Automatic Feedback Using Past Queries: Social Searching?
`Larry Fitzpatrick
`Open Text Corporation
`3 Bethesda Metro Ctr
`Mei Dent
`Open Text Corporation
`185 Columbia Street West
`Bethesda, MD, USA 20814
`Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N 2L 5Z5
`The eflect of using past queries to improve automatic
`query expansion was examined in the TREC environment.
`Automatic feedback of documents identified from similar
`past queries was compared with standard top-document feed-
`back and with no feedback. A new query similarity metric
`was used based on comparing result lists and using prob-
`ability of relevance. Our top-document feedback method
`showed small improvements over no feedback method consis—
`tent with past studies. On recall-precision and average pre—
`cision measures, past query feedback yielded performance
`superior to that of top-document feedback. The past query
`feedback method also lends itself to tunable thresholds such
`that better performance can be obtained by automatically
`deciding when, and when not, to apply the expansion. Auto—
`matic past-query feedback actually improved top document
`precision in this experiment.
`Multi-gigabyte databases are de regueur today and the state
`of the art is pushing beyond terabyte sizes. Yet wide-spread
`experience with public and private search systems tells us
`that searchers are either unwilling or unable to invest
`query construction. Over a wide range of operational en—
`vironments, the average number of searcher-supplied query
`terms is frequently less than 2 and rarely more than 4. At
`the same time, the best performers in the TREC studies
`created queries with nearly 100 terms ([3], [1]). Clearly the
`developers of these systems believe that more terms lead to
`better effectiveness. It does seem intuitively obvious that as
`the data volumes increase, the number of search terms must
`also increase to provide the additional context necessary for
`effective retrieval — i.e., regardless of the engine ranking, how
`can 2 terms sift 100GBytes of data? 1
`One approach to this problem is to rely more heavily on
`automatic query expansion. Historically, automatic expan—
`sion has been viewed as operationally impractical because,
`it generally hurts precision at
`while it has helped recall,
`the top of the result list. We expect that as extraction tech-
`niques and our ability to estimate or infer relevance improve,
`automatic expansion methods should help offset the prob-
`lems related to the paucity of user-supplied query terms and
`relevance judgments.
`It is appealing to think that the results of past searches
`may be a source of additional evidence to help future searches.
`In operational environments, close examination of query logs
`clearly indicates the overlap in topic interests between search-
`es. For example, the top 10 queries against the Open Text
`Web Index ( often account for
`more than 5% of all queries. Additionally, external events
`create database hot spots. For example, during the heavy
`US East Coast snowstorm of January 1996, the Open Text
`Web Index experienced a sudden, profound, and sustained
`burst of activity due to the query weather, which prior to the
`storm had been rare. While these observations only consider
`queries that are identical, there is also great topical overlap
`between non—identical queries. A quick sample of daily query
`logs for the Open Text Index shows that between 5 and 9 of
`the top 10 most frequently occurring queries are all about
`one very specific and popular topic!
`In this paper we describe experiments using past queries
`as a source of evidence for automatic term expansion. The
`hypothesis is that the top documents selected by a query
`from a pool of documents that are themselves the top docu-
`ments from result lists of past similar queries are a good
`source for automatic term expansion. We compared the
`performance of this method against the unexpended base-
`line queries and against the baseline queries expanded with
`top—document feedback ([4]). We created a query similarity
`metric that used empirically derived probability of relevance
`information. We also evaluated the use of a threshold to con-
`trol, on a per query basis, whether or not to apply automatic
`expansion. In the following sections we describe the method—
`ology used. including the query similarity metric. Then we
`examine the results, review related efforts, summarize and
`discuss future directions.
`1Except, of course, for that class of high precision queries where a
`few words can identify exactly the need.
`2 Description of the Feedback Methods
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`SIGIR 97 Philadelphia PA, USA
`Copyright 1997 ACM 0-89791-836-3/97/7..$3.50
`The experiments were conducted with the TREC—5 data set
`[9]. The set of evaluation queries were the 50 ad hoc TREC-5
`topics and their relevance judgments. For past queries feed-
`back, we also used the 50 ad hoc TREC—3 [7] and 10 of the
`ad hoc TREC-4 queries [8] as the past queries. From the 50
`ad hoc TREC-5 queries, baseline queries were created man—
`ually from the topics and were expressed in a simple natural
`EX 1028
`EX 1028


`query language with stem expansion No feedback, data
`or knowledge resources were used to generate the baseline
`queries. The average number of terms per baseline query
`was about 5. The small number of terms reflected the fact
`that we used no manual augmentation resources to discover
`additional terms ._ consistent with real users in the opera—
`tional environments with which we are familiar. Manually
`created baseline queries presumably yielded a higher perfor-
`mance than automatically generated baseline queries would
`have, but this shouldn’t effect the comparison of the two
`automatic feedback methods with each other.
