
`o0056b4init Page 1 of 180
`Gilbert Strang
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`CopyriGHT © 1976, 1980, By ACADEMIC Press, INc.
`111 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003
`United Kingdom Editionpublished by
`24/28 Oval Road, London NWi 7DX
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 79-53993
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`1. 2 An Example of Gaussian Elimination
`1.3 Matrix Notation and Matrix Multiplication
`1.4 Gaussian Elimination= Triangular Factorization
`1.5 Row Exchanges, Inverses, and Transposes
`1. 6 Band Matrices, Applications, and Roundoff
`Review Exercises
`2 .1 Vector Spaces and Subspaces
`2.2 Tbe Solntion ofm Equations inn Unknowns
`2.3 Linear Independence, Basis, and Dimension
`2.4 Tbe Four Fundamental Subspaces
`2.5 Orthogonality of Vectors and Subspaces
`2. 6 Pairs of Subspaces and Products of Matrices
`Review Exercises
`Inner Products and Projections onto Lines
`Projections onto Subspaces and Least Squares Approximations
`Orthogonal Bases, Orthogonal Matrices, and Gram- Schmidt
`Page 4 of 180


`3.4 The Pseudoinverse and the Singular Value Decomposition
`3.5 WeightedLeastSquares
`Review Exercises
`4.2 The Properties of the Determinant
`4. 3 Formulas for the Determinant
`4.4 Applications of Determinants
`Review Exercises
`5 .1
`5. 2 The Diagonal Form of a Matrix
`5. 3 Difference Equations and the Powers A k
`5 .4 Differentia!Equations and the Exponential eAt
`5 .5 The Complex Case: Hermitian and Unitary Matrices
`5. 6 Similarity Transformations and Triangular Forms
`Review Exercises
`6.1 Minima, Maxima, and Saddle Points
`6.2 Tests for Positive Definiteness
`6. 3 Semidefinite and Indefinite Matrices; Ax = >..Bx
`6.4 Minimum Principles and Rayleigh's Quotient
`6.5 The Rayleigh- Ritz Principle and Finite Elements
`7. I
`7 .2 The Norm and Condition Number of a Matrix
`7 .3 The Computation of Eigenvalues
`Iterative Methods for Ax = b
`8 .1 Linear Inequalities
`8.2 The Simplex Method
`8.3 The Theory of Duality
`8.4 NetworkModels
`8. 5 Game Theory and the Minimax Theorem
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`Solutions to Exercises
`3 77
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`I believe that the teaching of linear algebra has become too abstract. This is a
`sweeping judgment, and perhaps it is too sweeping to be true. But I feel certain that a
`text can explain the essentials of linear algebra, and develop the ability to reason
`mathematically, without ignoring the fact that this subject is as useful and central and
`applicable as calculus. It has a simplicity which is too valuable to be sacrificed.
`Of course there are good reasons· for the present state of courses in linear algebra:
`The subject is an excellent introduction to the precision of a mathematical argument,
`and to the construction of proofs. These virtues I recognize and accept (and hope to
`preserve); I _enjoyed teaching in exactly this way. Nevertheless, once I began to
`experiment with alternatives at M.I.T., another virtue became equally important:
`Linear algebra allows and even encourages a very satisfying combination of both
`elements of mathematics-abstraction and application.
`As it is, too many students struggle with the abstraction and never get to see the
`application. And too many others, especially those who are outside mathematics de(cid:173)
`partments, never take the course. Even our most successful students tend to become
`adept at abstraction, but inept at ~ny calculation~solving linear equations by Cramer's
`rule, for example, or understanding eigenvalues only as roots of the. characteristic
`equation. There is a growing desire to make our teaching more useful than that, and
`more open.
