TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`Technical Report
`Universal Mobile
`Telecommunications System
`Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS);
`UMTSTerrestrial Radio Access (UTRA);
`Concept evaluation
`(UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0)
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`European Telecommunications Standards Institute
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`UMTS30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`These proposals grouped into the following five concepts:
`to SMG#22 for approval. Hereafter, SMG2 formed five concept groupsto assist in
`This grouping
`evaluation of the different building blocks suggested. Through the period since SMG#22 detailed evaluation of the
`proposals have been performedandthe different original proposals combinedinto one
`single proposal for UMTS
`Terrestrial Radio Access per concept group. Originally the intention was then to merge the conceptsinto one
`concept for the UMTSTerrestrial Radio Access. Unfortunately, SMG2 have failed in doing
`This leaves a situation where the concepts have been refined and their performance been evaluated in detail. Results of
`link level and system level results have been discussed within SMG2. Further the SMG2 have checkedthe different
`general it can be said that the concepts
`can be claimed to fulfil the high
`concept against the high level requirements.
`level requirements. However, it should be noted that the area of private and residential operation and the use of unpaired
`are not areas on which the concept groups have placed the highest attention. Therefore the issue of UMTS
`deploymentof private and residential operation will require further studies in SMG2to ensure that the requirementsin
`this area are
`to enable an
`operator to make the most
`met. The issue of how UMTScan be implemented
`effective use of the unpaired spectrum,has not been fully addressed and will require further studies in SMG2.
`particular it may be necessary to consider modification of any adopted UMTSTerrestrial Radio Access concept to
`improvethese aspects ofperformance.
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`-concept based on wideband CDMA (WCDMA)
`B -concept based on OFDMA
`y-concept based on wideband TDMA (WB-TDMA)
`based on TDMAwith spreading (WB TDMA/CDMA)
`based on ODMA (Opportunity Driven Multiple Access)
`Regardingthe results of the evaluation and refinement work performed, SMG2 has informed SMGaboutthe following
`findings and conclusions regarding the epsilon concept (ODMA-
`Opportunity Driven Multiple Access):
`Investigation of relay systems has been carried out within the SMG2 considering the technology called
`ODMA.Theprotocols used in ODMA are very similar to those of a
`Opportunity Driven Multiple Access
`packet radio system currently being trialed. System level simulations were carried out in accordance with UMTS
`a subscriber
`high data rate coverage was
`30.03 which showedthat wide area
`possible in all environments using
`andthat there was
`potential for increased capacity when usedin
`cellular hybrid.
`relay system
`Feasibility studies were conducted to determinethe practicality of supporting relaying using the basic WCDMA
`and WB TDMA/CDMaA designs. The conclusion wasthat both the WCDMAand the WB TDMA/CDMA
`sufficiently flexible to support relaying with negligible increase to the mobile station complexity
`can therefore offer the flexibility of simple relaying but also provide
`a suitable platform
`cost. These technologies
`for advancedrelay protocols such as ODMA.
`as an enhancement to both
`For the above reasons it was decided that relaying/ODMA should be presented
`WCDMAand WB TDMA/CDMAratherthan as a standalone technology. As a result documentation from the
`studies of epsilon concept is included asa
`on the alpha and delta concepts.
`part of the evaluation reports
`Regarding the four other concepts (a,B, y, 5) SMG2 hasnot been able to obtain any further merging. Moreover, when
`on simulations and the differences in the assumptions madein order to evaluate that performance
`the uncertainty
`a better
`are considered SMG2hasnotbe able to conclude that any single
`one of these concept provides
`solution than the other concepts.


`UMTS30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`Therefore SMG2 requested SMGto decide onthe basis of which of the concepts a, B, y, or 6 SMG2shall continue the
`work on the UMTSTerrestrial Radio Access. In order to assist SMG in making the decision SMG2 hasprepared the
`following documentation for each of the concepts:
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`It should be noted that SMG2 does not recommend SMGto makea direct comparison of the performanceresults for
`on the values contained in the evaluation documentation. This due to the different nature of the
`concept baseddirectly
`concepts, which haslead to differences in the assumptions for the performance evaluation, which lead to differences in
`a direct
`the results. Especially regarding guard bands SMG2 wouldlike to
`highlight, that it is difficult to
`comparison of Minimum Coupling Loss (MCL) based guard bandanalysis, as, e.g., the likelihood for different scenarios
`might be different for the different concepts.
`SMGz2hasnot been able to reach a consensuson howtheresults of the evaluation should be compared,andis therefore
`to be able to reach a consensuson the technology for UMTSTerrestrial Radio Access in the foreseeable future.
`SMGz2therefore recommended to SMGthat the best way forward for the elaboration of the UMTSradio interface would
`be for SMG to make a decision on one conceptthat should be used by SMG72in the refinement phase.
`Asummary of system description for the concept
`ofthe concept evaluation for the concept
`Anevaluation report for the concept
`to base the UMTSTerrestrial Radio Access on a
`It is the understanding ofSMG2that by deciding
`given concept,
`SMG approves the summary of the system description for that concept. This meansthat the further refinementof the
`selected concept is done with reference hereto. Meaning that changesin order to
`improve the concept shall be
`justified relative to the concept described in the summary system description.


