`MacNeiI Exhibit 2076
`Yita v. MacNeiI IP, lPR2020-01139
`Page 1
`Edited by
`Osswald / Turng / Gramann
`MacNeil Exhibit 2076
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139
`Page 1


`Injection Molding
`Edited by
`Tim A. Osswald,
`Lih-Sheng (Tom) Turng,
`Paul J. Gramann
`with contributions from
`J. Beaumont, J. Bozzelli, N. Castafio, B. Davis, M. De Greiff, R. Farrell,
`P. Gramann, G. Holden, R. Lee, T. Osswald, C. Rauwendaal, A. Rios,
`M. Sepe, T. Springett, L. Turng, R. Vadlamudi, J. Wickmann
`Hanser Publishers, Munich
`Hanser Gardner Publications, Inc., Cincinnati
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`Tim A. Osswald. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polymer Engeneering Center, Madison, WI
`Lih-S/wng (Tom) Turng, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polymer Engeneering Center,
`53706. USA
`Madison, WI 53706. USA
`Paul 1 Gramaim, The Madison Group: PPRC, Madison, WI 53719, USA
`We dedicate this handbook to Professor Kim-King (K K ) Wang
`Whose ”no" andpzoneermg contributions pmpelled the
`advancement of injection molding technology.
`Tim A. Osswald, Paul .I Gramann, and Lih—Sheng (Tom) Turng
`Distributed in the USA and in Canada by
`Hanser Gardner Publications, Inc.
`6915 Valley Avenue
`Cincinnati, Ohio 45244-3029, USA
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`or omissiom that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty. express or implied. with respect to the
`material contained herein.
`Library of Congress Cntztlogingein-Publication Data
`Injection molding hand book I edited by Tim A. Osswald, Lih—Sheng (Torn) Turng and
`Paul J. Gramann
`p, cm.
`Includes bibliographical references and index,
`ISBN 1-56990-318-2 (hardback)
`1. Injection molding of plastics—Handbooks, manuals, etc.
`Turug. Liit-Sl‘teng.
`III. Gi'umunu. Paul J.
`TP 1150155 2001
`I. Osswald, Tim A.
`Printed and bound in Germany by KOSei. Kemplcn
`Die Deutschc Bibliothek — Cll’-.Einhcitsautfnahme
`Injection molding handbook 1‘ ed. by Tim Ar Osswald .
`Cincinnati .‘ Hanseri Gardner. BUEJI
`ISBN 3-446—21669—3
`. 7 Munich : Hanser;
`All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by :my means.
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`-l"- Carl I-lunscr Verlag. Munich 3.002
`Production coordinated in the United States by Chernow Editorial Services, Inc., New York, NY
`Typeset in Hung Kong by BCSI-.‘-‘l Typesetter Ltd.
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`MacNeil Exhibit 2076
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139
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`Statistical Process Control
`[Refs on p. 360]
`molding processes is to use x and Rm charts (individual measurement and moving
`range) for each individual stream. This method is recommended for cases where
`the CpK of the cavities is equal to or greater than 3 (CpK 2 3). When CpK < 3, the
`x—bar and R chart (average and range) is recommended. This approach, however,
`tends to be complicated and time consuming.
`An alternative and more expedient approach is to use the group chart. In this
`chart the highest and lowest values are plotted on the x—chart and the largest moving
`range on the R—chart. An example of a group chart is shown in Fig. 8.30.
`The process is running well as long as the high x—value is below the upper action
`limit and the low x-value above the lower action limit. The moving range chart shows
`the maximum range from any stream to its own previous value, making it sensitive
`to changes in any stream regardless of constant differences between streams. The
`group chart is most useful for day—to—day monitoring; however, a tabular report can
`be useful to identify consistently high or low stream. For instance, from a tabular
`report it may become obvious that cavity 3 is running consistently high. If we use an
`M/I chart, we can denote the individual points with the cavity number. In this case,
`it will be immediately obvious from the chart when one of the cavities is running con—
`sistently low or high. Identifying the low and high X values with the cavity number
`will do the same in the group chart. This method is preferred because it is easier to
`identify problems from a chart than from tabular data.
