Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99 Filed 09/08/20 Page 1 of 4
`SOLAS OLED LTD., an Irish corporation,
`LG DISPLAY CO., LTD., a Korean
`corporation; LG ELECTRONICS, INC., a
`Korean corporation; and SONY
`CORPORATION, a Japanese corporation,
`CASE NO. 6:19-CV-00236-ADA
`Pursuant to the Court’s inherent authority to issue Letters Rogatory, Defendants LG
`Display Co., Ltd., LG Electronics, Inc., and Sony Corporation (collectively “Defendants”), by and
`through their undersigned attorneys, hereby request that the Court issue a Letter Rogatory for
`International Judicial Assistance to obtain documents and testimony from Tomoyuki Shirasaki.
`Plaintiff Solas OLED Ltd. (“Solas”) does not oppose this motion.
`Defendants’ use of Letters Rogatory is an appropriate method of obtaining discovery from
`Mr. Shirasaki because Japan is not a signatory to the Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence
`Abroad in Civil and Criminal Matters. See Fed. R. Civ. P. 4(2)(2)(B); All Writs Act, 28 U.S.C.
`§§ 1651, 1781 (permitting “the transmittal of a letter rogatory or request directly from a tribunal
`in the United States to the foreign or international tribunal, officer, or agency to whom it is
`addressed and its return in the same manner.”); see also U.S. Dep’t of State, Depositions in Japan,
` (last visited on Jun.
`17, 2020).
`Judicial assistance between the United States and Japan is governed by Article 5 of the
`Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. See Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (1963),
`LG Display Co., Ltd.
`Exhibit 1027
`LG Display v. Solas
`Ex. 1027-001


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99 Filed 09/08/20 Page 2 of 4
`available at
`visited Jun. 17, 2020). Article 5(j) of the Convention acknowledges that the use of Letters
`Rogatory is an appropriate method of requesting evidence located in a foreign State. See Vienna
`Convention on Consular Relations (1963). As numerous courts have confirmed, the use of Letters
`Rogatory has been the traditional method of requesting foreign judicial assistance in obtaining
`evidence located aboard. See, e.g., Bakeer v. Nippon Cargo Airlines, Co., 2011 U.S. Dist. LEXIS
`90102, *61-62 (E.D.N.Y. 2011) (noting that “[s]ince Japan is not a signatory to the Hague
`Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or Commercial Matters . . ., [t]he only
`method for obtaining the testimony of an unwilling Japanese witness is through ‘a letter rogatory
`executed by a Japanese court’”); United States v. Walus, 616 F.2d 283, 304 (7th Cir. 1980) (holding
`district court should have granted request by defendant for use of letters rogatory to obtain
`evidence located abroad that was relevant to defendant’s case).
`The proposed letter submitted herewith solicits documents and deposition testimony from
`Mr. Shirasaki.
`The requested order for the issuance of a Letter Rogatory is necessary because Article 17
`of the Japan-United States Consular Convention only authorizes American consular officers to
`take depositions in Japan, “on behalf of the courts or other judicial tribunals or authorities of the
`sending state (United States), voluntarily given, in accordance with the laws of the receiving state
`(Japan).” This provision regarding the authority of consular officers to take depositions has been
`interpreted by the Japanese Government very strictly. See U.S. Dep’t of State, Depositions in
`Japan. Japanese law and practice, and the mutually-agreed upon interpretation of the U.S.-Japan
`Consular Convention concerning obtaining evidence in Japan, permits the taking of deposition of
`a willing witness on U.S. consular premises for use in U.S. courts only: (1) when pursuant to a
`commission (Fed. R. Civ. P. Rule 28(b)(2)) to take a deposition issued by a court to any Consul or
`Vice-Consul of the United States at Tokyo/Osaka; or (2) on notice, provided an order issued by a
`court in the United States specifically authorizes a U.S. consular officer to take the deposition on
`notice. See id.
`For these reasons, Defendants respectfully request the Court grant its unopposed motion,
`Ex. 1027-002


