

`Victoria Neufeldt
`Editor in Chief
`David B. Guralnik
`Editor in Chief Emeritus
`ZTE, Exhibit 1017-0001
`ZTE, Exhibit 1017-0001


`to David B. Guralnik
`lexicographical mentor and fiiend
`Webster’s New WorldTM College Dictionary, Third Edition
`Copyright © 1997, 1996, 1994, 1991, 1988 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.
`This edition is a major revision of Webster’s New World Dictionary®,
`Second College Edition, copyright © 1986, 1984, 1982, 1980, 1979,
`1978, 1976, 1974, 1972, 1970 by Simon & Schuster, Inc.
`All rights reserved
`including the right of reproduction
`in whole or in part in any form
`Macmillan General Reference
`A Simon 8: Schuster Macmillan Company
`1633 Broadway
`New York, NY 10019-6785
`A Webster’s New WorldTM Book
`MACMILLAN is a registered trademark of Macmillan, Inc.
`registered trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
`Dictionary Editorial Offices:
`New World Dictionaries
`850 Euclid Avenue
`Cleveland, Ohio 44114
`I. Neufeldt, Victoria,
`Library of Congress Catalog‘ingLimPublication Data
`Webster’s New World college dictionary / Victoria Neufeldt, editor in
`chief, David B. Guralnik, editor in chief emeritus. —— 3rd ed.
`ISBN 0-02—861673-1 (thumb—indexed). fl ISBN 0—02—861675—8 (plain).
`—~ ISBN 0—02-861674—X (leatherkraft)
`1. English language —— Dictionaries.
`11. Guralnik, David Bernard, 1920—
`423 ——dc21
`Database service and principal typesetting by Lexi—Comp, Inc., Hudson, Ohio.
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`ZTE, Exhibit 1017-0002
`ZTE, Exhibit 1017-0002


`Porto Rico / posse
`to place < ’posinerc c pu-. away (< [E base 'apn- > L ab. from.
`away) 4» sine-re, to put. lay: see arm] 1 the act ofpositing. or placing
`2 a positing of a proposition; affirmation 3 the manner in which a
`person or thing is placed or arranged; altitude; posture; dispi .
`4 une's attitude toward or opinion on a subject; stand [hua p05! ion
`on foreign aid] 5 the place where a person or thing is. esp.
`relation to others; location: situation; site [the ship's position] 6 the
`usual or proper place ofa person or thing; station [the players are in
`position] 7 a location or condition in which one has the advantage
`[to jockey for position] 8 a strategic military site 9 a person's rela
`tive place. as in society; rank; status 10 a place high in society.
`business. etc. [a man of position] 11 a post of employment; office;
`job [to apply for a teaching position] 12 Finance the long or short
`commitment of a market trader in securities or commodities 13
`Music a) the arrangement of the notes of a chord with respect to
`their relative closeness or distance apart [open position] b) any of
`the fixed locations on the fingerboard of a violin. etc. that the left
`hand assumes for fingering a particular series of notes c) any of the
`various points to which a trombone slide may be moved to change
`the pitch —vt
`1 to put in a particular position: place or station 2
`[Rare] to locate —posi’llortal ad]. —po-si’tion|ar n.
`SYN. —posltion applies to any specific employment for salary or wages. but
`ufllrn connotes white~collar or profemional employment; situation now usu
`ally refers to a position that is open or in one that is desired [situation
`wanted as instructor]: office refers to a position of authority or trust.
