1992 IEEE
`Volume 1 of 6
`Sheraton Hotel
`San Diego, CA
`May 10-13, 1992
`Page 1 of 5
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`A Normalization Scheme to Reduce Numerical Errors in Inverse
`Tangent Computations on a Fixed-point CORDIC Processor
`Kisbore Kota
`Joseph R. Cavallaro
`Department of Electrical .9; Computer Engineering
`Rice University, Houston, TX 77251
`ISO-ordinate Rotation Dlgtal Computer (COMIC) is a unified
`arithmetic algorithm that allows efficient V'LSI implementation
`of several elementary functions. Many spncial-purpose systems
`for real-time signal processing applications use a. fixed-point rep
`resentation of numbers due to the ease of implementation. An
`analysis of fixed-point CORDIC in the Y-reduction mode. which
`allows computation of the inverse tangent function. shows that
`unnornialized input values can result in large numerical errors.
`This paper Pres-ileum: a methud LU lute-251:“: the riurulaflimntiuu up-
`eration with CORDIC iterations for efficient implementation in
`00.215) hardware.
`The CO-ordinate Rotation Dlgital Computer (CORDIC) is an
`arithmetic technique that allows efficient computation of a. vari-
`ety of elementary functions. The CORDIC algorithm is attrac-
`tive from a hardware point of view since it uses only primitive
`operations such as shifts and additions to implement more com-
`plex functions including sine, cosine. tangent, arctangent, sinll.
`cosh, tanh, arctanh, 1n and exp. A number of real-time signal
`processing and image processing algorithms have been developed
`to make efficient use of CORDIC in special-purpose parallel ar-
`interest in CORDIC has spurred recent work to improve
`the basic algorithm. Techniques have been developed to increase
`the range of convergence [4], speedup the computation by reduc-
`ing the number of iterations [T] and pipeline the computation
`through conventional techniques or through the use of on-line
`arithmetic [3].
`The basic CORDIC iterations as specified by Walther [9] are:
`2;,“ : £i+1116;y[2_i
`In - mattr‘l'fi .
`z.- + Egan—12“
`where r;, y.‘ and z.- are the states of the variables I, y and 3 at
`the start of the 2"” iteration. 0 <Ii < re and 6.- E {—1.+1]. The
`inverse tangents, o, = tan" 2". are pie-computed and stored
`in a table of angles. CORDIC iterations can he performed in
`three different modes, hyperbolic, linear or circular, depending
`on the choice of m E {-I.0.1}. All results in this paper have
`been obtained for the circular mode of CORDIC. The different
`functions implemented in this mode are summarized in Table I.
`The computation of interest in this paper is inverse tangent,
`which requires CORDIC operation in the restoring or Y—mn‘ucir'on
`mode. The Y-reduction mode is selected by a choice ofti; at each
`iteration given by:
`a; = { _1
`if yiz.‘ 2 0
`if 91:; < 0.
`The above choice [10] corresponds to the choice of 5;, which tries
`to reduce the magnitude of y.- to zero.
`Z-Reduction ( for Vector Rotations, sine. cosine functions}
`Initial Values
`Final values of variables
`(to coed + ygsindlfh’n
`{3.1342039 - :0 sin Lin/Kn
`Table l: CORDIC Functionality in the Circular Mode
`CORDIC has previously been implemented primarily using a
`fixed-point representation of the numbers. Design of a floating-
`point CORDIC unit requires handling of numerous special cases.
`which complicates design [2].
`In particular, a floating-point im-
`plementation of a. system that uses CORDIC requires normaliza-
`tion at every stage of computation. which is not necessary with
`a fixed-point representation.
`2 Error Analysis of CORDIC Y-Reduction
`In the study of numerical error in CURDIC, it is convenient to
`split the errors due to different. factors as an approximation error
`and a truncation error [5]. The approximation error is a result of
`the finite number ofiterations in an implementation olCORDlC.
`A truncation error is caused by the finite word length of the data
`paths. The following notation is used in the derivations.
`o 23;» lit. 5; represent the values obtained in a realvworld im—
`plementation ofCORDlC. These numbers include the effects
`of both approximation errors and truncation errors.
`A 2;, y“ 2; represent the values that will be obtained in a hy-
`pothetical CORDIC unit with infinite precision, where every
`iteration uses the same sequence of 6,-3 used in the compu-
`tation orig, 5“,- nnd 2‘.
`o 2", fig, 5.- represent the values that should be obtained for the
`desired function with infinite precision, as mathematically
`Let Q[] denote the quantization operator. The result of the
`quantization operator on a vector is defined as the vector ob-
`tained through truncation of each vector element. The followin
`lemma, relating the vector v“ = [em ifan and in. = [sum]
`can be derived from the c and y iterations given by Equation 1
`and Equation '2 respectively.
