United States Patent (19)
`Patent Number:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Dec. 1, 1998
`(75) Inventor: Hisashi Hayasaka, Kawasaki, Japan
`73 Assignee: Fujitsu Limited, Kawasaki, Japan
`21 Appl. No.: 921,337
`22 Filed:
`Aug. 29, 1997
`Related U.S. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of Ser. No. 613,076, Mar. 8, 1996, abandoned,
`which is a continuation of Ser. No. 84,473, Jul. 1, 1993,
`Foreign Application Priority Data
`Aug. 21, 1992 JP
`S. 41.
`Pall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`51) Int. Cl. ................................. G06F 1/26; G06F 1/32
`52 U.S. Cl. ................................ 395/750.08; 395/750.06;
`58 Field of Search ......................... 395/75008, 75006,
`395/750.03; 364/707, 492
`References Cited
`4,907,183 3/1990 Tanaka .................................... 364/707
`4.949,046 8/1990 Seyfang .................................. 324/427
`1/1991 Saito ........
`... 364/707
`5,167,024 11/1992 Smith et al. ............................ 395/375
`5,230,074 7/1993 Canova, Jr. et al. ................... 395/750
`1-188918 7/1989 Japan.
`1-191913 8/1989 Japan.
`2-27413 1/1990 Japan.
`Primary Examiner-Gopal C. Ray
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Staas & Halsey
`In data communication with power furnished from a built-in
`battery, the residual battery capacity is detected as power
`that can be currently Supplied by the battery. In addition,
`power necessary for communication is forecast from the
`quantity of data for communication. The currently residual
`battery capacity and the necessary power for communication
`are compared. If the former is in excess of the latter, the
`communication operation is allowed, while otherwise it is
`inhibited. When the communication operation is inhibited,
`functions of parts irrelevant to communication operation are
`Suppressed or reduced. When function Suppression is done,
`the necessary power for communication is re-forecast for
`comparison from current consumed by other parts than those
`functions Suppressed or reduced.
`14 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 1, 1998
`Sheet 1 of 5
`1 OO
`\ 88
`D M E
`F D D
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 1, 1998
`Sheet 2 of 5
`FIG 2
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 1, 1998
`Sheet 3 of 5
`FIG. 3
`Y = Y - (P XT)
`S1 O2
`S1 See YES
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 1, 1998
`Sheet 4 of 5
`FG. 4
`O, K. ?
`SET 2
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`U.S. Patent
`Dec. 1, 1998
`Sheet 5 of 5
`FIG. 5
`S 17
`S 19
`O. K. 2
`Apple EX1011 Page 6


`This application is a continuation of application Ser. No.
`08/613,076, filed Mar. 8, 1996, now abandoned, which was
`a continuation of application Ser. No. 08/084,473, filed on
`Jul. 1, 1993, now abandoned.
`This invention relates to portable terminals for data com
`munication with a host computer or the like by utilizing a
`telephone line and, more particularly, to a portable terminal,
`which is furnished with power from a built-in power supply
`battery for data communication operation.
`With the recent spread of data communications and a
`trend for reducing terminal size, portable terminals with
`built-in communication functions are becoming popular.
`Most portable terminals have a built-in power supply battery
`So that they can be used in various places. In Such battery
`driving, the battery capacity is limited, and therefore com
`munication failure is probable when the battery capacity
`becomes leSS during the communication. Improvement in
`this respect has been demanded.
`In a prior art portable terminal which is furnished with
`power from a built-in battery for operation, the residual
`battery capacity is detected and displayed to urge battery
`charging in order to avoid communication failure due to
`battery capacity shortage that might occur during commu
`nication. In addition, when the detected residual battery
`capacity becomes lower than a predetermined threshold
`value, an alarm indicates the battery capacity shortage to
`urge the battery charging. However, Such a prior art portable
`terminal is capable of communication even with a battery
`capacity shortage. Therefore, the user may enter or be in
`communication without confirming the residual battery
`capacity or any alarm. In Such a case, a communication
`failure is liable with the battery capacity becoming insuffi
`cient during communication.
`This invention Seeks to provide a portable terminal, which
`permits prevention of communication failure due to battery
`capacity shortage.