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99 Filed 09/08/20 Page 3 of 4
`endorse the attached Letter Rogatory, and direct the Clerk to place the Court’s seal upon them and
`return them to Defendants for delivery to the foreign jurisdiction.
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/s/ Jennifer H. Doan
`Jennifer H. Doan
`Texas Bar No. 08809050
`Joshua R. Thane
`Texas Bar No. 24060713
`J. Randy Roeser
`Texas Bar No. 24089377
`Cole A. Riddell
`Texas Bar No. 24105423
`6500 Summerhill Road, Suite 100
`Texarkana, Texas 75503
`Tel: 903.255.1000
`Fax: 903.255.0800
`Douglas E. Lumish
`California State Bar No. 183863
`Gabriel S. Gross
`California State Bar No. 254672
`140 Scott Drive
`Menlo Park, California 94025
`Tel: 650.328.4600
`Fax: 650.463.2600
`Joseph H. Lee
`California State Bar No. 248046
`650 Town Center Drive, 20th Floor
`Costa Mesa, California 92626
`Tel: 714.540.1235
`Fax: 714.755.8290
`Ex. 1027-003


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99 Filed 09/08/20 Page 4 of 4
`Blake R. Davis
`California State Bar No. 294360
`505 Montgomery Street, Suite 2000
`San Francisco, California 94111
`Tel: 415.391.0600
`Fax: 415.395.8095
`Attorneys for Defendants
`Gregory S. Gewirtz (pro hac vice)
`Jonathan A. David (pro hac vice)
`20 Commerce Drive
`Cranford, New Jersey 07016
`Tel: 908.654.5000
`Fax: 908.654.7866
`Attorneys for Defendant
`The undersigned certifies that on the 8th day of September, 2020, I electronically filed this
`document with the Clerk of Court via the Court’s CM/ECF system which will send notification of
`such filing to all counsel of record, all of whom have consented to electronic service in this action.
`/s/ Jennifer H. Doan
`Jennifer H. Doan
`Ex. 1027-004


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-1 Filed 09/08/20 Page 1 of 1
`SOLAS OLED LTD., an Irish corporation,
`LG DISPLAY CO., LTD., a Korean
`corporation; LG ELECTRONICS, INC., a
`Korean corporation; and SONY
`CORPORATION, a Japanese corporation,
`CASE NO. 6:19-CV-00236-ADA
`Before the Court is Defendants LG Display Co., Ltd., LG Electronics, Inc., and Sony
`Corporation’s Unopposed Motion for Issuance of Letter Rogatory to Tomoyuki Shirasaki
`(“Motion”). Being well-advised that it is unopposed, and having fully considered the Motion, the
`Court is of the opinion that the Motion should be GRANTED. Attached hereto are signed and
`stamped copies of the issued Letter Rogatory to Tomoyuki Shirasaki.
`IT IS SO ORDERED this _____ day of ____________________________, 2020
`Ex. 1027-005


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 1 of 31
`CASE NO. 6:19-CV-00236-ADA
`SOLAS OLED LTD., an Irish corporation,
`LG DISPLAY CO., LTD., a Korean
`corporation; LG ELECTRONICS, INC., a
`Korean corporation; and SONY
`CORPORATION, a Japanese corporation,
`The United Stated District Court for Western District of Texas presents its compliments to
`the appropriate Judicial Authority in Japan and has the honor to request your competent Court by
`directing its constable or bailiff to serve the enclosed documents pertaining to a civil dispute on
`Tomoyuki Shirasaki to be used in the civil proceedings before this court in the above captioned
`The undersigned, Honorable Alan D. Albright, District Judge for the United State District
`Court for the Western District of Texas, requests the assistance described herein as necessary in
`the interests of justice. In particular, the undersigned requests that you cause, by your proper and
`usual process, to allow representatives of Defendants LG Display Co., Ltd., LG Electronics, Inc.,
`and Sony Corporation (collectively “Defendants”) to obtain documents and deposition testimony
`from the following foreign third party:
`Tomoyuki Shirasaki
`1-1425-3-234, Sakuragaoka,
`Higashiyamato-shi, Tokyo 207-0022
`The evidence sought is outlined in Attachment A. Responses returned to this Court may
`be submitted as evidence at trial and may be necessary for the conclusion of this proceeding.
`Ex. 1027-006