`0-7803-0593-W92 $3.00 1992 IEEE
`Page 2 of 5
`Page 2 of 5


`g 2
`tan—l0) =
`the computed value of
`Figure ‘2:
`tan-1 {yo/yo) versus ya in a CORDIC module that implements
`the partial normalization scheme
`Equation 1. Equation 2 and Equation 3 with the choice of 6,- at
`each iteration given by Equation 4. The convergence property
`of the CORDIC algorithgguarantees that 5",, is reduced to close
`to zero. A detailed error analysis [6] oi Y-reduction shows that
`the approximation error forms an insignificant fraction of the li-
`nal error and does not affect our results. Hence, in this paper
`we present a. simplified analysis that neglects the approximation
`In a hypothetical CORDIC unit with infinite precision, the fol-
`lowing relation holds:
`y“ = (yocoso—zgsinafllfn
`where or has been defined in lemma 2.2. Let r and 3 be defined
`30+?o ,
`Equation 8 can now be rewritten as:
`Knyn = rsinfli' — l1]
`WE + lid
`is bounded by
`Using lemma 2.1, we can conclude that y" — I}:
`[n+1]\/‘Z£, Similarly, using lemma. 2.2, we can conclude that Itpi
`oI, which is the angle {in — znl, is bounded by M1. Substituting
`these worst case bounds, we obtain the following relation
`I3 - wl <
`Figure : Error in the computed value of tan “(1]=tan‘1(ya/yo)
`versus yo in a. CORDIC module without normalization. The error
`has been quantized into the number of bits in error. A large
`error is observed fol: small values of ya. This unporimunt lion
`been performed on a datapath that is 16 bits wide. The selected
`range of ya forms about ith of the entire range of ya.
`Lemma 2.1
`lvn—vni<\/§r (ll-E,'_a "in1-,-
`Pmof This is a result derived by Hu {5]. The quantity 6 is the
`precision of the icy-data path. The Scale factor K; is defined as
`Xi = {12;}, cos 0;. The above relation holds for fixed-point data
`paths. A plot of 5:6 [UL-,1 Kri versus in shows that it is very
`close to n. for all practical values of n such as 16, 32 or 64. Thus
`the result reduces to:
`The number of iterations, n, and the width of the data. path
`are related. Since a wider datapath implies greater precision, an
`approximation error that is of the same order, can be achieved
`only through more iterations.
`The truncation error due to finite precision of the z datapath can
`be quantified by the following lemma.
`Lcuuuq 2.2
`0 - ): 5rQlail = Z 5% Where
`in = 0i - Q [or]
`Proof The angle or is defined as o = 293-01 dim. Hence, a is
`the total angle that is either added to or subtracted from so in a
`hypothetical CORDIC unit with infinite precision. The result fol-
`low from definitions of o: and in. If a fixedwoint representation
`is used. then all the pigs are bounded above by p, the precision of
`the z-dala path.
`2.1 Perturbation 1n the lLlorrtpui'ocl Value of the in-
`verse Tangent
`The goal of Y-reduction iterations is to compute the inverse tan.
`gent 9 = tan-1(po/zo). Initially, 20 is set to zero and the inverse
`tangent is accumulated in 2‘... The angle actually accumulated
`in 2,,
`is to. This is achieved by performing iterations given by
`Page 3 of 5
`sin"'II (“K"y")
`+ M:
`i/13+ vi
`Here, 3 is the true inverse tangent that is to be evaluated. The
`final value accumulated in the 1 variabla, 5,. = rp,
`is the angle
`actually obtained. Thus relation {10} fives the numerical error
`in inverse tangent calculations.
`Figure 1 shows the errors observed in the computation of in-
`vma langonl for various: initial Valued.
`II. ohowo that when 47"
`and ya are close to zero, a large error results. An intuitive ex-
`planation of this error is the successively larger right shift in the
`CORDIC iterations given by Equation 1 and Equation 2, which
`can result in a loss of all significant bits if an and ya are not large
`enough. A similar problem does not occur in a floating-point
`CORDIC module, since in such an implementation the relative
`Page 3 of 5


`error, rather than the absolute error, is bounded at each itera-
`Intuitiveiy, the errors in such an implementation have to
`be smaller since the initial values are, by definition, always in a.
`normalized form.
`3 Normalization for CORDIC Y-Reduction
`Figure 1 shows that a large error in the computed inverse tan-
`gent can occur if [vol is small. However, if the initial values are
`bounded below by a value that is in the order of 2":, since the
`nlirneratnr in Equation in is hounded ahmm hp lint/'30 4. 1):.
