Proceedings of the
`International Conference on
`September 5-7, 1990
`Princeton, New Jersey
`Sponsored by
`Princeton University
`Co-Sponsored by
`Industrial Development Board for Northern Ireland
`NEC Research Institute
`In Cooperation with
`IEEE Computer Society
`Edited by
`Sun-Yuan Kung
`Princeton University
`jose A.B. Fortes
`Purdue University
`Earl E. Swartzlander,Jr.
`University of Texas at Austin
`K. Wojtek Przytula
`Hughes Research Laboratories

`IEEE ComputerSociety Press
`Los Alamitos, California
`Washington « Brussels » Tokyo
`Page 1 of 18
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`The papers in this book comprise the proceedings of the meeting mentioned on the
`cover and title page. They reflect the authors’ opinions and are published as presented
`and without change,
`in the interests of timely dissemination. Their inclusion in this
`publication does not necessarily constitute endorsement by the editors,
`the IEEE
`ComputerSociety Press, or The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,Inc.
`@® IEEEComputerSocietyPress
`10662 Los Vaqueros Circle
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`Copyright © 1990 bythe Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,Inc.
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`IEEE Computer Society Press Order Number 2089
`Library of Congress Number 90-82602
`IEEE Catalog Number 90CH2920-7
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`Page 2 of 18
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`Table of Contents
`a ween A ok I es he v
`F WA ioe. 6
`Clomcral (Tinie DARAIAGO 658s 4.
`Program Chair's Message eee@eseeteeeeeeeneeeeeenreprtenetereeneeeereeteeeeeeesesaea#»esrvi
`POOREI COTE 6k 6 iy Ree la 4K 6 HOTS os eS ET Oe ke vii
`RORCue eles 46 sie ob ES Dec OR Wale 4-8 nce viii
`Keynote Address: Application-Oriented High Speed Processors: Experiences
`PRDECHVES ois F date oleta lee elle BAO. OUD GS USS so 1
`Yasuo Kato
`Design Methodology
`Calculus of Space-Optimal Mappings of Systolic Algorithms on Processor Arrays. .
`P. Clauss, C. Mongenet, and GR,Perrin
`A Processor-Time Minimal Systolic Array for Transitive Closure............ 19
`PR. Cappello and C.J. Scheiman
`Systolic Arra
`lementation of Nested Loop Programs. .........e000008 31
`J. Bu,
`E.F. Deprettere, and L. Thiele
`. 4
`Potpourri |
`The oe Systolic Back-Projection Engine (BSSBPE)................ 43
`. Bayfor
`A Database Machine Based on Surrogate Files... . 2.2... eee eee ee 55
`S.M. Chung
`Systolic Architectures for Decoding Reed Solomon Codes..........00000% $7
`J. Nelson, A. Rahman, and E. McQuade
`Mapping High-Dimension Wavefront Computations to Silicon, ...........+..78
`Wu, R.M. Owens, and M_J. Irwin
`Systolic Architecture for 2-D Rank Order Filtering, .........0005 tal Fide BP 90
`J.-N. Hwang and J.-M. Jong
`Scheduling Affine Paramterized Recurrences by Means of Variable Dependent
`Tinting PUncCti0ns oss 6c seca cos ewes « OES ROOTED s 100
`P. Quinton, C. Mauras, S. Rajopadhye, and Y. Saouter
`Logic Description Generator... .... 00 cere eee ee eee eee eeenas 111
`B. Gokhale, A. Kopser, S.P. Lucas, and R.G. Minnich
`Algorithms for AR Spectral Estimation and Their Array Realizations ,
`, 121
`Jen and C.-M.Liu
`See Designs by Non-Standard Interpretation............ 133
