personalizing the emulator and the e-purse
`applet via a personalization process built on a first security
`channel so that the emulator is set to store a set of keys for
`subsequent data access authentication and the e-purse applet is
`configured to conduct a transaction with a network server over
`a second security channel” as required by all Challenged
`Claims .................................................................................................. 27
`Dua in View of Philips Does Not Disclose or Render
`Obvious the Limitation ............................................................. 28
`Dua in View of GlobalPlatform and Philips Does Not
`Render this Limitation Obvious ................................................ 30
`G. Apple Fails to Show That the Limitation “a second interface
`configured to perform mobile commerce with a payment
`server via an application against the fund stored in the
`emulator” as Required by Claims 1-10 Would Be Obvious ............... 30
`H. Apple Fails to Show That the Limitation “performing mobile
`commerce via a second interface with a payment server via an
`application against the fund stored in the emulator,” as
`Required by Claims 11-19 Would Be Obvious .................................. 32
`Apple’s Combination Does Not Render Obvious Claims 6 and
`16 ......................................................................................................... 33
`Apple’s Combination Does Not Disclose Or Render
`Obvious “an initial security channel between the smart
`card module and a security authentication module
`(SAM) external to the smart card module to install and
`personalize the e-purse applet, and … a security channel
`on top of the initial security channel to protect


`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`subsequent operations of the smart card module with the
`SAM, wherein any subsequent operation is conducted
`over the security channel via the e-purse applet” ..................... 33
`VII. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................. 36


`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`Belden Inc. v. Berk-Tek LLC, 805 F.3d 1064 (Fed. Cir. 2015) ............................... 22
`Chemours Co. FC, LLC v. Daikin Indus., Ltd., 4 F.4th 1370 (Fed. Cir. July 22,
`2021) ..................................................................................................................... 14
`Graham v. John Deere Co. of Kansas City, 383 U.S. 1 (1966) ............................... 10
`Hulu LLC v. Sound View Innovations, LLC, IPR2018-01039, Paper 29 (P.T.A.B.
`Dec. 20, 2019 ) ...................................................................................................... 13
`In-Depth Geophysical, Inc. v. Conocophillips Co., IPR2019-00849, Paper 14
`(P.T.A.B. Sept. 6, 2019) ....................................................................................... 13
`KSR Intern. Co. v. Telefex Inc., 550 U.S. 398 (2007) .............................................. 10
`Lyft, Inc. v. Quartz Auto Techs., LLC, IPR2020-01450, Paper 7 (P.T.A.B. Mar. 4,
`2021) ..................................................................................................................... 17
`Personal Web Techs., LLC v. Apple, Inc., 848 F.3d 987 (Fed. Cir. 2017) .............. 22
`Sanofi-Synthelabo v. Apotex, Inc., 550 F.3d 1075 (Fed. Cir. 2008) ........................ 16
`Trivascular, Inc. v. Samuels, 812 F.3d 1056 (Fed. Cir. 2016) ................................ 14
`Woodland Tr. v. Flowertree Nursery, Inc., 148 F.3d 1368 (Fed. Cir. 1998) .......... 25
`35 U.S.C. § 103 ........................................................................................................ 10


`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`Exhibit No. Description
`Joint Motion to Stay All Deadlines and Notice of Settlement (Dkt.
`263) in RFCyber Corp. v. Google LLC, Case No. 2:20-cv-00274-
`JRG (Lead Case) (E.D. Tex.), dated February 10, 2022
`Order (Dkt. 264) in RFCyber Corp. v. Google LLC, Case No.
`2:20-cv-00274-JRG (Lead Case) (E.D. Tex.), dated February 11,
`EMVCo, LLC, “A Guide to EMV Chip Technology, Version
`RFCyber Corp. v. Apple Inc., No. 6:21-cv-00916-ADA, Dkt. 29
`(W.D. Tex. Jan. 28, 2022)
`Apple’s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions, RFCyber Corp. v.
`Apple Inc., No. 6:21-cv-00916-ADA, dated March 1, 2022
`Exhibit C-2 to Apple’s Preliminary Invalidity Contentions,
`RFCyber Corp. v. Apple Inc., No. 6:21-cv-00916-ADA, dated
`March 1, 2022
`Declaration of Miguel Gomez
`Curriculum Vitae of Miguel Gomez
`Deposition Transcript of Gerald W. Smith, taken November 14,