`especially in government or a corporation; a pool is a position or office that
`carries heavy responsibilities. esp. one to which a person is appointed: lob
`is now the common. wmprehensive equivalent for any of the preceding
`posli~tive (
`iiz’a tiv) Id]. [[ME positi/ < OPr < L positions < positus.‘
`see proof 1 formally or arbitrarily set; conventional; artificial [a
`positive law] 2 definitely set; explicitly laid down; admitting of no
`question or modification; express; precise; specific [positive instruc-
`tions] 3 is) having the mind set or settled; confident: assured [a
`positive person] b) overconfident or dogmatic 4 showing resolution
`or agreement; affirmative; certain [a posiliue answer] 5 tending in
`the direction regarded as that of increase. progress. etc. [clockwise
`motion is positive] 8 making a definite contribution; constructive
`[positive criticism] 7 unrelated to anything else;
`independent of
`circumstances; absolute; unqualified B that has, or is considered as
`having. real existence in itself, not just in the absence of other
`attributes [is positive good] 9 based. or asserted as based. on reality
`or facts [positive proof] 10 concerned only with real things and
`experience; empirical: practical 11 [Colloq.] completembsolute; out-
`and-out [a positive fool] 12 BiaL directed toward the source of a
`stimulus [positive tropism] ~13 Elec. n) of. generating, or charged
`with positive electricity b) having a deficiency of electrons 14
`Gram. a) of an adjective or adverb in its simple, uninl'lected or
`unmodified form or degree; neither comparative nor superlative b)
`of this degree 15 Math. designating a quantity greater than zero. or
`one to be added: plus 16 Med. demonstrating or proving the pres-
`ence or existence of a condition. symptoms. bacteria. etc. 17 Phomg.
`with the light and shade corresponding to those of the subject ——n.
`something positive. as a degree, quality. condition. out; 5
`,if., a)
`the plate in a voltaic battery where the higher potential is
`) Gram
`the positive degree: also. a Word or form in this d
`ree c) Moth. a
`quantity greater than zero. or one to be added; p us quantity d)
`Photag. a photographic print. or a film for use in a pro'cctor. on
`which light and shadow correspond to what they were in t e subject
`—SYN. sum: —poa’I-tivaly adv.
`-pos’I-tlve-ness n.
`fiposltlva electricity the kind of electricity that
`redominates in a
`glass body after it has been rubbed with silk and {as a deficiency of
`positive sign Math. the sign (+), used to indicate a positive uantity
`pofi v-lsm (pa'I’a tiv i1. am) n. [Fr positivism < positifti
`1 the
`nce or dogmatism 3 a system of philosophy basing knowledge
`323“” or state of being positive; certainly; assurance 2 overconf—
`solely on data of sense experience; csp.. a system of philosophy.
`originated by Auguste Comte. based solely on observable, scientific
`facts and their relations to each other: it rejects speculation
`search for ultimate origins ipos'lMlv-ist n.. adj. mpaa’li
`oposll-tron (ptiz’i man) It.
`lPflSliTlV‘E) + {murmurs} the positive
`antiparticlc of an electron. having approximately the same mass and
`magnitude of charge
`oposlitro-nium tpia'z'i tro'ne am) n.
`, aw] a short-lived
`atomic system formed of an electron and a positron before they
`interact to annihilate each other
`po-solplgy (p6 siil’o jé) n. [[Fr pmiologie < Gr pesos, how much (-z [E
`‘quoti < interrogative base 'kwo- > wHO. WHAT} « Fr Joule, unavfl
`Med. the scientific study of drug dosages
`pass 1 possession 2possessive 3 possibly
`pom. (pas'e) n. [ML short for posse comilatus. power of the county
`< L posse. to be able (see Pt’Yl‘RN'l’) + comitazus. county < comes. a
`COUWJ 1 [Historical] a) the body of men required. upon being
`summoned. to assist the sheriff in keeping the peace. pursuing
`felons. etc. b) a band of men, usually armed. so summoned: in full
`pom co—ml-ta-tus (kiim’a tAt'as) 2 any body of persons armed
`with legal authority
`at, Ate
`ten. éve;
`ice; go. horn.
`toTil; oil, out; up.
`fur: a or unstressed vowels. as a in a o. u in focus;
`' as in Latin
`(lat"n); chin; she: zh as in azure (arh’ar ; thin. the; r) as in ring (rin)
`In elymulogier.