`SystolicVLSI Compiler (SVC) for High Performance Vector Quantisation Chips. . 145
`J.V. McCanny, Y. Hu, and M. Yan
`Extensions to Linear Mapping for Regular Arrays with Complex
`Processing Biemonts eieh i aerate easel be’. oho Lew eeeiaald, bongyn 156
`J. Rosseel, F. Catthoor, and H. De Man
`Design of Run-Time Fault-Tolerant Arrays of Self-Checking Processing Elements , 168
`J. Franzen
`Special-Purpose Systems
`GRAPE: A SeeEen Computer for N-Body Problems........ want URED
`J. Makino,T. Ito,
`T. Ebisuzaki, and D. Sugimoto
`Page 3 of 18
`Page 3 of 18


`Building Blocks for a New Generation of Application-Specific
`CORRNINOS SUSU, ses ike 4 8 6S Fk DO HELEE 05 ECE ENB Oe & 190
`B. Baxter, G. Cox, T. Gross, H.T. Kung, D. O'Hallaron, C. Peterson,
`J. Webb, and P. Wiley
`Reconfigurable Vector Register Windows for Fast Matrix Computation on the
`rings Sele a eee oe MEG wk ocsemeiea me RRC RUS 202
`. K. Panda and K. Hwang
`Massively Parallel Architecture: Application to Neural Net Emulation and Image
`Recomsenguet eteoyieet 2598s Ska Pe eS Gee RS PE214
`B. Faure, D. Lattard and G. Mazare
`A Real-Time Software Programmable Processor for HDTV and Stereo
`at meena Siam & LN eR oe aE oie BR eT 226
`T. Nishitani, I. Tamitani, H. Harasaki, and M. Yano
`Mapping Applications onto Architectures
`Mapping Algorithms Onto the TUT Cellular Array Processor.............. 235
`J. Viitanen, T. Korpiharju, J. Takala, and H. Kiminkinen
`A 3-D Wafer Scale Architecture for Early Vision Procemng OE as 8S 247
`S.T. Toborg
`Algorithmic Mapping of Neural Network Models onto Parallel SIMD Machines.
`V.K Prasanna Kumar and K.W. Przytula
`Implementation ofSystolic Moan Using Pipelined Functional Units.......272
`M.Valero-Garcta, J.J. Navarro, J.M. Llaberta, and M. Valero
`Array Processing on Finite Polynomial RINSE co eH aee ws 4.9K & DeLee Fs 284
`N. Wigley and G.A. Jullien
`Potpourri Il
`. .259
`A. Skavantzos and Z.B
`The RAP: A Ring Array Processor for Layered Network Calculations,........ 296
`N. licesonJ. Beck, P. Kohn, J. Bilmes, E. Allman, andJ. Beer
`Linearign forResidue MAppens SR EY Me ST IE Oe rR 309
`A Fault-TolerantTwo-Dimensional Aenibe TINGE SF ore le LS A317
`J.G. Krammer and H.Arif
`Channel Complexity Anal:yale forReconfigurable VLSI/WSI Processor Arrays, .
`. 329
`P.K. Rhee and JH.
`Digit-Gerial DSP Archsectorea 3) Ro Ph eG TR ae TR RY 341
`K.K. Parhi and C.-Y. Wang
`EE ViRiOn 26. AR PY tad. 352
`PASIC: A Sensor/Processor Array for
`K. Chen, P.-E. Danielsson, and A.
`An Analog VLSI Array Processor for Classical and Connectionist AI......... 367
`JW.Millsand C.A.Daffinger
`High Performance WaveDigital Filtering....... 379
`Systolic Two-Port Adaptor for
`J.V. McCanny and RJ. Singh
`Multilayer Mone Model and Array ProcessorImplementation. .
`. .389
`sect Fu and C.C. Chia
`guration ofFFT Are A Flow-Driven Approach. ...........008%401
`aTace.andN. Scarabottolo
`Towards the Automated Design of Application Specific Array
`Procestars GASAPS) «vs 4. sss 6 86s eee bu po er Ree aes ree 414
`AP. Marriott, A.W.G. Duller, R.H. Storer, AR. Thomson, and MR. Pout
`Fault-Tolerant Array Processors Using N-and-Half-Track Switches.......... 426
`JASN. Jean
`Page 4 of 18
`Page 4 of 18


`Domain Flow and Streaming Architectures........... Math eer R .
