`(19) United States
`(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2005/0021750 A1
`(43) Pub. Date:
`Jan. 27, 2005
`US 20050O21 750A1
`Jonathan H. Abrams, Sunnyvale, CA
`Correspondence Address:
`Jonathan H. Abrams
`Suite 112-280
`415 N. Mary Avenue
`Sunnyvale, CA 94085 (US)
`Assignee: FRIENDSTER INC., a California Cor
`Appl. No.:
`Jun. 16, 2003
`Publication Classification
`(51) Int. Cl." ............................................. G06F 15/173
`(52) U.S. Cl. .............................................................. 709/225
`A method and apparatus for calculating, displaying and
`acting upon relationships in a Social network is described. A
`computer System collects descriptive data about various
`individuals and allows those individuals to indicate other
`individuals with whom they have a personal relationship.
`The descriptive data and the relationship data are integrated
`and processed to reveal the Series of Social relationships
`connecting any two individuals within a Social network. The
`pathways connecting any two individuals can be displayed.
`Further, the Social network itself can be displayed to any
`number of degrees of Separation. A user of the System can
`determine the optimal relationship path (i.e., contact path
`way) to reach desired individuals. A communications tool
`allows individuals in the system to be introduced (or intro
`duce themselves) and initiate direct communication.
`Path Calculation Process Flowchart
`Start with empty
`connections list and empty
`Add user A to queue
`Return connections list
`Get nextperson P from
`ls person P
`user B.
`Add this connection to the
`contection list
`ls depth less than
`max degrees of
`Get list of friends for person-21
`Hawea friends
`been processed?
`4 -
`Get next friend F from list
`end Flow encounterse
`the sate or closer distance
`than previously?
`to the queue
`Add friendF


`Patent Application Publication Jan. 27, 2005 Sheet 1 of 10
`US 2005/0021750 A1
`F.G. 1
`System Diagram
`Load Balancer
`O Server 1
`re-OOCESS Corrucation
`Multiple Servers
`AR or


`Patent Application Publication Jan. 27, 2005 Sheet 2 of 10
`US 2005/0021750 A1
`FIG. 2
`208d interests
`214 USe
`210 fileid
`218 originator
`212 li


`Patent Application Publication Jan. 27, 2005 Sheet 3 of 10
`US 2005/0021750 A1
`FIG. 3a
`Data Collection interface
`Repeat Password:
`Male C Female
`Interested in Meeting People for:
`Y dating
`Men women
`R7 serious Relationship
`Men and women
`w Friends
`R Activity Partners
`Just Here to Help
`Did a friend refer you to Friendster?
`Friend's email address:
`(To automatically connect to your friend and your friend's friends.)
`In a Relationship
`( Married
`Open Marriage
`(Separate Interests with Commas)


`Patent Application Publication Jan. 27, 2005 Sheet 4 of 10
`US 2005/0021750 A1
`FIG. 3b
`Image Collection Interface
`O?oud e peo|dfn


`Patent Application Publication Jan. 27, 2005 Sheet 5 of 10
`US 2005/0021750 A1
`FIG. 4
`Invitation Interface
`User interface
`subject: Invitation to join Friendster from John Doe
`(Separate multiple addresses with commas)
`Import from Your Address Bookl
`John Doe has invited you to jo 24 ohn's personal and private
`community at Friendster, where you and John can network with each
`other's friends.
`Friendster is an online community that connects people through networks
`of friends for dating or making new friends.
`anyone who
`is for people who are single, people in relationships, and
`wants to make new friends or help their friends meet new people.
`Message You can use Friendster to:
`* Meet new people to date,
`if take new friends
`Help your friends meet new people
`through your friends and their friends
`Once you join Friendster, you will be automatically connected to your
`friend John, and all of John's friends.
`Click belou to join Friendster:
`http: Awww.friendster. com/join. isp?invite-140807


`Patent Application Publication Jan. 27, 2005 Sheet 6 of 10
`US 2005/0021750 A1
`F.G. 5
`Gallery Diagram
`su nou bz ul? atrº º Ainº e asen
`: mous
`lIw , !


