(.! Introduction

` +
`= −∇ + ∇
`τ ρ
`The full form of Eq. 5.4 is presented in Table VI of the appendix.
`5.1.2 The Generalized Newtonian Fluid
`The viscosity of most polymer melts is shear thinning and temperature dependent.
`The shear thinning effect is defined as the reduction in viscosity at high rates of
`deformation. This phenomenon occurs because at high rates of deformation the
`molecules are stretched out, enabling them to slide past each other with more ease,
`hence, lowering the bulk viscosity of the melt. Figure 5.3 clearly shows the shear
`thinning behavior and temperature dependence of the viscosity for a selected num-
`ber of thermoplastics. The figure also illustrates ranges of rate of deformation that
`are typical for various processing techniques. To take into consideration non-New-
`tonian effects, it is common to use a viscosity model that is a function of the strain
`rate and temperature to calculate the stress tensor 2 in Eq. 5.4:
`= (
`τ η γ γ
`where η is the viscosity and γ⋅ the strain rate or rate of deformation tensor defined
`γ = ∇ + ∇u
`where ∇u represents the velocity gradient tensor. This model describes the Gener-
`alized Newtonian Fluid. In Eq. 5.5, γ⋅ is the magnitude of the strain rate tensor and
`can be written as
`γ = 1
`where II is the second invariant of the strain rate tensor defined by
`=∑ ∑ γ γ⋅
`The strain rate tensor components in Eq. 5.8 are defined by
`u x
`∂ ∂
`j i
`∂ ∂
`i j
`The temperature dependence of the polymer’s viscosity is normally factored out as
`= (
`f T
`η γ
`η γ
`2  As will be shown later, this is only true when the elastic effects are negligible during deformation of the
`polymeric material.
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`5 Rheology of Polymer Melts
`Compression molding
`Injection molding
`Fiber spinning
`220 °C
`260 °C
`300 °C
`340 °C
`260 °C
`300 °C
`Viscosity, (cid:100)
`Shear rate, (cid:97)
`Figure 5.3 Viscosity curves for a selected number of thermoplastics
`) can be approximated using an
`) =
`where E0 is the activation energy, T0 a reference temperature, and R the gas con-
`stant. Using this shi! , the viscosity curves measured at diff erent temperatures can
`be translated to generate a master curve at a specifi c temperature. Figure 5.4 [9]
`presents the viscosity of a low density polyethylene with measured values shi! ed
`to a reference temperature of 150 °C. For the shi! in Fig. 5.4, an activation energy
`E0= 54 kJ/mol was used.
`Several models that are used to represent the strain rate dependence of polymer
`melts are presented later in this chapter.
` 
` 
`T T
`η η
`0 0
`where for small variations in temperature, f T(
`exponential function such as
`) =
`f T
`a T T
`However, a variation in temperature corresponds to a shi! in the time scale. A shi!
`commonly used for semi-crystalline polymers is the Arrhenius shi! , which is
` written as
`) =
`T (
`a T
` 
` 
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`(.! Introduction
`115 ºC
`130 ºC
`150 ºC
`170 ºC
`190 ºC
`210 ºC
`Reduced viscosity, log η/aTP
`Reduced shear rate, log aT γO
`Figure 5.4  Reduced viscosity curve for a low density polyethylene at a reference temperature
`of 150 °C
`5.1.3 Normal Stresses in Shear Flow
`τ τ
`= −
`= −
`The tendency of polymer molecules to “curl-up” while they are being stretched in
`shear flow results in normal stresses in the fluid. For example, shear flows exhibit
`a deviatoric stress defined by
`= (
`τ η γ γ
`−τ τ are referred to
` and N
`Measurable normal stress differences,
`τ τ
`2 =
`1 =
`as the first and second normal stress differences. The first and second normal stress
`differences are material dependent and are defined by
`ψ γ γ,
`ψ γ γ,
`τ τ
`The material functions ψ1 and ψ2 are called the primary and secondary normal
`stress coefficients, and are also functions of the magnitude of the strain rate tensor
`and temperature. The first and second normal stress differences do not change in
`sign when the direction of the strain rate changes. This is reflected in Eqs. 5.14
`and 5.15. Figure 5.5 [9] presents the first normal stress difference coefficient for
`the low density polyethylene melt shown in Fig. 5.4 at a reference temperature of
`150 °C. The second normal stress difference is difficult to measure and is o!en
`approximated by
`)≈ −
`0 1.
`ψ γ
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`5 Rheology of Polymer Melts
`Reduced first normal stress difference coefficient,
`log ((cid:115)1/aT
`Reduced shear rate,
`log (aT*(cid:97)0)
`Figure 5.5  Reduced first normal stress difference coefficient for a low density polyethylene
`melt at a reference temperature of 150 °C
`5.1.4 Deborah Number
`A useful parameter o!en used to estimate the elastic effects during flow is the
`Deborah number 3, De. The Deborah number is defined by
`= λ
`3  From the Song of Deborah, Judges 5 : 5 – “The mountains flowed before the Lord.” M. Reiner is credited for
`naming the Deborah number; Physics Today, (January 1964).
` © Wolfgang Cohnen, 1998. Coyote
`Buttes North 1 Second Wave, Arizona.
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139, Page 134