`I hope to treat linear algebra in a way which makes sense to a wide variety of
`students at all levels. This does not imply that the real mathematics is absent; the
`subject deserves better than that. It does imply less concentration on rigor for its own
`sake, and more on understanding-we try to explain rather than to deduce. Some
`definitions are formal, but others are allowed to come to the surface in the middle of a
`discussion. In the same way, some proofs are intended to be orderly and precise, but
`not all. In every case the underlying theory has to be there; it is the core of the subject,
`but it can be motivated and reinforced by examples.
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`One specific difficulty in constructing the course is always present, and is hard to
`postpone: How should it start? Most students come to the first class already knowing
`something about linear equations. Nevertheless, I am convinced that linear algebra
`must begin with the fundamental problem of n equations in n unknowns, and that it
`must teach the simplest and most useful method of solution-Gaussian elimination (not
`determinants!). Fortunately, even though this method is simple, there are a number of
`insights that are central to its understanding and new to almost every student. The most
`important is the equivalence between elimination and matrix factorization; the
`coefficient matrix is transformed into a product of triangular matrices. This provides a
`perfect introduction to matrix notation and matrix multiplication.
`The other difficulty is to find the right speed. If matrix calculations are already
`familiar, then Chapter 1 must not be too slow; the next chapter is the one which
`demands hard work. Its goal is a genuine understanding, deeper than elimination can
`give, of the equation Ax = b. I believe that the introduction of four fundamental
`subspaces-the column space of A; the row space; and their orthogonal complements,
`the two nullspaces-is an effective way to generate examples of linear dependence and
`independence, and to illustrate the ideas of basis and dimension and rank. The ortho(cid:173)
`gonality is also a natural extension to n dimensions of the familiar geometry of
`three-dimensional space. And of course those four subspaces are the key to Ax = b.
`Chapters 1- 5 are really the heart of a course in linear algebra. They contain .a large
`nllmber of applications to physics, engineering, probability and statistics, economics,
`and biology. (There is also the geometry of a methane molecule, and even an outline of
`factor analysis in psychology, which is the one application that my colleagues at
`M.I.T. refuse to teach!) At the same time, you will recognize that this text can certainly
`not explain every possible application of matrices. It is simply a first course in linear
`algebra. Our goal is not to develop all the applications, but to prepare for them-and
`that preparation can only come by understanding the theory.
`This theory is well established. After the vector spaces of Chapter 2, we study
`projections and inner products in Chapter 3, determinants in Chapter 4, and eigen(cid:173)
`values in Chapter 5. I hope that engineers and others will look especially at Chapter 5,
`where we concentrate on the uses of diagonalization (including the spectral theorem)
`and save the Jordan form for an appendix. Each of these chapters is followed by an
`extra set of review exercises. In my own teaching I have regarded the following
`sections as optional: 3.4-3.5, 6.4-6.5, 7.1-7.4, and most of 1.6 and 2.6. I use the
`section on linear transformations in a flexible way, as a source of examples that go
`outside R• and of a complementary approach to the theory; itilluminates in a new way
`what has been concretely understood. And I believe that even a brief look at Chapter 8
`allows a worthwhile but relaxed introduction to linear programming and game
`theory-maybe my class is happier because it comes at the very end, without examina(cid:173)
`With this edition there is also a new Manual which I hope instructors will request
`from the publisheL It is a collection of ideas about the teaching of applied linear
`algebra, arranged section by section, and I very much hope it will grow; all suggestions
`and problems will be gratefully received (and promptly included). It also gives
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`solutions to the review exercises, which now range from direct questions on the text to
`my favorite about the connectedness of the matrices with positive determinant.
`I should like to ask one favor of the mathematician who simply wants to teach basic
`linear algebra. That is the true purpose of the book, and I hope he will not be put off by
`the "operation counts," and the other remarks about numerical computation, which
`arise especially in Chapter 1. From a practical viewpoint these comments are obviously
`important. Also from a theoretical viewpoint they have a serious purpose-to reinforce
`a detailed grasp of the elimination sequence, by actually counting the steps. In this
`edition there is also a new appendix on computer subroutines, including a full code for
`solving Ax = b. I hope that students will have a chance to experiment with it. But there
`is no need to discuss this or any other computer-oriented topic in class; any text ought
`to supplement as well as summarize the lectures.
