`JP 2013-27477 A 2013.2.7
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`0 m ~ 0) * ~ 7 .,( T b. m iJ1 ff tE 9 Q tjj} 1s' '
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`ffi!J f!:11 ~ Ii 3 2 ti , 7 v ,{ '17 P 1 (7) ~ 7 -1' Y L. ffl ffi Z ;;r ~ 00 9 G C. t T , :t.J a 7 -1 "r L
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`:tf a 7 ..{ T L. z ?Jr fl 9 0 m
`Exhibit 1002
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`JP 2013-27477 A 2013.2.7
`nOJMM7'v-1'-\7~7'v-1'-\7Pl~-ffi90~20)3/-L..®ffiGD~. M~OJ3/-L..®ffiG
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`S B14)
`[ 0 0 3 6 ]
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`[ 0 0 3 9 ]
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`Exhibit 1002
`Page 674


`JP 2013-27477 A 2013.2.7
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`Exhibit 1002
`Page 675


`( 11)
`JP 2013-27477 A 2013.2.7
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`itrJ • ~ ~ 3 2 tt '
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`( S C 1 0 : YE
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`( 0 0 5 1 ]
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`8 :rt ( 2) OJ IE 8 a ti , T .,{ -r b. m 7<f: ffl !vt 9 6 7 -1 -r L. OJ ti ffi 8 OJ i& :;.k;: (cid:127) J;J. _t OJ R {I ~c ~
`L, tc. fl· --:::> T • w IE M Fdl p!;J C' ti • m 1 T 1 T L. ff 0) • 5t flit p h'> m 2 T ..-( T b. m 0)
`IE'. ~ :h Q O
`(cid:127) 5'cJ!!p~~~_t~Go OO (cid:127) ~M32~a5'cJ!!p~mt--c*'fc.71-rL.m~nm1GAT
`'Y 7' S B 1 2 CJ) 5ll1 l!f! ,i ffi 1 ~ 00! ff; ~ ~ f/'rJ ~ 1: ® 0 o L, tc. :fJ'i -.:J T , 7' v ..-( 't' P 1 CJ) • 8 CJ) 7K 'Jc. 7
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`ffi 1 7 .,{ -r L. W fJ~ .tt ~ 7 ..-( -r
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`[ 0 0 5 2 ]
`iJ: :to • R :rt C 2) fJ, G f_f fW ~ h Z> J:: -3 tc • 7' v ..-( 't' P I OJ Ml R OJ * 'Jc. T .,{ -r L. ti¥ h" ffi 1 7 .,{
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`7 1 -r L. M IC ~ ~ 9 G • ft ic. ~j: , ~ 8 OJ ffi 2 7 -1' -r b. fl¥ OJ -5 iS l& • 'Jc. 7 IC i!i v, * 'Jc. T ..-( -r
`[ 0 0 5 3 ]
`ft!! 7J , l~ ft ~ -&IJ 7)~ ~ IE M Fdl l7'J 0) lfi¥ trJ ~L • ~ L, 7J: 1, , •
`( S C 1 0 : NO )
`$11 1JEIJ ~ Ill[ 3 2 ti
`,ffllT-1-rL.M~J:UffiZT-1-rL.t!¥~g~~6Cc~<, 3*'fc.T-1'-rL.50J (cid:127)
`p ~ R :rt C 1 ) CJ) i~ ~ c' ~ :@'. "9 0 C S C 1 2) o L tc iJ~ "'.:) T , ~ :@: M Fdr 71- c' ti , cg. * 'Jc. 7 -1' -r L.
`M~ffllT1-rb.M~J::Uffi27-1-rb.ti¥0JWh~·~9,:;i~~MbG~, WROJ*~T
`..-( T L. m 0) -5 ~ 11x ~ ic 7 ~L i!i t.,' * * 7 .,{ T b •
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`Exhibit 1002
`Page 676