`(.! Introduction
`where λ is the relaxation time of the polymer and tp is a characteristic process
`time. The characteristic process time can be defi ned by the ratio of characteristic
`die dimension and average speed through the die. A Deborah number of zero
`re presents a viscous fl uid and a Deborah number of ∞ an elastic solid. As the
`Deborah number becomes > 1, the polymer does not have enough time to relax
`during the process, resulting in possible deviations in extrudate dimension or
`irregularities, such as extrudate swell 4, shark skin, or even melt fracture.
`Although many factors aff ect the amount of extrudate swell, fl uid “memory” and
`normal stress eff ects are the most signifi cant ones. However, abrupt changes in
`boundary conditions, such as the separation point of the extrudate from the die,
`also play a role in the swelling or cross section reduction of the extrudate. In prac-
`tice, the fl uid memory contribution to die swell can be mitigated by lengthening
`the land length of the die. This is schematically depicted in Fig. 5.6. A long die land
`separates the polymer from the manifold long enough to allow it to “forget” its past
`Figure 5.6 Schematic diagram of extrudate swell during extrusion
`Waves in the extrudate may also appear as a result of high speeds during extrusion
`that do not allow the polymer to relax. This phenomenon is generally referred to as
`shark skin and is shown for a high density polyethylene in Fig. 5.7a [10]. It is pos-
`sible to extrude at such high speeds that an intermittent separation of melt and
`inner die walls occurs, as shown in Fig. 5.7b. This phenomenon is o! en referred to
`as the stick-slip eff ect or spurt fl ow and is attributed to high shear stresses between
`the polymer and the die wall. This phenomenon occurs when the shear stress is
`near the critical value of 0.1 MPa [11–13]. If the speed is further increased, a heli-
`cal geometry is extruded, as shown for a polypropylene extrudate in Fig. 5.7c.
`Eventually, the speeds become so high that a chaotic pattern develops, such as the
`one shown in Fig. 5.7d. This well-known phenomenon is called melt fracture. The
`4  It should be pointed out that Newtonian fl uids, which do not experience elastic or normal stress eff ects,
`also show some extrudate swell or reduction. A Newtonian fl uid that is being extruded at high shear rates
`reduces its cross-section to 87 % of the diameter of the die, whereas if extruded at very low shear rates, it
`swells to 113 % of the diameter of the die. This swell is due to inertia eff ects caused by the change from the
`parabolic velocity distribution inside the die to the fl at velocity distribution of the extrudate.
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
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`5 Rheology of Polymer Melts
`Figure 5.7 Various shapes of extrudates under melt fracture
`shark skin effect is rarely experienced with linear polymers, which tend to experi-
`ence spurt flow
`It has been reported that the critical shear stress is independent of the melt tem-
`perature, but inversely proportional to the weight average molecular weight [14,
`12]. However, Vinogradov et al. [15] presented results showing that the critical
`stress was independent of molecular weight, except for low molecular weights.
`Dealy and co-workers [16], and Denn [17] provide an extensive overview of various
`melt fracture phenomena that is recommended reading.
`To summarize, the Deborah number and the size of the deformation imposed upon
`the material during processing determine how to most accurately model the sys-
`tem. Figure 5.8 [1] helps visualize the relation between time scale, deformation,
`and applicable model. At small Deborah numbers, the polymer can be modeled as
`a Newtonian fluid, and at very high Deborah numbers the material can be modeled
`as a Hookean solid. In between, the viscoelastic region is divided in two areas: the
`linear viscoelastic region for small deformations, and the non-linear viscoelastic
`region for large deformations. Linear viscoelasticity was briefly discussed in Chap-
`ter 2.
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139, Page 136