`. Shewhart, W., Economic Control of Quality of Product (1931), Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
`. Grant, E. 1., Leavenworth, R. 8., Statistical Process Control, 5th ed. (1980), McGraw-l-lill, New
`. van der Vccn, I, Holst, P., Median/Individual Measurements Control Charting and Analysts for
`Family Processes (1993), Northwest Analytical, Inc.
`. Bajaria, H., Skog, F., Quality (1994), December.
`. Rauwendaal, C.J., Statistical Process Control in Injection Molding and Extrusron (2000), Hanser,
`*With a contribution from Mauricio Degreiff and Nelson Castafio on rubber injection molding.
`9 Special Injection Molding Processes
`L.-S. Turng*
`Injection molding is one of the most versatile and important operations for mass pro—
`duction of complex plastic parts. The injection molded parts typically have excellent
`dimensional tolerance and require almost no finishing and/or assembly operations.
`In addition to thermoplastics and thermosets, the process is also being extended to
`such materials as fibers, ceramics, and powdered metals, with polymers as binders.
`Among all the polymer-processing methods, injection molding accounts for 32% by
`weight of all the polymeric material processed [1]. Nevertheless, new variations and
`emerging innovations of conventional injection molding have been continuously
`developed to extend the applicability, capability, flexibility, productivity, and prof—
`itability of this process further. To be more specific, these special and emerging injec-
`tion molding processes introduce additional design freedom, new application areas,
`unique geometrical features, unprecedented part strength, sustainable economic ben-
`efits, improved material properties and part quality, and so on, that cannot be accom—
`plished by the conventional injection molding process.
`This chapter is intended to provide readers with a general introduction of these
`special injection molding processes with emphases on process description, relevant
`advantages and drawbacks, applicable materials, as well as existing and/or potential
`applications. References listed at the end of this chapter provide detailed informa-
`tion for more in—depth studies. With this information, readers will be able to evalu—
`ate the technical merits and applicability of the relevant processes in order to
`determine the most suitable production method. It is also hoped that a collective pre—
`‘sentation of these various special molding processes, which descend from the same
`origin and yet mature with diversified creativity, will spark innovative ideas that lead
`to further improvement or new inventions.
`In addition, thanks to a well—focused research effort conducted at many research
`and educational institutions (see, e.g., [2—20]), a solid scientific foundation for injec-
`tion molding and related special processes discussed in this chapter has been estab-
`lished. Based on the resulting findings and theoretical principles, computer—aided
`engineering (CAE) tools have been developed and are now widely used in the indus-
`try. As a result, the designand manufacturing of injection—molded parts have liter—
`ally been transformed from a “black art” to a well—developed technology for many
`manufacturing industries. These CAE tools help the engineer gain process insight,
`Pinpoint blind spots and the problems usually overlooked, and contribute to the
`development and acceptance of many special injection molding processes discussed
`In this chapter.
