`This Reference Manual belongs to:
`Optical Research Associates
`550 North Rosemead Boulevard
`Pasadena, California 91107
`(818) 795-9101
`Fax: (818) 795-9102
`LGE Exhibit 1015A
`LGE v. ImmerVision - IPR2020-00179
`Page 1 of 103


`Documentation Set
`Price $120

`Reference Manual
`CODE V Version 7.60
`February 1994
`Optical Research Associates
`550 North Rosemead Boulevard
`Pasadena, California 91107
`Phone: (818) 795-9101
`Fax: (818) 795-9102
`LGE Exhibit 1015A
`LGE v. ImmerVision - IPR2020-00179
`Page 2 of 103


`The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed
`as a commitment by Optical Research Associates (ORA®). ORA assumes no liabilities for any
`errors that may appear in this document.
`The software described in this document is furnished under a license and may be used or copied
`only in accordance with the terms of such license. CODE V output listed and plotted may vary
`version to version, platform to platform.
`Reference Manual
`Richard C. Juergens
`Contributing Authors:
`Barry Broome
`Thomas I. Harris
`Bruce R. Irving
`Peter Maccini
`Stephen F. Sagan
`Tom Bruegge
`David M. Hasenauer
`John Isenberg
`Daren V. Reid
`Kevin Thompson
`Eric Ford
`Michael Hayford
`Don Koch
`Matthew P. Rimmer
`William B. Wetherell
`Darryl E. Gustafson
`Robert S. Hilbert
`Thomas Kuper
`Michael Rodgers
`Program Development Staff:
`Tom Bruegge
`Darryl E. Gustafson
`Peter Maccini
`Rhonda L. Shook
`C. Tom Walker
`Sanguan Chow
`Thomas I. Harris
`Robert Mortensen
`Michael D. Strawn
`Kenny Yang
`Production Staff:
`Deborah A. Afarian
`Kathleen Clark
`Jimmy Chu
`Michael Hayford
`Daren V. Reid
`Phillip Suematsu
`Tri Dang
`Thomas Kuper
`Matthew P. Rimmer
`Samuel Sun
`Copyright© 1986 to 1994 by Optical Research Associates .
`All rights reserved .
`Proprietary Software Notification
`CODE V® is the proprietary and confidential property of ORA and/or its suppliers. It is licensed for use on the
`designated equipment on which it was originally installed and cannot be modified, duplicated, or copied in any
`form without prior written consent of ORA. If supplied under a U.S. Government contract the following also ap(cid:173)
`Restricted Rights Legend
`Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
`(c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or in sub(cid:173)
`paragraph (c) of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FARS 52.227-19.
`CODE V, ORA, and Global Synthesis are registered trademarks and Macro-PLUS and Worksheet Buffer are
`trademarks of Optical Research Associates.
`DEC, DECserver, DECwindows, MicroVAX, ReGIS, VAX, VAXstation, and VMS are
`registered trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation.
`Sun Microsystems, SunOS, Solaris, and Sun Workstation are registered trademarks and Sun, SunView, NFS,
`and OpenWindows are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc.
`SPARC and SPARCstation are registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc.
`Postscript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.
`UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX Systems Laboratories, Inc.
`X Windows is a product of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
`Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
`TEKTRONIX is a registered trademark of Tektronix, Inc.
`HP and HPGL are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company.
`Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
`BRIEF is a registered trademark of SOC Software Partners II, L.P.
`The Norton Utilities is a registered trademark of Symantec Corporation.
`PC Tools is a registered trademark of Central Point Software, Inc.
`WATCOM is a trademark of WATCOM Systems, Inc.
`Pharlap is a registered trademark of Pharlap Software, Inc.
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`1. Read:
`- CODE V Documentation (page vii) - it describes the role of each document in the set.
`- HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL, immediately following this material - it describes the
`special features of this Reference Manual.

`2. How you use this material is up to you, depending on your learning style and how quickly you
`have to come up to speed. Eventually you will acquire a mental "model" in your mind of
`CODE V's structure and how things work; once you have this "user model" in mind, everything
`will seem more natural to you. We have designed the structure with great care to give you all
`of the power of CODE V and its interface to the computer's operating system, and yet retain
`simplicity. The first appearance will be one of complexity, but as you use it you will see the
`3. Some people learn best by plunging in and trying things. If you are one, try the following "quick
`study" course:
`- Browse through Section 1A. Operating CODE V, picking up enough to sign on and know
`what other material is in there for future reference.