`The search system was the commercial off—the—shelf Open
`Text 6.0 Livelink OEM search engine. 2 A run of the base—
`line queries served as a benchmark against which the other
`methods were compared.
`The complete TREC-5 data set was used for the exper—
`It consists of 524929 documents from TREC disk-2
`and disk—4, about 2 GBytes of text. Document length varies
`from collection to collection, with an average of 550 terms
`per document We used the standard TREC performance
`analysis methods. Average precision, exact precision, recall-
`precision curve and document—precision curve are defined by
`To provide a framework for the evaluation of different
`automatic query expansion methods, and in particular the
`effect of past queries, we posit a simple model for automatic
`query expansion. This model (see Figure 1) isolates the doc—
`uments that are candidates for feedback in an affinity pool.
`Query expansion is done by evaluating the query against the
`affinity pool and extracting terms from the top documents
`retrieved there. The extracted terms are used to augment
`the query, then the query is executed against the main cor-
`Creation of the affinity pool seems overly complex for
`simple automatic feedback methods, such as top document
`feedback. However,
`it has allowed us to experiment with
`different methods for the creation of a query contest.
`these experiments, we also used the results of past queries
`to generate this pool, but in other configurations we’ve used
`external sources such as documents from web-browser his—
`tory files, This is similar to creating context by watching
`information consuming habits of users, such as reported by
`Maes [10], Goker and McCluskey [6], and Morita and Shin-
`oda [11].
`The top-document and past queries feedback methods
`tested with this model are described below,
`2.1 Top-document feedback
`An automatic top~document feedback 3 run was created for
`the test queries. This method is virtually identical to the
`method described by Buckley, et al.[4] wherein the query is
`first executed against the corpus, the result set is ranked,
`some number of top documents are selected, key terms are
`extracted from the t0p documents, added to the query, and
`the query is re-executed.
`In terms of the feedback model
`described above, the affinity corpus is simply the top 200
`documents from the relevance—ranked result list of the base-
`line query, so top documents extracted from it are the same
`as the baseline query‘s top documents.
`The terms that expand the query are extracted from the
`top documents using the standard abstract operator in the
`2The ranking algorithm was a straightforward probabilistic rele-
`vance ranking algorithm, one of the standard ranking methods avail-
`able in the system.
`3without the use of human-generated relevancejudgments
`Figure 1: A simple model of automatic query expansion.
`4 The number of documents selected for term
`search engine.
`expansion and the number of terms extracted from those
`documents can be selected at run-time. In this experiment,
`the top 2 documents were used to select the top 10 terms for
`expansion. The extracted terms were added to the baseline
`query and then the expanded query was run against the full
`Past—query feedback
`Past-queries feedback required a set of queries to use for
`generating the affinity pool for each query. The past queries
`consisted of the 50 ad hoc TREC-5 queries, 50 ad hoc TREC-
`3 queries, and 10 ad hoc TREC-4 queries.
`5 These 110
`queries were run against the TREC-5 data to generate re-
`sult lists, relevance ranked, then truncated after 200 and
`saved. These were then used as input to form an affinity
`pool for each query.
`To create an affinity pool for a query, we first computed
`the 3 queries most similar to it from the 109 other queries
`that exceeded a similarity threshold. If a query had 3 close
`matches then the affinity pool was created by pooling the
`top 100 documents from each of the matching past queries’
`result lists. A way to conceptualize this is: since the docu-
`ments retrieved by similar past queries that end up in the
`affinity pool are from the same corpus as the final result
`documents, in effect, the past queries affinity pool is a mask
`that prevents baseline—query top documents that are not also
`past-query top documents from being used for feedback.
`Feedback terms were the top ranked terms computed by
`the abstract operator when applied to the top documents
`from the result list of the baseline query executed against the
`“The abstract operator performs key term identification using a
`straightforward if X Ldf term-scoring algorithm similar to that de-
`scribed in [4],
`5The TREC~3 and TREC-4 queries were created manually using
`the same method as for the TREC-S test queries. Only 10 of the
`TREC-4 topics were used because these are what we had available
`from another experiment.