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 2 of 31
`As allowed by international laws of Japan, please have all returned evidence verified and/or
`certified as to completeness and authenticity.
`If any portion of this Request is deemed to be unacceptable under the laws of Japan, please
`disregard that portion and continue to comply with as much of the Request as legally permissible.
`Plaintiff Solas OLED Ltd. (“Solas” or “Plaintiff”) alleges infringement of United States
`Patent Nos. 7,573,068, and 7,907,137 (collectively, the “Patents-in-Suit”) by Defendants. The
`Patents-in-Suit were originally assigned to Casio. Each of the inventors named on the faces of the
`Patents-in-Suit, including Tomoyuki Shirasaki, were employed by Casio at the time of the alleged
`conception and reduction to practice of the subject matter of the Patents-in-Suit. Solas then
`acquired the Patents-in-Suit from Casio on April 11, 2016.
`Tomoyuki Shirasaki possesses unique
`information concerning
`the research and
`development of the subject matter claimed in the Patents-in-Suit, including the facts and
`circumstances surrounding the alleged conception and reduction to practice of the subject matter
`of the Patents-in-Suit. Defendants further believe that Tomoyuki Shirasaki is knowledgeable about
`any public use of the subject matter of the Patents-in-Suit, including the publication of the subject
`matter of the Patents-in-Suit and sale or offer for sale of products embodying the subject matter of
`the Patents-in-Suit. Defendants further believe that Tomoyuki Shirasaki has information
`concerning the ownership, licensing, and valuation of the Patents-in-Suit.
`The evidence to be obtained are identified in Attachment A. It is respectfully requested
`that a judicial authority of Japan order Tomoyuki Shirasaki to produce copies of documents and
`other property as described in Attachment A. It is additional requested that a judicial authority of
`Japan compel Tomoyuki Shirasaki to provide testimony regarding the deposition topics set forth
`in Attachment A.
`In this matter, a Protective Order has been entered that governs the production of
`documents, testimony and any record of the testimony. A copy of this order is attached hereto for
`Ex. 1027-007


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 3 of 31
`your reference as Attachment B. Because this action involves confidential and propriety business
`information, the Protective Order serves to protect such information from public disclosure. Any
`responses to this Letter, which may be used as evidence in the above-captioned litigation, may be
`designated and treated appropriately under the Protective Order.
`A response is requested by September 11, 2020, or as soon as practicable. Expedient
`treatment of this request will allow the parties to obtain and review the produced documents and
`obtain testimony before the cutoff of fact discovery in this matter.
`The United Stated District Court for Western District of Texas is willing and able to provide
`similar assistance to the judicial authorities of Japan, should a similar Request for International
`Assistance be received from those authorities.
`Should there be any costs associated with the service herein, it will be the responsibility of
`the attorneys for Defendants to reimburse the appropriate Judicial Authority in Japan concerning
`the same. Please direct any correspondence or communications concerning costs to:
`Douglas E. Lumish
`140 Scott Drive
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Tel: 650.328.4600
`Fax: 650.463.2600
`The Honorable Alan D. Albright
`800 Franklin Avenue, Room 301
`Waco, Texas 76701
`Ex. 1027-008


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 4 of 31
`The following words and phrases are defined and used herein as follows:
`The terms “You,” “Your,” refer to Tomoyuki Shirasaki.
`The term “Current Litigation” refers to the litigation entitled Solas OLED Ltd. v.
`LG Display Co., Ltd., LG Electronics, Inc., and Sony Corporation, Civil Action No. 6:19-CV-
`00236-ADA, filed in the Western District of Texas on April 1, 2019.
`The term “Defendants” refers to LG Display Co., Ltd., LG Electronics, Inc., and
`Sony Corporation, collectively.
`The terms “Solas” or “Plaintiff” refer to Solas OLED Ltd., and any of its officers,
`directors, employees, agents, parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, predecessors, and successors.
`The term “Third Party” refers to any person or entity other than You, Solas, or
`“Related Patents” shall mean any patent or patent application related to U.S.
`Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and 7,907,137, including without limitation: any continuation,
`continuation-in-part, divisional, or provisional patent or patent application; any domestic or
`foreign counterpart patent or patent applications; any patents or patent applications relating to the
`technologies covered by U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and 7,907,137.
`The term “Prior Art” means all documents, public uses, sales, offers for sale, or
`other events that may constitute, refer to, or relate to prior art to the U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068
`and 7,907,137. “Prior Art” is to be understood in its broadest possible sense and includes anything
`that alone, or in combination with other art, could potentially be relevant prior art to the U.S. Patent
`Nos. 7,573,068 and 7,907,137.
`The term “communication,” or any variant thereof, includes any contact between
`two or more persons by which any information, knowledge, thought, idea, or belief is transmitted
`or conveyed, or attempted to be transmitted or conveyed. This term includes, without limitation,
`written or electronic contact by means such as letters, memoranda, telegrams, telecopies, telexes,
`Ex. 1027-009


