`Examples of view dependent impostors are:
`e A texture map that is pasted onto the appropriate face
`of an object’s bounding box. This texture map is called
`a textured cluster when it conceponds to an image of
`a group of objects.
`e Another view dependent texture map is also known as
`billboard in [6] and is obtained in the same way as tex-
`ture maps. A billboard is centered at an object’s center
`and made to rotate in such a way that it always face
`the observer. Since one billboard is computed for each
`face of the object’s bounding box as the observer moves
`around the object a difierent billboard is selected to dis-
`play according to the viewpoint. This impoator is useful
`to represent objects that are apprordmately rotationally
`symmetric such as pine trees.
`0 Another variant of the texture map described above is
`a pseudo-texture mapl. A pseudo-texture map is a tri-
`angular mesh (or a quadrilateral strip) onto which a.
`texture map is pasted in such a way that each pixel in
`the image is associated to a pair of triangles (or quadri-
`lateral) in the mesh.
`Examples of view independent
`impostors are:
`a The conventional
`coarse versions of a given object?
`i.e., geometrically
`0 Boxes whose faces have the average areas and colors as
`the corresponding sides of the object’s bounding box.
`a Texture mapped boxes. This representation uses tex-
`ture maps that are pasted onto each face of the object’s
`bounding box and is useful to represent box like objects
`such as the Standard Oil Building in Chicago.
`Impostor Selection
`There are certain cases where specific impostors are more
`suitable than others and we can usually “suggest” to the
`walkthrough program which representation to display at a.
`given point in the simulation.
`For example, if the imagespace size N of an object is
`less then a few pixels then the representation that should
`be used is the average box above.
`If N is greater then a
`prefixed maximum size then the full detail object might be
`required. If different LODs are present in the model, then
`difierent image space size thresholds may be used to select
`the appropriate LCD to be displayed.
`Box-like and symmetric objects can be displayed using a
`texture mapped box and a billboard, respectively. Texture
`maps can be selected according to the obeserver’s viewpoint.
`For example, if four texture maps are used for each face of
`an object’s bounding box, then the appropriate texture map
`for a given viewpoint can be selected as follows:
`1. In a pic-processing phase, associate to each texture map
`a. number corresponding to the region it belongs as in
`Figure 3.
`1It; can be used in machines that do not have texture mapping
`250ml! toolldts such as Performer[6j provide routines to auto-
`matically generate coarse versions of a given full-detail object.
`Figure 3: Possible viewpoint regions in object coordinates.
`2. During the walkthrough we determine the viewpoint
`with respect
`to the object's coordinate system and
`therefore the region it is in.
`In some situations, both a view dependent and a view
`independent representation are suitable. When this is the
`case, we can decide upon these two representations by ab-
`taining the accuracy of each representation for the particular
`observer view angle using the table described in Section 3.2
`and then select the representation with the highest accu-
`racy/cost ratio. This heuristic is particularly useful in cases
`where the observer’s line of sight is approadring a 45 degree
`angle with the line perpendicular to the texture map.
`such a, case although the texture map may have a low ren-
`dering cost, its accuracy will also have a low value which will
`favor the selection of a possibly more costly view dependent
`4.3 Formalization of the Problem
`We begin by defining a meta-object abstraction to be an en-
`tity with one or more hardware drawable representations as
`in the framework described in Section 4.1. It is an abstrac-
`tion for both conceptual objects and groups of objects.
`As before, a hardware drawable representation is an entity
`that can be rendered by the graphics hardware to represent
`objects and has associated to it a. rendering cost and a mea-
`sure of its “contribution" to the simulation.
`The model is then defined as a. collection of conceptual
`objects at specific positions and orientations in space that
`forms the environment in which the user navigates.
`The model hierarchy is defined to be a. tree structure
`whose nodes are meta-objects that provide multiple repre-
`sentations of the model, each representing it at a given ren-
`dering time and providing the user with a given perception
`of it.
