`e:/~d. GClient
`Client 8(a)
`Figure 4.8. Distributed File Models: (a) Download-Upload; (b) Remote Access
`are going to briefly review some successful systems, that have answered the
`previous questions in different ways.
`4.2.1 NFS
`'The Network File System (NFS), developed by Sun Microsystems in 1984, was
`the first commercial distributed file system.
`It is a striking example of good
`distributed systems design.
`The NFS is built using a client-server approach. Servers store files and re(cid:173)
`spond to requests from remote applications that need to access those files. How(cid:173)
`ever, the applications are not requested to contact the server directly. Instead,
`file system calls from the application are redirected to a proxy of the remote
`service that executes on the client's machine. This proxy is simply called the
`NFS client, and it takes care of the interaction with the remote server. This
`interaction is performed using SUN's remote procedure call service. The design
`decision of using RPC to access the server, along with the strategic option of
`making the server's interface public, was one of the reasons that made NFS so
`popular. Since the interfaces and the format of the associated messages were
`known, it was possible for different companies to develop NFS components for
`many different architectures and operating systems.
`The use of the client-server approach is made transparent to the client appli(cid:173)
`cation through the addition of a Virtual File System (VFS) layer to the Unix
`kernel. The layer introduces an additional level of indirection in the file system
`calls. Instead of calling a specific file system primitive, the application calls the
`VFS interface that, in turn, calls the NFS client primitives. The VFS allows
`the kernel to support several file systems simultaneously, including the NFS
`and the native file system.
`The NFS server uses a stateless approach, i.e., servers do not keep any state
`about open files. Also, servers keep no information about the number and
`state of their clients. This means that each request must be self-contained, i.e.,
`the server must be able to process the request just looking at its parameters,
`without any knowledge from past requests. Since the server remembers nothing,
`Exhibit 2026 Page 160


`it does not lose any relevant information when it crashes. Thus, a stateless
`approach has some advantages from the fault tolerance point of view: a server
`may crash, recover, pick a new request and continue as if nothing happened (we
`postpone a further discussion about fault tolerance issues to the next part of
`the book). On the other hand, since the server does not keep state, it is unable
`to check if a file is being accessed by one or more clients. This, as we will
`see, makes the task of preserving the Unix semantics of file sharing impossible.
`Due to this reason, NFS does not support the open primitive (open semantics
`require the system to "remember" that the file has been opened).
`Instead, a
`lookup primitive, that provides a handle for a file name is provided.
`A partial list of the NFS server interface is presented in Table 4.1. The
`reader will notice that read and write calls include an offset parameter. This
`is required because the server, being stateless, does not store the file pointer
`on behalf of the client.
`Instead, the file pointer must be stored by the NFS
`client and sent explicitly on read and write calls. The cookie parameter in the
`readdir call plays a similar role, allowing a client to read a large directory in
`pieces (the cookie points to the next directory entry to be read). The lookup
`primitive returns a file handle that consists of a pair: a unique file system
`identifier, and a unique file identifier. The unique file identifier is made of the
`Unix inode1 of the file and a generation number, which is incremented whenever
`the inode is re-used. This ensures that identifiers are not reusable, and that
`the identifier of a new file cannot be confused with the identifier of a previous
`file on the same file system.
`Table 4.1.
`NFS Interface (partial)
`Name (parameters)
`lookup (dirfh, name)
`create (dirfh, name , attr)
`remove (dirfh, name)
`read (fb, offset, count)
`write (fh, offset, count, data)
`mkdir (dirfh, name, attr)
`readdir (dirfh, cookie, count)
`(fb, attr)
`(newfh, attr)
`(attr, data)
`(newfh, attr)
`Consider now an application that reads a file, reading only one byte at a
`If a remote procedure call was to be performed for each byte read, the
`performance of the system would be unacceptable. This problem is not specific
`of distributed systems, in a centralized system one also avoids performing an
`I/O operation for each byte read by caching one or more file blocks in main
`1In the Unix file system, files are uniquely identified by a index node, or simply, inode.
`Exhibit 2026 Page 161