`S(L, L ) =
`" wgt(Pos(L,D,')) t wgt(Pos(L',D.-))
`i=1 wgt2(Pos(L1 Dill
`affinity pool. Once the baseline query was augmented with
`feedback terms, it was executed against the full corpus. The
`same constants for number of top documents and number of
`top terms were used as for the top-document feedback run.
`The number of queries for which we could compute an
`affinity pool were, of course, dependent upon the threshold.
`For those queries that had no affinity pool, because there
`were less than 3 past queries similar enough to exceed the
`threshold, we used the baseline queries as part of the run.
`That is, no augmentation was done for some of the queries in
`the past-queries feedback run. We did this to make compar-
`isons between the baseline and past queries feedback easier.
`Two issues warrant further discussion. First the method
`of assessing inter-query similarity, and the threshold for de-
`termination of similar queries.
`Measuring Inter-query Similarity
`The query similarity method compared two queries by ex-
`amining the overlap between their result lists. Essentially,
`it is a weighted overlap measure for the top 200 documents
`of each result list. This is somewhat similar to the method
`used by Raghavan, et al.[12], but without the use of rele-
`vance judgments and extended to take into account empir-
`ically derived weights based on the probability of relevance
`of each matching hit. The weighting gave more preference
`to matches that occurred near the beginning of the lists,
`because the probability of finding a relevant document in a
`ranked result list is greatest at the beginning and decreases
`towards the tail.
`The similarity measure is described by Equation 1. L
`and L! are result lists to be compared. D.- is the 1‘“ element
`in the result list.
`11 is the number of elements in the result
`list. Pos(L,D.-) is a function that maps an element in the
`result list to its position in the result list L. wgt(P) is a
`weight function for different positions in the result list. The
`weight for a position in the result list is determined by the
`probability of finding a relevant document in that position.
`If a document does not appear in the result list, the weight
`is 0.
`In this experiment, a large-grained partition of the result
`lists was used to produce the position mapping. The weight
`for each position was empirically derived from the relevance
`ranked result lists of 50 TREC~3 ad hoc queries against the
`TREC-3 data collection. Table 1 shows the mapping from
`an element in the result list to its position in the result list,
`and the probability of finding a relevant document in that
`position. For example, the 10"I document in the result list
`will be mapped to position 0, which has a probability of 33%
`to be relevant.
`Closer examination of the result lists showed that much
`greater discrimination was possible by partitioning the result
`list more finely (Table 2). Though not evaluated, we expect
`this partition to produce a better similarity measure.
`Query Similarity Thresholds
`The past-queries feedback method is sensitive to whether or
`not there are any queries similar enough to the one being
`expanded to be used in generating the affinity pool. To
`Table 1: The mapping from ranges in the result list to posi-
`tions and the probability of relevance used in the experiment
`(wide range).
`Table 2: The mapping from ranges in the result list to po-
`sitions and the probability of relevance (finer range).
`avoid polluting the affinity pool with almost surely irrelevant
`documents in the low-similarity case, we used a threshold
`to eliminate poor matches. The threshold determined how
`many queries were expanded — the lower the threshold, the
`more queries are expanded.
`For the 50 TREC-5 queries, when each was compared
`against 109 other queries (for a. total of 5450 comparisons),
`we observed the similarity measure to range between 0 and
`0.56. Theoretically it could range up to 1, but this happened
`only when comparing a query against itself. We ran test runs
`at two different thresholds, 0.025 and 0.012, chosen because
`of the number of queries that would be augmented (we didn’t
`want too few, or too many). These thresholds yielded 23
`and 35 queries (out of the 50 TREC-5 queries) respectively
`which have affinity pools. The effects of these thresholds on
`recall-precision and average precision are described in the
`following section.
`3 Discussion of Results
`Every query in top-document feedback had an affinity pool
`and so feedback was used for all 50 TREC-5 ad hoc queries.
`Top-document feedback showed an improvement of 7.5%
`over the baseline in average precision (Table 3) and an im-
`provement of 13.5% in the total number of documents re—
`trieved. Compared to the baseline, precision was higher for
`top-document feedback at all recall values except 0 (Fig-
`ure 2). However, precision at top 5 and top 10 documents
`suffered, with a drop of 5% on average. Precision at all
`other points up to the 100 document precision level showed
`an improvement over the baseline (Figure 3).
