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`Case 2:18-cv-00134-RWS Document 106-5 Filed 01/14/19 Page 2 of 13 PageID #: 1661
`2,500 NEW WORDS
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1041, cover p. 2


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`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1041, p. i


`Case 2:18-cv-00134-RWS Document 106-5 Filed 01/14/19 Page 4 of 13 PageID #: 1663
`frenzy / frighten
`frenum, bridle< frendere, to grind.}
`fren•zy (frentze) (cid:141) n., pl. -zies 1. Violent mental
`agitation or wild excitement. 2. Temporary
`madness. 3. A mania; craze. [ < Lat. phrenests <
`phreneticus, FRENETIC.} -fren'zied adj.
`(cid:141) n., pl. -cies 1. The
`fre•quen•cy (fr€:lkw~n-se)
`property of occurring at frequent intervals. 2.
`Math. & Phys. The number of times a specified
`phenomenon occurs within a specified interval,
`as the number of complete cycles of a periodic
`process occurring per unit time. [ <'Lat.frequen(cid:173)
`tia, multitude.)
`frequency modulation (cid:141) n. The encoding of
`a carrier wave by variation of its frequency in
`accordance with an input signal.
`fre•quent (frC-'kw<mt) (cid:141) adj. 1. Occurring or
`appearing often or at close intervals. 2. Habit(cid:173)
`ual or regular. (cid:141) v. (also fre-kwent') To visit (a
`place) often.[< Lat.frequens.] -fre•quentrer
`ti. -freiquent•ly adv.
`fres·co (fres1k6) (cid:141) n., pL •coes or ~cos 1. The art
`of f'ainting on fresh plaster with pigments dis(cid:173)
`solved in water. 2. A painting executed in this
`way. (Ital., fresh.]
`fresh (fresh) (cid:141) adj. Mer, Mest 1a. New to one's
`experience; not encountered before. b. Unusual
`or different. 2a. Receptly made, produced,
`or harvested; not stale or spoiled. b. Not pre(cid:173)
`served, as by canning or freezing. 3. Not salty:
`fresh water. 4a. Not yet used or soiled; clean:
`a fresh sheet of paper. b. Free from impurity
`or pollution: fresh air. c. Not dull or faded: a
`fresh memory. 5. Untried; inexperienced: fresh
`recruits. 6a. Revived; refreshed. b. Having the
`unspoiled appearance of youth: a fresh com(cid:173)
`plexion. 7. Informal Impudent. (cid:141) adv. Recently;
`newly: fresh out of milk. [< OFr. freis, of Gmc.
`orig.] -freshtly adv. -freshtness n.
`fresh•en (fresh1a-n) (cid:141) v. 1. To make or become
`fresh. 2. To add, to or strengthen (a drink).
`-fresh'en•er n.
`fresh•et (frCsh'It) (cid:141) n. A sudden overflow of a
`stream due to a heavy rain or a thaw.
`fresh•man (fresh'm;:in) (cid:141) n. 1. A first-year stu(cid:173)
`dent of a US high school or college. 2. A begin(cid:173)
`ner; novice. -freshiman adj.
`fresh•wa•ter (fresh'w61ta-r, -wi.'>t'dr) (cid:141) adj. Of,
`living in, or consisting of water that is not salty.
`fret' (fret) (cid:141) V. fret-ted, fret-ting 1. To be vexed
`or cause to be vexed; worry. See Synonyms at
`brood. 2a. To gnaw or wear away. b. To pro(cid:173)
`duce a hole or worn spot in; corrode. 3. To rub
`or chafe. (cid:141) n. Irritation of mind. [< OE fretcm,
`devour.I -fret'ful adj. -fretrful-ly adv.
`on the neck of an electric guitar
`fret1 (fret) (cid:141) n. Mus. One of the ridges set across
`[~{ fingerboard of certain stringed instruments.
`fret3 (frCt) (cid:141) n. A design of repeated symmetrical
`figures within a band or border.[< OFr.frete.}
`fretawork (fretlWUrk') (cid:141) n. 1. Ornamental work
`consisting of three-dimensional frets. 2. Fret(cid:173)
`work represented two dimensionally.
`Freud (froid), Sigmund 1856-1939. Austri(cid:173)
`an physician and founder of psychoanalysis.
`-Freudli•an adj.
`Frey (frii) also Freyr (friir) (cid:141)
`11. Myth. The Norse
`god of peace and prosperity.
`Frey•a also Frey•ja (fnVc1) (cid:141) n. Myth. The Norse
`goddess of love and beauty.
`fri•a•ble (frifa-bal) (cid:141) adj. Readily crumbled;
`brittle.[< Lat.friiire, crumble.}
`fri•ar (frildr) (cid:141) n. A member of a usu. mendicant
`Roman Catholic order. [ < Lat. friiter, brother.}
`fric•as•see (frik1c1-se,, frik';}-se') (cid:141) n. Poultry
`or meat cut up and stewed in gravy. [< OFr.
