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`Matsushita blends FeRAM technology with smart cards
`your Saleal
`ing solution’?
`Matsushita blends FeRAM technology with smart cards
`By Yoshiko Hara , EETimes
`October 01, 2004 (4:46 PM EDT)
`TOKYO — Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd. has added contactless smart card capabilities to its
`SD memory card using FeRAM technology in the smart card module to achieve a five-fold increase
`in communication speeds over EEPROM-based smart cards.
`The memory card, smartSD, will be one of the first volume applications of FeRAM technology for
`Matsushita. The company has been developing FeRAM technology since the 1990s.
`"The new SD cardis the first SD card that combines the convenience of contactless data
`communication capabilities with large storage capacity and high security," claimed Masaki
`Akiyama, president of Panasonic System Solutions Co.
`The smartSD/miniSD are an expanded version of conventional cards and share the same physical
`specifications. For smart card functions, smartSD complies with the JavaCard and GlobalPlatform
`formats. For contactless communications interface, it complies with ISO/IEC14443 Type B and
`JICSAP 2.0.
`Matsushita said it will offer the smart card function both in standard SD and miniSD cards, The
`standard-sized SD card will have a built-in antenna; miniSD cards will require an antenna built into
`a host system. Thefirst cards will have an 32-Kbyte FeRAM and 128-Mbyteflash memory.
`Matsushita expects to begin sampling the cards in December and enter volume production in the
`fall of 2005. It will initially promote smartSD memorycards in Japan, eventually expanding
`Managethe parasitic data explosion
`ir at
`Copyright@2003 CMPMedia,LLC | PrivagyStatement
`4k TOTAL PAGE. @1 4k
`Apple EX1053 Page 868
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`Ss WI:
`Ours TechnologyInc.
`The flash disk controller (OTi_6828) is a disk controller used to make a linearflash device array
`look likes a normal disk, hiding the flash related problems with erasing.
`The OTi_6828 is a controller with USB interface. The USB interface is for full speed operation
`(12Mb/s). It conforms to USB Specification, Version 1.1. The USB transceiver is embedded in this
`controller. With stable slew-rate control, the controller reduces EMI.
`The OTi_6828 has a Phase Lock Loop (PLL) embedded. The PLL provides all clocks needed in
`this controller. It needs an externally provided clock operating in 14.318MHz.
`The OTi_6828 has integrated the regulator for 5V input and 3.3Voutput. It also supports voltage
`detector for power on reset.
`The OTi_6828 can control up to 4 pieces of NAND flash memory. The flash capacity can be 32M
`bits up to 1G bits. And these chips can be any combination. It has been optimized to support Toshiba
`and Samsung flash mcmory designs. It also supports Samsung’s K9F and K9W Scrics flash. The
`controller has write-protected ability to prevent writing data to flash. The controller has a led control
`pin. It has three operation modes: suspend (off), active (fast) and idle (twinkle) mode. For read/write
`operation, the controller can achieve 1,000kB/920kB throughput. Comprehensive application with
`WindowsOS is available.
`This controller can operate in Win XP, Win2000, Windows Me, and Mac OS without any driver
`The OTi_6828 is available in cost-saving 32-pin TSOP packagc.
`* Flash controller with full-speed USB interface
`¢ Integrated 5V/3.3Vregulator, USB bus power supply capability
`¢ USB Specification Compliance
`— Conforms to USB Specification, Version 1.1
`* Integrated USB transceiver
`— Dynamic feedback control
`— Stable slewrate, independent of external loading
`* RISC micro-controller
`— High-performance RISC architecture
`— Single cycle instruction execution
`* 14.318 MHz external clock
`Apple EX1053 Page 869
`Apple EX1053 Page 869


`+ Integrated PLL
`* Integrated Power On Reset (POR)
`¢ Support up to 4 pieces of NAND Flash memory with write-protected ability
`¢ Support Toshiba and Samsung’s K9Kseries flash
`* Support Samsung’s K9F and K9W series flash
`* Support wear-lcvcling
`* Higher reliability: ECC on the fly
`+ Automatic bad block management
`* Supported OS:
`Win XP, Win2000, Windows ME,Linux 2.4 above, and MAC OS 9.0 & higher
`Win 98/Win98SL driver available
`Mac 8.6 mass storage driver available from Apple
`Multiple LUN Windowsdriveris available
`* LED indication:
`Programmable through Mass Production Toolset
`* Configurable VendorID/Product ID (VID/PID)
`* Performance: Read (1,000kBytes/s) , Write (920kBytes/s) Max.