`- Get the concept of Immediate Commands p. 1 A- 1 O (and Chapter 1 O) so that when you
`want to change your working environment, you will know where to look. You can also put
`them into a file (DEFAULTS.SEQ) that will set up your own chosen environment each
`time you sign on to CODE V.
`- Get the concept that you feed in lens data and get it into shape for other calculations
`through the Lens Data Manager (the LDM - see later in this section and, for details,
`Chapter 2). The lens data is available to you and to the rest of the program at all times,
`until you start another lens or exit (hopefully having saved your priceless creation in the
`lens library - Section 2E).
`- The "other calculations" are called "options" and comprise Chapters 3 through 9.
`between options you are automatically back in the LDM (shown by the CODE V> prompt
`in command mode), ready to change lens data or run other options.
`- When you are in the LDM, it can accept LDM commands and Immediate commands.
`When you are in an option (shown by XXX> prompt in command mode where XXX is the
`option mnemonic), it can accept its own commands and Immediate commands.
`(Immediate commands are valid anytime).
`- A few options can alter the lens (AUTOMATIC DESIGN to optimize, TOR to generate
`tolerances. etc.), but most analyze different aspects of the lens, or generate information
`for mechanical design and fabrication.
`That's it. You have the structure of CODE V and the skeleton to hang your knowledge on; the
`rest is detail.
`Continued ....
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`Now try CODE V, using the following additional information:
`- If you want to use screens for input and control, browse through Section 1 D. Using
`Screens, and then try the Test Drive or Introductory User's Guide (each of which includes
`a subset of Section 1 D material and goes on into sample CODE V operations).
`- If you want to use commands for input and control, browse through and even duplicate
`the operations of Section 1 B. A User's Session. (But skip over the illustrative detours you
`do not want to explore). In the back of the Introductory User's Guide there are command
`equivalents for all of the screen examples, and the more complex examples are given in
`commands. To use commands on your own, you need to understand the rules given in
`Section 1 C. Syntax/Entry Rules - how to read the commands as written in the Reference
`Manual and Prompting Guide, and how to type them in. But don't worry, the syntax
`checker will let you know what, if anything is wrong.
`- BE AWARE THERE IS AN INDEX JUST FOR THE LDM, at the end of Section 2A. It is
`good because there are over 300 commands to set up all of the kinds of optical systems
`that CODE V can represent; usually only about 1 O of these are enough for an ordinary
`centered lens system.
`4. If you want a more leisurely pace before you try CODE V, there isn't any - except to read a little
`more in this section and do a quick scan of the other parts of this manual and the other
`manuals so you will know where to find things.
`5. If all else fails, call us - we offer telephone support every working day. Plus seminars several
`times a year.
`Once you are familiar with commands, look at the Macro Command Language in Chapter 11.
`You do not have to use the language, but you may find that it offers easier alternatives for
`control and input, great flexibility for handling special problems, and letting you extend the
`functionality of CODE V.
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`First. get familiar with its content and organization. Look at the main Table of Contents; then
`flip each tab and look at the table of contents following it; find the LDM index at the end of
`Section 2A and the indices at the back. Then read sections that interest you or for which you
`have immediate need; do not try to read and absorb the whole manual - it is a reference
`manual, not the world's greatest novel.
`Second, get familiar with the overall structure of CODE V and its relation to the manual:
`The LDM (Lens Data Manager):
`Section 2A - Entering and changing lens data items singly or in groups
`Section 28, 2C, 20, 2E - Operating on, displaying, testing and saving/restoring lens data
`as a whole
`The Options:
`Chapter 3 - Automatic Design
`Chapter 4 - Diagnostic Analysis/Graphics
`Chapter 5 - Image Evaluation
`Chapter 6 - Tolerancing
`Chapter 7 - Fabrication Support
`Chapter 8 - Environmental Analysis
`Chapter 9 - Systems Analysis and Multilayer Design
`Immediate Commands/Defaults (see Chapter 10)
`Utility Functions/Options (see Chapter 10)
`Macro-PLUS (see Chapter 11)
`Third, get familiar with the reference features and styles that are used in various sections:
`Reference features:
`- Tabs select major sections
`- Table of contents (and for options, an option index) immediately after each tab, and
`contiguous page numbering within each tabbed section help in quickly finding topics of
`- Contents page following each tab gives a description of the purpose of the section and
`purpose of each option or topic to aid selection.