`fricasser, fry.} -fric1as•seer v.
`fric•a•tive (frlk'c1-fiv) (cid:141) n. A consonant, such
`as for s in English, produced by the forcing of
`breath through a constricted passage. [ < Lat.
`fricdre, rnb.]-fric'a•tive adJ
`fric•tion (frlklshc1ri) (cid:141)
`ti. 1. 1he rubbing of one
`object or surface against another. 2, Conflict,
`as between persons having dissimilar ideas or
`interests; clash. 3. Phys. A force that resists the
`relative motion or tendency to such motion of
`two bodies or substances in contact. [ < Lat.
`fricdre, frict-, rub.] -fricttion•al <1dj. -frict(cid:173)
`tion•al-ly adv.
`friction tape (cid:141)
`ti. A sturdy~ moisture-resistant
`adhesive tape used chiefly to insulate electrical
`Fri•day (frI'de, -da') (cid:141) n. The 6th day of the
`week. [< OE Frigedreg.J
`fridge (frij) (cid:141) n. Informal A refrigerator.
`Frie•dan (fre-dan'), Betty Naomi 1921-2006.
`Amer, feminist.
`friend (frCnd) (cid:141) n. 1. A person whom one
`knows, likes, and trusts. 2. One who supports,
`sympathizes with, or patronizes a group, cause,
`or movement. 3. Friend A member of the Soci(cid:173)
`ety of Friends; Quaker. i--v. friend•ed,.. friend•
`ing, friends Informal To add (someone) as a
`friend on a social networking website. [ < OE
`freond.J -friendrship n.
`friend•ly (frend'le) (cid:141) adj. -li•er, -li•est 1a. Char(cid:173)
`~cteristic of or behaving as a friend. b. Outgo(cid:173)
`mg and pleasant in social relations. c. Favorably
`disposed; not antagonistic. 2. Easy for one to
`use or understand: a reader-friendly type design.
`-friendflioly adv. -friendfli•ness n.
`fri•er (frildr) (cid:141) n. Var. of fryer.
`frieze (frez) (cid:141)
`ti. 1. The part of an entabla(cid:173)
`ture between the architrave and cornice. 2. A
`decorative horizontal band, as along the upper
`part of a wall in a room. [ < Med.Lat. frisium,
`frig•ate (frig'It) (cid:141) n, 1. A warship that is smaller
`than_a destroyer and used primarily for escort
`duty. 2. A high-speed, medium-sized sailing
`war vessel of the 1600s, 1700s, and 1800s. [<
`Ital. fregata.J
`fright (frit) (cid:141)
`11. 1. Sudden intense fear. 2. Infor(cid:173)
`mal Something extremely unsightly or alarm(cid:173)
`ing.[< OEfyrhto,]
`fright•en (frlt'n) (cid:141) v. 1. To make or become
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1041, p. 340


`Case 2:18-cv-00134-RWS Document 106-5 Filed 01/14/19 Page 5 of 13 PageID #: 1664
`inflection I ingrain
`tone or pitch; modulate. 2. Gram. To alter (a
`word) by inflection. 3. To turn from a course;
`bend. [ < Lat. inflectere, bend down.] -in•
`flecttive adj.
`in•flec•tion (1n-flCk!sh;)n) (cid:141) n. 1. Alteration in
`pitch or tone of the voice. 2a. A change in the
`form of a word in accordance with grammar,
`syntax. or meaning. as in near, nearer or maf!~
`mens. b. The paradigm of a word. c. A pattern
`of forming paradigms, as of nouns or verbs.
`-in•flecitjon•al adj. -in•flec'tion•aHy adv.
`in•flex-i-ble (ln•llek'sa-bal) (cid:141) adj. 1. Not eas•
`ily bent; rigid. 2. Incapable of being chaoged;
`unalterable. 3. Unyielding. -in•flex'i•bilti•ty
`n. ------:in•flexti•bly adv.
`in·fllct (ln•fllktl) (cid:141) v. 1. To cause (something
`injurious or harmful), as to a person, group
`or area: a storm that inflicted widespread dam(cid:173)
`age. 2. To deal or deliver (e.g., a blow). [Lat.
`injligere, inflict-.] -in•flictter, in•flicttor n.
`-in•flicrtion n.
`in•flo•res•cence (in'ffa-rest;ms) (cid:141) n. A duster
`of flowers arranged in a characteristic way on
`a stem. [< LLat. inflOrescere, begin to flower.]
`-in1flo•resrcent adj.
`in•ffow (lOfflO') (cid:141) n. A flowing in or into.
`in•flu•ence (ln'floCHms) (cid:141) n. 1. A poy.,er indi(cid:173)
`rectly or intangibly affecting a person or course
`of events. 2a. Power to sway or affect based
`on prestige, wealth, ability; or position. b. One
`exercising such power. (cid:141) v. -enced, -enc•ing 1.