`¢ Small form factor - standard 32-pin TSOP package
`Apple EX1053 Page 870
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`Ours TechnologyInc.
`Transcciver ||
`Apple EX1053 Page 871
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`TSOP 32 L
`~=©Pin Configuration
`Apple EX1053 Page 872
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`YD ap Heh
`¢ YU
`SEE Ours TechnologyInc.
`Pin Description
`Reserved I/O
`LED indication(open drain)
`Flash Ready_Busy
`Flash Write Enable
`Flash Read Enable
`Flash data bus — bit 7
`Flash data busVo bit 6
`Flash data bus — bit 5
`Flash data bus — bit 4
`Flash data bus — bit 3
`Flash data bus — bit 2
`Vo Flash data bus_bit 1
`Vo Flash data bus — bit 0
`Flash Command Latch Enable
`Flash Address Latch Enable
`Selection of Internal Reset or External Reset
`Reset, active low
`Flash Write Protect
`Crystal output
`Crystal input (14.3 18MHz)
`3.3V Output P
`3.3V Output
`Flash Chip Enable — Chip 0
`Apple EX1053 Page 873
`Apple EX1053 Page 873


`Flash Chip Enable — Chip 1
`Flash Chip Enable — Chip 2
`Flash Chip Enable — Chip 3
`m@ D.C. Characters
`DC Characteristics-1a°C to +70 °C,Vee =3.3V +10%)
`Symbol esfre
`Output Voltage
`Input leakage current
`IO outputcurrent
`m@ A.C. Characters
`Apple EX1053 Page 874
`Apple EX1053 Page 874


`Ours TechnologyInc.
` _|1.20(MAX)[b_[0.008:0.001|0.200:+0.025_|[<[o.005(rvr)[8.000+0.100_|Te[o.ogo(rye)[8[0.815:0.004[|0.528+0.008[13.4020.20|0.0236+0.004/0.60+0.100.081540.004]0.8040.10|y|0.003(MAX)
`OTIreservesthe right to make any changes without further notice to any products herein.
`Howto reach us:
`49, No. 85, Kung-Ming 6" Rd., Jubei City, Usin-Chu IIsien, Taiwan, R.O.C.
`TEL: +886-3-553-7511 FAX: +886-3-555-5804
`Apple EX1053 Page 875
`Apple EX1053 Page 875


`Panasonic Develops Industry's First SD Memory Card With Contactless Smart Card Capabilities
`Z fe me a
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`Communications, Panasonic Develops Industry's First SD Memory Card With Contactless Smart
`Card Capabilities
`ae—.__ :Qsaka, Japan, Oct 1, 2004 - (SCN Newswire) - Matsushita Electric Industrial Co.,
`Ltd. (PSE: 6752), best known for its Panasonic brand products, has developed the
`keindustry's first SD Memory Card with contactless smart card capabilities. Called
`smartSD Card, the new SD Memory Card combines the convenience of contactless
`data communication capabilities with large storage capacity and high security. The
`company will position the smartSD Card as key to realizing the "ubiquitous
`_ network society" and will strive to create new business opportunities not onlyin
`the device sector but also in the system and solution service sectors. Sample
`shipments of the smartSD Cards will commence in December 2004. Commercial
`Q Health & Pharm shipments are expected Lo follow in the fall of 2005.
`: Smart cards are rapidly expanding into many new markets including finance,
`‘transportation, distribution, industry and government administrations and have
`Int'l Trade
`been introduced in a wide variety of applications such as transport ticket payments,
`access control, electronic money and credit cards. In 2003, some 51 million smart
`ao TT &Internet
`cards were issued in Japan and the numberis expected to rise to 340 million by
`/2010.* Meanwhile, since the introduction of the SD MemoryCard in July 2000,
`220 makers have announced over 2,600 SD Memory Card-compatible products and.
`- approximately 41 million SD Memory Cards were sold in 2003, attaining number
`one global market share in the memory card industry.
