`Bell Telephon.e
`as fair as Humpty Dumpty in paying words
`extra for o,·ertiJne
`work, the 11.1biquitous
`Q would rome near the to1�
`of the payroll.
`It all started
`with K.
`S . .Tohn.·on.*
`lVIany scientists
`new words
`to our vocabulary.
`To only one, however,
`into a word of
`of e!eYaLing
`a letter
`of the alphabet
`come the dist·inction
`use in many and diverse
`LiUk: did Johnson
`dream, when
`the ratio of rnactance
`he first used the
`symbol Q to rcprci:;Pnt
`to cfferti,·e
`in a coil or a condenser,
`that \Yithin
`a span of some 30
`an uttrihntc
`t.his same symbol would be commonly
`used to desrribe
`as a resonant
`a pectraJ
`line, a mechancial
`such dissimilar
`and a bounring
`ball. The story of Lhis expanding
`u ·age of the
`17th letter
`of the
`makes an interesting
`study for the scientific
`Coils and Condensers
`The tale begins in the teens of this century.
`It was then the usual
`in appraising
`the quality
`of the devices
`which were then known
`as coils,
`and which engineers
`have now become educated
`to call induc­
`tors, to use the ratio of effective
`to rcactance
`as a sort of figure
`of merit. Ber.a.use
`it was related
`to dissipation,
`this ratio was often
`to as the dissipation
`nated d, and in fact it is no,Y commonly
`cl is not a. figure of
`merit but a figure of demerit.
`since the normally
`of minimum losses
`as the
`value of cl movrs towards
`As early as 1914, Johnson
`came to realize
`that a ratio of greater
`tban the one in vogue was it.s reciprocal.
`for many purposes
`aware that tbe ratio dis conYenient
`for certain mathematical computa­
`since it, permits
`the combinjng of
`of loss by dirnrt
`observed, however,
`that in
`cases d wonk! usuaUy
`addition. He
`one or more zeros precedjng the significant
`could usually
`be taken as a whole number.
`The same sort of
`which leads to lhc common use of impedance,
`and avoidance
`argued for putting
`in t,he numerator
`of the ratio.
`to efiective
`For a time Johnson
`designat,ed the ratio of reactance
`K 111. It was in 1920, while working
`of a coil
`by the symbol
`the practical
`of the wave filter which G. A. Campbell
`some years before,
`that he for
`the first time employed
`the sym-
`• Theo in Western Electric
`Engineering Dept., which ber,ame Tiell
`in 1925.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 001


`Q was quite simple. uol Q for his parameter 121. His reason for choosing
`but He says that it did not stand for "quality factor" or anything else,
`for been pre-empted had already since the other letters of the alphabet
`other purposes,
`Q was all he had left.
`Q for coils,
`Johnson used a capital
`and a small q for the c o r ­
`responding ratio in condensers (now renamed ,capadtors). Before long,
`using Q to both coils and condensers, however, he began to apply capital
`suh.scripts where differentiation was needed. The first printed use of Q
`seems to be in Johnson's U.S. patent No. 1,628,083, where it is applied
`to the coils in an electrical network. In .Johnson's classic trcatii:;c
`"Transmission Circuits for Telephonic Communication" l31 the symbol
`in a number of places
`to designate the parameter which he
`Q appears
`shortened constant." Subsequently called the "coil dissipation to
`this was
`"dissipation constant," applying to both coils and condensers The
`constant" also were u;;ed to some terms "coil constant" and "cond<mser
`Later on, V. E. Legg coined the apt n.ame of "quality factor,"
`factor" and "figure such terms as "storage while others tried to introduce
`appellations could prevail of merit." But none of these
`over the terse
`and trenchant
`which has frequently been used for a reactive ele­
`Another measure
`ment is the power factor. i.e., the ratio of active power to total volt­
`At, any t,vo terminals the power factor is the cosine of the phase
`angle, neg­angle of the impedance, whereas of the phase Q is the tangent
`sign. Thu:; for the common case where reactance is large com­
`pared with resistance. the power faelor is substantially equal to the dis­
`factor cl. Power engineers. "ho are accustomed to using power
`factor to designate the ratio of acti,·e power to total volt-amperes, might
`occasionally, a need for a ratio greater than unity, ii they experience
`engineer. find it advantageous to borro"· Q from the communication
`Others before .Johnson had made use of the ratio of reactance to re­
`sistance for either an inductor or a capacitor (to use modern parlanr,e).
`,Johnson's role was to popularize this ratio and to assign to it the con­
`except the tagious .symbol Q. He did not intend to apply Q to anything
`rat,io of reactance to resistance, ,vhether of an inductor,
`a capacitor, or
`as disturbed, any t w o -terminal network, In fact, he was somewhat
`originators of terminology of ten are, when otlhers began to extend
`usage-an extension which has gonP so far that a few modernists
`even like to ban .Johnson's original meaning.
`Resonant Circuits
`,\1ha,t happened
`next? First was the discovery t,hat
`Q was a conven­
`ient symbol to apply to a resonant circuit. It was noted that the high­
`negli­capacitor were ordinarily frequency lo;:;ses in a, well-constructed
`of a,n inductor. Hence t,he high-frequency
`gible in comparison with those
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 002


