Lizenziert durch VDE VERLAG GmbH fiir VARTA Microbattery GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
`IEC 62133-2
`Edition 1.0 2017-02
`Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid
`electrolytes — Safety requirements for portable sealed secondary cells, and for
`batteries made from them,for use in portable applications—
`Part2: Lithium systems
`Accumulateurs alcalins et autres accumulateurs a électrolyte non acide —
`Exigences de sécurité pour les accumulateurs portables étanches, et pourles
`batteries qui en sont constituées, destinés a l’utilisation dans des applications
`portables —
`Partie 2: Systemes aulithium
` =
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`PEAG/Audio Partnership v. VARTA
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`Lizenziert durch VDE VERLAG GmbH fur VARTA Microbattery GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
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`Lizenziert durch VBE VERLAG GmbH fur VARTA Microbattery GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
` a
`IEC 62133-2
`Edition 1.0
`Secondarycells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid
`electrolytes — Safety requirements for portable sealed secondarycells, and for
`batteries made from them, for use in portable applications —
`Part 2: Lithium systems
`Accumulateurs alcalins et autres accumulateursa électrolyte non acide —
`Exigences de sécurité pour les accumulateurs portables étanches, et pour les
`batteries qui en sont constituées, destinés a l'utilisation dans des applications
`portables —
`Partie 2: Systemes aulithium
`ICS 29.220.30
`ISBN 978-2-8322-3910-0
`Warning! Make sure that you obtained this publication from an authorized distributor.
`Attention! Veuillez vous assurer que vous avez obtenu cette publication via un distributeur agree.
`® Registered lrademark ol the Intemational Electrolectinical Cormmesior
`Marque deposee dela Commission Electrolectinique Internationale
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`Lizenziert durch VDE VERLAG GmbH fur VARTA Microbattery GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
`ee Bae
` EC 62133-2:2017 © IEC 2017
`FS BVVRE dh cess revises tones epeincs eueii ap etecnsedt podbed Pei ehinna M1 tou nse essa Tan Fee tnwaTg censes Teadin peace as topes 5
`NOrmatiVG FETELSNGCES .. os ces crcecescacescasenesdse eves berueivunes deen sceeasaetasacestaeerrasspewsdvansecananes
`SAYA SREP ATA § nus. ued o geqaefods sede dancqed ebee sasgaedin eb pbage dedudeidededebisdedoiole ado aededndin roniiibee de btdededeli ad videlety cb 4 i
`Parameter measlirament toleran@es «o-oo y.sycciscecisacccdecsececeeeesecetiycyetace sid veedseeeecesstseratiesen ll
`General Sateaty GOMSIASTAOIB 5 y:ccyesccescseepocseessseryqsacyy sgsenssceesasaryaceeigsepigsaeyg sgceaccescsseacresee TG)
`a Sec EFI Pe ELC IW FES da Rae oT Sd Na Ra do Rs et ar eccEcTE ea |
`fnetilation: anebwiting..
`seein atens: te AtaAlisite ATE SPrap AAC AASMeAPAStALENterratewnstese teen stearsstarsasen |
`NESTE TTD ER sonar lg xe sana tety crores vy pnsyinn ng cov vu eO eau se hiarSnltuns'eS tua Spycvs natty care ohn eatfaldts ng Aye dyteee ye tes ele gee 11
`Temperature, voltage and current management....-.-.--20.. o.oo eee 11
`FREER PIED A) SME PTU TESTS inc a Ss ca vue aa ce Pa vec oie ca ok OY pau eae Pav cu kV svucu caved owede Gwe Pl
`0 1
`Assanibly of eels. inte: Batteries... ecu recesseorsepysseeesseeyseeeeee rosea y eo eyeayeyewrepewen rayey nar |g
`5.6.1 CBS ABMALbseice sis <a exnase noises cascinarangsias bei peesin Sinus Seiad eidiead ee tay emaieaaagiod facies Hes ieeete! 12
`DESIGN FECOMMENCATION ooo... cece eee cce senses enecen teste eeeeenseeessaeessaeeesaeeeereeeersees 12
`Mechanical protection for cells and components of batteries. ......... es. 13
`5 bo
`Quality plan ..