`Patent Application Publication Jan. 27, 2005 Sheet 7 of 10
`US 2005/0021750 A1
`FIG. 6
`Data Presentation Interface
`You are connected to Cindy throught
`You Gre seatssa is cirdy
`interested in:men.
`- - -
`: Hometown: chicago
`Tennis. Cooking, Music
`Guest brakATestimoninis:
`'flat peaplc as at ut Ciracy
`(Adda comment)
`gliss, Uaf2 U.
`it such a grey gig A. J. great cot: tug
`PHOTO that
`User Interface


`Patent Application Publication Jan. 27, 2005 Sheet 8 of 10
`US 2005/0021750 A1
`FIG. 7
`invitation Process Flowchart
`User enterS e
`mail address of
`an individual
`E-mail address and
`related data stored in
`invitation Content
`invitation sent to
`vitation re-se
`Suitable if of
`Terminate process
`Notify user of invitee's
`Present invitee(s) data
`collection interface (see
`FIG 2.)


`Patent Application Publication Jan. 27, 2005 Sheet 9 of 10
`US 2005/0021750 A1
`FIG. 8
`Path Calculation Process Flowchart
`Start with empty
`connections list and empty
`Add user A to queue
`ls queue
`Return Connections list
`Get nextperson P from
`ls person P
`USer BP
`Add this Connection to the
`Connection list
`1 810
`ls depth less than
`max degrees of
`Getlist of friends for person
`Have all friends
`been processed?
`end F now encountered-a
`the same or closer distance
`than previously?
`Add friend F to the queue


`Patent Application Publication Jan. 27, 2005 Sheet 10 of 10
`US 2005/0021750 A1
`FG. 9
`Summary Flowchart


`US 2005/0021750 A1
`Jan. 27, 2005
`0001. A system, method and apparatus for connecting
`users in an online computer System based on their relation
`ships within Social networks
`0002 The present invention relates to computer data and
`information Systems accessed over the Internet, and more
`particularly to a computer-based System for more effectively
`connecting people based on their positions within Social
`0003. In 1967, the social psychologist Stanley Milgram
`conducted experiments regarding the “Small Word”
`theory-the theory that members of any large Social network
`would be connected to each other through short chains of
`intermediate acquaintances. His finding that the average
`length of the resulting acquaintance chains was roughly six
`people has since been popularized as the "Six Degrees of
`Separation’ phenomenon. The Study of Social networks has
`evolved into a thriving field of Science, and resulted in even
`deeper analysis of Milgram's findings. For example, Duncan
`Watts' book Six Degrees provides a relatively technical
`Study of Social networks, and offers a quite detailed bibli
`ography of works in the field. The compelling idea behind
`Social networking theory is that people can theoretically
`leverage their friends and acquaintances to eventually meet
`any desired perSon.
`In their daily lives, people routinely operate within
`their Social network to meet new people for a variety of
`reasons Such as:
`0005 1. Romantic involvement (dating, physical
`relationships, marriage, etc.)
`0006 2. Friendship
`0007 3. Activity partners
`0008 4. Professional reasons (career advancement,
`job-seeking, etc.)
`0009) 5. Commercial benefit (buying and selling
`goods and Services, developing inter-organizational
`relationships, etc.)
`0010) 6. Non-profit and political benefit (“grass
`roots' networking in Support of political or philan
`thropic causes.
`The vast majority of marriages, romantic relation
`shipS and friendships are developed through Social net
`WorkS. In business, it is not a Secret that the difference
`between failure and Success often depends on not “what you
`know,” but “who you know.”
`0012. There are several reasons people prefer meeting
