`I 7,316,847 B2
`I 10/976441
`: January 8, 2008
`: David F. MacNeil
`Page 1 ofl
`It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:
`In the Specification
`Column 2, Line 37, replace “contusion” with --coextrusion--
`Column 3, Line 1, replace “contusion” with --coextrusion--
`Column 3, Line 23, replace “contusion” with --coextrusion--
`Column 3, Line 38, replace “contusion” with --coextrusion--
`Column 10, Line 44, replace “contusion” with --coextrusion--
`Column 11, Line 34, replace “contusion” with --coextrusion--
`Column 11, Line 45, replace “contusion” with --coextrusion--
`Column 12, Line 6, replace “contusion” with --coextrusion--
`Column 19, Line 40, replace “SUBS” with --SUVs--
`Signed and Sealed this
`Tenth Day of July, 2018
`Amen W~
`Andrei Iancu
`Director ofthe United States Patent and Trademark Oflice
`MacNeiI Exhibit 2002
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`Request fer Certificate hf Correction
`Attomey Becket Ne. 317003069
`Eiizabeth Zega
`castesponeenee is being transmitted
`Via the US. Patent and ‘i'tademark
`system (EFS—V‘iieb) to the USP‘I‘D on
`I’Etizabeth Zega/
`Tn re the appheatien 0t":
`MaeNeti IF TLC
`Appheatten IN umber:
`T 0/9 16,44},
`Patent Number:
`{Ember 29“ 2394
`7,316,841? 52
`135113 0313:
`January 8? 2688
`Commissienet fer E’atents
`Office 035‘ Betta Management
`Attention: Certificates OfCetreetion Branch
`PI). 130x 145%
`Atexattdtiaj VA 22313—1459
`Dent Sir:
`I, The above—captteneti patent (the “Patettt”) was assigned to the owner et’remtti MaeNeI},
`1P LLC. This assignment was t‘eeetdeti Aprt'I (in, mm at Ree} $24233, flame {3977.
`2. The undersigned Is the Attorney 0:? Record fat the Patent.
`3, The subject matter 01? the Fatent in general concerns the thertnofet‘mntg 0f 22 vehieIe fleet
`trey out eta mnttipteetayer sheet efgttastie. These Iayets are. termed (“extruded”) together. The sheet
`of poiymeiie 01‘ plastic matetiai is said {in various pieces in the Specification as flied) to be
`“eeexttuded”, meaning that that there are at Beast two adjacent Ieyets, 0t “ttiexttudet‘é”, meaning that
`there are three adjacent layers. A sheet of materiai having twe layers may be referred t0 as a
`Page 1 et'S
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`Request fer Certificate ef Correction
`Attorney Becket N0. 3 17003069
`“eeextttrsion” and a sheet et‘metetial having three layers may he referred to as e “‘ttiextttrsion”. The
`ability et‘twe such layers tn stick together is sometimes discussed as their “ceextmsien eernpatihility.”
`4t Clairns l, 7, l3, 18, 21, 24, 28, St and 39 of the Fatent as issued all use the ward
`“COQK‘KudC-ttl”? as they shenld.
`l-lowever, the undersigned recently discovered that the Speelfieatien as printed uses the
`ward “centusien” in each place where the word “ceextrusieh” sheuld appear. This of eeurse makes
`he sense given the subject ninttet et‘the Patent.
`6. The undersigned inspected the specification of the applieatien as filed? by dewhtnadihg a
`enpy of it here PAIR.
`in each place where “contusion” was printed in the Patent, the Applicant had
`typed the wetd “enextrusien.”
`'7. The Patent owner attaehesy as Exhibit A t0 this Request, selected pages el’the Speeitietttien
`as tiled. The Patent ewnet has underlined each instahee in which the word “ceextt‘usinn” appeared
`in the original Speeifreetinn.