`ETL. Omtzigt
`An Improved Systolic Extended Euclidean Algorithm for Reed-Solomon
`Decoding: Design and Implementation.,........ eae re wees 448
`R. Doyle, P. Fitzpatrick, and J. Nelson
`» 438
`System Bullding Blocks
`Digit-Serial VLSI Microarchitecture. .. 1. ee ee ee eee457
`S.G. Smith, J.G. Payne, andR.R.W. Morgan
`CMOS VLSI Lukasiewicz
`ANTES og nae c
`tne emcanic pena tae ae aes yobont
`TyeeS pailsAMisiatyeBeanie eh eee ee ee f nape Fw481
`J.W. Mills and C.A. Daffinger
`ASPModulees BuildingBlocksforAppllewice-SogoMassivelyParallel
`5 eer crmcvasas triacs cones necienial
`Designing Specific Systolic Arrays with the APII5C Chip... ........0005. 505
`P. Frison, E. Gautrin, D. Lavenier, and J.L. Scharbarg
`ne Abe Keen URARVN A OES 493
`Special-Purpose Systems 2
`A Prototype for a Fault-TolerantParallelDiput Signal Process0e, «0. ss es-00 518
`B.R. Musicus, A. oe andAJ. Wei
`aeOoania ere ee inlay SEI EN Sana NTR OR eee530
`A VLSi Architecture for Simplified Arithmetic FourierTransform Algorithm. ..,542
`Fine Grain System Architectures for Systolic Emulation ofNeuralyeAion. 554
`1.8. Reed, M.T. Shih, E. Hendon, TK.aoe:andD.W.Tufts
`U. Ramacher and W. Raab
`Programming Environment for a Line Processor SYMPATI-2.........0005 567
`P. Fernandez, P. Adam, D. Juvin, and J.-L. Basille
`Potpourri Ill
`A Feedback Comerfor the Image Understanding Architecture..........579
`D. Rana and C.C. Weems
`A Design Methodology for Fixed-Size Systolic Arrays.
`P.S eT REAR EES 591
`J. Bu, E.F. Deprettere, and P. Dewilde
`A Formal Design Methodology for Parallel Architectures... .......00000- 603
`M.A. Bayoumi and K.M. Elleithy
`D.B Shu, J.G. Nash, and C.C. Weems
`A Multiple-Level Heterogeneous tea forImageUnderstanding....... 615
`EtenSpecific VLSIArchitectures Basedon De Bruijn Graphs......... 628
`AbiaaidatteaagenttoaMatrixeaeot ontoLocal-Access
`Processor ArrayS....... Tee ee a ee et:
`J.H. Moreno and T. Lang
`eo CoprocessorComputer Architecture... ....+e eee eeee 653
`g Pyramids in Array Processors with Pipelined Busses..........+- 665
`Z. Guo and R.G. Melhem
`Page 5 of 18
`Page 5 of 18


`Implementation of ANN on RISC Processor Array... ..seeeee eee eee 677
`A.Hiraiwa, M.Fujita, S. Kurosu,S. it~ and M.Inoue
`ting Machinery for Radar Signal Processing Studies...... 689
`Sees erB.Cho, T. Greenlay,J.Orlando,C.Deng,
`A Systolic Array for Nonlinear Adaptive Filtering and Pattern Recognition...... 700
`J.G. McWhirter, D.S. Broomhead, and TJ. Shepherd
`Parallel Algorithm for Traveling Salesman Problem on SIMD Machines Using
`rN ATION (55 os ies Walk ky Sis ele ww nO eC ae aca bees we et 712
`C.S. Jeong and M.H. Kim
`The Designofaig-Performance Scalable Architecture for
`CT. oroW.
`Liu,T.FeagandR. Cavin
`anPURO 6 nk: 0 3.15.3
`noses ERT eS 8S GAR Rk BIN 722
`Testing a Motion Estimator Arraa Oi naar ae ie hance pan cane ae ee 734
`.P. Marnane and W.R. Moore
`Systolic Arrays
`Spacetime-minimal Systolic Architectures for Gaussian Elimination and the
`Masha MEOPEN cei ote Werder ek SOR © bee ae ES 746
`A. Benaini and Y. Robert
`Two-Level Pipelined Implementation of areoke2Block Householder
`Transformation with Application to RLS Algorithm. ............00 ee eee758
`K.J.R. Liu, SF. Hsieh, and K. Yao
`Bit-Level Systolic Algorithm for the Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem. ........ 770
`J.-M. Delosme
`A Practical Runtime Test Method for Parallel Lattice-Gas Automata..........782
`R. Squier and K. Steiglitz
`A cyanieTend ProgranmraneEatosees 202°, Se i ea ee se794
`AGUTINGRE Sccvicc scr ere ec Cessation save enes a wees sea ee 805
`Page 6 of 18
`Page 6 of 18


`This material may be protected by Copyright law [Title 17 U.S. Code}
`Depart ment ofElectrical Engineering
`Yale University
`An arithmetic algorithm is presented which speeds up the parallel Jacobi method for the
`eigen-decomposition of real symmetric matrices. The matrices to which the plane Jacobi
`rotations are applied are decomposed into even and odd part, enabling the application of
`the rotations from a single side and thus removing some sequentiality from the original
`method. The rotations are evaluated and applied in a fully concurrent fashion with the
`help of an implicit CORDICalgorithm.