`‘ - unatleated; <. = derived from: > - from which
`a = Americanism
`See Inside from and back covers
`ZTE. Exhibit 1017-0003
`L Partenlusus <
`”MID Rico (pom re’ko) old name of Puzm Rico APorlto arcan
`ous; s:l?"“"'g awe 0' amazemmq
`”"0 Velho (por too vi’lyé) city in W Brazil: capital of Rondiinia
`ton’tthTfinam ‘5'" ”1‘
`‘Mle:p_o . 150.000
`artier < LL p071“,
`‘ PM Phillip Bay inlet of Bass Strait. in S Victoria. Australia: harbor
`'gstekeePEr 2 ((0'sz (
`ofMelimume; 762 sq. mi. (1.973 sq. km)
`OFr o,
`' N15» a
`awn, painted, or carved picture 0 something 2 a represen-
`' h- “mm
`‘Wl'jullidfrpfir’trit. -trat‘) n. [[MFr. pp. of pfortmire: see roarruvl
`rson e,h:22;:51111; (rummaging,
`lshon of a person. es
`of the face. drawn. painted. photographed, or
`road station. howlggj: :2 '
`lNlpturod 3 a description or dramatic portrayal of a person
`errands, etc. as in a bank sh;
`' W'ifllli'lll (-ist) n. a person who makes portraits
`Be who Waits on passen '
`' ””13““?! (pér’tri char) II. [IME purlrerture < MFr: see full 1the
`“'9 y
`parser-'3 aka! a ark—bmfigfl
`‘ gages? practice. or art of portraying 2 a portrait 3 portraits col-
`need by mmd formalin
`9°"le (por tra'l VI. [ME purtreicn < MFr portrnjre < L pro
` l964; U. .
`(roller-e. to draw forth < proe. forth s trahere. to mom] 1 to make a
`Mime or portrait of; depict; delineate 2 to make a word picture of;
`al_ officersflfadgfimer 0 0pm”
`describe 3 to play the part of as in a play or movie —por-tray’mla
`Ml- ~pormm n.
`(pér tra’al) n.
`the act of portraying 2 a portrait;
`tdeoy see HEN“. 0
`description; representation
`2 the charge for “[53 '
`Fort“! (pfir’tria) n. a woman porter (doorkeeper)
`Wh'Cal] a place where beer
`Royal town in Jamaica. at the entrance to Kingston harbor: the
`P8) are served ‘2 [said who
`Ouginal town. former capital. was destroyed by an earthquake in
`w York Dorm}.
`re sirloin: in fufilfirigjgz:
`PM Said (sfi M’. sii’id) seaport in NE Egypt. at the Mediterranean
`end of the Suez Canal: pop. 263.000
`Illerporzo folio < lt partafog—
`. Port-sum (pér’sa 150'; Fr p5. is. m') n. Pom Du SALU'r
`S'mouih (ports’math) 1 seaport in Hampshire. S England. on
`5' * IOEUII (< L loliurrr sea
`usually ofleather. for carryin
`the English Channel: pop. 179.000 2 [after the city in Englandfl
`Tawtngs; briefcase 2 molar
`import in SE Va.. on Hampton Roads: pop. 104,000
`{a minister of state or mean
`Porto-gal (por’chs gal; Port pér’too g ’) country in SW Europe. on
`old for inVGstment as by a
`"ll! Atlantic: a kingdom until 1910, now a republic: 34.340 sq. mi.
`8'4 b) a list of such secun‘.
`(83,941 sq. km); pop 9 136,000; with the Azores & Madeira. £553
`“5,93,0an artist
`sq. mi. (92.082 sq. km) pop. 9,834,000; cap. Lisbon
`h‘" 1'15,“ Side. esp. a round one
`”Hugues. (por’cha gez‘. -géa’; por’che gaz’. -gss’) Id]. of Portugal.
`t tth glass and, often.- a
`3"” people. their language, or culture —n.
`1 pl. quad a native or
`:m rough! In the wall of a '
`Inhabitant of Portugal 2 in Romance language spoken chiefly in
`ewhat like this. as inn ‘
`Portugal and Brazil
`Portuguese East Africa old all. name a] Morausrque
`Parluguese Guinea old mm a] GUINEA-BISSAU
`{41. name oia Roman gens.-
`Ine name 2 the heroine of-
`Ponugueso India former Portuguese overseas territory consisting of
`three enclaves in India: see GOA
`Portuguese man-ol-war any of a genus (Physalr'a) of large, colonial,
`Vf‘arm-sea aiphonophores having a la
`. bladderlilie sac, with a sail-
`lille structure on top. which enables t em to float on the water, and
`long. danglin tentacles that have powerful stinging cells
`Puriugueu imor former Portuguese territory in the Malay Archi-
`pelago, consisting principally of the E half of Timer. since 1976, a
`province of Indonesia
`aking the coast of Portugal. where it was trained to assist
`Portuguese water dog any of a breed of medium-sized dog once
`fishermen: characterized by a profuse. curly or wavy coat of black.
