
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`November 01, 2018
`FILING DATE: December 14, 2000
`PATENT NUMBER: 6,654,507
`ISSUE DATE: November 25, 2003
`By Authority of the
`_ ~ ‘
`Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property
`and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office E
`Certifying Officer
`PART (/ ) OF 92) PART(S)
`Page 1 of 263
`BOSCH EXHIBIT 1002 Part 1 of 2
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`BOSCH EXHIBIT 1002 Part 1 of 2


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` The term of this patent shall
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`12/20/2000 ms ooooom «was
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`144.00 cu
`8% Ffiflgé
`'U.S. GPO: 2000-468-987/39595
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`Page 1 of 1
`.17 Data Sheet
`Jiebo Luo, Rochester, NY;
`He CONTINUING DATA mkkiuhfli'flltfiifikiikfiitnlxl
`* FOREIGN APPLICATIONS ******W*****W*******
`GRANTED ** 02/06/2001
`'nPrioity [aimed
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`D yes
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`Patent Legal Staff
`Eastman Kodak Company
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`Box Patent Application
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`First Named Inventor (or Application Identifier):
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`Registration No. 22,049
`Page 5 of 263
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`Docket No:
`Jiebo Luo
`William F. Noval
`Commissioner for Patents
`Attn: Box Patent Application
`Washington, DC 20231
`Express Mail Label No: 5L0? <0 7/(3 [a A575“) 05
`numeral) #401000
`Page 6 of 263
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`Reference is made to commonly assigned US. Patent Application
`Serial No.097490,915, filed January 25, 2000, entitled “Method for Automatically
`Creating Cropped and Zoomed Versions of Photographic images” by Jiebo Luo et
`al., and assigned US. Patent Application Serial No. 057223360, filed December
`31, 1998, entitled “Method for Automatic Determination o\fMain Subjects in
`Photographic Images”, by Jiebo Luo et al., the disclosures of which are
`incorporated herein by reference.
`This invention relates in general to producing an image of a portion
`of a photographic image by using digital image processing.
`For many decades, traditional commercial photofinishing systems
`have placed limits on the features offered to consumers to promote mass
`production. Among those features that are unavailable conventionally, zooming
`and cropping have been identified by both consumers and photofinishers as
`extremely useful additional features that could potentially improve the quality of
`the finished photographs and the subsequent picture sharing experiences. With
`the advent of, and rapid advances in digital imaging, many of the technical
`barriers that existed in traditional photography no longer stand insurmountable.
`Hybrid and digital photography provide the ability to crop
`undesirable content from a picture, and magnify or zoom the desired content to fill
`the entire photographic print. In spite of the fact that some traditional cameras
`with zoom capability provide consumers greater control over composing the
`desired scene content, studies have found that photographers may still wish to
`perform a certain amount of cropping and zooming when Viewing the finished
`photograph at a later time. Imprecise viewfinders of many point-and-shoot
`Page 7 of 263
`Page 7 of 263


`cameras, as well as simply second-guessing their initial compositions, are factors
`in the desirability of zoom and crop. In addition, it may be desirable to use some
`other regular border templates such as ovals, heart shapes, squares, etc. In another
`scenario, some people commonly referred to as “scrapbookers” tend to perform
`more aggressive crop in making a scrapbook, e.g., cutting along the boundary of
`There are significant differences in objectives and behaviors
`between“these’twotypesofcropping; namelyalbum-making and-scrapbookwv
`making, with the latter more difficult to understand and summarize. The
`invention described below performs automatic zooming and cropping for making
`photographic prints. One customer focus group study indicated that it would be
`beneficial to provide customers a double set of prints —- one regular and one zoom.
`Moreover, it is preferred that the cropping and zooming be done automatically.
`Most customers do not want to think about how the zooming and cropping is
`being done as long as the content and quality (e.g., sharpness) of the cropped and
`zoomed pictures is acceptable.
`There has been little research on automatic zoom and crop due to
`the apparent difficulty involved in performing such a task. None of the known
`conventional image manipulation software uses scene content in determining the
`automatic crop amount. For example, a program entitled “XV”, a freeware
`package developed by John Bradley at University of Pennsylvania, USA
`(Department of Computer and Information Science), provides an "autocrop"
`function for manipulating images and operates in the following way:
`the program examines a border line of an image, in all of the four
`directions, namely fi‘om the top, bottom, left and right sides;
`the program checks the variation within the line. In grayscale
`images, a line has to be uniform to be cropped. In color images, both the spatial
`correlation and spectral correlation have to be low, except for a small percentage
`of pixels, for the line to be qualified for cropping. In other words, a line will not
`be cropped if it contains a significant amount of variation;
`if a line along one dimension passes the criterion, the next line
`(row or colunm) inward is then examined; and
`Page 8 of 263
`Page 8 of 263


