

`Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. et al.
`Monterey Research LLC
`Petitioners’ Presentation For IPR2020-00985
`U.S. Patent No. 6,651,134
`September 1, 2021
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0001


`Alleged Invention
`“Non-Interruptible” Limitation
`Wada + Barrett
`Patent Owner Fails To Distinguish Prior Art
`“Predetermined Number” Limitation
`No Objective Indicia of Non-Obviousness
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0002


`Alleged Invention
`“Non-Interruptible” Limitation
`Wada + Barrett
`Patent Owner Fails To Distinguish Prior Art
`“Predetermined Number” Limitation
`No Objective Indicia of Non-Obviousness
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0003


`’134 Patent – Non-Interruptible Burst Memory
`’134 Patent (Ex-1001) at Cover, claim 1
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0004


`Grounds Presented In Petition
`Prior Art and Claims
`Wada anticipates claims 1-3, 8, 12-13, 16, and 17
`Wada renders obvious claims 1-4, 8, 12-14, 16, and 17
`Wada + Barrett renders obvious claims 1-4, 8, 12-14, 16, and 17
`Wada + Fujioka renders obvious claims 4-7 and 18-20
`Wada + Barrett + Fujioka renders obvious claims 4-7 and 18-20
`Wada + Reeves renders obvious claims 9-10, 14, and 21
`Wada + Barrett + Reeves renders obvious claims 9-10, 14, and 21
`Wada + Lysinger renders obvious claims 11 and 15
`Wada + Barrett + Lysinger renders obvious claims 11 and 15
`Petition (Paper 1) at 5
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0005


`Alleged Invention
`“Non-Interruptible” Limitation
`Wada + Barrett
`Patent Owner Fails To Distinguish Prior Art
`“Predetermined Number” Limitation
`No Objective Indicia of Non-Obviousness
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0006


`U.S. 6,115,280 (“Wada”)
`Wada (Ex-1005) at 6:3-8, 16:12-15; Petition (Paper 1) at 23, 47; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 4
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0007


`An Interruption Anywhere Defeats Wada’s Goals
`Wada’s prior art
`embodiment of Figures
`15-16 is unacceptable
`Wada (Ex-1005) at 5:59-63, Figs. 15, 16; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 2-4
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0008


`Wada’s Bursts Are Not Interruptible
`Wada’s second embodiment
`(Figs. 3-4) eliminates
`interruptions in burst
`addresses generated
`corresponding to external
`address Am.
`Wada (Ex-1005) at 16:8-10, Fig. 4; Pet. (Paper 1) at 22-23; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 5.
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0009


`Patent Owner’s Expert Agrees
`Patent Owner’s expert
`agrees “data corresponding
`to the address Am” is one
`. . .
`Wada at 16:8-10
`Brogioli Dep. at 211:23-212:7 (emphasis added)
`Wada (Ex-1005) at 16:8-10; Brogioli Dep. (Ex-1015) at 211:23-212:7; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 5
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0010


`Board Concurrence Recognized Wada’s Overall Goal
`Institution Decision,
`APJ Horvath,
`Institution Decision (APJ. Horvath, concurring) (Paper 13) at 28.
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0011


`U.S. 5,584,033 (“Barrett”)
`Barrett (Ex-1010) at 1:64-67, 2:39-41; Petition (Paper 1) at 50-51, Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 17
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0012


`Board Agreed Wada + Barrett Teaches Non-Interruptible Burst
`Institution Decision
`Institution Decision (Paper 13) at 21
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0013


`Alleged Invention
`“Non-Interruptible” Limitation
`Wada + Barrett
`Patent Owner Fails To Distinguish Prior Art
`“Predetermined Number” Limitation
`No Objective Indicia of Non-Obviousness
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0014


`Patent Owner Fails To Distinguish Prior Art
`Wada’s teachings not limited to eliminating
`interruptions only between bursts
`Wada’s control signals make it no more
`“interruptible” than those of the ’134 Patent
`Wada and Barrett are not directed to opposing
`Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 2-3, 8-12, 17; Petition (Paper 1) at 8, 51-53
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0015


`Patent Owner Fails To Distinguish Prior Art
`Wada’s teachings not limited to eliminating
`interruptions only between bursts
`Wada’s control signals make it no more
`“interruptible” than those of the ’134 Patent
`Wada and Barrett are not directed to opposing
`Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 2-3, 8-12, 17; Petition (Paper 1) at 8, 51-53
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0016


`Wada Eliminates Interruptions Between And Within Bursts
`Wada solves all problems
`preventing high speed operation
`Wada’s First Conventional Embodiment
`Wada’s Second Conventional Embodiment
`Wada (Ex-1005) at 6:3-7, Figs. 13, 16 (annotated); Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 2-4
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0017


`Wada Eliminates Interruptions Between And Within Bursts
`Wada’s second embodiment
`expressly teaches
`eliminating interruptions in
`the burst addresses
`corresponding to external
`address Am.
`Wada (Ex-1005) at 16:8-10, Fig. 4 (annotated); Pet. (Paper 1) at 22-23
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0018