`resistance of the usual inductor and capacitor resonant circuit could be
`assumed equal to the inductor resi�tancc, and the Q of �he resonant cir­
`cuit could therefore be assumed the same as tbe Q of the inductor. In
`those cases where the capacitor resistance could not be neglected, the Q
`of the resonant circuit was QLQc/(QL +Qc), wbere QL and Qc are the Q's
`of the inductor and capacitor, respectively. aL the resonant frequency. It.
`is noteworthy that this use of Q for a resonant network is uniquely re­
`lated to the resonant frequency, whereas Q when applied to an imped­
`an<'e is a property at any specified frequency.
`At this point it became apparent that Q as applied to a resonant cir­
`c-uit was an already recognized parameter which for want of a better
`name had previously been called "sharpness of resonance" 151. This per­
`mitted the establishment of SCYeral relationships which today are ele­
`mcnlary. Curves like those of Figure 1 could be drawn lo show current
`versus frequency as a function of Q for a series resonant circuit, and analo­
`gou-s cmTeS for the impedance of a parallel resonant circuit.
`I I
`Q = ,oo
`== so
`Flo. 1.
`Once idenufied with sharpness of resotUUl<'l', Q was seen to bear a clos<'
`relationship to a familiar parameter of an osC'iJla.lory wave train of con­
`tinuously decreasing amplitude. This parameter was lbe logarithmic
`dcrrcment, which was defined as the natural logarithm of the ratio of
`two successive maxima in a damped wave train. Thus in Figure 2 the
`logarithmic decremeut o is equal to log, (A.B/CD).
`Soh1tion of the differential equation for a resonant c•ircuit comprising
`resistance, inductance, and capac·itanc·c in series gives for the logarith-
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 003


`mic decrement o the value 1rR/wL, or 1rRwC. Hence Q equals 1r/o. While
`in the earlier days much importance attached to logarithmic decrement
`of radio, in connection with the damped waves produced in a spark trans­
`through a spark gap, Q
`mitter by the sudden discharge of a condenser
`that today wave techniques to continuous was so much better adapted
`the term logarithmic decrement is an but forgotten.
`Many relations previously established for the logarithmic dccremc11t
`were restated in terms of Q. Thus the number of complete oscillations
`amplitude necessary to reach a given ratio p of initial to final amplitude
`a Q of 100, for example,
`is Q/ 1r times loge p. From this we learn that for
`the number of oscillations necessary to reach one per cent of the initial
`value is 146, while for a Q of 200 twice as many oscillations would be
`I a )
`f C = LOGe­
`FIG. 2. Logarithmic decrement for damped wave-train.
`simple decrement relationship, Through pursuit of the logarithmic
`manipulations yielded a useful physical pictlue, namely, that
`in for a simple resonant circuit the ratio of the maximum energy stored
`either the coil or the condenser to the energy dissipated per cycle is equal
`the induc­across either to Q/21r. Also, for larger values of Q, the voltage
`tor or the capacitor of a series resonant eircuit is substantially equal to
`the current through either Q times the applied voltage t6J. Similarly
`is equal to Q circuit of a parallel resonant the inductor or the capacitor
`times the total current.
`An even more interesLing relationship was found between Q and the
`too detailed for shape of the resonance curve t7J. Through derivations
`hHrc, it turns out that for a curve showing magnitude of i m ­
`pedance or admittance of a resonant circuit frequency, Q is approxi­
`mately equal to the ratio of the resonant frequency to the width of
`curve between the points,, on either side of resonance, where
`v12 times the maximum or
`the ordinate is, respectively, 1/
`v12 times the
`minimum ordinate.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 004