`| " Science & Tech 2 As smart cards become more convenient, the need for greater data capacity and
`_ high security has increased. The smartSD Card combines the advanced copyright
`a Transportation
`protection, portability, and easy connectivily of the SD Memory Card. with the
`: convenience of a contactless smart card, allowing the card to send/receive large
`swe amounts of data at high speed and with high security, thereby supporting a variety
`of newapplications. The smart card in the smartSD Card uses non-volatile FeRAM
`{ 7 Annual Reports Clerroelectric RAM), which enables high-speed data writing, five times [aster than
`: conventional EEPROM-based smartcards. The large-capacity flash memoryin the
`™™ Profiles
`the stored data is protected by cipher technology. The secured extended memory
`: also transfers data at the rate of about 600 Kbytes per second.
`-~~ Offering large secure storage, authentication and contactless data communication
`: capabilities, the new type of SD Memory Card can be used for a wider variety of
`smart-card applications. Mr. Masaki Akiyama, President, Panasonic System
`file:///C|//Documents%20and%20Settings/Derry/My%2...rk/Gerald%20Work/Finn%20(Ryan)/IDC/Panasonic.htm (1 of 3) [9/1/05 8:20:03 PM]
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`Panasonic Develops Industry's First SD Memory Card With Contactless Smart Card Capabilities
`“| Solutions Company, said, "Our hope is to create newbusinesses deriving from the
`: special features of the smartSD Card. ‘These include corporate solutions dealing
`~ Photo Gatlery_ with information leakage prevention, mobile service solutions dealing with content
`so ——_: distribution and homeservice businesses dealing with content distribution for home
`ener AV equipment. We will continue to offer newsecure services in the broadening SD
`world to make our daily lives more convenient andsafe."
`Panasonic will exhibit and demonstrate new applications using the smartSD Card
`at CEA'TEC Japan (October 5 to 9, 2004). Visit the Panasonic booth, 1A02, Hall 1,
`Digital Network Stage. More details will be found at the Panasonic website at
`*According to Yano Research Institute Ltd.
`Find outthe latest
`in wireless news
`from Japan.
`Presented by
`Wireless Watch
`: Amsterdam and Frankfurt stock exchanges.
`About Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
`. “Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6752; NYSE: MC), best known for
`wr its Panasonic brand name, is a worldwide leader in the development and
`: manufacture of electronic products for a wide range of consumer, business, and
`industrial needs. Based in Osaka, Japan, the company recorded consolidated sales
`_ of US$71.92billion for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2004. Matsushita's shares
`: are listed on the Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, New York (NYSE:MC), Euronext,
`' Mike Kitadeya / Karl Takahashi
`International PR
`Tel: +81-6-6949-2293
`Panasonic News Bureau
`Tel: +81-3-3542-6205
`Fax: +81-6-6949-2255
`Fax: +81-3-3542-9018
`i Actions
`t View Matsushita Hlectric Industrial Co. Lid. companyprofile here
`i Search for more articles about Matsushita Flectric Industrial Co., Ltd. here
`i Make a product or service inquiry to Matsushita Clectric Industrial Co., Lid. here
`Oct 1, 2004
`Source: Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.
`Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Lid. (TSE: 6752) (U.S: MC)
`From the Japan Corporate News Network
`Topic: New Product
`View more news from these Sectors: Storagemedia, ElectronicsGeneral
`file:///C|//Documents%20and%20Settings/Derry/My%2...rk/Gerald%20Work/Finn%20(Ryan)/IDC/Panasonic.htm (2 of 3) [9/1/05 8:20:03 PM]
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`Panasonic Develops Industry's First SD Memory Card With Contactless Smart Card Capabilities
`© 2001-2004 The JapanCorporate News‘NetworkK.K.
`file:///C|//Documents%20and%20Settings/Derry/My%2...rk/Gerald%20Work/Finn%20(Ryan)/IDC/Panasonic.htm (3 of 3) [9/1/05 8:20:03 PM]
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`Delivering ultimate security, high
`performance and ultra low power
`consumption, SmartMXis now in
`volume supply
`Offering an optimized feature set together with the highest levels of security, SmartMX
`baing the world's first triple interface chip solution, enables tha easy implementation
`of state-of-the-art oparating systams and open platform solutions, Within Its targeted
`segment, SmartMX ts the most advanced solution available, combining an exceptionally
`powerful FameXE co-processor for public and sacret key encryption with the high security,
`low power, performance optimized, design concept of Phillps' Tangram technology.