`(.$ Viscous Flow Models
`Non-linear viscoelasticity
`Newtonian fluid
`Linear viscoelasticity
`Deborah number
`Figure 5.8  Schematic of New tonian, elastic, linear, and non-linear viscoelastic regimes as a
`function of deformation and Deborah number during deformation of polymeric
` (cid:132) 5.2 Viscous Flow Models
`Strictly speaking, the viscosity η, measured with shear deformation viscometers,
`should not be used to represent the elongational terms located on the diagonal of
`the stress and strain rate tensors. Elongational fl ows are briefl y discussed later in
`this chapter. A rheologist’s task is to fi nd the models that best fi t the data for the
`viscosity represented in Eq. 5.5. Some of the models used by polymer processors
`on a day-to-day basis to represent the viscosity of industrial polymers are pre-
`sented in the next section.
`5.2.1 The Power Law Model
`The power law model proposed by Ostwald [18] and de Waale [19] is a simple
`model that accurately represents the shear thinning region in the viscosity versus
`strain rate curve but neglects the Newtonian plateau present at small strain rates.
`The power law model can be written as follows:
`= (
`m T
`n 1


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`5 Rheology of Polymer Melts
`where m is referred to as the consistency index and n the power law index. The con-
`sistency index may include the temperature dependence of the viscosity such as
`represented in Eq. 5.11, and the power law index represents the shear thinning
`behavior of the polymer melt. Figure 5.9 presents normalized velocity distribu-
`tions inside a tube for a fl uid calculated using the power law model with various
`power law indices. It should be noted that the limits of this model are
`→0 as ⋅
` and η ∞ γ
`γ ∞
`The infi nite viscosity at zero strain rates leads to an erroneous result for regions of
`zero shear rate, such as at the center of a tube. This results in a predicted velocity
`distribution that is fl atter at the center than the experimental profi le. In computer
`simulation of polymer fl ows, this problem is o! en overcome by using a truncated
`model such as
`m T
`m T0 m T0

`γ γγ γ
`⋅ ) viscosity. Table 5.1 presents a list of
`where m0 represents a zero shear rate (γ0
`typical power law and consistency indices for common thermoplastics.
`⋅  and
`γ γ



`n = 1.0
`n = 0.5
`n = 0.25
`n = 0.1
`n = 0
`vz(r) / v
`r / R
`Figure 5.9 Pressure fl ow velo-
`city distributions inside a tube
`for fl uids with various power law
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139, Page 138


`(.$ Viscous Flow Models
`Table 5.1 Power Law and Consistency Indices for Common Thermoplastics
`m (Pa-sn)
`T (°C)
`2.80 × 104
`High density polyethylene
`2.00 × 104
`Low density polyethylene
`6.00 × 103
`7.50 × 103
`Polyamide 66
`6.00 × 102
`6.00 × 102
`Polyvinyl chloride
`1.70 × 104
`5.2.2 The Bird-Carreau-Yasuda Model
`A model that fits the whole range of strain rates was developed by Bird and Car-
`reau [20] and Yasuda [21]; it contains five parameters:
`η η
`η η
`− −
`∞ ∞
`where η0 is the zero shear rate viscosity, η∞ is an infinite shear rate viscosity, λ is
`a time constant, n is the power law index and a is a constant, which in the original
`Bird-Carreau model is a = 2. In many cases, the infinite shear rate viscosity is neg-
`ligible, reducing Eq. 5.20 to a three parameter model. Equation 5.20 was modified
`by Menges, Wortberg, and Michaeli [22] to include a temperature dependence
`using a WLF relation. The modified model, which is used in commercial polymer
`data banks, is written as follows:
`k a
`k a

