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`PTO/AIA/14 (03-13)
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`PTO/AIA/14 (03-13)
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`PTO/AIA/14 (03-13)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. OMB 0651-0032
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`PTO/AIA/14 (03-13)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`Application Data Sheet 37 CFR 1.76
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`PTO/AIA/14 (03-13)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2014. OMB 0651-0032
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
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`This application is a continuation of U.S. Patent Application No.
`11/562,300, titled BROADCAST RESPONSE SYSTEM,filed November 21, 2006, whichis
`a continuation of U.S. Patent Application No. 11/203,556, titled BROADCAST RESPONSE
`SYSTEM,filed August 12, 2005, which is a continuation of U.S. Patent Application No.
`MEDIA CONTENT,filed September 13, 2001, which claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional
`Application No. 60/232,333,
`filed September 13, 2000. Each of the foregoing
`applications is hereby incorporated by referencein its entirety.
`This invention relates to processing responses to a broadcast.
`From the early days of FM broadcast transmission, stations have included
`ancillary signals such as background music or reading services for the blind along with a main
`carrier signal. The idea of transmitting data along with the main carrier signal caught on, and
`now many broadcast radio services either transmit an ancillary data signal or are developing a
`method to do so. The most current and widely used data transmission standard is the United
`States Radio Broadcast Data Systems (“RBDS”) standard.
`The RBDS standard, published by the National Radio Systems Committee
`and sponsored by the Electronics Industry Association and the National Association of
`Broadcasters, describes a system for broadcasting a variety of program-related information on
`a subcarrier of a standard FM broadcast channel. The RBDS standard teaches a system for
`transmitting station identification and location information, as well as time,
`traffic and
`miscellaneous other information.
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`The RBDS standard was designed to allow stations to send information
`such as call letters, station format, traffic alerts and scrolling text messages to compatible
`Manystations installed RBDS encoders through a program encouraged by
`the FCC in the early 1990’s that provided encoders at no charge. Radio stations that did not
`participate in this “RBDS Roll-Out”canstill obtain encoders at competitive prices.
`RBDS encoders generate what is known as a “subcarrier” that modulates
`along with an FM station broadcast signal and can be demodulated by special decoders. The
`RBDS usesa subcarrier frequency of 57khz. Commercially available RBDS encoders usually
`accept information via either serial or parallel data ports and format the information into the
`appropriate RBDS block type.
`The RBDS datasignal is a specially encoded text stream containing up to
`32 repeating data “groups” transmitting at 1187.5 bits/second. The RBDS data signal does
`not require inclusion of all potential data group blocks of both repeating and unique data.
`One embodimentincludes using one of several groups that are designed for data transmission
`An RBDS data group is composed of 4 blocks, each divided by
`checkwords used for error correction. Block 1 is a 4-digit Program Identification code (PI)
`whichis derived from the transmitting station’s call letters. Block 2 includes a 4-bit type code
`and a 1-bit group version code which identifies the type of information the data group
`contains. This block also contains a 1-bit code that identifies the transmitting station as one
`that broadcasts traffic information, followed by a 5-bit Program Type (PTY) code which
`describes the current program or format being broadcast by the station (Rock, Oldies, Talk,
`Information contained in Blocks 3 and 4 are dependent on the codesincluded in
`Block 2. Blocks 3 and 4 provide two 16-bit data slots where specific information can be sent
`to the special receiver.
`For example, RBDS Group types 2A, use blocks 3 and 4 to transmit a 64-
`character text message knownas RadioText (RT). This appears on RBDS-enabled radios as a
`scrolling message which somestations use to identify the song or program being broadcasted.
`Other group types use these blocks to identify alternate frequencies where the same
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`programming can be available, in-house station text messages, or Emergency Alert System
`(EAS) communication messages. An extensive description of the RBDS standard is available
`through the National Association of Broadcasters and the National Radio Systems Committee.
`A similar standard used in Europe is the European Radio Data System
`Broadcasters using the RBDS standard can distribute information to a large
`number of users. However, the standard does not allow individual users to respond to the
`broadcast information.