`In this hierarchy each node contains drawable rep-
`resentations of its children. The root contains the coarsest
`representations for the entire model with the lowest possible
`rendering cost while the leaves form the perceptually best
`representation of the model with the highest rendering cost.
`More formally, the model hierardiy M is a tree structure
`that can recursively be defined by the following rules:
`1. A meta-object that has no children is a model hierarchy
`with just one node, the root node.
`2. Let M1, M2...Mn be model hierarchies whose root nodes
`are the meta-objects m1,, respectively, that
`represent sets of conceptual objects and have associ-
`r' ated with each of them the sets r1,r2...rn of drawable
`representation. Let in be a. meta-object that repre-
`sents the union of m,‘ and has associated to it a set 1'
`of drawable representations such that Cost(Mar:(r)) <
`L1 Cost(Miu(n)), where Maa:(r) is the representa-
`tion that has the highest cost among those in r, Min(n)
`is the representation that has the lowest cost among


`those in r.- and Cost(z) is the rendering cost of repre-
`sentation 2:. M is then defined to be a model hierarchy
`il'm is theparent ofm; fori: 1...n.
`Figure A shows how the model of a city would be orga-
`nized to form a. hierarchy in which each node has a set of
`impostors to represent the objects it subsumes.
`Given these definitions, we state the walk-through prob-
`lem as a tree traversal problem:
`"Select a set of nodes in the model hierarchy that pro-
`vides the user with a perceptually good representation of
`the model”, according to the following constraints:
`1. The sum of the rendering cost of all selected nodes is
`less than the user specified frame time.
`2. Only one node can be selected for each path from the
`root node to a leaf node, since each node already con—
`tains drawable representations that represent all its de-
`scendant nodes
`The problem as described here is an NP-complete tree
`traversal problem and is a. variant of the “Knapsack prob-
`lem", which is not surprising since we are generalizing the
`system that Funkhouser and Sequin showed to be a knapsack
`problem. The candidate sets from which only one element
`will be selected to be put in the knapsack are the set of rep-
`resentations associated to each meta-object. The knapsack
`size is the frame time per frame that the selected represen-
`tations must not exceed. The cost of each element is the
`rendering cost associated to a representation. The profit of
`an element is the accuracy of the representation plus the
`benefit of the object with which it is associated.
`To solve this problem we use the framework described in
`Section 4.1 and develop a model hierarchy building algo-
`rithm and a heuristic representation selection algorithm.
`4.4 Design of the Model Hierarchy
`We partition the entire model according to our formalization
`of the problem, and form a tree structure in which each node
`contains low-cost representations for the nodes it subsumes.
`The structure that we use is a. variation of an octree that
`is a bounding volume hierarchy, that can be used to cull
`objects against the viewing irusturn and also serves as a
`rendering aid, since we can draw its nodes.
`This tree is constructed in a bottom-up fashion instead of
`the traditional top-down recursive way, so that we can see
`which objects are being “clustered”3 together as described
`in Section 5.
`The criteria used to group objects takes into account only
`the proximity of objects and our model hierarchy building
`program is designed to cluster together nearby objects first
`in the way illustrated in the 2D example of Figure 4.
`According to a user-supplied number of divisions in x, y,
`and z axis of the bounding box of the entire model an initial
`octree cell size and therefore tree depth is specified. We start
`by creating a “child list” that contains all the conceptual
`Objects in the model with their bounding boxes. This initial
`list will correspond to the leaves of the tree. The child list
`is used to generate the next level up of the tree. For each
`3What is meant by clustering is basically the generation of
`impostors for the group of objects.
`213 Example:
`Soils-e A
`L “will.
`Figure 4: Generating the model hierarchy octree. Represen-
`tations are generated for cells with more than one object.
`structural {subtree A)
` clustorl
`obj nctl
`Figure 5: Subtree A as depicted on Figure 4.
`level of the tree and for each cell in that level, we get the
`set of objects that are completely inside the cell.