`In short, a book is needed that will permit the applications to be taught success(cid:173)
`fully, in combination with the underlying mathematics. That is the book I have tried
`to write.
`Many readers have sent ideas and encouragement for this second edition, and I am
`tremendously grateful. The result is a better introduction to vector spaces; a large
`number of new exercises, and hundreds of changes and improvements and corrections.
`Nevertheless, the spirit of the book remains the same. My hope is to help construct a
`course with a real purpose. That is intangible but it underlies the whole book, and so
`does the support I have been given by my family; they are more precious than I can say.
`Beyond this there is an earlier debt, which I can never fully repay. It is to my parents,
`and I now dedicate the book to them, hoping that they will understand how much they
`gave to it: Thank you both.
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`The central problem of linear algebra is the solution of simultaneous linear equations.
`The most important case, and the simplest, is when the number ofunknowns equals the
`number of equations. Therefore we begin with this problem: n equations in n un(cid:173)
`Two ways of solving simultaneous equations are proposed, almost in a so~ of
`competition, from high school texts on. The first is the method of elimination: Multi(cid:173)
`ples of the first equation in the system are subtracted from the other equations, in such a
`way as to remove the first unknown from those equations. This leaves a smaller
`system, of n - 1 equations in n - 1 unknowns. The process is repeated over and over
`until there remains only one equation and one unknown, which can be solved im(cid:173)
`mediately. Then it is not hard to go backward, and find all the other unknowns in
`reverse order; we shall work out an example in a moment. A second and more sophisti(cid:173)
`cated way introduces the idea of determinants. There is an exact formula, called
`Cramer's rule, which gives the solution (the correct values of the unknowns) as a ratio
`of two n by n determinants. It is not always obvious from the examples that are worked
`in a textbook (n = 3 or n = 4 is about the upper limit on the patience of a reasonable
`human.being) which way is better.
`In fact, the mofe sophisticated form~la involving determinants is a disaster, and
`elimination is the algorithm that is constantly used to solve large systems of simultane(cid:173)
`ous equations. Our first goal is to understand this algorithm. It is generally called
`Gaussian elimination.
`The algorithm is deceptively simple, and in some form it may already be familiar to
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`1 Gaussian Elimination
`the reader. But there are four aspects that lie deeper than the simple mechauics of
`elimination, and which -together with the algorithm itself-we want to explain in this
`chapter. They are:
`(I) The interpretation of the elimination method as a factorization of the coefficient
`matrix. We shall introduce matrix notation for the system of simultaneous equations·,
`writing the n unknowns as a vector x and the n equations in the matrix shorthand Ax =
`b. Then elimination amounts to factoring A into a product LU of a lower triangular
`matrix Land an upper triangular matrix U. This is a basic and very useful observation.
`Of course, we have to introduce matrices and a s)'stematic way, as well as
`the rules for their multiplication. We also define the transpose AT and the inverseA-1 of
`In most cases the elimination method works without any difficulties or mod,
`ifications. In some exceptional cases it Qreaks down-either because the equations
`were originally written in the wrong order, which is easily fixed by exchanging them,
`or else because the equations Ax = b fail to have a unique solution. In the latter case
`there may be no solution, or infiuitely many. We want to understand how, at the time
`of breakdown, the elimination process identifies each of these possibilities.
`It is essential to have a rough count of the number of arithmetic operations
`required to solve a system by elimination. In many practical problems the decision of
`how many unknowns to introduce-balancing extra accuracy in a mathematical model
`against extra expense in computing -is governed by this operation count.