`!2esonant Devices
`Tbe groundwork was uow complete, and anyone could take off in any
`clire<;tion. A natural extension from the inductor and capacitor resonant
`circ:uit, was to apply Q to any resonant structure or deviee . For t,his pw·­
`pose the dofinltion of Q in terms of energy storage and dissipation was
`directly applicable, while the relation for the shape of the resonance
`curve was broo.dened by stating it in terms of response. Thus Q became
`equal to the ratio of the resonant frequency to the bandwidth between
`those frequencies on opposito sides of reso1rnncc (known as "half-power
`_points") where the response of the resonant structure differs by 3 db
`from that at resonance. The use of Q wit,h such conn otations for tuning
`forks, piezoelectric rcson::i.tors, magnetostricti ve rodl:l, and the like soon
`became commonplace.
`Resonant Transmission Lines
`HPsonant Lrnnsmission lines came ucxt. The standing wave patterns
`for open- circujted or short-circuited bnos, exhibiting maxima and
`minima at "resona1we" points located at quarter-wave multiples from
`Lhe lerrni.i 1ftti ng end, were, of course, familiar from classical derivations.
`The t..rend to higher frequencies, espec:ially for rndio commW1ciation,
`made it increasingly advaot,ageous to utilize such r�ona-nt-line phe­
`nomena for oscillator frequency control, voltage step-up, impedance
`inversion, and the like. Since the curve of line impedance in the vicinity
`of resonance is essentially similar to that of a resonant circuit, it was a
`natural step to apply the factor Q to a. resonant transmission line. F. E.
`1\'rman [SJ showed that the Q of such a. line is equal to 1rf I a V, where .f
`is the resonant frequency, a is the real p�trt of the propagation constant,
`and Tr is the grnup velocity, i.e., the velocity with whieh signals are
`tra1 ism itted.
`Caviiy Resonators
`AL frequencies upward from �1bout 1000 me (commonly referred to as
`microwaves) resonant transmi5sion liues usually give way to cavity
`resonators. The cavity may be cylindrical, parallelepipedal, spherical. 01
`some other, dep,encling on end use. Regardl<>A s of shape, a cavity
`resonator has tt11 infinity of resonant frequencies, starting at a ml11imum
`value and becomjng more closely spaced with increasjng frequency.
`Each resonance 1·orre.sponds to a particular standing wave pattern of the
`electromagnetic field, which is called a resonant mode, and for which the
`cavity may be considered a.s a single tuned circuit (with L and C not de­
`fined). The Q of a eavity resonator for any mode is therefore definable
`in terms of losses or bandwidth, and turns out to be a function of the
`ralio of internal volume to intcn1al area. A general oxpression for the Q
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 005


