US 8,595,186 B1
`(10) Patent No.:
`a2) United States Patent
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Nov. 26, 2013
`Inventors: Srinivas Mandyam,San Jose, CA (US):
`Krishna Vedati, Sunnyvale, CA (US),
`Kelvin Voon-Kit Chong, San Jose, CA
`(73) Assignee: Plusmo LLC,Glendale, CA (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 1190 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 12/135,089
`Jun. 6, 2008
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(60) Provisional application No. 60/942,406, filed on Jun.
`6, 2007.
`Int. Cl.
`GO6F 7/00
`GO6F 17/00
`(52) Ceo
`USPC vereeteeess: 7071632; 707/733; 707/912; 717/178
`(58) Field of Classification Search
`USPC. oe 707/617, 623, 628, 632, 633, 731-734,
`707!912, 178
`See applicationfile for complete search history.
`References Cited
`5/2012 Kaminski, Jr. 0.0.0... 707/698
`8,185,507 B1*
`9/2012 Jianuetal. ......
`8,261,258 BL*
`2001/0047363 AL* 11/2001 Peng ...........
`.. 709/225
`2003/0208595 Al* 11/2003 Gouge etal.
`3/2005 Ekbergetal. ...
`... 370/338
`2005/0058108 Al*
`7/2005 Hofmeister etal.
`2005/0154759 Al*
`8/2005 Myers wc 715/716
`2005/0172231 AL*
`6/2006 Prabandham et al.
`.. 719/328
`2006/0143622 Al*
`7/2006 Elliottet al. ww. 705/14
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`... 370/401
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`2007/0033584 AL™ 2/2007 YU cccccccececccccsececsecereeseveee 717/168
`WO 2005053335 Al
`6/2005eee H04Q 7/32
`“Sony Ericsson 7525 White Paper”. Aug. 2006. Sony Ericsson. 64
`Primary Examiner — James E Richardson
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Kilpatrick Townsend &
`Stockton LLP
`Systems and methodsare provided for creating, publishing,
`sharing, and delivering mobile software applications called
`“mobile widgets” onto mobile devices. A system may include
`functionality to render a declaratory component ofa widget,
`such as HTML,andalso functionality to execute an impera-
`tive componentof a widget, which may or may not be com-
`piled and/orin a scripting or functional language. Mecha-
`nisms for providing common access to disparate device
`capabilities APIs are also provided, as are mechanisms for
`installing widgets onto mobile devices and managing those
`7,454,459 B1* 11/2008 Kapooretal. ........... 709/203
`7,890,136 BI*
`2/2011 Fujisaki... 455/556.1
`62 Claims, 72 Drawing Sheets
`Portal or
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 1


`US 8,595,186 B1
`Page 2
`References Cited
`2009/0077664 Al*
`3/2009 Hsuetal. oe 726/24
`2007/0101291 A1*
`5/2007 Forstall etal. oc... 715/805
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`5/2007 Louchetal. wo. 726/25
`aeOSSeon “i : Qsoos Marfall po asaho.
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`2007/0260637 Al* 11/2007 Shenfield etal. ......... 707/104.1
`2007/0275705 Al* 11/2007 Lauetal.
`ws 455/566
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`wee 715/781
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`7/2008 Robbin etal. wc. 715/810
`2008/0168391 AL*
`Tomimori et al. “An Efficient and Flexible Access Control Frame-
`work for Java Programs in Mobile Terminals” 2002. Proceedings of
`the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Sys-
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` Raento et al.
`“ContextPhone: A prototypingPlatform for Context-
`Aware Mobile Applications” 2005. Pervasive Computing, IEEE,vol.
`4, No. 2, pp. 51-59.*
`* cited by examiner
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 2
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 2


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 1 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 2 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 4
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 4


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 3 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`External Service
`and Widgets
`Personal Server System
`eeBioee =PIM
`ogging/ “Photo|oe]Pict| 1| |
`Publishing | aoisan (Email,
`|Audio/V:ideo oie]
`usmng Calendar,||Multi-MediaTools ppl _
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 5
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 5


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 4 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`\S a EQN
`Vecge® Oe
` :
`FIG, 3
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 6
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 6