`Unlike in top—document feedback, some TREC-S topics
`had no similar past queries to create affinity pools in past-
`queries feedback. For these topics, the baseline results were
`used. Though we saw improvement of precision at almost
`all recall levels for all queries (Figure 2), the actual effect
`of past~queries feedback is best revealed when only the re-
`sults from queries which have affinity pools are compared
`(Figure 4). With only the queries that were augmented by
`past-queries feedback, precision improved at all recall levels.
`As expected,
`top—document precision suffered with the


`Recall-Precislonl top-document leedback‘ past-querles feedbaw, baseline (all queries)
`baseline #
`top-documemleedback -~—-
`past-queriesleedback 1: ,
`Figure 2: Recall-Precision for baseline, top-document and past-queries feedback methods for all TREC-5 queries.
`DocumemPreclsion lor Top 100 documents: past-queries feedback. lop-document feedback, baseline
`baseline +—
`top-documentteedback -+-‘
`past-queries feedback In
`Figure 3: Dacumeut~Precisi0n at top 100 documents for baseline, toprdocument and pastrquerles feedback methods for the
`23 TREC—f) augmented queries only


`0.2291 m 0.2465
`Table 3: Average and exact precision for baseline, top-document and past-queries feedback methods.
`Recall-Precision: lop-document feedback. past-queries feedback. baseline (augmented queries)
`baseline ~—
`iop—document feedback -+---
`pasiauerlesieedback -n--
`Figure 4: Recall—Precision for baseline, top-document and past-queries feedback methods for the 23 TREC—5 augmented
`queries only.
`top-document feedback method. However, this was not the
`case for past-queries feedback. Precision at top 5 and top 10
`documents in past—queries feedback improved 6% on average
`(Figure 3).
`Table 3 shows the average precision and exact precision
`for the baseline,
`top-document feedback and past-queries
`feedback methods. For all 50 TREC-5 ad-hoc queries, past—
`queries feedback showed an average precision improvement
`of 15.5% over the baseline, an improvement of 7.6% over
`top-document feedback.
`Comparing average precision for the expanded queries
`only (23 of the 50), past-queries feedback showed an im—
`provement of 38.3% over the baseline and an improvement
`of 12.1% over topdocument feedback. The difference be—
`tween this and the measures for all queries is due to the fact
`that the baseline query result was used when an afiinity pool
`could not be found for a query in the past-queries feedback
`We experimented with four affinity pool thresholds. Two
`were used to demonstrate the effect of thresholds on the av—
`6 The tighter
`erage precision and recall-precision curve.
`the threshold, the fewer queries with affinity pools. When
`the threshold was 0.025, 23 topics had affinity pools. When
`the threshold was 0.012, 35 topics had affinity pools. Aver—
`age precision and exact precision improves as the threshold
`tightens. For example, average precision improved 24.0%
`6The results shown above are from the 0.025 threshold.
`when the threshold was increased from 0.012 to 0.025.
`Figure 5 shows the recall-precision curve for the two
`thresholds. Similar to average precision, precision was imA
`proved at all recall value when the threshold was increased.
`4 Related Work
`Raghavan, et al.[12] reported on efforts to reuse past apti-
`mal queries for either of two purposes: to short-circuit query
`evaluation by matching a user query to one that had al-
`ready been evaluated, and to jump—start optimal query for-
`mation using a steepest descent method by using the closest
`matching past query as the initial query vector. To frame
`this effort, they presented a detailed analysis of similarity
`measures between queries. They concluded that the best
`similarity metric between queries was obtained by compar-
`ing query result vectors rather than treating the queries as
`term-vectors. They presented distance and similarity algo-
`rithms that used the relevant and non-relevant document
`overlap and ordering relations between query results. Us-
`ing the Cranfield 1400 collection they attempted to validate
`that the use of the best match past query as the initial query
`in a steepest descent query refinement method reduced the
`number of iterations needed to reach an optimal query.
`Our effort differed from Raghavan‘s in several areas. First,
`the goal of the their experimental effort was to accelerate
`formation of optimal queries in the presence of relevance


`Recall-Precision: past-queries ieedback using various thresholds (augmented queries)
`threshold a 0.012 ~—
`Ihreshold - 0.025 +-
`Figure 5: Recall-Precision for past-queries feedback methods for augmented queries only using various thresholds
`judgments. Our goal was to improve the effectiveness of a
`user—supplied query by identifying key terms from poten—
`tially relevant documents from past queries.