`the final cropped image is determined when the above recursive
`process stops.
`This program essentially tries to remove relatively homogeneous
`margins around the borders of an image. It does not examine the overall content of
`the image. In practice, the XV program is effective in cropping out the dark
`border generated due to imprecise alignment during the scanning process.
`However, disastrous results can often be produced due to the apparent lack of
`scene understanding. In some extreme cases, the entire image can be cropped.
`Another conventional system, described by Bollman et al. in US.
`Patent 5,978,519 provides a method for cropping images based upon the different
`intensity levels within the image. With this system, an image to be cropped is
`scaled down to a grid and divided into non—overlapping blocks. The mean and
`variance of intensity levels are calculated for each block. Based on the
`distribution of variances in the blocks, a threshold is selected for the variance. All
`blocks with a variance higher than the threshold variance are selected as regions
`of interest. The regions of interest are then cropped to a bounding rectangle.
`However, such a system is only effective when uncropped images contain regions
`where intensity levels are uniform and other regions where intensity levels vary
`considerably. The effectiveness of such a system is expected to be comparable to
`that of the XV program. The difference is that the XV program examines the
`image in a line by line fashion to identify uniform areas, while Bollman examines
`the image in a block by block fashion to identify uniform areas.
`In summary, both techniques cannot deal with images with non—
`uniform background.
`In addition, in the earlier invention disclosed in US. Patent
`Application Serial No. 09/490,915, filed January 25, 2000, the zoom factor needs
`to be specified by the user. There is, therefore, a need for automatically
`determining the zoom factor in order to automate the entire zoom and crop
`Some optical printing systems have the capability of changing the
`optical magnification of the relay lens used in the photographic copying process.
`In US. Patent 5,995,201, Sakaguchi describes a method of varying the effective
`Page 9 of 263
`Page 9 of 263


`— 4 —
`magnification of prints made from film originals utilizing a fixed optical lens
`instead of zoom lens. In US. Patent 5,872,619, Stephenson et al. describe a
`method of printing photographs from a processed photographic filmstrip having
`images of different widths measured longitudinally of the filmstrip and having
`heights measured transversely of the filmstrip. This method uses a photographic
`printer having a zoom lens and a printing mask to provide printed images having a
`selected print width and a selected print height. In US. Patent 4,809,064, Amos et
`al. describe an apparatus for printing a selected region of a photographic negative
`onto a photosensitive paper to form an enlarged and cropped photographic print.
`This apparatus includes means for projecting the photographic negative onto first
`and second zoom lenses, each of the zoom lenses having an adjustable
`magnification. In US. Patent 5,872,643, Maeda et al. describe a film reproducing
`apparatus that can effectively perform zoom and crop. This apparatus includes an
`image pick-up device which picks up a film frame image recorded on a film to
`generate image data, an information reader which reads information about
`photographing conditions of the film frame image, and a reproducing area
`designator which designates a reproducing area of the film fi'ame image.
`However, the reproducing area of the film frame image is determined based on
`pre-recorded information about the position of the main object, as indicated by
`which zone of the photograph the automatic focusing (AF) operation in the
`camera was on — part of the recorded information about photographing conditions.
`In all the above-mentioned optical printing systems, the position of the
`photographic film sample and magnification factor of the relay lens are pre-
`According to the present invention, there is provided a solution to
`the problems of the prior art. It is an object of the present invention to provide a
`method for producing a portion of a photographic image by identifying the main
`subject of the photographic image.
`According to a feature of the present invention, there is provided
`a method of producing an image of at least a portion of a digital image,
`Page 10 of 263
`Page 10 of 263


