(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,917,709 B2
`*Mar. 29, 2011
`USOO791 7709B2
`(75) Inventor: Sergey Anatolievich Gorobets,
`Edinburgh (DE)
`(73) Assignee: Lexar Media, Inc., Fremont, CA (US)
`(*) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`This patent is Subject to a terminal dis-
`(21) Appl. No.: 12/638,572
`7, 1980 Wozniak
`4,210,959 A
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`4,309,627 A
`4,355,376 A 10, 1982 Gould
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`4.405,952 A
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`4.414,627 A 1 1/1983 Nakamura
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`4,456,971 A
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`4,468,730 A
`8, 1984 Dodd et al.
`12. A 88.
`lawsky et al.
`O 557 723
`1, 1987
`(22) Filed:
`Dec. 15, 2009
`Prior Publication Data
`US 201O/OO95055A1
`Apr. 15, 2010
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Synopsis N989, filed on
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Sep. 28, 2001 (GB) ................................... O123410.3
`ep. ZS,
`(51) Int. Cl.
`G06F I3/00
`711/154: 711/159
`(52) U.S. Cl
`71 1f156
`(58) Field O f Classification search- - - - - -
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 711/15 9
`See application file for complete search histo
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`Primary Examiner — Hetul Patel
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Leffert Jay & Polglaze, PA.
`According to a first aspect of an embodiment of the invention
`there is provided a method of data storage and retrieval for use
`in a solid State memory system, having a non-volatile
`memory, wherein data is written to the non-volatile memory
`in the form of at least one logical sector the method compris
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`a sector address table in the non-volatile memory without
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`25 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`- - - - - - -
`Memory System
`Micron Ex. 1062, p. 1
`Micron v. Vervain


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`Micron Ex. 1062, p. 2
`Micron v. Vervain


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`Micron Ex. 1062, p. 4
`Micron v. Vervain


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 29, 2011
`Sheet 1 of 5
`US 7,917,709 B2
`FIG. 1
`Prior Art
`Calculate WA
`Get VA from
`Get t from
`Sector Deleted
`Sector Bad
`46 Yes
`WA= Deleted
`Micron Ex. 1062, p. 5
`Micron v. Vervain


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 29, 2011
`Sheet 2 of 5
`US 7,917,709 B2
`FIG. 2
`Prior Art
`Sector Log
`Addr (LA)
`Sector Deleted
`or Bad
`Set all bytes of
`host's data buffer
`to 0xFF
`Sector Deleted
`Return valid status
`to a host
`Return error status
`to a host
`Micron Ex. 1062, p. 6
`Micron v. Vervain


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 29, 2011
`Sheet 3 of 5
`US 7,917,709 B2
`FIG. 3
`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
`Memory System
`FIG. 4A
`Micron Ex. 1062, p. 7
`Micron v. Vervain


`U.S. Patent
`Mar. 29, 2011
`Sheet 4 of 5
`US 7,917,709 B2
`FIG. 4B
`(o Rall
`System 14
`18 Memory
`block O
`block 1
`Micron Ex. 1062, p. 8
`Micron v. Vervain


`U.S. Patent
`Mar.29, 2011
`Sheet 5 of 5
`roe 46
`US 7,917,709 B2
`Micron Ex. 1062, p. 9
`Micron v. Vervain
`Micron Ex. 1062, p. 9
`Micron v. Vervain