`To modify: a report that influenced the election$
`outcome, 2. To affect or sway; negative ads that
`are intended to influence voters. -idiom: under
`the influence Intoxicated, esp. with alcohol.
`[<Lat. injluerc, flow in.J-i~'flu•enrtial H!n'(cid:173)
`shol) adj. -in'flu•enttiaMy adv.
`in•flu•en•za (in1flo-o-enfz.:i) (cid:141) n. 1. An acute viral
`infection marked by inflammation of the respi(cid:173)
`ratory tract and by fever, chills, and pain. 2. A
`viral infection of domestic animals marked by
`fever and respiratory involvement. [ < Med.Lat.
`injluenti(l, influence; see INFLUENCE.]
`in•flux (ln'llliks') (cid:141) n. A flowing in. [LLat.
`fnjlUXus < Lat. injluere, flow in,}
`in•fo (rn'fO) (cid:141) n. Informal Information.
`in•fold (In-fold') (cid:141) v. 1. To fold inward. 2. To
`in•form (Jn-forml) (cid:141) v. 1. To impart information
`to. 2. To imbue with a quality. 3. To give or
`disclose information. { < Lat. infOrmdre. give
`form to.)
`in•for•mal (ln-f6r1mol) (cid:141) adj. 1. Not formal or
`ceremonious; casual. 2. Not in accord with
`prescribed regulations. 3. Suited for everyday
`use: informal clothes. -in 1for•mal1ioty ( -miil'(cid:173)
`He) n. -in•fortmal-ly adv.
`in•for•maot (in-fOrlmdnt) (cid:141) n. 1. One that gives
`information. 2. An informer.
`in•for•ma•tion (ln'fur-ma'shdn) (cid:141) n. 1. Knowl(cid:173)
`edge learned, e$p, about a certain subject. 2.
`Informing or being informed; communication
`of knowledge. 3~ Comp. Proces~ed, stored,
`or transmitted data. -in1for•mattion•al adj.
`in•for•ma•tive (ln-fOrfmd-tiy) (cid:141) adj. Providing
`or disclosing information; instructive. -in•
`fortma•tive•ly adv.
`in•formed (in-f6rmd') (cid:141) adj. 1. Possessing or
`based on reliable information. 2. Knowledge(cid:173)
`able: educated: the informed consumer.
`in•form•er (in-f6r'm.,r) (cid:141) n. An informant, esp.
`one who informs against others.
`infra- (cid:141) pref. Inferior to, below, or beneath: infra(cid:173)
`sonic. [< Lat. infrd, beneath.}
`(cid:141) n. The act or
`in•frac•tion (in-frak1sh<m)
`an instance of infringing; violation. [ < Lat.
`infringere, fnjrikt-, infringe.}
`in•fra•red (ln'fra-redt) (cid:141) adj. Of or relating to
`electromagnetic radiation between microwaves
`and red visible light in th~ electromagnetic
`in·fra•son•ic (in1frd-s6n'Ik) (cid:141) adj. Generating
`or using waves or vibrations with frequencies
`below that of audible sound.
`in•fra•struc•ture (In'frd-struk'chdr) (cid:141)
`fl. 1. An
`underlying base esp. for an organization or sys(cid:173)
`tem. 2. The basic facilities, services, and instal(cid:173)
`lations needed for a community ~r society.
`in•fre·quent (In-fre:fkmnt) (cid:141) adj. 1. Not occur(cid:173)
`ring regularly; rare. 2. Situated at wide intervals
`in time or space. -in•frelquence, in•freJ' ...
`quen•cy n. -in•fretquent-ly adv.
`in•fringe (ln-frlnj') (cid:141) v. -fringed, -fring•ing 1.
`To transgress; violate. 2. To eni;::roach; trespass.
`flat. injringere, break.] -in•fringe1ment n.
`-in•frmg~er n.
`in•fu•ri•ate (In-fyoOr'e-at') (cid:141) v. -at•ed, ~at•ing
`To make furious; enrage. {Med.Lat. infitriiire <
`Lat.f11ria, rage.] -in•furrj•at1h:'19•ly adv.
`in•fuse (ln-fyooz') •v. -fused, -fus•ing 1. To
`put into as if by pouring. 2. To fill; imbue. 3. To
`steep or soak without bQiling. [ < Lat. infundere,
`fnjus-, pour in.] -in•fusier n. -in•fus'i•ble
`adj. -in•fursion n.
`-ing1 (cid:141) Su.ff t. Used to form the present parti(cid:173)
`ciple of verbs: seeing. 2. Used to form adjectives
`resembling present participles but not derived
`from verbs: swashbuckling. [< OE.-ende.l
`-ing2 (cid:141) suff. 1. Action, pr:ocess, or art: dancing.