`On January 14, 2022, Apple Inc. (“Apple” or “Petitioner”) filed a petition
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`requesting inter partes review (“IPR”) of U.S. Patent No. 9,189,787 (Ex. 1001, the
`“’787 Patent”), challenging claims 1-19 as unpatentable under (pre-AIA) 35 U.S.C.
`§ 103(a) (the “challenged claims”). The Declaration of Gerald W. Smith, Ex. 1003,
`(“Smith Declaration”) accompanied the Petition. On January 26, 2022, the Board
`issued a Notice of Filing Date Accorded for the petition and set the time for filing
`patent owner’s preliminary response. Paper 4. The Board instituted trial on July 21,
`2022. Paper 11 (“ID”). The Parties stipulated to extend Due Dates 1-3 on September
`20, 2022. Paper 13.
`The Board should issue a Final Written Decision finding all Challenged
`Claims to be not unpatentable. As discussed in detail below, a POSITA would not
`be motivated to combine Dua with GlobalPlatform and Philips. Separately, Apple’s
`combination, even if it were made, fails to disclose or render obvious numerous
`The ’787 Patent claims methods and systems for providing electronic purses
`(e-purses) for use in electronic and mobile commerce. ’787 Patent, 1:17-21. The
`inventors of the ’787 Patent realized that existing contactless cards were not effective
`for use in electronic or mobile commerce “because stored values and transaction


`information are stored in data storage of each tag that is protected by a set of keys.”
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`Id., 1:35-37. Those keys “need to be delivered to the card for authentication before
`data can be accessed during a transaction.” Id., 1:37-39. “This constraint makes
`systems using such technology difficult to be expanded to an open environment such
`as the Internet for e-commerce and cellular networks for m-commerce as the key
`delivery over a public domain network causes security concerns.” Id., 1:39-43.
`Gomez Decl., ¶ 34.
`To solve these problems, the inventors of the ’787 Patent developed a system
`for personalizing a card stored in a portable device. Gomez Decl., ¶ 35. The system
`makes use of a midlet that facilitates communication between the securely stored
`applets and payment servers over a wireless network:


`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`’787 Patent, Fig. 2 (showing midlet (in yellow), and applet (in green)).


`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`’787 Patent, Fig. 3B (annotations added).
`The midlet facilitates this communication, for example, while the card is being
`personalized. Gomez Decl., ¶ 36. The entire process is protected by a three-tier


`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`’787 Patent, Fig. 1A
`“The three-tier security model 100 includes physical security 102, e-purse
`security 104 and card manager security 106.” ’787 Patent, 3:58-60. The physical
`security “refers to a security mechanism provided by a single functional card to
`protect data stored on the card. The card may be hardware implemented or software
`emulated running on a type of media.” Id., 3:61-64. E-purse security “defines a set
`of protocols that enable micro payment transactions to be carried out in both wired
`and wireless environments.” Id., 4:4-6. “During a transaction, the purse uses a set


`of respective keys for encryption and MAC computation in order to secure the
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`message channel between the purse and the SAM or backend servers.” Id., 4:9-13.
`“Card Manager Security 106, referring to a general security framework of a preload
`operating system in a Smart card, provides a platform for PIN management and
`security channels (security domains) for card personalization. This platform via a
`card manager can be used to personalize a purse in one embodiment.” Id., 4:19-24.
`Gomez Decl., ¶ 36.
`A device that has been personalized using the three-tier security as above can
`then perform e-commerce and m-commerce using an emulator, and NFC interface
`for e-commerce, and a second interface for m-commerce. Id., 2:36-52, 5:1-15, Fig.
`2. Gomez Decl., ¶ 37.
`A. Dua (U.S. Patent App. Pub. No. 2006/0165060)
`U.S. Patent App. Pub. No. 2006/0165060 (Ex. 1004, “Dua”) is directed to a
`system for “managing credentials through a wireless network.” Dua at Title,
`Abstract. Dua was filed on January 21, 2005 and published on July 27, 2006. Dua.
`Dua sought to solve difficulties with inputting credentials into a wireless device.
`Dua at [0019]. To overcome these difficulties, Dua describes a system “through
`which credential issuers can securely and rapidly target specific wireless devices for