`yale aepany tia
`Battery safety componentsisiGCd ria InSb ail ig ihebee be
`dh ate Saieckmete gait ae a Gah ie PelehsalA
`TYH@ TASTE GG See SIA asc eacsecirss cease tata eveeven days en da eer v cpra c Sent eye anttelebetdeh lander eces
`Specific requirements and ccceseeneeeceeceeeeeecevseesuseseusseusresesesseraerseeenees 14
`a Charging procedures for test PUrPOSES 00... eee ce ese etree sat neecsuuenteeenereeernnene TA
`Frirseb (PNG ETE ean capes insects ciacsed tacnas ceca tapsaaetesteaaaidtastoeasigiaaaticiatenietginstacanaie. 14
`RAG ON CHEERED acts ayy ee ay cu STAN eats waau SELEY sau wade OYA nada Vida ev wdc acwety feae Ot
`Intended use_.
`sc PASteAtSA Atala Aces aeeeattacastaraatey Ie
`Sontinuaus sharuing at Gonetant‘peal: (cells). Perit /tEh a Oe ee ee
`Case stress at high ambient temperature Asteccsssocssssssnssssacssssaseseeceeunsc 4S
`Reasonably foreSG@ able MISUSE... ...ccciccccsseceuscenensereeeecreuevessuressaueseasteneseeneneereceens 45
`External SHOmM-Ginanit (GON) icc sce .ccspcecassgsacsasacansceaesenataeneqnasasegeaesasseseepesesecaguesse TO
`Bxtentallenoricing uit (Hating ow cccceecavecve vevuy se Uivets crv esren veya saevb rev eesteyteurstay ere VE
`FPO IY 5 pee alle heiren gic Leesa de beobeh btpede dee Sepjred cine ab Eid Dem de aru depba deeded ane 16
`Thermal abuse (CenNS) oo. ccccssceceseeceeceeeeeesenseteiueseesseetnsenteseeeeeenenenees 16
`CPUS (COIS) oo eee ececee eer seeeneneeensuetuenieeseeesesaenueeeeroseseritesunitensetereeeerneen VF
`PETGRATE OAYE ceo iesiyccas ye eeenee Seay oteeta ata cavers bien nemeeazed pate oa teimoNzet V7
`Forced alscharge (CONS). sc. csp avemavenevenieeiecerpect ram racbeyaeeapedeere weaerteerrscevevee 17
`Mechanical tests (Dattere@S).. oc. .ccéccsccsasasgasecsaceeeteedin ca teeneeeeaganetasaecedeceeasoeraoas 18
`Design evaluation — Forced internal short-circuit (cells)...eee 19
`aime Cede hile a Wis ic Le s4| eee er ere eres mre eee teetreoeT ey tee erent enrer eter er rrss. © beer tnt: eer errr ene 21
`pepe et,
`DONTE RO hppa re CeIn AIR RNY Rint Teen CIDER CONCR NEE, he I
`Small cell andi batterysafetyinformatian...
`2) SR oetins cay sorrento stsavisstasiacsuatvaenstens-evsevettusseutvneecteseinaeoeen 2
`assarcassnesecerrerecsasceens see capeperecersasazsasaeemsceeassenponsperatenia stargaceaeseesccasparace pee
`Battery marking,
`Be. te
`“es gckta ex uiad Tod Civic ct Roe
`i Caution for ingastion of small cells ‘and batteries.