`new people through Social networkS: it is more comfortable,
`it is more efficient, and it is more likely to lead to desirable
`relationships than other methods.
`0013 Interacting through social networks is more com
`fortable than interacting with Strangers, because it reduces
`the risks of rejection, deception, and even physical danger in
`Some cases. These risks are especially acute when it comes
`to meeting people for dating. One way to meet people for
`dating is for one individual to simply approach another
`individual in a public forum, Such as a bar, a park, etc. In an
`archetypical case, a man might approach a woman to Strike
`up a conversation. Two problems immediately arise. First,
`the woman is likely to Simply reject the man for any number
`of reasons (involvement in another relationship, for
`example). Second, without any mutual friend (or friend of
`friend) to provide information about the man, the woman has
`little context for knowing how truthful the man's statements
`about his background, occupation, etc., are.
`0014 While the previous example describes a specific, if
`quite common, form of meeting people, many of the same
`risks also occur in Social interactions where the goal is not
`dating. When looking for a new friend, developing a busi
`neSS relationship or simply Seeking an activity partner,
`people are adverse to the risks of rejection, deception, and
`0015 Generally, it is easy to understand that meeting
`people through friends or through friends of friends signifi
`cantly reduces the risks described. If an introduction is made
`through a mutual acquaintance, Social norms all but ensure
`there will be no immediate outright rejection. Further, an
`individual is unlikely to engage in deception when there is
`a third party involved who can confirm or discredit any
`assertions by that acquaintance.
`0016. Another great benefit of interacting through a
`Social network is the enhanced efficiency of the process
`(from introduction through establishing a relationship) and
`the higher level of quality in relationships established
`through Social networks.
`0017 When two individuals meet through a mutual
`acquaintance (or Series of Such acquaintances) Several fac
`tors are introduced. The two individuals are more likely to
`be compatible, for the Simple reason that their mutual
`friendships is itself likely to be indicative of shared prefer
`ences and interests.
`0018 The mutual acquaintance(s) also provides a valu
`able function in facilitating the development of a relation
`ship. The mutual acquaintance provides an initial match
`making and/or Screening function between the two
`individuals. For example, the mutual acquaintance can
`observe shared interests or aspirations (“she would be great
`for you, you both like skiing so much”). Or the mutual
`acquaintance can provide valuable information with regard
`to status "she’s married” or “he’s not interested in dating
`right now”.
`0019. The mutual acquaintance can further facilitate
`development of the relationship. Obviously, the mutual
`acquaintance can facilitate the introduction-from a simple
`e-mailed Suggestion the two parties meet, to arranging, say,
`a dinner party to bring the two individuals together.
`0020. The mutual acquaintance can also facilitate the
`flow of information among the individuals. For example,
`one individual might have questions about the other (“what
`does he do for a living?”, “what is he like”), the answers to
`which can determine the probability of compatible interests.
`0021. Once the introduction has been made, the mutual
`acquaintance can facilitate further dialog, and a deepening of