`2a. Something necessary to perform an action
`or process: mooring b. The result of an action
`or process:. drawing. c. Something connected
`with a specified thing or concept: siding. f <
`in•gen•ious (i'n-jfnty<>s) (cid:141) adj. 1. Having great
`inventive skill and imagination: an ingenious
`negotiator. 2. Marked by, originality or inven(cid:173)
`tiveness: an ingenious solution to the problem. [ <
`Lat. ingenium, talent, skill.} -in•geniious•ly
`adv. -in•gentious•ness n.
`in•gE!•nue (.iNlzhd-no-o') (cid:141) n. 1. An artless,
`innocerit girl or young woman. 2. An actress
`playing an ingenue. [Fr.]
`in•ge•nu-i-ty On'ja-n6t>'l-te, -nyoO'-) (cid:141) n., pl.
`-tJes Inventive s~ or imagination; cleverness.
`(Lat. ingenuitiis, frankness.}
`in•gen•u•ous ·crn-jen'yo-o-ds) (cid:141) adj. 1. Unso(cid:173)
`phisticated; innocent or naive: 2. Straightfor(cid:173)
`ward; candid. {< Lat., honest.I -in•
`gen'u•ous•ly adv. -in•gentu•ous•ness n.
`in•gest (ln·jestl) (cid:141) v. To take into the body by
`the mouth for digestion_ or absorption. See
`Synonym~ at eat. [Lat. ingerere, ingest-.] -in•
`gesttipn n.
`in•glo•ri•ous_(i'.n-glOr'e-as) (cid:141) adj. 1. Jgnomini(cid:173)
`ous; disgraceful. 2. Not famous or renowned.
`-in•glorri•ou~•Jy (Jdv.
`in•got (lng'gJt) (cid:141) n. A mass of metal cast in a
`shape for convenient storage or shipment. (ME,
`mold for casting metal.]
`in•grain (tn-gran') (cid:141) v. To fix deeply or indel(cid:173)
`ibly, as in the mind._ (cid:141) n. (ln'gran') Yarn or
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1041, p. 435


`Case 2:18-cv-00134-RWS Document 106-5 Filed 01/14/19 Page 6 of 13 PageID #: 1665
`leghorn / lens
`stems: a leggy houseplant. -teg,gi•ness n.
`leg·horn oi leg•horn (legthOm'. -.Jrn) (cid:141) n. A
`breed of hardy domestic fowl not~d for prolific
`production of eggs.
`leg-i-ble (lej'a-b.JI) (cid:141) adj. Possible to read or
`[< Lat. /egere, read.] -leg'i•bil•i-ty,
`le•ness n. -Jegti•bly adv.
`(lC:'j;m) (cid:141) n.1.AunitoftheRomanarmy
`consisting of 3,000 to 6,000 infantry and 100
`to 200 cavalry. 2. A large number; multitude.
`[< Lat. legere, gather.] -letgion•ar'y adj. & n.
`-le'gion•naire' n.
`leg•is•late (lej'i-sliit'J (cid:141)
`v. -lat-ed. •lat-ing 1.
`To create or pass laws. 2. To bring about
`by legislation. [< Lat. ligis /iitor, proposer of
`a law.} -Jegtis·la'tor n. -te91is•la•totri•af
`(-lo-torfe-,1) adj.
`leg•is•la•tion {lCj'l-slatsfom) (cid:141) n. 1. The act or
`process of legislating; lawmaking. 2. A pro(cid:173)
`posed or enacted law or group of Jaws.
`leg•is•Ja·tive {lCj'i-sla'tiv) (cid:141) adj. 1. Of or relat(cid:173)
`ing to the enactment of Jaws. 2. Having the
`power to create Jaws.
`leg•is•la•ture (lej'i-sla'char) (cid:141) n. A body of
`people empowered to make laws.
`le•git+mate (b-jlt'a-mlt) (cid:141) adj. 1. Lawful. 2.
`Being in accordance with accepted standards.
`3. Reasonable:. a legitimate doubt. 4~ Born of
`legally married parents. 5. Valid or Justifiable:
`a legitimate complaint. (cid:141) v. (-m8.t1) -mat•ed~
`-mat•ing To make legitimate.[< Lat. legitimu.s
`< lex, law:.J -le•git'i•ma•cy (-ma-se) n. -le·
`git'i·mate·ly adv.
`le·git+rnlZe (la-jl:tfa-miz') (cid:141) v. -mized~ -miz·
`ing To legitimate. -Je•git'i•mi·za'tion n.
`feg•ume (leg'yo~om'. fa-t,-ryoOm') (cid:141) n. 1. Any of
`various plants in the same family as the pea
`and bean. 2. A pod of such a plant that ,splits
`into t\vo valves with the seeds attached. ( <
`legillnen, bean.J -le•guimi•nous ad/
`leg•work (leg'wiirk') (cid:141) n. lnfomzal Work, such
`as colle~ting information, that involves walking
`or traveling about.