`Currently, users
`listening to the radio or watching television may
`particularly like a song or program that they would like to purchase. While stations using
`RBDS/RDS mayprovide a user with the station call letters or the name of the song currently
`being broadcast, the user has no way to purchase the media at that point.
`Instead, the user
`must write down or rememberthe identifying information and then go to a store or online
`retailer to purchase the media. Not only is this inconvenient, but the user may forget the name
`of the song or not be able to find a store that sells the song. Additionally, the information
`provided by the radio station may not be enough to sufficiently identify the song. For
`example, the user may have the songtitle, but not the artist name, album name, or other
`necessary identifying information. Some material, such as editorial news broadcasts or live
`events, may not be available for purchase or may be difficult to find. Radio stations often
`have fund raising drives or listener surveys that require a listener to call the station or respond
`within a limited time. These same problems also apply to television and other forms of
`broadcast media.
`The present
`invention solves these and other problems by providing a
`system that allows an individual user to respond to a data broadcast.
`In one embodiment, an
`Automatic Purchase System (APS) provides a radio broadcast listener with the ability to
`conveniently purchase media content such as music or speech while listening to the radio.
`Additionally, the user can respondto itemsin the radio broadcast such as advertisements, fund
`raising drives such as those conducted by public radio, or interactive listener polls during the
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`In one embodiment, the user establishes a “Creative content” purchasing
`account with a wireless carrier.
`In one embodiment, a personal URL (web address) is
`assigned to the user to allow the user, for example, to monitor account activity, enable or
`disable APS software downloads, display premiums offered by sponsors, and manage and
`track content or APS purchases using a Technology Enabled Radio (TER) or a personal
`In one embodiment, the user makes routing choices between the TER or
`the web account for content.
`In one embodiment, the user selects the compression type, such
`as MP3, RA, Liquid Audio etc.
`In one embodiment, each broadcaster has an RBDS/RDS or similar
`technology enabled server onsite to, for example, generate RBDS/RDS or equivalent code for
`inclusion in the broadcast, validate and route purchase information to the user’s wireless
`carrier for billing, monitor online sales transactions for data mining, or route validated
`purchasesto licensed creative content providers.
`In one embodiment, radio hardware can include, for example, RBDS/RDS
`or equivalent decoder capability (e.g., in an internal chip with APS code); flash card slot and
`recording ability; or storage of multiple items such as artist name, song title, IP address of
`creative content provider, and time stamp for delayed purchase (e.g., in an internal chip with
`APS code).
`In one embodiment, the system uses the RBDS/RDS to send a data stream
`in combination with a broadcast signal for identifying music or speech content available for
`purchase. A broadcast organization participating in the APS system is able to respond to
`requests for purchases placed by users whoeither click a button or issue a voice commandto
`the radio at the time of the content was broadcast, at a later time by scrolling through the
`playlist stored in the APS module in the radio then selecting one or more items for purchase
`from the list stored in the radio, or by accessing a private web account via the Internet and
`downloading content to the personal computer. In one embodiment, purchases are made by
`saving requests for selected items for purchase on a flash card or storage technology and
`transferring that data to a personal computer for purchase throughthe Internet at a later time.
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`Data such as songtitle and artist, author or publisher and the IP address for
`the location where the digital version of the content is stored, can be transmitted using the
`RBDS/RDS data stream. A reference number representing song title and artist, author or
`publisher and the IP address for the location where the digital version of the content is stored
`can also be employed for ease of implementation. This reference numbercan reside in a
`lookup table to be accessed by the APS server software on a Data Server located at the
`broadcast site, a remote site or both for purposes of redundancy. Transmission of purchase
`requests from a Technology Enabled Radio (TER) is provided via wireless transmission, or by
`accessing the Internet using a personal computer or through a cellular or wireless phone.
`one embodiment, activity of each sale using the above system is tracked for the purposes of
`aggregating data or “Data Mining”for sale to interested parties such as trade publications and
`record companies.
`Portable radios can come equipped with a voice interface or a purchase
`button, a flash card or storage device and a port for connecting the radio to the personal
`computer such as a 9 pin serial, USB or wireless networking technology.