`8.. The Speeitieatien was amended by the Applicant in a Reply te Gt‘t’lee Action tiled April
`9, 2007. Nonetheless, Applicant rnade n0 amendments to the Specification that would he ve ehatrrged
`the wetd “ceexttnsinn” t0 “contrrsien”_
`9. Except fer Applicant’s amendment described above, the enhdititni of the Specification es
`initially tiled was the same as the condition er“ the Speeitientien at the time the Examiner allowed the
`application en Oetehet the 2007. Ne httther amendments were made t0 the Specification after the
`Netiee et‘ Allowance or alter the payment of the issue fee.
`is the Patent ewner’s theory that “centusierr” was uniformly snhstituted for
`“eeextrtrsien” at the printer.
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`Request fer Certificate ef Correction
`Attorney Becket Ne. 317003069
`11. In like manner; it appears that the printer substituted “SUBS” fer “SUVS” at Cot. 39, tine
`48. hr Exhibit A} the Patent owner rhetudes the page at specificatien where “SUVs” was ettginatly
`written. It is clear tram the eerttext 0f the Speeifieatieh that Appheant meant “sport utihty vehrctes”
`aria not “submarines”,
`‘32. The patent owner submits herewith a draft Certificate of Cerreetton, acting, by {Saturn};
`and tine, each piece in the Specificatteh where “centusieh” sheuid be corrected t0 ---eeextmsi0rt~~.
`The draft Certificate of Correction also seeks to correct “SUBS” :0 —SUVs——.
`‘33. From the feregeihg, it can be seen that the aheve—rectted errors were not the mistake 0f
`the Aprrtieant but rather; and unequivecatty, were setety the errors 01? the Office.
`143-. The Patent owner therefere tespeetfuity requests that the Gffiee issue a Certificate of
`Correction arid: that the Off; ee do this rm arr expetitteti basis.
`Ne tee is thought
`to be due in eertjtmctiort with this suhrrttssiert Nonethetess? the
`Cormrtissiorter is hereby authorized to charge Depestt Aeceuht No. 586166 of Perkins 1}) Law Greup
`LLC to sever any fee deficiency.
`Respeett‘tttty suhrrttttedr
`521.8 _r:reez;£__£3ez:é’ttztti
`3effersen Ferktns
`Registratten Ne. 31:40?
`C USTGMER NG‘ 1 3 59%4
`4200 Commerce Court, Suite 3 it}
`Listej Htinois 68532
`Tetephene: {638} 5854305
`Emait: jperkirr,
`Page 3 MS
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`Attorney Docket No. 30} 700w00069
`ability to retain snow—melt and the like, until the water evaporates or can be disposed of by
`the vehicle owner or user. One advanced design places treads in the middle of the reservoir,
`such that the feet of the occupant are held above any fluid that the reservoir collects. But
`including such a reservoir within a floor tray that otherwise has an acceptahle lit to the
`surface of a vehicle foot well has not yet been done, since there are problems in incorporating
`a three~diinensional liouldwholding vessel into a product that ideally conforms, on its lower
`surface? to the surface of the foot well. Further, a reservoir which collects drip water from a
`large surface, such as a vehicle floor tray, will exhibit more problems in keeping the collected
`fluid from sloshing about in a moving vehicle.
`[lllltlol Conventional vehicle floor mats and trays are molded from a single rubber or plastic
`material. The selection of this material is controlled by its cost, its resistance to shear forces,
`its tensile strength, its abrasion resistance, its ability to conform to the surface of the vehicle
`foot well, its souiidmdeadening properties and how slippery or nonslippery it is relative to the
`occupants’ feet, with nonslipperiness (having a relatively high coefficient of friction) being
`advantageous. Often the designer must make tradeot‘l‘s among these different design
`constraints in specifying the material from which the tray or mat is to he made.
`lililll7l According to one aspect of the invention, there is provided a vehicle floor cover, mat
`or tray which is removahly installable by a consumer and which is formed of at least three
`layers that are bonded together, preferably by ctrrron. The three layers include a central
`layer whose composition is distinct from a bottom layer and a top layer. Preferably, all three
`layers are formed of thermoplastic polymer materials.