`Both Raghavan’s and our approaches used an inter—query
`similarity metric based on result—set overlap. Raghavan, et
`al, showed how this was better than other methods. The
`Raghavan metric used in the experiments relied on rele-
`vant document overlap between the two result lists, but we
`expressly avoided using relevant documents since they are
`rarely available in practice and so we used common docu-
`ment overlap. The assumption we made was that the prob-
`ability of two queries being similar is increased if they share
`any retrieved documents in common.
`Most significantly, we used the fact that the beginning of
`a result list is more likely to include a relevant document by
`weighting matches by their position in the result list. The
`weights were empirically derived probabilities of different
`result list ranges to contain relevant documents.
`T.L. Brauen[2] reported on a set of experiments using the
`Cranfield collection (424 documents, 155 queries) that used
`past queries to improve the effectiveness of future queries.
`The approach he used was to select a handful of relevant
`documents from each past query and modify these relevant
`documents’ vectors by the query vector that selected them,
`This had the effect of injecting the searcher’s understanding
`of the document into the document’s concept vector. Future
`queries were executed against the modified document vec-
`In evaluating results, Brauen distinguished between
`queries that had other similar past queries and queries that
`did not. He reported reasonable recall/precision, average
`recall and average precision gains for this method.
`Our approach differed from Brauen’s effort
`in several
`ways. First. Brauen used relevance judgments to decide
`which documents: vectors to modify whereas our effort did
`not rely on relevance judgments at all (except for evalua—
`tion). Second, Brauen's method modified the underlying
`corpus index, whereas our method modified just queries,
`Our computation over past queries need not
`involve the
`database system’s index at all, other than to query it. 7 Fi-
`nally, Brauen’ query«similarity metric compared the queries
`by comparing their term-vectors. we compared them by their
`Worona [13] reported on experiments with the Cranfield
`collection (424 documents, 155 queries) that retrieved doc—
`uments by first clustering queries, The objective was to
`evaluate cluster searching with clusters generated by clus-
`tering queries not documents. In this method, query clusters
`were formed using a clustering algorithm over the concept
`vectors of each query. Then document clusters were formed
`by replacing each query cluster with the relevant documents
`from each of the queries in the cluster. Queries were first
`executed to identify the best clusters, then the clusters were
`expanded and the documents ranked against the query. This
`was compared against cluster—searching where the clusters
`were formed by document clustering, and against full search—
`ing. The results indicated that “with ’good’ enough clusters
`and centroids, a clustered search need not lose a great deal
`of the recall compared with a. full search."
`Worona’s effort and goals differed substantively from ours
`in that he evaluated cluster—searching in order to optimize
`query execution speed without loss of search effectiveness.
`Conversely, our use of past queries was strictly to improve
`effectiveness without concern for execution speed. However,
`is worth considering his efforts in light of our model of
`query expansion. His formation of a cluster is analogous
`to our formation of an affinity pool. In generating clusters.
`queries were treated as term-vectors and compared with a
`cosine measure. 5 Additionally, the two approaches differed
`in the application of the Clusters: his method attempted to
`identify a cluster of documents to he retrieved7 whereas our
`method attempted to identify an affinity pool from which
`7Some thought is needed to determine how best to utilize a method
`that modifies the index, such as Brauen‘s, in the face of heavily up-
`dated text databases.
`”Raghavan, et al.[12] showed how the cosine comparison method
`was inappropriate for comparing queries.


`expanded terms could be extracted and used to refine the
`query. Finally, his method of cluster formation relied on rel—
`evant documents, but ours did not. The common thread is
`that queries can be used to identify document clusters.
`A common difference between these other studies and
`ours was the difference in test collection characteristics. The
`other studies all used some form of the Cranfield collection
`whereas we used the TREC—5 data collection and TREC—
`3, 4, and 5 ad-hoc queries. Cranfield is very topic specific
`(aeronautics) whereas the TREC collection is not; the Cran—
`field documents are bibliographic references with abstracts
`whereas TREC is full-text. The TREC collection is about
`3 orders of magnitude larger than Cranfield. However, the
`number of queries used was very similar (Brauen used 155,
`VVorona used 155, Raghavan used 222, and we used 110).