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 5 of 72
`Self Serve Web and Mobile Interface
`Application &
`Billing Server
`Location Engine
`Location Database
`Ad Syndication Engine
`Ad Repository
`Widget Creation Tools
`Hosted tools
`Mobile tools
`FIG. Hal
`FIG. 4a)?
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 7
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 7


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 6 of 72
`Search Index
`User Vault
`Content Cache
`Login Adapters
`Session Manager
`Memory Cache
`Search Adapters
`US 8,595,186 B1
` FIG. 4a)?
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 8
`Network File
`Livecasting Engine
`Media Sync.
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 8


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 7 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Mobile Applications
`Device Detection
`Text Data
`Pull Adapter
`Content Adapters
`Video Data
`Polling Server
`Sync Engine
`Protocol Handler
`Difference Engine
`Others (images,
`audio, etc)
`Push Adapter
`> 402
`NS DownloadRequestHandler
`|te a
`Transcoder (e.g. video,
`FIG. 4a)3
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 9
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 9


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 8 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 10
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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 9 of 72
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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 10 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 11 of 72
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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 12 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 14
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 13 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
` -
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 15
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 14 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
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`Nov. 26, 2013
`Sheet 15 of 72
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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 16 of 72
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 17 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`IAA [06
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 19
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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 18 of 72
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 19 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Generate CAPTCHA
`User Enters Data
`Validate CAPTCHA
`Validate User-
`Show Form
`Entered Fields FIG, 10
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 21
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 21


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 20 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Mobileclient accesses
`download page
`Display Form
`Userregister on mobilesite
`(similar flow to web
`User Enters Data
`Application is launched
`used as unique ID)
`User data saved and
`unique ID generated
`Client generates
`(MSISDNis sent)
`response code
`onto device
`Create Download
`Package w/ Unique ID
`Client transmits
`User downloads package
`FIG. 11
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 22
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 22


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 21 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`yUsT[> eqepJOayesseyJaAIOG
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 23
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 23


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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 22 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 24
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 23 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Client connects to the
`Server computes the
`server’s current load
`polling interval
`Exceeds threshold ?
`Issue commandfuture
`incoming requests to slow
`Client sets new polling
`FIG. 14
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 25
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 25


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 24 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Fetch content through
`polling or push adapters
`Detect content type
`(with caching)
`(with caching)
`(with caching)
`Store (cache) data
`Filter data
`FIG, 15
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 26
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 26


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 25 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
` COPIA,=yorqae|dOaplAJoo,SurddrjDcopra
` OSPLA,CD0691S9910991OL9T
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 27
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 27


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 26 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Mobile client requests a
`web page
`point back to transcoding
`Store cookies sent by the
` Rewrite embedded URLsto
`Sendto the client
`Get rules to apply
`Apply rules one-by-one
`Server fetches web page
`with cookies for the user on
`that web site
`FIG, 17
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 28
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 28


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 27 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Mobile device connects to
`server via web browser
`Mobile device connects to
`server via mobile
`Collect device fingerprint
`Analysis module queries
`device database
` Exact match ?
`Find next ranked result
`FIG. 18
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 29
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 29


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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 28 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 30 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 32
`U.S. Patent
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 32


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`Nov.26, 2013
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`US 8,595,186 B1
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`US 8,595,186 B1
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 34 of 72
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`Nov. 26, 2013
`Sheet 35 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Sek RR
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 37
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 36 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`FIG. :SeeeteeTeee)
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 38
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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 37 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Q D
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 39
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`US 8,595,186 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 39 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`=S @
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 41
`Q Q
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 41


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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 40 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`=N Q
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 42
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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 41 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 43
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 44
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`US 8,595,186 B1
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 48 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`or AMcMichaeltotherightfaed
`(aye FIG,
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 50
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 50


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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 49 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 52 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`at 880 SB and
`101 junction
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 54
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 54


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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 53 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`+ 3
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 55
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 55


`U.S. Patent
`Nov. 26, 2013
`Sheet 54 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Scan local cache for
`headlines by
`Article Publish Date
`Filter headlines by
`Filter headlines by
`Filter out from special
`tagged feeds
`Addbasic information
`including traffic, weather
`Include advertisements
`from local ad cache
`Render Dynamic Info
`FIG. 31
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 56
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 56