`comprising the steps of:
`a) providing a digital image having pixels;
`b) computing a belief map of the digital image, by using the pixels
`of the digital image to determine a series of features, and using such features to
`assign the probability of the location of a main subject of the digital image in the
`belief map;
`c) determining a crop window having a shape and a zoom factor,
`the shape and zoom factor determining a size of the crop window; and
`d) cropping the digital image to include a portion of the image of
`high subject content in response to the belief map and the crop window.
`One advantage of the invention lies in the ability to automatically
`crop and zoom photographic images based upon the scene contents. The digital
`image processing steps employed by the present invention includes a step of
`identifying the main subject within the digital image. The present invention uses
`the identified main subject of the digital image to automatically zoom and crop the
`image. Therefore, the present invention produces hi gh—quality zoomed or cropped
`images automatically, regardless whether the background is uniform or not.
`The foregoing and other objects, aspects and advantages will be better
`understood from the following detailed description of a preferred embodiment of
`the invention with reference to the drawings, in which:
`F1g\1 is a schematic diagram of a system embodiment of the invention;
`Fig. 2 is a schematic architectural diagram of an embodiment of the
`Fig. 3. is a schematic architectural diagram of an embodiment of the invention;
`Fig. Z is a schematic architectural diagram of an embodiment of the
`Fig. 5 illustrates the application of the invention to a simulated
`Page 11 of 263
`Page 11 of 263


`F1g‘6 illustrates the application of the invention to a simulated
`F1E7 illustrates the application ofthe invention to a simulated
`Fig. 8 illustrates the application of the invention to a simulated
`Fig‘.‘9rillustrates the application of the invention to a simulated
`Fig; 10 illustrates the application of the invention to a simulated
`Fig."1-;1 illustrates the application of the invention to a simulated
`Fig‘an illustrates the application of the invention to a simulated
`Fi‘gNS is an exemplary uncropped photograph;
`Figs,“ is a belief map of the image shown in FIG. 13;
`Figlfilj is a cropped version of the image shown in FIG. 13;
`Fig.= 17 is a belief map of the image shown in FIG. 16; and
`Fig. 1‘8 is a cropped version ofthe image shown in FIG. 16.
`The invention automatically zooms and crops digital images
`according to an analysis of the main subject in the scene. Previously, a system for
`detecting main subjects (e.g., main subject detection or “MSD”) in a consumer-
`type photographic image from the perspective of a third-party observer has been
`developed and is described in US. Patent Application Serial No. 09/223,860, filed
`December 31, 1998, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference.
`Main subject detection provides a measure of saliency'or relative importance for
`different regions that are associated with different subjects in an image. Main
`subject detection enables a discriminative treatment of the scene content for a
`number of applications related to consumer photographic images, including
`automatic crop and zoom.
`Page 12 of 263
`Page 12 of 263


`_ 7 _
`Conventional wisdom in the field of computer Vision, which
`reflects how a human observer would perform such tasks as main subject
`detection and cropping, calls for a problem-solving path Via object recognition and
`scene content determination according to the semantic meaning of recognized
`objects. However, generic object recognition remains a largely unsolved problem
`despite decades of effort from academia and industry.
`The MSD system is built upon mostly low-level vision features
`with semantic information integrated whenever available. This MSD system has a
`number of sub-tasks, including region segmentation, perceptual grouping, feature
`extraction, and probabilistic and semantic reasoning. In particular, a large number
`of features are extracted for each segmented region in the image to represent a
`wide variety of visual saliency properties, which are then input into a tunable,
`extensible probability network to generate a belief map containing a continuum of
`Using MSD, regions that belong to the main subject are generally
`differentiated from the background clutter in the image. Thus, automatic zoom
`and crop becomes possible. Automatic zoom and crop is a nontrivial operation
`that was considered impossible for unconstrained images, which do not
`necessarily contain uniform background, without a certain amount of scene
`understanding. In the absence of content-driven cropping, conventional systems
`have concentrated on simply using a centered crop at a fixed zoom
`(magnification) factor, or removing the uniform background touching the image
`borders. The centered crop has been found unappealing to customers.
`The output of MSD used by the invention is a list of segmented
`regions ranked in descending order of their likelihood (or belief) as potential main
`subjects for a generic or specific application. This list can be readily converted
`into a map in which the brightness of a region is proportional to the main subject
`belief of the region. Therefore, this map can be called a main subject “belief”
`map. This “belief ’ map is more than a binary map that only indicates location of
`the determined main subject. The associated likelihood is also attached to each
`region so that regions with large values correspond to regions with high
`confidence or belief of being part of the main subject.
`Page 13 of 263
`Page 13 of 263