`Security evaluated to the highest standards by external laboratories, lt offers excellent
`protection even against the most advanced attack scenarios.
`SmartMX Is Ideat for use Ih single- and multi-application
`markets ranging from banking to flnance and from
`mobile communications to secura natwork access,
`pay TY and transportation. Production hes already
`been ramped up to meet requirements for the German
`‘GeldKarte’ banking schame where Smart/4X has
`been certified by ZKA for use In the SECCOS project.
`For multi-application cards, SmartMX contains a built-in
`memory management unit ta support strong flrewalls
`and ensure that memory segments and banks of data
`are clearly dafined and kept separate from one another.
`Its expanded mamory configuration even allaws it to
`suppert complex operating systems such as Java and
`Multas while still providing sufficient read-only memory
`{ROM) for many applications. This keaps its EEPROM
`memory free for other data and allows card Issuers
`to choose SmartMX for multl-apptication solutions.
`Manufactured using the market leading 0.18 ym,
`5-metal layer technology, Smartsupports Class
`“A", “BY and “C” (1.8V ra 5) voltage ranges as
`requested by application standards such as 3GPP
`(3rd ganaration mobile communication) and EMV
`(eredivdable card standard). Products based on
`SmartMX [Cs are targeting high volume and cost
`sensitive, single- and multi-application markers, its
`contact interface maats the International standard
`ISO 7846, the physical standard for contact smarc
`cards while its contactless Interface is compatible
`with the MIFARE range of products used In a wide
`variacy of transport schemes and compliant with
`180 14443A, the industry and de-facto standard for
`contactless smart cards. The USB4.1 interface makes
`SmareMX the first solution of its kind capabie of
`producing plug and play IC cards for secure access
`to the PC world. And with extended support for
`cryptography and multiple interface options, Smartx
`is the optimal cholea for use in almost any IT
`environment. It ls In fact tha first solution of its kind to
`incerperate three Interface options as an integral part
`ofa range of highly secure smart card controllers —
`ISO 7816 contace Interface, 180 144434 contactless
`Interface and USB 1.1 interface.
`“SmarvvX has been designed ta maec tha highest
`performance standards and forthcoming security
`requirements, while providing the cost-afficiency
`demanded by application markets that use large
`velumas of smart cards," said Reinhard Kalla, General
`Manager of Identification at Philips Semiconductors.
`“Building on Philips Semiconductors’ broad axparlencea
`in smart card ICs and its expertise in sacurity and
`cryptography, smartis the first product family of
`its kind to enable manufacturers to add a range of
`additional services on a single |C-based smart card
`using interface options such as contactless and USB."
`Apple EX1053 Page 879
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`NOW G6 "@4 @9:3e FR 146685Ss281
`4805833281 TO 18153613835
`Digital Rights Pits SIMs
`Against Hash Cards
`{By Dan Balaban!
`ames are expected ta
`become a big business
`for mobile
`operators and content
`oroviders. And as network band-
`width and handset
`features grow,
`subscribers will soon be download-
`vendor Axalto and chairman of the
`Java Card Forum.
`The bloom on this market
`providers will need a way to ensure
`subscribers pay for this content and
`don't forward or copy it without per-
`may still be a few years off, bur ven-
`mission, Hype has surrounded this
`prospective market for digital rights
`dors are staking their clams. Among
`the encouraging signs ior them is
`management for years, but vendors
`recent action by the influential Open
`are calching the urimistakable scent
`Mobile Alliance, which has advanced
`of a budding business case.
`ing tots of music, video and other
`a new version of its digital rights
`“We are seeing the flower of
`toa, many
`analysts predict.
`a market,”says Christian Goire, a top
`standard that has
`researcher for France based card
`Operators and=content
`gained the broad support of mobile
`24; CARD TECHNOLOGY November 2004
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`HOW G6 *@4 @o:31 FR 146685s3261
`4805833281 TO 18153613835
`network operators, content providers
`and component makers.
`Tamper-resistant 51M cards,
`which come as standard equipment
`in most of the world’s mobile hand-
`sets, provide a sale place to store and
`process encryption keys anct certifi-
`cates that would be needed to grant
`these digital licenses, say SIM suppli-
`ers. While in no way mandating use
`of secure cards,
`the Open Mobile
`Alliance's DRM 2.0 specification
`wouldcreate an opening for the SIM.