`- Section 2A, for Entering/Changing Data has an extra level of sectioning:
`A master Table of Contents listing each section
`A local Table of Contents for each section highlighting the detailed contents
`Edge bars to act as tabs in finding each section
`At the end, the LDM Index, which lists all commands and major topics for the LDM
`(Sections 2A through 2E).
`These separate the more than 300 possible commands defining the lens.
`- Indices for the whole Reference Manual; these currently include an option index, a
`command index covering all commands, and a subject index.
`Continued ....
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`- Commands are in easy-to-select, boxed format. For example, the operation
`specifying the glass map in the AUTOMATIC DESIGN option within which
`variable glasses are to be constrained, is given by:
`Command Syntax
`Screen Prompt
`[ Sk I Si..j] map_corner1 map_corner2 map_corner3 .... 5
`Glass map boundary
`points ...
`Constrain variable, fictitious glasses on speci- GLA SA 487.704
`fied surfaces to lie within a convex poly.gen in
`the nd vs. nF - nc glass map shown on the next
`page. This polygon is defined by specifying, in
`clockwise order, 3 to 5 glasses at the corner
`points, using fictitious glass codes. Multiple
`GLA commands may be given; the commands
`and surface ranges are cumulative. If no sur-
`face range is given map applies to all variable
`In general,
`Syntax statement -
`Follows rules for reading and entry defined in Section 1 C. Commands in
`Section 2A which represent variables and
`their control codes
`AUTOMATIC DESIGN have a reference to their partner added to the syntax
`box (see, for example, the CUY command).
`Screen Prompt -
`Enough of the words on the screen to identify the particular entry for the
`screens user.
`Explanation -
`In general, a concise but complete description of what the command will do
`by itself and its limitations; examples of correct syntax are included If needed
`to clear up ambiguities, but not to illustrate optical points; use of multiple
`commands to accomplish a particular task are placed in nearby sections on
`usage or discussion of input and output.
`Default -
`What happens when the command is omitted; if no Default is given, there is
`no default action; If the command, when issued, has values which are
`supplied by default, they are provided in the Explanation.
`Continued ....
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`Style features:
`The LDM (Lens Data Manager):
`Section 2A -
`Exp'lanatory notes, when needed, precede the command descriptions to tie
`them into the overall concept of constructing data for your optical system. (The
`screen prompt is currently omitted, pending development of an appropriate

`Section 28, 2C, 2D, 2E -
`More like the options, these have their explanatory notes in a Usage section
`following the commands.
`The Options (for each):
`Purpose -
`A quick overview of what the option does, so you can tell whether it is the one
`you need. Also it is in the chapter Table of Contents, for the same purpose.
`Default Operation -
`Tells what will happen when the option is run with no additional option
`commands - the base on which you can build and modify the option's action.
`This usually is the simplest, most frequently used, and/or most optically logical
`use of the option.
`Screen Flow Diagram -
`Shows the relationship between the screens (which comes first, etc.) used just
`in the option, with a unique screen identifier code (AUT 1, AUT 1-1, etc.) that
`matches the code found in the upper left hand corner of the screen itself.
`Screens -
`Shows the way they look. Multiple screens for an option are organized by
`topics which appear centered just below the option name in the top line; within
`each screen entries are organized by topic also, with those most frequently
`needed and/or most important at the top.
`Command Mnemonics (Alphabetical) -
`Summary list of the command mnemonics so that you can verify by quick scan
`that the one you are looking for is there.
`Commands -
`See above for example and content. These are organized in parallel to their
`order of appearance in the screens and under similar topics.
`Discussion of Input and Computations -
`Discusses the default computations, nuances of commands (HOW, WHEN
`and WHY to use), how commands affect the computation and are used to
`solve particular optical problems, and examples of input.
`Description of Output -
`Covers interpretation of output, how commands can alter the form of output
`and examples of commands needed to generate specific listings or plots.
`Included are examples of runs you can make to duplicate the output shown.
`Continued ....
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`Technical Notes -
`If present, provide information and references which may contribute to the
`understanding of the behavior of the CODE V option.
`For each option, the portion of text that is likely to be needed most frequently
`(default operation, screens, and commands) are first, to aid in quick reference; the
`remaining sections need to be read once or referenced infrequently and are last.
`Within each chapter options are arranged in the same order as the screen menu
`used to select them, which generally places them with the most important, or
`frequently used, options at the beginning of the chapter.
`Immediate Commands/Defaults:
`Explanatory notes are in a Usage section following the commands.
`Utility Functions/Options:
`Like other options, explanatory notes are covered in discussions of input and
`Fourth, try using CODE V, using this and the other documentation to augment your knowledge.