`in Schelkunoff by S. A. was derived of a cylindrical cavity resonator
`1934 in unpublished lecture course material. Values of
`Q for different
`1938 modes were published in shapes of cavity resonator and different
`between by Yv. W. Hansen l9J. The practical designer must distinguish
`(a) the nonloaded or basic Q resull;ing from theoretical consideration
`the cavity without external coupling, and (b) the loaded or working Q
`obtained when microwaves are excited within the cavity by one or more
`orifices, loops, or probes.
`111 aterial Q
`\�Thile these various exctusions were under way, engineers concerned
`with magnetic or dielectric materi!ds discovered that Q was a convenient
`device for expressing the dissipation prope1iies of a material, as distinct
`of loss in the device in which the material is used. For
`from other sourc�s
`this purpose Q may be defined in tenns of energy storage,
`that is, Q
`equals 271' times the ratio of maximum stored energy to the energy dis­
`in the m,1terin,l per cyele.
`Spectral Lines
`In the search for more precise standards of frequenc;y n,nd time, scien­
`molecular tists in recent years have turned to a new tool-atomic and
`The quantum theory, first advanced by Planck, states in sub­
`stance that changes of energy in atoms and molecules are not continuous
`of an but occur in steps, each step being the emission or absorption
`which is equal to the product of amount of energy, called a quantum,
`Planck's constant and the radiation frequency. The frequencies which
`correspond to such transitions between characteristic energy states for
`to as spectral
`different atomic and molecular structures are referred
`in atoms and molecules involve
`While many of the transitions
`energies which correspond to very high frequencies, there are a number
`of low energy tTansitions corresponding to frequeneies in the microwave
`frequency for obtaining One method of employing these phenomena
`is to e>..'])ose a gas to electromagnetic fields in sharply defuied
`bands where low energy transitions are produced within the
`a strong ab­
`r101 . .1\.mmonia gas (NH3) , for example, exhibits
`sorption band at 23,870 me. Another method of using these furnhmental
`of matter is to employ microwave fields of sharply defined
`an atomic or molecular beam [lll. In either
`frequency to deflect
`case the
`to that of is very similar shape of the curve of response versus frequency
`a resonant circuit, which makes it convenient to describe the selectivity
`by an equivalent Q defined as
`the ratio of the frequency of maximum
`to the 3-dh bandwidth.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 006


`So the irrepressible
`symbol has ranged here, there. and everywhere.
`so For years no one tried to brand the maverick. Usage was expanding
`fast that people shied away from exact definition.
`,vhcn the ASA C42
`Definitions of Electrical Te,ms ,,ere published in 194 1 . Q \\'a.s
`omitted because it was looked upon as a symbol mthout a name. Tt ,\·as
`not until a. revision of those definitions was gotten under ,,·a.y in 1'9 n
`thn.t a committee attempted to write a complete definition of Q. �ven
`then, while the basie concepts were clear enough, precise wording proved
`cliffic11lt, and will doubtless need modification as usage spreads �1nd
`Values of Q-Reaclors aml Resonators
`to unity,
`While it has been implied that Q is fn:qucntly large compared
`look at its size. Values which are intended
`it is now time to have a closer
`order of magnitude, and not for engineering design, arc­
`to indicate
`cussed below, and the general rang,e of values is illustrated in Figure 3.
`To start, as K. S . . Johnson <iid, with the inductor, good present-dtty
`for air or molybdenum permalloy powder cores n.t
`range from 50 mo<lcrately high frequencies is rep1·esented by Q's in the
`Lo 250. The introduction of the ferr:ites, whose high resistance practically
`eliminates high frnquency eddy cuncnt losses, has opened up new ,·istas,
`weight, and permitted economies in volurn-e, and cost. Q's of 300 to 500
`50-100 kc now realized commercialJy in filter
`in the frequency range
`of shell-type ferrite construction having an over- all volume of
`slightly more than a cubic inch. A rather spectacular recent achievement
`with a Q of more was the construc:Lion of an experimental forrit,e inductor
`than 1000.
`covers a wid,e range. Electrolytics
`give 15 or 20 at
`The Q of capacitors
`Ceramic types have Q's 1 kc and fall off rapidly at higher frequencies.
`le.� than 100, oil impregnated paper capacitors values of several hundred,
`or tens of thousands. and mica and air capacitors values in the thousands
`For real mammoth Q's, en1,ri.noors turn to quartz crystals
`(Fig. -l).
`for eiLher commercially Units of the air-enclosed type, as produced
`frequency control or network applications afford Q's from 10,000 to 100,
`units, particularly those designed for use
`000. In precision-type crystal
`at 100 kc or 5 m<.:, much higher values of Q are
`in frequency standards
`obtained by selection of the raw mate1·ial, by careful preparation of the
`surface of the plat,e, by design of the supporting system to prevent
`ener1,,ry absorption, and by evacuating the enclosure in order to reduce
`By &"Uch means, Q's of one to two million
`radiation to the �itmosphere.
`in devc.lop­production are realized in commercial and four to ten million
`highest units are the meu t models. The Q's obtained in quartz crystal
`Q'syeta-ehieved in passive man-made devices. Of course, by using
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 007