`if this
`set is empty we move on to the next cell. Otherwise we
`compute the bounding box of the objects in the cell and
`discard it if the bounding box is already in the child list,- since
`impostor representations for that set of objects had already
`been created.
`If it is not in the list we create impostor
`representations for the cluster inside the cell.
`In our implementation clusters are generated by creating
`texture snaps1 of the objects from given view angles and their
`generation is described in Section 5. After the impostor rep-
`resentations have been created, we make the cell point to its
`children and remove them from the child list. We then add
`the new cell to the end of the child list and repeat the process
`until we obtain a. single cell with impostor representations
`for the entire model.
`It is important to note that at each time we cluster objects
`we always take into account the actual objects that the cell
`subtends instead of previously computed clusters.
`Note that cluster representations are generated only if
`there is more then one object totally inside each cell. Single
`objects inside a. cell as well as objects on cell boundaries will
`be grouped in the next levels up in the hierarchy. Figure 5
`shows the structure of subtree A depicted in Figure 4.
`4.5 Traversal of the Model Hierarchy
`Due to the NP—complete nature of selecting representations
`to render from the model hierarchy, we have devised a. heuris-
`tic algorithm that quickly (in less than the frame time) tra-
`verses the model hierarchy. This algorithm selects repre—
`sentations to be rendered, accumulating rendering cost until
`the user-specified frame time is reached. When this occurs,
`4.llctually, representations only need to obey the cost require-
`ment stated in Section 4.3.


`the algorithm stops and sends a list of representations to the
`graphics pipeline.
`The tree traversal is top-down from the root node and
`first traverses the branches that contain the most “benefi-
`cial” nodes according to the benefit heuristic presented in
`Section 3.1.
`The problem is that our per-object benefit heuristic asso-
`ciates benefit not to cluster representations but to represen-
`tations for conceptual objects that are at the very bottom of
`the tree. High up in the hierarchy we do not know to which
`branches of the tree the most beneficial objects belong. Be-
`cause of thiI, we have decided to break the selection of nodes
`to render in two phases as described below.
`4.5.1 First Pass: Assign Initial Representation,
`Benefit, Visibility, and Cost.
`Figure 6: Tree representing the model hierarchy and the set
`of nodes to be rendered as a linked list.
`In this first phase of the selection process. we recursively
`descend the model hierarchy in a depth-first manner and
`associate a benefit and visibility value with each node in the
`tree, and an initial drawable representation.
`their benefits
`Since the leaves represent single objects,
`are computed as a weighted average of the factors intrinsic
`to objects as described in Section 3.1. The benefit wine
`associated to a tree node is taken to be the maximum value
`of all the benefits of its children.
`The visibility of nodes are computed by checking if the
`bounding box in eye-coordinates of the bounding box of the
`object intersects the viewing frustum. A node is said to be
`visible if at least one of its children is visible.
`At a given point in the simulation a view dependent and a
`view independent representation for an object is selected us-
`ing the criteria specified in Section 4.2. The rendering cost
`and accuracy of drawable representations that are stored
`with each representation in the model are used to select
`which of these two representations will be assigned to be
`the initial representation of the node. The representation
`that has the highest accuracy/cost ratio is selected to be the
`initial representation. In the next phase (described below),
`if there is still frame time left we try to improve on this
`initial choice.
`After initial representations are selected to each of a
`node’s children, the children’s cost is stored with the node
`to be used in the next phase.
`4.5.2 Second Pass: Best-First Tree Traversal.
`In this phase, we use the information obtained in the pre-
`vious phase for each node of the model hierarchy to imple—
`ment an eHicient ’best-first’ tree traversal. The result of this
`traversal is a rendering list of drawable representations that
`is sent to the graphics hardware for rendering as shown in
`Figure 6.
`To implement this strategy, we make use of a list of meta~
`objects organized in decreasing order of benefit (computed
`in the previous phase). We keep accumulating frame time as
`we select representations to render and whenever the time
`required to render the children of a node plus the total ac-
`cumulated time so far exceeds the frame time we insert the
`representation for the node in the rendering list and move
`on to the next node.
