`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`28 October 2010 (28.10.2010)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2010/124064 Al
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`G02B 5/08 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/US20 10/0320 17
`(22) International Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`22 April 2010 (22.04.2010)
`(30) Priority Data:
`61/187,1 12
`23 April 2009 (23.04.2009)
`15 June 2009 (15.06.2009)
`(71) Applicant
`except US):
`(for all designated States
`INC. [US/US];
`49 West Third Street, Holland, Michigan 49423 (US).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/ Applicants (for US only): DEWIND, Darryl
`[US/US]; 7030 120th Avenue, Holland, Michigan
`49424 (US). BAUR, Michael J. [US/US]; 2978 Thorn-
`bury Drive, Holland, Michigan 49424 (US). PERKINS,
`Timothy G. [US/US]; 4355 Trail East Drive NE, Ada,
`Michigan 49301 (US).
`(74) Agent:
`BURKHART, LLP, and its individual attorneys, pri¬
`marily Timothy A. Flory; 285 1 Charlevoix Drive SE,
`Suite 207, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546 (US).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP,
`KR, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
`NO, NZ, OM, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RS, RU, SC, SD,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG,
`ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE,
`ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, SM,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declarations under Rule 4.17:
`— as to applicant's entitlement to apply for and be granted
`a patent (Rule 4.1 7(H))
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: A vehicular rearview mirror
`assembly includes a mirror casing, a reflec
`tive element and a mounting assembly for
`adjustably mounting the mirror assembly at
`a portion of the equipped vehicle. The re
`flective element has a front surface and a
`rear surface and a perimeter edge about its
`periphery and extending between the front
`and rear surfaces. The front surface general
`ly faces a driver of the vehicle when the
`mirror assembly is normally mounted in the
`equipped vehicle. The rear surface of the r e
`flective element may be attached to an at
`tachment surface of an attachment plate or
`of the mirror casing to secure the reflective
`element relative to the mirror casing. The
`perimeter edge of the reflective element may
`be exposed and viewable by the driver of
`the vehicle when the reflective element is at
`tached to the attachment surface and when
`the mirror assembly is normally mounted in
`the equipped vehicle.
`Magna - IPR2020-00777 - Ex. 2012 - 001


`to claim the priority of
`as to the applicant's entitlement
`the earlier application (Rule 4.17(Ui))
`— with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`of inventors hip (Rule 4.17 (iv))
`Magna - IPR2020-00777 - Ex. 2012 - 002


`The present application claims the benefit of U.S. provisional applications, Ser. No.
`filed Jun. 15, 2009, and Ser. No. 61/172,022,
`filed Apr. 23, 2009, which are hereby
`incorporated herein by reference in their entireties,
`The present invention relates generally to the field of rearview mirror assemblies for
`vehicles and, more particularly,
`to an interior rearview mirror assembly that is adjustably
`mounted to an interior portion of a vehicle.
`Typically, a prismatic interior rearview mirror assembly includes a mirror reflective
`element that is attached to an attachment plate and at least partially received in a casing, with a
`bezel portion snapped to the casing so that the bezel portion and casing overlap or encompass a
`perimeter edge of the reflective element and a portion or perimeter region of an outer or front
`surface of the reflective element (the surface facing the driver of the vehicle when the mirror
`assembly is normally mounted in the vehicle). The reflective element is adjustable by the driver
`to adjust the rearward field of view provided by the mirror reflective element.
`The present invention provides a rearview mirror assembly that includes a casing and a
`reflective element attached to or adhered to a surface or portion of the casing with no bezel
`portion overlapping or encompassing a perimeter edge or front surface of the reflective element.
`The reflective element may comprise a prismatic or wedge-shaped reflective element and the
`perimeter edge of the reflective element maybe rounded or ground or polished so as to provide a
`rounded profile or curved transition around the perimeter of the reflective element.