`US 7,917,709 B2
`This application is a Continuation of U.S. application Ser.
`No. 10/256,891, titled “MEMORY SYSTEM FOR DATA
`STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL.” filed Sep. 27, 2002 now
`U.S. Pat. No. 7,634,624, which claims the benefit of the
`priority date of British Application No. 0123410.3, entitled
`RETRIEVAL.” filed on Sep. 28, 2001.
`The present invention relates generally to a solid state
`memory system for a data storage and retrieval having a
`memory controller for controlling access to a non-volatile
`memory of the Solid state memory system and particularly to
`a method and apparatus for accessing data stored within the
`non-volatile memory of the Solid state memory system at an
`increased speed when the data has a repetitive pattern.
`is written, the obsolete copy of the logical sector should be
`erased before or after. Here, the term erased memory sector
`will be used for a memory sector which has all the cells
`erased. Quite often the memory sectors are not individually
`erasable, but, grouped to be erasable in units or blocks. The
`controller can use various methods to maintain the flash
`memory. Any memory sector which has been written to will
`be treated by the controller as a memory sector which has not
`been erased.
`The host can issue a sector erase command to erase the
`logical sector in the memory in order to delete all the sector
`data and pre-erase the card for a faster sector write operation
`in the future. This results in the sector write operation con
`sisting of Flash memory writes only and no erases. The term
`erased logical sector is generally used not only for a logical
`sector which has been erased, but, also for a sector which has
`not yet been written. Due to the complexity of flash memory
`organization and complexity of its maintenance, various
`algorithms can be used which allows an erased logical sector
`to be temporarily marked in the SAT as obsolete, but, the
`memory sector containing the logical sector can be erased
`later. The example of such a memory system is illustrated in
`the “Memory System' detailed in patent application WO
`00/49488 PCT/GB0000550). FIG. 1 (prior art) illustrates the
`address translation algorithm of the Memory System of WO
`00/49488. FIG. 2 illustrates the sector read operation of the
`Memory System of WO 00/49488. WO 00/49488 describes
`the technique of using the SAT Table not only to define
`physical locations of the written logical sectors, but, also to
`mark them as deleted or bad. In the case of the deleted or never
`written sector the corresponding SAT entry includes the vir
`tual address value showing that the sector includes no data the
`controller sets all the bytes of the sector data buffer to all 1s
`and the sector then will be output to the host.
`Thus, a need arises to obviate or mitigate at least one of the
`aforementioned problems.
`FIG. 1 shows an address translation algorithm of a prior art
`memory system;
`FIG. 2 shows a sector read operation of a prior art memory
`FIG.3 shows a flash memory system in accordance with an
`embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 4a shows a first embodiment of the hardware archi
`tecture of the controller of the flash memory of FIG. 3;
`FIG. 4b shows a second embodiment of the hardware archi
`tecture of the controller of the flash memory of FIG. 3;
`FIG. 5 shows a graphical representation of the virtual
`blocks into which the flash memory of the flash memory
`system is organized; and
`FIG. 6 shows a schematic representation of the data write
`operation used in FIG. 5.
`With reference to FIG. 3, there is shown a flash memory
`system 10 in which a method of achieving faster access of the
`data in the memory system is adopted. The memory system
`10 comprises a controller 16 and flash memory 20 which are
`connected by physical interface 18. The memory system 10 is
`connected to an associated host system 12 by logical interface
`14. The logical interface 14 connects to the controller 16 of
`the memory system 10 and reads from, and writes data to the
`host system 12 in logical sectors of 512 bytes of data. Each
`It is known to use Solid state memory systems to try to
`emulate magnetic disk storage devices in computer systems.
`In particular, it is an aim of the industry to try to increase the
`speed of operation of Solid state memory systems to better
`emulate magnetic disc storage.
`A typical memory system comprises a non-volatile
`memory, such as a Flash memory, and a controller. The flash
`memory has individually addressable sectors wherein a
`memory sector is a group of flash memory locations which is
`allocated for storage of one Logical Sector. A memory sector
`need not be a physical partition within Flash memory, nor
`need it be contiguous Flash memory locations, so the memory
`sector address may be a virtual address conveniently used by
`the controller. The controller writes data structures to and
`reads data structures from the memory, and translates logical
`addresses received from the host to physical, or virtual
`addresses, of the memory sectors in the memory.
`When a logical sector write command is received from the
`host, the controller translates a logical address received from
`the host and allocates a memory sector for the logical sector to
`be written to. The controller is also responsible for maintain
`ing a table of logical addresses with respective physical
`addresses which have been allocated by the controller. The
`table is referred to as the Sector Allocation Table or SAT.
`There is also, in Some cases, a system or hierarchy of SATs to
`provide improved ease of access and to reduce the update
`frequency required.
`The physical or virtual, sector addresses in the SAT are
`typically ordered by logical sector address, where the Nth
`SAT entry includes the physical address of a sector to which
`data having logical address N has been written. When a sector
`read command is received from the host, the controller looks
`up a logical sector address received from the host in the SAT
`in order to obtain the physical sector address which the con
`troller previously allocated to the logical sector. On some
`occasions one SAT entry is used to define the address of a
`group of contiguous memory sectors containing a group of
`contiguous logical sectors.
`A feature of the flash memory is that the flash memory must
`be pre-erased before the data can be written. This means that,
`in general, in the flash memory system, when a logical sector
`Micron Ex. 1062, p. 10
`Micron v. Vervain