`1 2

`where the shi! aT applies well for amorphous thermoplastics and is written as
`T k
`8 86
`8 86
`T k
`101 6
`101 6
`+ −
`Table 5.2 presents constants ki for Carreau-WLF (amorphous) and Carreau-Arrhe-
`nius models (semi-crystalline) for various common thermoplastics. In addition to
`the temperature shi!, Menges, Wortberg and Michaeli [22] measured a pressure
`dependence of the viscosity and proposed the following model, which includes
`both temperature and pressure viscosity shi!s:
`8 86
`T T
`.0 02
`.8 86
`− +
`T T
`.0 02
`− +
`101 6
`T =

`T p
`) =

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`5 Rheology of Polymer Melts
`where p is in bar, and the constant 0.02 represents a 0.02 K shi! per bar5. In the
`above equation, the first term represents a shi! between the measured tempe-
`rature T* and the reference temperature Ts. The second term represents the tem-
`perature and pressure shi!s between the actual temperature and the reference
`temperature, as well as between 1 bar and the actual pressure. Hence, in the above
`model a rise in pressure is equivalent to a drop in temperature.
`Table 5.2  Constants for Carreau-WLF (Amorphous) and Carreau-Arrhenius (Semi-Crystalline)
`Models for Various Common Thermoplastic
` 1777
`High density polyethylene 24198
`Low density polyethylene
`  317
` 1386
`Polyamide 66
`   44
`  305
`Polyvinyl chloride
` 1786
` 88
` 22272
` 43694
`5.2.3 The Bingham Fluid
`The Bingham fluid is an empirical model that represents the rheological behavior
`of materials that exhibit a “no flow” region below certain yield stresses,τY, such as
`polymer emulsions and slurries. Since these materials flow like a Newtonian liquid
`above the yield stress, the Bingham model can be represented by
` or γ
`ττ= ≤
`η ∞=
`τ τ
`τ γ
`η µ
`Here, τ is the magnitude of the deviatoric stress tensor and is computed in the
`same way as in Eq. 5.7.
`5.2.4 Elongational Viscosity
`In polymer processes, such as fiber spinning, blow molding, thermoforming, foam-
`ing, certain extrusion die flows, and compression molding with specific processing
`conditions, the major mode of deformation is elongational.
`5 This constant can be in the range of 0.01 to 0.03.
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
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`(.$ Viscous Flow Models
`To illustrate elongational fl ows, consider the fi ber spinning process shown in Fig.
`Figure 5.10 Schematic diagram of a fi ber spinning process
`A simple elongational fl ow is developed as the fi lament is stretched with the follow-
`ing components for the rate of deformation:
`11 = − ⋅⋅

`22 = − ⋅

`2= −

`where ε⋅ is the elongation rate, and the off -diagonal terms of γij
`⋅ are all zero. The
`diagonal terms of the total stress tensor can be written as
`11 = − − ⋅
`p ηε

`22 = − − ⋅
`p ηε

`p ηε
`= − +

`Since the only outside forces acting on the fi ber are in the axial or 3 direction, for
`the Newtonian case, σ11 and σ12 must be zero. Hence,
`p = − εη⋅  and

`ε ηη ε
`which is known as elongational viscosity or Trouton viscosity [23]. This is analogous
`to elasticity where the following relation between elastic modulus, E, and shear
`modulus, G, can be written
`2 1 ν
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`5 Rheology of Polymer Melts
`where v is Poisson’s ratio. For the incompressibility case, where v = 0.5, Eq. 5.29
`reduces to
`= 3
`Figure 5.11 [24] shows shear and elongational viscosities for two types of poly-
`styrene. In the region of the Newtonian plateau, the limit of 3, shown in Eq. 5.28, is
`quite clear. Figure 5.12 presents plots of elongational viscosities as a function of
`stress for various thermoplastics at common processing conditions. It should be
`emphasized that measuring elongational or extensional viscosity is an extremely
`diffi cult task. For example, in order to maintain a constant strain rate, the spe-
`cimen must be deformed uniformly exponentially. In addition, a molten polymer
`µo = 1.7*108 Pa-s
`µo = 1.6*108 Pa-s
`Elongational test
`(cid:100)o = 5*107
`T= 140 °C
`Polystyrene I
`Polystyrene II
`Stress, (cid:111)(cid:11)(cid:3)(cid:109)
`(cid:100)o = 5.5*107 Pa-s
`Shear test
`Figure 5.11 Shear and elon-
`gational viscosity curves for two
`types of polystyrene
`Ethylene-propylene copolymer
`Figure 5.12 Elongational
`viscosity curves as a function
`of tensile stress for several
`ensile stress, log (cid:109)
`Viscosity, log (cid:43)
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139, Page 142


