`(51) International Patent Classification 6;
`(11) International Publication Number:
`AGIF 2/06
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date:
`17 June 1999 (17.06.99)
`WO 99/29262
`(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR,
`BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD,
`KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK,
`MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG,
`SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU,
`ZW, ARIPO patent (GH, GM, KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG,
`ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU,TJ,
`TM), European patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK,ES, FI,
`FR, GB, GR,IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent
`(BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE,
`SN, TD, TG).
`With international search report.
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`9 December1998 (09.12.98)
`(30) Priority Data:
`PP 0835
`10 December 1997 (10.12.97)
`(71) Applicant(for ail designated States except US): WILLIAM A.
`COOK AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD. [AU/AU]; 12 Electronics
`Street, Brisbane Technology Park, Eight Mile Plains, QLD
`4113 (AU).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): HARTLEY, David, Emest
`2 View Street, Subiaco, W.A. 6008 (AU).
`BROWNE,Thomas, Francis [IE/GB]; 29 Oak Lodge Tye,
`Springfield, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 6GY (GB).
`(74) Agent: COLLISON & CO.; 117 King William Street, Adelaide,
`S.A. 5000 (AU).
`(57) Abstract
`A prosthesis comprises Z stents (7, 8) sutured to a
`bio-compatible material tube such as
`graft (5) comprising
`dacron, The Z stents are attachedto the inside surface of the
`dacron tube and there is at least one fenestration (10) in the
`dacron tube corresponding to an
`intersecting artery opening.
`A further Z stent (1) extends proximally and they may
`have caudally facing barbs (2). Each fenestration includes
`one or more
`radiopaque markers defining
`periphery of
`the fenestration. A release mechanism for said prosthesis
`includes trigger wires stitched into a fold on the dacron to
`retain the prosthesis in a
`partially compressed state
`deployment. A delivery device has a sheath to hold the
`compressed prosthesis during insertion and a top cap to
`retain the top stent.


`Codesused to
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`Céte d’Ivoire
`Czech Republic
`identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`United Kingdom
`Republic of Moldova
`The former Yugoslav
`Republic of Macedonia
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Viet Nam
`Democratic People’s
`New Zealand
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Russian Federation
`Sri Lanka


`WO 99/29262
`The present invention relates
`to the field of the treatment of aortic
`disease andin particular to endoluminal aortic stents and a methodof
`of a covered
`of such stents which allows accurate
`stent in the aorta.
`In particular it is capable of being deployed and
`positioned accurately abovethe renal arteries in the treatmentof infra-renal
`aortic aneurysmal disease.
`to the prior art, aortic disease is often treated by surgical
`techniquesinvolving the use of stents and grafts. For example, it is well
`interpose, within the stenotic portion of an
`knownin the art to
`whether madeof stainless steel or other materials, capable of being
`or occluded
`strengthening the walls of a
`balloon-expandable for
`In addition, it is well knownin the prior art to use a
`highly damagedportions of, for example, the aorta or other arteries thereby
`ensuring blood flow and reducing the risk of aneurisms or
`ruptures. The
`grafts, hollow tubes comprised of material such as dacron, are
`inserted within the walls of a
`damaged artery and can be sewninto position
`expanded through the use of a stented balloon catheter.
`occurs when it is necessary to use a
`A more severe
`at or
`around the intersection of a
`major artery (eg. the aorta) with intersecting
`(eg. the renal arteries, carotid or
`brachycephalic artery). While the
`graft is clearly required to strengthen and ensure the flow of blood through,
`for example, the aorta, the use of a
`graft effectively seals or blocksoff the
`or cerebral circulation. Accordingly,it is often
`blood flow to the kidneys
`graft to treat aortic disease at or around
`impractical to use a
`Instead a surgeon must
`the intersection of the aorta and other arteries.
`attempt to
`repair the weakened walls of such artery using other surgical