`According to an aspect of the present
`invention, a rearview mirror assembly for a vehicle
`comprises a casing and a reflective element. The reflective element comprises a front surface
`(the surface that generally faces the driver of the vehicle when the mirror assembly is normally
`mounted in the vehicle) and a rear surface opposite the front surface. The rear surface has a
`reflective mirror reflector coated or established thereat. The rear surface of the reflective
`element is attached, such as adhered, to a mounting surface or portion of the casing. When the
`reflective element is attached to the mounting surface of the casing, the perimeter edge of the
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`reflective element is exposed and the casing does not extend over or encompass the perimeter
`edge or the front surface of the reflective element.
`the perimeter edge may b e rounded at a front surface (such as via grinding
`and/or polishing the edge region of the mirror substrate) so as to provide a rounded front edge
`portion (that is viewable by the driver of the vehicle). The rounded perimeter edge may b e
`tapered to provide a smooth curved transition between the front surface of the reflective element
`and a rear portion of the perimeter edge of the reflective element and the outer side walls of the
`mirror casing. The rounded perimeter edge may be polished or otherwise finished to provide a
`smooth aesthetically pleasing perimeter edge of the reflective element.
`These and other objects, advantages, purposes and features of the present
`invention will
`become apparent upon review of the following specification in conjunction with the drawings.
`FIG. 1 is a front perspective view of an interior rearview mirror assembly in accordance
`with the present invention;
`FIG. 2 is a rear perspective view of the interior rearview mirror assembly of FIG. 1;
`FIG. 3 is a front exploded perspective view of the interior rearview mirror assembly of
`FIGS. 1 and 2 ;
`FIG. 4 is a rear exploded perspective view of the interior rearview mirror assembly of
`FIGS, l and 2 ;
`FIG. 5 is a side elevation and partial sectional view of the interior rearview mirror
`assembly of FIGS. 1 and 2 ;
`FIG. 6 is an upper plan view of the interior rearview mirror assembly of FIGS. 1, 2 and
`FIG. 7 is a front perspective view of an interior rearview mirror assembly in accordance
`with the present invention;
`FIG. 8 is a rear perspective view of the interior rearview mirror assembly of FIG. 7 ;
`FIG. 9 is a sectional view of the interior rearview mirror assembly of FIG. 7;
`FIG. 10 is a perspective view of the mirror casing of the mirror assembly of FIG. 7, with
`the reflective element and bezel portion removed therefrom;
`FIGS. 1IA-C are rear plan views of the mirror assembly, showing different structural
`patterned elements at the recesses of the mirror casing;
`FIG. 12 is a .side elevation and partial sectional view of another mirror assembly in
`accordance with the present invention, shown with an electro-optic reflective element attached
`to a mounting surface or panel of a mirror casing;
`Magna - IPR2020-00777 - Ex. 2012 - 004


`FIG. 13 is an exploded perspective view of another mirror assembly in accordance with
`the present
`FIG. 14 is a perspective view of the mirror casing of the mirror assembly of FIG. 13;
`FIG. 15 is a side elevation of the mirror assembly of FIG. 13;
`FIG. 16 is a rear elevation of the mirror assembly of FIG. 13;
`FIG. 16A is a sectional view of the mirror assembly taken along the line A-A in FIG. 16;
`FIG. 16B is a sectional view of the mirror assembly taken along the line B-B in FIG. 16;
`FIG. 17 is a lower plan view of the mirror assembly of FIG. 13;
`FIG. 18 is a front elevation of another mirror assembly in accordance with the present
`FIG. 19 is a rear elevation of the mirror assembly of FIG. 18;
`FIG. 20 is a side elevation of the mirror assembly of FIG. 18;
`FIG. 2 1 is a rear perspective view of a backing plate and toggle element attached at a rear
`of the reflective element of the mirror assembly of FIG. 18;
`FIG. 22 is a rear perspective view of the mirror assembly of FIG. 18, shown with the
`mirror casing attached over the backing plate and toggle element of FIG. 21;
`FIG. 23 is another rear perspective view of the mirror assembly of FIG. 18.