`P.S. A word about version numbers and manual updates ......
`This manual corresponds to program release 7.60; the next major release will be 8.0, for which
`a new Prompting Guide and update for the Reference Manual will be provided. After each
`major release, minor releases will be issued periodically to fix critical bugs reported by
`customers and Optical Research Associates (ORA®) staff. These intermediate releases, if
`needed, will be numbered 7.61 , 7.62, etc.
`Only by regular insertion of each update as it is received will this manual be up to date and
`accurate; the version number and date on the cover page (which will be updated, too) will
`identify the level of your manual. To be sure that you continue to receive updates, please
`send any change of address to ORA, referring to CODE V documentation.
`Pages which have been updated carry identifying marks according to the following plan:
`- Identified with the release (i.e., 7.60) at the bottom of each page that was part of the
`corresponding update; if the update page is not Identified with the release, the change
`must be on the other side. Reasons for the change are indicated by th in change bars on
`the outer edge or by horizontal change bars at the top, inner edge:
`- No change bar - Typo correction, a page supplied as part of re-paging, or a
`change of style, not content.
`- Change bar on outer edge of page - SIGNIFICANT CHANGE - Content of
`lines it matches have been changed in the documentation and/or represent a
`program change, or enhancement.
`- Horizontal change bar at top of page - ALL NEW PAGE - This usually
`represents a documentation addition. If a new option or major new section and
`capability for the LDM is added, it will also carry this top change bar.
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`What is included in the documentation set?
`The full CODE V documentation set consists of:
`Introductory User's Guide
`2. Test Drive - An Introduction to the Screens Interface
`3. Prompting Guide
`4. Reference Manual - This manual, in three volumes
`The first three have been given to you previously or with this manual. Other materials
`available from ORA are:
`1. Training Materials
`- for attendees of CODE V seminars
`2. ORA Network Access Guide
`- for users of the ORA VAX Computing Facility, either through TYMNET, direct
`phone line or at ORA
`What is the best way to use these materials?
`- Test Drive:
`Best for a short (- 1 hour) self-guided demonstration of simple screen operations
`in CODE V.
`- Introductory User's Guide:
`The best place to start for understanding CODE V and its use:
`- A comprehensive introduction to CODE V using the screens mode of data
`entry and sampling most frequently used features
`- Examples of how to use CODE V to design and evaluate lenses, with
`examples using both screens and commands
`- Prompting Guide:
`Best for the command mode user; familiar commands will have enough material
`that no further information is needed; unfamiliar commands will trigger use of the
`Reference Manual for more detail. Contains:
`- The complete command syntax definition for every command
`- An identifying phrase with critical information
`- An abbreviated representation of the default effect of omitting the command
`(it sometimes serves as an example, also).
`- Reference Manual:
`The most complete definition of CODE V.
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`Why is the Reference Manual in multiple volumes?
`Our goals are to provide:
`- The most comprehensive program:
`- Over 1000 commands are available to model almost any conceivable lens
`system and to apply a broad range of calculations to it. More than 350
`commands are available just to describe the attributes of the lens itself (in
`the LDM).
`- A number of planned-for extensions, including:
`- User-defined error function
`- MTF optimization
`- First-order optical system layout aids
`- Programs to aid diagnosis of problems in optical system structure
`- More examples and operational tips
`- The easiest-to-use program:
`- EASE (Easy Access Screen Entry) allows the user to run completely without
`using commands or to intermix the two
`- Only about 1 o LDM commands are needed to describe centered lens
`- Useful, optically valid defaults are provided for missing data
`- In almost all options, defaults produce standard results that are useful in their
`entirety or as a building block for further runs
`- A full HELP facility of several levels is available at all times on-line
`- Comprehensible messages that give information about what is happening,
`warnings of possible problems, and errors on unallowable inputs
`- A designer-oriented tool:
`- Planned and developed by active optical engineers, for optical engineers, for
`efficiency of use
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`Preface ......................................................... .......................... .............................. ........... i
`READ FIRST - Thi ngs You Should Know When First Using CODE V
`How to Use This Manual
`CODE V Documentation
`Table of Contents .... .. ............ .. ....................................................................................... x
`1. OVERVIEW / INTRODUCTION ................................................. ...... .... .. ............................ 1-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Introduction to CODE V
`The Architecture and Structure of CODE V
`A. Operating CODE V .................................................................... ................. .......... 1A-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Important Commands
`VMS Help on CODE V (VAX only)
`Choosing a Version of CODE V
`Starting CODE V on a VAX
`Starting CODE Von a Sun
`Starting CODE Von a PC
`Starting CODE V from a CODE V Icon
`Starting CODE V from a DOS Window
`Control of System Messages - Batch Jobs (VAXNMS only)
`Exit from CODE V
`Immediate Commands
`Correcting/Reusing Commands
`Option Processing
`Files Used by CODE V
`File Naming Conventions in CODE V
`File Types used in CODE V
`Editing Files
`File Input/Output, Printing, and Plotting
`Text Output
`SEQ File Output (for lenses only)
`Graphics Output
`Graphics Devices
`Sending Data to Printers, Plotters, and Raster Graphics Devices
`Plotting and Printing after Exit
`Starting Other Processes from within CODE V
`Defaults Setup
`User-defined Functions and User Versions of CODE V
`User-defined Graphics Drivers
`CODE V Accounting (Sun and VAX only)
`The Accounting File
`Required Monthly Accounting Report (Variable Fee Licenses)
`Optional Accounting Reports
`Dynamic Memory
`Appendix 1A-A- Implementing a User-defined Gradient
`Appendix 1A-B - Implementing a User-defined Surface
`Appendix 1 A-C - Implementing a User-defined Macro-PLUS Subroutine
`Appendix 1 A-D - Calculating Dynamic Memory Requirements
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`Table of Contents (continued)
`Appendix 1A-E- Lenses Supplied with CODE V
`Sample Lenses
`Optical Suppliers' Lens Catalogs
`Lens Catalogs
`Catalog Lens Data Format
`Using the Catalog Lenses
`Catalog Lens Design Example
`Searching the Catalog Lenses
`SEARCH Example
`Database Lenses
`Appendix 1 A-F - CODE V on the VAXstation
`Getting Started
`CODE V Commands for the VAXstation Environment
`General Information and Restrictions
`Appendix 1A-G - CODE Von a Sun SPARCstation
`Getting Started
`CODE V Commands for the SPARCstation Environment
`Appendix 1 A-H - Running from an X Window Device
`Running CODE V from an X Window Device
`Controlling Graphics Windows on X Window Devices
`Appendix 1 A-1- Printing and Plotting Outside of CODE V
`Plotting Outside of CODE V (CVPLOT Command)
`Printing Outside of CODE V (CVPRINT Command)
`Plotting Raster Files Outside of CODE V (CVRAST Command)
`8. A User's Session ..................................... .............................................................. 18-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`The Optical Problem
`A Note on Typography
`Logging In and Running CODE V
`Setting Up Your Session
`Defining a New Lens
`Getting Help
`Entering Surface Data
`Saving and Displaying Data
`Adding Zoom Data
`Running CODE V Options
`Changing Your Lens
`Using Sequence Files
`Accessing the VMS Operating System f ram CODE V
`Wrapping Up
`C. Syntax/Entry Rules ................................................................................................ 1 C-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Syntax Description
`Command Line Format and Elements
`Additional Syntax Elements for AUT (Automatic Design)
`The Syntax Definition
`Command Entry Rules
`Rules for Interpreting Command Notation
`Additional Rules for the LDM
`Rules for Command Entry
`CODE V File Usage
`CODE V Glass Names
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`Table of Contents (continued)
`D. Using Screens ................................ ............................................................. .......... 1 D-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Purpose of Screens
`Screens Requirements
`Communication Speed
`Screens Terminology
`Keyboard Terminology
`Screen "Command" Keys (GOLD Commands)
`"Global" GOLD Commands
`Lens Data Manager (LDM) GOLD Commands
`Screen "Shortcuts"
`GOLD/Q "Quick" Command
`Screen Files
`What Are "Screen Files"?