`JP 2013-27477 A 2013.2.7
`m 3 ~ hl!UB ttln;:: .:ts t,' L f, m I ~ •
`ID ft~ t: IJ'ij ~ 0) JJJ :W: iJ, ~ .EJil, ~ tl G O
`tJ: :5 ' m 1 7 -{ 7" L.
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`3~•m•Z:~. ffl~mM~TM17~-rL.M~-$'c:~~M-7-1Yb.Mt:LTmm2"tt
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`_!'!_ f..t;: aq tJ: ~ ID 0) ft~ ~ ~ .I;..; r ~;:: wr1 ff; "g 0 c
`1J1J 1ZB 0) 'i?r ID ft~ tt ~ ~ ~;:: ~ ID ~ n 1~ 0 o
`'iF. tJ, G {:I: i.Uc JiHR ~ n tc 2 .LJ_ _t 0) !&HI tt -tEI 11. ~;_: ::¥ m L, tJ: l- • ffi lffl ""l: mi '§'. f;:: {# i';- ~ ti m 0 a
`(l)WmO)*~Y-1-rb.M~GttaY-1-rb.M~~m"g0~~~G-C'S00 M~~(cid:173)
`•0)*~7~-rb.M~G5YYL~M-7-{yb.M~mm"g0·~~~ffl~h00 £k.
`mu.i ~ 7 ~;:: ili l-, * 7i: 7 -{ T L. $ ~ J!HR 9 .:S M 1 ~ fft!! ID 1t~ 0) ~ {tjc t: . 1 @I § 0) 7 -{ T b. 0) IN
`~~-~t:®0*~7-1-rb.M~mm9.:Sffi2~Jri!i:/BUO)~~t:. ff~MOO~TffilY-1
`-rb.M~mm90ffi3~lri!i:/BDO)~~t:~B~~fflftb-tt0ct:~Af~""l:S0c M~~.
`• $'i: m'. p tJq§ ~ l., v • W: 8 0) ffi 1 7 -{ T b. $
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`tJ, -
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`-n2) ~ft~""l:®0*~7-1-rb.M~mmLk~. WR0)*~7-{fb.M0)5~*llxffi
`0)7-{yb.O) (cid:127) Bftn2~R~""l:®0*~T-1-rb.M~MAY-1-rb.Mt:LTRm"90C
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`J.lxffi0)7-{yb.O) (cid:127)
`fflmn2~R~Z:S0*icT-1Tb.5tti-B"90~. 7-{yb.O)a
`ffi ft n 1 nt 7 -{ T L. M m ~;: ffi ® "9 0 ±~ ft tc: tt imi :g ti t0- i" L <& ~ ~ L fJ; i.,, o "9 tJ: b ~ , 7 -{
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`n 2)
`( * J.& • 0) 7 -{ T L. 0) fl M a iJ{ 1,• ti: t,' ) * ~ 7 -{ T
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`L. M ~ ~ tR "9 ~ c: 1,;' '3 ffl £ n' 6 ti ,
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`~ , 3 6 · · · · · · W ® ~ Hi • G A, G B, G C ( G C 1 ~ G C 3)
`, G D · · · · · · 1/ - L. 100 rnL
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 677


`[IZ[ 1]
`JP 2013-27477 A 2013.2.7
`(cid:127) ;::fl,,(-\"P1 :L,A;Jl.,30
`11 BATTLE 11-·+-o,
`(cid:144) ~ffl!l-¥all:£'5 (cid:144)
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`:1k1'.'.1:mJ · tc<- JKU
`[ ~ 4]
`7-f-r..t...lffA: 2011--05-21 21,W !---T
`7'--(71...!fB: 2011--04-30 06:20 j---T
`7-f'r1..1¥C: 2010-1t--31 08:-45 !---T
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 678