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 5 of 31
`facsimiles, e-mails, or any other document; and oral contact, such as face-to-face meetings or
`telephone conversations, whether recorded or not recorded in any document.
`The term “document(s)” shall include wherever applicable and without limitation,
`originals and copies and translations of any sort, whether handwritten, typed, printed, or otherwise
`produced, as well as data retrievable from electronic storage media.
`The term “concerning” means relating to, referring to, describing, evidencing, or
`The terms “person” or “party” or “entity” refers to and includes any natural person,
`as well as any juristic person (e.g., corporation) or any business entity (e.g., partnership or joint
`venture) and his, her, its, or their officers, agents, and employees.
`The term “produce” means to provide legible, complete, and exact copies of
`responsive documents to the undersigned counsel, or to make such documents available to the
`undersigned counsel for inspection and reproduction.
`The terms “relate to,” “related to,” “relates to,” “refers to,” “relating to,” or
`“referring to,” mean mentioning, discussing, reflecting, containing, stating, describing,
`embodying, evidencing, constituting, dealing with, or making reference to or relating to in any
`The term “thing” shall mean any physical specimen or other tangible item other
`than a document, in Your possession, custody, or control.
`To bring within the scope of this Notice all conceivably relevant matters or
`information which might otherwise be construed to be outside the scope, the following apply:
`a) the singular of each word shall be construed to include its plural and vice versa;
`b) “and” as well as “or” shall be construed both conjunctively as well as
`c) “each” shall be construed to include “every” and vice-versa;
`d) “any” shall be construed to include “all” and vice-versa;
`Ex. 1027-010


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 6 of 31
`e) “including” shall be construed to mean “including, without limitation”; and
`f) the present tense shall be construed to include the past tense and vice-versa.
`Each request should be construed independently and not with reference to any other
`request for the purposes of limitation.
`If You encounter any ambiguity in construing any request, any applicable
`definition, or instruction, set forth the matter deemed too ambiguous and the construction You
`selected or used in responding to the request.
`If You object to any portion of the request, identify the portion to which You object,
`state the basis for the objection, and respond to the remainder.
`If You object to any request by contending that it is overbroad, provide a response
`that narrows the request in a way that eliminates the purported over-breadth, and state the extent
`to which Your response has narrowed the request.
`If any of the requested documents are withheld from production (including by
`redaction) including on the grounds of attorney-client privilege or the work-product doctrine,
`furnish a privilege log of such documents providing at least the following information for each
`such document: the document’s date, signatory or signatories, author(s), addressee(s), each other
`person who received a copy, the subject-matter of the document, its location and custodian, and
`the basis for the claim of privilege. Such information should be supplied in sufficient detail to
`permit the requesting parties to assess the applicability of the privilege claimed.
`If any of the requested documents were discarded, destroyed, or redacted in whole
`or in part (unless such redaction was done for the purpose of withholding the redacted portion from
`production), state: (a) the date of the discard, destruction, or redaction; (b) the reason for the
`discard, destruction, or redaction; (c) the identity of the person(s) who discarded, destroyed, or
`redacted the document; and (d) the location of the files where the document was maintained prior
`Ex. 1027-011