`WO 99/29262
`techniques having high failure rates and limited success. For example,
`although several centres around the world have been routinely deploying
`as many
`grafts for the treatment of infra-renal aortic aneurisms,
`as 30% of abdominal aortic aneurisms are unsuitable for this method of
`treatment due to an insufficient length
`infra-renal aorta
`or stent.
`firmly anchorthe graft
`The present invention solves the problem in the priorart by utilising the
`for an aortic
`whilst at
`supra-renal aorta to
`provide adequate anchorage
`the same time employing extremely accurate placementof a fenestrated
`covered stent which correspondsto the exactsites of
`of the
`intersecting arteries.
`general relates to a fenestrated endoluminal aortic
`The presentinvention in
`two or more stainless
`stent which is a
`single component device comprising
`steel or nitinol Z stents which may have caudal
`barbs sutured to a
`bio-compatible material tube in which the Z stents are
`length of a
`attached to the inside surface of the bio-compatible material tube and,
`on the geometry of the intersecting arteries to be covered,
`customised fenestrations accurately placed in the bio-compatible material
`to the
`intersecting artery openings.
`In one
`form, therefore, the invention may be said to reside in a
`a bio-
`two or more Z stents sutured to a
`graft comprising
`compatible material tube, wherein the two or more Z stents are attachedto
`the inside surface of the bio-compatible material tube and at least one
`to an
`fenestration in the bio-compatible material tube corresponding
`intersecting artery opening.
`Preferably there are more than two Z stents attached to the bio-compatible
`material tube.
`There may be a further Z stent fastened to the bio-compatible material tube
`extending proximally from the bio-compatible material tube.


`WO 99/29262
`At least one of the Z stents may have caudally facing barbs thereonto assist
`with accurate retention of the prosthesis when completely inserted.
`The proximally extending
`facing barbs thereon.
`Z stent may be the stent which has the caudally
`The bio-compatible material tube may in one embodiment be a dacron
`material tube.
`There may be two or more fenestrations according to the number of
`The or each fenestration may include one or more
`periphery of the fenestration.
`radiopaque markers
`The distal most of the Z stents may include a
`loop extending distally of the
`The prosthesis may further include a release mechanism for said prosthesis
`trigger wires wherein a
`one or more
`portion of the
`material tube is folded longitudinally with the one or more
`trigger wires
`respectively threaded
`longitudinally through the bio-compatible material
`tube at the fold to retain the prosthesis in a
`partially compressedstate.
`At least one of the Z stents may include one or more shortened loops to
`enable location of the fenestrations as
`Accurate siting of the branches of the aorta may be achieved from
`andthe invention is
`Computerised Axial Tomograms (CT) and angiography
`customised to each patient in relation to the sites corresponding with the
`CT. The fenestrations are marked with radiopaque beadsto facilitate their
`positioning under X-ray control before deployment.
`In an alternative form the invention may be said to reside in a method for
`treating arterial disease at an intersection of two arteries, including the
`X-raying arteries to be treated so as to
`accurately determine the position of


`WO 99/29262
`one or more fenestrations to a
`the intersection of the arteries, customising
`a selected length of a
`bio-compatible material tube,
`prosthesis comprising
`attaching radiopaque markers around the or each fenestrations, placing two
`or more Z stents into said bio-compatible material tube, bends in the Z
`shortenedif necessary in such a way so as notto coverthe
`top Z stent, covering the top Z stent with
`fenestrations, manually gathering
`the Z stent in place in the top cap with a
`top cap and
`trigger wire,
`stitching the trigger wire or another trigger wire through
`longitudinal fold in
`bio-compatible material tube to narrow the diameter of said prosthesis
`a customised fenestrated covered graft
`to be inserted into
`thereby providing
`to be treated.
`The method may
`a further Z stents to top
`further include the step of sewing
`ring of said bio-compatible material tube, such that the further Z stent
`proximally from the bio-compatible material tube.
`There may be morethan twosaid Z stents attached to the bio-compatible
`material tube and two or more than two fenestrations according
`to the
`intersecting arteries.
`The processofinsertion of the graft may include the steps of; compressing
`the graft and placingit into a sheath which fits
`snugly around said top cap,
`a femoral
`said prosthesis, the Z stents and an
`obturator, inserting through
`artery in a
`groin said prosthesis using
`delivery device which includes said
`top cap, said sheath, said obturator and guide wires, withdrawing said
`sheath to reveal said graft in
`semi-deployed position, positioning the
`prosthesis, partially withdrawing said sheath and obturator to enable
`insertion of angiography catheters and guide wires, inserting said
`a contralateral groin into
`angiography catheters and guide wires through
`the artery to be treated to provide manoeuvrability, and accurate positioning
`of the graft by positioning right and left angiography catheters and guide
`wires through the fenestrations into the
`intersecting arteries, releasing the
`trigger wire to provide full deployment of the said graft, withdrawing said
`angiography catheters and pushing up said sheath and obturator through
`said stent and docking with said top cap and
`fully withdrawing said delivery
`device, whereby the said fully deployed stent ensures the flow of blood at
`the intersection of the arteries to be treated.