`According to the invention, there is provided a portable
`terminal, which comprises a battery-operated communica
`tion unit. The terminal predicts power necessary for com
`munication (i.e., power to be consumed) from the residual
`battery capacity, which is defined as power that can be
`currently Supplied by the battery, and also from the com
`munication data quantity. More specifically, the current
`residual battery capacity and the power necessary for com
`munication are compared, and if the former Surpasses the
`latter, the operation of communication is allowed. In the
`converse case, i.e., with the former being less than the latter,
`the communication operation is inhibited.
`Further, when the communication operation is inhibited,
`a function of parts irrelevant to the communication operation
`is Suppressed. Then, taking into account the power that
`would have been consumed by the parts irrelevant to
`communication, the power necessary for the communication
`is determined again and checked. Among the parts irrelevant
`to the communication operation are a floppy disk device, a
`display unit, an option slot connector, etc. The functions of
`these parts are stopped or reduced. When the functions are
`Stopped or reduced locally, the parts with the functions
`thereof Suppressed are displayed. Further, when the com
`munication operation is inhibited, an alarm is produced.
`Further, when the communication operation is inhibited,
`communication control information, Such as dial No., etc.,
`and communication data are Stored in a non-volatile
`memory. When the communication operation is allowed
`after battery charging, the communication control informa
`tion and communication data Stored in the non-volatile
`memory are read out for the communication operation.
`Specifically, upon reception of a communication request,
`the current residual battery capacity and the power necessary
`for communication that is predicted from the communica
`tion data quantity are compared, whereby communication
`failure due to battery capacity shortage can be avoided.
`Further, by permitting the communication control informa
`tion and communication data, which are Stored, in the case
`of the communication operation inhibition due to the battery
`capacity shortage, in non-volatile memory backed up by an
`exclusive battery or the like and read out therefrom after the
`completion of battery charging, to be used to start a com
`munication operation, automatic communication can be
`obtained without producing a new communication request.
`Further, even during communication the residual battery
`capacity and the necessary power for communication as
`predicted from the data quantity are compared, and if it is
`determined that the battery capacity is insufficient, the
`functions of the parts irrelevant to the communication opera
`tion are stopped or reduced, whereby current consumption in
`the System can be reduced to obtain a normal end of the
`communication operation. In this case, the function Stoppage
`or reduction is displayed to prevent its misunderstanding as
`a failure.
`The above and other objects, features and advantages of
`the present invention will become more fully apparent from
`the following detailed description of the preferred embodi
`ment when the same is read with reference to the accom
`panying drawings.
`FIG. 1 is a block diagram showing a hardware structure
`according to the invention;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram showing the functions accord
`ing to the invention;
`FIG. 3 is a flow chart illustrating a Sub CPU routine of
`judging whether communication is possible from the
`residual battery capacity and the power necessary for com
`FIG. 4 is a flow chart illustrating communication control
`by a main CPU shown in FIG. 1 according to the invention;
`FIG. 5 is a continuation of the flow chart of FIG. 4
`illustrating communication control by a main CPU shown in
`FIG. 1 according to the invention.
`FIG. 1 shows an embodiment of the present invention.
`Generally designated at 100 is a portable terminal, which
`comprises a main CPU 30. From the main CPU 30 is led out
`a CPU bus 32 with a Sub CPU 34 connected thereto. To the
`CPU bus 32 is also connected to a RAM 36, a ROM 38, a
`back-up memory 40 functioning as a non-volatile memory,
`a timer 42, a DMA controller 44, a “RS232C interface 46
`capable of connection via a connector 48 to an external
`modem or the like, a floppy controller 50 connected via a
`Apple EX1011 Page 7


`connector 92 to an external floppy disk device 94, a com
`munication controller 52 with a built-in modem 54 for data
`communication with an external telephone line 58 via a
`connector 56, an interruption controller 60, an alarm gen
`erator 62 provided with a loudspeaker 64, a liquid crystal
`display controller 66 for controlling display on a liquid
`crystal display 68, and a digitizer 70 for detecting coordinate
`input from a stylus pen 72. The CPU bus 32 further has an
`expansion slot 74 for connecting an external option unit. The
`portable terminal 100 further comprises a power supply
`controller. In this embodiment, the power Supply controller
`76 includes a main battery 10-1 and a Sub battery 10-2. The
`sub battery 10-2 is for power supply to the back-up memory
`40 and timer 42 via a power Supply line 82. The main battery
`10-1, on the other hand, is for power supply to the floppy
`disk controller 50 and external floppy disk device via a
`Switch circuit 90 and a power supply line 78. It further
`Supplies power via a parallel power Supply line 80 to all the
`other parts than the floppy disk controller 50, back-up
`memory 40 and timer 42.