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`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`$%&ÿ ÿ'()ÿ*ÿ'+
`TDoc SMG903 / 97
`Agendaitem 4.1: UTRA
`UMTS30.06 version 3.0.0
`Madrid, Spain
`December15-19, 1997
`Source: SMG2
`System Description Summary
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`Concept Group Alpha
`Wideband Direct-Sequence CDMA:


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`UMTS30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`There exist a numberof ways to enhance the performance of the WCDMAsystem.In general in
`CDMA,it is very easy to get immediate quality, coverage and capacity gains directly from link
`reuse and the fact that poweris the only shared resource. If
`improvements. This is due to the single-cell
`one user’s link is improved the transmit power can be loweredonthat link, and all users in the system
`sharing the same powerresource.
`will benefit from this since they
`Listed below are some
`performance enhancing features that can be applied
`to the WCDMAsystem:
`e Downlink antenna
`diversity. Antenna diversity in the mobile station is not
`required in the concept.
`gain of around 3 dB in performanceit can be employedin
`However, since antenna
`diversity gives
`the terminal for better quality and system capacity.
`e Transmitter diversity. Orthogonal transmit diversity, where the data stream issplit into several
`streamsandsent through different antennas, can be used in the downlink to get quality and capacity
`gains. This is a
`to get diversity gains in the downlink without increasing the mobilestation
`to work without requiring receivers for joint detection
`Receiver structures. WCDMAis designed
`of multiple
`signals. However, the potential capacity gains of such receivers ina WCDMA
`system have been recognised and taken into account in the design of the concept. In the uplink the
`to use
`only short codesfacilitates introduction of more advancedreceiverstructures with
`reasonable complexity.
`as a way to
`antennas are
`antennas. Adaptive
`greatly enhance capacity and
`already supportedin the
`coverage of the system. Solutions employing adaptive
`WCDMAconcept through the use of connection-dedicated pilot bits on both uplink and downlink.
`antenna issues have been included in the design of the downlink common
`Moreover, adaptive
`physical channels.
`Support for relaying and ODMA.
`feasibility study conducted by the Alpha and Epsilon concept
`groups concluded that WCDMAcansupport relaying and the ODMAprotocol with negligible
`or cost. ODMAisan
`increase in mobile complexity
`intelligent relaying protocolthat sits upon the
`WCDMAradio sub-system. The protocol breaks difficult radio paths into a sequence of shorter
`hops which enables lower transmit powersor
`higher datarates to be used.It is the goal of the
`protocolto chose the least cost route
`through the relaying system whenthe relays
`moving and
`the radio paths
`dynamically changing. Simulations have shown that relaying has the potential
`improve coverage and
`flexibility and may also increase capacity by lowering transmission powers
`and associated inter-cell interference.
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`System description
`Physical channelstructure, spreading and modulation
`There exist two basic physical channels in WCDMA:the dedicated physical data channel and the
`dedicated physical control channel. The data channel is used to carry dedicated data generated
`and above,i.e. the dedicated logical channels. The control channelcarries control information
`layer 1. The control information consists of known pilot bits to support channel estimation
`for coherent detection, transmit power-control commands, and optional (variable-length)
`information. The rate information informsthe receiver about the instantaneousrate of the different
`services and how services are
`on the dedicated physical data channels.
`on the physical channels is 10 ms, and each frameis divided into 16 slots of 0.625 ms
`The frame length
`to one
`In the downlink the dedicated physical control and
`each, corresponding
`power-control period.
`time-multiplexed within the slots, with one
`data channels are
`perslot.In the
`uplink control and data are
`code-multiplexed and transmitted in parallel.
`layer 2


`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
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