`But if smart card vendors are
`cultivating this market, they will have
`plenty of competition, and not only
`from handset makers, Another com-
`ponent supplier, makers
`designs on the business.
`which carry megabytes
`of memory, were a $3.6
`billion market iast year,
`according to U.S.-based
`Tegearch firm Gartner.
`The cards store content in
`megabyte capacity af
`flash cards shipped last
`year. That will grow to
`51% by 2008, estimates
`Gartner, which predicts
`one brand of removable
`MultiMediaCard, will]
`ownthe largest share af
`the handset market by
`the end of this year, edg-
`ing out cival SD (Secure Digital)
`Card. MMC should widen that tead
`arange of devices, suchas digital stilt
`and video cameras and MP3 music
`players. But more and more handsets
`through 2008, says Gartner.
`Makers of MMCs and their
`provide slots for the cards, mainly to
`U.S.-based trade association have
`store photos. Flash cards for hand-
`been aggressively targeting the
`sets represented just 14% of the total
`FIME exnipity ac CARTES 20044
`f oavoayoy in PARIS
`Bev G2 pass ES) Bee
`Fime Headquarters ~ Carisate 204 — 3, rue de Cheviltly — 94262 Freemes Cedex — France
`Tél: +33 @) 1 46 15 46 46 — Fax : 433 (0) 140 96 Od 93 - waw, -
`Asian Branch : FIME test center in Asia - Suite 1200, 1271, » Golden Global Plaza - N°2 - Lana 150 - See. 5
`Shinyi Chyi, Taipei » Taiwan ROG - Tel: +886 (0) 28780 94715 - Fax: +886 (9) 2 8780 9416
` 125
`Apple EX1053 Page 881
` iene
` mnt
`Apple EX1053 Page 881


`HOW G6 *@4 @o:31 FR 146685s3261
`4805833281 TO 18153613835
`handset market, offering a reduced-
`sized version of their card and faster
`dowrload speeds. Now, sensing the
`for digital
`rights manage-
`Thent beginning to stir, leaders of the
`MMC Association are planning to
`adopt specifications for a new ver-
`sion of their “SeeyreMMC”card. Et
`will support the new OMA digital
`tights management specification,
`along with those from Microsoft,
`Real Networks and others.
`The SecureMMC will feature
`a tamperresistant area about
`size of the rewriteable memory on a
`mid- to high-end SIMcard. This area
`could not only play host to licenses to
`download music ot football high-
`lights, but also store corporate tiles or
`keys and payment account data for
`mobile commerce.
`It will also run
`Java Card
`popular in the smart card industry,
`especially for SIMs,
`Smact.Cared-Like Features. ...
`Meanwhile, Matsushita
`Industrial of Japan, better known as
`Panasonie, a maker of SD cards, last
`month announced it would intro-
`duce a flash memory card containing
`an antenna and tamper-resistant
`area. The “smart8D Card” would be
`inserted into handsets and could
`store photos and other multimedia,
`as it does now. It could also keep
`electronic cash or ¢-tickets, allowing
`customers to pay transit fares, make
`retail purchases or onter enter-
`tainment venues with a wave of their
`SD Card makers have earlier
`come out with a secure version of
`their cards, as has Sony Corp. with its
`Memory Stick. The makers of flash
`cards are adding the smart carcd-like
`features to try to differentiate them-
`selves in a commoditizing market.
`“Margins are getting quite thin, says
`Gartner analyst Joseph Unsworth.
`The MMC Association intra-
`duced the
`first version of
`SecureMMC a few years ago during
`the telecom bubble, but the product
`wert nowhere. Smart card vendors
`the time seemed unconcerned.
`The smart card industry had fine-
`“Whatever your smart card microprocessor
`' ‘requirements, Emoayn’s second
`‘generation Flagh technology delivers the
`best combination of security, flexibility
`and value today.