`US 2005/0021750 A1
`Jan. 27, 2005
`the relationship. Either individual may consult the mutual
`acquaintance with respect to the interest level of the other
`individual (“what does she think of me'?)
`0022 While the benefits of developing relationships
`through a Social network are obvious, the method also has
`Some deficiencies. In particular, there remains a high like
`lihood that the first and second individuals will never be
`introduced by the mutual acquaintance for a number of
`reasons, not the least of which is pure chance. There is also
`the possibility that the time elapsed before the two individu
`als meet (from the first moment both have established a
`personal relationship with the mutual acquaintance) may be
`longer than desirable.
`0023 The failure of two individuals in a social network
`to form a personal relationship may occur for a variety of
`reasons. The introduction of two individuals in a Social
`network relies on the enthusiasm, focus, resources and time
`constraints of the mutual acquaintance.
`0024. The mutual acquaintance may simply fail to rec
`ognize the potential for a match among people in his/her
`network. Or, two sequential mutual acquaintances (Aknows
`B, B knows C, and C knows D) may fail to communicate in
`Such a way that they recognize the potential for a match (i.e.,
`between A and D).
`Further, the mutual acquaintance may not have the
`time for introducing the two individuals, or may simply not
`prioritize facilitating the introduction. Arranging a mutual
`meeting might involve hosting an event or trying to coor
`dinate three schedules (the two individuals and the mutual
`acquaintance). When a longer Sequence of mutual acquain
`tances connects two individuals, the problems are only
`0026. Finally, the mutual acquaintance might live in a
`different location from the two individuals, So facilitating an
`introduction may be quite impractical. AS our world
`becomes increasingly mobile, this situation only becomes
`0027. In short, while social networking is a preferred way
`for individuals to connect, the method has several ineffi
`ciencies as it operates in the “real' world.
`0028. Some attempts have been made to use the Internet
`for “matching people, but none have been able to harneSS
`the clear advantages of Social networkS.
`0029 Several online “matching” sites for dating and
`friend-making currently operate on the Internet (,
`, etc.), and several patents have been
`granted for online matching Systems (Sudai, et al. U.S. Pat.
`No. 5,950,200; Collins U.S. Pat. No. 5,963,951; Sutcliffe, et
`al. U.S. Pat. No. 6,052,122; Collins U.S. Pat. No. 6,061,681;
`Sutcliffe, et al. U.S. Pat. No. 6,073,105; Sutcliffe, et al. U.S.
`Pat. No. 6,073,105).
`0030 These services are generally similar in function.
`They allow users to post profiles and photos, as well as
`Search through the profiles and photos of other users. Com
`munication between users is provided anonymously, Since
`users are identified by pseudonyms. Matching features are
`provided which match users based on indicated profile
`criteria about themselves and their desired matches.
`0031. These matching services are based on rote screen
`ing of criteria, behind walls of anonymity. They do not
`provide any features for community, collaboration, referral,
`or reputation. Users cannot participate in these online dating
`Services within the context of the Social networks that
`connect participants, nor leverage their own Social network
`in Viewing, Selecting, or communicating with other people
`on these online dating Services. None of the previously
`mentioned advantages of a Social network-in particular, the
`critical function performed by mutual acquaintanceS-exist
`in these matching Systems.
`0032. Other online services offer forums for communi
`cation between communities of users. These Services
`include message boards, email lists, chat rooms, personal
`home pages, and web logs (see, for examples, US patents:
`Teibel U.S. Pat. No. 6,366,962; and Teibel et al. U.S. Pat.
`No. 6,363,427). Such services exist for both one-to-many
`and many-to-many communication. These Services provide
`a forum where profiles or messages are viewed by a specific
`individual, the general public, or the entire membership of a
`Specific defined group.
`0033. These types of forums do allow visibility to mul
`tiple members of a group (in contrast to the matching
`Services, which are based on one-one anonymous profiles).
`However, they typically are not based on Social networks,
`but on broad interests. For example, a forum may have as its
`subject “skiing”. Further, it is not possible with these ser
`vices to limit visibility of content based on Social relation
`ships or distance levels within a Social network. Identifica
`tion is either anonymous or via public disclosure of real
`names, but depiction of connections between people via
`Social networks is not provided.
`0034 Several patents and patent applications (although
`apparently no inventions in actual use) appear to recognize
`the value of Social networks, and contemplate online Sys
`tems to exploit them (de l'Etraz et al. U.S. Pat. No. 6,073,
`138; de l'Etraz et al. U.S. Pat. No. 6,324,541; Tomabene
`20020023132; and Work 20020059201). These systems
`generally rely on a company's or an individual’s comput
`erized address book, and Suggest merging multiple address
`books to create a Social networking tool.
`0035. The address book solutions contemplated by de
`l'Etraz, Tomabene and Work fail to leverage social networks
`in Several fairly significant ways. First, they do not contem
`plate the nature of the relationship among individuals. They
`Simply assume that the existence of a name in a perSon's
`address book denotes a Social relationship. In fact, many
`address books are filled with non-Social relationships (e.g.
`the name of a dry-cleaner). Second, the address book
`Solutions appear to be one-way: they do not allow two
`individuals in a network to indicate they have a mutual
`relationship. So for example, an individual may have “John
`Doe at ACME Corp.’ in his address book, but these systems
`would not be able to confirm whether or not “John Doe'
`considers himself an acquaintance of the individual. Finally,
`these address book Services fail to leverage many of the
`benefits of mutual acquaintances, Such as referrals and
`0036 What is needed is a system that allows individuals
`to replicate the process of developing personal relationships
`through Social networks, using a computer System and
`database. The System should calculate and display Social
`networks in a way that lets people better manage and exploit
`their own Social networks. The computerized System would