`eSUATIASITSASE cca pisenamearantartasarne ste ed
`Other information. .......-....0-..,.2--..-.-. sha esa ERECTED CHR EG SER ROIS Teas
`(Packaging arid (RAMS PORE. .o..:.crcescesesscassseqaetemusseasqy sacs sone ansteesasepescequnectusgsganessessopsaesceagee ate aD
`Annex A (normative) Charging and discharging range of secondarylithium ion cells for
`STS WIBEY s Aisa Tepimiasurtgscd ogaesidbageed ssovbudnogssasiaasagehcndiondimedaanow aio nix ade aneaveetagaes sb CREApie Moe mabe yeaa abroneg tO ka SAT
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`Lizenziert durch VDE VERLAG GmbH fur VARTA Microbattery GmbH, Alle Rechte vorbehalten,
`IEC 62133-2:2017 @ IEC 2017
`ci MEDALGL er AeSS ee eSatena neta At aeasa sees pesessengsecee tem Ome
`Safety of lithium inaeedndary battery,
`Fe Nee eoCiesla
`Consideration on charging voltage... i antsiraseanonesanoarensarsaneanseani mesessespmemnenanansl
`sai ag piesa gs a wa tenee ge ans aRabE TeOTaE eran Yeas acedeatentaeetaunecuteeres OA
`Upper limit:chargingvottage:
`Consideration of temperature and arisaing eurrent
`COP eeeo reer Tyo
`ISERIOPEL c. cosz cep det roeaysgadew ae thdea te Nae Hey dena dove av opre cease de brane hada vedo ool oes 26
`Recommended temperature range....1.....ccc0sccccseeeeeetee re tecneoe eigen deasaveeeasoeeaseenaets 26
`Fig h: fart pera tir Tae oe sec sascee serra eee in tite teeuere yee veryeed pipe esas eer ener veneered 2f
`LGviC ten Beratlines TANG G .ccocic: se piecaieniiacs rriteer 26ts ae tahoe Dea Ere o ee
`enh 25
`Scope of the application of charging current -.....-..-..... 2.6.22 44ec-cyceecpeseetteest ees 2G
`Consideration Of discharge .........:¢.c:c2:c4seci4ssceessceseesesseseesusetugescey ceceseecesonsavsesey DO
`SEAL ESTES Ee Stn LS 4 onda) gee yo aR pro REE Ee nek OEE oe bt AL
`General ..
`seeaaseersacaere str, OU
`Insertion preieedlube fiforFlos wartiolétto9 NSBiinternalI'shott,
`~peencgrnerae td
`Disassembly of Charged Gell ...cicscusscusssssuanteeastariasanndsagcidasaddadeanatemaaceneasannnacd 31
`Road yeCif PADRE PENS sca pc ence vse siassienaeea ng nner vue pen tan'souvawsduanapangerecigerscarerlgemneanys 31
`Insertion of nickel particle in cylindrical Cell oe eect eeece ene eerener DT
`Insertion of nickel particle in prismatic Cell... cise eessreereereenereeurrvens 34
`Experimental procedure of the forced internal short-circuit test... SE
`Material and tools for preparation of nickel particle 0... icine BB
`Example of a nickel particle preparation procedure... 2...OF
`Positioning (or placement) of a nickel particle 0.0200.OF
`Damaged separator precaution..............
`FES TESEUGEY soe SF ido ode kaveusaeesiay Eee
`Caution for rewinding separator and wlentinds.,
`Apensteesnes4 wena seessseesacamacsene: ast
`Insulation film for preventing short-circuit _... 2.0. 2..2.0.00..200 02 e eee ieeeece cee eee SD
`Caution when disassembling a cell .........2..0. 202econ BD
`Protective equipment for safety..
`Frise incr esac Searenc Riacee gene Pact beara et
`Caution in the case of fire during disdssembling:,
`sect bs
`vehk fetf oR
`Caution for the disassembling process and pressing| the Mestrodecore... 39
`Recammended specifications far the pressing device ..
`sched oe
`Annex B poe Recommendations to equipment inhiattorere.and battery
`assemblers ..