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 55 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
` User | requests widget
`to be shared
`User 2 request synchronization
`ser specifies other party’s
`unique identifier (phone
`number, name, email, etc)
`as well as a messagefor
`the other user
`Mobile client connects to
`the hroniz for
`Request transmitted to the
`Server looks up in the
`pending add queue and
`removesfrom the addlist
`Server looks up user and
`saves the add request in
`the other user's widget/
`widget data add queue
`Pending request
`transmitted to the user
`User accepts add request
`Server adds to user 2's
`FIG. 32
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 57
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 57


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 56 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`JOSMOIQOIOI (syuawaya
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 58
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 58


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`Nov.26, 2013
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`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 59
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 58 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
` is Geetline
` os Basic Babbor
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 60
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 60


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`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 59 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
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`Nov.26, 2013
`U.S. Patent SCLE
`Sheet 60 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`Nov.26, 2013
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`US 8,595,186 B1
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`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 64


`Sheet 63 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 65
`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
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`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 64 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`N \\N\ 3
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 66
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 66


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 65 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 67
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 67


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 66 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`3910 a——s
`Mobile user publishes a
`new widget around an
`soccer season

`Emily's 2005
`soccer season

`f :
`: i
` She posts new content to it
`periodically from her phone at
`each soccer game
`Users who subscribe
`to this widget get
`periodic information
`updates from this
`personal channel
`*s,sy, 3940
`FIG. 39
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 68
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 68


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 67 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Userselects type of
`mobile widget
`Receive Widget
`Generate image
`choices for widget
`Present choices for
`Widget content
`Receive content
`Generate and publish
`Mobile Widget
`FIG, 40
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 69
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 69


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 68 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Developercreates widget
`using wizard or with APIs
`Client requests a widget
`Widget archive is uploaded
`Consult cache, If not in
`cache, perform application
`assembly and save to
`Cache of assembled
`Analyzer unpacks
`validates compiles and
`Compile scripts with other
`scripts that the widget
`Application Repository
`Indexedfor searching
`FIG. 41
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 70
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 70


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 69 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 71
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 71


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 70 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 72
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 72


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 71 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 73
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 73


`U.S. Patent
`Nov.26, 2013
`Sheet 72 of 72
`US 8,595,186 B1
`& <
`< :SEG
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 74
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 74