`US 2005/0021750 A1
`Jan. 27, 2005
`let the user benefit from the advantages of Social networking,
`and would further improve the usefulness of the social
`network by:
`0037 a. Increasing the ease of determining mutual
`interest among parties, and reducing the proportion
`of the matching burden placed upon the third party
`0038 b. Providing two individuals in the system the
`ability to realize their pathway of acquaintances that
`connects them, with minimum effort required of the
`third party
`0039) c. Providing the first and second party the
`ability to explore the potential for mutual interest,
`without extensive involvement from the third party
`0040 d. Reducing the difficulty of making introduc
`tions by eliminating or reducing the mutual acquain
`tance's burden of coordinating Schedules, traveling
`to mutual meeting points, or hosting events to facili
`tate a meeting.
`0041) The present invention provides a system for con
`necting people via an online database and, more specifically,
`calculates, displays and allows Searching of social networks.
`It further facilitates interaction among people connected
`through a Social network. The System includes a user inter
`face means, Such as a graphical user interface, to obtain
`descriptive data and relationship data for users of the system.
`Descriptive data generally describes characteristics and
`preferences of a user, while relationship data describes other
`individuals in the user's Social network. For example, a
`descriptive data element may be that a user is interested in
`a certain hobby, say, skiing. An example of relationship data
`might be that a certain user is a friend of a certain other user.
`0042. The system further includes a database means for
`Storing the descriptive and relationship data of users of the
`System. A calculation process has the ability to aggregate
`and calculate the data to create a map of any user's social
`network, to any degree of separation. All, or a portion, of this
`Social network map can be presented, along with descriptive
`data about the users. Further the pathway of intermediate
`acquaintances connecting any two users can be calculated
`and displayed.
`0.043 An invitation system allows users to invite friends
`or acquaintances to join the system. Invitations may be sent,
`for example, by e-mail. The invited friend or acquaintance
`may accept the invitation, and then become a user of the
`System, as a friend of the inviting user. The new user is
`prompted to provide descriptive data and the relationship
`data for friends or acquaintances who they would like to join
`the System. It is a unique and important feature of the
`invention that the invitation System (as well as related
`communication systems within the invention) allows two
`users to confirm that they are “friends', and therefore
`become designated as Such in the system.
`0044) Users in the system further have the ability to
`provide information about one another. For example, one
`user might Write a positive comment about a second user's
`personality. In one implementation, the second user may
`accept or reject display of the comment. Further, in this
`implementation, any other users who are connected to the
`Second user through any number of acquaintance pathways
`may see the comment as part of the "descriptive data” about
`the Second user.
`0045. In one exemplary example of operation, a first user
`might access a graphical interface to view descriptive data
`about other users in her Social network. As she discovers
`other users who have characteristics she finds appealing, she
`can View the acquaintance path that connects her to the other
`users. She may select a particular user, and view the acquain
`tance pathway or pathways that connect her to that user. She
`may further read comments that the users friends or acquain
`tance have written about him. Based on her judgment of the
`descriptive data, the pathway data, and the comments, she
`may wish to communicate with the user. She may contact the
`user through the communication system, or may further use
`the communications System to ask to be introduced by
`intermediate acquaintances. The communication may fur
`ther Send notification to the user, indicated that another user
`is interested in being introduced to him.
`0046) Thus, the present invention allows individuals to
`replicate the process of developing personal relationships
`through Social networks, using a computer system and
`database. The System calculates and displays social net
`Works allowing users to manage and utilize those networks.
`The user benefits from the advantages of social networking,
`and further improves the value of the social network,
`because the System simplifies, accelerates and eases the
`process of developing relationships through a social net
`work. Specifically, the system first allows individuals who
`are connected by a Social network to realize the existence of
`each other as well as the pathway of intermediate acquain
`tances that connect them. Second, it allows individuals to
`determine their mutual interest without requiring the active
`participation of the acquaintance intermediaries that con
`nects them. Finally, the system reduces the difficulty of
`making introductions by eliminating or reducing the inter
`mediate acquaintances burden of coordinating introduction.
`0047 The accompanying drawings, which are incorpo
`rated into and constitute a part of this specification, illustrate
`one or more embodiments of the present invention and,
`together with the detailed description, serve to explain the
`principles and implementations of the invention.
`0048. In the drawings:
`0049 FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of components of a
`System for connecting people based on their relationships
`Within Social networks in accordance with one embodiment
`of the present invention.
`0050 FIG. 2 shows a block diagram of a database used
`in the System in accordance with one embodiment of the
`present invention.
`0051 FIG. 3a shows exemplary graphical user interface
`for data collection in the form of web screens for data
`collection in accordance with one embodiment of the present
`0052 FIG. 3b shows an exemplary graphical user inter
`face for image collection in the form of a web screen for
`image collection in accordance with one embodiment of the
`present invention.