`the distribution of the appropriate credentials.” Dua, ¶¶ [0020], [0024]. Gomez
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`Decl., ¶ 39.
`Dua achieves its goals by using the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). Dua, ¶
`[0042]. Using SIP, each device, such as a portable phone, contains a wallet
`application and is assigned an “E.164 phone number, Uniform Resource Identifier
`(URI) or other type of unique address that can be resolved over the Internet.” Id.
`Dua also describes a Wireless Credential Manager (WCM), that “maintains, controls
`and distributes credentials.” Id., ¶ [0043]. To provide credentials to the wireless
`device, a card issuer sends a personalization file to the WCM, along with the device’s
`phone number. Id., ¶ [0057]. The WCM uses the phone number (or other unique
`device identifier) to connect to the specific device using SIP. Id., ¶¶ [0061]-[0062],
`[0128]-[0182]. The communication may be secured using SIPS/TLS or another
`method. Id., ¶¶ [0131], [0180]. The WCM then provides the credentials to the
`wireless device. Id., ¶ [0180]. This use of SIP to “establish direct communication”
`between the WCM and the device is “an important aspect of” Dua. Id., ¶ [0178].
`“The direct connection between the end-points using SIP offers a secure method,
`without intermediary servers, by which to transmit confidential information.” Id.
`Gomez Decl., ¶ 40.
`Dua also describes “extensions.” Id., ¶ [0289]. Dua’s extensions “‘extend’
`the capability of the wallet platform by enabling a new set of features defined by


`the credential issuer.” Id. Extensions may be preloaded or using the secure SIP
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`provisioning process for credentials. Id., ¶¶ [0295], [0296]. Gomez Decl., ¶ 41.
`Dua further discusses an embodiment where a smart card is used on the
`phone, but this smart card is used for storage and contactless communication; it is
`not used to run the wallet application, the wallet shell, or the extensions.1 Gomez
`Decl., ¶ 42.
`Dua does not teach an e-purse applet on a smart card. Rather, Dua teaches a
`system based on a different architecture. In Dua’s system, there is a wallet
`application, including a wallet shell, that runs on the phone’s primary processor,
`not on a smart card. In Dua’s system, the wallet application is augmented with
`“extensions” that perform specific functions, where these extensions of the wallet
`application run within the wallet application on the phone’s primary processor.
`Dua teaches an embodiment where a smart card is used on the phone, but this
`smart card is used for storage and contactless communication; it is not used to run
`the wallet application, the wallet shell, or the extensions. Dua’s system teaches a
`SIP based, secure communication scheme that is used in multiple aspects of Dua’s
`system. Dua’s choice and use of SIP is not merely a case of making one design
`choice among many; Dua provides an extensive description of the advantages of
`1 Id., ¶ [0295].


`SIP as well as details of its use of SIP; for example, Dua indicates an advantage
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`due to SIP’s use in telephony to use phone numbers (aka E.164) as a means of
`addressing the mobile phones that are the focus of Dua. Dua’s architecture is
`designed to leverage the same SIP-based architecture used for telephony. Dua
`teaches that SIP is particularly appropriate for the wallet application. Further
`details of Dua are addressed below. Gomez Decl., ¶ 43.
`B. GlobalPlatform
`The GlobalPlatform Card Specification version 2.1.1
`(Ex. 1006,
`“GlobalPlatform”) describes
`the “specifications
`to be
`implemented on
`GlobalPlatform smart cards.” GlobalPlatform at 16. GlobalPlatform describes its
`own security architecture and commands for use in installing and personalizing
`applications on GlobalPlatform cards. GlobalPlatform at 65-67, 88-90. Gomez
`Decl., ¶¶ 44-46.
`Philips (Ex. 1012) purports to be a data sheet for a SmartMX P5CT072 Secure
`Dual Interface PKI Smart Card Controller. Ex. 1012 at 1. It bears a revision date of
`October 4, 2004. Gomez Decl., ¶¶ 47-48.
`Patent Owner believes that claim construction is not required to resolve any


`A person of ordinary skill in the art would have a Bachelor’s degree in
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Applied Mathematics, with 2 or more
`years of academic or industry experience in computer security, network security or
`mobile payment technology. Gomez Decl. ¶¶ 32-33.
`A. Requirements for Showing Obviousness Under 35 U.S.C.
`§ 103
`The question of obviousness is resolved on the basis of underlying factual
`determinations, including: (1) the scope and content of the prior art, (2) any
`differences between the claimed subject matter and the prior art, (3) the level of skill
`in the art, and (4) where in evidence, so called secondary considerations. Graham
`v. John Deere Co. of Kansas City, 383 U.S. 1, 17-18 (1966). A claim is only
`unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 103 if “the differences between the subject matter
`sought to be patented and the prior art are such that the subject matter as a whole
`would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person having
`ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains.” KSR Intern. Co. v.
`Telefex Inc., 550 U.S. 398, 406 (2007) (quoting 35 U.S.C. § 103).