`(4) · We also want to see, intuitively, how sensitive to roundoff error the solutionx
`might be. Some problems are sensitive; others are not. Once the source of difficulty
`becomes clear, it is ·eaSy to guess how to try to control it. Without control, a computer
`could carry out millions of operations, rounding each result to a fixed number of digits,
`and produce a totally useless ''solution.''
`The final result of this chapter will be an elimination algorithm which is about as
`efficient as possible. It is essentially the algorithm that is. in constant use in a tremen(cid:173)
`dous variety of applications. And at the same time, understanding it in terms of
`matrices - the coefficient matrix, the matrices that carry out an elimination step ·or an
`exchange of rows, and the final triangular factors L and U -is an essential foundation
`for the theory.
`The way to understand this subject is by example. We begin in three dimensions with
`the system
`2u + v +w = 1
`= -2
`4u + V
`-2u+2v+w= 7.
`The problem is to find the unknown values ofu, v, and w, and we shall apply Gaussian
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`1.2 An Example of Gaussian Elimination
`elimination. (Gauss is recognized as the greatest of all mathematicians, but certainly
`not because of this invention, which probably took him ten minutes. Ironically, how(cid:173)
`ever, it is the most frequently used of all the ideas that bear his name.) The method
`starts by subtracting multiples of the first equation from the others, so as to eliminate u
`from the last two equations. This requires that we
`subtract 2 times the first equation from the second;
`subtract -1 times the first equation from the third.
`The result is an equivalent system of equations
`3v + 2w = 8.
`The coefficient 2, which multiplied the first unknown u in the first equation, is know.n
`as the pivot in this first elimination step.
`At the second stage of elimination, we ignore the first equation. The other two
`,equations involve only the two unknOwns v and w, and the same elimination procedure
`can be applied to them. The pivot for this stage is -1, and a multiple of this second
`equation will be subtracted from the remaining equations (in this case there is only the
`third one remaining) so as to eliminate v. We add 3 times the second equation to
`the third or, in other words, we
`subtract -3 times the second equation from the third.
`The .elimination process is now complete, at least in the "forward" direction, and
`leaves the simplified system
`2u + v + w = 1
`lv -2w = -4
`- 4w = -4.
`There is an obvious order in which to solve this system. The last equation gives w = 1;
`substituting into the second equation, we find v = 2; then the first equation gives
`u = -1. This simple process is called back-substitution .
`It is easy to understand how the elimination idea can be extended ton equations inn
`unknowns, no matter how large the system may be. At the first stage, we use multiples
`of the first equation to annihilate all coefficients below the first pivot. Next, the second
`column is cleared out below the second pivot; and so on. Finally, the last equation
`contains only the la:st unknown. Back-substitution yields the answer in the opposite
`order, beginning with the last unknown, then solving for the next to last, and eventu(cid:173)
`ally for the first.
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`1 Gaussian Etimination
`EXERCISE 1.2.1 Apply elimination and back-substitution to solve
`= 3
`2u - 3v
`4u - 5v + w = 7
`2u- v-3w=5.
`What are the pivots? List the three operations in which a multiple of one row is subtracted from
`EXERCISE 1.2.2 Solve the system
`= 0
`2u -
`-u +2v
`V + 2w -
`::::: 0
`w + 2z = 5.
`We want to ask two questions. They may seem a little premature-after all, we have
`barely got the algorithm working-but their answers will shed more light on the
`method itself. The first question is whether this elimination procedure always1eads to
`the solution. Under what circumstances could.the process break down? The answer
`is: If none of the pivots are zero, there is only one solution to the problem and it is
`found by forward elimination and back-substitution. But if any of the pivots happens to
`be zero, the elimination technique has to stop, either temporarily or permanently.
`If the first pivot were zero, for example, the elimination of u ftum the other equa(cid:173)
`tions would be impossible. The same is true at every intermediate stage. Notice that an
`inteI'mediate pivot may become zero during the elimination process (as in Exercise
`1.2.3 below) even though in the original system the coefficient in that place was not
`zero. Roughly speaking, we do not know whether the pivots are nonzero until we try,
`by actually going through the elimination process.·
`In most cases this problem of a zero pivot can be cured, -and elimination can proceed
`to find the unique solution to the problem. In other cases, a breakdown is unavoidable
`since th~ equations have either no solution or in'finitely many.
