`United States Patent
`Croyle et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 6,308,134 B1
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Oct. 23, 2001
`(*) Notice:
`(75) Inventors: Steven R. Croyle, Franklin; Larry E.
`Spencer, II, Lake Orion; Ernie R.
`Sittaro, Romero, all of MI (US)
`(73) Assignee: Magellan DIS, Inc., Rochester Hills,
`MI (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 0 days.
`(21) Appl. No.:
`(22) PCT Filed:
`Dec. 27, 1996
`(86) PCT No.:
`S371 Date:
`Nov.30, 1998
`S 102(e) Date: Nov.30, 1998
`(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO97/24582
`PCT Pub. Date:Jul. 10, 1997
`(51) Int. Cl." ................................................... G06G 7/78
`(52) U.S. Cl. .......................... 701/220; 701/213; 701/214;
`701/216; 701/221; 701/200; 340/723: 340/995;
`340/990; 343/450; 343/451
`(58) Field of Search ..................................... 701/220, 207,
`701/1; 364/454; 235/150.27
`References Cited
`5/1969 Peteson.
`1/1970 Buscher et al. .
`(List continued on next page.)
`3242904 A1 11/1982 (DE).
`4/1989 (DE).
`(List continued on next page.)
`Brochure: Fleet-Trak: Fleet Management System.
`McLellan, et al., Applicaiton of GPS Positioning to Man
`agement of Mobile Operations, pp. 1-16; 1991.
`(List continued on next page.)
`Primary Examiner William A. Cuchlinski, Jr.
`ASSistant Examiner Tuan C To
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Carlson, Gaskey & Olds
`The improved vehicle navigation System uses a multiple,
`orthogonal axes accelerometer, Such as two or three accel
`erometers which are mounted orthogonal to one another. The
`two axes whose acceleration are to be measured are the
`longitudinal (nose to rear bumper) axis and lateral (left to
`right side) axis. The tangential or longitudinal axis accel
`eration is integrated once to obtain longitudinal Speed and is
`integrated again to produce a vehicle displacement. The
`lateral accelerometer measures the centripetal force that the
`vehicle is encountering which is used to compute a centrip
`etal or lateral acceleration. The lateral acceleration is used to
`obtain a heading change derived from the lateral accelera
`tion information and the longitudinal Speed. Using the
`heading change and the longitudinal acceleration, the
`improved vehicle navigation System propagates a previous
`position to a current position. This is accomplished without
`the need for connection to the vehicle Speed Sensor and the
`heading Sensor. If a third axis acceleration measurement
`Sensor is used the improved vehicle navigation System can
`operate completely independent of vehicle Sensors, further
`increasing flexibility in mounting. The third accelerometer
`provides pitch to assist in calibrating the other accelerom
`eters or other Sensors and in altering the longitudinal and/or
`lateral acceleration information by, for example, detecting a
`banked turn.
`20 Claims, 10 Drawing Sheets
`(maps, etc)
`Apple EX1015 Page 1


`US 6,308,134 B1
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`* cited by examiner
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 23, 2001
`Sheet 1 of 10
`US 6,308,134 B1
`A/G f
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`US 6,308,134 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Oct. 23, 2001
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`A/G 3a
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`NOISE = 0
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`This application is a 371 of PCT/US96/20848, filed Dec.
`27, 1996, which claims priority to U.S. Ser. No. 08/580,177,
`filed Dec. 28, 1995, now abandoned.
`The present invention relates generally to vehicle navi
`gation Systems using accelerometers. More particularly, the
`present invention relates to an improved vehicle navigation
`System and method using multiple accelerometers mounted
`orthogonally to each other or an orthogonal axes acceler
`Accelerometers have been used in airborne navigation
`Systems in the past, but only in conjunction with gyros. The
`current route guidance and navigation Systems that exist for
`automobiles today use the vehicle Speed Signal, rate gyro
`and a reverse gear hookup to “dead reckon' the vehicle
`position from a previously known position. This method of
`dead reckoning, however, is Susceptible to Sensor error, and
`therefore requires more expensive Sensors for accuracy and
`The Systems that use odometers, gyros and reverse gear
`hookups also lack portability due to the required connections
`to odometers and the frailty of gyros. Moreover, these
`Systems are hard to install in different cars due to differing
`odometer configurations which can have different connec
`tions and pulse counts in the transmission. Odometer data
`also varies with temp, load weight, tire pressure, Speed.