`the error will be bounded. Hence, a. lower bound on [sigh enforced
`through normalization of the input values, can be used to control
`the error. If this normalization takes the form of a left shift of
`both the inputs. it appears in the final output. 9... as a shift and
`does not afi'ect the computed inverse tangent, except for better
`“he observed the above problem when designing a processor [ii]
`that computes the Singular Value Decomposition [SVD) of a. ma
`trix using CORDIC arithmetic [i].
`In a. fixedvpoint implementa—
`tion, when CORDIC is used to perform operations on numbers
`obtained in a long chain of calculations, one cannot guarantee
`that the numbers are always in a normalized form. A straight-
`forward way to eliminate the resulting numerical problems is to
`explicitly normalize the inputs before proceeding With CORDIC.
`Implementation of normalization requires hardware to deter—
`mine the amount by which components of the vector can be
`shifted left, and hardware to implement the shifts. The simplest
`implementation uses two leading—zero encoders to determine the
`amounts through which each component, 520 and in, need to be
`shifted: a comparator to choose the smaller of the two shifts: and
`a. barrel shifter to implement the shifts. This generic solution
`to achieve normalization incurs an 0(1) time penalty and 001:}
`area penalty.
`A tradeofi' between time and area. [8] can be made by imple-
`menting a shifter that can shift through selected powers of two.
`and performing the desired normalization shift in logic cycles.
`Such an approach reduces the complexity of the barrel shifter to
`0(n logo), while the complexity of the leading-zero encoders is
`still Uiu‘}.
`'l'he Implementation is considerably more complex
`and incurs a time penalty of Oflog n).
`In this section we present a new normalization technique that
`incurs an area penalty of0(n]‘5) but no time penalty. This liECll‘
`nique, which we call partial normalisation, achieva the desired
`normalization shift as a combination of smaller shi its merged with
`the CORDIC iterations. At the and of each iteration, the sari:
`ables i,- and 3}. are shifted left by a. few hits, decided by control
`logic, until the desired total shift is achieved. The design goal is
`to minimize the maximum shift that needs to be introduced at
`any iteration. The normalization shift introduced at every iter-
`ation prevents CORDIC from shifting out and. losing significant
`bits in subsequent iterations. The above scheme results iti two
`competing processes. The partial normalization scheme can only
`implement a. total shift that grows linearly as the number ofiter-
`atioris. CORDIC, however, tends to shift out bits as a square of
`the number of iteration: due: to the oucccaaivdy humming aliift,
`i, at each iteration. The following theorem quantifies this idea.
`tan-‘(jo2'fio29L be the value calcu-
`Theorem 3.1 Let t"
`lated til." Dreshifiinn :50 and fig and using an unmodified CUR DIE
`unit. where q is an integral multiple of a constant p. Let I :
`tan—lfgfrg/tio) be the value calculated by using a modified CGRDIC
`unit and unnormob'zeo’ initial values. The modified CORDIC unit
`initially performs nfp iterations of the form
`i.“ = Mimosa" 2”
`“(at < MAXK and y; 1: MARX) then
`Choose cinder such that
`zesffiftlmdfll < MALX and
`zizshifllrinder-Fl] > MAXI ;
`CHOOSE yfnde: such that
`trashifllyinderl c MAJLY and
`inShiftlyindcr+1l > NleJl! ;
`index := min{ xindex. yinrfmr ):
`index :: I]:
`Normalization Shift p := shiftiindex]
`Perform modified CORDIC Iteration:
`Figure 3: Modified CORDIC Iterations,
`reduction when the input is not normalized
`invoked during Y-
`ili+l = Qifii-fiiifl'ilz”,
`where 1' is the iteration indies: rmrf OH is the qrmni'i'mri‘nn Dram.
`tor. This isfoiiotued by (n ~q/p} unmodified CORDIC iterations.
`The two inverse tangents computed. t and t", will be identical if
`q < E,
`tuber-e E is an upper bound given by
`Proof This result is obtained by observing that the left shift
`ofp introduced at the end of a CORDIC iteration introduces p
`zeros in the lower order bits that can be safely shifted out With-
`out losing any significant bits. However, as the iteration index
`increases. the right shift at each iteration increases, while the
`left shift introd uced by normalization is a constant. The upper
`bound 4 is the point at which the p is no longer sulTicient to pre
`vent any loss of hits. A detailed proof of this result can be found
`in a thesis [6]
`Tlfio tltculmll allows that if the 6011ch Iterations can be modi-
`fied to include a. constant left shift p then normalization through
`any multiple of p but less than 2;)2 can be achieved. In practice,
`the parameter p can be made a variable, allowing one of several
`shifts to be chosen at each iteration. An appropriate choice of
`these shifts can achieve any desired total shift.
