`~tup and important health-related information
`for the PowerBook 150 computer
`Page 1 of 57


`II Apple Computer, Inc.
`This manual is copyrighted by Apple, with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this
`manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Apple.
`The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc., registered in the U.S. and other
`countries. Use of the " keyboard" Apple logo (Option-Shift-K) for commercial purposes without
`the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair
`competition in violation of federal and state laws.
`Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Apple is
`not responsible for printing or clerical errors.
`© 1994 Apple Computer, Inc.
`I Infinite Loop
`Cupertino, CA 95014-6299
`(408) 996-1010
`Apple, the Apple logo, AppleShare, AppleTalk, LaserWriter, LocalTalk, Macintosh,
`PowerBook, and Style Writer are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. , registered in the
`U.S . and other countries.
`AppleColor, Disk First Aid, Finder, and Macintosh PC Exchange are trademarks of Apple
`Computer, Inc.
`Adobe, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, and Postscript are trademarks of Adobe Systems
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`Aldus and PageMaker are registered trademarks of Aldus Corporation.
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`Exposure is a registered trademark of Preferred Publishers, Inc.
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`Lotus is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation.
`Macintosh Basics was developed using Video Works Interactive. MacroMind is a registered
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`MacDraw and Mac Write are registered trademarks, and Claris Resolve is a trademark, of
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`Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an
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`performance or use of these products.
`Page 2 of 57


`• • • • • •
`Communications regulation information
`Preface Corrections to the Macintosh Reference book
`1 Setting Up Your PowerBook
`Step 1 Plug in the power adapter
`Step 2 Open the display
`Step 3 Turn on the computer
`What to do next
`Backing up your hard disk
`Restoring the information on your hard disk
`Turning your computer off
`Putting your computer to sleep
`Restarting your computer when it's already on
`2 Learning to Use Your Computer
`Part I Starting the Macintosh Basics tour
`Part 2 Practicing your new skills
`Answers to the review questions
`Practice session
`Clues on your screen
`Page 3 of 57


`3 Basic Skills
`Working with icons
`Working with windows
`Working with documents
`Working with disks
`Organizing your desktop
`Working with pull-down menus
`Keyboard shortcuts in the Finder and in directory dialog boxes
`4 Health, Safety, and Maintenance Tips
`Important care and safety instructions
`Caring for batteries
`Health-related information about computer use
`5 The Control Strip
`What is the Control Strip?
`How does the Control Strip differ from control panels?
`Closing, opening, and resizing the Control Strip
`Hiding the Control Strip
`Moving the Control Strip
`Rearranging the modules in the Control Strip
`Using the Control Strip
`6 Power Management
`Power sources
`Responding to low-power messages
`Recharging the battery
`Removing or replacing the battery
`Disposing of dead batteries
`Replacing the backup battery
`Reconditioning the battery
`Maximizing work time
`Co ntents
`Page 4 of 57


`7 Customizing and Traveling With Your PowerBook
`Customizing your PowerBook
`Traveling with the PowerBook
`Storing the PowerBook
`Service and support
`8 Connecting Other Equipment to Your PowerBook
`Connecting a printer
`Connecting an external modem
`Connecting SCSI devices
`9 Tips and Troubleshooting
`The PowerBook
`The screen
`The trackball
`SCSI devices
`Disk drives and disks
`Application programs
`Appendix A Using the PowerBook File Assistant
`What is file synchronization?
`Starting the PowerBook File Assistant
`Linking files or folders for synchronization
`Synchronizing linked folders or files
`Turning off the alert messages
`Setting up completely automatic synchronization
`Page 5 of 57


`Appendix B Exchanging Files With DOS or Windows
`Macintosh PC Exchange at a glance
`Using DOS-format disks on your Macintosh
`Opening DOS documents on your Macintosh
`Assigning Macintosh programs to DOS documents
`Saving documents onto a DOS-format disk
`Page 6 of 57