`Patent Owner Fails To Distinguish Prior Art
`Wada’s teachings not limited to eliminating
`interruptions only between bursts
`Wada’s control signals make it no more
`“interruptible” than those of the ’134 Patent
`Wada and Barrett are not directed to opposing
`Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 2-3, 8-12, 17; Petition (Paper 1) at 8, 51-53
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0019


`Wada Is As “Uninterruptible” As The ’134 Patent
`Wada, Fig. 12 (excerpt)
`’134 Patent, Fig. 2
`Wada (Ex-1005) at Fig. 12 (annotated); ’134 Patent (Ex-1001) at Fig. 2 (annotated); Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 8-9; Petition (Paper 1) at 8
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0020


`Wada Is As “Uninterruptible” As The ’134 Patent
`When ’134 Patent’s
`ADV/LDB signal goes low,
`next burst is generated
`’134 Patent (Ex-1001) at 3:14-23, Fig. 5A (annotated); Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 9-11
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0021


`Wada Is As “Uninterruptible” As The ’134 Patent
`Patent Owner’s expert agrees that ADV low starts the burst over:
`Brogioli Dep. (Ex-1015) at 116:6-24 (emphasis added); Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 11-12
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0022


`Wada Is As “Uninterruptible” As The ’134 Patent
`Wada, Fig. 13
`’134 Patent, Fig. 5A
`Wada (Ex-1005) at Fig. 13 (annotated); ’134 Patent (Ex-1001) at Fig. 5A (annotated); Petition (Paper 1) at 28; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 10-11
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0023


`Patent Owner Fails To Distinguish Prior Art
`Wada’s teachings not limited to eliminating
`interruptions only between bursts
`Wada’s control signals make it no more
`“interruptible” than those of the ’134 Patent
`Wada and Barrett are not directed to opposing
`Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 2-3, 8-12, 17; Petition (Paper 1) at 8, 51-53
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0024


`Wada and Barrett’s Goals Not Opposed
`Barrett and Wada are in similar fields:
`“[T]he present invention [] provide[s]
`“multiple CPUs and memory units communicating
`semiconductor memory working in burst mode for
`with other units via system I/O bus...” Barrett at 4:46-
`a high-speed read operation...” Wada at 6:3-7.
`Barrett and Wada share goal of high-speed uninterrupted burst data transfer:
`“a burst data transmission comprised of a plurality
`“allows the data corresponding to address Am to be
`of uninterruptible streams of n data transfer
`output uninterrupted in burst mode.” Wada at 16:8-
`cycles.” Barrett at claim 1.
`“a semiconductor memory operating in burst mode
`at a sufficiently high speed irrespective of the
`operating speed of its memory cell array.” Wada at
`“allowing a pause at any point defeats the purpose
`of burst transmission, which is to send data as
`rapidly as possible in an uninterrupted stream.”
`Barrett at 2:39-41.
`Wada (Ex-1005) at 5:67-6:7, 16:8-10; Barrett (Ex-1010) at 2:39-41, 4:46-48, claim 1; Petition (Paper 1) at 51-52; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 17
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0025


`Wada and Barrett’s Goals Not Opposed
`Patent Owner argues:
`P.O. Sur-Reply (Paper 22) at 13-14
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0026


`Wada And Barrett Do Not Defeat Each Other’s Goals
`Barrett (Ex-1010) at 3:52-61; Pet Rep. (Paper 21) at 19
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0027


`Alleged Invention
`“Non-Interruptible” Limitation
`Wada + Barrett
`Patent Owner Fails To Distinguish Prior Art
`“Predetermined Number” Limitation
`No Objective Indicia of Non-Obviousness
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0028


`Wada Teaches Predetermined Number of Addresses
`’134 Patent
`’134 Patent (Ex-1001) at claim 1
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0029


`Wada Teaches Predetermined Number of Addresses
`Wada’s burst counter is
`configured to generate 2^k
`internal addresses
`Wada (Ex-1005) at Fig. 12 (annotated excerpt); Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 7
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0030


`Wada Teaches Predetermined Number of Addresses
`Patent Owner’s expert agrees that k bits represent 2^k states:
`Brogioli Dep. (Ex-1015) at 193:16-194:5; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 7
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0031


`Wada Teaches Predetermined Number of Addresses
`Institution Decision
`Institution Decision (Paper 13) at 21
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0032


`Patent Owner’s Argument Fails
`Wada (Ex-1005) at Figs. 12 (annotated excerpt), 13; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 7-8
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0033


`Alleged Invention
`“Non-Interruptible” Limitation
`Wada + Barrett
`Patent Owner Fails To Distinguish Prior Art
`“Predetermined Number” Limitation
`No Objective Indicia of Non-Obviousness
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0034