`For the present, we trust all the piyots to be nonzero.
`The second question is very practical, in fact it is financial. How many sepamte
`arithmetical- operations does elifnination require for a system of n equations ln n
`unknowns? If n is large, a computer is going to take ou; place in carrying out the
`elimination (you may have such a program available, or you could use the Fortran
`codes in Appendix C). Since all the steps are known, we should be able to predict the
`number of operations a computer will take. -For the moment, we ignore the right-hand
`sides of the equations, and count only the operations on the left. These operations are
`of two kinds. One is a division by the piv'ot in order to find out what multiple (say/) of
`the pivotal equation is to be subtracted from an equation below it. Then when we
`actually do this subtraction of one equation from another, we continually meet a
`"multiply-subtract" combination; the terms in.the pivotal equation are multiplied by l,
`and then subtracted from the equation beneath it.
`Suppose we agree to call each division, and each multiplication-subtraction, a single
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`1.2 An Example of G8.l!ssian Elimination
`operation. At the beginning, when the first equation has length n, it takes n operations
`for every zero we achieve in the first column -one to find the multiple I, and the others
`to find the new entries along the row. There are n - 1 rows underneath the first one, so
`I) = n2 - n operations. (Another approach to
`the first stage of elimination needs n(n -
`- n is this: All n 2 entries need to be changed, except then in the first row.) Now
`notice that later stages are faster because the equations are becoming progressively
`shorter; when the elimination is down to k eqUations, only k2 - k operatioils are needed
`to clear out the column below the pivot-by the same reasoning that applied to the first
`stage, when k equaled n. Altogether, the total number of operations on the left side of
`the equations is
`p ={I•+ ... +n•)-(I + ... +n) = n(n + I)(Zn +I)'- n(n + 1) = n 3 -,-.n
`- 2
`If n is at all large,a good estimate for the number of operations is P = n3/3.
`Back-substitution· is considerably faster. The last unknown is found in one operation
`(a division by the last pivot), the second to last unknown requires two, and so on, The
`total for back -substitution is
`Q =l+Z+···+n=
`n(n + 1)
`= - ·
`A few years ago, almost every mathematician would have guessed that these num(cid:173)
`bers were essentially optimal, in,other words that a general .system of order n could not
`be solved with much fewer than n3 /3 multiplications. (There were even theorems to
`demonstrate it, but they did not allow for all possible methods.) Astonishingly, that
`guess has been proved Wrong, and there now exists a method that requires only Cn10gz 7
`operations! Fortunately for elimination, the constant C is by corriparison so large, and
`so i.nany more additions are required, and the computer programming i~ so awkward,
`that the new method is largely of theoretical interest. It seems to be completely
`unknown whether the exponent can be made any sma_ller, t
`EXERCISE 1.2.3 Apply elimination to the system
`U + V +w = -2
`3u + 3v -w = 6
`u- v+w=-1.
`When a zero pivot arises, exchange that equation for the one bel~~ it, and proceed. What
`coefficient of v in the third equation, in place of the present -1,_ would make it impossible to
`proceed-and force the elimination method to break down?
`EXERCISE 1.2.4 Solve by elimination the system of two equations
`x- y= 0
`3x + 6y = 18.
`t Added in the second edition: The exponent is corning down, thanks to ViCtor Pan at IBM
`and others. Itis still above 2.5.
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`1 Gaussian Elimination
`Draw a graph representing each equation as a straight line in the·x-y plane; the lines inters.ect at
`the solution. Also, add one more line-the graph Of the new second equation which arises after
`EXERCISE 1.2.5 With reasonable assumptions on computer speed and cost, how large a sys(cid:173)
`tem can be solved for $1, and for $1000? Use n3/3 as the operatio_n count, and you might pay
`$1000 an hour for a computer that could average a mi1lion operationi, a second.