`GOLF __ n
`PIANO SIRING --i------0
`CHURCH BELL-----------0
`' I I
`Au o 1To R LMs ---_I_ ----M"-'t,
`I �"f-�">''',W,W�
`MICA C+CITORSf-----+---
`WAVE GUIDE - ------------------0
`TUNING JoRK ___ l _____
`j ______
`AIR CA+ro•s+---+ -----�
`I I I I
`______ �� ,1
`I I
`I I
`SPECTRAL LINES (PRACTICAL VALUES) -------... , - ., ...... ;·""'=,;t,.....,;;::;:..a.::: --,(�-=::i;:
`I I I I '
`QUARTZ-CRYSTAL UNITS---------------! ,,,,,., , .. ,j
`PLANET tARTH -r-----7----
`--,------T-----r------,-► 1013
`I I I I I
`I I
`F10. 3. Q's for various phenomena and devices.
`'410. 4. Quartz crystal resonators.
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 008


`fication to off set losses, Q can in effect be made infinite, but this is an
`area outside present consideration.
`elements, as fre­In cavity resonators employed as frequency-fixing
`quency standards, as adjustable frequency meters or wavemeters, or as
`selective elements in filters, amplifiers, etc. , a moderate value of Q, from
`a few hundred to perhaps 10,000, is usually sufficient. In order to avoid
`confusion with other modes, the dominant or fundamental mode, i.e.,
`the mode with the lowest cutoff frequency, is usually selected for such
`applications. Another important use of cavity resonator is in so-called
`"echo boxes" (Fig. 5) for determining the over-all performance of a radar
`Fro. 5. Cavity resonator for radar testing
`by coupling the radar output into the cavity and observing the time
`required for the signal returned to the radar receiver to disap­
`pear into the noise [ 121, [ 1 31 . 'fhis type of application requires extremely
`from for frequencies from 40,000 to 200,000 high values of Q, ranging
`1000 to 25,000 me. Cylindrical resonators are usually employed, fre­
`quently at a mode above the fundamental.
`vary over systems and devices The Q's obtained in other resonant
`quite a range. Magnetostrictive rods and tuning forks give fairly high
`Q's, while musical devices such as piano and violin strings, organ pipes,
`church bells, etc. have rather low values.
`In a maj ority of situations the desired value of Q is the highest one
`economically attainable. In fact, the label "high Q" is often interpreted
`to mean "high quality." Sometimes, however, a minimum Q is the de­
`sideratum. For example, circuit designers who are plagued by the high­
`frequency reactance of resistors find it comforting to obtain a Q of about
`0.001 in a deposited carbon resistor at 100 kc. Cases also arise, hmvever,
`is a where it is desired neither to maximize nor to minimize Q. One such
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 009


`reverberant room or hall, "·hich has a Q derivable from the curve of decay
`the time, i.e., the time for of sound intensity or from the reverberation
`techniques, to drop 60 db. By suitable sound absorbing
`sound intensity
`the Q can be reduced to a very low value, making a "dead" room. On the
`other hand, high reflectivity for all interior surfaces gives too live a room.
`Q which lies somewhere
`there is an optimal
`in between, and
`In general
`depends on a number of factors, including the volume of the room and the
`250 to 350 provide good is utilized. type of sound for which it Q's of about
`room acoustics for moderate sized halls, while larger values are prefer­
`able for large auditoriums and cathedrals.
`Bouncing Balls
`to a
`of Q may be extended
`As suggested by R. S. Duncan, t,he concept
`the height of suc­ball, the Q being determined by measuring
`on an w1yielding surface.
`cessive rebounds when the ball is dropped
`a vacuum but the results in air
`test should be made in
`Theoretically the
`of drop, golf balls give Q's of are about the same. For moderate heights
`about 8 or 9, tennis balls slightly less. In the persistent search for new
`it may be that the manufacturers of
`ways to attract consumer attention,
`golf or tennis balls will some day get around to advertising a high-Q prod­
`uct. Should they become overboastful, however, it could be pointed
`out that if a golf ball had the two million Q of a precision crystal, it
`to 50% of the original would after 440,000 bounces still be rebounding
`Rotating Bodies
`to Having gone so far with Q, it is perhaps not too much of a stretch
`apply it to a rotating body subject to frictional deceleration. The ratio
`energy lost per cycle suffices to determine the
`of the stored energy to the
`might be considered Q. Thus the gyroscope of a gyrocompass
`to have a
`Q in the order of a million or so.
`Traditionally nothing is as constant as the earth's rotation. Our stand­
`derives ard of time is the mean solar day and our standard of frequency
`from this. In reality, however, the.'5e standards are measurably unstable.
`The earth is constantly slowing down, m<IBtly becauise of t,idal friction,
`rate whose variations in rotational and in addition there are irregular
`a number cause is not wholly understood. Observations of the motions of
`of the day is increasing at
`of heavenly bodies indicate that the length
`the rate of 0.00164 second per century 1141. Neglecting irregular varia­
`therefore, we can as a matter of academic interest figure
`out the
`a retardation Q of the earth as a rotating body subject to
`which may be
`assumed constant over the present span of human concern. As might be
`expected, the value of Q thus determined turns out to be very large-
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 010