`The power supply to the floppy disk controller 50 and
`external floppy device 94 via the power supply line 78 can
`be on-off Switched under the control of the main CPU 30.
`The power supply controller 76 further includes a differen
`tial amplifier84. The plus terminal of the main battery 10-1
`is connected directly to the plus input terminal of the
`differential amplifier 84 and connected to the minus input
`terminal thereof via a sense resistor 86. The differential
`amplifier 84 detects and outputs the battery voltage of the
`main battery 10-1. In the sense resistor 86, a constant weak
`current is flowing through the internal circuit of the opera
`tional amplifier84, thus generating a potential difference
`proportional to the voltage of the main battery 10-1. The
`differential amplifier 84 detects the potential difference
`generated acroSS the Sense resistor 86 and outputs a corre
`sponding voltage to an A/D converter 88. The battery
`voltage of the main battery 10-1 as detected by the differ
`ential amplifier84 is converted in the A/D converter 88 into
`a digital Signal which is taken in the Sub CPU 34. A charging
`terminal 102 is connected via diodes 96 and 98 to the plus
`terminal side of the main battery 10-1 and sub battery 10-2.
`For charging the main and sub batteries 10-1 and 10-2, an
`AC adapter or an exclusive charger is connected to the
`charging terminal 102 to receive the supply of a rated DC
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram showing functions of the
`portable terminal 100 according to the invention. A battery
`10 Supplies drive power to a communication unit 12. A
`residual battery capacity detection unit 14 detects residual
`battery capacity as power, which can be currently Supplied
`by the battery 10. A forecasting unit 16 forecasts power
`necessary for communication from the quantity of data for
`communication by the communication unit 12. A judging
`unit 18 compares the current residual battery capacity and
`the power necessary for communication. If the former is
`above the latter, the unit 18 allows the communication
`operation of the communication unit 12. Otherwise, it inhib
`its the communication operation. A function Suppression
`unit 24 Suppresses or reduces the functions of the parts
`irrelevant to the communication operation when the com
`munication operation is inhibited by the judging unit 18.
`When the function suppression or reduction is done by the
`function Suppression unit 24, the judging unit 18 newly
`detects the power necessary for communication from the
`current consumed in the other parts, i.e., the parts relevant to
`the communication operation and compares the detected
`power. When the function Suppression or reduction is done
`by the function Suppression unit 24, it is displayed on a
`function Suppression display unit 26. Further, an alarm unit
`20 alarms the inhibition of the communication operation.
`The communication unit 12 includes a non-volatile memory
`28. When the communication operation is inhibited by the
`judging unit 18, communication control information, Such as
`dial number, and communication data are Stored in the
`non-volatile memory 28. When the the communication
`operation is Subsequently allowed by the judging unit 18
`after charging of the battery 10, the communication control
`information and communication data Stored in the non
`volatile memory 28 are read out for the communication
`operation. This function is provided during communication
`as well.
`The correspondence between FIGS. 1 and 2 is as follows.
`The communication unit 12 is realized by program control
`by the main CPU 30. The residual battery capacity detection
`unit 14, forecasting unit 16 and judging unit 18 are realized
`by program control by the Sub CPU 34. The Sub CPU 34 is
`provided separately from the main CPU 30 in order that
`upon a user's communication request to the main CPU 30 it
`independently and concurrently detects the residual battery
`capacity, calculates the power necessary for communication
`from the communication data quantity and compares the
`residual battery capacity and the power necessary for com
`munication So that the communication control in the main
`CPU 30 is allowed or inhibited according to the result of
`comparison. In addition, even while the main CPU 30 is
`executing communication control, the Sub CPU 34 is detect
`ing the residual battery capacity and forecasting and com
`paring the power necessary for communication of the
`residual quantity of data. Thus, it can judge the battery
`capacity shortage concurrently with the communication con
`trol by the main CPU 30.