`The algorithm first explores the branches of the tree con-
`nected to the most beneficial nodes as follows: Start by in-
`serting the root node in the list and setting the total render-
`ing cost to be the cost of rendering the initial representation
`associated to the root node. We then process this list until
`it is empty. We remove the element in the front of the list
`and discard it if it is not visible.
`If the node is a leaf node (containing a conceptual object)
`we check if there is still rendering time left to select a better
`representation for the object. In the positive case we select
`to render (insert in the rendering list) the next higher accu-
`racy representation for the node and add its rendering time
`to the total accumulated rendering time.
`In the case where the node contains representations for a
`cluster of objects, we check if instead of rendering the cluster
`representation we still have time to render all of its children,
`i.e., the total accumulated time plus the cost of rendering
`the node’s children does not exceed the frame time. In the
`positive case, we insert each of its visible children in the
`list ordered by each ones benefit and add their cost to the
`total accumulated rendering time. Otherwise we insert the
`cluster's representation into the rendering list.
`Note that at each point in this traversal, a complete rep-
`resentation of the scene is stored in the list of meta-objects
`and whenever there is frame time left to render the children
`of a node, before adding the cost of the children to the total
`accumulated cost we subtract the cost of the initial repre-
`sentation for the node.
`4.6 Temporal Coherence
`While navigating through the model the viewpoint can ran-
`domly get close or far away from “important” objects that
`require most of the frame time. This sometimes causes a
`seemingly random switch from a cluster representation to
`the representations of the actual objects (or vice-versa). The
`idea of using frame-to—frame temporal coherence as used by
`Funkhonser and Sequin, is used here to mininirnize this ef-
`fect by discouraging switching from representations for par-
`ent nodeI to representations for children nodes. We keep a
`counter of the number of times the walkthrough program de-
`cided to switch from parent to children. The actual switch-
`ing is only allowed if this counter exceeds a pre-fixed thresh-
`old. The delayed switching from children representations to
`cluster representations is not implemented since it would oc-
`cur in a situation that most of the frame time has already
`been allocated and this delay would greatly reduce the frame


`This research has resulted in the implementation of three
`programs on a four processor SGI Onix workstation with
`a RealityEngine board:
`the model hierarchy building and
`representation generation program, the cost and accuracy of
`representations measurement program, and the walkthrough
`Thme programs are implemented in C++, use GL[8] for
`rendering, and have an X-Motif GUI to facilitate parameter
`changes for system evaluation.
`5.1 Model Hierarchy Building and Representa-
`tion Generation
`The program that builds the model hierarchy implements
`the hierarchy building algorithm described in section 4.4 and
`opens two windows, as shown in Figure B. The right window
`displays the objects]clusters and compute texture maps for
`each of the sides of their bounding beams while the left illus-
`trates the process of building the hierarchy. In this image,
`the dots represents objects that were not “clustered” yet.
`The purple square with green dots is the bounding box of
`the objects (in green) that completely fit inside it and the
`“red" band is showing groups of objects already “clustered".
`View dependent impostors such as texture maps are an-
`tomatically obtained in the following way with the help of
`the graphics hardware:
`1. Set up a viewpoint, a viewing direction, and, an ortho-
`graphic projection matrix.
`2. Draw the object(s) in a completely black backgron
`and adjust the texture resolution5 by scaling the ob-
`ject(s) inside the orthographic viewing volume.
`3. Grab the resulting image from the window (right win-
`dow in Figure B) and set the alpha component of black
`pixels to zero, so that if the objects have holes we can
`see through when they are rendered.
`Average color boxes are also obtained in a similar fashion.
`The average color for each face is just the average of the rgb
`colors of all non-black pixels and the average area is the
`number of all non-black pixels in the face’s image that is
`converted to an area in object coordinates.