`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`Petitioner has not Shown that Philips is Prior Art to the
`’787 Patent
`Apple argues that Phillips is a printed publication. Pet. at 14-15. But Apple
`has not demonstrated that Phillips was published at all, let alone prior to the
`September 26, 2006 filing priority date of the ‘787 Patent.
`Apple relies primarily on the assertion that Philips is “was released on October
`4, 2004, bears a copyright symbol, and states that it was ‘Published in the
`Netherlands.’” Pet. at 14. But, as Mr. Gomez notes, Philips is a datasheet of the sort
`that were released confidentially or subject to NDAs long before they are published
`(if ever). Gomez Decl., ¶ 48. Apple’s own expert acknowledges information
`regarding security would have been distributed under an NDA, stating that “any
`particular implementation [] you would have to go under NDA because maybe
`you’re talking about key values, some security by obscurity or some other weird
`thing that’s going to go with a particular implementation.” Ex. 2009 (“Smith Dep.
`Tr.”) at 88:15-89:5, Nov. 14, 2022. Apple does not even assert that Philips was
`published on October 4, 2004, and the presence of a copyright symbol and the
`boilerplate “Published in the Netherlands” statement does not demonstrate that
`Philips was actually published before the September 26, 2006 filing priority date of
`the ‘787 Patent.


`The remainder of Apple’s arguments that Philips is a printed publication rely
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`on: (1) the presence of a link to in Philips; (2)
`references to a P5CT072 controller2 (but not Philips itself) in two patent
`applications; and (3) a purported reference to Philips in an IDS filed on August 2,
`2007, almost a year after the filing priority date of the ‘787 Patent. None of these
`assertions actually suggest that the Philips reference was published prior to
`September 26, 2006, and the URL at is neither
`accessible nor archived. Indeed, Apple is noticeably silent regarding the manner in
`which it acquired the Philips reference; it does not say whether NXP (which is
`cooperating with NXP, and with which Apple has asserted the common interest
`privilege in the parallel district court proceeding) provided it with the Philips
`reference, and does not suggest that it obtained Philips from any publicly available
`source at all.
`Given its own expert’s admissions as to the usage of NDAs, RFCyber’s expert
`testimony, and the total absence of any evidence beyond the purported creation date
`of the Philips data sheet, Apple cannot possibly carry its burden of persuasion to
`prove by clear and convincing evidence that Phillips is prior art. It has, at most,
`2 To the extent that a P5CT072 controller existed before the ’787 Patent’s priority
`date, that controller would not be prior art that the Board may consider in an IPR.


`shown that it is possible that Philips is prior art. This is insufficient. Hulu LLC v.
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`Sound View Innovations, LLC, IPR2018-01039, Paper 29 at 19 (P.T.A.B. Dec. 20,
`2019 ) (“Further, the Board previously concluded that a conference paper, bearing a
`copyright date of 2012 and including a date of September 2012 on its cover, was
`insufficient to show that the paper had been disseminated prior to the conference
`(November 2012)).” (citing In-Depth Geophysical, Inc. v. Conocophillips Co.,
`IPR2019-00849, Paper 14 at 4–13 (P.T.A.B. Sept. 6, 2019)).
`C. A POSITA Would Not Combine Dua with GlobalPlatform
`Apple identifies no deficiencies in Dua that would motivate a POSITA to
`import GlobalPlatform. Indeed, Dua provides a complete system that already
`includes the same functionality Apple borrows from GlobalPlatform.
`Apple Does Not Set Forth a Motivation To Combine
`A POSITA would not combine Dua with GlobalPlatform because including
`GlobalPlatform would defeat the aim of Dua to leverage an already-present channel
`(such as SIP) to download SVCEs. Trivascular, Inc. v. Samuels, 812 F.3d 1056,
`1068 (Fed. Cir. 2016) (holding that it is not obvious to “destroy the basic objective”