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`Special Injection Molding Processes
`[Refs on pp. 4604163]
`Micro Injection Molding
`Thinrwoli Injection Molding
`Structural Foam Molding
`[polymermelt + rooming agents]
`Powder Injection Molding
`[polymer melt + metoi/
`ceramic powders]
`ln»moid Decoration
`ln-mold Lamination
`ticular engineering effects. 9.1 Coinjection (Sandwich) Molding
`Table 9.1 Categorization of Special Injection Molding Processes
`l. Incorporation of additional material(s) or component(s) into the molded part
`a. Adding or injecting additional plastics
`i. Coinjection molding
`ii. Multi-component injection molding (overmolding)
`iii. Lamellar (microlayer) injection molding
`b. Injection around (or within) metal components
`Insert/outsert molding
`ii. Fusible core (lost core) injection molding
`c. Injecting gas into the polymer melt
`i. Gas—assisted injection molding
`d. Injecting liquid or water into polymer melt
`i. Liquid gas-assisted injection molding
`ii. Water—assisted injection molding
`e. Injecting gas into the metal (or ceramic) powder-polymer mixture
`i. Gas-assisted powder injection molding
`Incorporating reinforced fiber mats inside the cavity
`i. Resin transfer molding
`ii. Structural reaction injection molding
`g. Incorporating film, foil, fabric, or laminate to be back-molded by polymer melt
`In-mold decoration and in—mold lamination
`ii. Low-pressure injection molding
`2. Melt formulation
`a. Mixing polymer melt with super—critical fluids
`i. Microcellular injection molding
`b. Mixing polymer melt with chemical or physical blowing agents
`i. Structural foam injection molding
`c. Mixing polymer melt with metal or ceramic powders
`i. Metal/ceramic powder injection molding
`d. Mixing prepolymer (monomers or reactants) prior injection
`i. Reaction injection molding
`ii. Structural reaction injection molding
`iii. Resin transfer molding
`iv. Thermoset injection molding
`3. Melt manipulation
`3. Providing vibration and oscillation to the melt during processing
`i. Multi live—feed injection molding
`Push—pull injection molding
`iii. Rheomolding
`iv. Vibration gas(—assisted) injection molding
`b. Using screw speed and back pressure to control melt temperature
`i. Low-pressure injection molding
`4. Mold movement
`3. Applying compression with mold closing movement
`Injection—compression molding
`5- Special part or geometry features
`a. Producing parts with miniature dimensions or relatively thin sections
`i. Micro-injection molding
`Thin—wall molding
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`Low-pressure Injection Moiuinq
`Microcellular injection Molding
`[polymer melt + superrcrmcal CO, or N,)
`Lamellar (MICIOIOWFJ Iniectlon MOldan
`Gos—ossrsted Injection Molding
`Water—assisted Injection Molding
`Liquid Gos-ossisted Injection Molding
`. _
`Insert Ouiser’r l'.lolcl'|r'
`‘ Fusibl/e Core injecting Molding
`.I'el S Rheomolding
`Push-pull Injection Molding
`Live-teed lnjeclion Molding
`i -
`i 3':
`Figure 9.1 Special injection molding processes for thermoplastics.
`It is very difficult to cover all special injection molding processes, not to mention
`those new processes that are being developed and field—tested. Furthermore, due to
`the diversified nature of these special injection-molding processes, there IS no unique
`method to categorize them. As a preliminary attempt, Table 9.1 classifies the various
`processes based on the specific techniques employed by the process or the umque
`characteristics of the process. Figure 9.1 illustrates some of the characteristlcs of those
`special injection molding processes for thermoplastics. It should be'noted that, for a
`special purpose or application, a new or viable special injection molding process could
`employ multiple specific techniques listed in Table 9.1 (e.g., gas-asSISted powder 1n-
`jection molding, multicomponent powder injection molding, gas—asmsted push—pull
`injection molding, coinjection molding with microcellular plastics, etc.). Detailed
`description of these processes can be found in the following sections dedicated to
`each individual process.
`Coinjection (Sandwich) Molding
`Coinjection molding (sometimes called “sandwich molding”) comprises sequential
`and/or concurrent injection of a “skin” material and a dissimilar but compatlble
`“core” material into a cavity. This process produces parts that have a sandwich struc—
`ture, with the core material embedded between the layers of the skin material. ThlS
`innovative process offers the inherent flexibility of using the optimal properties of
`each material to reduce the material cost, injection pressure, clamping tonnage, and
`residual stresses to modify the property of the molded part, and/or to achieve par-
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`Special Injection Molding Processes
`[Refs on pp. 460—463]
`9.1 Coinjection (Sandwich) Molding
`Process Description
` aw.nlae.nB
`Coinjection is one of the two-component or multi—component injection molding
`processes available today (see Table 9.2). Unlike other multi-component molding
`processes, however, the coinjection molding process is characterized by its ability
`to encapsulate an inner core material with an outer skin material completely. The
`process mechanics rely on the sequential and/or concurrent injection of two differ—
`ent materials through the same gate(s). Figure 9.2 illustrates the typical sequences of
`the co-injection molding process using the “one—channel technique” and the result—
`ing flow of skin and core materials inside the cavity. This is accomplished with the
`use of a machine that has two separate, individually controllable injection units and
`type of
`a common injection nozzle block with a switching head. The principle of this
`process is relatively simple: Two dissimilar polymer melts from their injection units
`in stage (a) of Fig.