`Alternative connections to cruise control or ABS Sensors
`bring up Safety concerns. This reduces the installation
`flexibility, increases installation costs and reduces the port
`ability of the vehicle navigation System. Accordingly, there
`is a need for a vehicle navigation System with more freedom
`of installation which is portable and accurately determines
`vehicle position.
`The improved vehicle navigation System is Smaller, more
`cost effective, potentially portable and allows for more
`freedom of installation. In certain embodiments, the Zero
`motion detection System takes advantage of the recent
`availability of low cost micro-machined accelerometers.
`The improved vehicle navigation System uses an Orthogo
`nal axes accelerometer, Such as two or three accelerometers,
`which are mounted orthogonal to one another. The System
`can measure acceleration in the longitudinal (nose to rear
`bumper) axis and lateral (left to right side) axis. The tan
`gential or longitudinal axis acceleration is integrated once to
`obtain longitudinal Speed and is integrated again to produce
`a vehicle displacement. The lateral accelerometer measures
`the centripetal force that the vehicle is encountering which
`is used to compute a centripetal or lateral acceleration. The
`lateral acceleration is used to obtain a heading change
`derived from the lateral acceleration information and the
`longitudinal Speed. Using the heading change and the lon
`gitudinal acceleration, the improved vehicle navigation SyS
`tem propagates a previous position to a current position.
`This is accomplished without the need for connection to the
`vehicle Speed Sensor and the heading Sensor. If a third axis
`acceleration measurement Sensor is used, the improved
`US 6,308,134 B1
`vehicle navigation System can operate completely indepen
`dent of vehicle Sensors, further increasing flexibility in
`mounting. The third accelerometer provides pitch to assist in
`calibrating the other accelerometers or other Sensors and in
`altering the longitudinal and/or lateral acceleration informa
`tion by, for example, detecting a banked turn.
`Other aspects and advantages of the present invention
`may become apparent upon reading the following detailed
`description and upon reference to the drawings in which:
`FIG. 1 shows an improved vehicle navigation System
`according to the principles of the present invention;
`FIG. 2 shows a block/data flow diagram of the improved
`vehicle navigation system of FIG. 1;
`FIGS. 3a and 3b show flow charts for gathering accel
`eration information and orienting the multiple axis acceler
`FIG. 4a shows a block diagram of a Zero motion detect
`System according to the principles of the present invention,
`and FIG. 4b shows a flow chart for the operation of the Zero
`motion detect system of FIG. 4a,
`FIGS. 5a and 5b show a general flow chart of the
`operation of the improved vehicle navigation System of FIG.
`1, and
`FIGS. 6a-6e show general diagrams illustrating how the
`improved vehicle navigation System updates the heading
`information with the map heading for position propagation.
`While the invention is susceptible to various modifica
`tions and alterative forms, Specifics thereofhave been shown
`by way of example in the drawings and will be described in
`detail. It should be understood, however, that the intention is
`not to limit the invention to the particular embodiment
`described. On the contrary, the intention is to cover all
`modifications, equivalents, and alternatives falling within
`the Spirit and Scope of the invention as defined by the
`appended claims.
`An illustrative embodiment of the improved position
`determination System according to the principles of the
`present invention and methodology is described below as it
`might be implemented using orthogonally mounted accel
`erometers to determine a current position from a previous
`position. In the interest of clarity, not all features of an actual
`implementation are described in this specification. It will of
`course be appreciated that in the development of any Such
`actual implementation (as in any development project),
`numerous implementation-specific decisions must be made
`to achieve the developerS Specific goals and Subgoals, Such
`as compliance with System- and busineSS-related constraints,
`which will vary from one implementation to another.
`Moreover, it will be appreciated that Such a development
`effort might be complex and time-consuming, but would
`nevertheless be a routine undertaking of device engineering
`for those of ordinary skill having the benefit of this disclo
`The improved vehicle navigation System can be used in a
`variety of configurations as would be understood by one of
`ordinary skill in the art. Such a vehicle navigation System is
`disclosed in copending patent application Ser. No. 08/580,
`150, entitled “Improved Vehicle Navigation System And
`Method” and filed concurrently with this application. Par
`ticular embodiments of the improved vehicle navigation
`System uses GPS, Such as an electromagnetic wave posi
`Apple EX1015 Page 14


`US 6,308,134 B1
`tioning system. Such a GPS system is the Navigation
`Satellite Timing and Ranging (NAVSTAR) Global Position
`ing System. GPS includes NAVSTAR GPS and its
`successors, Differential GPS (DGPS), or any other electro
`magnetic wave positioning systems. NAVSTAR GPS
`receivers provide users with continuous three-dimensional
`position, Velocity, and time data.