`|. Theseus Platinum? family provides:
`* High security
`* Complete inventory contral -
`“+ Flexible memory partitioning
`* Programming.on silig¢on
`Asia Pacific: +85 6592 4204
`Europe: +44 (0) 1993 700 327
`Americas: «1 203 754 1100
`vena mmyen es
`tame eens anttame nena aM
`Apple EX1053 Page 882
` a
`Apple EX1053 Page 882


`ice ae * a ast 32 FR 148655s3281
`4805833281 TO 18153613835
`P, 4-65
`super-fast communication speeds
`(s00n a theoretical 52 megabits per
`second); and removability.
`The largest SIM is a IMB
`flash-based card not yet issued. AS
`for download speeds, the fastest the
`Si card can currently manage is
`around 200 kilobits per second-—on
`a good day, And while the SIM card
`ig technically removable, too,if a sub-
`geriber takes it out of his phone, he
`loses the network connection,
`Cards OnTheMave ... --. ~~
`like other removable flas
`cards, are designed to be taken out
`and inserted into many IT devices,
`such ag music or video players, notes
`‘wes Leonard, chairman of the MMC
`saned the securityof theis chips over
`nearly 20years. How could the MMC:
`Bur this time they cannot 60
`easily shrug off the SecureMMc 2.0,
`due out next year, It is generating too
`much interest from operators and
`such big handset makers a8 Nokia.
`Even Telecom Italia Mobile,
`the most aggressive user of SIMs
`worldwide, has joined the MMC
`Association. And SIM vendors might
`find it hard to claim superiority in
`security because the biggest makers
`of smart card chips, such as Infineon
`Technologies, Renesas and Samsung
`Electronics, also make MMCs.
`The three advantages MMCs
`hold over SIMs are: much higher
`memory capacity (up to 1 gigabyte);
`R 17-20, 2004 PRAG
`BER 2-4, 2004 PARIS
`€) Welcometo the premiere of the sup
`in sheat-fed offset -..GENIUS52UV LIVE ON STAGE
`€F ... and the superiorpros for individual cards
`rortha KBA Group
`ws Eon
`+49 (0) 931/90 85-0
`Headquarter: Metranic Aktiengeselischaft
`449 (0) 931/99 85-100 yew,metronic-agyj-Gom
`Bengstrabe 11 - D-97203 Veitshoechheim
`salesd metranicinecor
`+4805 490 7755
`USA: Metronic tne. 3325 Grande Vista Drive
`41 805 498 7754
`Unit 16 Newbury Park, CA 91320
`98|Cand TECHNOLOGY November 2004
`Apple EX1053 Page 883
`Apple EX1053 Page 883


`HOW BG 'A4 B98 S35 FR 146665s5s201
`46668335261 TO 16155613835
`P. 5-65
`to store icons and other elements of
`their“portals,” as weil as promotional
`material, including videos. The oper-
`ators would issue the flash card to
`the subscriber when they sign up for
`network service—at
`the same time
`they issue the SLM.
`France-based smart
`vendor Gemplus International is said
`to be planning to ship MM(Cs to one
`or more of its GSM customers. A
`source says Gemplus, the first smart
`card vendor
`to join the MMC
`Association, believes this could be a
`good ft becauseit has much stronger
`contacts with operators than makers
`of MMs. At
`same time,
`Gemplus, Germany's Giesecke &
`Deviient and other smart card sup-
`pliers are developing software for the
`secure area of flash cards.“There are
`many potential businesses, but it is
`in the very early stages,” says
`Mare Chancerel, head of Gemplus’
`Business Innovation Group.
`likely, SecureMMCs would
`manage digital
`rights for heavy
`multimedia content, such as music,
`and memory-intensive
`games, because the card offers a
`place to store the content, he says.
`SIM ecards would be used for contral-
`ling rights to download smaller, less
`expensive, content distributed by
`operators, such as simpler games.
`The card could also store keys that
`decrypt streaming broadcast video
`of, for example, football highlights,
`which the subscriber wouldn't store,
`Association and a senior marketing
`manager in Samsung's serniconduc-
`tor’s unit. That
`fits with the Open
`Mobile Alliance’s concept of digital
`Tights management--enabling the
`authorized downloading of different
`types of multimedia content on vari-
`ous devices, That's why you won't
`find the SIM’s core network authen-
`tication function moved te the MMC.
`Tt would wipe out the removability
`benefit of the flash card,
`Some people, including the
`SIM card managers atTIM, have sug-
`gested the SIM could handle digital
`rights management, while the con-
`tent itself could be speedily down-
`loaded to the spaciousflash card.