`WO 99/29262
`The method by whichthe prosthesis of the present invention may be
`manoeuvredinto place prior to full deployment is by way of the right
`angiography catheters and guide wires.
`or any other bio-compatible material
`The radiopaque markers may be gold
`or other methods.
`which enables the marker to be visualised by X-ray
`This generally describes the invention but to assist with understanding of
`the invention reference will now be madeto preferred embodiments of the
`invention with the assistance of the
`following drawings.
`One embodimentof the present invention will now be described with
`reference to the
`drawingsin which:
`FIG. 1
`is an outside view of one embodimentof the present invention
`illustrating the top Z stents, bio-compatible material tube with
`at the base of
`fenestrations and small radiopaque beads and metal
`bio-compatible material tube;
`FIG. 2 is an inside view of the embodiment of the present invention
`illustrating the internal Z stents and their relationship with the
`fenestrations for the
`intersecting arteries;
`FIG. 3 is an outside perspective view of the embodimentof the present
`inventionillustrating how the material of the bio-compatible material tube
`a threaded trigger wire. The Z
`may be folded back and held in place by
`stents attached to the inside surface of the material of the bio-compatible
`material tube are
`to allow a section of the material
`incomplete posteriorly
`bio-compatible material tube to be folded and held with a
`of the
`wire threaded through the material;
`FIG. 4 is a cross-section view of the embodimentof the present invention
`before release of the
`trigger wire;


`WO 99/29262
`FIG. 5 is a cross-section view of the embodimentof the present invention
`after release ofthe trigger wire. The trigger wire has been withdrawn and
`the folded bio-compatible material unfurled, allowing
`the stent to
`to its full extent, holding it against the aortic wall with a radial force;
`FIG. 6 is a view of the aorta and renalarteries with the prosthesis of this
`embodimentof the present invention within the delivery
`device The top
`Z stents of the present invention have been manually pulled together and
`covered with a
`top cap whilst the lower part of the present invention sits
`snugly above the obturator and within the sheath which are all threaded
`over a
`guide wire which mounts the present invention to the correct
`FIG. 7 is a view of the prosthesis of this embodimentof the present
`inventionafter its release from the sheath in a
`semi-deployed position
`opposite the renal arteries, that is before release of the trigger wire;
`FIG. 8 is a view of the prosthesis of this embodiment of the present
`invention in a
`semi-deployed position where the fenestrations of the
`present invention have been canulated by
`guide wire from the
`over which two
`contralateral groin
`catheters have been
`passedin orderto fix the stent firmly in the correct positionsprior tofull
`deployment, that is prior to release of the triggerwire;
`FIG. 9 is a view ofthe prosthesis of this embodimentof the present
`invention in full deployment, that is after release of the trigger wire with
`angiography catheters and top
`still in place;
`FIG. 10 is a view of the prosthesis of this embodimentof the present
`inventionin full deployment with the angiography catheters and their
`guide wires withdrawn, and the sheath and obturatorof the delivery
`device pushed up to dock with the top cap in preparation for withdrawal
`of the
`delivery device; and
`FIG. 11 is a view of the prosthesis of this embodimentof the present
`invention in full deployment preserving flow to the renal arteries with the
`sheath, obturator and top cap withdrawn.


`WO 99/29262
`to the field of the treatment of aortic
`The present invention relates
`disease and in particular to endoluminal aortic stents which allow accurate
`placementof a fenestrated covered stent in the aorta.
`In particularit is
`capable of being deployed and positioned accurately above the renal
`arteries in the treatmentof infra-renal aortic aneurysmal disease.
`the method as well
`The drawing figuresillustrate the basic steps comprising
`illustrating the features of one embodiment of the present invention.
`FIGS. 1 and 2 show an outside view of one embodimentof the present
`invention. A proximal stainless steel or nitinol Z stent 1 with caudal facing
`is stitched to a
`4 of a
`bio-compatible material tube 5. The
`top ring
`proximal Z stent 1 extends proximally from the bio-compatible material tube
`5. Two further stainless steel or nitinol Z stents 7 and 8 are fitted within the
`bio-compatible material tube 5. The Z stents are stitched at intervals to the
`bio-compatible material tube but in part of the bio-compatible material tube
`stitching is omitted to enable a
`longitudinal fold to be made in the bio-
`compatible material tube as will be discussed later. Fenestrations 10 are
`provided in the bio-compatible material tube 5 providing
`aperture in the
`tube whichwill in use
`align with the renal or other arteries. The
`fenestrations 10 are customised in size and position for the renal arteries
`following computer tomography and angiography and their peripheral
`are marked with small gold radiopaque beads 11 which help to
`identify the fenestrations with X-rays. There is a
`long loop 12 in one of the
`crownsof the Z stent 8 which extends
`distally of the bio-compatible material
`tube 5 and which holds the anterior of the stent within the delivery device as
`will be discussedlater.
`As can be
`seen in FIG. 2, which showsthe inside view of the
`prosthesis, there is a shortened loop 13 of one of the crownsof the top inner
`Z stent 7 which permits placementof the fenestrations for the renal arteries
`at the desired position.
`FIG. 3 is an
`perspective view of the prosthesis where the proximal
`14 of the Z stent 1 have been drawn together manually to facilitate their