`Suppose p in Equation 11 can be chosen from a. total of). shifts,
`and the condition shiftfl - L] > shiftli — 2} >
`2 0 holds. The
`algorithm given in Figure 3, give: or choice of shifts at each it.-
`eratiou to normalize the input. The parameters MAXJC and
`MAXI are the maximum allowed values of so and yo chosen
`to prevent overflow. The required control can be implemented
`using combinational logic: a. pair of leading sore encodes-o and. n.
`comparator to select the smaller shift from the output of the en-
`coders. The additional hardware required to implement partial
`normalization 'n a pair of shifters, which implement a subset of
`all the shifts implemented by a complete barrel shifter. Conse-
`quently, the leading-zero encoders need to encode very few bits
`to determine the appropriate shift.
`Page 4 of 5
`Page 4 of 5


`‘orma -
`L .T
`‘orrnn -
`H Shifter
`Figure 4: Implementation ofthe CORDIC Iterations in Hardware
`3.1 Choice of a Minimal Set of Shifts
`The following is an example ofa. CORDIC unit with a data‘width
`in = 16 bits and n = 16 iterations. The higher order three hits
`correspond to one Sign bit and two overflow bits. Hence. for
`this example. the parameters MAXJC and MAPLY are set to the
`values of I and y corresponding to the hit patio“: “0010 0000
`00-00 0000". The algorithm in figure 3 chooses the largest of
`{0.1.3} shifts, such that the resulting bit string alter. has three
`leading zeros (or leading ones if negative}.
`0 To permit unmodified iterations in a, modified CORDIC unit
`a. shift of zero is necessary :> shifth’l] = 0.
`o An overall normalization shift of 1 can be achieved only by
`chucking 3) no 1. Thus a shift of 1 is necessary in any inlplo
`mentarion =9 shift[l] = 1.
`a Multiple iterations with p = 1 can achieve a shift up to a.
`maximum of 2p2
`2. A shift of 3. however, cannot be
`iuipleiueiitctl a.» Line: inudiliml CORDIC iteration; wiLh p :
`1, since this will result in a loss of significant bits. This
`necessitates the inclusion of the shift p = 3 to the set
`shiftp} = 3.
`u The shirt 1) 2 .3 can achieve any shift up to a. maximum
`2})2 = is. Since the maximum shiit required is 13. the nor-
`mali ration shifter does not have to implemen t any shift other
`than D,
`1 and 3. Any shift, q, which is not a. multiple ol 3
`is performed as shifts 013 for erf3] iterations, followed by
`q rnod3 ilerations with p 2 1.
`Figure 4 shows a hardware implementation of the CORDIC unit
`that includes the above normalization scheme. The number of
`lJlI-b in 51101 trains bLLLlI. n achuruc in lruurulctl. over: for entail initial
`values. as shown in Figure 2.
`3.2 Cost of Partial Normalization Inlplementation
`For :- CORDIC implementation will: the data. width of the a and.
`y datapaths to hits. a shifter with a. maximum shift «1112':
`required. The shifts at each iteration are obtained from leading-
`zero encoders that encode the Jun?) most significant bits of the
`.1: and y mriables. The costs involved in these operations are:
`Shifter: The area. complexity [S] of the shifter grows as
`Olw x Maximum Shift required) = 0(w >< fl) = Ofwl's].
`logic grows
`Control Logic: The size of
`O[(Maximum Shift required?) 2 Ohflu‘?) = 0(w}.
`Time. Penalty: Since the shifting is performed as part of the
`CORDIC iterations. the only time penalty incurred is a de-
`crease in the clock rate due to the extra propagation the
`lay caused by the presence of an additional shifter in the
`CORDIC data. path.
`4 Conclusions
`An analysis of CORDIC Y—rednction, assuming a fixed-point rep-
`resentation of numbers. shows that unnorrnalized input values
`can result in large numerical errors in the computed inverse tan-
`gent. The complexity of a. floating-point implenmntotiun of the
`entire system can be avoided by locally normalizing the values
`before using CORDIC. We have implemented the normalization
`using a. method that integrates it with the CORDIC iterations
`resulting in an elegant solution to the problem. This method.
`requires only 001”) extra hardware and does not afl'cct the la-
`tency. We believe this scheme can be extended to the other modes
`This work was supported in part by the National Science Foun-
`dation under Research Initiation Award NIP-8909498.
`[1] J. R. Cavallaro and F. T. Luk. CORDIC Arithmetic for an
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`M. D. Ercegovac and T. Lang.
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`X. Hu, R. G. Harber, and S. C. Bass. Expanding the Range
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`Ii. Kola. Architectural. Numerical and Implementation Is-
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`Page 5 of 5
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