`In addition, the CORDIC algorithm can perform
`rotations with variable resolution, which lead to a significant reduction in the total com-
`putation time.
`The eigenvalue decomposition of a real symmetric matrix or the singular value
`decomposition (SVD) of an arbitrary real matrix may be obtained by the Jacobi method
`(Jacobi/Kogbetliantz). This method can be parallelized to a high degree [1], [2], result-
`ing in a computation time that is approximately linear in the smallest dimension of the
`matrix. Furthermore the ratio of parallel to sequential hardware cost is of the same
`order as the gain in computation time. Thus, the parallel hardware is exercised with a
`fairly high efficiency, essentially independent of the matrix (smallest) dimension.
`Although the Jacobi method requires more operations than the justly popular QR
`method (Francis/Golub and Kahan), a significantly higher degree of parallelism may be
`extracted from it, making it the method of choice for the fast diagonalization, via orthog-
`transformations, of unstructured dense matrices. Our objective is to determine
`extremely fast ways of performing this diagonalization in the context of signal and image
`processing. This entails, starting from the Jacobi method and the parallelization scheme
`of Brent and Luk, the design of algorithms at a detailed level and the development of
`the associated, application-specific, array architectures.
`In this paper, after analyzing
`the elementary mathematical operations in the Jacobi method (i.e. the evaluation and
`application of Jacobi
`rotations), we devise arithmetic algorithms that effect
`mathematical operations with few primitive operations (i.e. few shifts and adds) and
`enable the most efficient use of the parallel hardware. Moreover we modify the Jacobi
`algorithm in order to reduce the total number of primitive operations for achieving
`matrix diagonalization.
`By targeting an implementation that is as fast as can be found, we are led to
`exploring and exploiting as much as possible the mathematical structure of the problem,
`hence to finding arithmetic algorithms better adapted to the problem at hand.
`mentations which match lower data rates can then be generated by a fairly standard
`process of sequentialization. By considering the SVD problem, which may be viewed as
`a generalization of the symmetric eigenvalue problem, wefirst direct our search for struc-
`ture toward fundamental objects and properties. The special features due to symmetry
`are exploited in a second phase. Our approach to algorithm design is thus hierarchical:
`first the main structure, then the refinements. This way we avoid focusing early on
`non-fundamental features and, as a result, being trapped in a local optimum.
`In fact, in
`order to uncover a global solution, we have embedded the problem into a further
`CH2920-7/90/0000/0770$01.00 © 1990 IEEE
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`Systolic Arrays
`generalization: the SVD problem for complez matrices. Although this generalization is
`not discussed in this paper(it is presented in [6]), it did guide us in our search.
`The parallel Jacobi algorithm of Brent and Lukis briefly described in Section II.
`This algorithm exhibits close to maximal parallelism and does it at a close to minimal
`communication cost, where ‘close to’ means ‘up to a small constant multiplicative factor’
`It provides the starting point for the process of refinement, taking the above multi-
`plicative factors closer to unity, that brings forth our array for the eigen-decomposition
`of real symmetric matrices. The Jacobi method is a succession of parallel steps, starting
`from an initial square matrix and converging to a diagonal matrix, in which plane rota-
`tions are applied on both sides of the 2x2 submatrices of the currentiterate.