`are injected one after the other into a mold cavity. In particular
`9.2, a short shot of skin material (shown in black) is injected into the mold. Due to
`, a frozen
`the flow behavior of the polymer melts and the solidification of skin material
` 10mmnst.mdmmC05r.mCWnVaa.mHaemm
`the central region to the bounding walls), the skin mate
`up at the region adjacent to the mold walls. This process continues until the cavity is
`nearly filled, with skin material appearing on the surface and the end of the part as
`Figure 9.2 Sequential coinjection molding process [18] (Adapted from Ref. [21]. Reprinted by per—
`mission of the ASME International).
` 0000M
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`Special Injection Molding Processes
`[Refs 0n pp. 460—463]
`9.1 Coinjection (Sandwich) Molding
`Figure 9.4 M'ultijgate coinjection hot runner system with separate flow channels for skin and core
`materlals, which jom at each hot runner nozzle [23].
`Material Cost Reduction and Recycling
`High—performance and exotic engineering materials can be expensive but necessary
`for some applications. Coinjection provides the opportunity to reduce the cost of the
`product by utilizing lower-cost materials wherever the high-performance material is
`not necessary, perhaps in the core. That is, it permits the use of low—cost or recycled
`plastics as the core material, invisibly sandwiched within thin, decorative expensive
`skin surfaces typically made of virgin plastic material. An example of this is a gear
`wheel (cf. Fig. 9.5) whose outer skin consists of a fluoropolymer or carbon fiber filled
`polyamide (nylon). As the recycling of postservice plastics becomes necessary by law
`in many countries, coinjection molding offers a costreffective manufacturing tech-
`nique to consume 100% recycled materials in high content.
`Figure 9.3 (a) Two—channel and (b) three—channel techniques [22].
`shown in Fig. 9.2(c). Finally, a small additional amount of skin material is injected
`again to purge the core material away from the sprue so that it will not appear on
`the part surface in the next shot [cf. Fig. 9.2(d)].
`injected prior to the injection of
`When there is not enough skin material
`core material, the skin material may sometimes eventually be depleted during the
`filling process and the core material will show up on portions of the surface and the
`end of the part that is last filled. Such “core surfacing” or “core breakthrough” is
`generally undesirable, although it may depend on the design requirement and final
`There are other variations to the sequential (namely, skin—core—skin, or A—B—A)
`coinjection molding process described earlier. In particular, one can start to inject
`the core material while the skin material is being injected (i.e., A—AB—B—A). That is,
`a majority of skin material is injected into a cavity, followed by a combination of both
`skin and core materials flowing into the same cavity, and then followed by the balance
`of the core material to fill the cavity. Again, an additional small amount of skin injec-
`tion will “cap” the end of the sequence, as described previously. In addition to the
`one—channel technique configuration, two— and three-channel techniques (cf. Fig. 9.3)
`have been developed that use nozzles with concentric flow channels to allow simul-
`taneous injection of skin and core materials [22]. More recently, a new version of CO-
`injection molding process that employs multi-gate coinjection hot-runner system has
`become available. Such a system moves the joining of skin and core materials into
`the mold, as shown in Fig. 9.4. In particular, this hot-runner system has separate flow
`channels for the skin and core materials. The two flow streams are joined at each hot
`runner coinjection nozzle. In addition to all the benefits associated with conventional
`hot-runner molding, this system allows an optimum ratio of skin and core in multi-
`cavity or single—cavity molds [23].
`Process Advantages
`Coinjection molding offers a number of cost and quality advantages, as well as design
`flexibilities and environmental friendliness as described later.