`in another aspect of the invention, the
`top layer exhibits a kinetic coefficient of friction with respect to a sample meant to emulate a
`typical shoe outsole (neoprene rubber, Shore A Barometer 60) of at least about 0.82.,
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`Airtime}; Decker Ne. 30} ?60—00069
`[9968} Preferably, a major pertien of the central layer is a polyelet‘in, More preferably, the
`pelyolefin is either a polypropylene er a polyethylene. Most preferably, the poiyelefln is high
`rneleeular weight pelyethylene (HMPE) as herein defined” in an alternative embodiment; the
`central layer can he a styreneeerylonitrile eopolymer (SAN) or an aerylonitrilewhntadiencn
`styrene (ABS) polymer hlendo
`ltllltlgl Preferably, a major portion of the rep layer is a thenneplastie elastorner, such as one
`of the proprietary eenipositiens sold under the trademarks SANTGPRENE®, QEOLASTQE
`and VYRAMGE. VYRAM® is particularly preferred.
`in another embodiment, a major
`pertien of the tap layer can he an ABS polymer blend. Where ABS is used in both the top
`and central layers, it is preferred that the arnennt 0f the pelyhntadiene phase in the top layer
`he greater than the amount of this phase in the central layeru
`{iltllill it
`is further preferred that a majer portion ef the hettern layer likewise be a
`therrneplastie elasterner, and eenvenlentiy it ean he9 hut (lees not have to he, of the same
`compesitien as the major portion of the top layer.
`{Gilli} Preferably one or mere ef the layers is actually a polymer blend,
`in which a miner
`portion is preselected for its eeextrttslon compatibility with the adjacent layer(s). Thus, a
`minor pertien of the rep and hettern layers can consist of a polyeletin, while a miner pertien
`of the central layer can consist elf a thermoplastic elastorner. in each ease, it is preferred that
`the minor portien he no mere than ahont one part in four by weight of each layer, er a weight
`ratie of 1:3. Where all three layers are preselecteri to he ABS blends,
`the ameunt of
`polyhntatliene preferably is decreased in the central
`layer relative to the top and hnttorn
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`Attorney Docket Not 391 700430296?
`ititiil} Whiie the preferred embodiment of the vehicle floor cover consists of three integrai
`ieyers, any one of the recited iayers can in feet be matte up of two or more subiayere, tech
`that the totai number of subiayers in the resuitant met or trey eon exceed three.
`{9M3} in another embodiment, the thermopiestie eiaetorner constituent of the top, eentrtti
`and/or bottom iayers described above can be repieceti with a naturai or synthetic rubber,
`including styrene hntndiene rubber, buteciiene rubber, aetyionitriie butadiene rubber (NEE) or
`ethylene propyiene rubber (EFi'Jh/i).
`whit-i} According to e reinteri espeet of the invention, a vehieie fioor cover is provided that
`has three inyers bonded together, preferehiy by eoextrusion. Major portions of the top and
`bottom iayer consist of thennopiastie eiastomer(s).
`The top and bottom ieyers have
`compositions distinct from the eentrai
`ieyer, which can be chosen for its reietiveiy iow
`it is preferred that a major portion of the centrai iayer he a poiyoiefin and that
`major portions of the top and bottom iayers be one or more thennopiestie eiastomersc The
`poiyoietin may be seiected from the group consisting of poiypropyiene and poiyethyiene, and
`preferebiy is a high moieeniar weight poiyethyiene (rift/{PE}, The thermoplastic einstomer
`can, for exempie, he SANTOPRENEEA GEOLAST® or VYRAM®, with VYRAM® being
`pertieuieriy preferred,
`it is nine preferred that each of the iayers be a poiy’rner biend, with e
`minor portion of each iayer being chosen for its
`oempntibiiity with adjacent
`For exempie,
`the top and bottom Eeyore can consist of e 3:i weight ratio of
`VYRAM®firiMPE and the eentrei ieyer of a 3:i weight ratio ofiiMPE/VYRAMCE.
`{9915} in an embodiment eiternative to the one ehove, the top and bottom ieyers can consist
`of ABS poiyrner biends and the eentrai iayer can eonsist of SAN or en ABS in which the
`poiybutediene phase is present in a smeiier concentration than in the top and bottom iayers.