`Communications regulation information
`FCC statement
`This equipment has been tested and fo und to comply with the li mits for a Class B digital device
`in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules. See instructions if interference to
`radio or television reception is suspected.
`Radio and television interference
`The equipment described in this manual generates, uses, and can radiate radio-frequency
`that is, in strict accordance with Apple's
`energy. Ifit is not installed and used properly-
`instructions-it may cause interference with radio and television reception .
`This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device
`in accordance with the specifications in Part 15 of FCC rules. These specifications are designed
`to provide reasonable protection against such interference in a residential installation. However,
`there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
`You can determine whether your computer system is causing interference by turning it off. If
`the interference stops, it was probably caused by the computer or one of the peripheral devices.
`If your computer system does cause interference to radio or television reception, try to correct
`the interference by using one or more of the following measures :
`■ Turn the television or radio antenna until the interference stops.
`■ Move the computer to one side or the other of the television or radio.
`■ Move the computer farther away from the television or radio.
`■ Plug the computer into an outlet that is on a different circuit from the television or radio.
`(That is, make certain the computer and the television or radio are on circuits controlled by
`different circuit breakers or fuses .)
`If necessary, consult an Apple-authorized service provider or Apple. See the service and support
`information that came with your Apple product. Or, consult an experienced radio/television
`technician for additional suggestions. You may find the following booklet helpful: Interference
`Handbook (stock number 004-000-00493-1 ). This booklet, prepared by the Federal
`Communications Commission, is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office,
`Washington, DC 20402.
`IMPORTANT Changes or modifications to this product not authorized by Apple Computer, Inc.,
`could void the FCC Certification and negate your authority to operate the product.
`This product was tested for FCC compliance under conditions that included the use of Apple
`peripheral devices and Apple shielded cables and connectors between system components. It is
`important that you use Apple peripheral devices and shielded cables and connectors between
`system components to reduce the possibility of causing interference to radios, television sets,
`and other electronic devices. You can obtain Apple peripheral devices and the proper shielded
`cables and connectors through an Apple-authorized dealer. For non-Apple peripheral devices,
`contact the manufacturer or dealer for assistance.
`Co mmun icat ions Regulation Info rmati on
`Page 7 of 57


`DOC statement
`DOC Class B Compliance This digital apparatus does not exceed the Class B limits for radio
`noise emissions from digital apparatus as set out in the interference-causing equipment standard
`entitled "Digital Apparatus," ICES-003 of the Department of Communications.
`Observation des normes- Classe B Cet appareil numerique respecte Jes limites de bruits
`radioelectriques applicables aux appareils numeriques de Classe B prescrites dans la norme
`sur le materiel brouilleur: "Appareils Numeriques", NMB-003 edictee par le ministre des
`VCCI statement
`•~~IHMI~ii:~~5~~~ !3 ::tm%1J(:-:)t,' --C
`;:: O)}'d7U±, ~ -·.tJiii'1'l$li1Qfn: ( fi~iif,,t,JUUl:-f 0) ~t& L t.::li!i,r.<OCI:: .t:;, ,-nl'.
`Jn ~ n J.> "'~ ·l'i'itf11Qin) -r:·f1'.t:!i!i,~-r:·O)'/ltiJ.£iW-'tHJnl·. ~ ril'10 t L t.:-r,'itlH!!:
`!]11Q(nT.~\'11iJ.Ul?iW f'l :i.;l;Jl811Jth18it~ (VCCI) ~~ l::i/filf;- L "Z" J:; 1J 1 -t o
`Li.PL, ,$:~jq'~ 7 ::/:t, 'r v e:h :;,,-5tfi;f,:IH::ifl:ti L "Z" ;::·f'.!!IIJI.:: f.:J., t,
`Jti(t,&;i51,aJ]i!ft::f;t?"Z":iEL,,JflUJt&,,~ L"Z" < t.:.~v'o
`Communications Regulation Information
`Page 8 of 57


`Corrections to the Macintosh Reference Book
`• • • • • •
`This Getting Started manual provides instructions for setting up your
`PowerBook 150, learning basic Macintosh software skills, and using the
`many special features of your computer. In addition to this manual, your
`computer came with a lvlcicintosh Reference book that provides instructions
`for performing many tasks that are common to all Macintosh and PowerBook
`Please note the following corrections in the Macintosh Reference book. You
`may want to mark these corrections on the appropriate pages of that manual
`for future reference.
`The Disk Tools and Utilities floppy disks
`The lvlcicintosh Reference book mentions a floppy disk called Disk Tools in
`several places. You did not receive this disk with your PowerBook 150.
`Instead, you received a disk called Utilities. Whenever you are instructed to
`use the Disk Tools disk, you should substitute the Utilities disk, which includes
`much the same software as Disk Tools.
`References to the Disk Tools disk appear on pages 10, 19, 20, and 21 of the
`Macintosh Reference.
`Page 9 of 57