`JP 2013-27477 A 2013.2.7
`[ cf- MHm iE if ]
`[mtliB] -3-JL~24$10Jill8(2012.10.ll)
`[:f-~fmiE I ]
`um .i..E M • • m ::g 1 ~ iN • * 0) fa m
`Um .i..E tt a JJl § ::g l iE: =z
`[M.i..En$] ~J!
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`[ ~ iN ii 31< 0) fa IHI l
`[~>JUI 1]
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`-ti B 0) 7 .--f r L 0) '5 ~ - $ 0) 7 .--f r L L iJ, ~ Jf: L t P ~ l • 7 4 r L ti¥ CJ..~ r 1 * :,'c 7 --{ r
`L tW J ~ t, • -5 ) 'If· :f=i.- fr 9 ~ t. ~ tc tt • 00 /lc * :,'c 7 .--f r L M 0) -5 ~ 00 /lc - 0) 7' J..., -1 -\7 0) * Q>l
`$0)7.--fTL~Mfi90$0)--:fv.--f~~. 002-1«Y~0)-~~~~~0§~T--{7LO)
`-ffl~OJ~Mt.Lt~Wm~~ffi23/-Lfi00~. OOEffiIY-Lfi000) • • 0)3/-Lffi
`~ J"! fJI/J'9 0 ~/'- L ~t!io
`[ll:1<J& z]
`~s~. ~-:). ME*~7.--frLM0)5~ME-0)7.--frLt.~W~0flh0)7'.--{7L~(cid:173)
`mm•~oo2m2Y-LffiID~*ffi~~-002@0)7.--frL~~m~nkWft~~- ~~
`~ f.t ffi ffi L f;:. f:$} -,g- • !VJ ~c - 0) 7' v .--f -\7 ~;:: --:> v • t * 7i: 7 .--f T L tW iJ~ :f=i.- fr L ~ 1.- • t. ~ 1:: ti .
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`O)/v.--f~f.t.--f«Y~O)Jt•~-t.L--rmmm•~-33/-LfiID~. MEffiIY-L@
`00 l2 * ffi ffi!J 00 $ tt • 00 ~c - 0) 7 v ~ ~ ~c -.:> 1.-' t W R 0) * ic 7 -1 T L fr t,~ 1¥ fr 9 0 t. ~ ~::
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`L m tc -:) v • t M ~2 ffi 2 7f - L 100 ID i.r * ffi ~ ~ -{$
`00 !2 a ff,; ffi!J iP $ tl: • 00 ~c - 0) / v -1 ~ ic -:) t- • T ti B 0) * :tc 7 .--f CJ- L fl¥ h~ f¥ fr 9 0 t. ~ ~;:
`u. oo~••O)*~T-1rLmO)~~*m•O)T-1rLO)•••~•~T~~*;,'cY~r
`L :WH:--:> v' --C 00 a2 ffi 2 3/- LI@ 00 ?,£- a ffe ~ ~ 0
`lru i2 ~ ffi ffifJ 1Jl1J $ tl: , 00 ~2 - C0 7 J..., -1 -\7 ~= --:> l.. • t ~ ~ C0 * ~ 7 -1 r L ti¥ t,~ 1¥ fr 9 0 c ~ ~::
`[~;){~ 6]
`li. M~m•0**7.--frLMO)~~•mcor~rL~--:f~4-\7~~•L~~~~•~~
`lru~--0)7-1:rLmu.~~ffi~pg~n~~-~ffllY-1-rLMt., MEffi174T
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 679