`US 8,595,186 B1
`This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional
`Patent Application No. 60/942,406, filed Jun. 6, 2007, the
`entire content of which is incorporated herein by reference.
`gramming interface for the widget applications to access a
`common device capability of the mobile devices.
`A methodfor executing a widget software application is
`provided. The method includes rendering a declaratory
`markup language component of the widget application,
`executing a compiled programming language componentof
`the widget application, and automatically downloading wid-
`get applications or descriptions of widget applications from a
`network location to the mobile device without receiving user
`instructions for said widget applications. Executing the com-
`piled programming language component includes making
`available to the widget application an API to access a device
`service of the mobile device.
`A software widget application is provided and configured
`for installation and execution on a mobile device. The appli-
`cation includes code written in a declaratory markup lan-
`guage and code written in a programming language, where
`the code written in a scripting language containsa call to an
`APIaccessing a device service of the mobile device.
`An application is provided including a software widget
`configured, when compiled, to be installed and run on a
`plurality of different mobile devices, each device having an
`operating system that runs software applications written in a
`programming language that is different than programming
`languages supported by the operating systems of the other
`devices, wherein the devices have a commondeviceservice,
`the devices having different device services APIs for access-
`ing the device service, the widget being configured to access
`the device service only through a single API distinct from
`each of the device services APIs.
`1. Field
`The present disclosure relates to applications and user
`interfaces for mobile computing devices, and particularly to
`methods and systems for creating, publishing, sharing, and
`delivering mobile software applications.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Cell phone data usage is on the rise. Phones may support
`the wireless application protocol (WAP), an international
`standard for applications that use wireless communication
`from mobile phones. Mobile data applications include SMS
`and the WAP browser, an Internet browser for accessing
`mobile websites. Interactive and specialized kinds of appli-
`cations are also in use.
`Mobile usage patterns are different from desktop usage.
`Users may be on the move, in a movieline, on public trans-
`portation, or in a coffee shop and may havevery short atten-
`tion spans and may bein situations where it is very hard to
`type. Such a user may launch the browser and waits for the
`A method for creating a mobile software widget applica-
`results. By the time the results are delivered to the mobile
`tion is provided. The methodincludes accessingafirst section
`device, the user may have movedonto anothertask.
`of code written in a declaratory markup language, accessing
`Further, mobile devices may have diverse non-standard
`feature sets and user interfaces. Phone manufacturer has a
`a secondsection of code written in a programming language,
`compiling the second section of code to produce a compiled
`section, packagingthefirst section of code and the compiled
`section to produce a mobile widget application configured to
`be installed onto a mobile computing device so that a user of
`the device can repeatedly select, run, and terminate the widget
`A widget application distribution system is provided. The
`system includesa server adapted to transmit a software wid-
`get application to a plurality of mobile devices of different
`types forinstallation thereupon, wherein each mobile device
`type includesa distinct API to a mobile device servicethatis
`commonto all of the mobile device types, a software widget
`application stored on the server, the widget application com-
`prising a first component including programming language
`code and a second componentincluding declaratory markup
`language. The widget application is configured to utilize the
`mobile device service without directly accessing any of the
`distinct APIs.
`different way of presenting the user interface on the mobile
`device. Menus maybe uniqueto a particular device, and users
`mayhaveto learn where the application modules are and how
`to perform device setup. At any given time, there may be
`multiple mobile models supported by multiple mobile opera-
`tors with diverse physical layouts, including QWERTYkey-
`boards, keypads, thumb wheels, joy sticks, styluses, roller
`balls, etc.
`A system is provided for executing a widget application
`installed on a mobile device, including a declaratory markup
`language renderer for rendering a declaratory markup lan-
`guage componentof a widget application on a display of the
`mobile device, a compiled programming language execution
`engine for executing a compiled programming language
`component of a widget application installed on the mobile
`device, a mobile device API, adapted to be accessible to a
`widget application, and providing access to a device service
`API ofthe mobile device, and a widget managerconfigured to
`automatically download widget applications or descriptions
`of widget applications from a network location to the mobile
`device, without receiving user instructions for said widget
`Software is provided which includesa plurality ofdifferent
`widget-executing engines for executing software widget
`applications installed on a plurality of different types of
`mobile devices, where each of the mobile device types is
`adapted to run software applications written in a program-
`ming languagethatis distinct from programming languages
`supported by the other mobile device types, and all of the
`widget-executing engines provide a commonapplication pro-
`A widget application distribution system is provided,
`where the system includes a server having gallery of widget
`software applications, the server configured to allow users of
`mobile computing devices to browse the gallery of widget
`applications from the mobile devices, each of the widget
`applications configured to be installed onto one ofthe mobile
`devices, the server configured to receive requests for down-
`loading selected ones of the widget applications from the
`mobile devices, the server configured to respond to a request
`to download a widget application by electronically sending
`the widget application to be downloadedandinstalled to the
`mobile device that sent the request to the server.
`A method for synchronizing information with a mobile
`device is provided, including maintaininga first version ofthe
`information on an electronic storage, the information com-
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 75
`Booking, Exh. 1054, Page 75


`US 8,595,186 B1
`prising one or more of (1) widget software applications con-
`figured to be installed onto the mobile device and repeatedly
`selected, run, and terminated, (2) network content used by
`widget applications, and (3) logged datarelatedto activities
`of widget applications, receiving a synchronization request
`from a mobile device having a second version ofthe infor-
`the synchronization request
`including a mobile
`timestamp and mobile identifier related to the information,
`the mobile timestamp indicating a time at which the second
`version of the information was last updated, and comparing
`the mobile timestampto a local timestampandlocal identifier
`stored in the storage, the local timestamp indicating a time at
`whichthefirst version of the information on the storage was
`last updated, and determining, based on the timestamps and
`identifiers, whether the information has been changed on the
`mobile device, the storage, or both since a previous synchro-
`nization request.
`A system for synchronizing information between a server
`and a mobile device is provided. ‘lhe system includesa server
`comprising a server data store and a conflict resolver, the
`server data store being configured to store a version of the
`information, the information comprising one or moreof(1)
`widget software applications configured to be installed onto
`the mobile device and repeatedly selected, run, and termi-
`nated, (2) network content used by widget applications, and
`(3) logged data related to activities of widget applications,
`and a mobile device comprising a synchronization engine and
`a mobile data store, the mobile data store being configured to
`store a version of the information, the mobile device config-
`ured to transmit s

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