`In Sec-
`tion III a mathematical property, the existence of the decomposition of Clifford numbers
`into even and odd parts, is shown to enable the application of the rotations from the
`sameside, thus leading to a parallel procedure for the evaluation and the application of
`the Jacobi rotations. While this procedure would cost many operations if the rotations
`were evaluated using the standard arithmetic operations, +, x, /,
`V, it becomes cheapif
`CORDICarithmetic, based on shifts and adds and reviewed in Section IV, is employed.
`Our ‘implicit? CORDIC algorithm for the symmetric eigenvalue problem, which does not
`compute rotation angles explicitly, is presented in Section V. Evaluation and application
`of the rotations may be fully overlapped with this algorithm, a feat which cannot be
`achieved with an explicit CORDIC algorithm.
`The method of Jacobi, first applied to the eigen-decomposition of real symmetric
`matrices B = UAU?, with U orthogonal and A real diagonal, was generalized by
`Kogbetliantz (1955)
`to the computation of the SVD of a real rectangular matrix
`A =VZU7, where U and V_ have orthonormal columns and © is real diagonal
`with positive entries. We shall first expose the general case and then turn to the sym-
`metric case, which can be viewed as a special case.
`Without loss of generality, A may be assumed to have more rows than columns.
`By applying plane, Givens, rotations from the left, A may be decomposed into QB
`where Q has orthonormal columns and B is square. Thus the computation of the
`SVD of a rectangular matrix
`A reduces to the SVD computation of an associated
`square matrix B, and we can from now on only consider the decomposition of square
`matrices B.
`Starting from a general real nxn matrix B, the Jacobi method performs a short
`sequence of sweeps to bring the matrix to diagonal form.
`In each sweep n(n-1)/2
`pairs of plane rotations are applied to both sides of the matrix to annihilate each of the
`n(n-1) off-diagonal elements once. Each pair of rotations may be represented by two
`nxn matrices, J;;, applied to the matrix from the right, and J;;, applied to the
`matrix from the left, where the couple ij, with 1<i <j <n, is distinct for each pair
`in the sweep. Both rotation matrices differ from the identity matrix of order
`n_ by the
`principal submatrix formed at the intersection of the row and columnpairs correspond-
`ing to i and j. These principal submatrices have the form
`cos @;;
`sin 8;;
`cos 6/;
`-sin 0/;
`cos ;;
`sin 6/;
`cos 6;;
`-sin 6;;
`and 9;; are selected to zero out simultaneously the ij-th and ji-th
`and the angles @;;
`entry of the matrix to which J;;
`and Jj; are applied.
`for J;;
`for Jj,
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`International Conference on Application Specific Array Processors
`The simultaneous application of p non-conflicting pairs of rotations, zeroing out
`2p entries of the matrix to which they are applied, is called a (parallel) step. For ease
`of presentation we shall assume that
`is even and refer to [1] and [7] for n
`Since any partition of the set {1,...,n} into pairs {i,j} has n/2 parts, a maxi-
`mally parallel step would apply n/2 pairs of rotations simultaneously.
`If a sweep is
`decomposed into a sequence of such steps, each forcing mn matrix entries to 0,andif for
`all the steps in the same sweep the indices
`ij of the pairs of rotations are distinct, the
`number of steps in a sweep is minimal, equal to n-1.
`Such a scheme may be con-
`structed by selecting a cyclic permutation, P, of the indices {2,3,...,n}. By parti-
`tioning into contiguous pairs the ordered concatenation {1}US, where S is the
`ordered set {2,3,...,n}, a set of pairs, {12; 34; ...;n-1,n }, is obtained whose orderis
`induced from the order {1} US. These are the pairs of indices for the pairs of rotations
`applied in the first step of a sweep. Next the ordered concatenation {1} U PS is parti-
`tioned into contiguous pairs, with order induced by the order {1} U PS, defining the
`pairs of indices for the second step. The order {1} U P?S defines the pairs of indices
`for the third step, and so on until {1}UP"S for the (n-1)-th step. The following
`order is {1}U P""S = {1} US; indeed this is the beginning of the next sweep. We
`shall index the pairs at a given step & by a single number J,1< I <n/2; thus Jj;
`will alternately be written J, and, in particular, J3, and J,
`represent the same
`matrix at step 1. Brent and Luk haveselected the cyclic permutation
`2-3-5 --- +~n-3Bon-lon-n-2- --- 6-4-2,
`which has the desirable property that the indices
`in the J-th pair at step k come
`from the neighboring pairs at step ‘-1, with indices
`IJ-1, I,or J+1.