`The generation of a pseudo—texture map involves a pre-
`processing of the original
`image because if there are too
`many pixels on the image the rendering of the texture would
`require too many meshed triangles. Therefore, we succes-
`sively shrink the original image by convolving it with a Gaus-
`sian filter that averages the RGB components of the pixels.
`5.2 Cost and Accuracy of Representations
`The cost of each representation is measured by selecting a
`specific representation and drawing it a number of times in
`order to get an average rendering time as shown in Figure
`The accuracy of an impostor is measured using the proce-
`dure described in Section 3.2 and a table that describes how
`similar each of the representations is compared to the origi-
`nal image of the object for five directions around the object
`5What ultimately determines the resolution of the texture map
`is the complexity (or granularity of details) that the object(s)
`Exhibit(s) from a particular direction.
`Figure 7: Checking the visibility of a set of objects against
`the viewing frustum.
`is generated. One of the most immediate improvements we
`need to make is the use of more directions in this table.
`5 .3 Visual Navigation
`The walkthrougb program implements the framework de-
`scribed in Section 4.1 and the traversal algorithms described
`in Section 4.5. The computation of the representation to be
`rendered in the next frame is done in one processor while
`another one holds the graphics pipeline to render the cur-
`rent frame. Semaphores are used to synchronize the two
`The traversal algorithm assumes that visibility of bound-
`ing boxes can be determined quickly. This can be done by
`first computing the bounding box in eye-coordinates of the
`object’s bounding box. We then compute its intersection
`with a box formed by extending the slice of the viewing
`fi-ustum corresponding to the farthest z-value of this box to
`its nearest z-value. This visibility test can return true even
`though no object inside the cluster is also inside the viewing
`frustum as shown in Figure 7.
`This problem is solved by the first phase of the traversal
`algorithm since it marks a. cluster as visible if and only if
`at least one of the objects that it represents is inside the
`viewing frustum.
`If computing the visibility of individual
`objects are taking too much time we can use a faster test
`and check if spheres enclosing groups of objects intersect
`the viewing frustum.
`5.4 Performance
`Our test model has around 1.6 million polygons and dur—
`ing our tests we have constrained the number and size of
`texture maps generated by the hierarchy building program
`to the available texture memory of one megatexel (one mil-
`lion texture pixels) by selecting appropriate octree cell sizes
`and adjusting the resolution of the texture representation
`for objects and clusters.
`For this model we were able to keep a frame rate of around
`16 frames per second (fps) for a target frame rate of 30 fps
`throughout the simulation without too much degradation
`in image quality. Figure D shows the image seen by the
`observer (left) and a top view of the the same scene showing
`where clusters are being displayed (right).
`Figure 8 shows the user mode (right) and real time (left)
`throughout a. simulation path of the model. The user time
`graph shows that our estimation of cost and rendering algo-‘
`rithm is achieving the goal of keeping a uniform and high
`frame rate. The real time graph show spikes due to random
`interrupts and a gap with respect to the 1/30 line due to
`smooth LOD switching using transparency blending.


` I
`Reel uni}
`User lint:
`Figure 8: Plot frame versus frame time with (left) and with-
`out (right) smooth LOD switching.
`These interrupts can be minimized by mechanisms such as
`processor isolation, interrupts redirection, processor locking
`and so on as described in [9].
`the model hierarchy,
`The same model, without
`around 1 frame per second for certain viewpoints in our test
`6 Limitations
`One limitation of this system is the number of texture maps
`that can be used to represent objects and clusters. As the
`system uses more texture maps to represent clusters and
`individual objects, the chance of a texture-cache miss in-
`creases. A cache miss results in an unpredictable interrupt
`that will invariably defeat the purpose of a predictive system.
`Future methods of intelligent prefetch of textures that are
`likely to be needed could make texture cache misses much
`less likely, and thus allow the use of many more textured
`We have not addressed the illumination of the environ~
`ment. Although the illumination of a complex environment
`can be computed using the radiosity method in a view in-
`dependent fashion the shading attributes of objects (adding
`specular highlights) and clusters would need to be incorpo—
`rated to their representations. Instancing of objects would
`not be practical since two identical objects in different loca—
`tions in the model would have difierent shading attributes.