`JP 2013-27477 A 2013.2.7
`(JJ :f v -1 1,7 (JJ • • (JJ * 5'c r -1 7" L.
`1ru ~2 * ffi mu ~ fffl tt • 1ru ~2 ~ ~ m r& pg ~z. :t.5 1.t, -c , 1ru ~ -
`f L. -tlHc ·::ll,, -C 1fJ ~2 ffl 2 ,1/ - b. OOi lm ~ * ffe ~ -tt Z>
`-~lru~ffllT-1TL.m:t.:i~CT1ru~ffiZT-1fb.B(JJ~n~3~c:~~~- M~MlT-1
`-1«Y~(JJ~~~ffiffePJft:tJ:ffiI3/-b.OOiOO~~ffi&(cid:127) ~*ffi~~- -(JJ:fv--f~~lru
`~-13/-b.•mi~ML-COO~--f«Y~(JJft~~mffiLkWft, 00~-(JJ:fv--f~~M~
`( .LY r 1 * 5'c 7 -1 Y
`W • (!) T --f .:::;- L. (JJ -5 iS - $ (JJ T --f .:::;- b. L tJ, IN • L -C t, • ti:: t, • T --f .:::;- L. $
`(JJ 7 v --f ~ (JJ * Q;Z
`IN t2 * 5'c 7 -1 .:::;- L. 1W (JJ -5 i3 00 t2 -
`iJ~ 1¥- tE i""" 0 c: ~ le kt ,
`L. M J c: t,' -5 )
`.(!)7--fTb.~ffi~~G~(JJ:fv--f~~, 00~--f«Y~(f)-~~~S~Z>~~7--fTb.(f)
`~ffl~(f)••c:L-cnmm•:tJ:m2":f-L.@oo~. oo~m11/-L.@mi{J)fia(JJ1/-b.@
`mi c L -C * ffe ~ -tt Z> * ffe ffi!J iffll $
`c: L T IUf~ ~ -ti" G :f o ,Y 7 L. o
`( -=¥ Mi: ti!LiE 2 ]
`( • rE ~ ~ if ffi i7i ] llJH·.ffi if
`Um rE .t,t ~ JJ'{ § :'.ti ] o o o 6
`[ffliiEn~] ~JI!
`Um rE (!) pg ~ ]
`(IOO) ~.W& (cid:127) 9Gtl!8(JJ7--fyb.~
`(IOO) ~~~-c. -1«
`Y~(f)ff~~ffiffiPJft:tJ:M11/-b.OOimi(GA) ~*ffiH (cid:127)
`(26) ~*ffi~-tt. -(f):f
`V-1~~ffl13/-b.@i00(GA) ~~L-C-{«Y~(f)ft~~mffeLkW~- -(f):fv--f~
`t/i -ti • (f) 7 -1 .:::;- b. (JJ -5 iS - $ (JJ T -{ .:::;- b. L iJ, IN #! L -C l.t • a t, • 7 -1 y L. fi ( l)'. r 1 * 5'c 7 -1
`t:/i 1¥- :f£ i""" G c ~ ~;: ti: , * ~ 7 -1 .:::;- b. fi (JJ -5 i3 -
`(JJ 7 v --f 1i7 (JJ * ~ • (JJ 7
`.:::;- b. ti¥ J c v, --5 )
`-1.:::;-L.~ffi~i"""0~(JJ:fv-1~~- -1«Y~0•~~~:t.5~0~~7--fyb.(JJ~ffl~(JJ•
`fffl c L --c:i~ W PJ ft :tJ: ffi 2 3/ - b. @i mi ( G D) ~ ,
`ffi 1 1/ - b. @i mi ( G A)
`(JJ fi :fi (f) 3/ - b. @i
`OOc:LT*ffi~-ti"0*ffi~iffl1$(32) ~~-TQo ~~ ( J J -~~~ - -(JJ:fv--f~(JJ*
`M23/-L..00(GD) ~ffi13/-L.•OO (GA) (JJ•m(JJ3/-L..00c:LT~ffi~h0~
`&(JJT-{fb.~Gffim(JJT-{fb,~-W90-=FE~~~c~f~. ffim(JJ7--f7b,(JJ~ffl
`~ (JJ {~ tili C a 0 7 V -{ 1,7 ~ ~ m 9 Q L C: t;, j:j_J fm T JS 0 0 9 a b i3 '
`-1 « y
`t, i;: L pfi ~ (JJ 7
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`( -'¥- Mi: 1m rE 3 ]
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`(ffliiEn$] ~JI!
`( fffl rE (f) pg ~ ]
`* ~ aA (JJ fJf 3li tJ:: !l~ ~ tc s v., -c , * ffi mu riw :im < 3 2 > tt , * 5'c 7 -1 7" L. •
`(JJ -3 i3 * ij"'( ~ (JJ
`~-ffl~(JJfiflli~L-cmmmft~S~, ~~. *5'c7--fTb.W~-3iS-(JJ7--fyb.c:~fi
`~~ffi(f)7--f~b.~~WPJ~1J::ffi2ij-b.@i00(GD) ~*~~-tt. ffi(JJ7--fTL~~m
`~nkWft~~- ~~~(JJ7-1Tb.~ffi~9QJv-1-V~~-@(JJT-{7b,(JJ~ffl~(JJ(cid:173)
`McL-Cmmmtm~3/-b.@i00~*~~~0o~~(JJn•C'~- -(JJ7--fTL~:fv--f~
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`Exhibit 1002
`Page 680