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`Attorney Decker Ne. 301Md~00069
`tactile prcpertiesg its relatively high static and dynamic coefficients effrictien with respect to
`typical fecm'ear, and its resistance to chemical attack from road salt and other substances inte
`which it may come into contact. Top layer 600 preferably includes a majer portion of a
`thermoplastic elastoiner such as VYRAMQD, SANlQPRENEGh or GEOLAST®, which are
`prcprietery compcsitiens available frcrn Advanced Elastomer Systems,
`VYRAM® is
`preferred, particularly Grade till—‘75 (indicating a Shore A hardness of 75). An upper surface
`606 of the the layer 1500 may he textured by a “haircell” pattern er the like so as tc provide a
`pleasing tactile feel and visual appearance, as may a lower surface of the hottern layer 604.
`{@959} it is preferred that tap layer see he a polymer blends,
`in which instance a miner
`pcrtien cf the composition of the top layer dill}:
`is selected for its ceextrusien compatibility
`with core layer 602. A polycletin polymer is preferred such as polyprepylene or more
`preferably polyethylene even more particularly a high molecular weight peiyethylene
`{EMPE}. As used herein, HMPE is a ccrnmcdity preduet, available from many sources, and
`distinguished in the industry from lew density pelyethylene (LDPE) and high density
`polyethylene (HDPE) by its apprcximate prcperties:
`E ---------------mmE
`Secific Gravit ,ASTM r3492
`,iTenslle Mednins ASTM D63s,.si
`lTensile Strength (a, Yield, ASTM p—tsssi t lsee
`ltiS 099:3]5 0065
`lFlexnral Medultits, ASlM l)790 psr
`m 225,000
`lHardness ASTM D224% Shore l3
`{illicit} in the above table, the testing methods by which the properties are determined are
`given fer the purpese cf reproducibility,
`{fillet} Particularly where the thermoplastic elastemer and the pelyoletin are respectively
`selected as VYRAMQE and EMPE, the prepcrtien by weight of the thermoplastic elasterner tc
`pelyoleiin material in layer 60% is preferably selected te he sheet 311., it has been diseevered
`39: 700.00069.2285895L1
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`Atmmey Becker N0, 301 700490069
`that some pelyeiefin material needs to be present in layer 600 for eeentrnsiert compatibility
`with eentrai
`layer 602;
`in the instance where a majer portion ef the layer 6G2 is also a
`{$9623 in an alternative embodiment, the themeplastie elasterner compenent of the tap layer
`(Still may be replaced with an elastemer such as natural rubber, acrylunitrlle butadlene rubber
`(NEE), styrene butadiene rubber (SBR), er ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDM).
`{M63} in a further alternative ernberlirnentg layer 609 can be an aerylonitrile butarliene
`Styrene (ABS) blend. ABS is a material in which submicreseepie particles of pelybritadiene
`are disperser};
`in a phase of styrene aeryleniirile (SAN) eepolyrner. Fer layer 600,
`pereentage by weight at polybntadiene, which lends elastemerie properties te the material,
`‘ should be ehesen as relatively high,
`{0064} The care er central layer 602 preferably is comprised of a thermoplastic polymer
`material that is seleetetl for lie tenghneas, stiffness and inexpensiveness rather than its tactile
`er frietienal propertiesi Preferably a major portien of it is a pelyele’fin such as polyprepylene
`or polyethylene. More preferably, a major portion of the layer 502 is eornpesetl of HMPE as
`that material has been defined above
`{Ghéfil it is preferreti that the central
`layer 6&2 be a blend, and in that instance a miner
`pertien of layer 602 is composed all a material seleetetl far its en
`’en compatibility with
`top layer 600 (and bettein layer titltl described below).
`in the illustrated embediment, this
`miner pertion is a thermoplastic eiastorner sneh as SANTOPRENE®, GEOLAST® er
`is particularly preferred.