`As the size of texture memory increases these problems will
`become less serious, but they will not go away.
`The most serious limitation in our current implementar
`tion is that our tree traversal requires that a cluster know
`something about the benefits of its children, so all primitives
`are visited once per frame in the first pass of the algorithm,
`and therefore it is 0(n), where n is the number of objects.
`Our traversal algorithm is top—down, so there is no reason
`it could not be O(log n) if a. more intelligent traversal algo-
`rithm is used.
`7 Conclusion
`We have presented a way of using clusters of objects to im-
`prove the performance of an LOD-based visual navigation
`system. When there are too many visible LODB to render
`in real-time, we render single texture-mapped cluster primi-
`tives in place of groups of individual LODs. The techniques
`used to generate clusters can also be used to generate a par-
`ticular type of textured LODs for single primitives. We have
`also discussed some limitations of the object-based benefit
`heuristic, and extended it to account for the variability of
`an LOD’s quality as the view angle changes.
`The main lessons to be drawn from this work are that the
`predictive framework of Funkhouser and Sequin extends well
`to a hierarchical version of the LOD concept, and that pre-
`computed visibility information is not essential for efficient
`visual navigation programs.
`8 Acknowledgments
`Thanks to Ken Chin and Aaron Yonas for their suggestions
`on the draft of this paper. Thanks to Ken Chin and Paul
`Bourke for the model of a. tree and a. town house, respectiv-
`elly, used in the color plates. Thanks to the Brazilian gov-
`ernment agency CAPES, for providing the first author the
`financial support to conduct this research. Thanks to the Re-
`search and University Graduate Schools (RUGS) Research
`Facility Fund (RFF) and the NSF CDA-92-23008 grants that
`provided the graphics workstations that were used in this re-
`search. The second author was also supported by NSF BIA
`grant OCR-92439457.
`John H. Rohlf, and Jr Frederick
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`P. Brooks. Towards image realism with interactive up-
`date rates in complex virtual building environments.
`Computer Graphics, pages 41—50, 1990.
`[2] Kurt Akeley. Reality engine graphics.
`of SIGGRAPH'93 (Anaheim, California, August 1-6,
`1993). In Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Con-
`ference Series, 19.93, ACM SIGGRAPH, pages 109—116.
`[3] Thomas A. Funkhouser and Carlo H. Sequin. Adaptive
`diSplay algorithm for interactive frame rates during vi—
`sualization of complex virtual environmnets. Computer
`Graphics, pages 247—254.
`[4] Thomas A. Funkhouser, Carlo H. Sequin, and Seth
`Teller. Management of large amounts of data in interac—
`tive building walkthroughs. Proceedings ofthe 1992 Sym-
`posium on Interactive 3D Graphics (Cambridge, Mus-
`sachusetts, March 29 - April 1, 1992), special issue of
`Computer Graphics, ACM SIGGRAPH, pages 11—20,
`[5] Paulo Maciel. Visual navigation of largely unoccluded
`environments using textured clusters. Ph.D. Thesis, Jan-
`uary 1995. Indiana University, Bloomington.
`Iris performer: A
`[6] John Rohlf and Jamel Holman.
`high performance multiprocessing toolkit for real-time
`3D graphics. Proceedings of SIGGRAPH'91 (Orlando,
`Florida, July 24-29, 1994). In Computer Graphics Pm—
`ceedings, Annual Conference Series, 1994, ACM SIG-
`GRAPH, pages 381—394.
`[7] Harvey R. Schiflman. Sensation and Perception an Inte-
`gmted Approach. John Wiley k: Sons, New York, 1990.
`[8] Inc. Silicon Graphics. Graphics Libmr‘y Programming
`r Guide, Volumes I and II, 1992.
`[9} Inc. Silicon Graphics. React In Iris: A description
`of real-time capabilities of In'r 1:53 on Onyx/Challenge
`multiprocessor systems, 1994.