`The function of the alarm unit 20 is realized by the alarm
`generator 62 and loudspeaker 64. The function Suppression
`unit 24 cuts power supply to the floppy disk controller 50
`and external floppy disk device via the power supply line 78
`by turning off the Switch circuit 90 in the power supply
`controller 76. The function suppression display unit 26 is
`realized by the liquid crystal display controller 66 and liquid
`crystal display 68, and displays the Suppression of the
`function of the external floppy disk device 94 with the
`turning-off of the Switch circuit 90. The non-volatile
`memory 28 is realized by the back-up memory 40 which
`receives power supplied from the sub battery 10-2. When the
`Sub CPU 34 inhibits a communication operation as a result
`of residual battery capacity judgment executed upon a
`communication request, the prevailing communication con
`trol information, e.g., dial No., and communication data are
`stored in the back-up memory 40 by the main CPU30. When
`the communication control information and communication
`data are stored in the back-up memory 40, the main CPU 30
`Sets a re-dial flag. Then, in response to a Subsequent re-dial
`operation after completion of the charging of the main
`battery 10-1, the stored communication control information
`and communication data are read out from the back-up
`memory 40, and communication is brought about automati
`cally without need of a repeated communication request.
`FIG. 3 is a flow chart illustrating a judging routine as to
`whether to allow or inhibit communication, which routine is
`executed by the Sub CPU 34 in FIG. 1 according to the result
`of comparison between the residual battery capacity and the
`power necessary for communication. In a step S1, the Sub
`CPU 34 sets an initial value Y of the capacity of the main
`battery 10-1 in the fully charged state thereof. Then, it
`monitors the lapse of a predetermined time T in a Step S2.
`Apple EX1011 Page 8


`Until the lapse of the time T it repeatedly checks for any
`user's communication request in a step S3. When a com
`munication request is provided during the predetermined
`wait time T, the Sub CPU 34 is informed of the communi
`cation request by the main CPU 30. As a result, a step S4 is
`executed, in which the Sub CPU 34 reads the quantity of
`communication data informed from the main CPU 30, and
`in a Subsequent Step S5 it calculates communication time Td.
`The communication time Td is calculated by dividing the
`data quantity read out in the Step S4 by a predetermined
`communication rate of data Supplied from the built-in
`modem 54. In a subsequent step S6, the Sub CPU 34 sets a
`comparison flag for execution of the comparison of the
`residual battery capacity and the power necessary for com
`munication. The routine then returns to the step S2. If the
`lapse of the predetermined time T is detected in the Step S2,
`the routine then goes to a step S7, in which the Sub CPU 34
`reads out the voltage of the main battery 10-1 from the A/D
`converter 88, and in a subsequent step S8 it calculates power
`P currently consumed from predetermined total load resis
`tance R. In a Subsequent Step S9, it updates the residual
`battery capacity Y by Subtracting the consumed power
`(TxP), i.e., the product of the consumed power Pobtained in
`the step S8 and the predetermined time T, from the prevail
`ing residual battery capacity Y. In a Subsequent Step S10, it
`checks for any comparison flag that is Set. If a communi
`cation request has been made, a comparison flag is Set in the
`step S6. If so, the routine goes to a step S11, in which the Sub
`CPU 34 compares the prevailing residual battery capacity Y
`and the power PxTod necessary for communication, i.e., the
`product of the consumed power Pobtained in the step S8 and
`the communication time Td obtained in the step S5. If it is
`found in the step S11 that the residual battery capacity Y is
`above the necessary power PxTod for communication, the
`Sub CPU 34 informs the main CPU 30 of allowance of
`communication in a step S12. Otherwise, it informs the main
`CPU 30 of inhibition of communication because there is a
`possibility of battery capacity shortage during communica
`tion if the communication control is not Suppressed.
`FIG. 4 is a flow chart illustrating the communication
`control executed by the main CPU 30 in FIG. 1, and FIG. 5
`illustrates a continuation of the control. Referring to FIG. 4,
`in a step S1 the main CPU 30 monitors any user's commu
`nication request. If it detects a user's communication
`request, it executes a step S2 of requesting a check for
`allowance/inhibition of communication to the Sub CPU 34.