`layer 662, and
`particularly where the pelyolefin anti the thermoplastic elastemer are respectively selected as
`HWE and VYRAMQE), the proportion by weight of pelyelefin te thenneplastie elastorrrer is
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`Attorney Docket No. 391 E’ddudddw
`preferred to he about 3: i. More generally, the percentages of the minor portions in layers 600
`and 602 (and layer 604) are selected as being the minimum necessary for good coextrusion
`{ease} in an alternative embodiment, where layer 600 has been chosen as a polyhetadiene»
`rich layer of ABS, layer 602 is chosen as a grade of ABS having less of a percentage by
`weight of polyhutadiene in it, or none at all (effectively, styrene acrylonitrile copolymer or
`{8967} Bottom layer 604 has a lower surface Still which will be adjacent the vehicle foot well
`top surface, Typically, this surface is carpeted. The bottom layer 604 is a thermoplastic
`polymer material selected for its wear characteristics, as well as its sound—deadening qualities
`and a yieldahility that allows the layer 604 to hotter grip “hard points” in the vehicle ihot well
`surface as well as conform to foot well surface irregularities. Preferably, a major portion of
`the layer 694 is composed of a thenrioplastie elastorner, such as SANTOPRENEQ
`GEOLASTCE‘ or, preferably, VYRAM® VYRAM® Grade llllvlfi is particularly preferred.
`[9968} it is preferred that the bottom layer 694 he a polymer hlend.
`in this instance, a minor
`portion of the bottom layer 604 is seleoted for its coentrasion compatibility with the core
`layer 602. Where core layer 602 is mostly made of a poiyolefin material, it is preferred that a
`polyolelin he used as the minor portion of the bottom layer 6&4, This polyoletin can he, for
`example, polypropylene or polyethylene, and preferably is llMPE, The amount of the minor
`portion is selected to he that minimum amount that assures good coextrusion compatibility.
`Where the polyoletin and the thermoplastic elastorner are respectively chosen to be HMPE
`and VYRAMQ it has been found that the thermoplastic elastomer: polyolefin ratio by weight
`in the layer 604 should he about 3zl.
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`Attorney Docket No. it” Mil—006369
`£60953} The result is a tray data file 708 that is a complete representation of both the upper
`and lower surfaces of the floor tray,, to a precision sufficient to create only a 1/8 in. departure
`or less from a large portion of the respective surfaces of the vehicle foot well: This data file,
`typically as translated into a .stl format that approximates surfaces with a large plurality of
`small trianglesg is used at ’7lll to command a stereclithographie apparatus (SLA). The SLA
`creates a solid plastic image or model of the design by selectively curing liquid photopolyrner
`using a laser. The SLA is used to determine fit to an actual vehicle foot well and to make any
`necessary adjustments.
`llllilill As modified with experience gained from titling the SLA, at 71?; the vehicle tray data
`tile is used to make a commercial mold for producing the vehicle floor trays or covers.
`’l‘riextruded sheets or blanks 77M are placed in the mold and heated to produce the vehicle
`floor trays at 7i 6.
`[8191} 'l‘hreeodimcnsicnal vehicle floor trays for many different vehicle models can he
`quickly and accurately manufactured using this method. The method can also he modified to
`produce double trays,
`in which a single tray is provided which covers both driver and
`passenger vehicle foot wells as well as the intervening transmission tunnel” The technique
`can he used to create other vehicle floor covers as well, such as the liners used in the cargo
`areas of minivans and Sil Vs.
`in summary, a novel vehicle floor tray has been shown and described which tits,
`within tight tolerances, to the vehicle that well for which it
`is created. The floor tray
`according to the invention includes a reservoir and channel system for retaining runoff in a
`way that will not slosh around in the foot well.) By using a triextruded sheet blank, the tray
`the desirable coefficient of
`friction and yieldahility characteristics of a
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`PTO/SB/44 (09-07)
`Approved for use through 01/31/2020. OMB 0651-0033
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; US. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Underthe Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number.