`about 1013
`, which is far beyond the range of Q's obtained in man-made
`Atomic and Molecular Q's
`1016 to transitions is very large, The Q which is inherent in .molecular
`• Considerable broadening is caused, however, by molecular colli­
`conditions the Q ob­
`sions and by Doppler effect, so that under working
`tained by the absorption method may be of the order of 100,000 to one
`r1s1. With the beam deflection method, using cesium or thallium
`atoms, it appears possible to obtain Q's of 30 million to 50 million. These
`phenomena (either absorption or beam deflection)
`frequency and time stand­seem to offer the best promise for non-aging
`stand­the changing ards which will eventually be needed to supplement
`rotation. ard provided by the earth's
`In the meanwhile, Q, having al­
`on to
`ready ranged from the atom to the planet, will doubtless move
`and cosmic realms.
`material, 1914. 1. JonNSON, K. S. Unpublished
`material, October 11, 1920. 2. JOHNSON, K. S. Unpublished
`Communica tion. D. Van
`3. JOHNSON, K. S. Tranemi88'!on
`Circuits for Telephonic
`Noetrand, 1925, Weetern Electric, 1924.
`4. SHEA, T. E. Transmis8ion
`D. Van Nostrand, 1929.
`Networks and Wave Filters.
`No. Circular of the Bureau of Standards 5. Radio Instruments and Measurement.!,
`74, First Edition, March 23, 1918.
`6. Thia relationship was made use of in the Q meter which wa.R invented by H. A.
`Snow in 1934.
`7. TERMAN, F. E. Radio Engineering. McGraw-Hill, 1932.
`8. TERMAN, F. E. "Resonant Lines in Radio Circuits,"
`Electrical Engineering,
`July 1934, p. 1046.
`9. HANSEN, W. W. "A Type of Elect,rical Resonator,"
`Jrmrnal of Applied Physics,
`October 1938, p. 654.
`10. TOWNES, C. H. "The Ammonia Spectrum and Line Shapes Near l .25 Centi­
`meter Wave Length," Phys. Rev., November 1946, p. 665.
`11. RABI, I. I., ZACHARIAS, J. R., �1n.T,M.�N, S., and Kuscn, P. "A New Method for
`Nuclear Magnetic Moment,s," Phys. Rev., Vol. 53, p. 318, 1938.
`12. GREEN, E. I., FrsHER, H.J., and FERGUSON, J. G. "Techniques and Facilities
`for Microwave Radar Testing,"
`Journa�july 1946, p. 435.
`Bell System Technical
`13. WILSON, I. G., SCHRAMM, C. W., and KtNllER, J.P. "High Q1u.esonant
`Journal, July 1946, p. 408. for Microwave Testing " Bell System Technical
`Time," Physics Today, August 14. BROUWER, D. "The Accurate l:\-Ieasurement of
`1951, p. 6.
`Standards," 15. LYONS, HAROLD. "Spect,ral Lines a.s Frequency
`Anna/$ of the New
`November 1952, p. 8:31.
`York Academy of Science,
`I I
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 011


`Published in
`Vol. 43, pp. 584-594, October, 1955
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 012


`M O NO G R A P H 2 4 9 1
`The story of Q
`11.G., ........
`._ ..... -tllllllll
`E. I. Green
`Momentum Dynamics Corporation
`Exhibit 1016
`Page 013

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