`In a Subsequent Step S3, it sends a transmission data quantity
`to the Sub CPU 34. Receiving the communication
`allowance/inhibition check request and the data quantity
`notice in the respective steps S2 and S3, the Sub CPU 34
`executes comparison of the detected residual battery capac
`ity and the forecast necessary power for communication as
`shown in FIG. 3. In a Subsequent Step S4, it gives a response
`to the main CPU 30. In a subsequent step S5, the main CPU
`30 checks for a communication allowance from the Sub CPU
`34. If a communication allowance is given, it executes a Step
`S6 of checking whether a re-dial flag has been Set. Since no
`re-dial flag was Set in the initial communication Stage, the
`routine goes to a step S8 of communication routine. Com
`munication control based on a re-dial flag, executed in Steps
`S6 and S7, will be described later. If the the result of the
`check in the step S5 is “NO”, i.e., if inhibition of the
`communication operation is decided by the Sub CPU 34 due
`to leSS residual battery capacity than the necessary power for
`communication, the main CPU 30 checks for a power-down
`flag in a step S9. Since no power-down flag has been Set
`from the outset, it cuts power Supply to the parts irrelevant
`to communication in a step S10. More specifically, it turns
`off the Switch circuit 90 in the power supply controller 76 to
`cut power supply to the floppy disk controller 50 and
`external floppy disk device 94 via the power supply line 78.
`In a subsequent step S11, the main CPU 30 sets a power
`down flag, and in a Step S12 it informs the alarm generator
`62 of the Stoppage of power Supply to and function Suspen
`sion of the floppy disk controller 50 and external floppy disk
`device. Alarm Sound is thus produced from the loudspeaker
`Simultaneously, the main CPU 30 causes the liquid crystal
`display controller 66 to display a floppy disk device function
`Suspension message on the liquid crystal display 68 to notify
`the function Suspension to the user. The routine then goes
`back to the Step S2 of requesting a communication
`allowance/inhibition check to the Sub CPU 34 and then to
`the Step S3 of notifying the quantity of data for communi
`cation to the Sub CPU 34. Receiving the check request and
`data quantity notification again from the the main CPU 30,
`the Sub CPU 34 executes the check routine shown in FIG. 3.
`In the calculation of the consumed power P executed in the
`step S8 in FIG. 3, the floppy disk controller 50 and external
`floppy disk device 94 have their function Suppressed, and the
`calculated consumed power P is less by an amount corre
`sponding to the function Suppression. That is, less product
`(PxT) is Subtracted in the residual battery capacity updating
`in the step S9 in FIG. 3. Further, the necessary power PxTod
`for communication, compared with the current residual
`battery capacity Y in the step S11 in FIG. 3, is less than the
`previous value. Thus, the necessary power PxTod which
`previously Surpassed the residual battery capacity Y is this
`time leSS due to the floppy disk device function Suspension,
`and a communication allowance notification is issued from
`the Sub CPU 34 in the subsequent step S12 in FIG. 3. Thus,
`in the step S5 in FIG. 4 the communication allowance
`notification is detected, and the communication routine in
`the steps S6 to S8 in FIG. 4 is executed.
`However, if no communication allowance notification is
`issued from the Sub CPU 34 despite the execution of the
`power-down process in the Step S10, the routine now goes
`from the step S5 to the step S9. Since this time a power
`down flag has been Set, the routine goes to a step S13, in
`which the main CPU 30 writes communication control
`information and communication data in the back-up memory
`40. Then, it sets a re-dial flag in a step S14 and generates a
`charging request alarm in a step S15, thus bringing an end
`to the routine. At this time, the alarm generator 62 causes an
`alarm Sound to be produced from the loudspeaker 64, and at
`the same time the liquid crystal controller 66 causes a
`charging request message to be displayed on the liquid
`crystal display 68. Receiving the charging request alarm
`generated in the Step S15, the user undertakes the charging
`of the main and Sub batteries 10-1 and 10-2. When this
`charging is completed, a communication request is provided
`afresh, whereupon the routine in FIG. 4 is started.
`With the communication request made after the charging
`request alarm, the communication allowance notification
`issued from the Sub CPU 34 is detected in the step S5, and
`a re-dial flag check is done in the Step S6. Since a re-dial flag
`has been Set in the previous routine cycle, the routine goes
`to the Step S7 of reading out the communication control
`information and communication data which were written in
`the back-up memory 40 upon the charging request alarm
`generation. Thus, the communication routine in the Step S8
`is executed without need of any user's repeated operation.