`of the prior art reference); Chemours Co. FC, LLC v. Daikin Indus., Ltd., 4 F.4th
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`1370, 1376-77 (Fed. Cir. July 22, 2021).
`Dua explains that its aim is to leverage the use of existing channels to provide
`the capability “through which credential issuers can securely and rapidly target
`specific wireless devices for the distribution of the appropriate credentials over
`public and private networks.” Dua, ¶ [0020]. Accordingly, “wireless device 200 also
`has a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Application Programming Interface (API)
`framework embedded in or running on top of a resident operating system, which
`allows for multiple SIP-based applications, such as the wallet application discussed
`herein, to function.” Dua, ¶ [0042]. Gomez Decl., ¶ 51-52.
`Indeed, Dua explains that “The use of SIP for transmitting and managing
`credentials on wireless device 200 is preferred as mobile operators and fixed line
`operators are moving towards a SIP-based architecture for voice and other
`multimedia services. It is envisioned that the use of SIP for communication between
`a credential issuer and a wallet application resident on wireless device 200 could
`leverage the same SIP registrar, proxy, and presence servers used to deliver real-
`time interactive converged communication services within a mobile operator's
`network.” Dua, ¶ [0051]. Thus, “The use of a SIP architecture to locate a mobile
`end-user and to establish direct communication between the end-points (WCM and
`wallet application) for the purpose of transferring confidential information (e.g.


`credentials) is an important aspect of the present invention.” (emphasis
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`added). Dua, ¶ [0178]. Gomez Decl., ¶¶ 52-54. Although Dua briefly mentions
`“While the use of SIP for such purposes is preferred, alternative application
`protocols may be used in lieu of SIP while still remaining within the spirit and scope
`of the present invention,”; that passage only states that different existing network
`protocols may be used to implement Dua’s invention—it is not a suggestion to
`implement an entirely new system layered onto Dua. Id., ¶[0050]; Gomez Decl. ¶¶
`55-56. Indeed, the only explicit security disclosed in Dua is SIP with S/MIME and
`TLS. Smith Dep. Tr. 61:15-62:3. Gomez Decl., ¶¶ 52-56.
`Apple’s expert admitted that his expertise has nothing to do with networking;
`accordingly, his declaration is not credible evidence as to what protocols might be
`used. Smith Dep. Tr. 42:24-25 (“I am not a network protocol expert.”). Mr. Smith
`further admitted that he does “not have an appreciation for [SIP] other than [] I have
`an awareness. To me, it’s a way of making a pipe between … the network and the
`handset.” Smith Dep. Tr. at 43:4-15; see also 43:25-44:5 (“Q: In terms of making a
`pipe, so to speak, in 3G or 4G over the internet for some kind of communication,
`that’s not [] your main area of expertise, right? A: That’s correct, Vincent.”); id. at
`65:2-10 (“Again, this is my -- this is an area that was a little on the edge for me, as
`I don't know network protocols real well but I do know components and that sort of


`Finally, Apple’s own expert admits that the field at the time of the invention
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`was extremely unpredictable and that no solutions were obvious. Smith Dep. Tr. at
`93:8-23(“But yeah [] the summary is the handsets were maturing, smart card
`technology which was always considered a European-founded technology, the
`French claimed it, although the Japanese claimed it also at the same time … I
`wouldn’t say that we didn’t have the expertise [] but it wasn’t tempered by the
`experience needed to really stand up robust saleable solutions. That’s my
`experience from let’s say the late ‘90s up into 2006.”). See also id. at 96:13-97:13
`(“Q: At least as of the 2006 timeframe [] things weren’t set in stone for how to do
`mobile payments just yet, right, in the United States? A: I would have to say that’s
`true. Because of the evolution of the networks themselves, the inability to act like
`internet in some cases, certainty 2G, aspects of 3G were I think [] better, … they
`were not [] very good at efficiencies very good applications as I remember in the
`day, so it was definitely to answer Vincent [] a maturing evolving situation in 2006
`is what I recall.” Such an unsettled and unpredictable state of the art weighs against
`obviousness. Sanofi-Synthelabo v. Apotex, Inc., 550 F.3d 1075, 1088, 1090 (Fed.
`Cir. 2008).
`As discussed above, Dua discloses using SIP for all personalization
`communications because it allows for specific targeting of a wireless device and
`secures end-to-end communication. Gomez Decl., ¶¶ 56-59. Apple argues that a