`FIG. 1 illustrates, in block diagram form, an exemplary
`arrangement and use of an improved vehicle navigation
`system 10 for an automobile 12. In this embodiment, the
`improved vehicle navigation system 10 uses a GPS antenna
`14 to receive the GPS signals. The antenna 14 is preferably
`of right-hand circular polarization, has a gain minimum of
`-3 dBiC above 5 degree elevation, and has again maximum
`of +6 dBiC. Patch or Helix antennas matching these speci
`fications can be used. The GPS antenna 14 can be connected
`to a preamplifier 16 to amplify the GPS signals received by
`the antenna 14. The pre-amplifier 16 is optional, and the
`GPS antenna can be directly connected to a GPS receiver 16.
`The GPS receiver 18 continuously determines geographic
`position by measuring the ranges (the distance between a
`Satellite with known coordinates in Space and the receiver's
`antenna) of Several satellites and computing the geometric
`interSection of these ranges. To determine a range, the
`receiver 18 measures the time required for the GPS signal to
`travel from the Satellite to the receiver antenna. The timing
`code generated by each Satellite is compared to an identical
`code generated by the receiver 18. The receiver's code is
`shifted until it matches the satellite's code. The resulting
`time shift is multiplied by the speed of light to arrive at the
`apparent range measurement.
`Since the resulting range measurement contains propaga
`tion delays due to atmospheric effects, and Satellite and
`receiver clock errors, it is referred to as a “pseudorange.”
`Changes in each of these pseudoranges over a short period
`of time are also measured and processed by the receiver 18.
`These measurements, referred to as “delta-pseudoranges,”
`are used to compute velocity. The Velocity and time data is
`generally computed once a Second. If one of the position
`components is known, Such as altitude, only three Satellite
`pseudorange measurements are needed for the receiver 16 to
`determine its Velocity and time. In this case, only three
`Satellites need to be tracked.
`As shown in FIG. 1, the GPS receiver 18 provides GPS
`measurements to an application unit 22. Powered via a
`conventional power Source 20, the application unit 22 con
`Sists of application processing circuitry 24, Such as a
`processor, memory, buses, the application Software and
`related circuitry, and interface hardware 26. In certain
`embodiments of the present invention, the application unit
`22 can be incorporated into the GPS receiver 18. The
`interface hardware 26 integrates the various components of
`the vehicle navigation System 10 with the application unit
`22. In this embodiment, a 2 or 3 orthogonal axis acceler
`ometer 28 provides acceleration signals to the application
`unit 22. An odometer 29 provides information which can be
`used in place of the information derived from the
`accelerometer, but the odometer 29 is optional because it
`reduces the portability of the system. A map database 30
`Stores map information, Such as a road network, and pro
`vides map information to the application unit 22. A user
`interface 32, which includes a display and keyboard, allows
`interaction between the user and the improved vehicle
`navigation System 10.
`FIG.2 shows a more detailed block and data flow diagram
`for the improved vehicle navigation system 10 of FIG. 1.
`The GPS receiver 18 provides position information, velocity
`information, pseudoranges and delta pseudoranges to the
`sensor integrator 40. The sensor integrator 40 uses the
`Velocity information to determine a current position for the
`vehicle. In this embodiment, if GPS velocity information is
`not available, the sensor integrator 40 can calculate GPS
`Velocity using the available delta range measurements to
`determine a current position. GPS velocity information is
`derived from a set of delta range measurements, and if only
`a Subset of delta range measurements is available, the
`vehicle navigation system can derive GPS velocity infor
`mation from the Subset of delta range measurements. The
`vehicle navigation System uses the GPS position informa
`tion at Start-up as a current position and during other times
`of operation as a check against the current position. If the
`current position fails the check, then the GPS position can
`replace the current position.
`When GPS velocity information is available and reliable,
`the application processor 22 propagates the position vector
`x(t) with the GPS velocity vector v as follows: X(t)=
`x(t–1)+ v At. If the difference between the GPS heading
`and the map heading is within a threshold, the map heading
`is used as the heading. If the GPS velocity information is not
`available or unreliable (at low velocities below 1.5 m/s), the
`vehicle positioning information will propagate the position
`vector x(t) using the available velocity vector with the most
`merit as follows: X(t)= x (t–1)+ v At.
`In the particular embodiment, the improved vehicle navi
`gation System can propagate the vehicle position from the
`available information, Such as GPS delta range measurement
`(S), the GPS Velocity, or the orthogonal axes accelerometer
`using lateral and longitudinal acceleration information.