`EXERCISE 1.2.6 (very optional) Normally the multiplication of two Gomplex numbers
`(a + ib) (c +id)= (ac -bd) + i(bc + ad)
`involves the four separate multiplications ac, bd, be, ad. Ignoring i, can you compute the(cid:173)
`quantities ac - bd and br; + ad with only three multiplications? (You may do additions, such as
`fonning a + b before multiplying, without any penalty.)
`EXERCISE 1;2.7 Use eliqiination to solve -
`u + 2v + 2w = 11
`2u + 3v' - 4w = 3.
`To get some experience insetting up linear equations, suppose that
`(a) of those who start a year in California, SO percent stay in and 20percent move out;
`(b) of those who start a year outside California, 90 percent stay out and 10 percent move in.
`If we know the situation aHhe beginning, say 200 million outside and 30 million in, then it is
`easy to find the numbers u and v that are outside and inside at the end:
`, 9 (200,000,000) + ,2 (30,000,000) = u
`.I (200,000,000) + ,8(30,000,000) = V
`The real problem is to go backwards, and compute the start from the finish.
`EXERCISE 1.2.8 If u = 200 million and v = 30 million at the end, set up (without solving) the
`equations to find u and v at the beginning.
`EXERCISE 1.2.9 If u and v at the end are the same as u and v at the beginning, what equations
`do you get? What is the ratio of u to v in this ':steady state''?
`So far, with our 3 by 3 example, we have been able to write out all the equations in full.
`We could even list in detail each of the elimination steps, subtracting a multiple of one
`row from another, which puts the system of equations into a simpler form. For a large
`system, however, this way of keeping track of the elimination would be hopeless; a
`much more concise record is needed. We shall now introduce matrix notation to
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`1.3 Matr,ix Notation and Matrix Multipffcatlon
`· describe the original system of equations, and matrix multiplication to describe the
`operations that make it simplec
`Notice that in our example
`2u + V + W = . ]
`4u + V
`= -2
`-2u+2v+w;= 7
`'three different types of quantities appear. There are the unknowns u, v, w; there are the.
`· right sides 1, -2, 7; and finally, there is a set of nine numerical coefficients on the 1eft
`side (one of which happens to be zero). For the. column of nl)mbers on the right ·
`side -the inhomogeneous terms in the equations -we introduce the vector notation
`This is a three-dimensional column vector. It is represented geometricaHy in Fig. I. I,
`where the three components 1, -2, and 7 are the coordinates of a point in three(cid:173)
`dimensional space. Any vector b can be identified in this. way with a point in space;
`thereis a perfect match between points and vectors. t
`Fig. 1.1. A vector in three-dimensional space.
`The basic operations are the addition of two such vectors and the multiplication of a
`vector by a scalar. Geometrically, 2b is a vector in the same direction as b but twice as
`t Some authors prefer to say that the arrow is really the vector, but I think it doesn't matter;
`you can choose the arrow, the point, or the three numbers. (Note that the arrow starts at the
`origin.) In six dimensions itis probably easiest to choose the six numbers.
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`1 Gaussian Elimination-
`long, and -2b goes in the opposite direction:
`Addition of vectors is also carried out on each component separately; in Fig. 1.1 we
`This example Seems special (the vectors are in the coordinate directions), so we give a
`more typical addition in Fig. 1.2. Once again, the addition is done a component at a
`and geometrically this produces the famous parallelogram.
`' ' '
`' "-b ' ' ' ' ' ,-2b
`Fig. 1.2. Vector addition and scalar multiplication.
`Two vectors can be added only if they have the same dimension, that is, the same
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`t .3 Matrix Notation and Matrix Multiplication
`number of components. (Note that c is three-dimensional, even though its first compo(cid:173)
`nent is zero.)