`The matrix B is transformed into a diagonal matrix through a sequence of steps,
`starting with B y= B and computing at step k
`B, = iL By il Jj
`Although this is not written explicitly, the two sets of rotations {J;,1<I <n/2} and
`{J;',1< I <n/2} depend on the step &. Moreover, since the rotations within each
`set are disjoint, each set of rotations is applied in parallel. At a high level, the scheme of
`Brent and Luk leads directly to a parallel architecture for the SVD, taking the form of a
`square array with n/2 processors on a side. Processor JJ holds at the beginning of
`step k
`the 2x2 submatrix of B,_, sitting at the intersection of rows
`and j
`of columns
`r and s, where ij and rs
`are respectively the J-th and J-th pairs of
`indices at step k. Each diagonal processor, such as processor
`JJ or processor JJ,
`evaluates the two plane rotations, J; and J;' or J; and Jj, that zero out the two
`off-diagonal entries of the submatrix it holds, and updates accordingly the two diagonal
`entries. From each diagonal processor a representation of each of the two rotations is
`sent either along the column to which the processor belongs, for the rotations applied
`from the right such as J;
`and J,, or along the corresponding row, for the rotations
`applied from the left such as J;' and Jj.
`(The choice of representation per se will be
`discussed in Section V.) Each off-diagonal processor,
`JJ with I] #J, applies
`from the right and J;'
`from the left to the submatrix it holds. Then the entries are
`exchanged between neighboring processors in the array in such a way that processor IJ
`holds at
`the beginning of step k+1 the submatrix whose row indices and column
`indices are respectively the 7-th and J-th pair of indices at step k +1.
`For the symmetric eigenvalue problem, at every step J,’ is imposed to be equal to
`Jf, 1<JI<n/2. This reduces the amount of computation to be performed by the
`diagonal processors. Moreover, since all the iterates B,
`are symmetric, the array is
`truncated to a triangular array,i.e. all the processors below the diagonal are removed.
`Such an array is displayed in Figure 1 for n = 10; the arrows indicate the communica-
`tions taking place during the exchanges while the horizontal and vertical links that carry
`a /2
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`Systolic Arrays
`(Note that the amount of data com-
`the representations of the rotations are not shown.
`municated during the exchanges could be reduced to about half, which can be argued to
`be minimal [7], if the order used so far, {1}U P* "5 with P the cyclic permutation
`of Brent and Luk and & the step number, is kept when &
`is odd andis replaced by
`P({i}U P*+3), where P{1,2,...,n} = {3,4, 1,2, 7,8,5,6,°--}, when k is even.
`However this scheme is more complicated to implement.)
`Pr ie eee ee fp
`Coty sty eel le)
`Figure 1. Array for the eigen-decomposition of a symmetric matrix of order 10.
`Weshall consider throughout this section the SVD problem;specialization of the
`results to the symmetric eigenvalue problem will come in Section V. A diagonal proces-
`sor, II, evaluates the left and right rotations, J;' and J,;, which diagonalize the 2x2
`matrix it contains, and computes the new diagonal entries:
`cos 6;
`sin 6;
`-sin 6;
`|: ‘ cos 6;
`-sin 0;
`sin 6;
`cos 6;
`received from pro-
`An off-diagonal processor, IJ, applies from the left the rotation J;'
`cessor JJ
`to the matrix it holds, and applies from the right the rotation J,
`from processor JJ:
`cos 6;
`sin 6;
`-sin 07 ° b
`cos 6;
`cos @,
`sin 6y
`-sin 87
`cos Oy
`In a search for the niost parallel way of evaluating the rotations and updating the
`diagonal entries, and also of applying the rotations, we shall study the structure of the
`space of real 2x2 matrices. The underlying structure to be exploited is that of a
`Clifford algebra: the Clifford algebra of order 2, C . To introduce this structure, we
`start from a vector space over the reals, E 2, of dimension 2; this vector space is a sub-
`space of C. The reason for the notation E,
`is that an Euclidean norm is defined on
`the vector space, given by the quadratic form u? 4u,? +u?, where u = (u, u,)
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`International Conference onApplication SpecificArray Processors
`belongs to E . (Note that a Clifford algebra could also be defined starting with a
`pseudo-Euclidean form, uj? -u? in two dimensions.) The scalar product of two vec-
`tors, u
`and v, is also an element of C,, defined as u-v 4 (uv + vu )/2 where,
`clearly, uv +vu =(u +v)*?-u?-v? isa scalar.