`The Apple HD SC Setup and Internal HD Format utilities
`The Apple HD SC Setup utility program that comes with many Macintosh
`and PowerBook computers is not designed for use with the internal hard disk
`of the PowerBook 150. Instead, your Utilities disk includes a utility program
`called Internal HD Format, which was designed to work specifically with the
`hard disk in your PowerBook 150 computer.
`If you ever need to initialize your internal hard disk, refer to "Disk Drives and
`Disks" in Chapter 9 of this Getting Started book for instructions on using the
`Internal HD Format utility. Please disregard the instructions in "Initializing
`a Hard Disk" on pages 10-11 of the Macintosh Reference book.
`You cannot use the Internal HD Format program to test a hard disk.
`Therefore, please disregard the instructions in "Testing a Hard Disk" on
`page 21 of the Ma,cintosh Reference book.
`Using a RAM disk
`The instructions for setting up and using a RAM disk on pages 71-72 of the
`Ma,cintosh Reference book are slightly incorrect for the PowerBook 150. Please
`refer instead to the instructions on pages 85-87 of this Getting Started book.
`Using the Chooser to select a printer
`The PowerBook 150 has only a printer port, not an external modem port. On
`page 76 of the Macintosh Reference book, please disregard the instruction to
`select a port; your printer port will be selected automatically when you open
`the Chooser.
`Co rrec ti ons to th e Macin tos h Reference Book
`Page 10 of 57


`Follow the steps in this chapter to set up
`your PowerBook, back up the contents
`of your hard disk, and learn about
`turning your computer on and off.
`Setting Up Your PowerBook
`• • • • • •
`To set up your PowerBook for the first time, you need the power adapter that
`came wi th your PowerBook.
`Step 1 Plug in the power adapter
`When you plug in the power adapter, the computer's battery recharges. You
`should plug in the power adapter now in case the battery has drained during
`shipping and storage.
`WARNING Use only a PowerBook power adapter with your PowerBook
`computer. Adapters for other electronic devices (including other
`portable computers) may look similar, but they may damage your
`Page 11 of 57


`■ Plug th e power ada t
`Then plug the o p er mto a standard el
`with the icon!:) ::::dapter cable into ;t1cal outlet or power stri
`c back panel of the c:i:;::c:.dapter port ( mar:~d
`• Chapter 1
`Page 12 of 57


`2 Open the
`■ Slide the latch to
`the right and hft up
`the display.
`I You can a ~u
`d. st the
`lay at a com
`fortable viewmg ang e.
`■ Position the
`at any time.
`I Of the d1sp ay
`ang e
`Setting Up Your
`Po werBook
`• 3
`Page 13 of 57


`Step 3 Turn on the computer
`■ Press the Power On button located on the back of the computer to turn on
`the computer. The Power On button is marked with this icon: <J
`<l Power On button
`You hear a tone when you turn on the computer. It takes the computer a
`moment to start up.
`When you see something like this on your screen, the computer is ready to
`use :
`fil e Edit Uiew La bel Spec ial
`Note: Your screen should look very simi lar to this picture, but it might not
`look exactly the same.
`Chapter 1
`Page 14 of 57


`Problems turning on your computer?
`■ The computer made a sound, but you can't see anything on the screen.
`Adjust the brightness control (marked with the icon -:g.-) and the contrast
`control (0) until an image appears and the screen is easy to read .
`0 Contrast control
`·"if.· Brightness control
`■ Nothing happened when you pressed the Power On button.
`Make sure the power adapter is connected to both the computer and a
`power source. If the power adapter is plugged into a power strip, make sure
`the power strip is plugged in and turned on. Try pressing the Power On
`button again.
`If these suggestions don't solve the problem, see Chapter 9,
`"Troubleshooting," for further help.
`Setting Up Your Po werBook
`Page 15 of 57