`Referring now to the drawings and the illustrative embodiments depicted therein, a
`rearview mirror assembly 10 for a vehicle includes a casing 12 and a reflective element 14
`positioned at a front portion of the casing 12 (FIGS. 1-6). In the illustrated embodiment, mirror
`assembly 10 is configured to b e adjustably mounted to an interior portion of a vehicle (such as to
`an interior or in-cabin surface of a vehicle windshield or a headliner of a vehicle or the like) via
`a mounting structure or mounting configuration or assembly 16. The mirror casing 12 includes
`a front mounting surface or panel or substrate 18 (FIGS. 3 and 5) to which a rear surface 14a of
`the reflective element is attached, such as via an adhesive or adhesive tape 20 (FIGS. 3 and 4) or
`the like. When so attached or adhered,
`the perimeter edges of the mirror substrate or reflective
`element are flush with or generally co-planar with the outer surfaces of the sidewalls of the
`mirror casing, as discussed below. The reflective element 14 thus is attached to the casing and
`the mirror assembly does not include a bezel or casing portion that encompasses a front surface
`14b and a perimeter edge 15 of the reflective element 14, as also discussed below.
`Reflective element 14 comprises a prismatic or wedge-shaped reflective element having
`rear surface 14a and front surface 14b (the surface that generally faces the driver of a vehicle
`when the mirror assembly is normally mounted in the vehicle) with perimeter edge 15 disposed
`Magna - IPR2020-00777 - Ex. 2012 - 005


`or established about the perimeter of the reflective element and between the front and rear
`surfaces. Mirror reflective element 14 may b e formed from various materials such as plastic or
`glass, but preferably is glass, and preferably has a planar front surface extending at an angle to a
`planar rear surface. For example, and as best shown in FIG. 5, the wedge-shaped reflective
`element 14 has a thicker upper region 14c and a thinner lower region 14d. A mirror reflector,
`such as a reflective coating or layer of a metallic material or composition,
`such as, for example,
`a layer or layers of chromium, aluminum or alloys thereof, such as may be conventionally
`known in the industry, is disposed or coated or established on rear surface 14a of reflective
`element 14.
`hi the illustrated embodiment, reflective element 14 has a forward edge portion 15a of
`perimeter edge 15 rounded to provide a smooth curved transition between the perimeter
`of front surface 14b and perimeter edge 15 and mirror casing 12. A s can be seen in FIG. 5, the
`upper perimeter edge region has a smooth curved transition from front surface 14b to the upper
`perimeter edge or surface via curved or rounded forward edge portion 15a, while the lower
`perimeter edge region has a smooth curved transition from front surface 14b to the lower wall or
`surface of the mirror casing 12 via the curved or rounded forward edge portion 15a. The radius
`of curvature of the forward edge portion 15a may be selected so as to provide a desired
`appearance and a transition to the perimeter edge and/or the mirror casing around the entire
`periphery of the reflective element.
`In the illustrated embodiment,
`the radius of curvature is
`about 2.5 mm or about 3 mm, but may be greater than or less than this dimension depending on
`the particular application of the reflective element and mirror casing of the mirror assembly.
`it is desired to have at least about a 2.5 mm radius of curvature at the perimeter edges
`of a mirror assembly (typically at a bezel of a conventional mirror assembly) to meet the
`minimum safety standards for head impact with the mirror, such as during a sudden stop or
`collision of the equipped vehicle.