`The three unknowns in the eq.uation are also represented by a vector:
`the unknown is x = [ : }
`' [-1]

`the solution is x =
`The Coefficient Matrix
`We go back to the nine coefficients on the left side of our equations. They fall into
`three mws and three colunms, which means that they form a three by three matrix,
`called the coefficient matrix:
`A=[_~ i ~ l
`A is a square matrix, because the number of equations agrees with the number of
`unknowns. More generally, if there are n equations inn unknowns, we have. a square
`coefficient matrix of order n, with n rows and n columns; or, still more generally, we
`might have m equations and n unknowns. In ~his case the.matrix is rectangular, with m
`rows and n columns. In other words, it will be an ''m by n matrix.''
`Matrices are added to each other, or multiplied by numerical constants, exactly as
`vectors are-one component at a time. In fact we may regal'd vectors as spec:ial cases
`of matrices; they are matrices with only one column. As before, two matrices can be
`added only if they have.the same shape:
`[! ~] + [-~ ~ ] = [ ~ ~ ] '
`2 [ ~ ~ ·] = [ : ~] .
`Multiplication of a Matrix and a Vector
`Now we put this notation to use. We propose to rewrite the system (1) of three
`equations in three unknowns in the simplified matrix form Ax = b. Written out in full,
`this form is
`[ _~ l ~] [: ] = [-i l
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`1 Gaussian E!iminatton
`The right side is clear enough; it is the column vector of inhomogeneous terms. The left
`side consists of the vector x, premultiplied by the matrix A. 'Obviously, this multiplica(cid:173)
`tion will be defined exactly so as to reproduce the original system (I). Therefore, the
`first component of the product Ax must come from "multiplying" the first row of A
`into the column vector x:
`[2 1
`l] [ : ] =[2u+v+w].
`This equals the first component of b; 2u + v + w = 1 is the first equation in our
`system. The second component of the product Ax is determined by the second row of
`A-it is 4u .+ v-and the.third component -2u + 2v + w comes from the third row.
`Thus the matrix equation Ax = b is precisely equivalent to the three simultaneous
`equations with which we started.
`The operation in Eq. (4) is fundamental to all matrix multiplications. It starts with a
`row vector and a column vector of matching lengths, and it produces a single number.
`This single quantity is called the inner product of the two vectors. In other words, the
`product of a 1 by n matrix, which is a row vector, and an n by 1 matrix, alias a column
`vector, is a 1 by 1 matrix:
`[2 4 5] [ ~] = [2·3 + 4·1 + 5·0] = [10].
`If we multiply a whole matrix and a vector, there will be one of these inner products
`for every row. Suppose we stay with a 3 by 3 example:

`2 4 5] [ 3] [2·3+4·1+5·0]
`Ax = 2 6 8
`2· 3 + 6· l + 8·0 =
`1 0 9
`[ 10]
`This calculation reveals something important: The product Ax is actually a combina(cid:173)
`tion of the three columns of A. In other words, Ax can be found all at once:
`This rule will be used over and over throughout the book, therefore we repeat it for
`emphasis: The product Ax can be fouud from the individual entries as in (5), or it can
`be computed by using whole columns as in (6). Ax is a combination of the columns of
`A, and each column is weighted by a component ofx.
`j: >
`Page 20 of 180


`1.3 Matrix Notation and Matrix Multiplication
`EXERCISE 1.3.1 Compute the products
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`Draw a pair of perpendicular axes and mark off the vectors to the points x = 2, y = 1 and
`x = 0, y = 3. Add the two vectors by completing the parallelogram.
`EXERCISE 1.3.2 Working a column at a time, compute the products
`EXERCISE 1.3.3 Find the inner products
`The first answer gives the length of the vector (squared)-it is the square of the hypotenuse in
`three-dimensional space.
`EXERCISE 1.3.4 ff an m by n matrix A multiplies an n-dimensi

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