`What to do next
`■ New Macintosh users: If you have never used a Macintosh computer before,
`turn to Chapter 2 now to learn how to use your PowerBook. After you have
`completed Chapters 2 and 3, come back to this chapter for instructions on
`backing up your computer's hard disk, turning the PowerBook off, and
`putting the PowerBook to sleep.
`■ New PowerBook users: If you have used other Macintosh computers but are
`new to the PowerBook, continue with this chapter. Then skim the rest of
`this book for information about your new PowerBook.
`■ Experienced PowerBook users: Read the rest of this chapter for instructions
`on backing up your computer's hard disk. Then skim the rest of this book
`for information about your new PowerBook.
`IMPORTANT No matter what your level of experience, be sure to read the
`safety information in Chapter 4 before beginning your own work.
`Backing up your hard disk
`This section describes how to protect the software on your computer's hard
`Why back up?
`Your computer's hard disk comes with valuable information stored on it,
`including the system software (which operates the computer) and some
`application programs. You should make a copy of the information on your
`hard disk for safekeeping, using the PowerBook 150 Backup program supplied
`on your hard disk. (The extra copy is called a backup, and the process of
`making the copy is called backing up.)
`You should also make a copy of your System Folder. Then if the System
`Folder on the hard disk becomes damaged, you can quickly restore it from
`your backup copy.
`To restore information to your hard disk, use the PowerBook 150 Restore
`program that came with your computer. See "Restoring the Information on
`Your Hard Disk" later in this chapter.
`Chapter 1
`Page 16 of 57


`What you need
`Just as you need paper to make copies of important documents, you need
`floppy disks to copy the information on your hard disk. You can probably buy
`the floppy disks at the same place you bought your computer.
`Floppy disks come in a variety of sizes and capacities. The ones you need for
`backing up your hard disk are called high-density 3 5-inch disks. You can
`recognize the disks by the way they look:
`High-density disks
`have two holes ...
`. . . and they have
`this symbol.
`Even though these disks have a hard plastic casing, they are called "floppy
`disks" because the disk inside the casing is floppy.
`Depending on exactly what was installed on your computer at the factory, the
`information on your hard disk will fill more than 20 high-density disks. Disks
`usually come in boxes of 10, so you should have three boxes of disks before
`starting to follow the backup instructions in this chapter.
`If you don't have enough disks, you can skip this section for the moment. But
`the sooner you make the backup copy, the better. Buy the disks as soon as
`possible, then return to this section and follow the instructions.
`For more information on using floppy disks, see "Using Disks" in the
`Macintosh Reference book.
`Setting Up Your Po werBook
`Page 17 of 57


`Making the copy
`To start the PowerBook 150 Backup program, follow these instructions:
`Turn on your computer.
`2 Open the PowerBook 150 Backup program by double-clicking its icon.
`PowerBook 1 50 Backup
`After a moment, the PowerBook 150 Backup program opens.
`PowerBook 150 Backup
`It's important to make a copy of what's on your hard
`disk, in case items are accidentally lost or damaged.
`This program requires high - density floppy disks.
`You can safely stop the backup at any time, without
`affecting your hard disk.
`I[ Continue JI
`Chapter 1
`Page 18 of 57


`3 Make sure your disks are high-density floppy disks. Then click the Continue button.
`A message appears, telling you how many floppy disks you will need to make
`your backup copy and about how long it will take.
`Rlthough it is important to back up the entire hard
`disk, it is especially important to back up at least the
`System Folder.
`You 'll need 18 high-density floppy disks to copy all
`the files on your hard disk. Copying will take about
`57 minutes.
`You 'll need 6 high-density floppy disks to copy the
`System Folder only. Copying will take about 19
`minutes .
`,.... ,_ The number of disks and
`the copying time will vary
`depending on the contents
`of your computer's hard disk.
`[ Copy System Folder ]
`I[ Copy all Files ])
`4 Click the appropriate choice, as follows:
`■ First click the Copy System Folder button, then continue with the
`instructions in this section.
`■ When you have finished copying the System Folder, click the Copy all
`Files button and again follow the instructions in this section.
`■ If you start copying and find that you don't have enough floppy disks for
`your choice, click Quit. Skip the rest of this section for now, and continue
`with "Turning Your Computer Off'' later in this chapter. Buy floppy disks
`as soon as you can, then follow the instructions in this section to back up
`all of your hard disk.
`Make sure you have enough time and floppy disks to complete the copying. If
`you stop the copying before it's finished, you' ll have to start over again from
`the beginning.
`Setting Up Your Po werBook
`Page 19 of 57


`Insert a high-density floppy disk into the disk drive.
`Do not use the Utilities floppy disk that came with your computer.
`Follow the instructions on the screen until a message tells you that you're finished.
`Insert a new disk whenever the screen messages tells you to. As you fill each
`disk, make a note of the name displayed on the screen. The name will
`disappear as soon as the disk is ejected. Then immediately label the disk so
`that you know what its contents are later.
`Follow steps 3-6 again, but this time click the Copy all Files button.
`8 When you're finished, be sure the floppy disks are properly labeled and locked, then
`store them in a safe, cool place.
`As time goes by, you will store more information on your computer. You
`should back up your hard disk at least once a month. (You may want to
`recycle your backup disks so that you don't need to buy a new set every time
`you back up.)
`Chapter 1
`Page 20 of 57