`Le Ha•vre (la halvr.), hiiv') A city ofN France on
`the English Channel WNW of Paris.
`lei1 (la, la/C) (cid:141) n., pl. leis A wreath of flowers and
`other objects, esp. one worn around the neck.
`leiZ (la) (cid:141) n. Pl. ofleu.
`Leib·niz or Leib·nitz (Iib'nits, lip'-), Baron
`Gottfried Wilhelm van. 1646-1716. German
`philosopher and mathematician.
`Leices•~er (Ies1tar) A borough of central Eng(cid:173)
`land ENE of Birmingham.
`Leip•zig (lipls'ig, -slk) A city of E-central Ger(cid:173)
`many SSW of Berlin.
`lei•sure (lc'zhar, Iezhtar) (cid:141) n. Free time when
`one is not working or attending to other duties'.
`-idiom: at (one~s) leisure At one's conve(cid:173)
`nience.[< OFr. lei$lr, be permitted.j
`lei·sure•ly (lehhar-le, lCzh'ar-) (cid:141) adj. Done
`without haste; unhurried. (cid:141) adv.. In an unhur(cid:173)
`ried manner. -leirsure•li•ness n.
`leit•mo•tif also leit•mo•tiv (lit'mO-tef') (cid:141) n.
`14 Mus. A melodic passage or phrase associ(cid:173)
`ated with a specific character or element. 2. A
`dominant and recurring theme, as in a novel.
`[Ger. Leitmotiv.]
`lek (lek) (cid:141) n. See table at currency. [Albanian,
`after Lek Dukagjin.J
`lem•ming (lemrmg) (cid:141) n. A small rodent inhabit-
`lng northern regions and known for periodic
`mass migrations. [Norw.]
`lem•on {ICm'<m) (cid:141) n. 1a. A spiny evergreen tree
`native to Asia, cultivated for its oval yellow
`fruit. b. The fruit of this tree, having a juicy,
`add pulp. 2. Informal One that is unsatisfactory
`or defective; That used car was a lemon. [ < Pers.
`limii:n.J -lem'on•y adj.
`lem•on•ade (lem'<1-nad') (cid:141) n. A drink made of
`lemon juice, water, and sugar.
`lem•pi•ra {lem-pir'a) (cid:141) n. See table at currenM
`cy~ [After Lempira (1497-1537), Honduran
`le•mur (Jefm<1r) (cid:141) n. A primate that is native
`to Madagascar and adjacent islands, having
`long lower incisors and nails. [ < Lat. lemures,
`Le•na (Ietna, lye,-) A river of E Russia rising
`near Lake Baikal and flowing about 4,300 km
`(2,670 mi) to the Arctic Ocean.
`lend (lend) (cid:141) v. lent (lent), lend·ing 1. To
`give or aUow the use of temporarily. 2. To
`provide (money) temporarily, usu. at interest.
`3. To contribute; impart: Books lent a feeling of
`warmth to the room. 4. To make available for
`another's use: The neighbors lent us help after the
`storm.[< OE lmnan.J-lendrer n.
`L'En·fant (liin-fant', laN-friN'), Pierre Charles
`1754-1825. French-born architect.
`L'En•gle (leng'g>I), Madeleine 1918-2007.
`Amer. writer.
`length (lengkth, length, lenth) (cid:141)
`11. 1. The
`measurement of something along its greatest
`dimension. 2. Extent or distance from begin(cid:173)
`ning to end: the length of a novel. 3. The amount
`of time between specified moments; duration:
`the length of a journey. 4. often lengths The
`deq:ree to which an action or policy is carried.
`-idiom: at length 1. Eventually. 2. For a
`considerable time; fully: spoke at length about
`the ruling; [< OE lengthu.J -length'y adj_
`length•en (lengk'th.>n, Ieng'~, len'-) (cid:141)
`v.. To
`make .or become longer.
`length•ways (lengkth1waz', length'-, 1Cnth'-)
`(cid:141) adv. Lengthwise.
`length•wise (1Cngkth1w1z', lCngth'-, lt'!nth'-)
`(cid:141) adv. & adj. Along the direction of the length.
`Je•ni•ent (letne-~mt, Ien'y<>nt) (cid:141) adj. 1. Not harsh
`or strict; indulgent: lenient parents 2. Not harsh
`or strict; merciful: lenient rules, [< lenire,
`pacify < lenis, soft.] -lefni•en•<:y# le'ni•ence
`n. -Jelni·ent-ly adv.
`Le·nin (lcn'In), Vladimir llich 1870-1924. Rus(cid:173)
`sian revolutionary and first head of the USSR
`Len•in•grad (lell'In-grad 1
`Len•in•ism {len'.>-nlZ'<1m) (cid:141) n. The theory and
`practice of proletarian revolution as developed
`by Lenin. -Len'in•ist adj. & n.