`US 2005/0021750 A1
`Jan. 27, 2005
`FIG. 4 shows an exemplary graphical user inter
`face for inviting individuals to join the system in the form of
`a web screen for inviting new users in accordance with one
`embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 5 shows an exemplary graphical user inter
`face for displaying a “gallery of descriptive and relation
`ship data of uses in a particular Social network in accordance
`with one embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 6 shows an exemplary graphical user inter
`face for displaying of descriptive and relationship data of an
`individual user in accordance with one embodiment of the
`present invention.
`0056 FIG. 7 shows a flowchart illustrating a process of
`inviting individuals to join the System in accordance with
`one embodiment of the present invention.
`0057 FIG. 8 shows a flowchart illustrating a process of
`calculating relationships among users in a Social network in
`accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.
`0.058 FIG. 9 shows a flowchart illustrating a method for
`connecting a first user to a Second user in a System in
`accordance with one embodiment of the present invention.
`0059 Embodiments of the present invention are
`described herein in the context of a System, method, and
`apparatus for connecting users in an online computer System
`based on their relationships within social networks. Those of
`ordinary skill in the art will realize that the following
`detailed description of the present invention is illustrative
`only and is not intended to be in any way limiting. Other
`embodiments of the present invention will readily Suggest
`themselves to such skilled persons having the benefit of this
`disclosure. Reference will now be made in detail to imple
`mentations of the present invention as illustrated in the
`accompanying drawings. The same reference indicators will
`be used throughout the drawings and the following detailed
`description to refer to the same or like parts.
`0060. In the interest of clarity, not all of the routine
`features of the implementations described herein are shown
`and described. It will, of course, be appreciated that in the
`development of any Such actual implementation, numerous
`implementation-specific decisions must be made in order to
`achieve the developer's Specific goals, Such as compliance
`with application- and busineSS-related constraints, and that
`these Specific goals will vary from one implementation to
`another and from one developer to another. Moreover, it will
`be appreciated that Such a development effort might be
`complex and time-consuming, but would nevertheless be a
`routine undertaking of engineering for those of ordinary skill
`in the art having the benefit of this disclosure.
`0061. In accordance with the present invention, the com
`ponents, proceSS Steps, and/or data Structures may be imple
`mented using various types of operating Systems, computing
`platforms, computer programs, and/or general purpose
`machines. In addition, those of ordinary skill in the art will
`recognize that devices of a less general purpose nature, Such
`as hardwired devices, field programmable gate arrayS
`(FPGAS), application specific integrated circuits (ASICs), or
`the like, may also be used without departing from the Scope
`and Spirit of the inventive concepts disclosed herein.
`0062) Definitions
`0063 Degrees of Separation. The number of connections
`linking any two individuals in a Social network. For example
`if individual A is connected to individual B through two
`intermediate acquaintances (C and D) they are connected at
`three degrees of Separation.
`Descriptive Data. Information that describes a user
`or characteristics of a user. For example, descriptive data
`might include a first and last name. Or it might include
`elements that describe attributes of the user, Such as gender,
`marital Status or occupation.
`0065 Friend. In an exemplary implementation of the
`System, the list of users who have accepted invitations from
`a user to join the System or have otherwise been designated
`as having a direct (i.e., one degree) relationship with the
`0066 Internet. A collection of interconnected (public
`and/or private) networks that are linked together by a set of
`standard protocols (such as TCP/IP and HTTP) to form a
`global, distributed network. (While this term is intended to
`refer to what is now commonly known as the Internet, it is
`also intended to encompass variations that may be made in
`the future, including changes and additions to existing
`Standard protocols.)
`0067 Interface. Any mechanism by which an external
`individual or external computer can obtain and provide data,
`respectively to or from the database of the present invention.
`One common example of the interface is a web site. Other
`examples might include an e-mail message, a telephone
`Voice message, or a paper report.
`0068 Intermediate acquaintance(s). The individ

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