`(.$ Viscous Flow Models
`must be tested completely submerged in a heated, neutrally buoyant liquid at con-
`stant temperature.
`5.2.5 Rheology of Curing Thermosets
`The conversion or cure dependent viscosity of a curing thermoset polymer
`increases as the molecular weight of the reacting polymer increases. For the vinyl
`ester, whose curing history6 is shown in Fig. 5.13 [25], the viscosity behaves as
`shown in Fig. 5.14 [25]. Hence, a complete model for viscosity of a reacting poly-
`mer must contain the eff ects of strain rate, γ⋅, temperature, T, and degree of cure, c,
`such as
`η η γ= (
`,T c
`60 °C
`50 °C
`40 °C
`Cure time
` Figure 5.13 Degree of cure as a function
`of time for a vinyl ester at various iso-
`thermal cure conditions
`Degree of cure, c
`There are no generalized models that include all these variables for thermosetting
`polymers. However, extensive work has been done on the viscosity of polyure-
`thanes [26, 27] used in reaction injection molding processes. An empirical rela-
`tion, sometimes referred to as the Castro-Macosko model, which models the
`viscosity of these mixing-activated polymers, given as a function of temperature
`and degree of cure, is written as
`C C c
` 
` 
`η η=
`6  A more in-depth view of curing and solidifi cation processes of thermosetting polymers is given in
`Chapter 7.
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
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`5 Rheology of Polymer Melts
`where E is the activation energy of the polymer, R is the ideal gas constant, T is the
`temperature, cg is the gel point7, c the degree of cure, and C1 and C2 are constants
`that fi t the experimental data. Figure 5.15 shows the viscosity as a function of time
`and temperature for a 47 % MDI-BDO P(PO-EO) polyurethane, and Fig. 5.16 shows
`the viscosity as a function of degree of cure.
`60 °C
`50 °C
`40 °C
`Viscosity, (cid:100)
`Degree of cure, c
`Figure 5.14 Viscosity as a function of
`degree of cure for a vinyl ester at various
`isothermal cure conditions
`90 °C
`50 °C
`30 °C
`10 min
`Figure 5.15 Viscosity as a function of
`time for a 47 % MDI-BDO P(PO-EO)
`polyurethane at various isothermal cure
`7 At the gel point the change of the molecular weight with respect to the degree of cure goes to infi nity.
`Hence, it can be said that at this point all the molecules are interconnected.
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
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`90 °C
`50 °C
`30 °C
`(.$ Viscous Flow Models
`Degree of cure, c
` Figure 5.16 Viscosity as a function of degree of cure
`for a 47 % MDI-BDO P(PO-EO) polyurethane at various
`isothermal cure conditions
`5.2.6 Suspension Rheology
`Particles suspended in a material, such as in fi lled or reinforced polymers, have a
`direct eff ect on the properties of the fi nal article and on the viscosity during pro-
`cessing. Numerous models have been proposed to estimate the viscosity of fi lled
`liquids [28–32]. Most models proposed are a power series of the form8
`1= +
`φ φ