`‘There are problems with this
`scenaric, Leonard contends, Among
`them: A secure link would have ta be
`established between the SIM and
`leaning toward giving the SIM an
`importantrole in digital rights man~
`agement. TIM has also advanced the
`idea of stoxing some multimedia
`content on the SIM itself, and by the
`end of this year is expected to finally
`issue its much-anticipated 1MB 3IM
`card, by far the largest on the market.
`SIM cards have one advan-
`tage that suppliers believe trumps
`those of MMC. Three-quarters of all
`handsets used in wireless networks
`come equipped with SIM card slots.
`Association says no more than oneir
`six handsets shipped this year will
`sport a slot far any type of removable
`flash card. Of these, 45%will take an
`MMC, Gartner
`says. Moreover,
`standards makers have moved to
`make SIM cards more welcoming to
`toultimedia content,
`in the end, makers of
`smart cards and removable flash
`MMC, which would take time to
`SIMVendorsJoShipMMCs?_cards may not compete at all. But
`implement, especially if it were first
`But until SIM card makers substan-
`until subscribers start downloading
`more multimedia content
`to their
`Still, such SIM-savvy opera-
`as TIM, Orange UE and
`Telefonica Moviles, are said to be
`tially increase download speeds and
`memory capacity, operators may look
`ta the MMC and competing brands
`handsets, the digital rights market is
`still anybody’s game to win. CT
`30|Carb TECHNOLOGY November 2004
`Apple EX1053 Page 884
`Apple EX1053 Page 884


`| P5CT072
` cn
`| Rev. 1.3 — 4 October 2004
`Secure Dual interface PKI Smart Card Controller
`Short Form Specification |
`1. General description
`Family description
`Philips Semiconductors SmartMX (Memory eXtension) multiple interface option platform
`features a significantly enhanced smart card IC architecture. New powerful opcodes are
`available beyond the compatible classic 80C51 instruction set. The SmartAdX family
`manufactured in most advanced CMOS0,18 um 5 metal layer technology is positioned to
`service high volume, Mono- and multi-application markets such as eGovernment(e.g.
`Smart Passport), banking/finance, mobile communications, public transportation, pay TV,
`conditional access and network access.
`SmartMX enables the easy implementation of state-of-the-art operating systems and
`open platform solutions including Java Card Global Platform and MULTOSbyoffering
`optimized featureslike linear addressing and an enhancedinstruction set together with
`the highest levels of security. Within its targeted segments, the new platform is the most
`advancedsolution available, combining exceptionally powerful co-processors for public
`and secret key encryption supporting RSA, ECC, DES and AES,with the high security,
`ultra low power, performance optimized design concept of Philips Semiconductors’
`handshaking technology. For further details on general SmartMX platform features please
`refer to the “Smartplatiorm features” short form specification.
`Description PSCTO72 device
`72 Kbytes EEPROM
`160 Kbytes User ROM
`4608 bytes RAM
`PKI {Public Key Infrastructure) co-processor (RSA, ECC)
`Bual / Triple key DES-3 co-processor
`AES co-processor
`ISO/IEC 7816 contact interface
`ISO/IEC 14443A contactless interface
`USB 2.0 Low Speed contactInterface
`EEPROMdata retention time: 20 years minimum
`The P5CT072 is a Secure PKI Smart Card Controller of the SmartMX platform featuring
`160 Kbytes of ROM, 4608 bytes of RAM and 72 Kbytes of EEPROM,which can be used
`as data memory and as program memory. Additionally a USB 2.0 (Low Speed)interface is
`available thus the device is called a “Secure Triple Interface Smart Card Controller’. The
`non-volatile memory consists of high reliability memory cells to guarantee data integrity,
`which is especially important when the EEPROM is used as program memory.
`Apple EX1053 Page 885
`Apple EX1053 Page 885


`Philips Semiconductors
`Operated both in contact mode (ISO/IEC 7816) and in contactless mode (ISO/IEC 14443)
`the user defines the final function of the chip with his chip operating system (COS). This
`allows the same level of security, functionality and flexibility for the contact interface as
`well as for the contactless inferface.
`Thefield proven RF interface technology (according ISO/IEC 14443-2)is wel

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