`WO 99/29262
`insertion into a
`wire 17 is used to
`proximal capsule (not shown). A
`retain the crowns within the capsule. The same
`trigger wire or another
`trigger wire 15 is also used to retain a
`tuck in the bio-
`a fold
`compatible material tube 5 thus narrowing the diameter and leaving
`16 of excess material to the side of the prosthesis. The trigger wire 17 also
`12 to assist with retaining the distal end of the
`passes through the loop
`prosthesis after withdrawal of the sheath aswill be discussed later. This
`enables rotation of the prosthesis within the artery to accurately positionit
`before final release. The trigger
`wire 15 is inserted through
`the surface of
`the dacron or other material intermittently to create a series of stitches to
`form the seam-like fold of material 16 as more
`in FIG. 4.
`clearly depicted
`FIG. 4 showsa cross section view of the prosthesis before release of the
`trigger wire 15 from the fold 16 of material. The seam-like fold 16 , held in
`place by the stitched-on trigger wire 15 ,
`a diameter which is
`narrower than the diameter of the aorta
`the prosthesis to
`thereby enabling
`be manoeuvred both up and downand
`on release
`rotationally 360 degrees,
`sheath, and after catheterisation as will be
`of the present invention from a
`discussed in reference to FIG. 8, to ensure accurate placementof the
`fenestrations in relation to the renal arteries.
`FIG. 5 showsa cross section view of the prosthesis after release of the
`ie. in full deployment.
`trigger wire.
`FIG. 6 is a view of the aorta 30, renal arteries 32 and 34 extending
`to the
`kidneys 35 and femoral arteries 36 and 38 and the delivery device which
`introduces the prosthesis 18 of the present invention to the aorta 30 via a
`groin incision to one of the femoralarteries 36.
`The delivery device generally shown as 20is inserted overa
`a stainless steel proximal cap
`covered metal
`wire 22 and comprises
`24 mounted ona flexible steel tube 23. The proximal cap 24 covers the top
`part of the proximal Z stent and a sheath 26
`covering the prosthesis
`including bio-compatible material tube 5 and the remainderof the Z stents
`and extends over
`insertion. The sheath
`part of the proximal cap 24
`26 is fitted over a
`plastic obturator 28 whichis sufficiently long to protrude
`from the femoral artery and
`incision to enable manual movement