`+ …
`η η
`τ γ

`f =
`The linear term in Eq. 5.33 represents the narrowing of the fl ow passage caused by
`the fi ller that is passively entrained by the fl uid and sustains no deformation, as
`shown in Fig. 5.17. For instance, Einstein’s model, which only includes the linear
`term with a1= 2.5, was derived based on a viscous dissipation balance. The quad-
`ratic term in the equation represents the fi rst-order eff ects of interaction between
`the fi ller particles. Geisbüsch suggested a model with a yield stress, where the
`strain rate of the melt increases by a factor κ as
`κη κγ
`For high deformation stresses, which are typical in polymer processing, the yield
`stress in the fi lled polymer melt can be neglected. Figure 5.18 compares Geis-
`büsch’s experimental data to Eq. 5.33 using the coeffi cients derived by Guth [30].
`η ηf 0
` = 1 + 2.5ϕ + 14.1ϕ2
`8  The model developed by Guth in 1938 best fi ts experimental:
`However, a full analysis of the fi rst-order particle interactions gives an analytical value for the quadratic
`term of 6.96.
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`5 Rheology of Polymer Melts
`The data and Guth’s model seem to agree well. A comprehensive survey on parti-
`culate suspensions was given by Gupta [33], and one on short-fi ber suspensions by
`Milliken and Powell [34].
`Figure 5.17 Schematic diagram of strain rate increase in a fi lled system
`Experimental data
`a1 = 2.5, a2 = 14.1 (Guth, 1938)
`Volume fraction of filler
`Figure 5.18 Viscosity increase as a function of volume fraction of fi ller for polystyrene and
`low density polyethylene containing spherical glass particles with diameters ranging between
`36 μm and 99.8 μm
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139, Page 146


`(.% Simplified Flow Models Common in Polymer Processing
` (cid:132) 5.3  Simplified Flow Models Common
`in Polymer Processing
`Many polymer processing operations can be modeled using simplified geometries
`and material models. This section presents several isothermal flow models in sim-
`ple geometries using a Newtonian viscosity and a power-law viscosity as described
`in Eq. 5.18. Although it is very common to simplify analyses of polymer processes
`by assuming isothermal conditions, most operations are non-isothermal because
`they include melting and are o!en influenced by viscous dissipation. Hence, the
`temperature of the polymer melt ranges between Tg (for amorphous polymers) or Tm
`(for semi-crystalline polymers) and the heater temperature Tw (the subscript w is
`o!en used for “wall”) and o!en exceeds Tw due to viscous dissipation. An estimate
`of the maximum temperature rise due to viscous heating is given by
`η 0
`max =
`where v0 represents a characteristic velocity in the flow system, such as plate velo-
`city in a simple shear flow, and k represents the thermal conductivity. To estimate
`the importance of viscous dissipation, the Brinkman number, Br, is o!en computed
`η 0
`k T Tw
`or m
`The Brinkman number is the ratio of the heat generated via viscous dissipation
`and the heat conducted out of the system via conduction. A Brinkman number > 1
`implies that the temperature field will be affected by viscous dissipation. The
`choice of temperatures in the denominator of the equation depends on the type of
`material and problem being analyzed.
`5.3.1 Simple Shear Flow
`Simple shear flows, as represented in Fig. 5.19, are very common in polymer pro-
`cessing, such as inside extruders as well as in certain coating flows. The flow field
`in simple shear is the same for all fluids and is described by
`v y
`z = 0
`for the velocity distribution and
`Q v hW
`= 0
`for the volumetric throughput, where W represents the width of the plates.
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139, Page 147


`5 Rheology of Polymer Melts
`5.3.2 Pressure Flow Through a Slit
`Figure 5.19 Schematic diagram of a
`simple shear fl ow
`The pressure fl ow through a slit, as depicted in Fig. 5.20, is encountered in fl ows
`through extrusion dies or inside injection molds. The fl ow fi eld for a Newtonian
`fl uid is described by
`z (
`) =
` 
` 
`− 
` 
` 
` 
`Q Wh
`for the net volumetric throughput. When using the power-law model, the fl ow fi eld
`is described by
`) =
` 
` 
`− 
` 
` 
`h p
` 
` 
` 
`=1 / , and n the power-law index.
` 
` 
`h p
`for the throughput, where s
`(cid:54)p = p1 - p2
` Figure 5.20 Schematic diagram of
`pressure fl ow through a slit
`5.3.3 Pressure Flow through a Tube – Hagen-Poiseuille Flow
`Pressure fl ow through a tube (Fig. 5.21), or Hagen-Poiseuille fl ow, is the type that
`exists inside the runner system in injection molds, as well as in extrusion dies and
`inside the capillary viscometer. For a Newtonian fl uid, the fl ow fi eld inside a tube
`is described by
`z ( ) =
` 
` 
`− 
` 
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139, Page 148