`hi the illustrated embodiment,
`the radius of curvature is substantially uniform around the
`perimeter of the reflective element. Optionally, however,
`the radius of curvature of the curved
`perimeter edge may vary or be non-uniform around the perimeter of the reflective element
`substrate, while remaining within the spirit and scope of the present
`invention. For example,
`radius of curvature along the lower, thinner perimeter region of the substrate may b e smaller
`than the radius of curvature along the upper, thicker perimeter region of the substrate, with the
`radius of curvature along the side perimeter regions varying to provide a substantially smooth
`transition between the smaller radius of curvature at the bottom of the reflective element and the
`larger radius of curvature at the top of the reflective element. Such a varying or non-uniform
`Magna - IPR2020-00777 - Ex. 2012 - 006


`radius of curvature configuration may be suitable for a plastic reflective element, where the
`plastic substrate maybe molded to provide any desired profile along the perimeter edges of the
`substrate. Optionally, the reflective element may comprise any suitable or selected or desired
`profile around the perimeter edges, such as, for example, curved or rounded edges or
`substantially flat edges or chamfered edges or edges with a decorative profile or the like (and the
`formed edges may be established during molding of a plastic substrate or may b e established b y
`grinding or polishing or otherwise shaping a glass substrate, such as discussed below), while
`remaining within the spirit and scope of the present
`The reflective element is pivoted or adjusted or toggled via a toggle device 22 (FIG. 5)
`that is adjustable by a user to adjust the mirror reflective element between a day state orientation
`or higher reflectivity orientation (where the reflective element is adjusted or set to reflect a
`greater percentage of light incident
`thereon toward the driver of the vehicle) and a night state
`orientation or lower reflectivity orientation (where the reflective element is adjusted or set to
`reflect a lower percentage of light incident thereon toward the driver of the vehicle), as also
`discussed below. The toggle device or element 22 may comprise any suitable toggle device,
`such as a toggle device of the types described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,318,870 and/or 7,249,860,
`and/or U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/558,892, filed Sep. 14, 2009 (Attorney Docket
`DONOl P-1 552), which are hereby incorporated herein by reference in their entireties.
`In the
`illustrated embodiment, the toggle device 22 includes a toggle element or flip element or tab 22a
`extending downward from a body portion 22c and a ball member 22b extending rearward from
`the body portion 22c. The toggle body 22c is received within central cavity 24 of mirror casing
`12 and may be secured or attached or mounted at central cavity 24 of mirror casing 12, such as
`via snapping the toggle device 22 to snap elements or attachment elements formed or molded at
`central cavity 24 of mirror casing 12. Thus, when the tab 22a is flipped by the user, the body
`portion 22c may flex to pivot the mirror casing and reflective element about a generally
`horizontal pivot axis and relative to the ball member 22b and mounting structure 16 to adjust the
`mirror reflective element between a daytime orientation and nighttime orientation,
`such as in a
`known manner.
`Mirror casing 12 and reflective element 14 thus are pivotable relative to the mirror
`mounting assembly 16 to pivot the reflective surface of reflective element 14 in order to reduce
`glare during nighttime conditions. When mirror assembly 10 is pivoted from a full reflectivity
`day position to a reduced reflectivity night position,
`the reflective surface of reflective element
`14 is rotated or pivoted or adjusted such that uncoated front surface of the reflective element
`aligned for viewing by the vehicle driver instead of rear reflective surface of the reflective
`Magna - IPR2020-00777 - Ex. 2012 - 007


`element 14. The rear reflective surface may reflect at least about 60 percent
`to about 95 percent
`of the light incident thereon, while the uncoated front surface may reflect about 4 percent or
`thereabouts of the light incident
`thereon, thereby significantly reducing glare from headlights or
`other bright lights to the rear of the vehicle to the driver's eyes. Optionally, however,
`it is
`envisioned that the reflective element may comprise a flat or generally planar substrate or non-
`prismatic substrate or slightly curved substrate, and optionally without any day/night adjustment,
`and without any bezel or casing portion encompassing the perimeter edge and front surface of
`the reflective element substrate, while remaining within the spirit and scope of the present
`Mirror casing 12 comprises a plastic or polymeric molded casing having at least one
`generally planar front attachment surface or panel or wall 18 and upper,
`lower and side walls or
`outer surfaces 19 around the periphery of the mirror casing.