`memory. In the NFS a similar approach can be followed, by caching the block
`both in the server's memory and in the client's memory. Unfortunately, having
`the same data cached in different machines introduces the problem of cache
`coherence. In a centralized system, the cache is physically shared by all pro(cid:173)
`cesses. Since a single copy of the cached data exists, the sharing semantics
`of a centralized Unix file system is the following:
`if a process does a write,
`the results become immediately visible to all other processes. Clearly this is
`very expensive to obtain in a distributed system, since propagating an update
`requires at least one remote procedure call. The NFS approach implements a
`weaker consistency model that tries to balance consistency with performance
`When reading a file, the NFS client reads a complete disk block (which is 8
`kilobytes in the Unix BSD 4.2 Fast File System). The block is cached in the
`client's memory and is considered valid for some amount of time (typically, 3
`seconds for files}. Thus, subsequent reads that fall into the same block do not
`require a remote access to the server. After this period, a new access must first
`check with the server if the cache is still valid. For this purpose, the client also
`remembers the "version" it has cached, more precisely, the last time the data
`has been updated in the server. If the cache is still valid, it is assumed valid for
`another 3 seconds period; if not, the new version of the block is fetched again
`from the server.
`Instead of contacting the server
`Writes are executed in a similar manner.
`each time a byte is written, the client caches all the writes for some time. The
`cache has to be flushed if the file is closed or if a sync call is performed by the
`application. Otherwise, updates are sent asynchronously to the server, using
`periods of low activity in the client. This task is performed by a Unix daemon,
`called the block io daemon (or simply the bio-daemon). The daemon can also
`try to optimize reads by performing read-ahead, i.e., requesting in anticipation
`the next block of a file being read by an application. To ensure that writes are
`guaranteed to be stored on disk when the remote procedure call returns, the
`cache on the server operates in write-through mode, i.e., writes are immediately
`forced to disk.
`So far, we have presented the interaction between a client and a server. We
`have not discussed how the client finds the appropriate server in the first place.
`The name of the servers storing remote files is configured at each client using
`an extension to the Unix mount facility. The mount mechanism allows a file
`system to be "attached" to another file system at a given directory, called the
`mount point. The NFS mount procedure allows a sub-tree of the server's file
`system to be mounted on a specific directory of the client machine (if the client
`has no disk, it can be mounted on the root directory of the client machine).
`When performing the mount operation the client contacts the server, which
`checks access rights and, in case of success, returns to the client a file handle
`to the mounted directory. If when translating the textual file name into a file
`handle, the NFS client traverses a mount point, it uses the file handle returned
`by the mount operation to perform the subsequent lookups.
`Exhibit 2026 Page 162


`4.2.2 AFS
`The Andrew File System (AFS) was originally developed at Carnegie-Mellon
`University and later became a product of Transarc. The major design goal
`of AFS was to achieve scalability in terms of number of clients. Many of the
`design decisions behind the development of AFS aimed at overcoming known
`limitations of previous systems. For instance, with regard to the NFS file
`system described above, it was observed that the cache validation procedure,
`where clients inquire the servers about the validity of cached data, could easily
`overload the server with too many requests. Furthermore, it was noticed that
`most of these requests were unnecessary, given that the majority of files are not
`shared and thus, caches are usually valid.
`To support their design decisions, the AFS development team made extensive
`measurements of file usage on their academic environment. The observations
`made at that time and in those environments have shown interesting facts: files
`were usually small; reads were much more common than writes and typically
`sequential; most files were updated by a single user; and when one file was
`accessed it was likely to be accessed again in the near future.
`To address these access patterns, and assuming that local disks were available
`at client machines, a file system based on whole file caching was proposed, i.e.,
`in AFS clients cache complete files (this approach has later been relaxed to
`accommodate very large files, by supporting caching of file portions). Once
`a file is cached, all read and write accesses are purely local and require no
`synchronization with the server. Once closed, the file remains in cache. When
`re-opened, the local cache is used whenever possible.
`Enough disk space should be reserved in the clients' cache to hold the files
`needed for the typical operation of most applications. A daemon process in
`the client, called Venus is responsible for managing the AFS cache and for
`transferring files from and back to the server. The counterpart of Venus on the
`server is called Vice. To the clients, the file system appears seamless, though
`some files are local and others shared through Venus. This architecture is
`illustrated in Figure 4.9.
`AFS supports read-write files accessed in competition by clients, but a RW
`file can have several read-only copies hosted at more than one Vice. Whenever
`the master file is updated, a release command makes sure that the RO copies
`are also updated. The above characteristics make AFS well-suited for a few
`classes of applications over file systems:
`• shared read-only repositories, with occasional updates (e.g., news, price
`lists)- typically using RO copies for wider availability to many readers,
`single-client updates;
`• shared read-write repositories, with infrequent updates (e.g., cooperative
`editing)- competitive few-writer activity, local caches remain valid for long;
`• non-shared repositories (e.g., personal files)- single-writer activity, local cache
`remains valid wherever user is.
`Exhibit 2026 Page 163