`JP 2013-27477 A 2013.2.7
`7 ,{ T L. 0) ®. ti 5'i:; 1,£ ~ tR c' ~ 0 .t v' '5 '.flJ ~ iJ~ JS 0 o
`( -=¥- m'i: tifl IE 4 )
`[ tifl iE :tr ~ IHl,i i; l
`(tiflIE~~)J[§::g] o o 1 o
`[tifliEn$l ~l!
`( 0 0 1 0 ]
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`.1-Y. ...t OJ AA [Pl t,f: ~ Lll 9 .:5 c: _, - OJ 7 v ,, -v ~;: -:::> v, --C r1H& OJ * n 7 ,, T L.
`ffl [Pl it rJL..:i:'. ~ h 0 o
`-~#t£90t~~~- mftOJ*7E7'1TLWOJ?~BmOJ7,{j'-Lt,£:7v,i-'7#W$L
`tc ffir ~ tf, i& ft 7: ilS 0 * 'fr. 7 ,{ T b. m ~;:_ -:::> t, • -C 13:. ~ ffilj l!l $
`iJ"> ffi 2 If - b. illil Im ( G D
`( 3 2 )
`) 1,£ ~ ~ ~ -tt 0 • PX. iJ~ fir Jii c' d'J 0 o
`( -=¥- m'i: flfl iE 5 )
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`[ tm iE :M ~ Ill El ::3 l o o 1 2
`[1itiIEni:t] B:J!
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`If 7 b. ( p GM) C: L l
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`Exhibit 1002
`Page 681


`Searching P AJ
`Page 1 of 1
`(11 )Publication number :
`( 43)Date of publication of application : 07.02.2013
`(51 )lnt.Cl.
`A63F 13/10
`(2006. 01)
`(21 )Application number : 2011-164506
`(22)Date of filing :
`(72)Inventor : ENDO SUGURU
`PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To lighten the burden of a
`player who attempts acquisition of a desired item in an
`SOLUTION: The control device 32 of a game system 100
`makes the display device 26 of a player P1 display a game
`screen. ln particular, the control device 32 makes it display
`a game screen GA, which can direct the generation of the
`event, and a game screen GB, which can select as the
`candidate of the acquisition place of the item when
`achieving the combat event other players who own
`uncollected items of the player P1 of an incomplete item
`group when there is the incomplete item group, in which the
`player P1 collects only a part of two or more items, when
`the player P1 directs the game screen GA to generate the
`combat event, as a game screen just after the game screen
`Exhibit 1002
`Page 682


`JP,2013-027477,A [CLAIM]
`Page 1 of 2
`JPO and INPIT are not responsible for any
`damages caused by the use of this translation.
`1.This document has been translated by computer. So the translation may not reflect the original
`2.**** shows the word which can not be translated.
`3.In the drawings, any words are not translated.
`[Claim 1]
`It is a game device which provides each of two or more players with a game which collects two or
`more items belonging to each of two or more item groups,
`A storage part which memorizes an item which a player collected for every player,
`A display control part which displays a game screen on a display device of a player is provided,
`The aforementioned display control part displays the 1st game screen that can instruct generating
`of an event, When a player of 1 instructs generating of the aforementioned event to said 1st game
`screen, When an item group (henceforth "an incomplete item group") in which a player of the above
`1 is collecting only some items among two or more aforementioned items exists, The 2nd game
`screen selectable as a candidate of an acquisition place of the item [ players / which own an item
`which are not collected / of a player of the above 1 / among said incomplete item groups I other ]
`concerned at the time of achievement of the aforementioned event is displayed as a game screen
`just behind said 1st game screen.
`A game device.
`[Claim 2]
`The aforementioned display control part is selectable considering other players which own an item
`of 1 chosen from two or more uncollected items among said incomplete item groups as a candidate
`of an acquisition place of the item of 1 concerned, And when said 2nd selectable game screen is
`displayed and an item besides the above is chosen, other different items from an item of the above
`1 among said incomplete item groups. being concerned -- others -- a player which owns an item -(cid:173)
`being concerned -- others -- the 2nd game screen selectable as a candidate of an acquisition place
`of an item is displayed
`A game device of Claim 1.
`[Claim 3]
`When a player of the above 1 instructs generating of the aforementioned event to said 1st game
`screen and an incomplete item group does not exist about a player of the above 1, the
`aforementioned display control part, The 3rd game screen selectable as a candidate candidate of an
`event is displayed for other players as a game screen just behind said 1st game screen.
`Claim 1 or a game device of Claim 2.
`[Claim 4]
`The aforementioned display control part displays said 2nd game screen about an incomplete item
`group whose number of kinds of a collected item among two or more aforementioned incomplete
`item groups is the most numerous, when two or more incomplete item groups exist about a player of
`the above 1.
`Which game device of Claim 1 to Claim 3.
`[Claim 5]
`The aforementioned display control part displays said 2nd game screen about an incomplet

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