`Len•non (lCn'.>n), John 1940-80. British musi,
`ciao and composer.
`lens (lenz) (cid:141) n., pl. lens•es 1. A piece of glass
`or other transparent material with opposite
`surfaces either or both of which are curved, by
`means of which light rays are refracted so that
`they converge or diverge to form an image. 2.
`A combination of two or more such pieces used
`to form an image for viewing or photograph(cid:173)
`ing. 3. A transparent part of the eye between
`the iris and vitreous humor that focuses light
`) See Saint Peters(cid:173)
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1041, p. 481


`Case 2:18-cv-00134-RWS Document 106-5 Filed 01/14/19 Page 7 of 13 PageID #: 1666
`lent/ let'
`rays entering the pupil to form an image on the
`retina.[< Lat. lens, lentil.}
`Light rays converge when passing through a
`biconvex lens (top) and diverge when passing
`through a biconcave lens (bottom).
`_{indicates the focus.
`11. Sec table at currency. [<
`lent (lent) (cid:141) v. I~t. and p.part. of lend.
`lent (cid:141) n. ·n1e 40 weekdays from Ash ·we<lnesday
`until Easter, observed by Christians as a season
`of penitence. [ < OE !enc ten, spring.}
`len•til (lenttdl) (cid:141) n. The flat, rounded, edible seed
`of a pealike plant native to SW Asia. [ < Lat.
`lenticula, dim. of lens, lentil.I
`len•to(1Cnlt6) (cid:141) adv. &,1dj. Mus. In a slow tempo.
`[Ital. < Lat. /entus.J
`le•o (l(Y6) (cid:141) n. 1. A constellation in the North(cid:173)
`ern Hemisphere. 2. The 5th sign of the zodiac.
`(<Lat.lea, LION,}
`Le•6n (la-on1) 1. A region and foymer kingdom
`of NVV Spain. 2. A city of central Mexico EN£
`of Guadalajara.
`Le•o•nar·do da Vin•d (le1o~nartdo dd vin'che.
`d{i, la'-) 1452-1519. Italian painter, engineer,
`;ind scientist.
`le•one (le-ont) (cid:141)
`le•o•nine (let ,H1in') (cid:141)
`(ldj. Of or characteristic of
`a lion.[< Lat. lea, leCm-, LION.I
`leop•ard (lepta rd) (cid:141) n. A large wild cat of Africa
`and S Asia, having either tawny fur with dark
`spots or black fur.[< Gk. leopurdos.J
`Le•o•pold II (Wo-pold') 1835-1909. King of the
`Belgians (1865-1909) and ruler of the Congo
`Free State (now Dem. Rep. of the Congo)
`le•o•tard (11Ya-tard') (cid:141)
`r1. A snttg one-piece gar(cid:173)
`ment that covers the tors?, worn esp. by danc(cid:173)
`ers. [After Jules I,eotard (1830-70).] -lelo•
`tard 1ed adj.
`lep•er (lCplar) (cid:141) n. 1. A person affected by lep(cid:173)
`rosy. 2. A pariah; outc,,st. [< Gk. lepros, scaly.]
`lep+dop-ter•ist (lep'I-dOp'tdr-lst) (cid:141) n. An
`enton1ologist specializing in the study of but(cid:173)
`terflies and moths.[< Gk lepis, scale.}-lep 1i•
`doplter•y (-ta-re) n.
`(cid:141) n. In Irish
`lep-re•chaun (lep'rl-kOn', -k6n 1)
`folklore, a mischievous creature or fairy. [Ir.
`Gael. luprachdn.]
`lep•ro•sy (lep'rd-se) (cid:141) n. A chronic bacterial
`disease marked by skin lesions and damage
`to nerves and other organs that, .if untreated,
`can lead to disfigurement, lack of sensation,
`and blindness. [ME lepruse < leprus, leprous.]
`-leplrous adj.
`lep~ton (lepftOn') (cid:141) n. Any of a class of six
`elementary fermions. Leptons participate in
`weak interactions and have masses generally
`less than those of mesons and baryons. [ Gk.
`leptos, thin+ -ON 1.}
`les•bi•an (le1.lbC-dn) (cid:141) n. A woman whose sex(cid:173)
`ual orientation is to women. [After Lesbos, Gk.
`island.] -lestbi•an adj. -lesrbi•an•ism n.
`le•sion (lefzh;m) (cid:141)
`11. A pathological or traumatic
`change in a body tissue or organ, such as a
`tumor or wound. [ < Lat. laesio.]
`Le•so•tho (fa-sOltO, -so-otto-o) A country of s
`Africa forming an enclave within E-central
`South Africa. Cap. Maseru.
`less (les) (cid:141) adj. Comp. of little. 1. Not as great
`in amount or quantity. 2. Lower in importance,
`esteem, or rank. 3. Consisting of a smaller
`number. See Usage Note at few. (cid:141) adv. Comp.