`Figure 4.9.
`AFS Architecture
`The goal of whole file caching is to relieve the server from unnecessary load.
`But, if the client should try to limit the interaction with a server to a minimum,
`how can it check the validity of data in its cache? The AFS approach consists
`in delegating on the server the responsibility for invalidating the client's cache
`when some other client updates the same file (actually, this optimization was
`only implemented in the second version of AFS).
`When Vice gives Venus a copy of a file, it also makes a callback promise,
`or CBP. A CBP remains valid until hearing otherwise from Vice. When a file
`is changed at Vice, it calls back all clients holding valid CBPs for that file, so
`that they cancel the CBP, which invalidates the file cache. When Venus opens
`If the file is not in cache, it requests a copy to
`a file, it analyzes the cache.
`Vice. If the file is in cache, it checks the CBP. If the CBP is valid, it opens the
`local copy; if not, it requests a current copy to Vice.
`The reader will note that there is a window during which a local copy may
`be opened that is not the most recent one2 .
`In order to reduce this risk, an
`expiration mechanism exists that supersedes the algorithm described above: a
`file is only opened locally if it is less than T since the local Venus has last heard
`from Vice concerning this file. That is, if a file is opened after T, the latest
`version is downloaded from Vice. A typical value for T is 10 minutes. This
`mechanism also recovers from the loss of callback messages.
`If the client crashes it may miss one or several callbacks from the server.
`Thus, when a client recovers it has to contact the server and determine the
`2Erlier versions of AFS checked directly with Vice before opening, instead of the CBP, but
`this did not scale well.
`Exhibit 2026 Page 164


`status of all the files it holds, by checking the timestamps of the relevant CBPs
`with the file information on the server. To prevent the server from storing
`callback information indefinitely, access rights (also called the file tokens) are
`only valid for some limited period.
`The semantics of AFS is not exactly one-copy. When more than one client
`open a file concurrently, the server will hold the state of the last file to be
`closed. This form of consistency is however adequate for the example classes
`we have enumerated earlier. Furthermore, applications can always superimpose
`their synchronization on top of these basic mechanisms.
`4.2.3 Coda
`The Coda file system is a follow-up of the AFS project at CMU lead by some
`members of the AFS development team. The main goals of Coda were to im(cid:173)
`prove reliability and availability vis-a-vis partitioning, and to support nomadic
`and mobile computing. This was achieved by whole volume replication, and by
`disconnected operation. Coda supports the use of portable computers as file
`system clients, and tries to offer what the authors call constant data availability.
`Coda can be in one of three states (Figure 4.10). The whole file caching
`approach of AFS allows the client to cache in his local disk the files that he
`will need while disconnected. Caching files that are going to be needed in
`the future is called hoarding. Manual hoarding is possible but the authors have
`studied techniques to automate the task of selecting which files to cache. When
`the portable computer disconnects from the network, Coda is in the emulation
`phase: the user can work on the files cached in the local disk.
`The servers containing replicas of a file form its volume storage group or VSG.
`Often, only part of the replicas are available (partitioning, disconnection), the
`available VSG or AVSG. Opening a file consists of reading it from one of the
`AVSG replicas and caching it locally. When the file is closed, it remains valid
`at the client, and a copy (reconciliation) is made to all AVSG servers.
`Naturally, while disconnected the client is unable to receive any callbacks
`from the servers, and this presents an opportunity for conflicting updates on
`the same file. When the portable is later reconnected to the network, an auto(cid:173)
`matic file system reintegration procedure is used, as illustrated in Figure 4.10.
`The proce'd'ure compares the versions of the client files with those of the server
`files and checks for conflicts. When no conflicts are found, the system auto(cid:173)
`matically reconciles both versions of the file system. When conflicts are found,
`two versions of the conflicting files are stored and manual intervention of the
`user is requested.
`In this part of the book we have referred to a number of technologies that
`help in the design and implementation of distributed applications and systems.
`Examples of these technologies are remote procedure call services, directory
`services, time services, distributed file systems, secuTity systems, etc. For each
`Exhibit 2026 Page 165