`In the illustrated embodiment, and
`as shown in FIG, 3, the mirror casing 12 is formed with two spaced apart attachment panels or
`surfaces 18, with the central region of the casing having a central cavity 24 that is open or vacant
`for receiving the toggle device 22 therein. As shown in FIGS. 2 and 4, the rear portion of the
`casing 12 may have recesses 26 formed therein. Such recesses 26 are formed during the
`molding of mirror casing so that mirror casing 12 may b e unitarily molded (such as via injection
`molding), whereby the central cavity 24 is established to b e open at the front portion of the
`mirror casing and the recesses 26 are open at the rear portion of the mirror casing. The recesses
`may b e closed or covered via a cap portion or cover element (not shown) or the like, and such
`cap portions or cover elements may include or encase or house or cover one or more accessories
`(such as, for example, compass components or circuitry and/or garage door opener components
`or circuitry or any other electronic accessory or content desired for the particular mirror
`application), such as by utilizing aspects of the mirror assemblies described in U.S. Pat. No.
`7,289,037, which is hereby incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. For example, a cover
`element may be snapped to the mirror casing or otherwise attached (such as via adhesive or
`fasteners or the like) at the mirror casing and at one of the rear recesses of the mirror casing to
`cover the recesses to provide a desired appearance at the rear of the mirror casing and/or to
`encase or support or house one or more electrical or non-electrical accessories or mirror content
`at the rear of the mirror casing.
`the mirror casing may b e otherwise formed with a central cavity and
`generally planar attachment panels or surfaces or wings. For example,
`the mirror casing may
`include the center portion and central cavity and side panels or wings, but without
`the rear
`recesses and side walls and upper and lower walls around the perimeter of the side panels.
`Magna - IPR2020-00777 - Ex. 2012 - 008


`the mirror casing may comprise an injected molded plastic or polymeric casing, or
`may comprise a stamped metallic casing or may be an otherwise formed plastic or polymeric or
`metallic casing, while remaining within the spirit and scope of the present
`The reflective element 14 thus may be readily attached to the front surfaces 18 of the
`miiTor casing 12. In the illustrated embodiment, and as shown in FIGS. 3 and 4, the reflective
`element 14 is attached via an adhesive tape 20, such as a double-sided adhesive tape disposed
`between the rear surface 14a of reflective element 14 and the front surface 18 of mirror casing
`12. The tape may be disposed at each of the panel portions or attachment surfaces of the mirror
`casing or may extend across the entire width or substantially the entire width of the reflective
`element (such as shown in phantom in FIGS. 3 and 4), and the adhesive tape may function as an
`anti-scatter barrier or element at the rear of the reflective element. The reflective element 14
`thus may be fixedly attached to the mirror casing 12 and may be pivoted with the mirror casing
`12 relative to the mounting assembly 16 to adjust the rearward field of view to the driver of the
`vehicle. When the reflective element 14 is attached to the attachment surfaces 18 of mirror
`casing 12, the perimeter edges or regions of the reflective element are generally flush or co-
`planar with the respective outer walls or surfaces 19 of the mirror casing 12.
`Although shown and described as being adhesively attached to the attachment surfaces
`of the mirror casing, it is envisioned that the reflective element may be otherwise attached to the
`mirror casing, while remaining within the spirit and scope of the present
`invention. For
`the reflective element may include or may be adhered to a back plate structure that
`includes attachment elements for connecting to corresponding attachment elements of the mirror
`casing. For example, the back plate may include flexible tabs extending therefrom that flex to
`engage and snap to corresponding slots and tabs at the mirror casing to secure the reflective
`to the mirror casing. The reflective element thus may be attached to the mirror casing
`via other suitable attachment means while the mirror casing does not encompass or overlap the
`perimeter edge and/or the perimeter region of the front surface of the reflective element.