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 7 of 31
`to its discard, destruction, or redaction, and the identity of each person having had access to those
`In answering each request, furnish all information that is now available to You
`regardless of whether the information is possessed directly by You or Your agents, employees,
`representatives, independent contractors, investigators, or unless privileged, by Your attorneys or
`by their agents, employees, representatives, or investigators.
`In producing documents, produce the originals if the originals differ in any respect
`from copies. Documents that are in paper form or that constitute other physical objects from which
`recorded information may be visually read, as well as audio or video tapes and similar recordings,
`should be produced in their original form or in copies that are exact duplicates of the originals.
`Computer files and similar electronic records should be produced in a readable form mutually
`agreed upon by the parties.
`In producing documents, all documents that are physically attached to each other
`shall be produced in that form. Documents are to be produced in their entirety without redaction.
`Documents should be produced either (a) as they are kept in the ordinary course of business,
`complete with the original file folders, binders, or other containers in which they are stored (or
`legible copies of the labels from those folders, binders, or containers), or (b) organized according
`to the document request(s) to which they are responsive. If You elect the latter mode of production,
`each document or set of documents from a particular file, binder, or other container should be
`accompanied by a legible copy of the label from that container or some other reliable indicator of
`the file from which it was taken.
`Any information disclosed by You pursuant to this request may, if appropriate, be
`protected by the provisions of the Protective Order between the parties in the Current Litigation
`(attached hereto as Attachment B), including producing documents with the designation,
`Ex. 1027-012


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 8 of 31
`REQUEST NO. 1: Your curriculum vitae, résumé, biography, and all publications
`between 2000 and 2007 of which You are an author, or to which You otherwise contributed or
`with which You otherwise were involved that relate to active matrix organic light emitting displays
`REQUEST NO. 2: All documents, things, and communications relating to the
`preparation, decision to file, filing, or prosecution of any applications leading to the issuance of
`U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and/or 7,907,137, whether or not presented to the United States Patent
`and Trademark Office.
`REQUEST NO. 3: All documents, things, and communications relating to the
`conception, initial disclosure, or actual or constructive reduction to practice of each alleged
`invention described or claimed in U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and/or 7,907,137, including without
`limitation, schematics, drawings, research data, memoranda, meeting minutes, analytical data,
`reports, and invention disclosures.
`REQUEST NO. 4: Documents relating to any assignment or transfer of rights between
`You and Casio Computer Co., Ltd. or other agreement relating to U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068
`and/or 7,907,137, including but not limited to any agreements to cooperate in legal proceedings
`concerning patents.
`REQUEST NO. 5: All documents, things, and communications relating to the first use,
`first public use, first sale, or first offer for sale within the United States of any alleged invention
`claimed by U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and/or 7,907,137.
`REQUEST NO. 6: Any Prior Art or any documents, communications, and things
`pertaining to any Prior Art relating to any of the alleged inventions claimed in U.S. Patent Nos.
`7,573,068 and/or 7,907,137.
`REQUEST NO. 7: All documents, communications, or
`things concerning any
`agreements relating to U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and/or 7,907,137, including but not limited to
`Ex. 1027-013


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 9 of 31
`any agreements to sell, purchase, or assign the patent, or to assist with litigation relating to those
`patents, and any licenses or covenants not to sue relating to U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and/or
`REQUEST NO. 8: All documents, things, and communications concerning any
`valuation of U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and/or 7,907,137, or any portfolio containing those
`REQUEST NO. 9: All documents, things, communications relating to any offer,
`proposal, or request to license, assign, transfer, purchase, or sell U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and/or
`7,907,137, including as part of a larger portfolio, including all communications with any
`prospective licensee, assignee, or purchaser and any drafts of agreements.
`REQUEST NO. 10: All documents, things, or communications relating to Solas,
`including but not limited to documents concerning Your relationship with Solas, Your negotiations
`and other communications with Solas, any agreements or drafts of agreements with Solas, and
`communications about the Current Litigation.
`REQUEST NO. 11: Documents sufficient to identify any products developed by You, in
`whole or in part, that include an active matrix organic light emitting (OLED) display and were
`made, offered for sale, sold or imported within the United States from August 11, 2009 until now.
`TOPIC NO. 1: Subject-matter of all topics described in the above Document Requests 1–
`11, including, but not limited to:
`1. Agreements relating to U.S. Patent No. 7,573,068 and/or U.S. Patent No.
`7,907,137, including all licenses related to the patents and all agreements with the
`inventors of the patents;
`2. Prior Art relating to U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and/or 7,907,137;
`Ex. 1027-014