`and v.
`We have not yet defined uv, the Clifford product of the vectors u
`Since uv = (uv + vu )/2+(uv —vu)/2,
`if the exterior product
`(uv -vu)/24
`u A v is defined, then the (Clifford) productis defined: uv = u-v +u A v. It fol-
`lows from the definition of the exterior product that v A u =-u A v. Therefore,
`selecting an orthogonal basis {e,,e,} of Ej, u A v =(uje,+u e,)A (vje,+
`U2@2) = (u,v2—-u42v,)e;A e. Thus, geometrically, u A v_
`defines the area of the
`parallelogram with sides u
`and v. Furthermore the product uv
`is equal
`(u,v, + u2v2)I + (uyv2-u2v,)e,A e, the linear combination of a scalar (propor-
`tional to the scalar unit, denoted by I ) and a bivector (proportional to e, A e>).
`The Clifford algebra C,
`is defined as the vector space over the reals which is the
`closure of E under Clifford multiplication. Already we have found two subspaces of
`C,, E 2 and the two-dimensional subspace of the products of vectors. To go further we
`would have to formally define, by induction, the product of arbitrary elements of C 5.
`Because of a lack of space weshall instead define the product via the shortcut of an iso-
`morphism. The isomorphism results from the identification:
`e 1=

`| =I, eye, =I, ee, =(e,e,+e,¢,)/2 = 01,
`e; =e,e,= |
`€,A €2 = (e;e2-e€,€,)/2
`= |
`and Clifford product = matriz product. The reader may check that
`hence e, and e, form an orthonormal basis of E. Moreover
`-1 0
`Hence linear combinations of scalars and bivectors are of the form
`P = pil + pre, A eg =
`“P2 Pi
`and vectors are of the form
`GQ = 121+ 9282 =
`Now we observe that any 2x2 real matrix m may be decomposed as p +q:
`Pit P2t42
`“Pot. Pi-%
`with p,= = te, P2= — a= eae and qe. Thus the space of
`linear combinations of scalars, vectors and bivectorsis isomorphic to the linear space of
`real 2x2 matrices. Since the set of real 2x2 matrices is closed under matrix multipli-
`cation, the space of linear combinations of scalars, vectors and bivectors is also closed
`under Clifford multiplication and is therefore the whole of the Clifford algebra C9.
`Page 11 of 18
`Page 11 of 18


`Systolic Arrays
`Upon identifying the real 2x2 matrices with the Clifford algebra C , a decompo-
`sition of the real 2x2 matrices into two parts, p
`and q, has been brought to the
`fore. This is an instance of the so-called decomposition of Clifford numbers into even
`and odd parts.
`Indeed a Clifford algebra C,,, built from a vector space E ,,, has for
`elements real linear combinations of scalars or 0-vectors, vectors or 1-vectors, bivectors
`or 2-vectors, and so on up to m-vectors. Thus any element may be decomposed in a
`unique way as the sum of an even part (a linear combination of even vectors) and an
`odd part (a linear combination of odd vectors).
`In other words C,,
`is the direct sum
`of two subspaces, an ‘even’ subspace denoted C *, and an ‘odd’ subspace denoted
`C,,- The even subspace is closed under Clifford multiplication, written symbolically
`C,;,C+t+=C fF, consequently it is a subalgebra of C,,. The odd subspacesatisfies
`C,C,=CF ad C7jCt=CirC, =C,. (Of interest for the SVD computa-
`tion of complex matrices is the Clifford algebra C4, isomorphic to the 2" =8 dimen-
`sional space—over the reals—of complex 2x2 matrices, and with even subspace the
`quaternions and odd subspace the antiquaternions (6].) The even subspace of C, is the
`algebra of complez numbers; by extension, the odd subspace of C,, E, may becalled
`the subspace of anticomplez numbers.