`Figure 4.10.
`Coda Operation
`of these services, several commercial products have emerged on the market.
`The diversity of technologies, often incompatible, makes the task of integrating
`applications made by different developers extremely hard.
`The Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) is a standard endorsed
`by a consortium of several companies, including major players such as IBM,
`former DEC, and Hewlett Packard, under the name of Open System Foundation
`(OSF). DCE selects a particular technology for each of the services previously
`listed and offers them in an integrated package. The package was initially
`supported on Unix but was later ported to other operating systems as well.
`Conceptually, there is not much really exciting in DCE, even though some
`of its services represent excellent technical solutions. This does not come as
`a surprise since DCE adopted standards and technologies that had already
`proven their value, some of which are addressed in this book. For instance,
`the directory service is based on X.500, the file system is derived from AFS,
`the time service is derived from NTP. The merit of DCE is to provide all these
`technologies as a coherent set.
`Another feature that makes it hard to describe DCE in a few lines, is that
`it contains components that operate at different levels of abstraction. DCE is
`independent of the platform and operating system, thus these two layers are
`somehow outside of the scope of the DCE package. On top of the native op(cid:173)
`erating system, DCE adds a dedicated threads interface. The availability of
`threads was felt to be a fundamental requirement for the efficient implementa(cid:173)
`tion of distributed applications (in particular servers), so DCE includes its own
`thread package. The thread package, like most of DCE components, has plenty
`of options and operational modes, enough to make almost everybody happy.
`For instance, three different scheduling policies are supported, priority based,
`round robin within the same priority and time-sliced round-robin; three types
`of mutexes are available; and so on.
`Using the operating system (augmented with the DCE thread interface), the
`DCE remote procedure call package is implemented. The main computational
`model supported by DCE is client-server and RPC is a fundamental building
`block for the remaining services. Like almost every RPC package, DCE RPC
`allows server interfaces to be written in an Interface Definition Language and
`Exhibit 2026 Page 166


`provides the compiler to automatically generate client and server stubs from
`these interfaces. Each service is identified by a unique identifier. To help pro(cid:173)
`grammers to obtain unique identifiers that are really unique, a unique identifier
`generator is also provided (which encodes the location and date of generation).
`The RPC package provides optional authentication and encryption (see Secure
`Client-Server with RPC in Chapter 18). On top of the DCE RPC service, the
`time service, the directory service and the security service are implemented.
`The Distributed Time Service (DTS) is an evolution of NTP (see Network
`Time Protocol in Chapter 14). Its role is, of course, to keep local clocks syn(cid:173)
`chronized. The service is of paramount importance for many other services.
`Among other applications, the global notion of time is used by the file system
`to timestamp updates and compare file versions. It is also used by the security
`service to check the validity of a credential. An interesting feature of the DCE
`time service is that the user is informed of the actual accuracy of the value
`provided. DTS uses this information when comparing two dates, to check that
`the timestamping error is small enough that they are comparable.
`The directory service (names and structure are inspired by X.500, see X.500
`in this chapter) is organized as a set of cooperative cells. Each cell manages its
`own name space and has a local Cell Directory Server (CDS). To "glue" different
`cells, two global directory servers can be used: the DCE Global Directory Server
`or the Internet DNS. Cell directory servers interact with the global service to
`a Global Directory Agent, that shields the CDS from the details of the GDS or
`The security server of DCE is based on the Kerberos security server (see
`Kerberos in Chapter 19).
`It manages access rights based on Access Control
`Lists and implements authenticated RPCs.
`Finally, we can find the DCE file system, called the Distributed File System
`(DFS). It contains two main components: a local component, called Episode,
`and a global component based on AFS (see AFS in this chapter). In interesting
`feature of the DFS is that the file naming service is integrated with the directory
`service CDS, so files can be relocated just by updating directory data.
`In some sense, CORBA, the Common Object Request Broker Architecture is an
`object-oriented DCE. It has also been proposed by a consortium of major indus(cid:173)
`try companies, the Object Management Group (OMG). Essentially, CORBA
`also follows a client server approach but at a higher level of abstraction. Instead
`of having client processes interacting with server processes, CORBA provides
`the basis for having objects interacting with other objects.
`The state of a CORBA object is encapsulated by a well-defined interface.
`Like in an RPC system, object interfaces are written in an Interface Definition
`Language, in this case in CORBA IDL, whose grammar is a subset of C++.
`Following object-oriented principles, CORBA IDL supports inheritance, thus
`new interfaces can be built by extending previously defined interfaces.
`Exhibit 2026 Page 167