`of little. To a smaller extent, degree, or fre(cid:173)
`quency. (cid:141) n. A smaller amount: She got less th(m
`she asked for, [ < OE l&ssa and lees.]
`-less (cid:141) suff. 1. Without; lacking: blameless. 2.
`Unable to act or be acted on in a specified way:
`dauntless. [<OE leas~ without. l
`les•see (le-se') (cid:141) n. One that holds a lease.[< AN
`< p. part. of lesser, to let out, lease; see LEASE.]
`less•en (lesr;m) (cid:141) v. To make or become less.
`less•er (lestar) (cid:141) adj. Comp, of little. Smaller in
`size or importance.
`Lesser Antilles An island group of the E ·west
`Indies extending in an arc from Aruba to the
`Virgin Is.
`Les·sing (lesllng), Doris May Taylor b. 1919,
`British writer.
`Doris Lessing
`photographed in 2006
`les•son (tesr,m) (cid:141) n. 1. Something to be learned.
`2a. A period of instmction. b. An instructional
`exercise. 3. An experience or observation that
`imparts new knowledge or understanding. [<
`Lat. IectiO, a reading.]
`les•sor (leslOr', IC-s6r') (cid:141) n. One who leases
`property; a landlord. [<AN lesser, LEASE.}
`lest (lest) (cid:141) conj. 1. For fear that; tiptoed lest they
`should he,1r. 2. In case someone might: I.est you
`forget, please lock the door now. [< OE thy ld:s
`the, so that not.]
`let1 (let) (cid:141)
`v. leti let•ting 1. To give permission
`Petitioner Apple Inc. – Ex. 1041, p. 482


`Case 2:18-cv-00134-RWS Document 106-5 Filed 01/14/19 Page 8 of 13 PageID #: 1667
`p.part. of moderiirl> to moderate.} -mod1er•
`ate•ly adv. -mod'er•altion n.
`Syns: qualify, temper v.
`mod•er•a•tor (mOd'a-ra'tdr) (cid:141) n. 1. One that
`moderates. 2. A presiding officer.
`mod•ern (mOdldrn) (cid:141) adj. 1a. Of or relating to
`recent times or the present. b. Characte(istic
`oflhe present; up-to-date. 2. Of or relating to a
`recently advanced style or technology. [ < LLat.
`modernus.] -modtern n. -mod•ernti•ty
`(mO-dllr'nI-te, mo-) n. -mod 1ern+zattion
`n. -modtern•ize' v.
`Modern English (cid:141) n. English since about 1500.
`Modern Greek (cid:141) n. Greek ,since the early
`Modern Hebrew (cid:141) n. The Hebrew language
`as used from the I 700s on, and an official
`language of Israel.
`mod•ern•ism (mOdtdr-niz'.im) (cid:141) n. 1. Mod(cid:173)
`ern thought, character, or practice. 2, often
`Modernism The use of innovative forms of
`expression that distinguish many styles in the
`arts and literature of the 1900s. -modlern•ist
`n. -mod'ern•isttic adj.
`mod•est (mOd'lst) (cid:141) adj. 1. Having or showing
`a moderate estimation of oneself. 2a. Retiring;
`shy. b. Observing conventional proprieties;
`decent. 3a. Free from ostentation. See Syn(cid:173)
`onyms at plain. b. Not extreme; moderate: a
`mode$t price. [Lat. modestus,] --modtest•ly
`adv. -modtes•ty n.
`mod+cum (mOd'i-bm) (cid:141) n. A small or token
`amount. [< Lat. modicus, moderate.]
`mod•Hy_ (media-fl') (cid:141) v. -fied, -fy•ing 1. To
`change or become changed; alter. 2. To make
`or become less extreme, severe, or strong. 3.
`Gram. To qualify or limit the meaning of. [<
`Lat. modificiire, to limit.} -mod'Mi•caltion n.
`-modti-fi'er n.
`mod•ish (mOldish) (cid:141) adj. Conforming to the
`current fashion: stylish. -modlish•ly adv.
`mo•diste (mo-dest') (cid:141) n. One who produces,
`designs, or deals in women's fashions. [Fr.]
`mod•u•late (mojla-liit') (cid:141) v. -lat•ed, -lat•ing 1.
`To regulate or adjust to a certain degree. 2. To
`change or vary the pitch, intensity; or tone of.
`3. Mus. To pass from one tonality to another
`by harmonic progressio~. 4. Electron. To vary
`the frequency; amplitude, phase, or other char(cid:173)
`acteristic of (electromagnetic waves). 5. Chem.
`To act on (a receptor) as an agonist, antagonist,
`or both. [<Lat.modulus, measure.] -mod'u·
`la'tion n. -mod'u•la'tor n.