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 10 of 31
`3. Any products developed that include an active matrix organic light emitting
`(OLED) display and were made, offered for sale, sold or imported within the United
`States from August 11, 2009 until now;
`4. The prosecution, conception, and reduction to practice of the purported inventions
`disclosed in U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and/or 7,907,137;
`5. The design, development, or commercialization of any display practicing any claim
`of U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and/or 7,907,137;
`6. Any valuation of U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068 and/or 7,907,137, alone or as part of
`a portfolio;
`7. Offers or requests to license or transfer ownership of U.S. Patent Nos. 7,573,068
`and/or 7,907,137;
`8. The purported validity, enforceability, or potential infringement of U.S. Patent Nos.
`7,573,068 and/or 7,907,137;
`9. Your relationship with Solas, including any negotiations and agreements between
`You and Solas.
`TOPIC NO. 2: Your efforts to locate, collect, and produce documents and things in
`response to this Request.
`TOPIC NO. 3: The destruction or disposal of documents and things that previously existed
`and that are responsive to this Request.
`TOPIC NO. 4: Any privilege log produced by You in response to this Request, the
`documents and things identified on it, and the bases for withholding or redacting each such
`document or thing.
`Ex. 1027-015


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 11 of 31
`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 11 of 31
`Ex. 1027-016
`Ex. 1027-016


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 65 Filed 02/03/20 Page 1 of 18Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 12 of 31
`SOLAS OLEO LTD., an Irish corporation,
`CASENO. 6:19-CV-00236-ADA
`LG DISPLAY CO., LTD., a Korean
`corporation; LG ELECTRONICS, INC., a
`Korean corporation; and SONY
`CORPORATION, a Japanese corporation,
`WHEREAS, Plaintiff Solas OLEO Ltd. ("Plaintiff' or "Solas") and Defendants LG
`Display Co., Ltd. ("LG Display"), LG Electronics, Inc. ("LG Electronics"), and Sony Corporation
`("Sony") (collectively, "Defendants"), hereafter referred to as the "Parties," believe that certain
`information that is or will be encompassed by discovery demands by the Parties or is otherwise
`required to be disclosed or exchanged in the course of this action, involves trade secrets,
`confidential business information, or other proprietary information of the Parties or persons who
`are not Parties to this Action ("Third Parties");
`WHEREAS dissemination and disclosure of such information could severely injure or
`damage the Party or Third Party disclosing or producing the information and could place the Party
`or Third Party at a competitive disadvantage;
`WHEREAS, the Parties request the entry of a protective order limiting disclosure thereof
`in accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c):
`THEREFORE, it is hereby stipulated among the Parties and ORDERED that:
`Ex. 1027-017


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 65 Filed 02/03/20 Page 2 of 18Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 13 of 31
`Each Party may designate as "CONFIDENTIAL," "RESTRICTED -- ATTORNEYS'
`any document, information or material that constitutes or includes, in whole or in part,
`confidential or proprietary information or trade secrets of the Party or a Third Party to whom
`the Party reasonably believes it owes an obligation of confidentiality with ·respect to such
`document, information or material ("Protected Material"). Such Protected Material
`includes, but is not limited to, non-public, sensitive, trade secret, marketing, customer,
`financial, research, product-development, regulatory, manufacturing/distribution or other
`information protectable under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c)(l)(G). Protected
`Material shall be designated by the Party producing it by affixing a legend or stamp on
`such document, information or material as follows: "CONFIDENTIAL," "RESTRICTED
`ONLY," or "RESTRICTED- LIMITED ACCESS MATERIAL" shall be placed clearly
`on each page of the Protected Material ( except deposition and hearing transcripts) for
`which such protection is sought. For deposition and hearing transcripts, the word
`"RESTRICTED - LIMITED ACCESS MATERIAL" shall be placed on the cover page of
`the transcript (if not already present on the cover page of the transcript when received from
`the court reporter) by each attorney receiving a copy of the transcript after that attorney
`receives notice of the designation of some or all of that transcript as "CONFIDENTIAL,"
`Any document produced under the "interim Protective Order" (see Order Governing
`Proceedings, 0kt. No. 50 (11/8/2019) at 3), before issuance of this Order with the
`designation "Confidential" or "Confidential - Outside Attorneys' Eyes Only" shall receive
`Ex. 1027-018


`Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 65 Filed 02/03/20 Page 3 of 18Case 6:19-cv-00236-ADA Document 99-2 Filed 09/08/20 Page 14 of 31
`the same treatment as if designated "RESTRICTED - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" under
`this Order, unless and until such document is redesignated to have a different classification
`under this Order.
`With respect to documents, information or material designated "CONFIDENTIAL,"

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