`(.% Simplifi ed Flow Models Common in Polymer Processing
` 
` 
` 
` 
` 
`R p
`π 3
`for the throughput.
` 
` 
`= π
`for the throughput.
`Using the power law model, the fl ow through a tube is described by
`R p
`− 
`( ) =
` 
` 
`(cid:54)p = p1 - p2
`Figure 5.21 Schematic diagram of pressure fl ow through a tube
`5.3.4 Couette Flow
`The Couette device, as depicted in Fig. 5.22, is encountered in bearings and in cer-
`tain types of rheometers. It is also used as a simplifi ed fl ow model for mixers and
`extruders. The Newtonian fl ow fi eld in a Couette device is described by
`( ) =

`. Using the power law model, the fl ow fi eld inside a Couette device is
`where = R
`0 /
`described by
`( ) =
` 
` 
`Ω 2
` 

` 
`2 1


` Figure 5.22 Schematic diagram of a Couette device
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139, Page 149


`5 Rheology of Polymer Melts
` (cid:132) 5.4 Viscoelastic Flow Models
`Viscoelasticity has already been introduced in Chapter 3, based on linear visco-
`elasticity. However, in polymer processing large deformations are imposed on the
`material, requiring the use of non-linear viscoelastic models. There are two types
`of general, non-linear viscoelastic flow models: the differential type and the inte-
`gral type.
`5.4.1 Differential Viscoelastic Models
` 
` 
`Differential models have traditionally been the choice for describing the viscoelas-
`tic behavior of polymers when simulating complex flow systems. Many differential
`viscoelastic models can be described using the general form
`) =
`Yτ λτ λ γ τ τ γ λ τ τ η γ
`( )
`where τ 1( ) is the first contravariant convected time derivative of the deviatoric stress
`tensor and represents rates of change with respect to a convected coordinate sys-
`tem that moves and deforms with the fluid. The convected derivative of the devia-
`toric stress tensor is defined as


`1( ) =
`− ∇
`The constants in Eq. 5.49 are defined in Table 5.3 for various viscoelastic models
`commonly used to simulate polymer flows. A review by Bird and Wiest [6] provides
`a more complete list of existing viscoelastic models, and Giacomin et al. renewed
`the interest in co-rotational models [35].
`The upper convective model and the White-Metzner model are very similar, with the
`exception that the White-Metzner model incorporates the strain rate effects of
`the relaxation time and the viscosity. Both models provide a first order approxi-
`mation to flows in which shear rate dependence and memory effects are important.
`However, both models predict zero second normal stress coefficients. The Giesekus
`model is molecular-based, non-linear in nature and describes the power law region
`for viscosity and both normal stress coefficients. The Phan-Thien Tanner models
`are based on network theory and give non-linear stresses. Both the Giesekus and
`Phan-Thien Tanner models have been successfully used to model complex flows.
`t ⋅
`τ τ
`D D
`MacNeil Exhibit 2178
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139, Page 150


`(.& Viscoelastic Flow Models
`Table 5.3 Definition of Constants in Eq. 5.49
`Constitutive model
`Generalized Newtonian
`Upper convected Maxwell 1
`Phan-Thien Tanner-1
`λ γ1( )⋅
`e− ( / )tr
`0 τ
`λ ηε
`/ )
`αλ η1 0
`Phan-Thien Tanner-2
`− ( / )λ η τtr

`An overview of viscoelastic flow models with a literature review on the subject is
`given by Giacomin et al. [6] and Phan-Thien [36], and details on numerical imple-
`mentation of viscoelastic models are given by Osswald and Hernández-Ortiz [37].
`As an example of the application of differential models to predict flow of polymeric
`liquids, it is worth mentioning the work by Dietsche and Dooley [38], who evalu-
`ated the White-Metzner, the Phan-Thien Tanner-1, and the Giesekus models by
`comparing finite element9 and experimental results of the flow inside multi-lay-
`ered coextrusion dies. Figure 5.23 [39] presents the progression of a matrix of
`colored circular polystyrene strands flowing in an identical polystyrene matrix
`down a channel with a square cross section of 0.95 (cid:117) 0.95 cm. The cuts in the fig-
`ure are shown at intervals of 7.6 cm.
`The circulation pattern caused by the secondary normal stress differences inside
`non-circular dies were capt

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