`In the illustrated embodiment, mounting assembly 16 comprises a double-ball or double-
`pivot mounting assembly whereby the reflective element and casing are adjustable relative to the
`vehicle windshield (or other interior portion of the vehicle) about two pivot joints. Mounting
`assembly 16 includes a base portion or mounting base 28 and a mounting arm 30, with the
`reflective element 14 and mirror casing 12 pivotally mounted at an outer or rearward or mirror
`or socket end 30a of mounting arm 30 about a first or mirror ball pivot joint (such as a ball and
`socket joint or the like that allows for a driver of the vehicle to which mirror assembly 10 is
`mounted to adjust the reflective element vertically and horizontally to adjust the rearward field
`Magna - IPR2020-00777 - Ex. 2012 - 009


`of view of the driver). The opposite or forward or base end 30b of mounting arm 30 is
`adjustably mounted to mounting base 28 about a second or adjustable or base joint.
`In the illustrated embodiment, mounting base 28 is attached to an interior or in-cabin
`surface of a vehicle windshield (such as to a mounting button or attachment element adhered to
`the in-cabin surface of the vehicle windshield). The mounting base may b e mounted to a
`mounting button or attachment element at the vehicle windshield via a breakaway mounting
`construction, such as by utilizing aspects of the mounting constructions described in U.S. Pat.
`Nos. 5,820,097 and/or 5,100,095, which are hereby incorporated herein by reference in their
`entireties. Mounting arm 28 may comprise a metallic arm or a molded (such as injection
`molded) polymeric mounting arm or may b e otherwise formed of other materials, depending on
`the particular application of the mirror assembly (and the mounting assembly may utilize aspects
`of the mounting assemblies described in U.S. Pat. Nos. 6,318,870; 6,593,565; 6,690,268;
`6,540,193; 4,936,533; 5,820,097; 5,100,095; 7,249,860; 6,877,709; 6,329,925; 7,289,037;
`7,249,860; and/or 6,483,438, and/or U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/226,628, filed Sep. 14,
`2005 (Attorney Docket DONOl P-1236), and/or PCT Application No. PCT/US201 0/028 130,
`filed March 22, 2010, which are hereby incorporated herein by reference in their entireties).
`Thus, the mirror casing 12 may be molded (such as via injection molding) and the toggle
`assembly 22 may be inserted into or received in the central cavity 24, with its toggle element or
`flip element or tab 22a inserted through an opening or aperture 12a formed at a lower region of
`mirror casing 12, and with its ball member 22b inserted through an opening or aperture 12b at a
`rear portion of mirror casing 12 (such as can be seen with reference to FIG. 5). The toggle body
`22c of toggle device 22 may be secured or attached or mounted at central cavity 24 of mirror
`casing 12, such as via snapping the body portion 22c of toggle device 22 to snap elements or
`attachment elements formed or molded at central cavity 24 of mirror casing 12. The mounting
`arm 30 may then attach to ball member 22b to attach the mirror casing 12 and reflective element
`14 to the mounting structure 16.
`Optionally, and with reference to FIGS. 13-17, a mirror assembly 101may have a casing
`12' and a bezelless reflective element 14' positioned at a front portion of the casing 12 r. Mirror
`assembly 10' is adjustably mounted to an interior portion of a vehicle (such as to an interior or
`in-cabin surface of a vehicle windshield or a headliner of a vehicle or the like) via a mounting
`structure or mounting configuration or assembly (not shown in FIGS. 13-17), such as in a
`similar manner as discussed above. The mirror casing 12' includes a front mounting surface or
`panel or substrate 18' (FIGS. 13 and 14) to which a rear surface of the reflective element 14' is
`attached, such as via an adhesive or adhesive tape 20' (FIG. 13) or the like. When so attached or
`Magna - IPR2020-00777 - Ex. 2012 - 010


`adhered, the perimeter edges of the mirror substrate or reflective element are flush with or
`generally co-planar with the outer surfaces of the sidewalls of the mirror casing, such as in a
`similar manner as discussed above with respect to mirror assembly 10,
`In the illustrated embodiment, mirror casing 12' comprises a plastic or polymeric molded
`casing having at least one generally planar front attachment surface or panel or wall 18' and
`upper, lower and side walls or outer surfaces 19' around the periphery of the mirror casing.