`Restoring the information on your hard disk
`If information on your hard disk is damaged or lost, you can restore it if you
`have a backup copy of the information. Your PowerBook comes with a
`program called PowerBook 150 Backup, which you can use to back up the
`information on your hard disk. Then if you need to, you can use the program
`called PowerBook 150 Restore, also included with your computer, to put the
`copied information back on your hard disk.
`You can also use PowerBook 150 Backup to make a copy of your System
`Folder (the folder that contains the software the computer uses to operate). If
`your computer does not start up anymore, replacing the System Folder may
`solve the problem. You can use PowerBook 150 Restore to replace the
`damaged System Folder on your hard disk.
`For instructions on using PowerBook 150 Backup, see "Backing Up Your
`Hard Disk" earlier in this chapter.
`IMPORTANT If at any time during restoring you see a message reporting that
`the hard disk is damaged or unreadable, see "Using Disks" in the Macintosh
`Reference book.
`To use Power Book 150 Restore to restore information to your hard disk, you
`need the Utilities floppy disk that came with your computer and the floppy
`disks that you used to back up your hard disk. Follow these steps:
`Make sure the computer is off.
`Insert the Utilities disk into the floppy disk drive, then turn on the computer.
`If necessary, open the Utilities icon by double-clicking it.
`4 Open the PowerBook 150 Restore program by double-clicking its icon.
`Power-Book 1 50 Restore
`Setting Up Your PowerBook
`Page 21 of 57


`In a moment you'll see this screen:
`PowerBook 1 SO Restore ~
`If you used PowerBook 1 SO Backup to make a copy of
`what 's on your hard disk, you can use PowerBook 150
`Restore to copy items back to your hard disk in case of
`a problem.
`You'll need the set of disks that you made with
`PowerBook 1 50 Backup.
`I Continue ]
`5 Click the Continue button.
`Insert your first backup disk.
`Restoring begins and proceeds automatically.
`Respond to any messages you see on the screen.
`If Power Book 150 Restore finds an item on your hard disk that is newer than
`an item with the same name on the floppy disk, it asks whether you want the
`older version of the item to replace the newer version. Click your choice. If
`you think the item on the hard disk may be damaged, you should replace it.
`Insert the next disk in your stack of backup disks and repeat step 7.
`Continue inserting disks until you have gone through all the disks in the
`stack. Make sure you insert disks in the correct order.
`The PowerBook 150 Restore program lets you know when you are finished.
`Return your backup disks to a safe, cool place for storage.
`9 Restart your computer, then check to be sure that everything is back on your hard disk.
`If the computer still doesn't start up or your hard disk still doesn't work
`properly, see "Using Disks" in the Macintosh Reference book. If you are able to
`repair the disk, then try again to restore the information on your hard disk.
`Chapter 1
`Page 22 of 57


`Restoring your System Folder
`If your computer doesn't start up anymore, replacing the System Folder may
`solve the problem. If you used PowerBook 150 Backup to make a backup
`copy of your System Folder, you can use PowerBook 150 Restore to replace
`the damaged System Folder on your hard disk with the copy on your backup
`To restore the System Folder to the hard disk, follow the instructions in this
`section, using the floppy disks that contain a backup copy of your System
`Turning your computer off
`When the PowerBook is off, the computer is not using any power or doing
`any work. You should always turn the computer off before attaching other
`equipment to it or replacing its battery. Also turn it off to conserve power
`when you won't be using it for several hours.
`To turn the computer off:
`■ If the computer is on, choose Shut Down from the Special menu.
`Clean Up Window
`fmp\q ·rrnst; , __
`Eject Disk
`frnse Dhk,,,
`I 1
`■ If the computer is in sleep, wake it by pressing any key on the keyboard (except Caps
`Lock), and then choose Shut Down from the Special menu.
`Setting Up Your Po werBook
`Page 23 of 57