`ep PAsPeABace FASEAGG SAS RLSAsessAeneianeeage te 45are Reaspet satan as aAciA She AB see
`er sAe Lpsa sea sense
`en ste negte gens ag Oe
`Annex © (informative) Recommendations to the end-users __._. 22.2020. .202. cece epee eect AB
`Annex D (normative) Measurementof the internal AC resistance for coin cells ...................44
`SERA Ses yak RIPEN TC Tee es EIT ON SRT traey ereer 44
`D.2 EAS cis cere nas zs oipssegh tl erage ee ba ntanoass tesa ned pa eee ee Eee nly beiSacla Tyo dete rued iy winentin tate Sin resets 44
`ANN@ce (infonnativer Packaging: and TanSpO Myo cycusseevecreeserereernriraeeou veeevesereente sree
`Annex F (informative) Component standards references ....-00-. 020.046
`BIBLE EE BIS nentocn atenonpemaaaiaa aa seers cram ean tanya eanecly cpa iraee ss oat SeNReRE Erma ams A
`Figure 1 — Foreed discharge time Chart ..........cccccccscccssscceseesesecseesessnessussssetvudsessbeseesaueneesaneiaeds 18
`FR St UTERO SETI cscvey nica sede ay Ay nate de in vl eG tr aiew apy eo ea er eee wlan eri badelte rg vitin'sse re vile es 21
`Figure 2: TG SSSI GAUGE asics aise scrmereciazteeaaseaass qciiaatansateusadeamatnnantahasacana aki AAgenA aapshadmana banaaiag. 22
`Figure A.1 — Representation oflithium ion cells operating region for charging......................25
`Figure A.2 — Representation oflithium ion cell operating region for discharging......
`Figure A.3 — Shape of nickel Particle... ccc ceceesseueeeeeseeeeceereseesavettaveuseesuaeeaueteesaerenes 31
`VARTAEx. 2025 Page 5 of 98
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`Lizenziert durch VDE VERLAG GmbH fur VARTA Microbattery GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten,
`EC 62133-2:2017 © IEC 2017
`Figure A.4 — Nickel particle insertion position between positive and negative active
`Figure A.5 — Nickel particle insertion position between positive aluminium foil and
`negative active material coated area of cylindrical cell...eee BD
`Figure A.6 —Disassembly of cylindrical CaM occ eiecsnnucneeescrnieeenueeeesuenguedseunsalescccere re ao
`Figure A.7 — Nickel particle insertion position between positive and negative (active
`material) coated area of prismatic Cell. cece ee ee ee ea eee eee eee eeeeerneeesueeusa sensu saunas aeereeed 34
`Figure A.8 — Nickel particle insertion position between positive aluminium foil and
`negative (active material) coated area of prismatic cell _._..-.-..-.-2.- 222... 22..2- cp ee epee e eects SO
`Figure A.9 — Disassembly of prismatic cells 2.00.20... 2.00... 2.. 20 2ce ee eee eee eee eee BG
`Figure A.10 — Dimensions of a completed nickel particle _..
`Figure A.11 —- paationiay8of the nickel particle when it cannot be siabatt)in the
` material coated area of Cylindrical Cellce scitnsenetnetmeeetereresstoneesuuedsesuuaneeeerrreer cd
`specified area.
`aeeutjseqpneseegaategas sesasea pices Apsacsesasesyaategsasearane ppsasewincacqeatecnerepanteaanrsar ae
`Figure A.12 — Cylindrical cell -
`sgt naa ee cca gta agin et gd er vee arta ares a! Med fone" one cele eral NO
`Figure A.13 — Distance / time ratio of several types of pressing devices .......2.-..0-. 41
`TABS 1 SS aniple SIZe TOT TY PS Tests cia. ecu: se agaic syaeassedarja sedinee oatescoaes mineidny eoatiaretahaananial oo rites 14
`Table 2 — Condition of CHArgiINgG PrOCECUre...... cc cc cee eset eee ueeseesesuesesussaeseseesaeenceneeereuss 15
`Table 3 — Ganditlons: for vibration teste... cuccsece ees aseciesse ny sqeeteesneivng laielaune ca eesraveeneserrerengs 19
`Table 4 = SOCK PArainGters..e.:aiseaciacsesaeeeacaieausssandsasenaateu tanned aaadamaaeanusaatibaatzsaatashasemess anna sage 19
`Table 5 — Ambient temperature for Cell CESt.. occ cccceccaceeenseeeceeerevesnesuenesuaueeuauensaweneeaersvanss 20
`Table A.1 — Examples of operating region charging parameters.......0........00..) 02. scceceeeueeee ee 20
`Table A.2 — Recommended specifications of a pressing device...............-..00..-...0---2 ee 40
`Table F.1 — Component standard references 2.2.00... ccoeee AG
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`Lizenziert dureh VBE VERLAG GmbH fur VARTA Microbattery GmbH. Alle Rechte vorbehalten
`IEC 62183-2°2017 @ IEC 2017
`Part 2: Lithium systems
`1) The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprising
`all national electrotechnical committees
`(IEC National Committees). The object of
`IEC is
`to promote
`international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To
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`[EC National Committees undertake to apply IEC Publications
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`6) All users should ensure that they have the latest edition of this publication.