`OMG started by defining the architecture illustrated in Figure 4.11. The
`core of the architecture is the Object Request Broker, an abstraction that sup(cid:173)
`ports interaction among objects. The broker is responsible for making sure that
`an object can invoke another object, implementing the required protocols to
`send the requests and receive the replies. Of course, application programs need
`an interface to the broker in order to instantiate objects, create references to
`remote objects, issue object invocations and so on. The first CORBA 1.1 spec(cid:173)
`ification defined the CORBA IDL, the IDL mappings to common programming
`languages, and the application programming interfaces to the ORB. This al(cid:173)
`lowed to develop application code that was more or less portable through ORBs
`from different vendors. The "catch" was that some vendors did include some
`non-standard features in their ORBs. These features were added to enhance
`the standard ORB functionality, but in practice, these proprietary enhance(cid:173)
`ments prevented seamless portability. Another catch was that protocols and
`message formats were not part of the standard. The idea was to give room for
`each vendor to pick the most appropriate solution for their target market and
`architectures. The less positive aspect of that decision was that ORBs from
`different vendors did not inter-operate. This problem was eventually fixed with
`the release of CORBA 2.0, that defined a common protocol to be supported by
`every ORB, the Internet Inter-ORB Protocol, or simply IIOP (actually, to be
`more precise, IIOP is an implementation of a more General Inter-ORB Protocol
`(GlOP) over the TCPlIP protocol suite).
`Figure 4.11.
`CORBA Architecture
`If you have read the previous section on DCE, you already know that in order
`to build useful complex distributed applications you need more than remote
`invocations. CORBA has defined an extensive set of services, characterized
`by their standard CORBA IDL interfaces. No less than 15 services have been
`defined. We can describe some of the most relevant:
`Exhibit 2026 Page 168


`• Naming Service: as in any other system, it keeps associations among names
`and object references.
`• Persistence Service: defines an interface to store the object state on storage
`servers, which can be implemented using traditional file systems or advanced
`database systems.
`• Concurrency Control Service: provides a lock manager that can be used in
`the context of transactions to enforce concurrency control.
`• Transaction Service: supports transactions, offering atomic commitment ser(cid:173)
`• Event Service: allows some components to produce events that are dis(cid:173)
`tributed through an event channel to all interested subscribers.
`• Time Service: provides a common time frame in the distributed system.
`• Trader Service: allows objects to register their properties and clients to
`search for appropriate servers using this information.
`Other services include the Life Cycle Service, the Relationship Service, the
`Externalization Service, the Query Service, the Licensing Service, and the Col(cid:173)
`lection Service. In addition to these general purpose services, many interfaces
`have been standardized for specific business domains.
`Of course, it is possible to build applications using just a few of these services.
`In fact, none of them is mandatory (but it is hard to build something useful
`without the naming service). The basic Corba functionality is pretty "con(cid:173)
`ventional" when compared with an RPC system. The programmer writes the
`object interface in IDL. The IDL specification is compiled and a description of
`the interface is stored on the Interface Repository. From the IDL specification
`both client and server stubs are created for the target programming language
`(support for at least C++ and Java is now fairly common). The application
`programmer still has to write the actual object code, which is linked with the
`server stub and with an Object Adapter. The adapter supports the interface
`between the ORB and the object, providing the functionality to register the
`object within the ORB, to dispatch requests to the appropriate objects, and to
`send back replies.
`The most straightforward way to activate an object is to execute it in the
`context of a dedicated process (this approach is called the unshared server ap(cid:173)
`proach). This process can be started when the system boots or just when an
`invocation is received by the ORB. As long as this process remains active, all
`invocations are forwarded to it. However, other policies can be implemented.
`For instance, it is possible to create a different process to execute each method.
`This approach, called the server-per-method approach is more suitable for state(cid:173)
`less objects, where no shared state needs to be preserved on volatile memory
`across invocations.
`Corba can be used to develop new applications from scratch. As with DCE,
`one advantage of using Corba is that many of the annoying details related
`with the implementation of RPC, server and client instantiation, etc, are han(cid:173)
`dled by the ORB. An application built this way will be able to inter-operate
`Exhibit 2026 Page 169