`5 Conclusions and Future Work
`The goal of our effort was to determine whether past queries
`could be used as an additional source of evidence to improve
`automatic query expansion for a user-provided query. This
`goal was formulated as one possible solution to the problem
`of small user queries in the presence of very large heteroge—
`neous databases, The results are encouraging.
`It appears that there is implicit relevance information
`in past queries that can improve automatic feedback and
`that this information was tapped by the affinity pool cre-
`ation algorithm and inter-query similarity metric. Auto—
`matic past queries feedback outperformed automatic top
`document feedback and actually improved top document
`precision. Consistent with the literature (e.g.,
`[4]), aute—
`matic top document feedback was nominally better than the
`baseline and slightly hurt top document precision.
`When we compared only the 23 queries for which past—
`queries expansion was performed, average precision for past—
`queries feedback was 38% over the baseline and 12% bet—
`ter than top—document feedback. Past queries feedback im—
`proved the top 5 and top 10 document precision levels by
`about 6%. The full 50 automatic past-queries feedback
`run (using the baseline query for the 27 queries for which
`past—queries feedback could not be performed) showed a
`15.5% improvement over the baseline in average precision
`and 7.6% over top-document feedback when all queries were
`compared. Total recall
`improved slightly for past—queries
`feedback against the baseline.
`Interestingly, the performance of the baseline queries for
`which past-queries feedback could be executed was worse
`than the complete baseline run compared over average pre—
`cision. By subjective inspection, at least 6 of these queries
`were vague or abstract, were very poor performers in the
`baseline, and had higher improvement by past queries feed—
`back than the other queries. We’re tempted to speculate
`that for difficult queries,
`the result
`lists of similar other
`queries may act as a noise filter for top-document feedback,
`but the numbers are too small to say.
`Finally, the use of a threshold for past-queries feedback
`to control when the technique is applied involved some cal-
`ibration, but appeared to be useful. The runs indicated an
`inverse relationship between the threshold and the effective—
`ness of the technique. For the two points shown here, a
`higher threshold reduced the number of queries that were
`expanded, but increased average precision by 24%.
`The limitations of this effort are the small number of
`queries tested and the runtime cost of the implementation
`that we used. Also, we are unsure of how the empirically
`derived probability of relevance data holds across different
`collections and query sets. Subject to validation on a larger
`query set, we’re very interested in improving both the algo—
`rithm and the implementation, and in introducing additional
`sources of evidence to feedback in general.
`As search activities are viewed less as one-shot events and
`more as milestones along the road to satisfying long-term
`information needs, useful patterns will become evident.
`most on-line systems with high throughput, anything that
`increases the cost of a single search is viewed with a critical
`eye. Augmentation techniques generally increase the cost of
`a search by more than 2X (because the search is executed
`twice), and cumulative query cost translates directly into
`hardware cost or response time. W'e’re particularly intrigued
`by such modeling and query expansion when it can take
`place off the search engine server,
`6 References
`[1] Allan, J., Ballesteros, L., Callan, J.P., Croft, VV.B.,
`Lu, 2., Recent Experiments with INQUERY: TREC
`4, Proceedings of Fourth Text REtrieval Conference
`(TREC-4), NIST Special Publication 500-236, 1996.
`[2] Brauen, T.L., Document Vector Modification in The
`Smart Retrieval System: Experiments in Automatic
`Document Processing, Gerard Salton, Ed., Englewood
`Cliffs, NJ: 1971.
`Buckley, C., Singhal, A., Mitra, M., Salton, G., New
`Retrieval Approaches Using SMART: TREC—4: TREC
`4, Proceedings of Fourth Text REtrieval Conference
`(TREC-4), NIST Special Publication 500-236, 1996.
`Buckley, C., Salton, G., Allan, J., Singhal, A., Auto-
`matic Query Expansion Using SMART: TREC 3, Pro-
`ceedings of Third Text Retrieval conference (TREC-
`3), NIST Special Publication 500—225, 1995.
`Buckley, C., Salton, G., Allan, J ., The Effect of Adding
`Relevance Information in a Relevance Feedback Envi-
`ronment, In the Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual
`International ACM—SIGIR Conference on Research and
`Development in Information Retrieval, 1994.
`[6] Goker, A., McCluskey, T.L., Incremental learning in
`a probabilistic information retrieval system. In: LA.
`Birnbaum and CC. Collins and (eds). Machine Learn-
`ing. Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop
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