`Putting your computer to sleep
`When the PowerBook is in sleep, it has a darkened screen and appears to be
`off, though it is still drawing battery power at a low level. The computer is on,
`but almost completely inactive.
`To put your PowerBook to sleep:
`■ Choose Sleep from the Special menu.
`Clean Up Window
`rmp\q 'irnst __ ,
`(ju:1 fhk
`Erase Disk ...
`Shut Down
`Automatic sleep
`If you don't use the computer for several minutes, it goes to sleep
`automatically. This conserves battery power.
`To wake the computer, press any key on the keyboard (except Caps Lock). In
`a few seconds, the screen will go back to the way it looked before the
`computer went to sleep.
`For more information on sleep and automatic sleep, see Chapter 6,
`Chapter 1
`Page 24 of 57


`Restarting your computer when it's already on
`You need to restart your computer-turn it off and back on again
`immediately-when you want to make certain changes to your control panels,
`use a newly installed system software file, or start up the computer from a
`different disk.
`To restart your computer:
`■ Choose Restart from the Special menu.
`Clean Up Window
`[mp (q lrnsti ",
`i jPd llhk
`Erase Disk ...
`Shut Down
`When you choose Restart, the computer prompts you to save your work,
`closes all open programs, and restarts itself
`Choosing Restart does not affect any RAM disk you created or its contents.
`If you can't choose Restart
`You may occasionally see a "system error" message on the screen (indicating
`a temporary software problem). If this happens, you need to restart the
`computer. In most cases, the error message is accompanied by a Restart
`button. Use the trackball to click the Restart button.
`For additional suggestions if you can't restart using either of these methods,
`see Chapter 9, "Troubleshooting."
`Setting Up Your Po werBook
`Page 25 of 57


`~ii: srig\ltness control
`<j po-wer on button
`© Reset s-witc\l
`<,- scs1 port {H0\-?>0)
`~- Printer port
`Page 26 of 57


`Go through the exercises in
`this chapter to learn how
`to use your computer.
`Learning to Use Your Computer
`• • • • • •
`Your computer comes with a tutorial that teaches you the basics. The tutorial
`is divided into two parts:
`■ Part 1 You start the Ma,cintosh Basics tour on your computer. The tour
`presents the basic skills you need to master.
`■ Part 2 After you complete the Macintosh Basics tour, you return to this
`chapter to practice what you learned. You also learn some additional skills.
`If you've never used a Macintosh computer before, you should complete both
`parts of the tutorial.
`If you're an experienced Macintosh user, you may want to look over the rest
`of this book to learn about special features of this computer. Then, as you
`work with your Macintosh, consult the Ma,cintosh Reference book for answers
`to questions about the system software that came with your computer.
`IMPORTANT If you need to turn off your computer at any point before
`finishing the tutorial, please see "Turning Your Computer Off' in Chapter 1.
`Page 27 of 57


`Part 1 Starting the Macintosh Basics tour
`Your Jv!a,cintosh Basics tour is on the hard disk that's inside your computer. To
`take the tour, follow the steps in this section.
`Make sure your computer is turned on. If the screen is dark, try adjusting the
`screen (see "Problems Turning On Your Computer?" in Chapter 1) until you
`see words and small pictures on your screen.
`Roll the trackball to move the arrow pointer(~) around on the screen.
`Place your index finger on the trackball and your thumb on the lower
`trackball button. Don't press either button yet.
`Roll the trackball, watching the arrow on the screen. Notice that the arrow
`moves in the same direction as you roll the trackball.
`You may need to roll the trackball around for a few seconds to "break in" the
`mechanism so it works smoothly.
`Chapter 2
`Page 28 of 57


`Roll the trackball so that the tip of the arrow is on the picture labeled "Macintosh HD."
`Make sure the tip of the arrow is over the picture, not over the words
`"Macintosh HD."
`Note: Your screen should look similar to the one below, but may not look
`exactly the same.
`et Fil e Edit Uiew La bel Spec ial
`CD □
`- >--+- Move the arrow so
`that it is on top of
`this picture.
`Being careful not to roll the trackball, press the button twice in quick succession. (This is
`called "double-clicking.")
`Now your screen should look like the illustration following step 4. The items
`in that illustration may not exactly match those on your screen. The only item
`you need right now is the Macintosh Basics folder.
`If the screen doesn't look right, try steps 2 and 3 again, paying special
`attention to the following:
`■ Make sure the tip of the arrow is touching the picture, not the words
`beneath it.
`■ Be sure to press the trackball button twice.
`■ Press twice quickly and be careful not to roll the trackball while you press.
`Learning to Use Y

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