`Figure | illustrates an electronic purchasing system with a radio station that
`broadcasts information to individual radio receivers.
`Figure 2 illustrates a radio receiver that includes an automatic purchasing
`system module.
`Figure 3
`a television adapter
`includes an automatic
`purchasing system module.
`The present invention solves various problemsin the prior art by providing
`a system that allows an individual user to respond to a data broadcast.
`In one embodiment, an
`Automatic Purchase System (APS) provides a radio broadcast listener with the ability to
`conveniently purchase media content such as music or speech while listening to the radio.
`Additionally, the user can respondto itemsin the radio broadcast such as advertisements, fund
`raising drives such as those conducted by public radio, or interactive listener polls during the
`Ex. 1002 - Page 12
`Ex. 1002 - Page 12


`Oneof ordinary skill in the art will recognize that there are various forms
`of media that can be broadcast. Whereaspecific type of media is used in the following
`examples, it is for demonstration purposes only and the examples should not be limited in that
`regard. Some examples of the various types of media can include music, songs, speech, text,
`Fig. 1 illustrates one embodiment of a system that allows a user to respond
`to a data broadcast. Fig.
`1 shows a radio station 140 that broadcasts information to a radio
`receiver 100. The radio receiver 100 has a control interface 116 that allows a userto initiate a
`purchase of music or products based on the radio station broadcast.
`The terms RBDS/RDS are used throughout this document, but it should be
`understood other data standards can also be used.
`In one embodiment, the radio receiver 100
`comprises a Radio Frequency (RF) Demodulator Section 102, a RBDS/RDS Decoder 106, a
`RBDS/RDS function control interpreter 104, an audio demodulator amplifier section 108, a
`scrolling display 110, an Internet Download Director 112, a local memory device 114 and the
`control interface 116. Additionally, the receiver 100 provides for audio output by transmitting
`an audio signal 128 from an audio demodulator amplifier section 108 to the speaker 118.
`In one embodiment, the RF Demodulator Section 102 splits the signal into
`an audio signal and a data signal, with the data signal provided to the RBDS/RDS decoder
`106 and the audio signal provided to the audio demodulator amplifier section 108. The
`RBDS/RDS decoder 106 parses the data signal from the RF Demodulator Section 102 and
`transmits the data to the RBDS/RDS Function Controller 104, the Scrolling Display 110, and
`the Internet Download Director 112.
`The RBDS/RDS Function Controller 104 handles codes 124 sent using the
`RBDS/RDS standard. The codes 124 can, for example,
`include a Program Service name
`(PS), a Program Type (PTY), a Program Identification (PI), a Traffic Program (TP), a Traffic
`Announcement (TA), etc.
`In one embodiment, the data is converted to an audio signal played on one
`or more speakers for the user to hear. A 64 character radio text message can be transmitted
`in five seconds under the RBDS standard, where a Type 2A group with 4 characters is
`transmitted 3.2 times a second.
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`In one embodiment, a pointer to an Open Data Applications (ODA) group
`is transmitted in a Type 3A group. The pointer, 16 message bits and 16 bit identifier (AID)
`are transmitted once a second.
`In one embodiment, an ODA group with 37 usable bits is transmitted once
`a second during the broadcast of a “tagged” program. The ODA group can contain, for
`example, a song or commercial campaign identification.
`In one embodiment, the scrolling display 110 receives display data 122
`from the RBDS/RDS Decoder 106. The display data 122 can include information such as the
`program service name and program type, or it can include radio text information or messages
`displaying purchase options.
`Additionally, the RBDS/RDS Decoder 106 provides data to the Internet
`DownloadDirector 112 that includes instructions for the location of downloadable audio. For
`example, a radio station 140 can broadcast data regarding the current song that is playing,
`such as the song name,artist, album name, and year the song was recorded. Theradio station
`140 can also broadcast
`information providing a location where the song, editorial news
`broadcast, collection of songs, or other program material can be downloaded or purchased,
`and the purchase price for the song.
`In one embodiment, a user can place an order to download a song using the
`control interface 116. The control interface 116 provides a download c

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