`Similar to mirror casing 12, discussed above, mirror casing 12' is formed with two spaced apart
`attachment panels or surfaces 18', with the central region of the casing having a central cavity
`24' that is open or vacant for receiving the toggle device 22' therein, and the rear portion of the
`casing 12' may have recesses 26' formed therein (FIGS. 15 and 16), which optionally may be
`closed or covered via a cap portion or cover element (not shown) or the like as discussed above.
`As shown in FIG. 13, mirror casing 12' includes a parr of toggle mounting walls 15',
`which include attachment elements 15a' formed or established thereat. Thus, the mirror casing
`12' may be molded (such as via injection molding) and the toggle assembly 22' may b e inserted
`into or received in the central cavity 24', with its toggle element or flip element or tab 22a'
`inserted through an opening or aperture 12a' formed at a lower region of mirror casing 12', and
`with its socket element or receiving portion 22b' disposed at (and optionally at least partially
`through) an opening or aperture 12b' at a rear portion of mirror casing 12'. The toggle body 22c'
`of toggle device 22' may b e secured or attached or mounted at central cavity 24' of mirror casing
`12', such as via snapping the body portion 22c' of toggle device 22' to snap elements or
`attachment elements 15a' formed or molded at walls 15' at central cavity 24' of mirror casing 12'.
`The mounting arm or mounting element (not shown in FIGS. 13-17) attaches to
`receiving portion 22b' of toggle device 22' to attach the mirror casing 12' and reflective element
`14' to the mounting structure. As shown in FIG. 13, a spring ring or pressure applying element
`23' may b e disposed at receiving portion 22b' and is used to apply generally even pressure
`around the ball socket to control the torque/effort required to adjust the mirror casing relative to
`the ball member of the mounting arm or element to adjust the driver's rearward field of view. A s
`also can be seen in FIG. 13, an adhesive layer or tape or element 20' is disposed between
`attachment surfaces 18' and reflective element 14' and also between toggle device 22' and
`reflective element 14'. The adhesive layer or tape may comprise a foam tape or the like and may
`adhere the reflective element 14' to the mirror casing 12' and may also function as an anti-scatter
`barrier or element for the reflective element (to limit or substantially preclude shattering of the
`mirror glass during impact). Mirror assembly 10' may otherwise b e substantially similar to
`Magna - IPR2020-00777 - Ex. 2012 - 011


`mirror assembly 10, discussed above, such that a detailed discussion of the mirror assemblies
`need not be repeated herein.
`the present invention provides a bezelless mirror assembly that has a
`reflective element adhered or attached to a front or mounting surface of a mirror casing, with no
`mirror casing or bezel portion encompassing the perimeter edge and/or front surface of the
`mirror reflective element. When the reflective element
`is attached to the mirror casing, the
`perimeter region of the reflective element is generally flush or co-planar with the side walls of
`the mirror casing. The reflective element may include rounded perimeter edges to provide an
`enhanced appearance to the mirror assembly. Thus, the mirror assembly may b e readily
`assembled by attaching the toggle device to a unitarily molded mirror casing and attaching the
`reflective element to the unitary mirror casing to retain the reflective element at the mirror
`casing and to encase the toggle device within the mirror casing. For mirror applications with
`one or more mirror-based accessories,
`the accessory or accessories may b e received in or
`disposed at the rear recesses or cavities formed at the rear of the mirror casing and/or may be
`disposed at the mounting structure of the mirror assembly.
`the mirror casing may be formed to provide the generally planar attachment
`surfaces for adhering the mirror reflective element to the mirror casing (such as described
`above), and the mirror assembly may include a bezel portion that overlaps or encompasses the
`perimeter edges of the reflective element and a perimeter border region of the front surface of
`the reflective element, with the bezel portion snapping or otherwise attaching to the mirror

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