`WO 99/29262
`thereof. The plastic obturator 28 is a
`sliding fit on the flexible steel tube 23.
`The obturator 28 sits snugly under the sheath and holds the prosthesis in
`position both on insertion and later when the sheath is drawn back over the
`obturator as
`depicted in FIG. 7
`thereby exposing the fenestrated stent in the
`semi-deployed positionillustrated in FIGS. 3.
`In FIG. 7 the sheath 26 has been withdrawnonto the obturator 28 while
`leaving the obturator 28 and the proximal capsule 24 in place by preventing
`relative movement between the flexible steel tube 23 and the obturator 28.
`movementof the flexible tube
`The prosthesis 18 is then free to be rotated by
`until the fenestrations 10 and 11 are
`23 and moved
`positioned correctly with respect to the renal arteries 32 and 34.
`FIG. 8 is a view of the aorta 30, renal arteries 32 and 34 extending to the
`kidneys 35 and femoral arteries 36 and 38 and the delivery device 20
`where the obturator 28 and sheath 24 have been withdrawn back to oneof
`the femoral arteries 36. This is achieved by holding the flexible steel tube
`moving the sheath 26 and obturator 28 relative to it. The
`trigger wire 15 remains in place. This allows room for the introduction of the
`guide wires 40 and 42 and angiography catheters 44 and 46 that have
`been inserted via an incision in the contralateral groin (not shown) and up
`through the contralateral femoral artery 38 and placed in the renal arteries
`as directed by the right and left angiography catheters 44 and 46. These
`angiography catheters 44 and 46 are
`designed with right and left bended
`so. as to
`guide the wire from the aorta 30 in to the
`appropriate renal artery 32 and 34. The guide wires 40 and 42 and
`angiography catheters 44 and 46are inserted into the renal arteries 32 and
`34 so as to
`safely and accurately position the fenestrations 10 and 11 of the
`prosthesis of this embodiment of the present invention.
`FIG. 9 is a view of the present invention in full deploymentafter release of
`the trigger wires 15 and 17 or the single trigger wire carrying out the
`functions of both trigger wires with the guide wires 40 and 42, angiography
`catheters 44 and 46 and
`delivery device 20still in place. At this stage the
`proximal Z stent 1 expands out to the wall of the aorta 30 and the barbs 2
`engagein to the wall of the aorta to retain the prosthesis 18 in the correct


`WO 99/29262
`In FIG. 10 the angiography catheters 44 and 46 and guide wires 40 and 42
`have been withdrawn through the contralateral femoral artery 38 and the
`obturator 28 and sheath 24 have been pushed up to dock with the proximal
`capsule 24 in preparation for removal of the complete delivery device 20.
`This is achieved by holding the flexible steel tube 23 stationery and moving
`the obturator 28 and sheath 24 relative to it and towards the proximal
`FIG. 11 is a view of the prosthesis 18 of the present invention in full
`deployment, with the delivery device 20 withdrawn, enabling free flow of
`through the aorta 30 andinto the renal arteries 32 and 34 via the
`fenestrations 10 and 11.
`Post-deployment angiography should be carried out to confirm correct
`positioning of the fenestrations.
`Modifications which can be made which may be advantageous
`are as
`There may be more than two Z stents attached to, and within, the bio-
`compatible material tube. More than two Z stents would be usedif
`elongation of the graft of the present invention is required.
`The release mechanism may befoldedinternally either (a) posteriorly
`anteriorly and posteriorly with one or two
`trigger wires respectively.
`There may be more than two fenestrations in the bio-compatible material
`tube where there are more than twointersecting arteries.
`Throughout this specification and the claims that follow unless the context
`requires otherwise, the words ‘comprise' and ‘include' and variations such
`imply the inclusion of a
`‘including’ will be understood to
`or group of integers but not the exclusion of any other
`group of integers.


`WO 99/29262
`A prosthesis comprising two or more Z stents sutured to a
`bio-compatible material tube, wherein the two or more Z stents
`are attached to the inside surface of the bio-compatible material tube and at
`least one fenestration in the bio-compatible material tube corresponding to
`intersecting artery opening.
`A prosthesis according to claim 1 wherein there are more than two Z
`stents attached to the bio-compatible material tube.
`a further Z stent
`A prosthesis according to claim 1 further including
`fastened to the bio-compatible material tube and extending proximally from
`bio-compatible material tube.
`A prosthesis according to any one
`preceding claim wherein at least
`one of the Z stents has caudally facing barbs thereon.
`A prosthesis according
`to claim 3 wherein the proximally extending
`Z stent has
`caudally facing barbs thereon.
`preceding claim wherein there are
`A prosthesis according to.any
`two or more fenestrations according to the numberof intersecting arteries.
`A prosthesis according to any one
`preceding claim wherein the or
`each fenestration includes one or more
`radiopaque markers defining
`of the fenestration.
`A prosthesis according to any one
`preceding claim wherein the distal
`mostof the Z stents includes a
`loop extending distally of the