`Automatic Saving of Screens
`GOLD/F (Files Command)
`GOLD/F Menu Items
`Relationship between Screen and Command Mode
`Screen Errors and Error Recovery
`Typical Screen Session
`VAX CODE V Keyboard
`Sun CODE V Keyboard
`Appendix 1 0-A - Gold Key Reference Card
`2. LENS DATA ............................................................................... .................... .................... 2-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`THE LDM - Introduction
`A.) Entering/Changing Data ....... ............. ................................................... .................. 2A-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Re-starting for New Lens
`Specification Data
`Depth of Focus
`Designating Glasses on Surfaces
`Using Pre-stored Glass Catalogs
`Using Fictitious Glasses
`Using Reflecting Surfaces
`Using Private Glass Catalog
`Other Properties
`Surface Shape & Position
`Representing Optical Systems in CODE V/Surface Order
`Entering Surface Data
`Shorthand Surface Entry
`Inserting/Deleting/Copying Surfaces
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`Table of Contents (continued)
`Glass Change
`Sphere/Cylinder Surfaces
`Introduction to Decentered Systems
`Global Reference System
`Other Decentered Capabilities
`Global References
`Surface Tilts/Decenters
`Element Structure
`First Surface Mirror Substrates
`Coating/Cement Data
`Usage in CODE V
`Interpreting Command Descriptions
`Centered Tolerances
`Irregularity Tolerances
`Single Surface Decenter and Displacement Tolerances
`Group Decentering Tolerances
`Other Controls
`Description of Tolerances
`Zoom/Dezoom Facility
`Variable Designation/Control Codes
`A. Entering/Changing Data - SPECIAL TOPICS ................................. .................. 2A-201
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`CON/ASP - Conic/Asphere
`- X-Toroid of Base Asphere
`- Y-Toroid of Base Asphere
`- Thermal Gradient on Base Asphere
`- Radial Spline Asphere
`- Anamorphic Asphere
`- Diffractive Surfaces - Diffraction Grating on Base Asphere
`- Diffractive Surfaces - Holographic Surface
`MOD - Lens Module ("Black Box" Lens)
`- User-defined Surface
`Regular Grid, Parallel Array
`Individual General Channels
`Polynomial Decenter and Tilt Channels
`Introduction - When to Use Non-Sequential Surfaces
`Implementation of NS Ray Tracing
`High Level Modules
`Constructing Non-Sequential Surface Ranges - NS Primitives
`Getting Started with Non-Sequential Ray Tracing
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`Table of Contents (continued)
`Definitions & Examples
`General Commands
`General Apodization
`Gaussian Apodization
`Introduction/Polarization Ray Tracing
`Defining the Input Polarization
`Its Effect on Imagery/Modeling Effects that Alter the Polarization State of a Beam
`Use of Polarization Ray Trace Information by CODE V
`Activating Polarization Ray Tracing/Geometrical Representation
`Jones Vector Representation
`Stokes Parameters/Specifying Linear Polarizers and Retarders
`Examples of Output
`Intensity Apodization
`INT Files
`Coordinate Systems and Sign Conventions
`Zernike Polynomials
`INT File Format
`Interface to Commercial Interferometers
`Sample Output
`Technical Notes
`Attaching INT Data to the Surface
`Orientation of INT Data
`Introduction/Running MSC/NASTRAN/Running CVNAS
`Output/U nits/Dynamic Analyses
`Sample Files
`B. Operations on Lens Data ....................................................................................... 28-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`End-for-End Flips
`Scale Lens System
`Ray-based Setting of Data
`C. Displaying Data ............................................................................ ......................... 2C-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Listing of Data
`Drawing of Lens
`LGE Exhibit 1015A
`LGE v. ImmerVision - IPR2020-00179
`Page 17 of 103


`D. Quick Analyses ..................................................................................... ................ 2D-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Table of Contents (continued)
`Evaluate Optical Values
`First-order Calculations
`Third-order Calculations
`Single Ray Traces
`Single Ray Trace Output Format
`E. Saving/Restoring Data...................................... ..... ............................................... 2E-1
`Table of Contents (tor this section)
`Save and Restore Data
`Copying Stored Lens into Current Lens
`Converting Lens to Sequence Data
`INDICES .......................................................... ............................................................... lndices-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`Option Index
`Command Index
`Subject Index
`Table of Contents ............................................................................................................. ii
`3. AUTOMATIC DESIGN ............................................................................. ... ...................... 3-1
`Table of Contents (for this section)
`AUT- ........................................................................................................ Automatic Design
`Specific Constraints
`Optical Definitions
`Manufacturing and Packaging
`Paraxial Ray Trace Data
`First- and Third-order Aberrations
`Real Ray Trace Data
`Holographic Optical Elements
`General Constraints
`Optimization Controls
`Global Synthesis
`Exit Conditions
`Error Function Construction
`Through-Focus Optimization
`Ray Grid
`MTF Optimization
`User-defined Error Function
`Outputs to Macro-PLUS
`LGE Exhibit 1015A
`LGE v. ImmerVision - IPR2020-00179
`Page 18 of 103


`Table of Contents (continued)
`4. DIAGNOSTIC ANALYSIS/GRAPHICS ........................................................

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