`The units of the even subspace of C2 are elements p = p,I + p.e, Ae, with
`unit norm, where the norm is naturally defined as (p? + p2)*. Therefore they can be
`written under the form u(@) = cos@I + sin®e, Ae, with 0 < @< 2m, and hence they
`are the plane rotations.
`It is easy to check (and this may also be derived as a special
`case of a property of quaternions) that plane rotations commute with even Clifford
`numbers and anticommute with odd Clifford numbers:
`qu(@) = u(-)q
`pu()= u()p ,
`This enables us to pull the Jacobi rotations from the right
`to the left, both for the
`evaluation of the rotations in the diagonal processors and for their application in the
`off-diagonal processors:
`- evaluation in processor II,
`u(-9;)m u(@;) = u(-7) p u(6;) + u(-97)q u(4;)
`= u(-0;)u(9;)p + u(-9;)u(-4;)q ,
`hence, using the property that u(@)
`is isomorphic to the complex number exp(i@),
`u(-67)m u(6;) = u(-07+6;)p +u(-9/-6))q =m =||
`- application in processor IJ,
`u (-97)m u(@;) = u(-f) p u(6z) + u(-97)q u (Iz)
`u(-0; + 0;)p +u(-0j-4,)q
`hence, by pulling the rotations from the right to the left and exploiting the fact that p
`and q_
`are fully defined by their first column, the Jacobi rotations may be applied with
`2 two-dimensional vector rotations instead of 4.
`Representations of u(@,;) and u(-0;) must be computed as intermediate forms
`in order to apply the Jacobi rotations and build up the matrices of singular vectors (or
`eigenvectors if Bis symmetric) U and V7? as the products, accumulated over the
`steps, of the matrices
`il J;',
`respectively. The evaluation of these
`representations may be performed by finding the rotations u(@;) and u(-6;‘), where
`6; 46,-0;
`and 6+ 46, +6},
`force the second component of the vectors
`Page 12 of 18
`Page 12 of 18


`International Conference on Application Specific Array Processors
`ial" s respectively, to 0. This approach, exploiting the decompo-
`(py -p>)? and (q1
`sition of Clifford numbers into even and odd part, has been used on general purpose
`computers, using standard arithmetic, from very early on (e.g. Forsythe and Henrici,
`1960). However the use of that decomposition for the application of the rotations did
`not follow. To understand why we have to place ourselves in the context of machines
`using standard arithmetic. We first note that
`in this context
`the passage from
`Sé, & {u (67), u(-6),1< 1 <n/2} to Sting & {u (07), u (-O7),1 <5 1 < n/2}, and
`the passage
`from Sjig,
`Spy 4S {u(8y),u(-05),1<1¢I <n /2}, where
`07, 20, -0;
`675 4 6; + 87, are done via the trigonometric formulas for the
`tangents of the rotation angles, using the +, x and / operations andalso, for the first
`passage, V operations since tangents of half-angles must then be computed. The next
`observation is that a rotation is ultimately represented by its cosine and sine in this con-
`text and, given an intermediate tangent
`representation, generating the cosine/sine
`representation requires +, x, /, andVoperations. The reason for not exploiting the
`decomposition in a sequential setting is now clear: the computation of the cosine/sine
`representation of S,,,
`given the tangent representation of Sdiag Tequires O(n”) +,
`x, /, and V operations while the computation of the cosine/sine representation of Seiag
`given its tangent representation costs only O(n) +, x, /, and V operations; the halv-
`ing of multiplications obtained when performing the two-dimensional vector rotations
`using the decomposition does not offset the large increase in +, x, /, and V operations
`needed to find the representation of the rotations. The bottom line in a parallel setting
`is that the use of the decomposition is not advantageous either, because it saves the time
`of the rotation of a two-dimensional vector, i.e. a multiply and add, at the expense of
`the time of the computation of
`tan @j, or
`tan Oj; given tan@,
`and tan 0j, i.e. a
`multiply and add and a divide. Yet the existence of the decomposition signals something
`It removes some sequentiality at the level of the rotation operations and, if
`an arithmetic implementation of the rotations is employed that is better adapted to
`these operations than the traditional decomposition into +

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