`To some extent, this belief map reflects the inherent uncertainty for
`humans to perform such a task as MSD because different observers may disagree
`on certain subject matter while agreeing on other subject matter in terms of main
`subjects. However, a binary decision, when desired, can be readily obtained by
`using an appropriate threshold on the belief map. Moreover, the belief
`information may be very useful for downstream applications. For example,
`different weighting factors can be assigned to different regions (subject matters) in
`determining the amount of crop.
`For determination of crop, the invention uses the main subject
`belief map instead of a binarized version of the map to avoid making a bad
`cropping decision that is irreversible. Furthermore, using the continuous values of
`the main subject beliefs helps trade—off different regions under the constraints
`encountered in cropping. A binary decision on what to include and what not to
`include, once made, leaves little room for trade-off. For example, if the main
`subject region is smaller than the crop window, the only reasonable choice, given
`a binary main subject map, is to leave equal amounts of margin around the main
`subject region. On the other hand, secondary main subjects are indicated by lower
`belief values in the main subject belief map, and can be included according to a
`descending order of belief values once the main subject of highest belief values
`are included. Moreover, if an undesirable binary decision on what to
`include/exclude is made, there is no recourse to correct the mistake.
`Consequently, the cropping result becomes sensitive to the threshold used to
`obtain the binary decision. With a continuous-valued main subject belief map,
`every region or object is associated with a likelihood of being included or a belief
`value in its being included.
`To reduce the degrees of freedom in determining the amount of
`crop, and to limit the amount of resolution loss incurred in the zoom process, in
`particular for making photographic prints, in one embodiment, the invention
`restricts the set of allowable zoom factors to the range of [1.2, 4]. This is based on
`the findings in the customer focus studies. Those skilled in the art would
`recognize that the present invention could be used with any the zoom factor.
`Page 14 of 263
`Page 14 of 263


`_ 9 _
`To reduce the degrees of freedom in determining the amount of
`crop, in particular for making photographic prints, in one embodiment, the
`invention restricts the set of allowable zoom factors to the range of [1.2, 4.0].
`This is based on the findings in the customer focus studies. In addition, an
`extremely large zoom factor usually leads to blurry and unacceptable picture due
`to the limit imposed by the resolution of the original image. If a zoom factor
`determined by the present invention falls within the range of acceptable zoom
`factors (e.g., between 1.2 and 4.0), it will be used in the subsequent cropping
`process. Otherwise, the zoom factor is clipped to 1.2 at the lower end and 4.0 at
`the higher end.
`General Description ofDigital and Optical Printer System
`Referring to Fig. 1, the following description relates to a digital
`printing system. A source digital image 10 is received by a digital image
`processor 20. The digital image processor 20 may be connected to a general
`control computer 40 under operator control from an input control device 60. The
`monitor device 50 displays diagnostic information about the digital printing
`system. The general digital image processor 20 performs the needed image
`processing to produce a cropped and zoomed digital image 99.
`Referring to Fig. la, the following description relates to an optical
`printing system. A photographic film sample 31 is received by a film scanner 32
`which produces a source digital image 10 relating to the spatial density
`distribution of the photographic film sample. This source digital image is
`received by a digital image processor 20. The digital image processor 20 may be
`connected to a general control computer 40 under operator control from an input
`control device 60. The monitor device 50 displays diagnostic information about
`the optical printing system. The general control computer 40 keeps track of the
`lens magnification setting.
`Referring to Fig. 2, a zoom factor 11, which corresponds to the lens
`magnification setting may also received by the image processor 20 from the
`general control computer 40 under operator control. The image processor 20
`receives the source digital image 10 and uses the zoom factor 11 and the source
`digital image 10 to calculate the proper position for the photographic film sample
`Page 15 of 263
`Page 15 of 263


`in the form of a film sample position 9. The photographic film sample is
`positioned in a gate device 36 which holds the film negative in place during the
`exposure. The gate device 36 receives the film sample position 9 to position the
`photographic film sample to adjust which portion of the imaging area of the
`photograph will be printed.
`Referring to Fig. la, a lamp house 34 provides the illumination
`source which is transmitted through the photographic film sample 31 and focused
`by a lens 12 onto photographic paper 38. The time integration device 13 opens
`and closes a shutter for a variable length of time allowing the focused light from
`the lamp house 34 to expose the photographic paper 38. The exposure control
`device 16 receives a brightness balance value from the digital image processor 20.
`The exposure control device 16 uses the brightness balance value to regulate the
`length of time the shutter of the time integration device stays open.
`A block diagram of the inventive cropping process (e. g., the digital
`image understanding technology) is shown in Fig. 3, which is discussed in relation
`to Figs. 5-12. Figs. 5—12 illustrate the inventive process being applied to an
`original image shown in Fig. 5.
`In item 200, the belief map is created using MSD. The present
`invention automatically determines a zoom factor (e. g. 1.5X) and a crop window
`80 (as shown in Fig. 7), as referred to in item 201 of Fig. 3. This zoom factor is
`selected by an automatic method based directly on the main subj ect belief map
`(e.g., an estimate of the size of the main subject). The crop window is typically a
`rectangular Window with a certain aspect ratio. After the zoom factor is
`determined by the digital image processor 20, the value of the zoom factor is used
`subsequently by the digital image processor 20 shown in Fig. 1. In Fig. la, the
`zoom factor is used to communicate with the lens 12 to adjust the lens
`magnification setting. This adjustment allows the lens 12 to image the appropriate
`size of the photographic film sample 31 onto the photographic paper 38.
`In item 201, regions of the belief map are clustered and the lowest
`belief cluster (e.g., the background belief) is set to zero using a predefined
`threshold. As discussed in greater detail below, sections of the image having a
`belief value below a certain threshold are considered background sections. In
`Page 16 of 263
`Page 16 of 263