`mod•ule (mOjfo-ol) (cid:141) n. 1.. A standardized com(cid:173)
`ponent of a system designed for easy assembly
`or flexible use. 2. A self-contained assembly of
`electronic components and circuitry. 3. A self~
`contained unit of a spacecraft that performs
`a specific task. [Lat. modulus, dim. of modus,
`measure.} -mod1u•lar adj.
`mo•dus op•er•an•di (m,Ydas Op'~-rantde, -di')
`(cid:141) n., pl. mo•di operandi (mo'de, -di) A method
`of operating or functioning. {NL at.]
`Mo•ga•di•shu (mO'ga-detsho-o, -dishloo, mO'-)
`The caPital of Somalia, on the Indian Ocean.
`mo•gul1 (mtVgal) (cid:141) n. A hard mound or bump
`on a ski slope. [Prob. ofScand. orig.]
`mo•gul2 (mO'g~I, mO-giil') (cid:141) n. 1. A rich or
`powerful person. 2. Mogul Var. of Mughal.
`{ < Urdu Mugal, MUGHAL.]
`mo•hair (mo1har') (cid:141) n. 1. Toe long silky hair of
`moderator / Moldavia
`the Angora goat. 2. Fabric or yarn made from
`this hair, [< Ar. mubayyar.]
`Mo•ham•med (mo-ham'ld, -ha'mld, moo-) See
`Mo•hawk (mo•Mk') (cid:141) n., pl. -hawk or -hawks
`1. A member of a Native American people
`formerly of NE New York, now in S Ontario
`and extreme N New York. 2. The Iroquoian
`language of the Mohawk.
`Mo•he•gan (mo-he'gan) (cid:141) n., pl. -gan or -gans
`1. A member of a Native American people for(cid:173)
`merly ofE Connecticut, now in SE Connecticut
`and Wisconsin. 2. The Algonquian language of
`the Mohegan.
`Mo•hi•can (m6-he'k~n) (cid:141) n. Var. of Mahican.
`Mohs scale (m6z) (cid:141) n. A scale for classifying
`minerals based on relative hardness, ranging
`from 1 for the softest to 10 for the hardest.
`[After Friedrich Mohs (1773-1839).]
`moi•e•ty (moi'I-te) (cid:141) n., pl. -ties 1. A half. 2. A
`portion or share. [ < LLat. medietas.]
`moil (moil) (cid:141) v. To work hard; toil. { < OFr. moil(cid:173)
`lier, moisten.} -moil n. -moilier n.
`moi•re (mwii-r~V. mO-) (cid:141) n. 1. Fabric, esp. silk,
`with a wavy or rippled pattern. 2, A similar
`pattern pressed on doth by engraved rollers.
`[Fr.< p.part. of moirer, to water.]-moi•r8' adj.
`moist (moist) (cid:141) adj. -er, -est 1. Slightly wet;
`damp. 2, Humid. 3. Marked by considerable
`rainfall. 4. Juicy or succulent. ( < Lat. miicidus,
`moldy.] -moisiten (moifsc)n) v. -moist'ly
`adv. -moistiness n,
`mois•ture (moislch~r) (cid:141)
`ri. Diffused or con(cid:173)
`densed liquid; dampness. -moisitur•ize' v.
`-mois'tur•iz'er n.
`Mo•ja•ve Desert (mo-ha.Ive) An arid region of
`S CA and NV SE of the Sierra Nevada.
`mo•jo (mO'jO') (cid:141) n., pl. -jos or -joes 1. A
`magic charm or spell. 2. An amulet worn by
`adherents of hoodoo or voodoo. 3. An ability
`or quality that causes one to excel. [Perh. of
`African orig.)
`mol (cid:141) abbr. Chem. mole
`mo•lal (mC'>lbl) (cid:141) adj. Being a solution having
`one mole of solute in 1,000 grams of solvent.
`-mo•lai'i•ty (mo-la!II-te) n.
`mo•lar (mO'br) (cid:141) n. A tooth with a broad crown
`for grinding food, located behind the bicuspids.
`[< Lat. rnolaris, of a mill, grinding.] -mo'(cid:173)
`lar adj.
`mo•las•ses (m~-las'Iz) (cid:141) n. A thick brownish
`syrup produced in refiping raw sugar. [ < LL at.
`melliiceum, must.}
`mold1 (mold) (cid:141) n. 1. Ahollowformormatrixfor
`shaping a fluid or plastic substance, 2. A frame
`or model for forming or shaping something. 3.
`Something made in or shaped on a mold. 4.
`Gener~! shape or (orm. 5. Distinctive shape,
`character, or type. (cid:141) v. To shape in or on a mold.
`[ < Lat. modulus, dim. of modus, rµeasure.J
`-mold•a•ble adj. -moldier n.
`mold2 (m6ld) (cid:141) n. 1a. Any of various fungi that
`contribute to the decay of organic matter. b.
`The growth of such fungi, 2. Any of various
`other organisms that resemble fungi. (cid:141) v. To
`become moldy. [ME moulde.)
`mold3 (m6ld

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