`POSITA would discard all of Dua’s SIP teachings and use Global Platform’s system
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`for personalization instead. Pet. at 18-19; 24-32.
`However, Dua’s use of SIP architecture to establish communications between
`the WCM and the device for personalizing its system is key to its invention. Dua,
`¶ [0178] (“The use of a SIP architecture to locate a mobile end-user and to establish
`direct communication between the end-points (WCM and wallet application) for the
`purpose of transferring confidential information (e.g. credentials) is an important
`aspect of the present invention.” (emphasis added)). Smith Dep. Tr. 61:15-63:20;
`Gomez Decl., ¶¶ 56-59. All secure communications within Dua, including
`downloading and installing its extensions, are done by making a SIP connection
`between the WCM and the mobile device. Dua., ¶¶ [0296], [0311], Figs. 1, 3, 8;
`Gomez Decl., ¶¶ 56-59. Indeed, Petitioner relies on these exact security features in
`its arguments. Pet. at 33-35. Petitioner does not explain why a POSITA would
`discard Dua’s security scheme for GlobalPlatform’s, nor any benefits to doing so.
`Lyft, Inc. v. Quartz Auto Techs., LLC, IPR2020-01450, Paper 7, at 17-20 (P.T.A.B.
`Mar. 4, 2021) (“[W]e are left wondering why a person of ordinary skill in the art
`would modify Douglas only to have the same features as disclosed by Harrison.”).
`Adding GlobalPlatform to Dua would defeat Dua’s objective to provide a SIP-
`based system “through which credential issuers can securely and rapidly target
`specific wireless devices for the distribution of the appropriate credentials over


`public and private networks.” Dua, ¶ [0020] (emphasis added). Dua’s entire
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`invention is based around using SIP to securely target a particular wireless device
`by looking up that device’s phone number. Dua, ¶ [0131]; Gomez Decl., ¶¶ 58-59.
`Indeed, all communications from the Dua device are done via SIP using that exact
`method. GlobalPlatform does not allow such server-initiated communication.
`Gomez Decl., ¶¶ 58-59. A POSITA would not be motivated to destroy Dua’s central
`objective. Trivascular, Inc, 812 F.3d at 1068 (holding that it is not obvious to
`“destroy the basic objective” of the prior art reference).
`Moreover, there is no reason that a POSITA would combine GlobalPlatform’s
`security when Dua already provides security through SIPS/TLS and other encryption
`methods. See supra III.A; Gomez Decl., ¶ 60. Apple identifies no lack or flaw within
`Dua that would necessitate replacing Dua’s security with GlobalPlatform’s.
`Ignoring all this, Apple first argues that a POSITA would combine Dua with
`GlobalPlatform because of Dua’s statement that “MasterCard and Visa have also
`been working jointly over the last few years to develop specifications that define a
`set of requirements for security and interoperability between chip cards and
`terminals on a global basis, regardless of the manufacturer, the financial institution,


`or where the card is used.” Pet. at 16 (quoting Dua at [0013]) (emphasis added).3
`PATENT NO. 9,189,787
`The specifications referred to are the EMV Chip Specifications.4 Gomez Decl., ¶¶
`61-64. As EMVCo. explains, “The EMV Chip Specifications . . . are global payment
`industry specifications that describe the requirements for interoperability between
`chip-based payment applications and acceptance terminals to enable payment.”
`Ex. 2003 at 5 (emphasis added). Indeed, Dua refers numerous times to EMV for
`payment applications. E.g., Dua, at ¶¶ [0013] (“American Express, MasterCard, and
`Visa have agreed on a single contactless payment standard in the United States,
`ISO/IEC 14443, and are implementing a contactless payment approach that
`leverages the existing payments infrastructure.”);5 [0398] (“Presently, with various
`bank card transactions, PINs are verified either online with a bank host computer
`system, or verified offline against security data onboard the card as in EMV ‘chip &
`PIN’ transactions.”); [0525] (“EMV-Compliant—The wallet application should
`meet standards defined by card organizations.”); Gomez Decl., ¶¶ 61-64.
`A POSITA would understand that GlobalPlatform is not related to
`interoperability between chip cards and terminals; it purports to provide a “card
`3 The Petition cites to Dua, ¶ [0014], bu

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