`Now, a control routine during communication will be
`described with reference to FIG. 5. This routine is executed
`Apple EX1011 Page 9


`during communication caused with the Start of the commu
`nication operation in the communication routine in the Step
`S8 in FIG. 4. In a step S16 in FIG. 5, the main CPU 30 makes
`a communication allowance/inhibition check request to the
`Sub CPU 34, and in a subsequent step S17 it notifies the
`prevailing residual data quantity to the Sub CPU 34. Receiv
`ing the communication allowance/inhibition check request
`and residual data quantify notification in the StepSS16 and
`S17, the Sub CPU 34 produces a response by deciding the
`allowance or inhibition of communication through the detec
`tion of the residual battery capacity and forecasting and
`comparison of the necessary power for the communication
`of the residual data quantity in the flow chart of FIG. 3. The
`main CPU 30 checks for the response from the sub CPU 34
`in a step S18 and does a communication allowance/
`inhibition check in a step S19. If communication allowance
`is given, the routine returns to the Step S16, and this routine
`cycle is repeated until the communication is ended. If no
`communication allowance is obtained, the routine goes to a
`step S20 of power-down flag check. Since no Power-down
`flag has been Set from the outset, the routine goes to a step
`S21 of cutting power Supply to the parts irrelevant to
`Specifically, like the step S10 in FIG. 4, the main CPU 30
`turns off the Switch circuit 90 in the power supply controller
`76 to cut power supply to the floppy disk controller 50 and
`external floppy device 94. Then, in a step S22 of FIG. 5 it
`Sets a power-down flag. Then, in a Step S23 it informs the
`user of the function Suspension of the floppy disk controller
`50 and external floppy disk device 94 by causing the alarm
`generator 62 and loudspeaker 64 to produce an alarm Sound
`and also causing the liquid crystal display controller 66 to
`display a function Suspension message on the liquid crystal
`display 68. After the function Suspension of the parts irrel
`evant to communication by power Supply cutting, the rou
`tine is returned to the Step S16 of requesting a communica
`tion allowance/inhibition check to the Sub CPU 34 and the
`Subsequent Step S17 of notifying the residual data quantity.
`The Sub CPU 34 thus updates the residual battery capacity
`Y according to the consumed power P, which was reduced
`with the function suspension of the floppy disk controller 50
`and external floppy disk device 94 by power Supply cutting
`and forecasts and compares the necessary power PxTod for
`the communication of the residual data quantity. If a com
`munication allowance notification response from the Sub
`CPU 34 is detected in the step S19, the communication
`control is resumed. If no communication allowance notifi
`cation is obtained, the routine goes to the Step S20. At this
`time, a power-down flag has been Set, and thus the routine
`goes to a step S24. In this step, the communication controller
`52 interrupts and thus brings an abnormal end to the com
`munication through the built-in modem 54. Also, a step S25
`is executed, in which a communication failure alarm is
`given. That is, the alarm generator 62 and loudspeaker 64 are
`caused to produce an alarm Sound while causing the liquid
`crystal display controller 66 to display a corresponding
`message on the liquid crystal display 68, thus bringing an
`end to the routine.
`AS shown above in the embodiment, the power Supply to
`the parts irrelevant to communication is cut for power-down
`in the case of the issuance of a no communication allowance
`notification from the Sub CPU 34. However, it is possible to
`obtain the power-down with function reduction in lieu of the
`power Supply cutting. For example, it is possible to cause
`power-down by causing a slow-down of the operation Speed
`with clock frequency-reduction in a System operation timing
`clock generator.
`Further, the parts irrelevant to communication, which are
`the Subject of function Suppression for power-down, may
`include, for instance, an external option System connected to
`the option slot 74 or an external modem connected to the
`“RS232C interface 46 via the connector 48 as well as the
`floppy disk controller 50 and external floppy disk device 94.
`Further, where there are a plurality of parts as the Subject of
`power-down, it is possible to arrange things Such that a
`communication allowance notification can be obtained with
`a step-wise increase of parts for power-down.
`Further, while the above embodiment uses two CPUs, i.e.,
`the main and Sub CPUs 30 and 34, it is possible to employ
`a single high processing capacity CPU for both the

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