`US 7,917,709 B2
`logical sector is identified by a logical address which in this
`case is a sequential logical blockaddress (LBA) and may be
`accessed randomly for either reading or writing data. Data is
`written to and read from the flash memory 20 in physical
`sectors each of which typically has sufficient capacity for 512
`bytes of data from the host system, plus 16 bytes of overhead
`data appended by the controller 16. Each physical sector is
`identified by a physical sector address which normally has
`separate components identifying the flash chip within the
`memory subsystem, the flash block within the flash chip and
`the physical sector within the flash block. Data may only be
`written to a physical sector if the sector has previously been
`erased, and erasure takes place in response to a command at
`the physical interface 18 in units of a flash block which
`typically includes 32 physical sectors. Physical sectors may
`be randomly accessed for reading data. In the present arrange
`ment, wherein the memory comprises NAND Flash chips, a
`physical sector is equivalent to a physical page within the
`flash array and has a capacity of 528 bytes. In this case, each
`flash chip is considered to comprise four arrays, each of
`which can be programmed with one sector at any time.
`The controller 16 provides a method of detecting the pat
`tern of the logical sector data which is due to be written to the
`flash memory 20 when a sector write command is issued by
`the host 12. If the sector data has a flat repetitive pattern, for
`example, if all the bytes of the sector data are the same, then
`the controller 16 may use the corresponding sector address
`table (SAT) entry to record the pattern, which in this case is a
`content of any one byte of sector data, and mark the logical
`sector as being erased. It is therefore, not necessary to write
`the sector data to the flash memory 20 in order to record the
`sector data, instead it is enough to keep the information about
`the sector pattern in the SAT. The obsolete copy of the sector
`data must then be erased in flash memory, as is the case when
`any new sector data is written to the flash memory system.
`However, in this case, the new valid sector data is stored in a
`SAT entry instead of in a memory sector in flash memory.
`When it is desired that the sector data be read, a logical
`sector read command is sent by the host 12 and the controller
`16 looks up the SAT and checks the virtual address value
`provided by the SAT shows that the sector data is deleted, the
`controller 16 takes the sector data pattern value from the entry
`within the SAT to output the sector data as if it was being
`retrieved from the flash memory 20.
`This operation results in the speed of the access to the flash
`data by the host 12 being greatly improved as the sector write
`operation no longer comprises the step of sector data write to
`the flash memory 20 and the sector read operation does not
`comprise the step of sector data read from the flash memory
`Some hosts may write a large number of flat data sectors
`which can be a part of large uncompressed database files. It
`is also the case that the host 12 can deliberately precondition
`or format the memory system by writing all O’s or 1's in order
`to delete all the information (which is a standard security
`feature). The ATA standard Format Track command can also
`be treated as the flat sector write command.
`With reference to FIGS. 4a and 4b there is shown the
`hardware architecture of the controller 16 of flash memory
`system 10. The controller comprises memory access control,
`or system bus 28, host interface control block 22 to which
`logical interface 14 connects, microprocessor 24, flash inter
`face control block 26 to which physical interface 18 connects,
`Read Only Memory (ROM) 30, and synchronous random
`access memory (SRAM) 32.
`The host interface control block 22 provides the path to the
`controller 16 for data flow to and from host system 12.
`With reference to FIG. 4a there is shown a first embodi
`ment of the hardware architecture of controller 16 in which
`the host interface control block 22 has, embedded within
`itself, a pattern detection circuit 23a which compares all the
`data portions of incoming data when the host 12 issues a
`sector write command and sends sector data to the memory
`system 10. The pattern detection circuit 23a then indicates to
`the microprocessor whether the incoming data has a flat pat
`tern. The pattern detection circuit 23a compares all the sector
`data portions (1, 2 or 4 bytes) with each other. This can be
`done, for example, by fetching the first data portion and
`XOR-ing it with all other data portions, at least one non-zero
`result triggers signaling of a non-flat pattern. Flat pattern can
`also be detected by XOR-ing every incoming data portion
`with the previous one. The pattern value of the incoming data
`then can be obtained by the microprocessor 24 from the
`pattern detection circuit 23a or by reading any data portion
`from the sector buffer SRAM. 32.
`The host interface 22 has pattern output circuit 23b which
`can be programmed by the microprocessor 24 to output a
`certain pattern to the host 22 when the sector read command
`is received from the host, instead of transferring the sector
`data from the sector buffer SRAM. 32. The pattern value is
`obtained by the microprocessor 24 from the corresponding
`SAT entry when the sector is marked there as erased.
`With reference to FIG. 4b there is shown a second embodi
`ment of the hardware architecture of controller 16 in which
`firmware 25 of the microprocessor 24 provides a pattern
`detection facility which can compare all the data portions of
`the sector data by reading the sector buffer in SRAM. 32.
`Firmware 25 is instruction code for the microprocessor and is
`normally stored in one of the memories (ROM, SRAM or
`Flash memory).
`In this arrangement the pattern output can also be provided
`by the firmware of microprocessor 24 which

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