`Also Form PTO-1050
`: 7,316,847 B2
`APPLICATION NO.: 10/976,441
`1 January 8, 2008
`: David F. MACNEIL
`Column 19, line 40, replace "SUBS" with -SUVs--
`It is certified that an error appears or errors appear in the above-identified patent and that said Letters Patent
`is hereby corrected as shown below:
`Column 2, line 37, replace "contusion" with -coextrusion--
`Column 3, line 1, replace "contusion" with -coextrusion--
`Column 3, line 23, replace "contusion" with -coextrusion--
`Column 3, line 38, replace "contusion" with -coextrusion--
`Column 10, line 44, replace "contusion" with -coextrusion--
`Column 11, line 34, replace "contusion" with -coextrusion--
`Column 11, line 45, replace "contusion" with -coextrusion--
`Column 12, line 6, replace "contusion" with -coextrusion--
`MAILING ADDRESS OF SENDER (Please do not use Customer Number below):
`Perkins IP Law Group LLC, 4200 Commerce Court, Suite 310, Lisle, Illinois 60532
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.322, 1.323, and 1.324. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by the public which is to file
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`If you need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PTO-9199 and select option 2.
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`be made in accordance with the GSA regulations governing inspection of records forthis
`purpose, and any other relevant (i.e., GSA or Commerce) directive. Such disclosure shall not
`be used to make determinations about individuals.
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to the public after
`either publication of the application pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 122(b) or issuance of a patent
`pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 151. Further, a record may be disclosed, subject to the limitations of 37
`CFR 1.14, as a routine use, to the public ifthe record was filed in an application which
`became abandoned or in which the proceedings were terminated and which application is
`referenced by either a published application, an application open to public inspection or an
`issued patent.
`A record from this system of records may be disclosed, as a routine use, to a Federal, State,
`or local law enforcement agency, if the USPTO becomes aware of a violation or potential
`violation of law or regulation.
`Yita V. MaCNeil IP, |PR2020-01138
`Page 14
`MacNeil Exhibit 2002
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01138
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`Title of Invention:
`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Payment information:
`File Listing:
`Document Descri
`Request for Certificate of Correction
`b0236575e324351Safcb3f2b7540cd87a99 =
`File Size(Bytes)/
`Message Digest
`Part /.zip (if appl.)
`MacNeil Exhibit 2002
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01138
`Page 15


`Request for Certificate of Correction
`f41267a153c758bc3f2b8578b5d016c6111 A
`Total Files Size (in bytes)
`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable. It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
`New Applications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
`If a new application is being filed and the application includes the necessary components for a filing date (see 37 CFR
`1.53(b)—(d) and MPEP 506), a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the date shown on this
`Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the filing date of the application.
`National Stage of an International Application under 35 U.S.C. 371
`If a timely submission to enter the national stage of an international application is compliant with the conditions of 35
`U.S.C. 371 and other applicable requirements a Form PCT/DO/EO/903 indicating acceptance of the application as a
`national stage submission under 35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`New International Application Filed with the USPTO as a Receiving Office
`If a new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary components for
`an international filing date (see PCT Article 11 and MPEP 1810), a Notification of the International Application Number
`and of the International Filing Date (Form PCT/RO/105) will be issued in due course, subject to prescriptions concerning
`national security, and the date shown on this Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the international filing date of
`the application.
`MacNeiI Exhibit 2002
`Yita v. MacNeiI IP, |PR2020-01138
`Page 16
`MacNeil Exhibit 2002
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01138
`Page 16


`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, Viigmia 22313-1450
`F ING OR 371 (C) DATE
`David F. MacNeil
`Perkins IP Law Group LLC
`4200 Commerce Court, Suite 310
`Lisle, IL 60532
`Date Mailed: 09/17/2014
`This is in response to the Power of Attorney filed 08/11/2014.
`. The Power of Attorney to you in this application has been revoked by the assignee who has intervened as
`provided by 37 CFR 3.71. Future correspondence will be mailed to the new address of record(37 CFR 1.33).
`Office of Data Management, Application Assistance Unit (571) 272-4000, or (571) 272-4200, or 1-888-786-0101
`page 1 of 1
`MacNeil Exhibit 2002
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, lPR2020-01138
`Page 17
`MacNeil Exhibit 2002
`Yita v. MacNeil IP, IPR2020-01138
`Page 17


`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, Viigmia 22313-1450
`F ING OR 371 (C) DATE
`David F. MacNeil
`Perkins IP Law Group LLC
`4200 Commerce Court
`Suite 310
`Lisle, IL 60532

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