`Figure 9 5 Gear wheel (101 6
`. mm in diameter) With PTFE-filled white polyamide n ion 66 sk'
`and glassfilled solid black polyamide 66 core made by coinjection molding [21].
`( Y
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`Special Injection Molding Processes
`[Refs on pp. 460463]
`Quality Surface with Foamed Core Material
`In the case of thick-wall products, coinjection is preferred to conventional structural
`foam because of its superior cosmetic surfaces. Structural foam parts are often
`sanded, primed, base painted, and texture coated, all of which is expens1ve. A solid
`skin combined with a foamed core provides the advantages of structural foam, such
`as reduced part weight, low molded-in stresses, straight sink-free parts, and design
`freedom, yet without the objectionable elephant—skin surface defects. Cornjection
`molding with foamed material also features an excellent weigh t—to—strength ratio and
`produces better performance than gas—assisted injection molding for senSitive/iragile
`polymer materials. For thin—wall parts, such as food packaging and bottles, coinjec—
`tion also offers additional benefit in terms of physical and mechanical properties of
`the part and cost saving with foamed core.
`Modification of the Part Quality and Property
`With coinjection, one can obtain a combination of properties by joining different
`materials in one part, which is not available in a single resm. For instance, an elas—
`tomeric skin over a rigid core will provide a structure with soft touch. Another
`example includes a combination of a brittle material with a high—impact—resistant
`material, which provides excellent material properties. In applications where the per—
`formance of the components demands the use of reinforced materials, eomjection
`offers a solution that combines the aesthetic and property attributes of an unrem—
`forced skin material with the benefits of a highly reinforced core material. Additional
`performance and cost improvements can be made by combining the conductive
`plastic with a more impact-resistant and less—expensive grade of plastic through co,
`injection molding. Such an application includes using either a Skin or core polymer
`filled with a conductive material (e.g., aluminum flakes, carbon black. or nickel-coated
`graphite fibers) to provide the molded part (cg... computer housings] with electro-
`magnetic shielding (EMI) properties and grounding characteristics (cf. Fig. 9.6) [24].
`9.1 Coinjection (Sandwich) Molding
`Process Disadvantages
`Despite all the potential benefits of coinjection molding, the process has been
`slow to gain widespread acceptance for several reasons. First of all, the coinjection
`machine usually costs 50 to 100% higher than standard injection molding equipment
`[25]. This high investment cost offsets the benefits of developing unique processing
`techniques, improving part quality, and permitting the use of recycled materials. In
`addition, the development for a coinjection mold takes longer time than a conven-
`tional injection mold. This is also true for process set up, as the process requires addi-
`tional control parameters for timing and controlling the injecting core material.
`9.1.4 Applicable Materials
`Coinjection molding can be employed for a wide variety of materials. Although most
`of the materials used are thermoplastic, there are some promising developments with
`using thermosetting materials, which are coinjected with thermoplastic materials.
`Because two materials are used in coinjection molding processing, the flow behavior
`(Fig. 9.2) and the compatibility of material properties are very important. In consid—
`ering the material selection, the most important properties are viscosity difference
`and the adhesion between the skin and core material. Because the core material
`needs to penetrate the skin material in front of it, it is desirable to have a skin mate-
`rial With a viscosity lower than that of the core material. Using low—viscosity mate—
`rial in the core may cause the core flow front to travel too fast relative to the skin,
`which results in undesirable core surfacing. Experimental studies of coinjection
`molding have been conducted to examine the effect of relative viscosity ratio of skin
`and core materials on their spatial distribution within the part [26].
`Because the materials are laminated together in the part, an effective adhesion
`of skin and core material is desirable for optimum performance. Table 9.3 provides
`some basic guidelines on a wide range of material combinations [27]. It should be
`noted that this information should only be used as a guide or benchmark. The actual
`performance must be determined by the application because the molding conditions
`and the operation/service conditions will influence the final performance. The other
`material property that needs to be of concern is material shrinkage. The rule of thumb
`is that materials with similar molding shrinkage should be paired in order to reduce
`stresses in the joining layers.