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`&) Attention is drawn to the Normative references cited in this publication, Use of the referenced publications is
`indispensable for the correct application of this publication,
`9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this IEC Publication may be the subject of
`patent rights. [EC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
`International Standard |EC 62133-2 has been prepared by subcommittee 21A: Secondary
`cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes, of
`IEC technical
`committee 21: Secondary cells and batteries.
`This first edition cancels and replaces the second edition of IEC 62133 published in 2012. It
`constitutes a technical revision.
`IEC 62133:2012:
`changes with
`— separation of nickel systems into a separate Part 1
`— inclusion of coin cell requirements,
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`Lizenziert dureh WOE VERLAG GmbH fur VARTA Micrabattery GmbH, Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
`IEC 62133-2:2017 © IEC 2017
`— update of assembly of cells into batteries (5.6);
`— mechanical tests [vibratian, shock] (7,3 8.1,;
`insertion of IEC TR 62914 within the Bibliography
`The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
`21A/620/F DIS
`Report on voting
`Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be faund in the report on
`voting indicated in the above table.
`This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
`The following different practices of a less permanent nature exist in the countries indicated
`7.3.9: Design evaluation — Forced internal short-circuit test only applies to Korea, Japan,
`Switzerland and France
`A list of all parts of the IEC 62133 series, published under the general title Secondary cells
`and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes — Safety requirements for
`portable sealed secondary cells, and for batteries made from them,
`for use in portable
`applications, can be found on the IEC website.
`The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until
`the stability date indicated on the IEC website under “" in the data
`related to the specific publication. At this date, the publication will be
`« withdrawn,
`replaced by a revised edition, or
`IMPORTANT — The ‘colour inside’ logo on the cover page of this publication indicates
`it contains colours which are considered to be useful
`the correct
`understanding of its contents. Users should therefore print this document using a
`colour printer.
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`Lizenziert durch VBE VERLAG GmbH fur VARTA Micrabattery GmbH, Alle Rechte vorbehalten,
`IEC 62183-2°2017 @ IEC 2017
`Part 2: Lithium systems
`This part of IEC 62133 specifies requirements and tests for the safe operation of portable
`sealed secondary lithium cells and batteries containing non-acid electrolyte, under intended
`use and reasonably foreseeable misuse,
`2 Normative references
`The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their
`content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition
`cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document(including
`any amendments) applies.
`International Electrotechnical Vocabulary — Part 482) Primary and
`IEC 60050-482'2004,
`secondary cells and batteries (available at http:/
`IEC 61960, Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other non-acid electrolytes —
`Secondary lithium cells and batteries for portable applications
`ISO/IEC Guide 51, Safety aspects — Guidelines for their inclusian in standards
`3 Terms and definitions
`the terms and definitions given in
`this document,
`the purposes of
`ISOMEC Guide 51 and the following apply.