`Application processor 22 calibrates V from V when
`possible. The GPS position information is used as an overall
`check on the current position. For example, if x(t)-
`x(t)|<(18.5*PDOP), where PDOP is the “position dilution
`of precision' a common variable computed automatically in
`the GPS engine, then X(t) is left unchanged, i.e. X (t)= x(t).
`Otherwise, X(t)= x(t). In certain embodiments, all raw
`inputs could go into a Kalman filter arrangement which
`outputs the Velocity vector.
`The sensor 28 for the embodiment of FIG. 2, which is a
`multiple, orthogonal axis accelerometer, provides accelera
`tion information for at least two orthogonal axes (lateral,
`longitudinal and/or vertical). The accelerometers 28 produce
`a voltage measure. AS shown in FIG. 3a for the longitudinal
`accelerometer although a similar flow chart applies to each
`orthogonal axis, the accelerometer data is read at Step 48,
`and the Zero offset (set at the factory and constantly
`re-checked and reset by the Zero Motion Detector men
`tioned below) is subtracted from this measure at step 49 to
`produce a number of Volts displacement from Zero. This
`number of volts displaced from Zero is then multiplied by a
`Scale factor (set at the factory and continuously re-calibrated
`by the GPS) to produce a number of G's of acceleration at
`step 50. This number of G's of acceleration is then multi
`plied by the number of meters per Second Squared per G to
`produce meters per Second Squared of acceleration at Step
`51. The meters per Second Squared of acceleration is then
`multiplied by the delta time (integrated once) to produce a
`velocity at step 52. This velocity is saved for the next
`Second. This acceleration information can be used to deter
`mine change in distance information, ADIST, and change in
`turn information, A0.
`Apple EX1015 Page 15


`US 6,308,134 B1
`Initially, the improved vehicle navigation System requires
`initial conditions for various items, Such as accelerometer
`orientations, accelerometer Zero offsets and accelerometer
`scale factors. Factory defaults that will be used for each of
`these items So that no initialization will be necessary. Those
`items will also need to be maintained, but not necessarily in
`the absence of all power (i.e. battery loss, or removal from
`vehicle). An option will be available to manually initialize
`these items. This would allow immediate use of the system,
`without having to wait for GPS to be acquired for calibrating
`these items.
`Once GPS has been acquired and is determined to be
`useable, GPS can be used to calibrate all of the configurable
`items. It will first determine the accelerometer orientations
`as described in FIG. 3c. At power on, the assignment of
`accelerometers to each of the lateral, longitudinal and down
`axes (if three axis accelerometer is used) are in the same
`orientation as the last power down, which will be saved in
`Some non-volatile Storage. If three accelerometers are used,
`one will be measuring the Earth's gravity. The accelerometer
`measuring one G (Earth's Gravity) will be assigned to the
`Down Axis. For the other two axes, as shown in FIG. 3c, the
`following procedure will take place. At Step 53, the accel
`eration data is obtained as described in FIG. 4b. The
`acceleration measurements from each of the two accelerom
`eters will be compared until their difference reaches a
`pre-defined threshold at step 54. The reason for this is to
`ensure that the accelerations are uneven enough that a valid
`compare against current vehicle conditions can be made
`without ambiguity.
`As shown in steps 55-61 for this particular embodiment,
`once this situation occurs and there is acceleration data
`computed from the GPS data, the acceleration from each of
`the accelerometers will be compared to the lateral and
`longitudinal accelerations computed from the GPS and the
`accelerometers with the closest acceleration values for each
`of those axes will be assigned to those axes. Additionally, the
`initial vehicle orientation is determined because the vehicle
`heading relative to True North can be computed from the
`GPS velocities.
`With reference to FIG. 2, the sensor integrator 40 can use
`the longitudinal and lateral acceleration information as
`described below to determine a current position for the
`vehicle if GPS velocity information is not available. In any
`event, if GPS is available or not, the sensor integrator 40
`provides the current position and a velocity (Speed and
`heading) to a map matching block 42. The map matching
`block 42 provides road Segment information for the road
`Segment that the vehicle is determined to be travelling on,
`Such as heading, and a Suggested position. The Sensor
`integrator 40 can update the heading component of the
`Velocity information with the heading provided by the map
`matching block 42 to update the current position. If the map
`matching block 42 indicates a good match, then the map
`matched position can replace the current position. If not, the
`Sensor integrator 40 propagates the previous position to the
`current position using the Velocity information. AS Such, the
`Sensor integrator 40 determines the current position and
`provides the current position to a user interface and/or route
`guidance block 46.
`The map matching block 4

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