`No Objective Indicia of Non-Obviousness
`Alleged long-felt need to mitigate DRAM/SDRAM refresh
`requirement fails to show non-obviousness
`No nexus: ’134 Patent claims encompass SRAM, which has no
`need of refresh
`’134 Patent does not eliminate need to refresh DRAM
`Mitigation for DRAM refresh had already been solved in the
`prior art
`Timeline of JDEC specification publications shows opposite of
`what Patent Owner claims
`Pet. Rep. (Paper 21) at 21-26
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0035


`No Nexus Between Claims And Alleged Long-Felt Need
`Patent Owner Response:
`Patent Owner’s
`alleged “long-felt
`need” is to mitigate
`need to refresh
`P.O. Resp. (Paper 19) at 64; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 21
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0036


`No Nexus: Claims Encompass SRAM
`’134 Patent
`‘134 Patent (Ex-1001) at claims 1, 8; Petition (Paper 1) at 33; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 13-14, 24
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0037


`No Nexus: ’134 Patent Does Not Eliminate Refresh
`Patent Owner’s expert admits no teaching in ’134 Patent:
`Brogioli Dep. (Ex-1015) at 27:12-19; Pet. Rep. (Paper 21) at 14
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0038


`Mitigation For DRAM Refresh Was Already Known
`Reeves (Ex-1008) at Abstract; Petition (Paper 1) at 60-65; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 14-15, 21
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0039


`Solved Problem Cannot Demonstrate Long Felt Need
`Nike's arguments and evidence on long-felt need focused
`solely on Nishida and its response to the problem in the
`art of making cutting waste less expensive, but ignored
`the teachings of other asserted prior art references. . . .
`‘any alleged, long-felt need was met by the teachings of at
`least Schuessler I, namely, knitting textile elements
`'without requiring cutting’
`Nike, Inc. v. Adidas AG, 955 F.3d 45, 55 (Fed. Cir. 2020)
`Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 21
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0040


`Patent Owner’s Sur-Reply
`Patent Owner Argues in Sur-Reply:
`P.O. Sur-Reply (Paper 22) at 16
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0041


`JEDEC Specification Timeline Does Not Show Long Felt Need
`JDEC DDR at 23
`JDEC DDR at 1
`JDEC DDR (Ex-2010) at 1, 23; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 22
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0042


`DDR2 Specification In 2004 and 2005 Still Specifies Interrupts
`However, in case of BL=8 setting,
`two cases of interrupt by a new
`burst access are allowed, one reads
`interrupted by a read, the other
`writes interrupted by a write with 4
`bit burst boundary respectively.
`JDEC DDR 2 at 29-30
`JDEC DDR2 at 1
`JDEC DDR2 at 100
`JDEC DDR2 (Ex-2011) at 1, 29-30, 100; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 22-23
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0043


`Back-up / Rebuttal Slides
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0044


`Claim 16 Means Plus Function Structure Mapping
`16[a]: means for reading data from and writing data to a plurality of
`storage elements in response to a plurality of internal address signals
`’134 Patent, Fig. 1
`Wada, Fig. 12
`’134 Patent (Ex-1001) at Fig. 1 (annotated); Wada (Ex-1005) at Fig. 12 (annotated); Petition (Paper 1) at 40-41
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0045


`Claim 16 Means Plus Function Structure Mapping
`16[b]: means for generating a predetermined number of said internal address signals in response to (i)
`an external address signal, (ii) a clock signal and (iii) one or more control signals, wherein said
`generation of said predetermined number of internal address signals is non-interruptible
`’134 Patent, Fig. 3
`Wada, Fig. 12
`’134 Patent (Ex-1001) at Fig. 3 (annotated); Wada (Ex-1005) at Fig. 12 (excerpt); Petition (Paper 1) at 43-44
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0046


`’134 Patent Solution Was Known In The Art
`Alleged problem of interrupted bursts did not exist
`for SRAM
`’134 Patent’s references to refresh cycles apply
`only to DRAM, not SRAM
`’134 Patent:
`Yet ’134 Patent claims cover both SRAM and
`Pet. Reply (Paper 21), 13-14
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0047


`’134 Patent Solution Was Known In The Art
`Reeves (Ex-1008) at Abstract; Petition (Paper 1) at 60-65; Pet. Rep. (Paper 21) at 14-15, 21
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0048


`Patent Owner’s Sur-Reply
`Patent Owner Argues in Sur-Reply:
`P.O. Sur-Reply (Paper 22) at 10
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0049


`’134 Patent Solution Was Known In The Art
`File History, ’134 Patent
`’134 File Hist. (Ex-1004) at 112; Pet. Prelim. Reply (Paper 10) at 1-2
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0050


`’134 Patent Solution Was Known In The Art
`Patent Owner incorrectly argues
`“The ’134 Patent discloses a
`mechanism to achieve a non-
`interruptible burst.”
`PO Resp. (Paper 19) at 31; ’134 Patent (Ex-1001) at Fig. 2; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 15-16
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0051


`’134 Patent Solution Was Known In The Art
`Patent Owner’s expert agrees
`Brogioli Dep. (Ex-1015) at 153:24-154:17; Pet. Reply (Paper 21) at 15-16
`Demonstrative Exhibit 1016, 0052

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