`item 202 such sections are given a belief of zero for purposes of this embodiment
`of the invention.
`Then, in item 202 the centroid, or center—of—mass (used
`interchangeably hereon forth), of nonzero beliefs are computed. More
`specifically, in Fig. 5 the subject having the highest belief in the belief map is the
`woman and the stroller. Fig—.7 illustrates that the centroid of this subject is
`approximately the top of the baby's head.
`The centroid ()2, )9) of a belief map is calculated using the following
`5c = 2x.bel(x,..y.-). 9 = Zy.bez(x,..y,.),
`where xi and y,. denote that coordinates of a pixel in the belief map
`and bel(x,. , yi) represents the belief value at this pixel location.
`Before the crop window is placed, a proper crop window is
`determined in item 203. Referring to Fig. 4, there is shown a block diagram of a
`method that automatically determines a zoom factor in response to the belief map.
`In item 301, two second—order central moments, cXX and cm with respect to the
`center—of—mass, are computed using the following procedure:
`Zea,- —2)2 xbeleny.)
`20.— —r)2 xbel(x.-,y.-)
`Note that these two terms are not the conventional central moments
`that are computed without any weighting functions. In the preferred embodiment,
`a linear weighting function of the belief values is used. However, the
`conventional central moments, or central moments by a nonlinear function of the
`belief values, can also be used.
`An effective bounding rectangle (MBR) of the regions of high
`subject content can be calculated using the following procedure, where the
`dimensions of the MBR are calculated by:
`DX =2x 3><cu ,D}, =2x .Bxcyy
`Page 17 of 263
`Page 17 of 263


`Fig. 6 illustrates that the effective bounding rectangle 70 is
`centered at approximately the top of the boy’s head and approximately
`encompasses the region of high subject content. In general, the aspect ratio of the
`original image is maintained. Therefore, a crop window 80 is determined in item
`303 such that it is the smallest rectangle of the original aspect ratio that
`encompaSSes the effective MBR 70.
`In item 204, the initial position of the crop window p 80 is centered
`at the centroid, as shown in Fig. 7.
`The crop window is 80 then moved so that the entire crop window
`is within the original image (e.g. item 205) as shown in Fig. 8. In item 206, the
`crop window 80 is moved again so that all the regions of the highest belief values
`(“main subject”) are included within the crop window and to create a margin 81,
`as shown in FIG. 9. This process (e. g., 206) captures the entire subject of interest.
`Therefore, as shown in Fig. 9, the top of the woman's head is included in the crop
`window. Compare this to Fig. 8 where the top of the woman's head was outside
`the crop window.
`Decision box 207 determines whether an acceptable solution has
`been found, i.e., whether it is possible to include at least the regions of the highest
`belief values in the crop window.
`If an acceptable solution exists, the window is again moved, as
`shown in item 208, to optimize a subject content index for the crop Window. The
`preferred embodiment of the present invention defines the subject content index as
`the sum of belief values within the crop window. It should be noted that the
`present invention specifies higher numerical belief values corresponding to higher
`main subject probability. Therefore, finding a numerical maximum of the sum of
`the belief values is equivalent to finding an optimum of the subject content index.
`This is shown in Fig. 10 where the secondary objects (e.g. flowers) are included
`within the crop window 80 to increase the sum of beliefs. The sum of beliefs for a
`crop window is computed as follows.
`sum(w)= Z 1781050)),
`Page 18 of 263
`Page 18 of 263


`where bel(x, y) represents the belief value at a given pixel location
`(x, y) within the crop Window w.
`Provided that the primary subjects are included, moving the crop
`window so that more of the secondary subjec

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