`Typical Applications
`Figure 9.6 Section of a molding housing with an outer skin of ABS and a core of the same Tesm
`filled with 35 wt% of electrically conductive carbon black [24].
`Coinjection molding offers a technically and economically viable solution for a wide
`range of commercial applications in the emerging markets, which include automo—
`the, buSiness machines, packaging, electronic components, leisure, agriculture, and
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`Special Injection Molding Processes
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`[Refs on pp. 460—463]
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`9.2 Fusible (Lost, Soluble) Core Injection Molding
`“soft touch” products. Example applications include canoe paddles, toilet seats and
`Clsterns, computer housmgs, copier parts, cash reglster covers, telev1s1on escutcheons,
`audio cabinets circuitr
`and electronics enclosures, arden chairs, boxes and con-
`tainers, shoes and soles, palnt brush handles, metal hand-rims on wheelchalrs, thm—
`wall contalners and bevera e bottles automotlve
`arts such as exterlor mlrror
`housings and interior door handles and knobs, components for high-end ovens, audlo
`speaker housings, and music center mainframes.
`Cost-reductlon opportumties and the desne and mandated requlrements to use
`rec cled materials w1ll dr1ve more a
`lications to com ection 1n new and exrsting
`markets. More refined technology and a broader experience base among des1gners,
`processors and or1g1nal equipment manufacturers (OliMs) Will also expand the
`sporadic current use of the process. Useful de51gn gu1dehnes for COIIljeCthIl molding
`and other multicomponent injection molding processes can be found in Ref. [28].
`Fusrble (Lost, Soluble) Core Injection Molding
`The fusible (lost, soluble) core 1n]ection molding process producescomphcated,
`hollow components with complex and smooth mternal geometry in a smgle molding
`o erat10n.Th1s
`roces51s a form of insert moldm 1n wh1ch lastic IS Injected around
`a temporary core of low meltlng-pomt material, such as tin—blsmuth alloy, wax, or a
`therrno lastic. After moldm , the core W111 be
`hysrcally melted (or chemically
`dissolved), leaving lts outer geometry as the internal shape of the plastlc part. ThlS
`process reduces the number of components required to make a final assembly or
`substitutes plastic for metal castlngs to boost performance (e.g., corrosmn resrstance)
`while saving weight, machining, and cost.
`Process Description
`Different techniques are available to produce single—plece components featurlng
`complex, smooth internal geometry and a high dimensional stability, whlch cannot be
`obtained through the conventional 1n]ection moldmg process [1,30,31]:
`. Fuslble core technlque
`I Soluble core technique
`I Salt core techmque
`All of these techniques employ the same principle: the production of Injectlon
`molding with a lost core that gives the internal contour of the molded part. Among
`these lost core rocesses fuslble core techni ue IS the most ener
`~1ntensrve method.
`Nevertheless, this drawback is offset by the low core losses, smoother internal surface
`MacNeil Exhibit 2076
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, |PR2020-01139
`Page 9
`MacNeil Exhibit 2076
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01139
`Page 9


`[Refs on pp. 460-463]
`9.2 Fusible (Lost, Soluble) Core Injection Molding
`Figure 9.7 A eutectic bismuthrtin (BiSn 138) alloy core for an intake manifold [30]. Source: BASF.
`(From Innovation in Polymer Processing—Molding, Stevenson, J. F., (Ed) (1996), Hanser, Munich,
`p. 159, Fig. 4.7.)
`Figure 9.8 A eutectic bismuth-tin (BiSn 138) alloy core secured in the mold for an intake manifold
`[30]. Source: BASF. (From Innovation in Polymer Processing—Molding, Stevenson, J. F., (Ed)
`(1996), Hanser, Munich, p. 164, Fig. 4.12.)
`requiring low finishing cost, faster heat dissipation by using a stronger and highly con—
`ductive metal core. Fusible core injection molding basically comprises the following
`1. One o

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