`with any other application adhering to the Corba standards. Additionally,
`"transformer" objects can be built to wrap legacy applications, adding Corba(cid:173)
`compliant interfaces to old code. This type of architecture is known as a "Corba
`3-tier client-server architecture" and is illustrated in Figure 4.12. Using this
`3-tier architecture and Corba IIOP, it is also possible to build powerful appli(cid:173)
`cations for the World-Wide Web, but this is the topic of our next section.
`Legacy system
`Object Request Broker
`Figure 4.12.
`Corba 3-tier Architecture
`In the late 80's, despite the enormous potential and relative maturity of dis(cid:173)
`tributed systems technologies, it was felt among researchers that a "killer ap(cid:173)
`plication" was lacking, one that could show the benefits of distributed systems
`in an obvious and indisputable way. The World- Wide Web (known simply by
`WWW or the web) was the killer application of the nineties.
`It is interesting to observe that the application that had such a big impact in
`industry and society was in its inception relatively simple in terms of distributed
`systems concepts. It is basically a client-server application: clients, known as
`browsers, make requests to WWW servers in order to fetch documents and
`launch the execution of commands.
`The WWW was created by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau, working
`at CERN, with the goal of supporting information sharing among physics sci(cid:173)
`entists. We can now say that the system was extremely successful in that task;
`it was the genesis of a global infrastructure that supports sharing and dissem(cid:173)
`ination of information at a scale never seen before. The key for this success
`relies on the simplicity of its interface. Using a browser, remote information
`can be accessed just by clicking a button. Previously, cumbersome and often
`arcane sequences of commands had to be issued to achieve the same goal.
`Documents in the WWW have a structured impure name called the Uniform
`Resource Locator (URL).
`The URL has the following format: <protocol>: / / <serveraddr>{/ <path>}
`the first field specifies which protocol must be used to interact with
`the server (several protocols are supported, being HTTP the most common);
`serveraddr is the address of the server to be contacted; and path indicates
`Exhibit 2026 Page 170


`which document should be fetched (if no name is specified, a document called
`index.htrnl is read). Documents may be stored in several formats, from simple
`text to audio and video. Some of these formats are recognized and interpreted
`by the browser itself. Others are interpreted by companion applications that
`can launched by the browser in order to display the document.
`Having a simple way to name and access documents is already a major
`contribution of the WWW architecture. However, if users were required to
`memorize the URL of all documents they were interested in, WWW would not
`have been such a big success. The other key factor of success was the use of hy(cid:173)
`permedia documents, which include links to other documents. The browser is
`able to interpret and display hypermedia documents in the HyperText Markup
`Language (HTML). Additionally, the browser allows the user to activate a link
`(typically, by clicking a mouse button) and automatically fetches the document
`whose URL is associated with the link.
`In this way, the user just has to re(cid:173)
`member the URL of the main page of an information repository or site, also
`known as the home page, which in turn holds the links for all other relevant
`documents (actually, most browsers have a way to store URLs, so that users
`do not even need to memorize the URLs of home pages). Today, it is a major
`business to provide pages, known as portals with links to useful information on
`the web, shops, advertising and much more. From a major portal, and just by
`clicking, the user is able to navigate through a huge net of documents, an often
`addicting activity also known as surfing the web.
`The infrastructure we have just described is extremely useful and efficient,
`but it is somehow limited since it only supports the flow of information from
`the server to the client. Often, we also want the clients to send information to
`the server and request the execution of remote actions. For instance, the user
`may want to perform a query on a database, or issue an order when buying
`some goods. Thus, the first step to make the web more interactive was to allow
`clients to request the execution of programs in the servers. To support that
`type of interaction, servers were extended in several,\~:ays, the most common of
`which is an interface called the Common Gateway Interface (CGI). The CGI
`specifies how the browser indicates which programs should be executed and how
`parameters are sent to that program (and results sent back to the browser).
`According to this interface, WWW servers are able to launch programs upon
`request, which are executed as a separate process in the server machine. Th

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