`WO 99/29262
`A prosthesis according to any one
`preceding claim further including
`a release mechanism for said prosthesis including
`one or more
`wires wherein a
`portion of the bio-compatible material tube is folded
`with the one or more
`trigger wires respectively
`longitudinally through the bio-compatible material tube at the fold to retain
`the prosthesis in a
`partially compressedstate.
`to any one
`claim wherein at least
`A prosthesis according
`one of the Z stents includes one or more shortened loops to enable location
`of the fenestrations as
`treating arterial disease at an intersection of two
`A method for
`the stepsof:
`arteries, including
`X-raying arteries to be treated so as to
`the intersection of the arteries,
`determine the position of
`one or more fenestrations to a
`prosthesis comprising
`selected length of a
`bio-compatible material tube;
`attaching radiopaque markers around the or each fenestrations;
`placing two or more Z stents into said bio-compatible material tube, bends
`being shortened if necessary in such a way So as notto cover
`in the Z stents
`the fenestrations;
`top Z stent, covering with the top Z stent with a
`manually gathering
`holding the top cap in place with a
`trigger wire;
`top cap
`longitudinal fold in the bio-compatible
`wire through
`material tube to narrow the diameter of said graft;
`a customised fenestrated covered graft
`thereby providing
`artery to be treated.
`to be inserted into


`WO 99/29262
`A methodasin Claim 11 further including the step of sewing
`further Z stents to top ring of said bio-compatible material tube, such that the
`further Z stent extends
`materia! tube.
`proximally from the bio-compatibie
`The method asin claim 11 wherein the process of insertion of the
`graft includes the stepsof;
`compressing the graft and placingit into a sheath which fits snugly around
`said top cap, said prosthesis, the Z stents and an obturator;
`a femoral artery in a
`groin said prosthesis using
`inserting through
`device which includes said top cap, said sheath, said obturator and guide
`withdrawing said sheath to reveal said graft in semi-deployed position;
`positioning the prosthesis:
`partially withdrawing said sheath and obturator to enable insertion of
`angiography catheters and guide wires;
`inserting said angiography catheters and guide wires through
`to be treated to
`contralateral groin into the artery
`provide manoeuvrability,
`and accurate
`positioning of the graft by positioning right
`the fenestrations into the
`catheters and guide
`intersecting arteries;
`releasing the trigger wire to provide full deploymentof the said graft;
`withdrawing said
`angiography catheters;
`pushing up said sheath and obturator through said stent and docking with
`said top cap and
`delivery device;
`fully withdrawing
`the said fully deployed
`intersection of the arteries to be treated.
`stent ensures the flow of blood at the


`WO 99/29262
`to claim 11 wherein there are more than two
`|The method according
`said Z stents attached to the bio-compatible material tube.
`to claim 11 wherein there are two or more
`The method according
`to the number of
`than two fenestrations according
`intersecting arteries.
`to claim 11 wherein the
`|The method
`or any other bio-compatible material which enables the markerto
`or other methods.
`be visualised
`by X-ray




`O 99/29262
` FIG 5


`WO 99/29262
` wa
`FIG 6


`WO 99/29262
`FIG 7


`WO 99/29262


`WO 99/29262


`WO 99/29262
`FIG 10


`WO 99/29262


`International application No.
`AGI1F 2/06
`or to both nationalclassification and IPC
` PCT/AU 98/01019
` Int 16:
` According to International Patent Classification (IPC)
` Minimum documentation searched (classification system followedby classification symbols)
`IC’ A6lLF2/- A6IM 29/-
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentationto the extent that such documents are included in thefields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (nameof data base and, wherepracticable, search terms used)
`WPAT & JAPIO with junct: intersect: branch: aort: arter: vessel stent# z-stent#
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`WO,A, 98/36709 (SCIMED LIFE SYSTEMSINC) 27 August 1998
`Relevant to claim No.
`WO,A, 97/45073 (BARD GALWAY LIMITED) 4 December 1997
`US, A, 5617878 (TAHER]) 8 April 1997
` See patent family
`Further documentsare listed in the
`continuation of Box C
`Special categories of cited documents:
`document defining the general state of the art whichis
`not considered to be ofparticular relevance
`on or after
`patent but published
`earlier application
`the internationalfiling date
`document which may throw doubts on
`priority claim(s)
`or which is cited to establish the publication date of
`another citation or other special
`(as specified)
`documentreferring to an oral disclosure, use,
`exhibition or other means
`to the international filing
`document published prior
`date but later than the priority date claimed
`later document publishedafter the internationalfiling date or
`priority date and not in conflict with the application but cited to
`understandthe principle
`theory underlying the invention
`particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot
`be considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an
`inventive step when the documentis taken alone
`documentofparticular relevance; the claimed invention cannot
`be considered to involve an inventive step when the documentis
`combined with one or more other such documents, such
`combination being obviousto a person skilled in the art
`document memberof the same patent family
`Date of the actual completion of the international sear

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