`Guided Navigation of Virtual Environments
`Tinsley A. Galyean
`MIT Media Lab
`Cambridge, MA. 02139
`This paper presents a new method for navigating virtual envi-
`ronments called “The River Analogy.” This analogy provides a
`new way of thinking about the user's relationship to the virtual
`environment; guiding the user’s continuous and direct input within
`both space and time allowing a more narrative presentation. The
`paper then presents the details of how this analogy was applied to a
`VR experience that is now part of the permanent collection at the
`Chicago Museum of Science and Industry.
`Today's Virtual Reality (VR) technology provides us with an
`opportunity to have experiences that would otherwise be impossi-
`ble. We can smoothly and continuously interact while immersed in
`environments that would be inaccessible or impossible to experi-
`ence. In these environments, we are free to roam and explore.
`architectural walk throughs for example, scientific visualization,
`and even games like DOOM place us in alternative worlds while
`giving us methods for navigating these virtual spaces. These meth-
`ods allow smooth and continuous interaction that can immediately
`influence the constantly changing presentation, but they rely on the
`user's actions and thoughts to bring structure to the experience. If
`any narrative structure (or story) emerges it
`is a product of our
`interactions and goals as we navigate the experience. I call this
`emergent narrative. In some applications this complete freedom to
`explore is appropriate. However, there is an alternative. This is the
`process of empowering the author to bring structure to the experi-
`ence, which makes this medium more appropriate for applications
`such as teaching, storytelling, advertising and information presen-
`tation. To do this, we will need to balance the interaction (explora—
`tion) with an ability to guide the user, while at the same time
`maintaining a sense of pacing or flow through the experience. This
`type of guidance is the proceSs of a providing narrative structure.
`Like a narrative presentation any solution must guide the user both
`temporally and spatially.
`Virtual environment navigation has mainly consisted of build-
`ing new methods and technologies that allow the users to control
`the position and orientation of the virtual camera, through which
`they see the virtual world. Early work in camera control (even
`before the advent of VR technology) focused on specifying camera
`mOVements over a path. [1, 4] In an effort to address the needs of
`Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is
`granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for
`direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the
`title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given
`that copying is by permission of the Association of Computing
`Machinery. To copy othenivise, or to republish, requires a fee
`and/or specific permission.
`1995 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Monterey CA USA
`© 1995 ACM 0-89791-736-7195/0004...$3.50
`animation production and does not address the issue of interactive
`camera control.
`A number of different researchers have addressed the issues
`behind camera control for manipulation and/or exploration appli—
`cations. [2, 5] All of these methods focus on providing better ways
`for the user to roam free, exploring within the virtual world. It is
`this ability for the user to directly control his/her place in the vir»
`tual world that is so often synonymous with the words “virtual
`reality.” While these methods couple smooth, continuous interac—
`tion with the smooth and continuous presentation available in real-
`time computer graphics environments, they do nothing to guide the
`user. There is no room for an author’s intentions to influence the
`experience. Therefore there is no narrative structure.
`Researchers in interactive narrative working with linear mate—
`rial like digital video have worked to unfold it in order to provide a
`non-linear environment for the user [3]. Shots are interactively
`laced together into sequences and these sequences tell a story.
`Because shots are the smallest building blocks available, the inter—
`action intermittently guides how these shots are laced together.
`The traditional analogy of how these types of interactive experi—
`ences are structured is often referred to as the branching analogy.
`Each branch represents a linear segment traversing part of the nar—
`rative space. A linear segment is played until the next node is
`reached. It
`is at these nodes where options are provided. The
`advantage of branching is that the experience does have a narrative
`structure, the interaction is guided. The disadvantage is that one
`can interact only at the nodes thereby chopping up both the inter-
`action and the presentation.
`The goal set forth is to find a way to marry the advantages of
`immersive VR experience with the advantages of narrative struc-
`ture. How do we allow the smooth, continuous interaction and pre—
`sentation, to coexist-ex

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