`IEC 60050-482,
`freedom from unacceptable risk
`combination of the probability of occurrence of harm and the severity of that harm
`physical injury or damage to the health of people or damage to property or to the environment
`potential source of harm
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`VARTA Ex. 2025 Page 9 of 98


`Lizenziert durch WBE VERLAG GmbH fur VARTA Microbattery GmbH, Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
`IEC 62133-2:2017 © IEC 2017
`intended use
`use of 4 product, process or service in accordance with specifications,
`information provided by the supplier
`instructions and
`reasonably foreseeable misuse
`use of a product, process or service In a way which Is not intended by the supplier, but which
`may result from readily predictable human behaviour
`secondary cell
`basic manufactured unit providing a source of electrical energy by direct conversion of
`chemical energy, that consists of electrodes, separators, electrolyte, container and terminals,
`and that is designed to be charged electrically
`secondary battery
`assembly of secondary cell(s) which may include associated safety and control circuits and
`case, ready for use as a source of electrical energy characterized by its voltage, size, terminal
`arrangement, capacity and rate capability
`Note 1
`to entry:
`Includes single cell batteries,
`unplanned, visible escape of liquid electrolyte
`release of excessive internal pressure from a cell or battery in a manner intended by design to
`preclude rupture or explosion
`mechanical failure of a cell container or battery case induced by an internal or external cause,
`resulting in exposure or spillage but not ejection of materials
`cell container or battery case opens violently and major
`failure that occurs when a
`components are forcibly expelled
`emission of flames from a cell or battery
`portable battery
`battery for use in a device or appliance which is conveniently hand-carried
`portable cell
`cell intended for assembly in 4 portable battery
`lithium ion polymer cell
`cell using gel polymer electrolyte or solid polymer electrolyte, not liquid electrolyte
`VARTAEx. 2025 Page 10 of 98
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`Lizenziert durch VDE VERLAG GmbH fur VARTA Microbattery GmbH, Alle Rechte vorbehalten
`IEC 62133-2:2017 @ IEC 2017
`rated capacity
`capacity value of a cell or battery determined under specified conditions and declared by the
`the quantity of electricity C. Ah (ampere-hours) declared by the
`to entry; The rated capacity is
`Note 1
`manufacturer which a single cell can deliver when discharged at the reference test current of 0.2 J Atoa specified
`final voltage, after charging, storing and discharging under specified conditions.
`(SOURCE; IEC 60050-482:2004, 482-03-15, modified — Note 1 to entry has been added. ]
`reference test current
`harge or discharge current expressed as a multiple of /, A, where, A= Cs Ah/1 h, as defined
`in IEG 61434, and based on the rated capacity (C, Ah) of the cell or battery
`upper limit charging voltage
`highest charging voltage in the cell operating region, which is
`specified by the cell
`maximum charging current
`maximum charging current
`in the cell operating region, which is specified by the cell
`coin cell
`button cell
`coin battery
`small round cell or battery in which the averall height is less than the diameter
`In English, the term “coin cell” or “coin battery” is used for lithium batteries only while the term
`to entry:
`Note 7
`“button cell” or “button battery” is only used for non-lithium batteries.
`In languages other than English, the terms
`“coin” and “button” are often used interchangeably, regardless of the electrochemical system.
`IEC 60050-482:2004 482-02-40, modified — The term “coin battery” has been
`added, and the NOTE “in practice terms, the term coin is used exclusively for non-aqueous
`lithium cells." has been replaced with Note 1 to entry.)]
`cylindrical cell
`cell with a cylindrical shape in which the overall height is equal to or greater than the diameter
`(SOURCE; IEC 60050-482:2004, 482-02-39]
`prismatic cell
`cell having the shape of a parallelepiped whose faces are rectangular
`Note 1 to entry: Prismatic cells may be provided with either a rigid metal case or flexible laminate film case
`[SOURGE: IEC 60050-482°2004, 482-02-38, modified|The source term is “prismatic” (adj.).
`In the definition, “qualifies a cell or a battery" has been replaced with "cell". Note 1 to entry
`has been added. ]
`VARTA Ex. 2025 Page 11 of 98
`VARTA Ex. 2025 Page 11 of 98


`Lizenziert durch VBE VERLAG GmbH fur VARTA Micrabattery GmbH, Alle Rechte vorbehalten,
`IEC 62133-2:2017 © IEC 2017
`cell block
`parallel connection
`arrangement of cells or batteries wherein all
`terminals, respectively, are connected together
`the positive terminals and all
`the negative
`added. |
`JEG 60050-482:2004, 4832-03-39, modified — The term "cell block" has been
`functional safety
`part of the overall safety that depends on functional and physical units operating correctly in
`response to their inputs
`(SOURCE; IEC 60050-357:2018, 3851-57-06]
`end-of-discharge voltage
`final voltage
`specified voltage of a battery at which the battery discharge is terminated
`[SOURCE:? |EC 60050-482:2004, 482-03-30, modified — The terms "cut-off voltage" and “end-
`paint voltage" have been deleted. ]

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