`brown. or white
`PM new wm Attica old all. name of ANGOLA
`por-tu-acla (por’cha lak’s: -lli’ka. -lA’-) n. [ModL < L, purslane <
`parlula. dim. of par-ta. door (see Pom‘l
`ruin the door-like opening of
`the seed capsule] a fleshy annual plant (Portulaca grandiflom) of
`iart ofa man’s money or
`lhe purslane family usually with yellow. pink. or purple flowers
`I the part of experience
`PO! 1 oaition 2 positive
`s lot; destiny 5 the part»
`(p6 sa’lhi) n. [Sp < fern. of posada, pp. ofpoaar, to lodge <
`son: serving; helping -
`L pausnm. to stop < pause. a rausnl in
`airing countries.
`I!) an inn b) a Christmas festival marked y a can elight procession
`Vzoadmgte into portions
`Wu‘ (pol) Vt. poled. poa’lng [ME posen < OF‘r poser. to put in
`position < VL pnusare. to place. put < L.
`to stop (see PalSR):
`gor’tl‘btirlou mind”. .
`routh Wales, Australia:
`meaning and form altered by amoc. with L poaitus. pp. olponere. to
`place. ut: see Posn'lonl.
`1 to put forth; assert (a claim. argument.
`city and
`rt -
`to ut forward or propose (a question. problem, etc.) 3 to
`f1 3! ilVillamettepr‘iverii-x
`he town and island in
`attitude —vi.
`to assume a certain
`ition or attitude. is
`n nod-
`put (a in
`el. photographic subject. etc.) in a certain position or
`eling for an artist 2 to strike attitu
`for effect: sttiui
`no 3 to
`09 0
`t 9 can:
`pretend to be what one is not: set oneself up (as) [to pose as an
`officer] —n. [[Fr < the v.]
`1 a bodily attitude. esp. one held for or
`if Portland, Easing???
`"is Wider water. mada
`pictured by an artist. photographer. etc. 2 a way of behaving or
`Similar materials
`aking that is assumed for effect: pretense
`8 NW coast: pop.
`m—pou refers to an attitude or manner that is assumed for the effect
`that it will have on other: [her generosity is a mere pose]: allocation is
`1 large and has I
`used of a specific instance of artificial behavror intended obviously to
`—port’Il-ness Ir."y
`impress others [an af/eclatiun of speech]; a manned-m is a peculiarity as
`in behavior or speech (often originally an affectation) that has bemlne
`anteau, c oak: see
`habitual and unconscious [his manrwrisrn of raising one eyebrow in sur-
`a; -teaua‘ o‘r «our
`stiff leather suitcase
`prise]; all: (see run. :1, B) is used of an affected pretense of superior man-
`ners and graces [she‘s always putting on airs] See also POS'NRB
`iination of two other
`M02 (
`1) wt. posed. pos'ing [aphetic for Apnoea. orross] to puz-
`zle or
`isconcert, as by an almost unanswerable
`eation; baffle
`rom_ smoke and fog)
`Gunners: capital of
`Poseidon (p0 sl’den) [L < Gr Poseidon] Gr.
`yrh. god of the sea
`and of horses: identified with the Roman Neptune
`m‘ (War) II. a person who poses; esp.. a poscur
`MI" (poz’ar) II. a baffling question or problem
`Detour (p6 zur’) n. [l-‘rfl a person who assumes attitudes or manners
`merely for their effect upon others
`dandy < ?I [ o loq.| luxurious and fashionable; elegant —pod’i’ly
`posh (pish) l% lpmb. < obs Brit slang posh. earlier push, poosh. a
`adv. —-posh’ne
`posit (psz'it) Vt.
`< Lpositus: see {OLE 1 to set in place or position;
`situate 2 to net own or assume as fact: postulate
`po-sotlon (pa zish'cn) I1. [MFr < L poaitio < poxilus. pp. of ponere.
`al of Rio Grands do
`178. esp. cargo sbi
`I stationed to ch93:s
`capital of
`Benin. seaport
`ZTE, Exhibit 1017-0003

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