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`Apple EX1002 Page 490


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`Apple EX1002 Page 491


`WO 2004/019314
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`21 24
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`D1, j
`22g 22d
`21 24
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`Apple EX1002 Page 492


`WO 2004/019314
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`Apple EX1002 Page 493


`IPC 7 G09G3 32
`According to lnlemalbnal Patent Classlllcatlon (IPC) orto both national classlflcallon
`Minimum documentallon searched (classlflcallon syslBm followed by dasslflcatlon symbols)
`IPC 7 G09G
`and IPC
`PCT /JP 03/10644
`Doaimentatlon searched other than minimum dDaimentation lo !he extenl !hat such documents are Included In the fields searched
`Eleclronlc data base consulted durtng the lntematk>nal search (name of dala base and, where practical, search terms used)
`Category. Challon of document. with Indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`17 July 2003 (2003-07-17)
`Relevant to claim No.
`m Furlher doaunents are llsled In !he COJl!inuation of box C.
`• Special categones 01 dted documents
`"A" document defining lhe general state or tne an wlllch Is not
`considered to be of particular relevance
`'E' eerller document but published on or after too lnlematlonal
`filing dale
`"L' document Which may throw doubts on fi:ibrlty dalm(s) or
`which lscled to establlsh the publlca Ion data or another
`dlallon or olher special reason (as specified)
`"O' document referrirU to en oral disclosure, use, exhlbl11on or
`other means
`'P' document published prior to the intemallonal filing date but
`later than the priority date claimed
`Date of the actual complellon of the international Seard!
`Patent famiymembers are llsted In ann8lt.
`"T" later document published after the lntema!ional tiBng date
`or priority date and not In confllc:l with Ille application bot
`cited to understand the principle or lheoiy undetiying the
`•x· (!Ocumenl or partlallar relevance; the clalrned Invention
`cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to
`lmlolVe an Inventive step wllen lhe docUment Is taken alone
`•y• document of parllcular relevance; the claimed Invention
`cannot be conSidered to Involve an lnvenllve step when the
`document Is combined wllh one or more other such docu-
`ments, such combination behg obVlous 10 a peraon skilled
`In the an.
`•&• docUment member of the same patent famllY
`Date or malDng of the bllemallonal search report
`2 January 2004
`Name and malllng address of Ille ISA
`European Patent Office, P.B. 5618 Patentlaan 2
`NL-2280 HV Rijswljk
`Tel (+31-70) 340-2040; Tx. 31 651 epo nl,
`Fax: �1-70) 340-3016
`Form PCTIISA/210 lsea>nd si-1) f.July 1982)
`AUthorlzed offloer
`page 1 of 2
`Apple EX1002 Page 494


`lntamatla�pplicatlon Na
`Category • Cilallon of document. with lndlca.tlon,vmere appropriale, or the relevant passages
`Relevan1 to claim No.
`PCT/JP 03/10644
`WO 99 65011 A (KONINKL
`AB (SE))
`16 December
`1999 (1999-12-16)
`page 8, line 5 -line 6; figure 1
`page 8, 11ne 9 -11ne 10
`page 8, line 15 - line 18
`page 10, line 5 -line 16
`page 11, line 25 -page 12, 11ne 14
`page 12, line 3 -line 8
`page 12, line 31 -page 13, line 16; figure
`page 13, line 2 -line 25
`page 14, 11ne 26 -page 15, 11ne 7
`EP 1 170 718 A (SEIKO EPSON CORP)
`2002 (2002-01-09)
`9 January
`figure 5
`JP 2002 215095 A (PIONEER
`31 July 2002 (2002-07-31)
`-& US 2002/135309
`CORP) 26 September
`2002 (2002-09-26)
`11, 13
`Folm PCT/ISAl'Z10
`(cartnualcn al second ohaet)
`(July 1982)
`page 2 of-2
`Apple EX1002 Page 495


`INTERNATIONAL SEARCH REPORT lnternatiol1tl"" ppllcation No
`Information on patent famlly members
`PCT/JP 03/10644
`Patent family
`Patent document
`cited in search report
`WO 03058328
`.. .�
`WO 9965011
`EP 1170718
`17-07-2003 JP
`2003195810 A 09-07-2003
`03058328 Al 17-07-2003
`1034530 A2 13-09-2000
`9965011 A2 16-12-1999
`2002517806 T
`6373454 Bl 16-04-2002
`1388951·1 01-01-2003
`1170718 Al 09-01-2002
`0205254 Al 17-01-2002
`2002033718 Al 21-03-2002
`JP 2002215095
`2002135309 Al 26-09-2002
`Fom> l'CT/JSA/21D (patent family annex) (July 1892)
`Apple EX1002 Page 496


`HOlL 31/12 HOIL 21./00
`G09F 9/30
`[ 21]Jttif % 01143386.
`[43]�ffB2002 � 7 Jj 24 J:f
`[ 11 J �� CN 1360350A
`[22]lflilB 2001.12.21 [2l]lflil.q. 01143386.8
`[32]2000.12.21 [33]JP[31]388378/00
`[71 J lfl■A flJ:t�tt���tblliffl:§f
`� a*�*J'I¾
`[72]2tBJJA .=:�l}l-
`11'1 . .LJm*EH�
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`Apple EX1002 Page 497


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`Apple EX1002 Page 498


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`Apple EX1002 Page 499


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`Apple EX1002 Page 500


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`Apple EX1002 Page 501


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`Apple EX1002 Page 502


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